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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Didn't Carly orchestrate that shooting?


Yeah, and IIRC there WERE cameras up there which Carly had disabled so she could have Franco shot. 


What a stupid episode.  Seriously?  Either Hayden is a very good actress or she really is batshit crazy to be in love with a man that tried to have her killed.  And Laura...STFU.  Your douchebag son is no innocent victim so you don't get to act all outraged when something bad happens to him because of it.  Fuck you and fuck your apologies.  Liz stay thirsty....I love how Jason was like, "what do you want?"  And of course she pulled out the mother fucking Jake card again.   And everyone looking at her like a fucking hero for saving douche's life....Or I know, there were at least 2 doctors in the ballroom RIGHT INSIDE that could have helped, but I guess Monica and Dr O met their episode maximum's for the year.


I don't have an issue with the Sam/Sonny scenes.  They randomly have them every once in a while.  I wouldn't say they are friends, but they are friendly.  Usually.   I just found it weird that Carly brought her home from the gala with her like a stray puppy.  They couldn't have written a better way to get Sam and Sonny together ina scene?

  • Love 8


Lila was also an enabler who allowed Edward to abuse her children and (most of her) grandchildren

Lila often called Edward on his behavior. Nor would I agree that Edward Abused his children and grandchildren. We never saw him lay a hand on them, nor was he verbally abusive, since the Q's all acted at the top of their lungs and most times Edward got as good as he gave. What he was was like many men of his generation, hard, hard on himself and hard on his children. He molded them into strong and capable human beings. In fact we could do with more fathers like Edward now a days, who take no gruff, whose place as head of the family is secure and who act, as best they can in the best interest of their families weather the family likes it or not. Being a father is not nor should it ever be a popularity contest,

  • Love 1

Are they really going with Dante and Valarie as a couple now? I don't understand anything about that story.


I don't know. Dante is obviously just using her as a booty call (although one he cares about, but not taking it as seriously as her). If they want Lante apart, I wish they'd move Valerie and dante on to other people. imo, obviously, but the writing has pretty much ruined them as a potential couple.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 4

Well Liz only said that she won't blame Jason for not believing in her but she will be there for him since he's Jake's dad.  She wasn't saying haha sucker you can't get rid of me because I'm your baby mama.  I agree that the Sam/Sonny/Carly scenes were weird.  Why does Carly have such a hard on for Sam? Is it because she knows that when Jason is with Sam, Carly's place in Jason's life is secure and she questions her place if Jason is with anyone else?


And ugh...why can't Liz be free?????

Edited by tallyrand
  • Love 4

I don't know. Dante is obviously just using her as a booty call. If they want Lante apart, I wish they'd move Valerie and dante on to other people. imo, obviously, but the writing has pretty much ruined them as a potential couple.

Yeah, there's just no way they can be a viable couple with the way they started IMO. I've never been a Lante fan, but I don't understand how they can go from Lulu basically being Dante's world for years, to him just no longer giving a shit about her.


Well Liz only said that she won't blame Jason for not believing in her but she will be there for him since he's Jake's dad.  She wasn't saying haha sucker you can't get rid of me because I'm your baby mama.  I agree that the Sam/Sonny/Carly scenes were weird.  Why does Carly have such a hard on for Sam? Is it because she knows that when Jason is with Sam, Carly's place in Jason's life is secure and she questions her place if Jason is with anyone else?


And ugh...why can't Liz be free?????


Totally agree. She wasn't using Jake to try and get Jason back, or to manipulate him. She just told him that she would always be there for him because he was Jake's father. I mean like it or not, they will have to co parent and co exist with each other because of Jake. 

  • Love 3

Carly, for the love of Pete, shut up.  


Carly:  Jason would never lose control and hurt someone


WTF?  That's his entire resume.


I get that Hayden's a lying liar who's pants are on fire, but is it really a stretch that Jason would shove Nik over the balcony seeing as Nik kept his identity a secret for months?  It's not that far of a stretch Jordan.  


So Johnny's plan is to make it look like Val's on the take?  Because no one will follow the bread crumbs from JOhnny to Lulu?  And could his minion have taken a long enough time putting together his camera.  Eesh.  

  • Love 15

So Johnny's plan is to make it look like Val's on the take?  Because no one will follow the bread crumbs from JOhnny to Lulu?  And could his minion have taken a long enough time putting together his camera.  Eesh.  


And how did Valerie and Dante not notice them staring? There was nothing blocking them.


I would have enjoyed Dante in his wee cop uniform if he hadn't been with That Girl (tm Brenda). But seriously, every word out of his mouth is so meaningless now I was mad at Lulu for accepting his hug. And they've turned him into such a wimp. He needs to man up and stop coddling Valerie every time she gets upset that he doesn't give her a "choo-choo-choose" card.


Laura giving advice to Lulu once is fine, but then stop harping on it. She's a grown woman and Laura has no proof. Enough. Go rag on Dante for sleeping with Valerie instead.


There was more people at the hospital hub than at the toys for tots gala.


Today the credits listed Emme Rylan as Morgan Corinthos. Watch out Brydog! Your replacement is lined up already! 


ETA: It's amazing how 11 years after their affair, Sonny/Sam scenes are still always pretty damn awkward.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 6

LOL at Valerie and Dante being "discreet."


I can't tell you how glad I am we got another look at Nik throwing himself over the railing. LOL that his neck is in trouble again. I'm sure they'll operate through his stomach to fix it.


Nor would I agree that Edward Abused his children and grandchildren.


I'd say Edward was emotionally abusive: He constantly pitted his children and grandchildren against one another. That's not being hard on them, that's manipulative and gross. Tracy was never good enough because she was a woman; Alan was a failure because he chose to be a doctor instead of following Edward into ELQ; Ned was a loser for wanting to be a rock star; AJ and Jason were constantly lacking in some way. How is that not abuse?


Why does Carly have such a hard on for Sam? Is it because she knows that when Jason is with Sam, Carly's place in Jason's life is secure and she questions her place if Jason is with anyone else?


Probably. For all her insistence that she and Jason are BFFs, she has to constantly remind people of it, so I think she might deep down wonder if it's really true.


Why is Dante in uniform? He's a detective.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 5

Why is Dante in uniform? He's a detective.


Maybe he was officially representing the station at the church or something like that? 

I feel bad for Jason; literally none of this is his fault which is the hilarious part. Nik/Liz/Helena/Whoever just keeps putting him through the ringer and than somehow he's in the wrong too. 


Didn't he throw the first punch? Nikolas was annoying but Jason gave into the obvious bait.

  • Love 3

Nope. Nikolas grabbed and punched Jason first. You can view it again here:


Ah, okay. Thanks. 


Okay, between the cut Scorpio scenes yesterday and this tweet


Frank Valentini ‏@valentinifrank  2h2 hours ago

Beautiful scenes with Valerie and Dante today...@_Brytni @dom_zamprogna @GeneralHospital #GH


I feel like we need to do some kind of "on the 12 days of Christmas Frank Valentini gave to me"


- 12 scrapped Scorpio scenes


- 11 dumbass Dantes


- 10 creepy Paul/Ava sex scenes


Please feel free to continue

  • Love 11

That fight is hilarious. And yes, that's all Nik's doing. But the best part is Jason shoulder-checking him off the balcony.





I feel like we need to do some kind of "on the 12 days of Christmas Frank Valentini gave to me"


"On the First Day of Christmas, Frank Valentini gave to meee...


You know what? Fuck that guy!"

Edited by Dandesun
  • Love 19

How dare the show actually give Liz some praise!


If they wanted to improve Lizard Liez they could start by not having her act like a hateful, delusional, pitiful, whiny stupid bitch. Having her save someone who fell off a roof a mere week after being exposed is such a cheap and ridiculous way to improve her image. Besides, I'm not sure saving Nik is something that should be praised.

  • Love 10



Frank Valentini ‏@valentinifrank  2h2 hours ago

Beautiful scenes with Valerie and Dante today...@_Brytni @dom_zamprogna @GeneralHospital #GH


Jesus, Frank it's a little early to get started on the holiday drinking.


Valerie is one of the most insanely passive aggressive characters. She and Dante not too long ago had a conversation about what their relationship would be and Dante explicitly told her he had no idea where it was going or how long it would last and Valerie accepted his scraps with a simpering smile and now she sits there and talks about how she's not a fan of uncertainty?! And she keeps pestering him to clarify what their relationship is or means to him and then says with a straight face that she's not trying to pressure him. Ha!


Ugh, I wish Lulu hadn't accepted Dante's pity hug since minutes before he was slobbering over her cousin and telling her how special their relationship could be.


I've defended Hayden before but her behavior was insane today. It would be one thing if Nik were conscious and I thought she was lying about Nik provoking Jason to keep on his good side, but it didn't seem like that was what was going on. At least she managed to pipe down and look guilty when Lulu tried to defend her brother as never plotting anyone's murder.


Ugh, now Liz is being praised as a hero. I hated that lame close-up and smile when Laura thanked Liz for saving Nik's life. She didn't do anything that anyone with a hankie and two hands couldn't have done. I did have to laugh at that pathetic hug at the end. Does anyone know if Jason was still in handcuffs. It would make me laugh even more if he still was and that was basically the only way she could get a hug from him when he was basically defenseless.


Both Liz and Carly could shut up about Jason not attacking anyone unprovoked. Nik definitely baited him on the roof, but the other day Jason pretty much punched Nik unprovoked (not that Nik didn't deserve it.) Jason is not some non-violent innocent little lamb.

  • Love 10

Valerie is one of the most insanely passive aggressive characters. She and Dante not too long ago had a conversation about what their relationship would be and Dante explicitly told her he had no idea where it was going or how long it would last and Valerie accepted his scraps with a simpering smile and now she sits there and talks about how she's not a fan of uncertainty?! And she keeps pestering him to clarify what their relationship is or means to him and then says with a straight face that she's not trying to pressure him. Ha!


Dante's mistress needs to be sedated. These stupid writers can't be stupid enough to think stupid Dante and his stupid mistress are at all rootable. 

  • Love 5

Dante's mistress needs to be sedated. These stupid writers can't be stupid enough to think stupid Dante and his stupid mistress are at all rootable. 


They keep talking about how Dante and Lulu love each other in the magazines and they will find their way back, etc etc, but at this point Dante is gonna have to find his way back on his knees on a long road of burning coals. With some glass mixed in.

  • Love 21
With Olivia getting shot on that terrace, why doesn't Snarly have a camera there?

I think the answer to that question is answered in the body of your sentence. Carly could give 2 clicks about ant of Sonny's other wimmins.
I turned in this week to see Robin......dragging this out as long as possible.....my admiration for all of you still watching knows no bounds.
  • Love 2

They keep talking about how Dante and Lulu love each other in the magazines and they will find their way back, etc etc, but at this point Dante is gonna have to find his way back on his knees on a long road of burning coals. With some glass mixed in.


Yeah, I'm already guessing that the eventual Lante reunion will be shoddy at best. The thing is... they keep pushing these scenes where Dante tells Valerie about their special connection and how there is something real between them. If that's the case, why would a Dante/Lulu fan want them back together? Currently, it seems to be about making Dante/Val be 'connected' while Lulu's the angry, vengeful one focusing her ire on poor orphaned Valerie (she lost her mom, you know.) As per usual, the writers and show runners seem to have absolutely no idea how to write a rootable couple that matters to each other.


If I care about Lulu, why do I want her with this husband who has basically tossed her aside and is canoodling her cousin in the park whilst talking about their special connection? If I care about Valerie, why do I want her with this guy who can't seem to definitively say what he wants and seems more interested in having it both ways or just spending time with her until he's made a decision about his marriage? If I care about Dante... why would I care about Dante? This guy bears little resemblance to him.


It's just a fucking mess.

  • Love 15

If they wanted to improve Lizard Liez they could start by not having her act like a hateful, delusional, pitiful, whiny stupid bitch. Having her save someone who fell off a roof a mere week after being exposed is such a cheap and ridiculous way to improve her image. Besides, I'm not sure saving Nik is something that should be praised.

Well I don't think she's any of those things, and considering this show spent the last year destroying her in the name of Jasam, it's nice to see her get some praise for being a good nurse.

  • Love 3

Oy with today's episode.


Carly, STFU. You weren't there - you don't *know* what happened. Thank God Jordan was there.


Liz is a nurse - why was she yelling for help? Just dial 911.


Uh oh, Laura still has that head 'o hair. wtf? I did, however, *love* the death stare she gave Jason at the hospital - lol.


And I also lol-ed at Sam's 'oh for fuck's sake' look when she saw Jiz kind of hugging.

  • Love 6

They keep talking about how Dante and Lulu love each other in the magazines and they will find their way back, etc etc, but at this point Dante is gonna have to find his way back on his knees on a long road of burning coals. With some glass mixed in.


And meanwhile, I was just about turning around on Valerie when she seemed over Dante after the candy mix-up, but now they're throwing this character - who, with some actual good writing, could have been a good addition to this family and this canvas - into the wood chipper to give Dante and Lulu angst they're already assuring fans if fleeting.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 3

I think a lot of Liz's story has been OOC, but that train sailed a year ago. I have no hope Nik will get even a quarter of the contempt Liz is getting, so I don't really care if her "redemption" is half-assed. Everything else about this fakakta show is.


I guess I should feel grateful that Sam mentioned Nik's complicity today.

  • Love 2

At this point I would take a brain tumor or gas leak to explain whatever has gone on with both Dante and Lulu. Her "scheme" with Johnny to get rid of Val is beneath her.


I get that they are desperate to keep this slapped-together Red Dot Special mess afloat as long as possible til some talk show takes off but leaning in on Julexis as the central mature happy couple is not viable. I simply do not buy Julian out of the mob, let alone as a heroic presence. And it's sad, because there are still things on the show that work or could work despite the fact that it's an even bigger or at least far more boring shitshow than it was 5-6 months ago.


I think it's a mistake if they send Emma off with Patrick and Robin. I'd let her go away a few months then bring her back and let her stay with Anna for school, similar to what Robin did with Mac (granted, her parents 'died' but whatever). I'd also probably recast because Brooklyn Silzer has good and very bad days - she can be almost natural or she can be super-cloying, there's not much in-between. But I think it would be good for Anna to have a youngster around to bounce off of and I think you could maybe age her up a little.


Sonny and Carly have never been less relevant. What a waste of Laura Wright. But honestly, almost every woman on the show feels underserved now. Jane Elliot is pining away for Evil Paul and getting her heart broken in a hotel room; Maura West is in an insta-lust relationship with Evil Paul and spends the rest of her time weeping about her girls and how much she hates being bad even though Ava loves being bad. Finola Hughes is sort of coming back but since she's onto Paul her story seems poised to end at any moment. Jordan is a nonentity and always has been. Maxie has good days and unspeakable days. Lulu I've talked about, Valerie has been destroyed, Sabrina's story went below the basement with this baby shit and she's probably gone. Let's see, who else? Sam is Sam, whatever, I don't care that much but she's fine at this point. Liz is a flaming disaster and now she's tied to Franco. Laura puts in good work but still has no story. Rebecca Budig puts in good work but still has no good reason to be here. Nina is Nina and some slightly winning chemistry with Maxie at Crimson is not enough to fix that character. And then there's Kiki - they've managed to somehow almost make her a character, but it's still Kiki.


Then there's the Davis girls/mother. They don't care about anything but Julexis in that sphere so why should I?


Also, I'm sorry because I'm sure everyone's said this 50 times in the last 24 hours, but the Scorpios reacted like "dead" Robin was in another castle. There is no way either parent would have let Jerry Jacks live before they knew the truth. They should've shot him in the gut and he could've escaped in the confusion.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 10
I think it's a mistake if they send Emma off with Patrick and Robin.


I disagree. The kiddie romance follies are blessedly over. Add to the fact that Emma was wailing for her mother, and it makes no sense whatsoever considering all the mother/daughter time missed that Emma and Robin would easily be separated again.


If the kids are aged to teens down the line, assuming GH has that long, Emma can come back a few years down the line. But for now, I think it is a natural conclusion for Emma as well as her parents. If the show needs a younger preteen female to focus upon, let's see Joss regain her bratty persona and give her mother hell.

  • Love 11

I think it's a mistake if they send Emma off with Patrick and Robin. I'd let her go away a few months then bring her back and let her stay with Anna for school, similar to what Robin did with Mac (granted, her parents 'died' but whatever). I'd also probably recast because Brooklyn Silzer has good and very bad days - she can be almost natural or she can be super-cloying, there's not much in-between. But I think it would be good for Anna to have a youngster around to bounce off of and I think you could maybe age her up a little.


I'll tie this into something I've been saying for a while.  Emma goes off with Patrick and Robin for a while, and while she's off-canvas, you SORAS Cameron into a younger teen and play all the beats with Liz (and, in my dreams, Lucky) I've mentioned before.  


Then, you have Emma come live with Anna because Patrick and Robin have enrolled in the Jeff and No Name Webber Doctoring Abroad Where Teens Can't Come program and play an actual young adult love story with Cam, maybe with a devious Joss on the side.

  • Love 2

I think Emma should go off with Patrick and Robin but come back for frequent visits with Anna and invisible Great Uncle Mac.   Once a month ought to do it, really.


It will give Anna something to do in addition to having unsatisfying relationships with men who are neither Robert nor Duke, and investigating crimes she's not allowed to really solve because the mob crap and Legion of Doom shit must keep going at all costs, apparently.  


(Actually Anna should run off with Robert and neither they nor Robin should ever return to the Port Charles hell dimension, but of course I'm not begrudging FH a paycheck ....  ) 

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