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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Wow, it is a real testament to how unlikeable they are writing Valerie that Lulu can admit that she set up a scheme that nearly (if inadvertently) got her killed and I still can't be on Valerie's side.  When she started laying into Lulu about doing it all to herself and being an overdramatic bitch, I just had to roll my eyes.


I cannot with this breastfeeding storyline.  This is why we're stuck with Olivia, for this stupidity and so she can bond with the woman who murdered her cousin?


Nice to see Scotty!  But why is working as a pro bono attorney, other than it being a contrivance to put him with Johnny?


Robert suggesting Anna flirt with Paul to get the goods on him kinda grossed me out.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 8

He doesn't mention him at all, and until its mentioned that he's spending time with him offscreen, I'm not going to just assume its happening because I believe that is something they would mention.

Jason wasn't even planning on seeing Danny for Christmas until he ran into them at the park. I have no doubt they will eventually start having scenes, but its funny to me because Jason acted like Liz was such a horrible person for keeping him from Danny, and yet, Danny isn't even on his list of priorities. He doesn't actively seek him out. I mean, I'm sure its just lazy writing, but its funny to me.

Did Jason say that he wasn't planning on seeing Danny for Christmas or did anybody else mention it?

Again so what if he's not mentioning Danny it happens.

...so it's okay to assume that Liz is spending oodles of quality time with Cameron and Aiden off-screen, but not okay to assume Jason is spending any time with Danny?


I don't know why I ask.  I don't care, about Liz and Jason, Sam and Jason, or Jason himself.

To me, its different. Cam and Aiden live with Liz. We know that she sees them, and takes care of them. Same with Sam and Danny, Carly and Joss etc..


Jason doesn't live with Danny, and he missed out on 2/3 years of his life. He also made a huge deal out of Liz keeping him from Danny, so I don't think they would have all the Danny/Jason bonding offscreen. 

  • Love 2

Wow, it is a real testament to how unlikeable they are writing Valerie that Lulu can admit that she set up a scheme that nearly (if inadvertently) got her killed and I still can't be on Valerie's side.  When she started laying into Lulu about doing it all to herself and being an overdramatic bitch, I just had to roll my eyes.


I'm starting to think Uncle Frank is laying the groundwork for DZ's firing. Cause at this point even I'm like, "yup, kill stumpy, kill him with fire (that will burn through a building and transform it into a grey-painted metro court room)".

  • Love 8

I don't have a problem with the breast feeding storyline. At least it addresses a current issue. However, I do have a big issue with Olivia and Ava bonding; they shouldn't even be civil to each other.


They shouldn't, but if Olivia is fine with the man who tried to murder her son, it's not much of a stretch to believe she can get along with Ava.


Dante: I made a huge mistake but you obliterated the other half of our marriage.


Yeah Dante, sounds like you're totally taking responsibility for your "half" and not blaming Lulu for all of it at all.*


*I am going by recaps . . . there is no way I am subjecting myself to this shit.

  • Love 9

I don't have a problem with the breast feeding storyline. At least it addresses a current issue. However, I do have a big issue with Olivia and Ava bonding; they shouldn't even be civil to each other.


And I can understand that viewpoint, but if Olivia hadn't slept with Ava's brother and got knocked up, they'd never really have to interact so I'm not all that bothered by it. She knows who's Ava's related to.

  • Love 2

I don't have a problem with the breast feeding storyline. At least it addresses a current issue. However, I do have a big issue with Olivia and Ava bonding; they shouldn't even be civil to each other.

It should not be someone's  storyline. Olivia can be a supporter of breastfeeding but its not a story. And she definitely shouldn't have been breastfeeding in the middle of business meeting and make a scene. That was so stupid! Excuse yourself from the table and do that elsewhere. It was unprofessional.

  • Love 4

Yay, the show recognized RF!S as a legend!


Valerie never left NYS, so there's no federal crime of kidnapping here. Gah.


I think Olivia should have given the mayor a head's up about breast-feeding just as a courtesy, but the mayor shouldn't have been a jerk about it. But I guess we need to know for sure that she's OMG TEH EVUL!!11! and a child hater to boot.


She knows who's Ava's related to.


It's not about Julian, it's that Ava killed Connie.

  • Love 5

I don't have a problem with the breast feeding storyline. At least it addresses a current issue. However, I do have a big issue with Olivia and Ava bonding; they shouldn't even be civil to each other.


I just don't understand what the point is.  To make Mayor Lomax look more cartoonishly evil?  To literally give Olivia something to do?

  • Love 4

...so it's okay to assume that Liz is spending oodles of quality time with Cameron and Aiden off-screen, but not okay to assume Jason is spending any time with Danny?

Too bad Lucky is an MIA deadbeat. He could be taking care of Cam/Aiden whileDNAJake was acting out - giving Liz the opportunity to focus on her terrifying zombie child and they could both look like decent parents without anyone needing to make assumptions about good off-screen parenting

Wow, it is a real testament to how unlikeable they are writing Valerie that Lulu can admit that she set up a scheme that nearly (if inadvertently) got her killed and I still can't be on Valerie's side. When she started laying into Lulu about doing it all to herself and being an overdramatic bitch, I just had to roll my eyes.

I was really hoping they'd use this opportunity to allow Valerie to show some empathy and actual remorse. Maybe a little bonding during trying trying circumstances. I'm so GLAD we have these 2 female HWs *Memorial Copkilla Eyeroll*

I cannot with this breastfeeding storyline. This is why we're stuck with Olivia, for this stupidity and so she can bond with the woman who murdered her cousin?


Edited by Oracle42
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It's not about Julian, it's that Ava killed Connie.


I haven't seen today yet, so I assumed they were bonding or whatever over the fact that they both have similar age children? Or was it something else entirely? 


I know Ava killed Connie, believe me. If Olivia really wanted nothing to do with Ava (rightfully so), she would have stayed away from Julian too was my point.

  • Love 1

Oh, poor little Lulu. "What did I do, Maxie?" It's a lot easier to hang out on the boat, smugly knocking back the drinks and playing spymaster, sending your thug out to terrorize someone, but when you get hauled out into the open for it, the big blue sad eyes and the quivering lip start. 


"Stupid-ass bitch," indeed. No sympathy here. 


Love Emme Rylan's portrayal, though. I've frequently found this character unbearable to listen to and watch over the years, but I never blamed either actress. I actually thought both ER and Brytni Sarpy did pretty well in the confrontation today. 

Edited by Asp Burger
  • Love 2

It should not be someone's  storyline. Olivia can be a supporter of breastfeeding but its not a story. And she definitely shouldn't have been breastfeeding in the middle of business meeting and make a scene. That was so stupid! Excuse yourself from the table and do that elsewhere. It was unprofessional.


It would have made much more sense for the mayor to be irritated because Olivia was breastfeeding during a business meeting. The baby was already fussy. (although I know they couldn't have counted on that when the script was written) She would have had every right to believe that Olivia's full attention wasn't where it belonged. Their argument would have developed in almost the same way. Turning it into a "public" issue was stupid. Once again, are we sure women are writing this show? 

Edited by rur
  • Love 5

I was really hoping they'd use this opportunity to allow Valerie to show some empathy and actual remorse.


Yup, that moment opening Valerie's eyes to just how deeply she hurt Lulu by sleeping with her husband would have been nice, not that Valerie doesn't also have a right to be upset that Lulu nearly got her killed with her revenge plot.


But nope, smug and self-righteous, just like dubbel zout said. 

If Jordan actually throws Olivia in jail, I will have a rage blackout. IT'S LEGAL TO BREAST-FEED IN PUBLIC.


Never mind that Olivia co-owns the building they're standing in! 


But I could totally see Olivia getting arrested, so she can swoon in Julian's direction and an uncomfortable Alexis will have to represent her, blah blah blah.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 3



It seems like they're really cleaning out the vets closet, with Bobbie Monday, Scotty today, and Kevin tomorrow.  Dare I hope Lucy comes spilling out next?


PLEASEEEEEEEEE! I've been good, really. Of course, why they can't combine so we get scenes with Kevin and Lucy or Scotty and Lucy is beyond me. 

  • Love 2

As in all things, the writers have really muddied the breastfeeding in public waters.  Firstly, Olivia was dressed in yoga clothes and holding a crying baby.  Not a time to be having a meeting with the Mayor re the function menu (IRL it would never be the mayor, and it might possibly be Olivia, but she would be dressed for business and they would have a business meeting).  The Mayor was unhappy with Olivia from the beginning.  Then Olivia says she's going to breastfeed in public, she has the right, this is her business.  If the Mayor felt that Olivia was not giving her her attention, or acting unprofessionally (which she was, cause she was being verbally rude), she should have just ended the meeting and walked away without saying anything, cause hopefully the Mayor knows the LAW!


I just think it is so silly to present it in this way to make the point, which is a valid and important one.


And even when Val is right (Lulu, you are so stupid, you had everything you wanted in the palm of your hand, and Lulu, you are so stupid, you probably left a trail of evidence implicating you), she remains entirely unlikeable.

  • Love 3

Oh my dog Dante, shut the F up.  Thank you show, for ruining one of the few characters that I loved.  Still won't make me like Sonny, Jason or Spinelli though.  


The breastfeeding scene happened differently than what I thought, since I didn't see the preview but read about it here.  I thought Lomax would stumble across Olivia and get pissy.  At which point I would be on Olivia's side.  But Olivia took the baby with her to the a business meeting (seriously, she couldn't have handed him off to any of her staff), then proceeded to go ahead without telling the Mayor anything in advance.  I would have been ticked if I was the mayor.  It's a freakin' business meeting.  The baby shouldn't have been there to be breastfed.  


I like Emme Rylan, but she's not and never has been Lulu to me.  And she's not a good cryer.  



If Jordan actually throws Olivia in jail, I will have a rage blackout. IT'S LEGAL TO BREAST-FEED IN PUBLIC.

Security guy wasn't taking her away because of the breastfeeding but because Olivia was getting angry and upset at a public official and for all he knew she could have hauled off and slugged the Mayor.  Plus, she technically never breastfed since Lomas stopped her and they got into it.  

  • Love 5
It's a freakin' business meeting.


It was a spur-of-the-moment meeting; the mayor was at the restaurant and Olivia suggested they go over a few things since they were both there. The mayor could have said she'd rather meet when Olivia wasn't distracted.



Security guy wasn't taking her away because of the breastfeeding but because Olivia was getting angry and upset at a public official and for all he knew she could have hauled off and slugged the Mayor.


Olivia raised her voice. To a loud volume, but that's all it was. And given her "I'm a mother, hear me roar" attitude, to think she'd punch the mayor while holding her baby is dumb. But that's this show. Ham-fisted and dumb.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 8


Olivia raised her voice.

But she also stood up and was being rather aggressive, so I could see why the security detail made a grab for her.  



Was there a reason given I missed why a Mommy and Me yoga class would even be taking place at a hotel?

It's the only building in town?  Someone at some point blew up the community center?  



The mayor could have said she'd rather meet when Olivia wasn't distracted.

But Olivia could have handed the baby off to one of her staff.  

Regarding Krissy and the Professor: why do we assume the Professor is a "he"? Krissy never mentioned gender at all, referring to him/her as "Professor" or "Parker." Could this be the "fluid sexuality" storyline we were threatened with, um, promised?


I didn't think of that but it's very good spec.


Wheeeeeee! KEVIN is in tomorrow's previews.

Literally the only reason to watch today's ep.


Ava looked lovely today, both in her yoga gear and cocktail gear. I had to ffwd the Ava/Paul scenes though. They give me a serious case of the squicks. They're so icky.


I want Dante and Valerie dead. When Dante came in and was yelling at Lulu I hoped there'd be an avalanche and they'd all be killed. I like Lulu, but I'm willing to sacrifice her.


Ugh just everything about this ep was horrible tbh. I found it insulting. But I have only myself to blame. Why don't I just quit watching?!

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 6

I tuned in to see Robert and Anna. Great to see them together , then? Val telling Lulu she had a right to get in the middle of a marriage, and Lulu didn't do anything for her. Yuck. val is an ungreatful bitch. Lulu saved her ass, she took her in, she got the old. No good deed goes un -punished. Lulu told Johnny not to hurt the bitch. Dante is a pig. he slept with the pig, twice in his marriage bed. Lulu is the bad guy ? If Val wasn't so stupid she wouldn't have turned over the candle. Lulu took her life in her hands saving her. I can't believe I wasted an hour of my life watching this garbage. Just to see Robert Scorpio. While watching it, I kept shaking my head wondering why TIIC couldn't see the chemistry on screen. Now instead of Robert they will be putting Anna with the shrink No thanks. Taking votes. I like this Lulu didn't care for the other one at all. JMO>

  • Love 3

 Ava look lovely today, both in her yoga gear and cocktail gear. I had to ffwd the Ava/Paul scenes though. They give me a serious case of the squicks. They're so icky.


I never know what to do when they're in a scene together. If they were just having their gross sex, I could FF it, but they talk about business at the same time, so I feel like I have to listen to enough of the conversation to follow the story but then they start ... undulating, and I want to vomit and go blind.

  • Love 7

Lulu scheming with Johnny was not the best decision. It was impulsive and reckless, yes. But Dante set this whole ball of mess in motion by cheating on his wife and then lying about it. Instead of putting his marriage first and trying to work it out with Lulu, he waited one hot second before jumping back into his marriage bed with Val. And then he dated her! This whole storyline is a way to push Dante and Valerie closer together, making Lulu look the nut job who ruined their marriage. Mr. Self Righteous and Ms. Smug deserve each other. 

  • Love 6

Valerie had a boatload of smug and self-righteous, too. I absolutely despise this story on every level.


I don't care about Lulu all that much, but girl could fucking LIGHT Val on fire herself and I would be cheering her on.  If she says it was ALL 3 OF THEIR FAULTS one more time...And hey, did you guys know HER MOM DIED?



It's the only building in town?  Someone at some point blew up the community center?  



Yes, but only the basement blew up. 

  • Love 11

I don't care about Lulu all that much, but girl could fucking LIGHT Val on fire herself and I would be cheering her on.  If she says it was ALL 3 OF THEIR FAULTS one more time...And hey, did you guys know HER MOM DIED?


I almost wish she would. If you're gonna be bad, go balls to the wall with it. None of this sniveling for your cheating douchebag husband back. 


It's the same with Liz. If they're gonna be bad, just go for it.

  • Love 7

I liked the painting Ava brought Paul. That said, as hot as I find his smouldering evil, I cringed hard when he was playing with Ava's hair post coitus. It looked like he was trying to tangle it. ( I have curly hair and HAAAAATE when someone tries to run their fingers through it)

I liked the painting Ava brought Paul. That said, as hot as I find his smouldering evil, I cringed hard when he was playing with Ava's hair post coitus. It looked like he was trying to tangle it. ( I have curly hair and HAAAAATE when someone tries to run their fingers through it)


Lulu scheming with Johnny was not the best decision. It was impulsive and reckless, yes. But Dante set this whole ball of mess in motion by cheating on his wife and then lying about it. Instead of putting his marriage first and trying to work it out with Lulu, he waited one hot second before jumping back into his marriage bed with Val. And then he dated her!


Dante cheated on his wife after she disappeared with another man without a word to him. Yes, he should have prudently waited to confront her face-to-face. But he kept silent, believing it was a ONS that would not recur. Then it came out, and he didn't have a CHANCE to work on his marriage because Lulu wouldn't let him get a word in edgewise as she screamed self-righteously and then hit him with the separation papers, already signed by herself. Believing Lulu had officially dumped  the marriage and that they were separated, Dante took comfort again with Val and became more deeply involved with her. For her part, Val has never seemed like the scheming, teh evil seductress; she's alone and poor, and is trying to launch a difficult, demanding career in policework. Dante is a supporter who also has plenty of experience and advice for her chosen career.


But neither Val nor Dante ever went to the lengths of evil that Lulu did. Lulu went to the dark side, making a deal with a dangerous fugitive outlaw to get revenge for her pride. With malice aforethought (PREMEDITATION), Lulu deliberately gave a known criminal fugitive protection from the law, hiding him and then employing him (she brought cash to the cabin) for getting rid of Val. When she made her deal with the devil, Lulu didn't know what lengths criminal Johnny would go to. She did ask him not to kill Val, but apparently all kinds of assault, kidnapping, torture etc were not excluded. Val was to be Johnny's prey, and his mental state was questionable from the beginning. Deliberately conspiring to physically and mentally hurt someone (in a carte blanche of unspecified ways) goes far beyond a ONS that hurts a marriage partner's trust and love. Of course the ONS is wrong, and hurting the spouse that way undermines the marriage, but that deed does not equate with the physical and mental wrongdoing that Lulu was hatching with a fugitive criminal!

  • Love 1


If you're gonna be bad, go balls to the wall with it. None of this sniveling for your cheating douchebag husband back.


It's the same with Liz. If they're gonna be bad, just go for it.


If Val had died in that fire, the courts (or a jury) could very well assume that Johnny intended it; no one saw Valerie knock over the candle, and Val wouldn't be able to tell them. Johnny could have either tried to implicate Lulu or protect her from the consequences, but either way Lulu's life would have been ruined. She would lose her marriage, her child, her freedom as not just an accessory to murder but as a mindful plotter who paid the murderer and brought him his passport for escape. That's way too high a price for having one's pride hurt by adultery.


Edited to add: The forest rangers would quickly spot a fire that big, and Lulu would have had a good chance of being discovered and apprehended there. And if her cell phone was destroyed by the fire, the police would still subpoena the phone company for records of calls and texts if a death occurred,

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 1

Awwww. Off-screen Scrubs continue to slay me. They got a new house! And they're happy there! And it has 4 bedrooms! Clearly for a new baby, shut up! *cries*


The three bedroom house next door to me on the outskirts of Berkeley went for $1 Million last year, in need of extensive renovations. I hope Helena paid Robin well for all that indentured servitude!

Edited by TheGourmez
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