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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I don't get why these writers continue to beat us down with the "Robin abandoned Emma! She left her! Sam taught her everything she knows! Sam is the best mother!" while her real mother has lost YEARS of her life protecting the kid. If the end of this story doesn't result in a HEA with Robin and Emma, it's just cruel and gross.

ETA: And does no one find it strange or a dig or whatever you want to call it, that after Robin says Emma is basically strong like a Scorpio, Emma has the line about Sam and Patrick teaching her? Like, what was the point of that juxtaposition of dialogue?

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 9

In Emma's defense, she is eight. And she has a father and grandmother that do in fact believe Robin left them to go to important work, so that is more than likely the story Emma has been told, or overhears.

And I definitely get that. She's so young. But for me, that's even more of a reason why Patrick looks so bad. He should be always reminding her and telling her that her mother loves her and DIDN'T abandon her, regardless of whatever he personally feels Robin did. Yet he let's her believe that Robin just up and left for no reason, disregarding her previous kidnapping and torture and possible PTSD.

Meantime, he's constantly creating new families and bringing new mothers around for his daughter without a second thought to how these relationships, which become failed ones, effect Emma.

  • Love 5

And I definitely get that. She's so young. But for me, that's even more of a reason why Patrick looks so bad. He should be always reminding her and telling her that her mother loves her and DIDN'T abandon her, regardless of whatever he personally feels Robin did. Yet he let's her believe that Robin just up and left for no reason, disregarding her previous kidnapping and torture and possible PTSD.

Meantime, he's constantly creating new families and bringing new mothers around for his daughter without a second thought to how these relationships, which become failed ones, effect Emma.


First of all, Emma is eight, right? LOL. For some reason I think she is eight.


And I totally agree with your last paragraph. Judging by how Emma reacted to the idea of Danny's daddy coming back for Sam and Danny and Sam leaving her "just like mommy," it's quite clear that the Shuffle-The-Deck-Mommy game Patrick has going is doing Emma harm even if neither of them realize it yet. Patrick needs to think of it from a little girl's point of view. Mommy died. Daddy got a new girlfriend and they were getting married. Mommy comes back from the dead and she and Daddy get back together. Mommy leaves one day to go to Africa. Mommy never comes back and Daddy moves in a new girlfriend and she sleeps in Mommy's room and Mommy's bed. Daddy and this new girlfriend are going to get married and all of a sudden her new stepmommy's husband comes back from the dead. This all happened in the span of two or two and a half years. That's A LOT for a little girl to try and take in. I want Robin to suggest child therapy for Emma when she gets rescued (to coincide with, of course, the adult therapy for Robin. And couples counseling while they're at it, if she wants to give Patrick another chance)

  • Love 6

Emma should really have just turned 7, but I think she's 10? That's what Frank recently tweeted.

And exactly. Patrick has never ONCE thought about how his relationship with Sam, specifically, would effect Emma. He's never ONCE cared to really talk to her about Robin--except to blame the divorce on her when he told Emma that he was mad at Robin for not coming back when Gabriel died and to tell Emma that Robin has a bed in Paris. And somehow he's Father of the Year right now and I'm supposed to be crying at their father/daughter tearfest? No. Lol.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 4

Emma should really have just turned 7, but I think she's 10? That's what Frank recently tweeted.

And exactly. Patrick has never ONCE thought about how his relationship with Sam, specifically, would effect Emma. He's never ONCE cared to really talk to her about Robin--except to blame the divorce on her when he told Emma that he was mad at Robin for not coming back when Gabriel died and to tell Emma that Robin has a bed in Paris. And somehow he's Father of the Year right now and I'm supposed to be crying at their father/daughter tearfest? No. Lol.


SAM gives more thought to Emma and the intricacies of their blended family than Patrick does. You wouldn't know it by the rapid pace of the relationship-moving-in-engagement, but I'm pretty sure Sam thought for a little while about how moving in and having a father figure would affect Danny. Am I remembering it correctly that we saw that Patrick didn't even really consult with or talk to Emma about moving Sam and Danny in, they just were there one day? (I think this was around the time of the "she had her own bed, in Paris!" asshole remark)

  • Love 2

SAM gives more thought to Emma and the intricacies of their blended family than Patrick does. You wouldn't know it by the rapid pace of the relationship-moving-in-engagement, but I'm pretty sure Sam thought for a little while about how moving in and having a father figure would affect Danny. Am I remembering it correctly that we saw that Patrick didn't even really consult with or talk to Emma about moving Sam and Danny in, they just were there one day? (I think this was around the time of the "she had her own bed, in Paris!" asshole remark)

He either told Emma like, the day before or the day of. That's when the Paris remark happened. And he didn't even ask Emma how she felt about it. He was all, "Well, this is happening! I love Sam and we're gonna try to be a family! High-five!"

  • Love 1
Liked Emma fighting back, really liked Tracy coming to her aid.


Was anyone else surprised that the writers didn't have Sonny being strolled in that park and end up saving Emma (e.g., either running over that lady with his wheelchair, tossing a colostomy bag at her, etc.)? 

Edited by sunnyface
  • Love 3

Was anyone else surprised that the writers didn't have Sonny being strolled in that park and end up saving Emma (e.g., either running over that lady with his wheelchair, tossing a colostomy bag at her, etc.)? 



Oh he had far more important business to attend to, such as telling Max to remember what kind of flowers Carly might like so he can throw some at her later.


Since he can't get the barware now anything he's currently holding can become a projectile, including his wedding ring. Sonny truly can Macgyver up ways to behave like an abusive troll like nobody's business. 

  • Love 3

Eh, as much as many people have given up Patrick for lost, I continue to see him as nothing more than a broken, broken man flailing around blindly without Robin, and I will enjoy the heck out of their reunion. Sam is so over that relationship already.


Wow, Sonny's an asshole. I almost felt sorry for Carly. I know, I know, he always has been an asshole, but I guess I didn't get the abuse angle of their past relationship as much. I did skip most of the early 00s for my sanity.


Paul + Ava are not selling any sort of chemistry.


Nice to see scheming Tracy still has time to save children as needed.

  • Love 13


So Patrick hasn't even given Sam twenty-four hours to recover from the emotional whiplash of her dead husband returning

His behavior is especially rage-inducing when you consider that after his emotional re-union with Robin at. his. wedding. to. Sabrina. He then told them both he needed time to choose. He didn't just resume life with Robin, he made her wait (I think it was just a day) but he did make them both wait until he decided what he wanted.

  • Love 4


His behavior is especially rage-inducing when you consider that after his emotional re-union with Robin at. his. wedding. to. Sabrina. He then told them both he needed time to choose. He didn't just resume life with Robin, he made her wait (I think it was just a day) but he did make them both wait until he decided what he wanted.


Completely agree.


It was almost a month before he completely ended things with Sabrina and decided to reunite with Robin (I think the wedding was right after Thanksgiving and he came home on Christmas Eve) which is why it is completely ridiculous that he isn't being more understanding about the position Sam is in. Robin gave Patrick time, even though it hurt her greatly, to figure out what he wanted to do, as did Sabrina.


No wonder JT wants out - TPTB are doing everything they can to make Patrick look like a clueless douche. He may have always been a selfish ass but he was a selfish ass who loved Robin.


Why not just have him go back to him womanizing ways if they were going to go down that road? It would make much more sense than the BS we are seeing now.

  • Love 9

ETA: And does no one find it strange or a dig or whatever you want to call it, that after Robin says Emma is basically strong like a Scorpio, Emma has the line about Sam and Patrick teaching her? Like, what was the point of that juxtaposition of dialogue?

Knowing what to do when a stranger grabs you isn't genetic - but I do think Robin/Patrick would've made sure Emma knew about going off with strangers years ago because of Lisa

  • Love 1

Hope the writers hurry up and put sam and jason together soon as possible and just get it over with and move on to some other story lines. For me this is getting way boring, because I am not entertained by either character at the moment. Get rid of Ava while you're at it, she has had too much time on the radar. Bring Robin back and concentrate on the Scorpios again...enough of this drivel.



No wonder JT wants out - TPTB are doing everything they can to make Patrick look like a clueless douche.

On a related note (in my mind), did Emma nearly get kidnapped because Patrick lost track of time/was late picking up Emma from the park due to fighting with/crying at Sam about her kiss with Jason? That's my impression. The text Spencer got seemed to imply that there was a specific time that his driver was supposed to take him home and that Patrick was supposed to get Emma. I heard Spencer say something about your dad's supposed to be on his way.  I saw Patrick arrive and get angry that Spencer/driver left Emma alone, but I'm thinking no dude, you - not the Cassadines - are responsible for your child's whereabouts/safety. 

  • Love 3

On a related note (in my mind), did Emma nearly get kidnapped because Patrick lost track of time/was late picking up Emma from the park due to fighting with/crying at Sam about her kiss with Jason? That's my impression. The text Spencer got seemed to imply that there was a specific time that his driver was supposed to take him home and that Patrick was supposed to get Emma. I heard Spencer say something about your dad's supposed to be on his way.  I saw Patrick arrive and get angry that Spencer/driver left Emma alone, but I'm thinking no dude, you - not the Cassadines - are responsible for your child's whereabouts/safety. 


I think that Nik's driver got a text saying Patrick was on his way, but the text was faked by whoever the hell is holding Robin, so they could stage that whole kidnapping for her to watch. From what I can tell, Patrick thought he was supposed to pick her up later.  (Of course, I zone out a lot of the show, so I may have missed a detail.) 


After thinking about it, I'd be willing to bet that an actual kidnapping was never supposed to take place, the woman was likely always supposed to let Emma go at the last second.  They just wanted to scare Robin into submission.  Kidnapping Emma would raise too many flags and get people actively looking for Robin instead of stupidly believing she is away by her own choice.  

Edited by KerleyQ
  • Love 4
Sam witnessed Patrick making out with Robin at his almost wedding to Sabrina - why wouldn't she think he would understand? Hell, why didn't she bring that up today?


I can't understand why this is being ignored. What's happening to Sam is EXACTLY what happened to Patrick. Yet no one is making the connection?


Paul + Ava are not selling any sort of chemistry.


They have zero. I don't know what the show is trying to make me think with these two. More threatening and then sexy times is not what I want to watch. It's bad enough that dance is going on with Rebecca Budig and Nik.


Another thing about the Sonny/Carly fight that cracked me up was Sonny braying that he wanted his marriage to be "equal." Yeah, as long as it's on his terms. He's such an asshole. I'm loving it.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 8

I hope that show remembers that Patprick served Robin with divorce papers when she was being held captive at the Creighton Instiute of the Undead. This happened before Robin suppodesdly ran off to Paris because she was broken.

They won't. They've already retconned it to "Robin left Emma and Patrick!" when he was the one who sent her divorce papers and was making out with Sam on her couch before it was even finalized.

  • Love 1

 As a Robin fan, glad KMc is back. Even though I don't expect the writers to do much to save the character's legacy. Now that Robin is on screen.... I mean would it have killed the writers to have Emma crying to Patrick( after the kidnap attempt) that she wants her mommy. She needs her mommy. Go get mommy and bring her back. Or to say that she learned stranger danger from Patrick & Robin...NOT Sam. They just won't giver her a break.


Still, the worst storyline on GH right now is JT/Patrick's hair.

Edited by rags
  • Love 10

As a Robin fan, glad KMc is back. Even though I don't expect the writers to do much to save the character's legacy. Now that Robin is on screen.... I mean would it have killed the writers to have Emma crying to Patrick( after the kidnap attempt) that she wants her mommy. She needs her mommy. Go get mommy and bring her back. Or to say that she learned stranger danger from Patrick & Robin...NOT Sam. They just won't giver her a break.

Still, the worst storyline on GH right now is JT/Patrick's hair.

Sigh. I feel you.

On a related note (in my mind), did Emma nearly get kidnapped because Patrick lost track of time/was late picking up Emma from the park due to fighting with/crying at Sam about her kiss with Jason? That's my impression. The text Spencer got seemed to imply that there was a specific time that his driver was supposed to take him home and that Patrick was supposed to get Emma. I heard Spencer say something about your dad's supposed to be on his way.  I saw Patrick arrive and get angry that Spencer/driver left Emma alone, but I'm thinking no dude, you - not the Cassadines - are responsible for your child's whereabouts/safety. 

Sorry, I am with Patrick and his anger toward's Spencer's driver. I work/volunteer with kids regularly and I would never, ever leave a child alone if the parent is running late. I will either hand the child to the approved childcare giver, wait with them if the parent is on the way, or take the child with me so the parent can pick him/her from my location (if I knew the parent well enough). Now the driver would have every right to get pissed at Patrick if he was more than 10 minutes without calling if he did wait around because Patrick was being inconsiderate, but the driver just took Spencer and just drove away. At the very least he should have taken Emma along with Spencer. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 8

STFU Patrick talking about you have to protect Emma. I don't remember you worrying about Emma when you were bringing your fuck buddy around or rushed through a courtship with Sabrina, only to dump her for Robin. Is Sabrina still in Emma's life in any way? Huh, Patrick? How about you shut your stupid ass up and give Sam more than 12 hours to come to terms with her dead husband being alive.


I don't know what the fuck Ava and Paul are doing but they need to stop.


Sonny needs to have his throat slashed. 

  • Love 6

As a Robin fan, glad KMc is back. Even though I don't expect the writers to do much to save the character's legacy. Now that Robin is on screen.... I mean would it have killed the writers to have Emma crying to Patrick( after the kidnap attempt) that she wants her mommy. She needs her mommy. Go get mommy and bring her back. Or to say that she learned stranger danger from Patrick & Robin...NOT Sam. They just won't giver her a break.

Still, the worst storyline on GH right now is JT/Patrick's hair.

TIIC are beyond tone deaf. Bright side, it makes it easier for a clean break!

  • Love 2

Nikolas is indeed being super smug and unremorseful. And you just know that if Rebecca Budig succeeds in getting ELQ away from him, he will act all BETRAYED, never mind that he tried to have her killed.

I still cannot believe that Sam or Alexis or, hell, Molly haven't kicked down the door at Wyndemere and demanded answers from him.

Like, instead of ONLY having increasingly cringe-inducing make up to break up sex with Julian, Alexis could've been involved in the story where her nephew is doing to her daughter, Sam something similar to what she did with Stefan/Katherine.

I can see Alexis being genuinely torn, too between loyalty to Nik and Sam and her preference for her daughter vs what Sam would actually want.

Not to mention Nik's bullshit motivations in this story

RC threw away actual soap for this shitty quad and then did a crap job developing the quad

  • Love 1

STFU Patrick talking about you have to protect Emma. I don't remember you worrying about Emma when you were bringing your fuck buddy around or rushed through a courtship with Sabrina, only to dump her for Robin. Is Sabrina still in Emma's life in any way? Huh, Patrick? How about you shut your stupid ass up and give Sam more than 12 hours to come to terms with her dead husband being alive.


Patrick knows this hit single well so he knows what's coming with Sam, you can see it in his face and (to his credit) JT's performance. It's just a matter of time and it's days or weeks, not months. He just doesn't want to have to face up to being on the other end and then having to reckon with whatever's really up (in his mind) with Robin, which he has never dealt with or wanted to deal with due to hurt and pride.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 6

Sorry, I am with Patrick and his anger toward's Spencer's driver. I work/volunteer with kids regularly and I would never, ever leave a child alone if the parent is running late. I will either hand the child to the approved childcare giver, wait with them if the parent is on the way, or take the child with me so the parent can pick him/her from my location (if I knew the parent well enough). Now the driver would have every right to get pissed at Patrick if he was more than 10 minutes without calling if he did wait around because Patrick was being inconsiderate, but the driver just took Spencer and just drove away. At the very least he should have taken Emma along with Spencer. 

What made me go Ugh was Patrick approaching the situation with only anger toward the driver, and no signs of guilt that he wasn't there himself when Emma was afraid/in trouble - he is the parent. I just feel like yet again Patrick is being painted as the innocent one, while Emma's trauma is supposed to be all Robin's, and Spencer's driver's fault. It just screams stupid because Patrick knows Spencer/the Cassadines aren't reliable re: safety -Spencer ran away from camp and stayed gone, and then the kids were unsupervised at Wydemere when the room caught on fire during Spencer's b-day party.

  • Love 2

On today's General Hospital:


Valerie: first day at cadet school means a ride along with a detective

Dante:  we're sitting on a boring stakeout

Valerie: let me fall asleep on your shoulder, as all good cops do


Nina:  I;m a complete moron who doesn't know how to run a company

Maxie:  It's ok.  I'll run it for you and you'll be the face of Crimson


Lulu to Alexis:  i want you as my divorce lawyer

Olivia to Lulu:  Don't be so quick to make a decision

Lulu to Alexis:  Ok, maybe I won't need you ......no wait, I just saw Val and Dante in a car.....


Kiki:  I need a job

Morgan:  ask my Mom for one, you remember my Mom, the woman you ran off the road while you're drunk but were keeping that a secret


Sonny:  I'm a baby, a baby, a baby

Carly:  Stop having a tantrum, you baby


Epiphany:  I'm here to do you're physical therapy because that's totally a nurse's job and Frank didn't want to hire someone to play a therapist

Sonny;  I'm a baby, a baby, a baby


Carly: I'm going to kick you're ass and take Avery'

Ava:  bring it on biatch



Paul:  You're hot when you're mad, let's kiss, despite the fact that we seem to have anti-chemistry


Carly:  Stay away from Ava

Morgan: dum, duh, but, uh

Carly:  Let's go see a psychiatrist


Nathan:  You're under arrest for running Carly off the road

Franco:  Huh?

  • Love 16

I had a hard time figuring out how the Val/Dante/Lulu shit could be more contrived and stupid, as I ff'ed through the scenes.


I tried to sit through one scene of poor Maddox having to interview Franco and that too, was ff'ed.


um, I didn't hate the Lulu/Olivia scenes, although I'm wondering why Olivia has had scenes with Sonny about Dante/Val and not actually with Dante.


ugh, Paul and Ava are not sexy at all


Kiki: woo, for one minute I thought I was gonna get, like, arrested.

Morgan: whaaaat why would u think that girl no worries hahaha.


Oh, they're so stupid.


So Morgan needs a psychiatrist because he approached Ava but Carly doesn't think she needs one for marrying his father for the 5th time. Just checking!

Sonny deserves Pip.....


Pip: I'll be back tomorrow and the day after, and the day after...

Sonny: Are you threatening me? Do you know who I am?


Sonny was joking.

What happened?


He asked what it meant for them if Sam moved out (which it looked like she was doing.) It came across more dumb than pathetic to me imo. He didn't sound desperate or crying or anything.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 3

I had a hard time figuring out how the Val/Dante/Lulu shit could be more contrived and stupid, as I ff'ed through the scenes.


I tried to sit through one scene of poor Maddox having to interview Franco and that too, was ff'ed.


Just from reading Perkie's recap (Valerie fell asleep on their stakeout and Lulu just happened to wander by?), it sounds so, sooo contrived.


Poor Maddox, thank goodness Kevin didn't have to sit through that session.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 4

He asked what it meant for them if Sam moved out (which it looked like she was doing.) It came across more dumb than pathetic to me imo. He didn't sound desperate or crying or anything.


I will need to watch it, then. I assumed the 'if you leave' referred to Sam leaving to go to Cassidine Island for Jason, but she wouldn't be dumb enough to tell him that. She'd just call it work.

Just from reading Perkie's recap (Valerie fell asleep on their stakeout and Lulu just happened to wander by?), it sounds so, sooo contrived.


Poor Maddox, thank goodness Kevin didn't have to sit through that session.


Her head fell down (in FF) and I just like, I can't believe this Sesame Street shit.


I mean, Lulu said it herself today - she thinks about forgiving him and then she gets even angrier at herself and him for even thinking that way. (I have to give kudos again to Scott Sickles, I officially don't him anymore okay everyone leave me alone.) Dante said himself a couple of weeks ago he's the one who got Lulu to take the plunge. They don't need Valerie to work through the boatload of issues they got going on right now (and they can bring up that Dante has had a resentment of Lulu putting Luke first that he denied/never dealt with). Let the poor girl move into another story already.

This show is stupid.


And the most obvious and pure of t-shirt slogans.

  • Love 6

27 minutes ago

Why can't GH come up with the money to do the blondes's dark roots? Ava's hair looks as god awful as Maxie's.



This is a very popular current style - the Ombre look. A quote from a hair magazine:


Are you playing with the idea of colouring your hair blonde but fear the frequent root touch-ups to hide the growing dark portion of your hair? There is no longer any reason to be concerned about dark roots. This concern is part of the past when dark roots were taboo and had to be hidden. Hiding is no longer necessary. In fact, dark roots in blonde hair are now accepted everywhere including gala events.

Edited by linsav
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