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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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. First, for seemingly having no concern that her traumatized grandson is holding onto this secret....and instead is calling him a liar. And second, for all her grand posturing and high and mighty bullshit to Liz about how Wrong and horrible this secret is....if you are not prepared to do the right thing, than nothing that comes out of your mouth can be taken seriously. Keeping this secret was shitty enough, but now she is actively complicit...running to her gross son 

I'm not judging Laura yet re: Jake because why would she address being concerned about traumatized Jake to Sam of all people. Sam doesn't care about Jake except that he mattered/matters to Jason and that she wanted her own son to have another living connection to his awesome dead Daddy (her attitude prior to the reveal).  Also, Laura didn't say oh, you can never believe anything Jake says - she just refused to deal with Sam trying to confront her. Laura has (naively) hoped to push/encourage Liz to come clean; she loves Liz due to their past and also I think has some guilt about Liz raising those boys without her own son being there as an active father. She loves Nikolas, feels guilt about him being raised by the Cassadines (without her maternal nurturing), and I believe lives in denial about Nik's ability to go full-on evil Cassadine. 


Laura has expressed feeling guilt about keeping this from Monica, due to her history with Alan, Monica, Edward. I would buy her struggling with guilt and feeling compelled to tell the truth far more if she ran into Monica somewhere. But for me, her being loyal to Liz and Nikolas instead of telling Sam what she wants to know makes sense. 

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 5

Laura has expressed feeling guilt about keeping this from Monica, due to her history with Alan, Monica, Edward. I would buy her struggling with guilt and feeling compelled to tell the truth far more if she ran into Monica somewhere. But for me, her being loyal to Liz and Nikolas instead of telling Sam what she wants to know makes sense.


Sadly, Monica has probably exceeded her Quartermaine quota for the year.  But a scene between Laura and Monica would be fun, I can't remember the last time they interacted.


But yeah, I agree that Laura being loyal to Liz and Nikolas versus giving them up to Sam makes sense.

  • Love 3

I'm not judging Laura yet re: Jake because why would she address being concerned about traumatized Jake to Sam of all people. 


She doesn't have to talk to Sam about Dead Now Alive Jake. She should be talking to his so-called mother about him, though. She tried to get Liez to send DNAJ to therapy, but only once or twice. That's not enough. If Liez isn't going to make sure her child gets the help he so clearly and desperately needs then Laura needs to do something. Otherwise, she's just as complicit as Liez is in neglecting the boy, at least to me. 


Laura's continued loyalty to Nik and Liez is foolish and dangerous. 

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 7

She doesn't have to talk to Sam about Dead Now Alive Jake. She should be talking to his so-called mother about him, though. She tried to get Liez to send DNAJ to therapy, but only once or twice. That's not enough. If Liez isn't going to make sure her child gets the help he so clearly and desperately needs then Laura needs to do something. Otherwise, she's just as complicit as Liez is in neglecting the boy, at least to me.

Laura's continued loyalty to Nik and Liez is foolish and dangerous.

Considering her own mental health issues as I stated before, she should NOT be keeping this secret. As long as she is, she can have a Coke and a smile and shut the fuck up. To everybody. If she cared about her grandchildren she wouldn't have let Liez bring a married man into their home, let them get attached, knowing he has another family out there. If Laura should have any loyalty it should be to the most innocent victims, the children. I never in a million years would think she would let what her crazy ass son and pathetic excuse for a daughter in law are doing to all the kids involved in this clusterfuck continue.

  • Love 7

I've got a nice bottle of Pinot left over from T-Day if you run out.  I'll watch when I get home 6-ish.  So speak up now.  It'll probably be gone by 7.


I did love the bitch-off between Liz/Carly.  Both BH and LW can play snarky shrew, claws out, beeyotches.  BM is a decent actor but he's too subtle.  Jason should be conflicted not  "OK....whateves".  


I'm still trying to wrap my brain around JT going to Y&R to play Billy Abbott.  We'll see......


Loved Nina's dress and the hair, too.  Who knew Cookie was a stylist in her spare time away from "Lyon Dynasty'?

  • Love 3

Forget Sam's sordid past, Liz is the supreme fucking con woman. My god. I know, I know, Jason brought up Carly first, but the way Liz manipulated it was nausea inducing. If Jason hadn't said it, I have no doubt Liz would have found a way to work in that big mean Carly bullied her. Ugh, this secret can't come out fast enough, I NEED this psycho to fall.

And Nikolas....love how he doesn't want to lose his assets or his family....notice which one came first? If he gave a fig about his family he wouldn't have screwed over his cousin so royally.

Laura earned a few points back for actually voicing disgust with herself over what she said about little Jake. But only a few.

Oh Sam. Just cut ties with Patrick already. You are fooling yourself.

My thoughts are with San Bernardino right now. As someone who has worked in the developmentally disabled, I am in shock. First children, now special needs. I am scared for this world.

  • Love 14

The entire town of PC needs to be in therapy, but it never happens. Look at how Morgan waffles between agreeing to being evaluated and then being an asshat about it. And that's just for diagnostic purposes. We have a contract shrink; let's use him. Oh, wait, his guarantee is for only two days a month, and he has to talk to Anna on those days. Otherwise we wouldn't see FH, either. 


Good grief, this show can't get anything right.


And Nikolas....love how he doesn't want to lose his assets or his family....notice which one came first? If he gave a fig about his family he wouldn't have screwed over his cousin so royally.

Or the woman he claims is one of his closest friends. As with many other characters, I don't get what they're doing with Nik. Is he embracing his Cassadine side for good? Is he being a douche because he hasn't had sex in a while? He cried over Helena's death, ffs, and there was no conflict over it. 

  • Love 5

Loved Tracy's fabulous clothes/jacket, jewelry and "slow-cooking wiles" line to Hayden. LOL. It's awesome seeing Tracy being intense and passionate about her family company instead of her loser ex.


Sam and Patrick fighting, showing actual emotion, is the most interesting the two have ever been together in a scene. I figure HeatLifer is a teensy bit pleased that Sam throws Robin in Patrick's face, he looks down and away and doesn't respond to that. That's at least a small acknowledgement from JT that he understands his character is being a douche. Sam and Patrick being truly, genuinely angry at each other is a nice change from the we're perfection blah blah blah stuff. I was wondering if they would clash over Liz, and they did. Did anyone else interpret Patrick's response to Sam as "I don't give a damn if Elizabeth actually has been lying to Jason, me and you for the past year - you're supposed to love me. But you're not acting like it - all you want is for Jason to come running back to you."  


Are the hair/makeup people having some competition between them as to who's hair looks worse, Carly's or Maxie's? Yeesh. 


Genie did a fabulous job with Laura's anger and fear for/about Nikolas today. But I'm a Genie fan, so I acknowledge bias. :)


Becky did a great job of showing Liz is still capable of being the woman fans remember, not just the cartoon OTT schemer she's been written as since Nik told her the truth. 


Side note: LOL!!! @ Nik's WTF look in response to Hayden telling them she's falling in love with him. 

  • Love 4

Jason is right back on course to be my most hated character on this show, and that's saying something considering the condition it's currently in.


He truly does deserve being trapped in a marriage with a loon like Liz, determined to manipulate and twist and turn his life upside down at her will.


I have no words for Liz. Can Cameron just hit puberty already and start setting things on fire again?


Patrick puts the "P" in prat, as in he is the most pathetic, poncing prat who needs to be backhanded across the face a million times.


His insecurities are laughable considering all he's ever done to his love interests, including his wife, wife to be, and past girlfriends.


The shoe is now on the other foot and it's firmly wedged up his smug ass, so now he cries his man tears and feels all by his lonesome because his so called "lady love" might just be on the verge of wanting to resurrect her marriage to her own spouse just like he did because what she has with him doesn't compare to what they did in her mind, which he knew all along but thought he could at least usurp a dead man.


His weaseling victim's act of manipulation is the height of loathsomeness and that Sam actually stood there and took it, trying to "prove" herself to him...ye gods! I just cannot...


Because we just can't be over and done with this tripe, I know they wouldn't write it in, but really all Sam had to do was plant a bug in the castle, or better yet tell Jason "I am Batman" Morgan to do it and they'd have the truth ten times over.


They just refuse to make her a half decent P.I. when it counts.


I forgot that Dillon was even still on the show and I am now sad I was reminded.  A


 There was a Tracy sighting at least and I'll take what I can get, especially if she isn't around her new "mob man" Paul.


Michelle has already cranked up her act to 11 playing the Nina with "newfound confidence" or whatever the hell it's supposed to be.


The situation in San Bernardino just reminds me of how very trivial and unimportant this show really is. My thoughts and prayers with all the victims and their families. May those animals be caught, dead or alive, before they can do further harm.

  • Love 7

I figure HeatLifer is a teensy bit pleased that Sam throws Robin in Patrick's face, he looks down and away and doesn't respond to that. That's at least a small acknowledgement from JT that he understands his character is being a douche.

At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what JT does. They're still not allowing the character to have a POV beyond Sam and Sam and Sam and Sam. He hasn't said a word about Robin but to say she was a mistake and to roll his eyes at her having PTSD.

Frank and Co. are being pettty. It's not a coincidence anymore. It's too late in the game for excuses. They are purposely shitting on Patrick and, by extension, Robin and all their history. And for what exactly? Samtrick's love? Really?

  • Love 5

Just reading this and remembering it all is sending me into a rage blackout. Why Julian hasn't killed Franco yet for what he did to Sam is beyond me. He's pathetic.


I'll tell you why, because Julian and Alexis can't be bothered to really exert themselves for Sam. Sam drops everything to run to Julian when he's accused of shooting Sonny. When Sam finds out Jason is alive? 


Yet another reason for me to hate these two.

  • Love 1

I know, plot point, but it sucks that everyone including her fiance is treating the situation like Sam has no right to feel like HER life has been turned upside down by all of this, too, and just because she happens to be in a relationship currently, she should move on from Jason immediately and stop wanting him to remember their life or any of his memories. She better get to smack everyone when this is over. And everyone includes Patrick.

  • Love 9

I know, plot point, but it sucks that everyone including her fiance is treating the situation like Sam has no right to feel like HER life has been turned upside down by all of this, too, and just because she happens to be in a relationship currently, she should move on from Jason immediately and stop wanting him to remember their life or any of his memories. She better get to smack everyone when this is over. And everyone includes Patrick.

I need her to just get away from Jason, his crazy fiancé Liz, Patrick, hell everybody.

Sam needs to just pack up Danny and just take a break away from all the bullshyt.

  • Love 5

I'll tell you why, because Julian and Alexis can't be bothered to really exert themselves for Sam. Sam drops everything to run to Julian when he's accused of shooting Sonny. When Sam finds out Jason is alive? 


Yet another reason for me to hate these two.


Speaking of, has Julian even MENTIONED whats going on with Sam right now?  Even a passing "How's Sam?" when he sees Alexis would suffice.  I ff some of their stuff, so I am honestly asking.


Uh oh....Liason did the deed today.  Cue either a real pregnancy or Liz faking one to keep Jason after she is exposed.  Maybe even sleeping with Nikolas and trying to pass that spawn off as Jason's.....Just spec, obviously....but it's classic soap.

She does have class; she didn't bring up Sam throwing herself at her son, Lucky and having an affair with him while he was married to Elizabeth, as well as Sam going to the Spencer home (Laura's) and taunting Liz that Jake was probably dead when he had been kidnapped ... all because of Sam's unhealthy love of/hatred for Jason when their relationship ended. I really wish someone would bring up how things were ugly between Sam and Jason yet again in that last year, until that night they got back together and brought Danny home. Sam doesn't have any high ground when she's pining for Jason while intending to sex up Patrick, and continuing to live with Patrick and Emma as a family.  


Laura doesn't owe Sam a thing. 


I also have no favorite in the "who gets Jason sweepstakes" although I admittedly find Sam/Jason more ... endurable than Liz/Jason. Other than that, the above in bold typifies why I hate this triangle. Jason is a fucking hitman but for some reason two women could easily do better, and have done better, behave in the manner of heinous heifers when their access to Jason's peen is blocked. Extra points when it involves children. Yes, it pisses me off when Carly lists Liz's heinous acts while letting Sam's slide but I'd feel the same way if it was Sam who was being read for filth while Liz nobly pines for her beloved. It was rancid before but now that Carly's making it all about Jason getting back in touch with his inner hitman it's 10,000 times worse.


I didn't mind Laura not telling Sam "the truth" since I don't expect Laura to put anyone before Nik. 


PS: I thought GV's Lucky and Sam were hella hot together. 

Edited by JaneDigby
  • Love 1

Patrick was stunningly awful today. But that being said those were the best Sam/Patrick scenes since they got together.


Laura's hate for Hayden makes me feel so much rage. It's so ridiculous. I really hope they allow Hayden to fuck over Nik and not have her truly fall in love with him.


I hate to admit this, but I thought the Morgan/Sonny scenes were pretty good.


I still enjoy the Nina/Maxie Crimson stuff. It's stupid, but I have fun with it. I'm somewhat intrigued by Ensign Mayo (is that the name, I forget!) being brought into the mix tbh.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3
There are no words for how Patrick acted today, and that was just me reading the live play-play-play tweets. So Patrick doesn't think it matters if people lied and manipulated Jason for months, what does that have to do with him and Sam's life now?


Patrick has been a prick for a while now, but his reaction to the possibility that Nik and Liz might have known about Jason's true identity was glaringly cold and self-serving. How could Patrick think anyone would be okay with them keeping this a secret for months and lying to everyone and basically telling Sam that none of it really matters? Because he's a selfish idiot that's why.

  • Love 6

Speaking of, has Julian even MENTIONED whats going on with Sam right now? Even a passing "How's Sam?" when he sees Alexis would suffice. I ff some of their stuff, so I am honestly asking.

Uh oh....Liason did the deed today. Cue either a real pregnancy or Liz faking one to keep Jason after she is exposed. Maybe even sleeping with Nikolas and trying to pass that spawn off as Jason's.....Just spec, obviously....but it's classic soap.

But she already has his kid. Why would that make a difference? The financial burden of more kids? Maybe they should have her have twins, GH has never done that before. Twins maybe I could see some guilt over. And it should be Nik's, for sure.

I'll tell you why, because Julian and Alexis can't be bothered to really exert themselves for Sam. Sam drops everything to run to Julian when he's accused of shooting Sonny. When Sam finds out Jason is alive? 


Yet another reason for me to hate these two.



To me it's not a "they can't be bothered" issue, it's a "they aren't written to do it" issue, which has been the case since forever with this show. Family is always treated off the cuff by these ridiculous writers.


I would love to see a scene with Julian going to see Sam and basically offering her not only his love and support but also getting in Patrick's face that he needs to take a step back and stop berating and heaping guilt by the ton upon his daughter. I think William really enjoys working with Kelly and vice versa, but they have no say over how or when their characters get to interact.


I do not believe for a second that Julian would pick playing games with the Nina and ignoring his civic duty of killing the SERIAL KILLER over getting to actually be a doting father to the daughter he's been desperately trying to impress and win over for nearly two years now. It's just shitty writing, imho.


And it isn't just Julian or Alexis, but Sam has had no scenes with Lucas (who?) either, her brother who would certainly be someone willing to take her side and let her vent and rant and rave and be a sympathetic ear. But where is he? It's nonsense, the whole lot of it. Sam may as well be an island unto herself right now, orphaned and utterly alone.

  • Love 8

LeftPhalange, if you remember what the previews were, can you say what they were? Thanks in advance.


The last 15 minutes were interrupted where I live for breaking news coverage so I didn't see any previews.


Uh oh....Liason did the deed today.  Cue either a real pregnancy or Liz faking one to keep Jason after she is exposed.  Maybe even sleeping with Nikolas and trying to pass that spawn off as Jason's.....Just spec, obviously....but it's classic soap.


Ugh. Ugh. If Liez gets knocked up again...just fucking no. And if she gets pregnant again AND lies about his/her paternity...I will have a blackout. 

  • Love 1

Patrick has been a prick for a while now, but his reaction to the possibility that Nik and Liz might have known about Jason's true identity was glaringly cold and self-serving. How could Patrick think anyone would be okay with them keeping this a secret for months and lying to everyone and basically telling Sam that none of it really matters? Because he's a selfish idiot that's why.

More like Patrick is only allowed to have one thought, one POV, one motivation: Sammy is MINE!

  • Love 3

Like I said, I still feel Sam is complicit in this shit. Yes, her husband is back. And she should get time.


But get out of PATRICK'S home and make it clear she needs to be alone. And STOP ENCOURAGING HIS DOUCHINESS with her ILYs when she clearly isn't all in. Patrick was a prick here, but with no right? That, I just can't buy into.

  • Love 4

Speaking of, has Julian even MENTIONED whats going on with Sam right now? Even a passing "How's Sam?" when he sees Alexis would suffice. I ff some of their stuff, so I am honestly asking.

Uh oh....Liason did the deed today. Cue either a real pregnancy or Liz faking one to keep Jason after she is exposed. Maybe even sleeping with Nikolas and trying to pass that spawn off as Jason's.....Just spec, obviously....but it's classic soap.


  • Love 2

Like I said, I still feel Sam is complicit in this shit. Yes, her husband is back. And she should get time.


But get out of PATRICK'S home and make it clear she needs to be alone. And STOP ENCOURAGING HIS DOUCHINESS with her ILYs when she clearly isn't all in. Patrick was a prick here, but with no right? That, I just can't buy into.


The thing is - what is implied by Sam's current attitude/actions is that Sam is actually wishing for a different outcome. If Liz had told the truth, Sam and Jason would've tried (and possibly failed) to work it out. Either way, she wouldn't be living with and engaged to Patrick and that is the thing that they both need to acknowledge and she should move the frik out while figuring that out

  • Love 4


I'll tell you why, because Julian and Alexis can't be bothered to really exert themselves for Sam. Sam drops everything to run to Julian when he's accused of shooting Sonny. When Sam finds out Jason is alive?


Like CPP83 mentioned it's on the writers for not bothering to remember that Sam and Julian are related. It makes no sense for Julian and Alexis to not have discussed this on-screen. But as far as Alexis is concerned after the Jason reveal she spent almost an entire episode just being a shoulder for Sam to lean on and give her advice about what to do about Jason and Patrick. And just yesterday she stopped by at a moment's notice when Patrick summoned her about the divorce. So, no, Alexis has not ignored her daughter.



But get out of PATRICK'S home and make it clear she needs to be alone. And STOP ENCOURAGING HIS DOUCHINESS with her ILYs when she clearly isn't all in. Patrick was a prick here, but with no right? That, I just can't buy into.


No, I don't think Patrick has a right to be this douche-y. I'm not a fan of Samtrick, and as devoid of romantic chemistry as I find them, it's been stated and shown repeatedly that she does love Patrick, but just not as much as she loves Jason, but she has committed to seeing this through with Patrick. That doesn't mean her feelings for Jason just stop or that she doesn't have a right to want to look out for his best interests or that Patrick can't be patient when he's been through this exact same thing before, instead of whining about Jason being in Sam's life or forcing her to get a divorce on his timetable.



Laura's hate for Hayden makes me feel so much rage. It's so ridiculous. I really hope they allow Hayden to fuck over Nik and not have her truly fall in love with him.


Her attitude is annoying as fuck. She barely knows anything about Hayden. Yes, Hayden told a humongous lie, but so what. Nikolas had her shot in the head. And the fact that Laura knows this and is still so freaking snippy and judgmental and acting as if Hayden is this big villain in Nik's life is ludicrous.

  • Love 12
No, I don't think Patrick has a right to be this douche-y. I'm not a fan of Samtrick, and as devoid of romantic chemistry as I find them, it's been stated and shown repeatedly that she does love Patrick, but just not as much as she loves Jason, but she has committed to seeing this through with Patrick. That doesn't mean her feelings for Jason just stop or that she doesn't have a right to want to look out for his best interests


Okay. Then be HONEST and say she is torn. Instead it's all "I'm moving on with you!" when she clearly thinks of Jason. And is living in Patrick's home.


So we won't agree. I think Patrick has every right to NOT be patient here, especially when his daughter made it clear to him she is a wreck. If Patrick won't man up and end it for his own sake, do it for his kid.


And torn or not, consciously or not, Sam is using Patrick in some form. And she needs to be on her own to get her shit together. Why should Patrick stand for her wanting Jason when she still lives with him? There's being patient and being a pushover, and he has been the latter for a while now.

  • Love 1

Her attitude is annoying as fuck. She barely knows anything about Hayden. Yes, Hayden told a humongous lie, but so what. Nikolas had her shot in the head. And the fact that Laura knows this and is still so freaking snippy and judgmental and acting as if Hayden is this big villain in Nik's life is ludicrous.

So Laura confronted Nik and he admitted it? I remember Liz told Laura her suspicions; Nikolas later admitted it to Liz when they were alone and she pressed the issue. 



Okay. Then be HONEST and say she is torn. Instead it's all "I'm moving on with you!" when she clearly thinks of Jason. And is living in Patrick's home.

So we won't agree. I think Patrick has every right to NOT be patient here, especially when his daughter made it clear to him she is a wreck. If Patrick won't man up and end it for his own sake, do it for his kid.

And torn or not, consciously or not, Sam is using Patrick in some form. And she needs to be on her own to get her shit together. Why should Patrick stand for her wanting Jason when she still lives with him? There's being patient and being a pushover, and he has been the latter for a while now.


She has been honest. I think she's being a bit delusional about the situation, but she has made the decision that she is moving on with Patrick, but Jason is still her husband and Danny's father and she'll always care about him. If Patrick actually believes that Sam wants Jason, then he should man up and dump her. But if he's going to take her at her word that she wants to be with him then he needs to be patient and learn that Jason is going to be a part of their lives now. I don't think Patrick has been a pushover at all in this situation. He's been constantly pushing Sam to declare her intentions since right after she find out Jason is alive.



So Laura confronted Nik and he admitted it? I remember Liz told Laura her suspicions; Nikolas later admitted it to Liz when they were alone and she pressed the issue.


Laura knows what he did. The other day she referenced Nikolas having had Hayden shot.

  • Love 9

Laura knows what he did. The other day she referenced Nikolas having had Hayden shot.


Seriously? And she didn't care? Doesn't consider attempted murder (although, this is Port Charles, which I can only assume is the murder capitol of the world in the ABCDaytime universe) a big deal? What, does she figure Hayden is an evil hussy who somehow forced poor Nikolas to order her death?


I'm honestly confused.

  • Love 5

Uh oh....Liason did the deed today.  Cue either a real pregnancy or Liz faking one to keep Jason after she is exposed.  Maybe even sleeping with Nikolas and trying to pass that spawn off as Jason's.....Just spec, obviously....but it's classic soap.


A fake pregnancy or passing off another child as Jason's would completely alienate the very few Liz fans left who are still watching this shitshow.  So... that's what TPTB will do.

A fake pregnancy or passing off another child as Jason's would completely alienate the very few Liz fans left who are still watching this shitshow.  So... that's what TPTB will do.


I am sorry I even put this out in the universe.


I really hope they make the smart move and NOW that the secret is finally out begin to try and rehab Liz.  I am sooooo done with crazy psycho Liz. 

  • Love 1


A fake pregnancy or passing off another child as Jason's would completely alienate the very few Liz fans left who are still watching this shitshow.  So... that's what TPTB will do.


Liz and Jason might get pregnant, but there's another couple that has also flirted with the possibility recently. So much was made of the miss that occurred the first time Val and Dante slept together, and the couple's subsequent relief. But what if this time when she brought the food and stayed for football, Val did all she could to get pregnant, and if she didn't, she will lie this time to push the Lante marriage just that much closer to the rocks to give herself a stronger claim?


After all Lulu's efforts to have a child with Dante naturally (i.e., without medical help), if Val conceives easily with Dante, it would frost Lulu's cookies, haha. Show may think it is time to do a tick and a tock (no pun intended) with two pregnancies simultaneously.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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