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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I'll always be grateful that these writers fixed the Robin mess and killed off Sloan and undid Anna going nuts / killing Carlos .... although that may have mostly been about JT leaving and FH requiring certain things in contract negotiations.

I do blame them for the lackluster dragging on and on of the Jason story and Maybe Killer Baby Jake.

I'm not sure what they can do to otherwise fix this show when most of the characters are so loathsome. The network has likely told them Sonny and Franco and Jason and Carly and Sam and Ava, etc. are not going anywhere and must get screen time. Let's not forget how much Sonny has sucked for decades and how much wreckage Ron C caused.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
  • Love 1

Tracy never gets a win. Everything lasts for about two minutes before she gets dumped on again. I'd like to see her have some prolonged happiness. There can be some hiccups along the way, but have her life be generally optimistic. She's had to deal with so much crap and gotten very little out of it.


It's like when we complained that Sam did nothing but cry all the time. Or when AJ was constantly being ragged on by the entire town of PC. It's no fun to watch someone who's always down. Tracy is that person right now. I'd rather not see her if that's her lot on the show. There are plenty of stories to write for her; the idiot writers are simply too lazy to go beyond the three boilerplates they have.



I get what you're saying, but being a loser is who Tracy is.

I mean, Sam still cries all the time, and she's on five days a week(or maybe it just seems like it to me).

AJ, when alive, was always maligned by someone.

And if you really start picking *all* of these characters apart, they are all always something. Very few of them change that much.  I understand your frustrations-I had them too, until I realized the show doesn't care about what we want, so I might as well get used to accepting what they give me, or stop watching.

So, I compromised and do a little of both. When there's someone on I'm interested in, I watch, and when there's not, I don't. I'd rather see Tracy on, getting some meaty material dealing with a long lost kid-than see Tracy on, sitting on a chair at the Qs and making phone calls threatening people.

I don't know how such a story would turn out-I don't know that Tracy wouldn't come out a winner in this. But I'd be happy watching Jane try.

No, these writers can't do her justice. But that's true of most of the actors/characters worth watching.


I have to edit to add: one of the reasons I adore Tracy, is that while she absolutely IS a loser, *she* doesn't moan about it and indulge in self pity. I think that's the main difference between her and her Q "twin", AJ. Tracy picks herself up by her bootstraps and goes, "okay. This happened. Now what?" She's a fighter to the sometimes bitter end. And it's that ability to bounce back every.single.time that I just love. I think watching her fail or lose is worth it, because watching her rise up again can be magnificient. It's one of the things that makes her unique, the fact that she doesn't sit around and get weepy and feel sorry for herself too much. It's also why watching her when she DOES get weepy, is so mesmerizing.

Edited by IWantCandy71
  • Love 3

ulkis is right, this show isn't even vitriol worthy. It's not even a fun hate watch. The best I could manage was a mini rage-a-thon when Alexis said she wants the church wedding she never got to have.


First - remember Ned?



Second, this better be a Russian Orthodox wedding.

Third, I hate you, Alexis Davis, I really, really hate your entitled, smug, self-righteous, preachy, self-centered ass. 


On another note, what a great gown. NLG looked great in it. 

Edited by JaneDigby
  • Love 9

No arrest, she smoked weed with him instead. Yes on Lucas talking to Brad on the phone…he (Brad) took over Monica's role at all the conferences.


Why the hell would Tracy even talk to Lord Ashton, let alone get high with him?


Ugh.  The completely off-screen love lives of the barely-seen gay characters is really, really gross.  What year is this?

  • Love 2

That picture reinforces my contention that Alexis not only has the worst hair on GH, but she has the longest-standing worst hair.


So Julian thinks that he and Sonny should try to get along because they both have had a child with Olivia. I think Julian needs to catch up. They both have a child with Alexis. Sonny's wife is Julian's son's sister. Sonny and Julian's daughter had a child together. Sonny has a child with Julian's sister. Sonny's son was married to Julian's niece. Sonny's other son was living with Julian's niece. Sonny's son was banging Julian's sister. Sonny's son was banging Julian's sister when he thought she was a different sister. There's probably more but my head hurts. The only way these two could have more of a connection is if Julian and Sonny marry each other.


I liked Johnny and Lulu together once upon a time, but I could never ship those two now. Aside from the fact that ER can barely keep up with Dante, much less Johnny, every time I think of Johnny and Lulu now, I think of the time that Johnny, thinking that Dante was Dominic Perelli, told him that Lulu was a dud in bed and he didn't know how much of a dud until he started sleeping with Olivia and found out what good sex really is. I'll always hold it against Johnny that he was enough of a pig to say that and for making Dante think about the relative merits of having sex with Lulu vs. having sex with his own mom.

  • Love 9

I will not lie. Brandon Barash made me cry. Those scenes with Johnny and Lulu were the best part of the show.


Man, has Dominic really, and I mean really checked out of the show. I mean, Jason Thompson levels of checked out. The scenes with Olivia, urging him to calm down before signing divorce papers? I swear, it looked like he was staring at something offscreen, over Olivia's shoulder and his eyes were dead. No affect. No emotion. Nuttin'.


That said, STFU, Dante. You started this whole mess by lying to Lulu about your One night stand with Valerie, which, increased the crack in the trust between you and Lulu. There were NO FUCKING ISSUES going back to last year. None. So the writers can just FUCK OFF AND DIE. None of this is Lulu's fault. NONE OF IT.


And you can STFU too, Valerie. Acting as if Dante was the one pursuing you and you gave into him, for the affair. You were the one who glommed onto Dante, bringing him coffee and pastries, and whatnot when you were at the PCPD when you blew into town. And talked as if you had known him all your life, when that horrid of a farce of a racist cop storyline that lasted all of 1 hot minute, by yelling into the cameras. So you can go now. 


And WTF, Dante? Why are you telling Valerie you and Lulu are splitting up? Just SHUTUP!SHUTUP!SHUTUP! (hitting Dante over the head with one of those nerf bats/things that are used in anger management sessions).

  • Love 11
Sonny: You're gonna pay for killing Duke.


Doesn't anyone remember the hit Duke put out on Jordan? Is he supposed to be some type of hero because he attempted to call it off at the last minute? Duke was just as much of a mobster as the rest. He made his choices and he paid the price. As far as I'm concerned, I'm not shedding a tear when any of the mobsters get killed/hurt while on the job, including the mini-mobster himself. Sonny and Julian just need to call it even and bury their war - it's old, uninteresting and a snooze of a story.

  • Love 9

I've missed the last few, anything I should bother catching up on?


You should watch the Lucas scenes solely because RyCa is just so fun to watch even if what he gets is shit. And I don't know how you feel about Johnny or Johnny/Lulu but imo their scenes yesterday were the best we've gotten in quite a long time.


I will not lie. Brandon Barash made me cry.

Same. He is just SO good at playing Johnny as this tortured, conflicted soul.


That said, STFU, Dante. You started this whole mess by lying to Lulu about your One night stand with Valerie, which, increased the crack in the trust between you and Lulu. There were NO FUCKING ISSUES going back to last year. None. So the writers can just FUCK OFF AND DIE. None of this is Lulu's fault. NONE OF IT.

This. THIS THIS THIS. If I have to hear someone blame Lulu for this one more fucking time I am gonna rage out. And no they weren't having problems before. In fact, they weren't having problems until Dante decided out of the fucking blue that he didn't trust Lulu and instead of talking to her he fucked Valerie instead. So imo Dante is the sole cause of the problems in their marriage and he can stfu and foad.

  • Love 13
Speaking of - what's with Julian/Alexis pretending anyone would give a shit whether or not they got married in a church?


It's everyone else who's making a big deal about it. Kristina mocked it, Sonny mocked it. I don't know why Alexis has suddenly found that old time religion, but she seems to think the seal of God will keep this marriage together. Good luck with that!


Why does Johnny have to go to jail anyways? He has to go to jail for not killing anyone, but Sonny's running around free and clear making threats to people when he murdered an unarmed AJ?

Because BB is smart enough not to get locked into a contract on this fakakta show.


Sonny and Julian's daughter had a child together.


Who is this? I can't figure it out. Sam had no child with any of Sonny's sons. Sonny's daughter (Kristina) hasn't been pregnant (that we know of).


There were NO FUCKING ISSUES going back to last year. None.


I have to disagree. Lulu always went off halfcocked in defense of her family, and Dante was always finding out afterward. That's been a pattern since they've met. There's also Johnny. I don't think Dante has any right to tell Lulu how to run the Haunted Star, but he is entitled to his opinion about Johnny, and it's an issue between then. I'm not saying Lulu deserves to be cheated on because of any of this, but their marriage wasn't perfect. There have been problems simmering under the surface for a long time. The writers just decided to blow them up in the dumbest, least effective way.


And WTF, Dante? Why are you telling Valerie you and Lulu are splitting up?

I enjoyed that if only because it led to Valerie breaking up with a not-at-all-interested-in-her Dante for the second time. She's telling him they can't be together and he's wondering why she's still talking about this.


And yet I fully expect them to start dating again by sweeps. Because Dante gets jealous when he sees her with Jar of Mayo, or something equally stupid.

  • Love 1
Sonny and Julian's daughter had a child together.


Who is this? I can't figure it out. Sam had no child with any of Sonny's sons. Sonny's daughter (Kristina) hasn't been pregnant (that we know of).


Sonny had a child with Julian's daughter Sam. Baby Adela, I think? The show pretty much acts like it never happened, although when Sam and Sonny were talking a few weeks ago, they did allude to it without talking about it outright.


And yet I fully expect them to start dating again by sweeps. Because Dante gets jealous when he sees her with Jar of Mayo, or something equally stupid.


Augggh, no no no no no. No one wants that. But you're probably right.

  • Love 1


Doesn't anyone remember the hit Duke put out on Jordan? Is he supposed to be some type of hero because he attempted to call it off at the last minute?

Actually that was the second attempt. That henchman Duke had for a minute did take a shot at Jordan, but missed. Then he later went to her apartment and was planning to kill her. But since Sonny's mob (even run by Duke) can't hire a decent hit man, he failed both times. 


the frozen waters off the coast of Bolivia

coast of Bolivia mentions are never not funny. 


The show won't reference Sam's daughter with Sonny, because once she became involved with Jason, every other man she was ever with ceased to exist for her. It also reminds everyone that Carly and Sam don't like each other. at. all. But we can't have that because they have to be Hitman!Jason cheerleaders together.

  • Love 5

I guffawed! It's funny because it's true. This character is such a misstep. And it didn't have to be this way. She could've been good. Damn, how are the writers making the wrong choice at every single turn? And it's different writers even! Maybe FV really is to blame for it all tbh.


ABC is to blame as well. Even if they don't care about GH itself they should care that this trash programming is on their network. Decreasing ratings = decreasing profits. 

  • Love 4

They could've at least sent Johnny off to some random country. Britt gets to escape, but Johnny cant? Bollocks! No one even cares about the people Johnny killed or shot. Jason's body count is higher and he's dancing on rooftops, eating cake, getting statues erected in his honor. Sonny has felonies on his record that are legitimately messed up, yet he has private nurses, a private bar, and holiday parties. Even Ava is free to be all over the place doing whatever. Let Johnny go. Also, shut up Dante 2016. When he admits Daddy Dearest is a criminal who shot him in the chest with intent to kill and murdered a man in cold blood, then he might be able to talk about Johnny. Had Olivia not kept him safe from Sonny, he'd be a less cool version of Johnny. He'd see what it's like to have no choice but mob life.

  • Love 6
Sonny had a child with Julian's daughter Sam. Baby Adela, I think?


You're absolutely right. Baby Adela started Sam on her path to Jason. Gah.


ABC is to blame as well. Even if they don't care about GH itself they should care that this trash programming is on their network. Decreasing ratings = decreasing profits.

Hilariously (or not, depending on your POV), everything they try as GH's lead-in gets even worse ratings than GH.


Had Olivia not kept him safe from Sonny, he'd be a less cool version of Johnny. He'd see what it's like to have no choice but mob life.

I'm not so sure. I can see younger Dante being interested in what Sonny was doing but Olivia and the Falconeris setting him straight. Kind of like how Lois and the Cerullos were a safe haven for Sonny even as everyone knew he was a total screw-up.

Why the hell would Tracy even talk to Lord Ashton, let alone get high with him?



Why wouldn't she speak to him? They aren't enemies. Back in the day, they were friendly exes. I don't think she knows to what extent he was supposedly involved with Jerry Jax, and she told Paul he was "Mostly harmless" even after knowing about his part in the stupid Fluke plot.

As far as getting high together, meh, who knows? I doubt it's the first time Tracy's ever done something like that-it's just never been a part of her onscreen persona because by the time she was a character, she was putting forth that "respectable" front.

I mean, if the man is toking when he's sixty something, surely he did it when they were so much younger, and while she may or may not have indulged, she at least put up with it.



And I don't care about Johnny, he was a plot point to cause trouble. The whole thing was so dumb.

Edited by IWantCandy71

That picture reinforces my contention that Alexis not only has the worst hair on GH, but she has the longest-standing worst hair.


The only way these two could have more of a connection is if Julian and Sonny marry each other.



If NLG could move on from Julia Wainwright 80s hair it would be a good first step.


Jonny? Solian? I'm in.


Man, has Dominic really, and I mean really checked out of the show. I mean, Jason Thompson levels of checked out. The scenes with Olivia, urging him to calm down before signing divorce papers? I swear, it looked like he was staring at something offscreen, over Olivia's shoulder and his eyes were dead. No affect. No emotion. Nuttin'.


DZ looked like he's mentally doing his taxes for the whole scene. "Do I have all my W-2s? What about my 1099s?"


Wtf is wrong with me that I decoded that? I still call Michael son of AJ. I will not bend to this show.

But obviously the next choice is for Julian and Sonny to run away hand in hand off to Sonny's Magical Sex Island.


I'll buy them tickets.

  • Love 6

She lost her ELQ shares thanks to his part in the Fluke shenanigans so I think she'd at least hold a little bit of a grudge.


So is Lord Ashton back for a while or was this a one-and-day appearance?

 True, but she already told Michael she sees herself as the main person to blame for losing her shares.


I think that's part of what's wrong with the writing. The audience doesn't know when to get invested in a character or storyline, because they don't know if they are there long term. I have no idea if it's a one and done. Common sense seems to lean towards why bring him back just to show Tracy getting high? LOL That could have been accomplished in a different way. So my gut says there's more to it-that he'll be around long enough to set something up. He'll probably leave again shortly, because it's my understanding HN has other projects, and doesn't act full time anymore.

I think it's too much of a coincidence that Hayden has been talked about as having great business skills, and the mind of a con. It's like she's got traits from both Tracy and Larry, and bringing him back on was just to remind the audience of this.

Then again, I swore months ago she was Susan Hornsby, so I know nothing.


Baby Adela


Baby Lila. I hate the name Adela. It's an old person's name. And yes, I realize who they were naming after that Lila could be thought of that way too, but Lila is just much prettier. And not related to Sonny. Now there's going to be a bunch of people telling me their name is Adela. Sorry, just being honest.



This. THIS THIS THIS. If I have to hear someone blame Lulu for this one more fucking time I am gonna rage out. And no they weren't having problems before. In fact, they weren't having problems until Dante decided out of the fucking blue that he didn't trust Lulu and instead of talking to her he fucked Valerie instead. So imo Dante is the sole cause of the problems in their marriage and he can stfu and foad.


I so wish I cared enough or had the passion to get enraged like this. The truth is, I'm so blah about Dante, Lulu and Valerie to even worry about assigning blame.

Edited by tvgoddess
  • Love 2
In fact, they weren't having problems until Dante decided out of the fucking blue that he didn't trust Lulu and instead of talking to her he fucked Valerie instead. So imo Dante is the sole cause of the problems in their marriage and he can stfu and foad.


I may have hallucinated this, but as I recall, Valerie planted the seed of mistrust in Dante when she eavesdropped on part of a conversation Lulu and Dillion had and then ran to tell Dante about it. It was obvious from the get-go that Val had the hots for Dante, but Dante was the one that that chose to believe the worse in his wife without even talking to her first. Dante is absolutely to blame, but Val happily pushed it along. Such a shame, too. Instead of pitting Spencer against Spencer, they could have had such a better story if they would have embraced Val rather than make her the "other woman."

  • Love 2

  Man, there aren't enough seats in the world to cover all the seats that Sonny needs to have, especially where Julian's concerned. Julian tried to make peace with Sonny and Sonny not only refuses, he threatens him again!? Give me a fucking break! The only ones to blame for Duke's death are Carlos, for doing the deed, Sonny, for getting Duke involved in the mob again and Duke himself, for choosing to rejoin that life despite the risk of hurting/losing Anna, which he did anyway, all because of a bullshit vendetta that he and Anna have against Julian for killing their child when Julian was the one who killed the real guilty party, who happened to be his  own sister.


  As for Sonny's claim that Alexis is "making the biggest mistake of [her] life" by marrying Julian, I think her helping Sonny steal Michael from AJ and her subsequent involvement with/getting knocked up by Sonny beat marrying Julian by a landslide. As for Sonny's claim that there's no leaving the mob, Julian got out and last time I checked, he's still breathing.Sonny's plan to fake his paralysis to fool his enemies is as selfish and pathetic as he is. Sonny's willingness to stoop that low is or should be more proof to his family that loyalty to him is just a waste of time, just like Sonny himself is.

Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 9
Had Olivia not kept him safe from Sonny, he'd be a less cool version of Johnny. He'd see what it's like to have no choice but mob life.



I'm not so sure. I can see younger Dante being interested in what Sonny was doing but Olivia and the Falconeris setting him straight. Kind of like how Lois and the Cerullos were a safe haven for Sonny even as everyone knew he was a total screw-up.



Dante already has been pretty lenient towards Johnny re: growing up in the mob life. Even now, he's blaming Lulu more than his Johnny, which is crazy.


Man, has Dominic really, and I mean really checked out of the show. I mean, Jason Thompson levels of checked out. The scenes with Olivia, urging him to calm down before signing divorce papers? I swear, it looked like he was staring at something offscreen, over Olivia's shoulder and his eyes were dead. No affect. No emotion. Nuttin'.


lol, I noticed that too! I thought he was staring at Valerie or something but then she entered from the elevator from a completely different direction a minute later so I was like, okay, what the hell was he staring at then. I'm going to assume it was a clock.


And WTF, Dante? Why are you telling Valerie you and Lulu are splitting up? Just SHUTUP!SHUTUP!SHUTUP! (hitting Dante over the head with one of those nerf bats/things that are used in anger management sessions).


I think it was solely so she could have her "I am walking away from you! I choose me!" moment. 

  • Love 3

I will not lie. Brandon Barash made me cry. Those scenes with Johnny and Lulu were the best part of the show.


Man, has Dominic really, and I mean really checked out of the show. I mean, Jason Thompson levels of checked out. The scenes with Olivia, urging him to calm down before signing divorce papers? I swear, it looked like he was staring at something offscreen, over Olivia's shoulder and his eyes were dead. No affect. No emotion. Nuttin'.


That said, STFU, Dante. You started this whole mess by lying to Lulu about your One night stand with Valerie, which, increased the crack in the trust between you and Lulu. There were NO FUCKING ISSUES going back to last year. None. So the writers can just FUCK OFF AND DIE. None of this is Lulu's fault. NONE OF IT.


And you can STFU too, Valerie. Acting as if Dante was the one pursuing you and you gave into him, for the affair. You were the one who glommed onto Dante, bringing him coffee and pastries, and whatnot when you were at the PCPD when you blew into town. And talked as if you had known him all your life, when that horrid of a farce of a racist cop storyline that lasted all of 1 hot minute, by yelling into the cameras. So you can go now. 


And WTF, Dante? Why are you telling Valerie you and Lulu are splitting up? Just SHUTUP!SHUTUP!SHUTUP! (hitting Dante over the head with one of those nerf bats/things that are used in anger management sessions).

I'd vote for a real bat. Everything you said I agree with. What problems did they have before. ?She didn't really want to take the dirty money from Dante's dirty mob don father.TIIC think the fans have sieves for memory the same way they do.

  • Love 1

lol, I noticed that too! I thought he was staring at Valerie or something but then she entered from the elevator from a completely different direction a minute later so I was like, okay, what the hell was he staring at then. I'm going to assume it was a clock.





I think it was solely so she could have her "I am walking away from you! I choose me!" moment. 



Heh. Yeah, like, how many more lines until I'm done with this shitty scene?


Pfft. Yeah, like Dante's panting after her, along with another guy, demanding she choose HIM, instead of Dante. Please, that 'I choose me' thing Kelly pulled was bullshit enough, without other shows trying to act as if that was even a thing.

  • Love 2

Valerie Spencer is no Kelly Taylor, and Lulu Spencer sure as hell is no Brenda Walsh. GTFO lame ass writers. I suppose we'll be ripping off Saved by the Bell next? Jason gets a caffeine pill addiction. He's so excited! He's so scared!

Also, why is Sonny so mad about Duke? Cats have 9 lives, duh. He's got 7 left.

  • Love 2


...every time I think of Johnny and Lulu now, I think of the time that Johnny, thinking that Dante was Dominic Perelli, told him that Lulu was a dud in bed and he didn't know how much of a dud until he started sleeping with Olivia and found out what good sex really is.


LOL This made my day! Lulu is a dud in bed? (Can we have that on a T-shirt?). She is so vain you'd think she had plenty of practice in that department, but obviously Johnny meant that Lulu was so focused on herself she can't think of her partner. Which doesn't surprise me at all! I always thought Dante preferred the response he was getting from Val in bed.


  • Love 1

lol this was a typo, but at this point, sure, why not have Dante have an active crush on Johnny? It would make as much sense as anything.


So, what did you mean to type? My brain's all fried and I can't figure it out!


And I know better than to expect this show's last two regimes to know anything about its history, but I had to raise an eyebrow when I heard Julian tell Lucas that one of the reasons he went straight and out of the bidnez, was because he learned he was a father to both Sam and Lucas. Huh? I'm pretty sure that Original!Julian knew that Lucas was his child back in the day. Didn't they go through a paternity test that resulted in proving that Julian, and not Robert, was Lucas's biological father?

If the people in charge of this show want Sonny to be front and center; they still should allow at least half the town to hate his guts because there is no way that Sonny is a good man.



You mean, like JR Ewing? Yep, that's how I've always felt Sonny should be portrayed. The show has always, and will always, miss the boat on this one. He should be another Stefano DiMera, JR, Victor Newman, etc.

You know, where even the people that "love" you want to kill you. Not this SonnyIsTheSmartestBestestManEver crap.

  • Love 8

So, what did you mean to type? My brain's all fried and I can't figure it out!


And I know better than to expect this show's last two regimes to know anything about its history, but I had to raise an eyebrow when I heard Julian tell Lucas that one of the reasons he went straight and out of the bidnez, was because he learned he was a father to both Sam and Lucas. Huh? I'm pretty sure that Original!Julian knew that Lucas was his child back in the day. Didn't they go through a paternity test that resulted in proving that Julian, and not Robert, was Lucas's biological father?

I think the test was done after Julian "died". But I'm not sure.

  • Love 1

Doesn't anyone remember the hit Duke put out on Jordan? Is he supposed to be some type of hero because he attempted to call it off at the last minute? Duke was just as much of a mobster as the rest. He made his choices and he paid the price. As far as I'm concerned, I'm not shedding a tear when any of the mobsters get killed/hurt while on the job, including the mini-mobster himself. Sonny and Julian just need to call it even and bury their war - it's old, uninteresting and a snooze of a story.

As are all the mob stories on this show, because they always end the same way - with the Pocket Mobster victorious, no matter how nonsensical it comes across.

It would be more interesting if we had cops written with brains and people not worshipping at the altar of the Holy Hitman and the Don of the Gummy Bear Mafia. Instead we have cops who are dumb or are written as villains for having the audacity to think mobsters should be thrown in jail.

  • Love 7

Sonny threatening people is getting old.

Yeah. It's a weird cycle. New person arrives. Sonny hates new person. New person bests Sonny briefly. Sonny has a sad, a mad, and a breakdown. Barware is sacrificed. Sonny has an idea. Sonny threatens New Person. New Person is Teh Evul. Lather, rinse, repeat. It always ends with Sonny smiling, carrying some poor child.

  • Love 11
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