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S03.E07: Storm's A-Comin'


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Emile is miffed when Rocky spells out the status of their relationship in a public way. The charter guests, a preppy brother and sister, request an elaborate multi-course tasting menu, but Leon's failure to order provisions in time puts the meal, and the crew's tip, in jeopardy. Dane's professional and personal issues cause his crewmates to become very alarmed. A freak storm creates chaos for the crew and guests, but the storm brewing between Kate and Leon could be the real disaster.

I think since Ben has appeared in the previews, it's more likely that Leon will be the one to leave. He doesn't appear to enjoy his job or really want to do what is asked of him. And he doesn't get along at all with Kate, which is also part of his job. Perhaps Kate "exposes" Leon's cruise ship past or something.

But regardless, if anyone is leaving I don't think it will be Dane since they just hired him and they are really short handed.

I could have gone through my whole life without ever needing to see Connie put peanut butter all over her boobs.

LOL The editing for next week's episode was hilarious- the "sex sounds" were so clearly Rocky eating. The whole thing with Eddie makes no sense and looked like some choppy editing.

It was so cute how the guests invited Capt. Lee to eat with them.

Leon continues to be unpleasant. Although I was confused by the mini course tasting drama- didn't he say that the guests didn't put half the items on their preference sheet and that's why he had to order most of it last minute?

Loved how the editors tried to caption Dane's drunken warbling.

  • Love 7

The least Leon could have done was wear his professional chef top when he went to get his accolades from the guests.  I really can't stand him.  And he was really over the top and arrogant to Kate.  He screwed up with his timing the whole time and the stews were the ones that had to scramble for the guests.  He needs to get over his ego.  He's no better than any of the other crew.  


Really Eddie?  WTF....with Rocky?????


Seems like Dane has a drinking problem and Connie has a 'putting stuff on me so I don't have to wear clothes' problem.  Neither is attractive to me.  I did like Captain Lee's TH when he described Dane during their meeting about Dane learning things.  I wished he would step in with Leon and his superior attitude.

  • Love 11

All kinds of craziness tonight!  


WTF is up with Dane?  Is he just an immature surfer dude who is looking for 15 minutes of fame?  Captain Lee had it right when he said "the lights are on, but no one is home".  That guy was absolutely hammered.  As Kate said, it is worrisome that someone can get that drunk all by themself, especially around new co-workers.  I was kind of worried for him, and looking at the preview for next week, it looks like Eddie has concerns, too.  Could this possibly be the season where they lose two deckhands in one month's time?  Poor Amy didn't know if she should try to help him or leave him to drink himself into a stupor.


Kate and Leon - geez!!!  As far as I could see, Kate did absolutely nothing wrong this week, and Leon again proved himself to be an asshole.  He was showing all kinds of disrespect all over the place.  He disrespected the guests by appearing in a t-shirt, rather than his chef's coat, and basically telling them he was going to bed.  He disrespected Kate, not only alone with her, and then again, in front of Amy, but then again, in front of Captain Lee.  I'm thinking his days could be numbered, too~~Captain Lee did not look pleased.


And again with the braised beef cheeks in a sangria "jus".....is he really just a one-trick pony??  


I didn't like Kate at all previously, but this season, she is showing that she is mostly a professional, and maintains her cool under all kinds of pressure and insults.  


Eddie and the Ceiling-Gazer - jeezus, Eddie - stay away from that!!  Get as far away as possible!!  If you think you're having problems now, I would imagine they will get much worse if you decide to hit on that level of crazy.  I'm still trying to figure out if Rocky thinks the camera is on the ceiling or what?  


Emile, Emile...poor guy!  Although he is kind of douche, he didn't deserve a rude, crudely-written note (my 8 year old niece has better handwriting/printing) basically telling him to fuck off.


Connie, while likeable and definitely pulling her weight, is kind of wacky - she likes smearing her body with foodstuffs and then jumping in the water - oh well, whatever floats your boat, LOL!!  I think her boat flies a definite freak flag.....


I thought that lead passenger was a pretentious snob, especially bringing his own wines for their "tasting menu dinner".  Wanting to have menus printed and placed plateside, when you have a party of six people with three servers who are verbally explaining the dishes is a little redundant, imo.  I do think that when he and Kate were discussing the wine pairings, she was a little in the dark, and just sort of going along with what the passenger was suggesting.  I also think that not only Kate should have been involved in that conversation, but Leon, as well.  Shouldn't a chef know what wines will go with the courses he planned?  Leon and the lead passenger should have had a separate consultation at the beginning of the cruise to discuss courses and pairings, and so that he could order in the proper provisions?


I'll give Leon a small concession in that he said the lead passenger's food preferences were not complete or specific on the passenger information sheets, but when you see that they are "foodies" and into wine pairings, etc., as a chef you should make it your job to make sure you, personally, discuss things with them as soon as possible.  Leon gives me the impression that he thinks speaking with the guests is beneath him, or "not his job".  Guess what, Leon - hate to tell you this, but a chef is probably more easily replaced than an experienced head stewardess. 


The husband/significant other (Joe?) of the female lead passenger was an idiot - how do not think that something with a propeller on the bottom is going not going to snag a line hanging in the water?  


Seems to me like this season, there are a lot of one or two night charters - I thought the charter trips lasted longer in previous seasons - two or three nights??  I could be wrong.  


Will be interesting to see what happens next week, especially with this crew loose in some probably fairly upscale resort.

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 7

Ugh, so disappointed that Eddie put the moves on ADHD postergirl.


THIS !!!  Let's just hope that Rocky started texting our beloved Eddie first and its the editing monkeys at play!  I do feel a little sorry for Emile.  He is very immature but he is handling the situation with Rocky professionally.  I am liking his style regarding the situation.  Dane is freakin' bizarre.  On, like, every.level.  Who wants to make a bet that he's the next crew member to get that one-way ticket home.  Strange guy.  And he still reminds me more of a young Bruce Jenner than Matthew McCounaghey even with the southern drawl. 


Hating Leon even more.  He is a horrible coworker and makes so many problems for the rest of the crew but the guests do rave/love his food, so there's that.  I have to admit I did want Leon's sangria sauced beef cheeks and rosemary lobster!  BogoGog24 I bow down to you.  If I never see Connie slather food products on her sub par augmented boobs again I'd be ecstatic.  I've lived several decades on this planet without Connie trying too hard to be edgy and I'll live another several decades if I never see her titties again.  Oh, and Connie can miss me with her referring to herself in the 3rd person.


FLOVE Kate mentioning chef Leon's moobs and she's right - Leon's low-rent and trashy when he is too GD LAZY to put his chef's jacket on when doing a meet/greet with the charter guests.  WTF?  IMHO chef Leon is better suited to Golden Corral or OCB (Old country Buffet) restaurant(s).

Edited by beesknees
  • Love 4

sometimes we put these people in our own psychlogical pedestal that when they do something out of that realm, we get disappointed.....case in point, eddie.  we forget, eddie is just a guy.....a guy who will put his penis on any hole any chance he gets........

regardless of how nasty that hole is....


NOOOO !!!  Not our pure Eddie !!! .... (hee)

  • Love 4

I was never enamored with Eddie. He seems to have anger issues.

I do love Kate, except for the whole lying about her age thing. That's just not a good look, especially when you look nowhere near the age you're stating. It's not cute to make yourself look haggard for your age. SMH.

I do not like Leon. He seems unfriendly and takes himself way too seriously. He also seriously lacks spontaneity, which seems crucial for the job he signed up for.

I had only seen bits and pieces of this show before, and this is my first season watching. It's quickly become appointment TV. I remain Bravo's bitch.

  • Love 4

From Captain Lee's blog (and Kate 'tried' to point this out to Leon as well):


At the preference sheet meeting, I thought that I made it perfectly clear that this charter was going to revolve around food; I mentioned it not once, but several times. Did my point get across? I think not. Leon should have been on the phone ordering extra items immediately after the preference sheet meeting, so we don’t run the risk of not having it when we do need it. But it wasn’t done and I can’t figure out why not.


Then further on:


So let’s talk about Leon. Never have I seen such talent wasted in my opinion. The tasting menu didn’t go as it should have, and it was only the combination of good food and service that pulled it out in the end. When we had the preference meeting, you knew that this charter was revolving around food. So why did you not order extra so that you had plenty on board to work with? Why wait until we left the dock and have a day go by to do that? You’re then forced to scramble to try and pull it together, thus putting everyone in the crew at a disadvantage. The day of the meal is not the day to get on the boat phone and try to get what you need. Your lack of planning was what caused the problem; then when confronted with your mistake, you got defensive and really just made yourself look incredibly inept at getting along with anyone who doesn’t agree with you. You have even managed to alienate Amy, who loves and gets along with everyone. That’s a tall order.

What was the reason you didn’t wear a chef’s coat when you came out to address the guests? You told Kate you didn’t feel like it, and it depends on how you feel, right? But that is not how charter work goes. You don’t want to make midnight snacks for the guests, you make muffins out of a mix, and give everyone a hard time all while espousing how you don’t care. That certainly is a newsflash to me. If you keep insisting on wanting to do things your way, you just may get your wish.

  • Love 12

Apparently, the only way Connie gets airtime is by weirdly slathering food on to her naked boobs.  Um, please stop, thanks.  I mean, I didn't want to lump her in with this crowd, but I swear to God someone doing that, Rocky, Don, and now Dane are all late seasons "The Real World" rejects.


It's really sad to me that the producers feel that casting these types of people is what is needed to make the show good.  Honestly, if they took all of that away and had normal yachting drama and rocky (no pun intended) situations arise, I'd still watch.


I think the Captain would have ripped Leon a new asshole by now, especially when he walked in on his confrontation with Kate, had he not been able to save his (and everyone else's) asses time and time again with his food.  Even though I don't want any hardworking crew member to suffer through docked tips, it's almost a damn shame that no one has complained about his food by now because his attitude really is quite unbearable.  (But - and I'm not looking to excuse such behavior - is it me or are chefs typically known for being arrogant pricks?)  Maybe the Captain is the type of boss that lets shit like we're seeing between Leon and Kate slide as long as the asshole worker gets their job done in the end, which Leon seems to be pulling off despite the way he gets there.  I have known plenty of bosses/people in charge who couldn't give two fucks about problems between co-workers as long as it didn't affect them or the job/business in general.  They neither want nor have the time or patience to referee a bunch of teenagers, so they tell them to work it out like competent adults and walk away.


Oh how I pray that the editors are just fucking around with us with the Eddie/Rocky texts and flirting.  Eddie, you have two hands, internet service, and a bathroom; use them wisely.

Edited by LIGirl
  • Love 15

Apparently, the only way Connie gets airtime is by weirdly slathering food on to her naked boobs.  Um, please stop, thanks.  I mean, I didn't want to lump her in with this crowd, but I swear to God someone doing that, Rocky, Don, and now Dane are all late seasons "The Real World" rejects.


It's really sad to me that the producers feel that casting these types of people is what is needed to make the show good.  Honestly, if they took all of that away and had normal yachting drama and rocky (no pun intended) situations arise, I'd still watch.


I think the Captain would have ripped Leon a new asshole by now, especially when he walked in on his confrontation with Kate, had he not been able to save his (and everyone else's) asses time and time again with his food.  Even though I don't want any hardworking crew member to suffer through docked tips, it's almost a damn shame that no one has complained about his food by now because his attitude really is quite unbearable.  (But - and I'm not looking to excuse such behavior - is it me or are chefs typically known for being arrogant pricks?)  Maybe the Captain is the type of boss that lets shit like we're seeing between Leon and Kate slide as long as the asshole worker gets their job done in the end, which Leon seems to be pulling off despite the way he gets there.  I have known plenty of bosses/people in charge who couldn't give two fucks about problems between co-workers as long as it didn't affect them or the job/business in general.  They neither want nor have the time or patience to referee a bunch of teenagers, so they tell them to work it out like competent adults and walk away.


Oh how I pray that the editors are just fucking around with us with the Eddie/Rocky texts and flirting.  Eddie, you have two hands, internet service, and a bathroom; use them wisely.


I agree on all points, and absolutely LOVE your last paragraph!!  :-)

  • Love 1
I'll give Leon a small concession in that he said the lead passenger's food preferences were not complete or specific on the passenger information sheets, but when you see that they are "foodies" and into wine pairings, etc., as a chef you should make it your job to make sure you, personally, discuss things with them as soon as possible.


See, I think that "foodies" means "free pass."  These people like a wide variety of things, a little exotic perhaps, which means you don't need a preference sheet you need to use your creativity as a chef.  Otherwise they're just placing an order, basically, which I don't think speaks to what a foodie would be looking for on a yacht with a private chef.  Leon should've taken this as his night to go all-out and offset the frustration of times when he doesn't have that kind of freedom, imho.  


I'm really curious what he thought with his "I don't like you" comment to Kate, said in front of other people, around the same time as yelling at her in front of the captain.  What exactly would be the benefit of that?  I don't get it.


The texts...we'll see.  This show has great editors, faking texts seems like it'd be even easier than the tricks they pull with audio.  And, it's Rocky.  She seems the type to go along with it, since her storyline seems to be all about flirting her way through the crew.

  • Love 8

Never having had them, I looked up beef cheeks since Leon chose to serve them for the third time, and my curiosity got to me,  If you're interested, you can read descriptions of their taste in the "Comments"...



An example:

I too had one braised, and It was the best, most memorable bite of my life. I was bussing at a nice restaurant, and one of the sous-chefs would sneak me bites...one of them was beef cheeks. My heart melted. They are beefy and delicious--no organ meat taste there.  Find some, braise it, and enjoy! (edited)


So, they sound pretty good, but I really believe Leon likes to serve them to give the impression he is a clever and innovative chef.

See, I think that "foodies" means "free pass."  These people like a wide variety of things, a little exotic perhaps, which means you don't need a preference sheet you need to use your creativity as a chef.  Otherwise they're just placing an order, basically, which I don't think speaks to what a foodie would be looking for on a yacht with a private chef.  Leon should've taken this as his night to go all-out and offset the frustration of times when he doesn't have that kind of freedom, imho.  


I'm really curious what he thought with his "I don't like you" comment to Kate, said in front of other people, around the same time as yelling at her in front of the captain.  What exactly would be the benefit of that?  I don't get it.


The texts...we'll see.  This show has great editors, faking texts seems like it'd be even easier than the tricks they pull with audio.  And, it's Rocky.  She seems the type to go along with it, since her storyline seems to be all about flirting her way through the crew.


I agree with you about the foodies and "free pass", but since the guests brought along their own special wines, I think that Leon should have had some type of discussion with him about the wines he brought, and then, worked a complimentary menu around the wines (of course, if the wines were laid out in the preference sheets, then Leon could have done his homework and ordered the necessary provisions on time). I'm not a foodie, but I've watched enough cooking shows and competitions to know that when special wines are to be served, certain foods are more complimentary to those wines than others, more than just the basic lesson of red wine/red meat, white wine with fish or chicken.


I totally agree with what you say about Rocky - did you notice the way she smiled (and possibly winked) at the camera after she gave Emile her note and he wanted to talk to her about it?  Completely breaking the fourth wall!! She was totally playing into the camera, and that is one of the biggest reasons I don't like her, at all.  


Rocky is making no pretense to being on a "reality" show. In my opinion, she is really just using this show as a "stepping stone" to bigger and better things.  That is why I also think that sometimes, she is faking all the crazy and bi-polar-ish behavior.  I get the impression she is using the show as one very long screen test.  ("Oooh....let me see how many emotions and feelings and situations I can show myself in this episode...." or "Oooh - I know - I'll keep turning my eyes to the ceiling because that's what I think Broadway actresses do when they're on stage and supposed to be thinking out loud - then, I'll burst into song in my BEST Broadway voice"....)

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 8

I totally agree with that - did you notice the way she smiled (and possibly winked) at the camera after she gave Emile her note and he wanted to talk to her about it?  She was totally playing into the camera, and that is one of the biggest reasons I don't like her, at all.  


Rocky is making no pretense to being on a "reality" show. In my opinion, she is really just using this show as a "stepping stone" to bigger and better things.  That is why I also think that sometimes, she is faking all the crazy and bi-polar-ish behavior.  I get the impression she is using the show as one very long screen test.  ("Oooh....let me see how many emotions and feelings and situations I can show myself in this episode....")

Yep, "I'm ironing the Captain's shooooorts" Broadway baby!

  • Love 3

I thought that lead passenger was a pretentious snob, especially bringing his own wines for their "tasting menu dinner".

Since the guest supplied his own wine, I thought perhaps he was in the business and preferred to drink his own stock, but a search for Mark Froehlich from CT didn't turn up anything. 


I ran into a situation like that at a lovely hotel in the Italian Alps during a ski vacation a couple of years back.  We made friends with two young couples who were the offspring of a winery owner, and they brought cases of their own, which they were delighted to share.  The evening before our return home, they gifted us with several bottles that we had to stuff into our ski boots to get them home safely.  Unfortunately, one bottle didn't make it, and the boot owner had a rude surprise (and a ruined ski boot) when back home.  Good times...

  • Love 3

Also based on several clues, the way the wine was wrapped the fact that the guest knew the names of the wines off the top of his head, I imagine the guests brought the wines for the tasting menu, so Leon should gave ordered a few options ahead of time. He knew they would be frozen so if he didn't use them, he could use them at other meals or even other charters. He seemed to order most of the meal, what was he planning to make.

I will say I don't give a damn that he wasn't wearing his whites.

Does anyone remember the Christi chick from the show " intervention"? The one that was a methed out stripped ? That is who rocky reminds me of.

Stripper not stripped !!!

YES! That is my all time favorite episode of intervention. There is a group on FB called 'Christy - Intervention's trashy, yet lovable naked meth addict.' It hasn't been updated in awhile, but is fun nonetheless. She had a baby recently, hopefully she is clean

Public Group

While Leon might not be the best chef for these charters, I wish Kate would stop busting his balls about the beef cheeks. It's not like the same people are chartering every week...and as mentioned up thread, they ARE very tasty.  Also, since the main idea is for the crew to impress the charter guests, then Leon is doing his part.

I agree. Kate's been antagonizing Leon since he started working on the yacht.  I noticed that right off the bat.  Everybody forgets that Kate used the same approach to the previous chef, Ben.  Boy did he get pissed off at her at times.  I think Leon became unhinged because of Kate riding him in the kitchen.  I think he lost his temper and told her how he felt about her. I'm sure this is NOT the first time someone has told Kate he or she doesn't like her.  She seriously needs to take a vacation or something.  She needs to start behaving more professionally herself. Don't know if this EROS yacht has a dress code for the chef working in the kitchen, but if so, then the Captain should have sat him down to let him know.  


Holy cow that Rocky girl is weird.  I don't even want to begin to speculate what is wrong with her.  Where did they find this Dane guy, at a clambake?     

Edited by Mars7
  • Love 8
Oh how I pray that the editors are just fucking around with us with the Eddie/Rocky texts and flirting. Eddie, you have two hands, internet service, and a bathroom; use them wisely.


::shudder::  but that reminds me that when Dane was talking to his girlfriend very early on in the show, and Emile had to leave the room.... cut to Dane's hand active below the blanket.  ::shudder::  didn't need to see that, thankssomuch

  • Love 3

I want Leon to depart before Dane.  I hope Ben does come back full time as Leon's replacement. 


They can both go.  Leon is dangerously arrogant.  His threat to Kate, "Be careful", was the most dickish thing he has said or done, so far, imo.  And Dane is an immature drunk who needs to be fired based on his stupidity alone.


The husband/significant other (Joe?) of the female lead passenger was an idiot - how do not think that something with a propeller on the bottom is going not going to snag a line hanging in the water?  


I put the blame for that completely on the crew.  The line shouldn't have been under the jet ski in the first place.  FWIW, jet skis don't have propellers like on a boat.  The line got sucked in through the bottom intake.  It's not the guest's job, imo, to make sure all was clear - he was more concerned with going forward and having some fun, not with what was going on underneath his craft.  Before it got sucked up, Eddie was straining to get the jet ski under the davit cables.  It should have been away from the davit and he should have been watching the mooring line.  He made such an issue of the guest driving over the line because he knew it was his mistake.


That said, I thought the primary was a putz, for many reasons but mainly because I think people who refer to themselves as "foodies" are dummies. 

  • Love 5

Dane needs to go.  Who gets that drunk at work...well who gets drunk at work at all?  Especially after the boss just gave you a talking to?  That is stupid and plain crazy.  Or he has a drinking problem.  And talking on the phone at 5 am when you have a bunkmate was beyond rude.  Get up and take your call outside so you do not disturb anyone.  What an idiot.


And Leon's beef cheeks are getting old with the crew but I guess if they are as good as a poster mentioned above then I guess as long as it is new to the guest what should Kate care?  I get what she is saying but its a hit every time so why not serve it.  And I don't get the drama of the food Leon had to order and it came in frozen hours before dinner.  It did not look like he used any of it for dinner so what's the point?  Well, maybe the frog legs but I did not see anything that was used in dinner that he had not served before.  Lobster and beef cheeks?  I am pretty sure he had those on board already. 


And Eddie step away from the Rocky.  No really,  don't go there.

  • Love 2

I always think out replies in my head but never actually post anything, so I'm going to give it a try this time:


I'm kind of split on the Rocky/Emile thing, on one hand I find Rocky extremely annoying with the ceiling eyes, singing, not doing her job, etc. And the fact that she's flirting with everyone is also getting on my nerves a little, but there were a couple of episodes in a row where she was shown telling Emile "No", and no matter what her reason is for changing her mind people (especially possible partners) should understand that a "Yes" from a couple of days ago does not equal a "Yes" at the current time. Even if her reasons are dumb (which they probably are, I suspect that she just got bored of him once he showed interest) he should still respect the choice.

That said, I wouldn't mind if she left the boat.


I really wanted to like Leon as a chef, he seems to be more on time than Ben, minus this one charter, but for some reason he just grates. Maybe it's because they keep showing him and Kate, who don't get along, rather than giving him a friendlier edit that would make him look more personable, like the small snippets we've seen of him joking around with the other crew. One thing I didn't understand about the dinner issue was that it seemed that he met with the passengers the day they boarded to talk about menus, but the editing made it appear he waited until the day of the tasting menu to order the food. I understand it not being on the preference sheet, and even if it was on the sheet it may be a situation like Kate had the other week where guests put so much stuff on the sheets that they don't even ask for sometimes that it just gets ignored. But, if the guests said what they wanted on Day 1 when they discussed the food, he should have ordered it on Day 1. 


Dane drinking all alone was definitely weird, I'd think he'd be on his best behavior to impress his new coworkers but I guess not. I didn't see the 'anger' that Rocky mentioned, I thought it was more of a condescending tone that maybe he thought was joking, which is still annoying.


I don't really have a problem with Connie and her food bikinis, I understand that being stuck in a small space makes you go a little crazy, probably moreso if you're stuck with your coworkers. I'm just glad her crazy only seems to come out when there are no guests on the boat, and when she doesn't seem to be working. 


Edited to add: They may be making fun of the beef cheeks because the crew may get the leftovers? That'd be my only guess.


Also this show has convinced me that I'd rather stick with my "Walmart" option of cruises than go on a yacht. I mean besides the toys it just looks kind of boring, at least on a cruise I can go to trivia, some shows, and meet new people if there were bad weather that said we had to stay inside. 

Edited by thelonerafter
  • Love 9

Leon is being a jerk but... I'm calling Kate a hypocrite regarding the chef's jacket. Ben rarely wore a chef's jacket. And I distinctly recall him talking to guests before, during and after meals in a polo shirt. Kate never said anything about it to Ben. She needs to pick her battles. Lol. Now that I'm watching previews, Ben has a chef's coat on in one upcoming scene. Must be a new rule. Leon is a pain in the ass but I'm not giving Kate a pass for her snotty attitude.

I'm wary of Kate after her WWHL appearance and over the top Rocky bashing/hate. Girl is annoying but Kate isn't a saint. The way Kate spoke of her team member on live TV was beyond unprofessional.

Dane is a jack ass. Connie is odd with her peanut butter and whipped cream. Rocky and Eddie is production playing tricks. Eddie has said Rocky is scary crazy so I think he knows to stay clear of her.

Edited by turbogirlnyc
  • Love 1
I'm calling Kate a hypocrite regarding the chef's jacket. Ben rarely wore a chef's jacket. And I distinctly recall him talking to guests before, during and after meals in a polo shirt.

It looked to me like Leon was wearing a t-shirt, though, not even a polo shirt? And self-professed "foodies" respect the jacket. Hell, if he'd put on a toque, they'd probably have upped the tip! Sit down and talk with them, instead of telling them he's going to bed? Bigger tip. Leon needs to learn to work it. And Kate KNOWS how to work it.

  • Love 8

It looked to me like Leon was wearing a t-shirt, though, not even a polo shirt? And self-professed "foodies" respect the jacket. Hell, if he'd put on a toque, they'd probably have upped the tip! Sit down and talk with them, instead of telling them he's going to bed? Bigger tip. Leon needs to learn to work it. And Kate KNOWS how to work it.

Fair enough. But Kate does have it out for Leon. And I've been a Ben lover since season one. Her and Ben had a few issues, as well. Kate is doing better this season but last season, a few guests were less than thrilled with her. I'm not saying Leon isn't at fault. But Kate isn't always above reproach.

Edited by turbogirlnyc
  • Love 2

I like that there is no drama between the girls this season.
Leon= Lazy, pompous prick who makes cream cheese brownies out of a pre- made Betty Crocker package.  Just add water and an egg ! Those are some mad chef skillz.
I was a little disappointed Capt'n Lee didn't shut down Leon when he walked in to the argument he was having with Kate. Why wouldn't he intervene right then and there?  Not cool, Capt'n.

  • Love 5

First, I think Leon was totally WRONG to not order that food sooner.  If he's been a chef on the QE2, he should know that frequently, they have to order more of something way before they get to one of the islands.  One time I was on the QM2 and they had to put in an order for champagne, days before they got to the island, as New Years Eve was approaching and they were afraid of running out of champagne.  Can't have THAT on the QM2, no way.  I wonder if he really was on the QE2 because if he was on that ship and went to meet guests, he would have to wear his chef's jacket. 


However, I remember how nasty Kate was last season to Amy and I did like that now she was seeing how it felt with someone was nasty to her.  Maybe she'll think twice before she's nasty again....I doubt it.  Kate must have had a botox injection before this episode because he face was not really moving. I think the only reason Kate didn't cry to Captain Lee that the big, man was bothering her was because her face was too frozen to show any emotion.


I don't know if Dane is an alcoholic, but he's a very heavy drinker and that's not a good look on that boat.  I don't think Captain Lee would like that.  


And finally, WTF is wrong with Eddie?  He's texting Rocky?  Is he nuts?  She's the last person he should want to hook up with. 

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 2

I don't like Leon much, but I can't really see why it was so wretchedly horrible to everyone that he didn't just happen to have rabbit meat and frog legs lying around when no one asked for it. Like he just stocks up on rabbit on a boat? Move over the lobster nearly every guest will actually want to make room for some rabbit cheeks? I don't know, he's whiny and acts like a child, but Kate's a loser with a pretty intensely misplaced sense of superiority, so those two are a wash in my mind!


Also, that main guest guy (Joe?) was so awful. I think I might have had an irrational level of dislike for him, but he really rubbed me the wrong way. Very pretentious, and smug. Like he wants to be a rich snob but isn't actually good at it. All these fake rich people that Bravo ropes into going on this show are a rough bunch.

  • Love 6

1.) Kate and Leon - geez!!!  As far as I could see, Kate did absolutely nothing wrong this week, and Leon again proved himself to be an asshole.  He was showing all kinds of disrespect all over the place.  He disrespected the guests by appearing in a t-shirt, rather than his chef's coat, and basically telling them he was going to bed.  He disrespected Kate, not only alone with her, and then again, in front of Amy, but then again, in front of Captain Lee.  I'm thinking his days could be numbered, too~~Captain Lee did not look pleased.


2.) I didn't like Kate at all previously, but this season, she is showing that she is mostly a professional, and maintains her cool under all kinds of pressure and insults.  


3.) Emile, Emile...poor guy!  Although he is kind of douche, he didn't deserve a rude, crudely-written note (my 8 year old niece has better handwriting/printing) basically telling him to fuck off.


4.) I thought that lead passenger was a pretentious snob, especially bringing his own wines for their "tasting menu dinner".  Wanting to have menus printed and placed plateside, when you have a party of six people with three servers who are verbally explaining the dishes is a little redundant, imo.  I do think that when he and Kate were discussing the wine pairings, she was a little in the dark, and just sort of going along with what the passenger was suggesting.  I also think that not only Kate should have been involved in that conversation, but Leon, as well.  Shouldn't a chef know what wines will go with the courses he planned?  Leon and the lead passenger should have had a separate consultation at the beginning of the cruise to discuss courses and pairings, and so that he could order in the proper provisions?


I'll give Leon a small concession in that he said the lead passenger's food preferences were not complete or specific on the passenger information sheets, but when you see that they are "foodies" and into wine pairings, etc., as a chef you should make it your job to make sure you, personally, discuss things with them as soon as possible.  Leon gives me the impression that he thinks speaking with the guests is beneath him, or "not his job".  Guess what, Leon - hate to tell you this, but a chef is probably more easily replaced than an experienced head stewardess. 


5.) The husband/significant other (Joe?) of the female lead passenger was an idiot - how do not think that something with a propeller on the bottom is going not going to snag a line hanging in the water?  



Such a great post and so much I want to respond to, hopefully this won't be too confusing.  I only left in the paragraphs I wanted to respond to and numbered them and will number my responses accordingly.


1.) Right?  Leon was so unprofessional.  He should have worn his whites and chatted up the guests a bit instead of just being like peace out and heading to bed.  Way to make the guests feel like they are important.  Sorry, dude, but you're in the service industry serving high end guests who expect a lot.  Show them some respect and work it so you can get a better tip.  I also can't believe he continued to talk to Kate like that in front of Captain Lee.  He really doesn't seem to have any idea how to be a professional and is acting very immaturely.  


2.) I was surprised how well she held it together when Leon was being so over the top.  I wonder which demeanor looked better in the Captain's eyes when he walked in on them, the person being calm and collected or the one ranting irrationally and stomping out? 


3.)  Rocky is an idiot.  When Emile is handling a situation more maturely than you, there's a problem.  I love how she said she was going to write him a big letter and it apparently meant her lettering was going to be large.  Seriously, she's an idiot and she sucks.


4.) Maybe the dinner was a big deal for him, he's paying a ton for it, I don't blame him for wanting it just so.  It could also be that he wanted the menus as a keepsake, although I doubt it.  Kate brought the guests in to see Leon during their initial tour of the boat.  It was determined that would be done so he could get a handle on what they expected for the tasting menu.  The editing made it look like he didn't use that opportunity to get detailed info or the details were just "go wild."  Either way, it's his fault for not taking care of business.  I think you are dead on that he is arrogant and thinks the guests are beneath him. 


5.) I think this was totally the fault of the deck hands.  They shouldn't have had the lines down where they could get sucked in.  I can't remember who was setting out the jetskis, but I'll assume it was idiot Dane/Dale/Zane.


Ugh...Sorry Rocky...if you are on a charter only to look for dudes..you need to find a new line of work. Maybe it is just me, but I am so over her talking about how much she needs a man..and well Dane? who is he? an arrogant drunk?


She has also stated the reason she got into yachting was to frolic in the water and cook.  Basically no reasons that have anything to do with stewing at all.


I agree. Kate's been antagonizing Leon since he started working on the yacht.  I noticed that right off the bat.  Everybody forgets that Kate used the same approach to the previous chef, Ben.  Boy did he get pissed off at her at times.  I think Leon became unhinged because of Kate riding him in the kitchen.  I think he lost his temper and told her how he felt about her. I'm sure this is NOT the first time someone has told Kate he or she doesn't like her.  She seriously needs to take a vacation or something.  She needs to start behaving more professionally herself. Don't know if this EROS yacht has a dress code for the chef working in the kitchen, but if so, then the Captain should have sat him down to let him know.  


Holy cow that Rocky girl is weird.  I don't even want to begin to speculate what is wrong with her.  Where did they find this Dane guy, at a clambake?     


I think it is common sense to don your whites when coming out to greet the diners after a fancy tasting/pairing menu, especially on a fancy mega-yacht that the guests are paying a shit ton to be on.  There's a certain level of service implied.  



I really wanted to like Leon as a chef, he seems to be more on time than Ben, minus this one charter, but for some reason he just grates. Maybe it's because they keep showing him and Kate, who don't get along, rather than giving him a friendlier edit that would make him look more personable, like the small snippets we've seen of him joking around with the other crew. One thing I didn't understand about the dinner issue was that it seemed that he met with the passengers the day they boarded to talk about menus, but the editing made it appear he waited until the day of the tasting menu to order the food. I understand it not being on the preference sheet, and even if it was on the sheet it may be a situation like Kate had the other week where guests put so much stuff on the sheets that they don't even ask for sometimes that it just gets ignored. But, if the guests said what they wanted on Day 1 when they discussed the food, he should have ordered it on Day 1. 



According to the Captain's blog, it wasn't just editing.  Leon seems to be lazy and bad at planning ahead.  Not a great combo.


It looked to me like Leon was wearing a t-shirt, though, not even a polo shirt? And self-professed "foodies" respect the jacket. Hell, if he'd put on a toque, they'd probably have upped the tip! Sit down and talk with them, instead of telling them he's going to bed? Bigger tip. Leon needs to learn to work it. And Kate KNOWS how to work it.


A like wasn't enough agreement for this.  


I don't like Leon much, but I can't really see why it was so wretchedly horrible to everyone that he didn't just happen to have rabbit meat and frog legs lying around when no one asked for it. Like he just stocks up on rabbit on a boat? Move over the lobster nearly every guest will actually want to make room for some rabbit cheeks? I don't know, he's whiny and acts like a child, but Kate's a loser with a pretty intensely misplaced sense of superiority, so those two are a wash in my mind!


Also, that main guest guy (Joe?) was so awful. I think I might have had an irrational level of dislike for him, but he really rubbed me the wrong way. Very pretentious, and smug. Like he wants to be a rich snob but isn't actually good at it. All these fake rich people that Bravo ropes into going on this show are a rough bunch.


He didn't need to have it lying around, but he should have planned ahead and ordered it before the day of the meal.  He had enough time to have provisions ready to go to get a fabulous meal on the table at a decent hour.

  • Love 3

I don't like Leon much, but I can't really see why it was so wretchedly horrible to everyone that he didn't just happen to have rabbit meat and frog legs lying around when no one asked for it. Like he just stocks up on rabbit on a boat? Move over the lobster nearly every guest will actually want to make room for some rabbit cheeks? I don't know, he's whiny and acts like a child, but Kate's a loser with a pretty intensely misplaced sense of superiority, so those two are a wash in my mind!


Also, that main guest guy (Joe?) was so awful. I think I might have had an irrational level of dislike for him, but he really rubbed me the wrong way. Very pretentious, and smug. Like he wants to be a rich snob but isn't actually good at it. All these fake rich people that Bravo ropes into going on this show are a rough bunch.


I hated that Joe person.  What a pretentious douche.  He wanted the menus printed, really asshole?  What's he going to do with them when he gets home?  I bet he'll keep them for awhile and then throw them in the trash, unless he's a crazy hoarder and has a room for all his menus or something.    I thought I'd save my menus from the QM2 and within a few months they went right in the bin.


And Kate, go away and inject your face with more botox, soon she'll look her real age (probably 41, at least).  What a sour faced witch she is.  Why did Amy ask her if she was okay when Leon told her off?  What, Kate's scared of Leon now, because he's so..."big"  OMG, Is Kate going to play "Little Eva" victim now?  Kate didn't care if Amy was okay last season.   I had to agree with Rocky on that one.


Why is Eddie texting Rocky?  Ugh, big mistake.  

Edited by Neurochick
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