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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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The woman nearly killed the second love of her life, putting him in on death's door.

My honest to goodness first thoughts:

Dr. O did something to David Hayward? No she didn't....did she?

It took me several minutes of thought to come up with Duke. That was only after I was confident that David hadn't been on GH.

I use to love Anna/Duke. Kid me remembers the wedding, their house, etc. I was torn about who should be Anna's HEA. Not any more. It's Robert Fucking Scorpio, period.

  • Love 1
And of course, shooting a helicopter down in a city is never good because it can spiral out of control, crash and kill innocent people on the ground.  Or crash into the roof of the hospital and kill everyone on the roof.  (which I don't think I would have minded) It was such a stupid scene.


Yeah, but that would have been all Ava's fault, because she lost her right to live when she killed Khaaaanie, and the only reason she's alive is that she's carrying his child, and now that she's getting away, she  lost her privilege of gravity and physics, so....


I was this close. THIS CLOSE. I had my bags packed, my ticket punched for the Barge, and my launch was ready to take me. All that needed to happen was that Sonny stop Ava from getting on the chopper and flying away. We FF'd through the Mickey/Julian/Ava scenes just to get to the punchline.


And Sonny lost. Maybe just today, but Sonny lost!. And Ava got away. Even if it's to another prison with Mickey and Julien dies, Ava got away from Sonny!


It's say when I take  my GH victories with a low bar.

Edited by NutmegsDad
  • Love 7

It just came to me, in Sonny's mind the reason he wouldn't have cared if Ava did die while carrying Morgan's baby is because in that twisted, sick, psychotic brain of his he'd think that he was doing his son a favour.


Killing his own kid? A step too far, because that only happens "accidentally" and they always survive anyway. But an unwanted grandchild is fair game. After all, Morgan should have never been with Ava in the first place, let alone end up having a child with that "bitch", as Sonny loves to call Ava by her pet name so often, so if he got rid of them both then he will have "freed" his youngest son from the "man hungry clutches of that horrible, awful, slut" Ava, the end.


Never-mind all manner of ethics and morals and human decency, that's just how Sonny rolls.


Sonny has none of those things add respect for human life to those. I would have loved to see Shawn shoot him, and the helicopter fall on Sonny. Not on some innocent walking in the hospital parking lot. I am not an AVA fan but Sonny makes me wish for his death.

Edited by testardo

Sonny is responsible for Michael's rape in prison. Jason carefully brokered a peace with AZ in which AZ would keep Michael safe in prison in exchange for Sonny leaving JZ alone. Sonny had such a hair up his ass that he negated that peace and AZ no longer kept Michael safe. I wish that the writers, Jason and Michael remembered this. Sonny ruins everything including his son's safety.


And Sonny was largely responsible for Michael ending up in prison in the first place.  Had he (along with Carly and Jason) not engaged in their absurd shenanigans to cover up what was, originally, a likely "In defense of others" case, the judge wouldn't have lost his shit all over them and sent Michael to prison to teach him (and his idiot family) a lesson.  So Sonny's dumb ass sent Michael to prison and then ruined the deal Jason made to keep the kid protected there, and sat back and let Jason throw himself in prison, too, as a last ditch effort to try and clean up Sonny's mess, which, of course, happened too late to prevent Michael's rape.  I'd LOVE if Michael, when he finds out about AJ, finally has that damn burst moment of clarity with regard to Sonny and throws his role in his prison rape right in his face.  Oh, and I almost forgot, he's also the reason Michael even needed to conk Claudia over the head, since she was on a rampage after Sonny decided to publicly humiliate her.  



I use to love Anna/Duke. Kid me remembers the wedding, their house, etc. I was torn about who should be Anna's HEA. Not any more. It's Robert Fucking Scorpio, period.


Every moment that Anna doesn't dump Duke's ass is painful.  He's such a waste of a human being at this point, and Anna deserves WAY better. 

  • Love 9

Julian got to be his delicious bad-ass self today, that was all I cared about.


So Shawn decides to grab and forcibly kiss Jordan and that's supposed to be...sexy? Romantic? And of course then they get caught by Micky in his room. Disgusting.


Sonny and Olivia both need a bullet to the head, and not a bullet of love.


I want someone to tie Patrick down and wax his face, the overgrowth is getting ridiculous.

  • Love 3

Hey Nina, you might want to try to stir that in just a bit mo . . . no? no? you're gonna serve it with the residue still floating on top? okay.


Sonny loves Olivia so much he's willing to make zero concessions for her. I wouldn't care except the idiot woman still cares. (I'm sorry, but looking at Ned and Olivia, all I can think is he looks like her dad.)


That bejeweled collar of Sam's was no bueno.


Damn it, I was hoping Julian would just shoot Mickey Diamond. (and on the flip side, what is so awesome about Julian that fakeLuke needs his services so bad? Just get another metrosexual mobster, FakeLuke.) And lol at him and Ava being all aghast that they're selling heroin to the children. 

  • Love 3

I actually didn't mind Liv today.  Point for trying to kick Sonny out of his office.  He really doesn't need the extra space (or set.)  And, whiny spoiled child, he pulled the Carly card.  Hell, Olivia even gets extra point for Monday's preview alone, calling Carly on her undying love of the moobster in front of Franco.  I love anyone who will shine a light on it to him.

  • Love 4

Patrick looks like Brawny man. I see flannel on him. I just can't with him.

Shawn fucks everything up was basically the lesson I learned. In one fell swoop he ruined the drug bust, Jordan's cover, and Nina's revenge plan. He must be stopped.

Oh God, Olivia just I'm not sorry your mobster boyfriend cheated on you and you guys wrongfully kicked one dude out and now you wanna kick your mobster bf out but he's like no baby you can't I'll get you a pony. Make better life choices.

  • Love 2



Sonny loves Olivia so much he's willing to make zero concessions for her. I wouldn't care except the idiot woman still cares. (I'm sorry, but looking at Ned and Olivia, all I can think is he looks like her dad.)

That bejeweled collar of Sam's was no bueno.


I'm not seeing that.  All I see with Ned is Alexis with him.


I hate that shirt on her.  Hate hate hate.

  • Love 1

I actually didn't mind Liv today.  Point for trying to kick Sonny out of his office.  He really doesn't need the extra space (or set.)  And, whiny spoiled child, he pulled the Carly card.  Hell, Olivia even gets extra point for Monday's preview alone, calling Carly on her undying love of the moobster in front of Franco.  I love anyone who will shine a light on it to him.


I didn't mind her per se. I'm mad she still gets the tremble-y "so hard to resist you" attitude but at least she stayed strong. But also it could just be LLC's performance. She's always kinda tremble-y.

I want someone to tie Patrick down and wax his face, the overgrowth is getting ridiculous.



LMAO, I like it. I have a thing for grey. sometimes I can be an [unapproved word with 4 letters & starts with an s] for grey.  I don't like it on everyone but I do like JT's grey beard. I'm just happy he's eating again.


For one minute, I thought Sonny would be evicted & I cackled with glee. Then MB/Sonny became the ass that he is & ruined everything.


Did they remodel and/or re-paint Ava's apartment? I know they added some paintings. 

  • Love 1


Oh God, Olivia just I'm not sorry your mobster boyfriend cheated on you and you guys wrongfully kicked one dude out and now you wanna kick your mobster bf out but he's like no baby you can't I'll get you a pony. Make better life choices.


Seriously. Sheesh, girl, get some self respect. Oh, and if you can't stand seeing him in his office, STAY THE HECK AWAY! 




So Shawn decides to grab and forcibly kiss Jordan and that's supposed to be...sexy? Romantic?


Another "Amen" from the congregation. She should have told him that as he's Sonny's goon, nothin's gonna be happening. And as long as he's Sonny's goon, he should shut up about her working for the Jeromes. 



Hey Nina, you might want to try to stir that in just a bit mo . . . no? no? you're gonna serve it with the residue still floating on top? okay.


At first I was bothered by the destruction of perfectly good scotch. But then I decided if Silas is too stupid to notice that his favorite drink is a)cloudy instead of clear, b) has little pieces of powder floating in it, and c) tastes funny, then he absolutely and totally deserves whatever coma/paralysis/payback Whackadoodle Nina has in store for him. 


I have discovered that I do much better if I do something else, like play mindless video games on my tablet, while sitting in front of the TV and listening to GH. It keeps the rage down. 

Edited by rur
  • Love 5

I CANNOT BELIEVE today's episode opened with that ridiculous sex fakeout featuring Franco the SERIAL KILLER.  Ew gross ick wrong!


And Franco and Nina are two horrible tastes that taste horrible together.

I thought those were sounds of a stabbing.


Julian and Ava fucking won for me today.

Sonny you are like dumber than fucking I imagined. Shawn can't shoot a gun, so of course you put him in charge with Ava. You take her booze, but not the phone? Well, okay. Roof tantrum was amazing. Fucking amazing.

I like Franco/Nina because Roger and Michelle have natural chemistry. My bf who only watches to make fun of Sonny occasionally, said that yes Carly does have something to worry about.

I do hope one day someone loves me as much as Silas and Patrick love themselves.

I loved Ava getting away because Sonny didn't win.



Just two simple observations from today's episode: 

  1. For a seasoned mobster, Mickey pointed his gun at Ava and Julian like he was one of Charlie's Angels. I wasn't impressed. 
  2. Can any random chopper use GH's helipad? I feel like that's a tad unrealistic. 


2 - Are they allowed to?  No.  Can they? Yes.   We've had small planes land on highways and a helicopter landed in a field not far from me.  Any helipad that I've seen isn't guarded.  However, security should have been alerted and reached the roof before it landed.


At first I was bothered by the destruction of perfectly good scotch. But then I decided if Silas is too stupid to notice that his favorite drink is a)cloudy instead of clear, b) has little pieces of powder floating in it, and c) tastes funny, then he absolutely and totally deserves whatever coma/paralysis/payback Whackadoodle Nina has in store for him. 

This is a big risk for Rosalie as she procured the drugs.  Nothing up until now has suggested that she'd be willing to go that far for Nina.  My thought was GHB or a similar knock-out drug.

If Nina rapes a drugged Silas, at least can we have Snarly laugh about it, just for memories. I really hope that they will not go there.

It might not be as funny to Carly if it happens to someone she isn't fucking.


Since Silas isn't someone Carly isn't fucking, she won't care if he's drugged and/or raped.

Edited by dubbel zout

And Sonny was largely responsible for Michael ending up in prison in the first place.  Had he (along with Carly and Jason) not engaged in their absurd shenanigans to cover up what was, originally, a likely "In defense of others" case, the judge wouldn't have lost his shit all over them and sent Michael to prison to teach him (and his idiot family) a lesson.  So Sonny's dumb ass sent Michael to prison and then ruined the deal Jason made to keep the kid protected there, and sat back and let Jason throw himself in prison, too, as a last ditch effort to try and clean up Sonny's mess, which, of course, happened too late to prevent Michael's rape.  I'd LOVE if Michael, when he finds out about AJ, finally has that damn burst moment of clarity with regard to Sonny and throws his role in his prison rape right in his face.  Oh, and I almost forgot, he's also the reason Michael even needed to conk Claudia over the head, since she was on a rampage after Sonny decided to publicly humiliate her.



Claudia went on a rampage that resulted in Michael killing her because of Sonny. She took Carly hostage because she knew Sonny was going to have her killed for her involvement in Michael's accidental shooting.


It is often forgotten that Claudia took out a hit on Sonny because he held her brother/son hostage and tortured him for weeks.  Michael had runaway and Sonny went off half cocked and kidnapped Johnny.  Claudia was trying to protect Johnny when she ordered the hit on Sonny, (in the way that mob families tend to do) Michael was never the target.  Claudia was overwhelmed by guilt for her part in Michael being shot.  Sonny never acknowledged his role in his son's coma or rape in prison.  It was Sonny who put events of Michael's shooting and rape into motion.


I hope when the AJ reveal goes down Michael remembers these details.

  • Love 4

I loved seeing Ned today with Tracy.  I loved all their scenes, and I'm thrilled he's moving into the Q mansion.  More Qs is always a good thing, and I don't mind the idea of him and Olivia either.


The bad?  Nina.  Nina.  And Nina - and Rosalie.  What is MS doing with this character?  She is overplaying Nina, and its Nina's overly dramatic scenes and line delivery are making Nina THE most annoying character on GH, and that's saying a lot.  Nina is constantly smiling, and what's with the hand motions?  It is absolutely cringe-worthy, and Rosalie is no better.  How obvious is she when she yells at Silas (on Nina's orders), and Silas just sits there and takes it?  WTF?  I would have told Rosalie off about 20 different times by now.  The Nina/Silas/Rosalie stuff is horrible and boring.  


The other boring storyline - Jordan/Shawn/Mickey.  I find the entire Jordan as a cop to be completely boring because it's the same scenes and dialogue over and over again.  Jordan and Anna "meet" in the park, then Jordan gets in Mickey's face about revealing his boss, and then Jordan and Shawn fight.  Then go back and do those same scenes all over again.  Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Can someone explain wny all these new characters (Nina, Rosalie, Silas, Jordan, Mickey, etc) are getting front burner storylines while the GH vets (like Ned) show up once in a blue moon, and if they are in the scenes, they tend to be on the sidelines.  Let's face it, Anna is the supporting character to Jordan's main storyline.  Anna is more interesting with more GH ties.  Jordan is nothing to me.  I have no connection to her.  Same with Nina.  Same with Rosalie.

  • Love 3

Wait, Nina drugged and is possibly going to rape Silas?  Why?  I didn't think she wanted him, I thought she just wanted to ruin his life.


All of a sudden she was talking today about how he "owes" her a baby, so I think that's where this is going. Sam's going to see the security tape of Nina lurking outside the door to the roof, thus finding out that Nina was the one who leaked the information about Patrick to the press and that she can walk. But Nina will already be pregnant by that time, so Silas will feel guilty and stay with her anyway. These aren't spoilers, BTW; I'm just guessing it will be something this stupid.


Meanwhile Alexis continues to be repulsive. "You're my daughter. I'll always put you first!" Since when is sneaking around with the man your daughter thinks killed her father and lying about it the same as putting your daughter first?

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LOL at Sonny's befuddlement that Ava got away, with his crack team of 24-hour security. He never learns. His security stinks. Always has.


Nina has pretty low standards for revenge. Madeline is in jail through her own fault, Silas and Sam broke up because of Rafe (Nina did help out a bit there, but things were brewing anyway), and Lauren's comeuppance will be a piece of cake. Ava is the only one who really shows any trouble. Maybe I'm being a stickler, but if I were seeking revenge on people, I'd want to be the architect of their downfall, not just wait for it to happen.


Is Silas still paying for Rosalie? If he is, he needs to stop.


Tracy mentioning Jason was the biggest anvil of all. It was appropriate within the context, but she didn't even sneer when she said his name.


LOL that the hospital has ONE COPY of the security footage. Haven't they heard of hard drives?

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 1

Silas has been on the show for a year and a half now.  ME (over 2 years).  That does not make him a new character, and he was a character who was gradually introduced as a supporting character to main characters.   He is not a new character.


He's been on the show just over a year and instead of weaving him into the existing framework they had to give him a whole instant family shoehorned into the show to try and make him work. Same goes for Kiki and Franco, who may be officially the child of Scott and Heather but has absolutely no place on the canvas. Some characters take to the canvas easily and quickly, some take more time, some never quite fit. AFAIC Silas is still a newbie, and it has everything with how they've constructed the character and handled him from Day 1. You could take him and his whole family out of the show tomorrow and nobody would miss a beat.

  • Love 11

Silas has been on the show for a year and a half now.  ME (over 2 years).  That does not make him a new character, and he was a character who was gradually introduced as a supporting character to main characters.   He is not a new character.

Silas was the best introduced of the reintroduced OLTL actors, but what do we know about him?  He had a brother Stephen.  He suddenly had a daughter in Kiki that he never spends any time with.  He had a nephew named Rafe, that he also spent no time with until this past week.  So in the one year (not two) that Silas has been on GH, he has shared scenes with NO ONE except Sam.  A brief scene with Kiki and Rafe every now and then does not a main character make.  Who are Silas' friends?  Where does he hang out?  What is his social circle?  Who does he call when he's in trouble?  We don't know because he doesn't have a background .  Kiki is even worse - much worse.  Nathan, a much newer newbie is ten times better than Silas and Kiki because I know much more about him.  I know who his mother is, his aunt, his sister, and we know who his father is.  I know the girl he likes.  I know what job he has, and I know who his friends are.  I know his past also - raised in Manhattan as a rich kid, worked his way up to detective and then transferred to PC to track down his supposed sister's "killer."  He had a close relationship with his sister (that is now his cousin).  Oh, and he likes the Yankees.  Silas?  Kiki?  I don't know squat about them, even after 1 year on the show.  Their time as John McBain and Starr don't exist.


A newbie is basically a new character that you know very little about, and so you need to learn about them.  They are newbies in every sense of that word.  Granted, I like Silas (and ME).  I can't stand Kiki.  The most useless character on GH.  The girl has no job, no friends, no ambition, no prospects, no real sense of ethics (since she has no problem asking Michael for a sweet new place to live without having to pay for it), and she has no loyalty (as was obvious when she sided with Franco and lied to Michael's face about it and then got angry with him that he was upset with her for lying to him).  I can't stand her.  


Of the OLTL actors and their "new" characters, only Silas was introduced slowy (and I appreciated it).  That being said, RC has had to jump through every conceivable hoop to get these characters to work.  New families, then "no wait, we're going to change their families," then they put them with their previous counterparts INSTANTLY (Michael/Kiki - such a dumb move where they went from hating each other to falling in love in TWO weeks; then Silas and Sam, and then Franco and Carly - don't even get me started on that pairing).  None of the three have been woven into storylines in a cohesive and interesting way.  It's like RC is just wrapping duct tape around these characters "stories" and hoping it holds together.  It isn't.

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 10

So Snarly thinks that Morgan will come around to Sonny. What about when and or if Sonny kills Ava after she births either Morgan's son or his brother. Somehow I don't think that he will be ok with that.


It's kind of a sad/hilarious comment on this show that when I read this I couldn't figure out whether Morgan wouldn't be okay with killing Ava or he wouldn't be okay with the fact that the child she is carrying is either his son or his brother.


Since RC loves his men shirtless, I am hoping for a Julian/Nathan shirtless jogging team. That would be pretty.


I'd add in Lucas too because a.) he's Julian's son and b.) he's pretty when shirtless too.  ;)


Finally, Happy 100 Pages Of Posts, GH Episode Discussion Thread!  :D


I don't think Silas was introduced terribly well. I don't think the character came close to even appearing human until late fall. Even so, Michael Easton is horribly uncomfortable and out of place playing a doctor and Silas has little actual personality or background. He's there to be Michael Easton with Kelly Monaco - that's it. There is nothing else relevant about the character, beyond his new use as a delivery system for Michelle Stafford. There's virtually no discerning between him and how Easton played John McBain, except that Easton wasn't nearly as uncomfortable and McBain did have a long history and background, largely of being a fuck-up.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 9


All of a sudden she was talking today about how he "owes" her a baby, so I think that's where this is going. Sam's going to see the security tape of Nina lurking outside the door to the roof, thus finding out that Nina was the one who leaked the information about Patrick to the press and that she can walk. But Nina will already be pregnant by that time, so Silas will feel guilty and stay with her anyway.


How will Nina know she's pregnant if Sam is about to view the security footage at Sonny's office?  Well, I guess there could be a contrived reason she doesn't view it right away.  What am I saying?  Of course there will be a reason to not view it immediately so Ron can drag this out even more. 


And Nina?  Mommy Dearest didn't kill your baby because Silas was cheating.  She did it to keep you the fuck away from Silas, ya know, the guy she hated from the start.


I didn't realize I'd missed the Jerome siblings sharing scenes that didn't involve one betraying the other until yesterday & today's shows.


So the heroin was mixed with the cocaine?  At least we have an explanation for one thing.

  • Love 1

Probably more appropriate for a PM, but I'll answer here. Can you discuss characters and their roles when they're on that day? Sure. You can discuss what they've done that day, the ramifications for the future, etc. But when you're discussing at length how they've been integrated into the canvas and not mentioning at all what they've done on today's episode? It's more appropriate for that character's specific thread. 


How will Nina know she's pregnant if Sam is about to view the security footage at Sonny's office?  Well, I guess there could be a contrived reason she doesn't view it right away.  What am I saying?  Of course there will be a reason to not view it immediately so Ron can drag this out even more. 


And Nina?  Mommy Dearest didn't kill your baby because Silas was cheating.  She did it to keep you the fuck away from Silas, ya know, the guy she hated from the start.


I didn't realize I'd missed the Jerome siblings sharing scenes that didn't involve one betraying the other until yesterday & today's shows.


So the heroin was mixed with the cocaine?  At least we have an explanation for one thing.

I liked the Ava-Julian interactions.


Mickey claimed they are mixing in some heroin into the coke to get people addicted to their special blend.  Kinda the opposite of what's going on in NY now with the heroin being adulterated but at least it has some basis in reality.

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