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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Hey, Lucy!  She actually found out about Rafe dying!  She expressed regret that she wasn't there for him (don't blame yourself, Lucy, it was the writers and their bubble writing)!  She mentioned Serena by name (start the countdown clock)!


But boo, it seems she spent her copious off-screen time getting completely over Kevin and now wants Scotty again.  Lame!


Oh, was I supposed to be enthralled by the press conference drama?  Or the stupid Spencer shenanigans (oh Britt, girl...)?  Or Levi laying it on thick with a beyond brain dead Maxie?  Because...nope.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Serena reference!!! Yay!

The press confrence was awesome. Had they brought Dr O on as Boss Bitch CoS, I'd be okay, but I have to mentally block the latex masks out. I also loved the reporters. MS was kinda awesome in a creepy evil way, just nodding and sitting there. More of this and less lists. ME came to work again. He perked up and looked ready to Hulk Smash at a moments notice. I love it when he gets all evil and shit.

Britt, you are dumb. Just go make friends. Bitch please. Even buzzfeed knows about that app. I just can't, and I hate Liz. Spencer, I am coming for your candy. Watch out, Count Chocula.

ETA: Lucy please, your affair has ruined us all. You should have been there when Rafe bit it. But I blame Ron. And omg Bobbie totes got a Boss Bitch moment! Yes!

Edited by Grrpants09
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You forgot crypt sex.


Crypt sex didn't have mostly naked man with mostly naked woman.  I don't think we saw more than a couple bare shoulders (thanks be to the soap gods).


Right. That wasn't written as sexy. Animalistic, yes, but sexy? No. And thank the Lord, there was hardly any disrobing on either party's part.


Sam & Silas on NYE/NY Day.


Ha, so we have to literally go back to New Year's Eve. Crazy!

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What about Ric and Liz doing it? 


Did we see a real sex scene with Ric and Liz? Kissing ... and a conversation under the covers. But, ehhh, maybe it counts.


What I recall was Liz completely covered by the covers. What I got from that those set of scenes was and intention by the writers to inflict embarrassment upon Liz by having people traipse around her room while she was naked under the covers.


Or Britt and Nik during the earlier part of the year?


I do have a vague recollection of one scene that would qualify as an actual love scene. They are such a plot point couple that I tend to forget about them.


And I'm quite certain Ron was far more interested in the scene where a 7-year-old kid walks in on them while they're in bed. Which just .. yeah, no.


So we're up to 3 in 7 months?


I'm going to disagree with this point. Back in the 90s (I didn't watch in the 00s), we would see plenty of shirtless men, but we also saw lots of women in lingerie. LOTS of women in lingerie. And summer brought out the bikinis. And the critics would say things like "is daytime too racy," etc. There was exploitation - but it was of both genders for the sake of creating a general atmosphere of sexiness.


But the only time nowadays that we see a woman in her lingerie is Lucy at the nurses' ball. It is all men, all the time, and usually without those icky women acting as a buzzkill.

Seconded. Again Ron is writing a soap for himself,he takes the clothes off the people he wants to see naked, even if there is no plot reason.



What I recall was Liz completely covered by the covers. What I got from that those set of scenes was and intention by the writers to inflict embarrassment upon Liz by having people traipse around her room while she was naked under the covers.

I had that feeling as well, plus the "icky girls" feeling that seems to go on a lot. It is as if they have no frame of reference for how women act and are therefore  projecting there own feelings about women. Guza was accused of disliking women and it is hard to disagree with that. Ron on the other hand goes beyond disliking women, he does not believe they need to exist.


Carly, SWNBM, Sam and other women were a big part of Guza's writing. Maxie and Spin (even if you hate him) along with Lulu were central to the show. Now Carly and Maxie are dumber than sin, Sam is a prop for Silas/Patrick,  Lulu only wants babies. The whole writing of this show is now designed to make women look stupid.


I am at the point where I miss slut-shaming cause at least a slut is doing something. Ron's women are just dumb

  • Love 4

Did we see a real sex scene with Ric and Liz? Kissing ... and a conversation under the covers. But, ehhh, maybe it counts.


What I recall was Liz completely covered by the covers. What I got from that those set of scenes was and intention by the writers to inflict embarrassment upon Liz by having people traipse around her room while she was naked under the covers.





I do have a vague recollection of one scene that would qualify as an actual love scene. They are such a plot point couple that I tend to forget about them.


And I'm quite certain Ron was far more interested in the scene where a 7-year-old kid walks in on them while they're in bed. Which just .. yeah, no.


So we're up to 3 in 7 months?




There was that beautiful love scene with Robin and Patrick before she was jettisoned off the show like so much flotsam.

  • Love 2




There was that beautiful love scene with Robin and Patrick before she was jettisoned off the show like so much flotsam.

4 in 7 seven months.  Even if Robin's and Patrick's pillow talk involved Sabrina. Sigh.


Again, we're up to 4 love scenes in 7 months. Not weeks. Months.


Now, number of gratuitous shirtless guys in the past year ... ready .... set .... nevermind, we'd break the server.


Edited to add:




Yeah, I know the cryptsex! wasn't sexy, I was just being sarcastic.


Gotcha, Ciarra. My bad for not realizing that. Yeah, we really could use a sarcasm button here!

Edited by Francie

What I got out of today was Britt hit pathetic and kept sinking, and she should never be Spencer's stepmother. It seems like Britt just sees Nikolas and Spencer as a fun package prize, that she doesn't want Elizabeth to have. It's almost funny that she told her mother Liz was "all over" him when they were literally just having a conversation. Also that brat Spencer needs to be grounded for a LONG time. 

  • Love 7


And I'm quite certain Ron was far more interested in the scene where a 7-year-old kid walks in on them while they're in bed. Which just .. yeah, no

More and more Ron's writing of little Count Chocula: Spencer is beginning to creep me out. It is beginning to make the hairs on the back of my neck tingle. No one wants to see this.


Who would rent a hotel room to a 9 year old boy?

And there go my neck hairs again. We are venturing close to sick

Edited by Fylaki
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Fylaki I don't believe Maxie was central to guza GH she really didn't get much airtime until she got paired with his pet monkey Spinelli. He constantly rewrote her history in the name of propping Spin/Spixie or she was a means to an end to prop Lulu & move her onto the next relation ship. I never felt he cared for her the way he did Carly, Lulu, Sam, Courtney etc etc.

Ron writing isn't to surprising for Maxie for me. Its been one horrendous story after another. Look at the surrogacy story nothing but a means to an end to Spixie at the expense of Maxie as a character & her relationship with Lulu. Im only surprised at how fuckin stupid he has made her for Levi. Maxie manage to pull off one of the best schemes fake pregnancy on the doctors & lucky. Know she can't add 2 for 2. Everything else I agree though I always felt that Lulu was his Jessica. Jess mult personality that's all she ever was, Lulu babies.

Every female on this show except for Molly has no identity or brains. Its very disgusting

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It would be pretty neat if Liz and Britt murdered each other.


Yes please with sugar on top!


What I got out of today was Britt hit pathetic and kept sinking, and she should never be Spencer's stepmother. It seems like Britt just sees Nikolas and Spencer as a fun package prize, that she doesn't want Elizabeth to have. It's almost funny that she told her mother Liz was "all over" him when they were literally just having a conversation. Also that brat Spencer needs to be grounded for a LONG time.



AMEN! Now please get out of my head. LOL

Edited by Cattitude
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Who would rent a hotel room to a 9 year old boy?

Who: Plot Point. When TJ attempted to rent a room at the MC he was told nobecause he was underage (no ID). Olivia stepped in, so he could get a room. However today, plot point dictates Spencer gets a room.

It's hard to follow a show when they keep changing the canon.

The Serena shout outs make me think we may finally see her as well.

I know this is a stupid question but I have to clarify anyway. If Levi were actually wanted in Australia wouldn't the Australian Authorities be able to request the U.S. sends him back? His marriage to a U.S. citizen wouldn't matter correct? The amount of stupid in this story is amazing.

My addition to the love scene comments is this, most of those scenes happen right before the relationships went Kaboom via lies, black mail, dead wives popping up, etc.

Today's show was a waste of a good 15 minutes.

  • Love 1
I am not going to lie.

I would knock down Spencer and steal his candy.


Spencer has been on my kill list over in the elimination-game thread for a couple of rounds now. I can't stand what they're doing with him.


If Levi were actually wanted in Australia wouldn't the Australian Authorities be able to request the U.S. sends him back? His marriage to a U.S. citizen wouldn't matter correct? The amount of stupid in this story is amazing.


Wouldn't Levi have been stopped before entering the U.S. in the first place?

Edited by dubbel zout


If Levi were actually wanted in Australia wouldn't the Australian Authorities be able to request the U.S. sends him back? His marriage to a U.S. citizen wouldn't matter correct? The amount of stupid in this story is amazing.


Wouldn't Levi have been stopped before entering the U.S. in the first place?

Yes and Yes, especially since Ron went to Law School, this is beyond fan fiction this is a writer who no longer cares about the characters or the show, unless it involves the kiddie set. I stand by the statement of creeping me out

Why haven't :

Anna, the police commissioner and spy

Mac, the former police commissioner

Felicia, former spy and private investigator

Nathan, cop

Dante, cop

not one ran Levi's fingerprints and/or investigated that pigmently challenged toad?  Not one of them thought to get in touch with Spinelli, the father of Maxie's daughter and cyber genius.  Spinelli would find out the real scoop about Evil oh I mean Levi.  I think together, he and LuLu could get through to Maxie. 

  • Love 4
It seems like Britt just sees Nikolas and Spencer as a fun package prize, that she doesn't want Elizabeth to have


Bringonthedrama, can I buy you a drink for that? So rightly said!


Britt and Elizabeth might as well be fighting over an accidently marked down Marc Jacobs purse at a Barney's sale as over a man. It's just a game ... a prize.




The stoooopid it burns. To me, she is still such a "girl" and acts like a child. Nathan, you can do better.


We're seriously supposed to believe that Nathan has no dating options or social life? Please. He'd be on half of PC's "freebie 5" lists. Male and female. Gay or straight.

Edited by Francie
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The only reason I didn't FF the entire show is that I liked seeing friends talk together—Mac, Felicia, and Lucy, and Nathan and Dante. I couldn't care less about Spencer and his stupid shenanigans; the hospital stuff would be interesting if Nina weren't sticking her fat nose into things; and the Levi stuff is unwatchable even in FF.


Bobbie is too old to play the sex kitten. Ron can't write an age-appropriate story for anyone. 


Another question about Levi's immigration status—would he be allowed to leave the country (legally) if there was an arrest warrant for him?

  • Love 1

Bringonthedrama, can I buy you a drink for that? So rightly said!


Britt and Elizabeth might as well be fighting over the last Marc Jacobs purse at a Barney's sale as over a man. It's just a game ... a prize.





We're seriously supposed to believe that Nathan has no dating options or social life? Please. He'd be on half of PC's "freebie 5" list. Male and female. Gay or straight.

LOL.  I always thought that men on soaps who looked like Nathan were always written as ladies men, meaning the character is always surrounded by a bevy of women and dating a lot.  Nathan can't even get a kiss let alone anything else, which is odd since even the kiddie characters have been allowed to smooch each other.

Edited by Syndicate
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I didn't think today was so bad.  Nina is superfluous to this otherwise sort of interesting Rafe's death plot.  And I LOLed at Detective Nathan dramatically smashing his hand into the filing cabinet after giving the least convincing "impassioned" speech in recent memory (sorry to those who like him--I still find him a distractingly horrible actor).  And the flashbacks to the hugely awkward and not-at-all sexy encounters were pretty terrible, too.  But I didn't mind most of the rest of it.


Really, I think my enjoyment of the show has at least doubled since we've stopped seeing Sonny every day.  Is Mo on vacation?  Can he stay that way?  Please?

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I'm convinced Ron is on these boards. We call Spencer Count Chocula and that dork od's on candy and makes vampire fangs out of chocolate bars.


I remember seeing Britt referred to as "The Britch" by a poster on TWoP, the next thing you knew it seemed like half the cast was referring to her as "The Britch" all the damn time.

Edited by yowsah1
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I remember seeing Britt referred to as "The Britch" by a poster on TWoP, the next thing you knew it seemed like half the cast was referring to her as "The Britch" all the damn time.

Posters on TWOP and elsewhere also referred to Kiki as "Kaka."  A few weeks ago we heard Tracy uttering the name "Kaka."  So yes, RC and/or others in his camp definitely read message boards.

  • Love 5
It seems like Britt just sees Nikolas and Spencer as a fun package prize, that she doesn't want Elizabeth to have.


I would argue Liz's attitude is similar, all "I don't want him, but you can't have him!"  She saw Nik (GASP) talking to Britt and she dropped her plans for the day to interfere. 


This story is very annoying and doing none of these characters any favors.  Why again is Nik a prize worth all this fuss?  


Ron can make it up to me by having Britt share a scene with her brother in the near future.

Edited by TeeVee329
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