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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Although I did laugh at Carly, when Lucas told her the custody hearing was today, her first thought was, not of Avery, but that she had to tell Sonny about Jason. She's really making that baby's welfare her top priority.


Since she has her Jason peen back to worship, Carly will probably drop baby Avery literally and figuratively, losing interest in a big way. I hope the baby gets into some kind of danger (though not hurt) because of Carly's and Kiki's neglect now.


I'm suspicious about how "cooperative" Sonny's other kids were with their affidavits of love for Sonny. Ricky is such a smarmy lawyer, so maybe he faked the affidavits. And the judge could be in Sonny's pocket, and thus not looking too closely at them.


Sam doesn't come off as being too bright in this mess either. She's had these intuitions for months about the nearness of Jason. Jason broke into her place and took off with the Chinese figures. Danny was especially drawn to Jakeson. She's spent hours in Jakeson's company without suspecting that he might be Jason.

  • Love 1

Sam doesn't come off as being too bright in this mess either. She's had these intuitions for months about the nearness of Jason. Jason broke into her place and took off with the Chinese figures. Danny was especially drawn to Jakeson. She's spent hours in Jakeson's company without suspecting that he might be Jason.


I got the impression from today's show Sam was fully aware how this all made her look. She seemed to feel horrible which is why she tried to initially deny Jakeson was indeed Jason. 

  • Love 1

In other news, while I'm not surprised, unless I missed it, there was no mention of letting Monica know her son is alive yesterday, right?


Saw this on Twitter and it pretty accurately summed up my feelings:


On #DAYS, Caroline has been an essential player in Bo's return. On #GH, Monica has been excluded from the entire Jake is Jason storyline.

  • Love 4

I just can't take this show anymore while I usually dont let one character drive me from an show This is how it is with sonny.Although I hated luke there was plenty of other stories to watch.With sonny its like 95 percent of the show.

Because so many of the characters are connected to Sonny, 5 kids, 4 baby mama's (5 if you include Sam), a brother, a niece (Molly), a nephew (Spencer), a grandchild (Rocco), his daughter in law (Looloo), adopted son TJ and now the return of Jasus.

Nathan Varnii can try to deny it all he wants but this show is definitely the Sonny Corintho's family hour.

  • Love 8

In other news, while I'm not surprised, unless I missed it, there was no mention of letting Monica know her son is alive yesterday, right?


Saw this on Twitter and it pretty accurately summed up my feelings:



Not a single one. Monica has been excluded from this show for so long I wouldn't doubt that these slaggards half have forgotten she's even Jason's mother. 


I have tuned back into Days recently because of all the returns and the 50th anniversary and what strikes me so about the show is that they actually celebrate their vets and all the history that they have to offer, the importance that they bring to the show.


They have brought on some new, and imo most are useless, characters sure but I see faces I've seen for 20, for 30, for 40, and yes even 50 years and they're not just getting a fly by, blink and you missed it, half-assed mention from some new face I don't know and don't care about. They're driving the action, they're in the middle of it, as mentioned with Caroline being such an integral part of her son's grand return. 


Monica can barely get a scene with any family member, or any living, breathing human being for that matter. 


It's shameful and revolting. 

  • Love 8

Is it possible to have a boredom blackout and a rage blackout at the same time? I think that's what happened to me yesterday. 


I hate Spinelli. Always have. Always will. I see no purpose to this character and his Jason worship was beyond stupid. The mere mention of his name annoys me.


Whoever upthread said Sam needs to stay single was spot on. Apparently Sam has to donate any brain cells this show has the minute she's "in love." Oh, and start weeping immediately. I thought KeMo did the best she could with the crap material she was given yesterday but it was still crap. "We were married, we had a son" was kinda old news. Why couldn't Sam just be shocked? Why did she have to play Exposition Ellie at the same time?


Liz? Is fucking nuts. (Also, BH needs to eat more.) Why Liz exists now solely to be a speed bump in the twu wuv story of Jason and Sam is beyond me. If she's going to a manipulative wacko can they at least up her game?


Why couldn't Sabrina do an end zone celebration dance in front of Patrick?


Shoot me in the head and call me Carly, I liked the RB/MW chemistry.

  • Love 2

 Of course, the only thing Nik cares about is getting laid. I really need Hayden to pull the rug out from under him soon. And she can continue to make Liz' life a living hell, I'm all for that.


I love how concerned he was for Liz right now and her destroyed wedding...the whole time his tongue was down Hayden's throat.

Um, did Patrick seriously say at the beginning of the ep that the DNA test had to be wrong, maybe Spin manipulated the facial recognition software somehow?


I just...why? Spinelli loved Jason and Sam like they were his parents, pretty much! He knows how much JaSam loves each other, how much Sam grieved him. Why would Patrick even make the suggestion that Spin would ever be so cruel to prank his Fair Samantha that way?

Correct me if I am wrong but I think he just meant there could be a glitch in the program....not that spin did it on purpose.

So......did anyone bother to tell epiphany she was on kid duty now? If SamTrick leave the church, I can imagine Epiphany, Felix and Sabrina returning to the empty church like...wtf? How long was that walk to get ice cream? I am betting Liz doesn't have a cell tucked into her wedding dress.....mother of the year yet again. Let's run after Jason instead of taking care of your kids.

  • Love 3

Do you mean the audacity because Jakeson should do it?  I would say audacity if she asks/begs for a favor re: Jakeson.


Obviously it will depend on how the scene plays out, but at its base, I find Liz

being the one to deliver the Jason news to Monica - when she dismissed Monica's pain as a mother as inconsequential never mind what Liz went through when she lost Jake  - deeply, deeply gross.

  • Love 12

Once again Carly stuck like a leech and Sam turned on the waterworks. 


No argument re Carly, but what was Sam supposed to do? She just found out her husband is alive, but he has no memory of her or their marriage, and doesn't feel anything for her other than friendship. Should she have stood there and said 'no biggie, I've moved on anyway!'?

  • Love 10

No argument re Carly, but what was Sam supposed to do? She just found out her husband is alive, but he has no memory of her or their marriage, and doesn't feel anything for her other than friendship. Should she have stood there and said 'no biggie, I've moved on anyway!'?


Sam should tell Jason to fuck off so Liez can have him and then run off to marry Patrick and forget that her dead husband is really alive. Obviously. 

  • Love 3

but what was Sam supposed to do? She just found out her husband is alive, but he has no memory of her or their marriage, and doesn't feel anything for her other than friendship. Should she have stood there and said 'no biggie, I've moved on anyway!'?


And this is what I've been saying from the beginning--that Jason learning he was Jason didn't automatically mean all his Jason memories, including those of his love and marriage to Sam, would magically also be restored. Feelings are not like faucets that can be turned on or off. His feelings for Liz won't automatically go away; they are a part of his current memories, regardless of his memory returning.  Why viewers (everywhere, not just here) would assume or think learning who he was would equal also remembering his feelings for his wife, mother, etc., has always confounded me.  It's just like when Jason Quartermaine woke up from his coma and became Jason Morgan==he was told who he was, and that he had family; but he didn't remember them or his feelings for them.

  • Love 4

And this is what I've been saying from the beginning--that Jason learning he was Jason didn't automatically mean all his Jason memories, including those of his love and marriage to Sam, would magically also be restored. Feelings are not like faucets that can be turned on or off. His feelings for Liz won't automatically go away; they are a part of his current memories, regardless of his memory returning.  Why viewers (everywhere, not just here) would assume or think learning who he was would equal also remembering his feelings for his wife, mother, etc., has always confounded me.  It's just like when Jason Quartermaine woke up from his coma and became Jason Morgan==he was told who he was, and that he had family; but he didn't remember them or his feelings for them.


If Jason got his memories back presumably the feelings associated with those memories would also return. I don't think it's crazy to think he would "revert" back to the way he was right before he died - in love with Sam and wanting to be a family with her and Danny. He still had some feelings for Liez at that time but he still wanted to be with Sam.

  • Love 2

Sam should tell Jason to fuck off so Liez can have him and then run off to marry Patrick and forget that her dead husband is really alive. Obviously.

Besides the running off with Patrick this is exactly what I want her to do.

Grace Jason to Liz and then get out of dodge let crazy(Liz) and no personality(Jason) stay together to keep them away from characters I like.

  • Love 1

I didn't watch yesterday, but-yeah Kiki propping Sonny or saying anything good about Michael or Morgan is ridiculous.

However-Ava repeatedly had sex with Kiki's boyfriend behind her back.

If Kiki hasn't killed Ava, Ava should be grateful. Poor, poor Ava. She's a piece of trash, so she got called on being a piece of trash. BOO HOO

Sympathy? None.

And Ava and Sonny are two peas in a pod. They should put them together and contain the suck. The debate about who Avery should be with is ridiculous, because neither of them are fit to raise a turnip.

ETA never mind. Calling Ava trash is an insult to the trash. Carry on.

Edited by IWantCandy71
  • Love 2

However-Ava repeatedly had sex with Kiki's boyfriend behind her back.

If Kiki hasn't killed Ava, Ava should be grateful. Poor, poor Ava. She's a piece of trash, so she got called on being a piece of trash. BOO HOO


Except Kiki is also trash, and hypocritical trash at that.  Are we supposed to forget all the kissing and flashing of boobs she did with Michael behind Morgan's back when they were first dating?

  • Love 9

I don't dislike Kiki as much as you, but it doesn't matter what Kiki is or isn't. I was talking about what Ava is. Kiki could be the worst person in the world, and would still have the right to drag the second worst person in the world if they did her wrong.

She could choose to take the high road, but why should she, when Ava wouldn't just stick the knife in Kiki's back if the tables were turned, she'd twist the blade, as well.

IDK- When I see Kiki just be all nonchalant about aiming a gun and firing it at someone, I'll agree she's even half as bad as Ava. Until then, she's not even as close as horrible as that woman.

I always read about "rage inducing" SL's and characters on this board and I have to admit, for the most part, I'm prettty apathetic about most of the sl's and characters.

But AVA. Her existence kinda is starting to induce rage. Or rather, the fact that people constantly diss Sonny and yet root for Ava. Because IMO they are the same.  IDK, for me, it's good that I don't watch that much. I couldn't take this show every day, knowing Ava and Sonny are two of the main characters.

I don't know how anyone does it, or why they'd want to. Two such unsavory people as leads makes me want to write a letter to the network-something I haven't done in decades.

  • Love 2

Here we go again with the Sonny/Carly/Jason trinity.  Her having the gall to call him on the night his entire existence imploded because SONNY is in a bad place and CARLY needs him....there are no words.  Jason should run for the hills while he still has the chance.


I'm not surprised, but Sonny was such an asshole to Carly.  You didn't lose custody because she wasn't there (and FFS, man, she wasn't there because she was in a car accident, caused by your BFF Kiki!), you lost custody because you couldn't control your temper AGAIN.


This whole Jason reveal is soooooooooooooo boring.  Wake me up when somebody collapses in tears or gets slapped across the chops.

  • Love 9

Liz, isn't Jason still married to Sam?  So why are you pushing so hard for a marriage that will not be valid?

I still don't understand how the marriage could be legal without even that, how does Jake Doe get a marriage license without knowing any of the information you need on the paperwork to be granted one?  


The Jason reveal really dragged way too long and is so lackluster. The opposite of what Y&R did with Adam, when both stories started at the same time.

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 3

Here we go again with the Sonny/Carly/Jason trinity.  Her having the gall to call him on the night his entire existence imploded because SONNY is in a bad place and CARLY needs him....there are no words.  Jason should run for the hills while he still has the chance.


I'm not surprised, but Sonny was such an asshole to Carly.  You didn't lose custody because she wasn't there (and FFS, man, she wasn't there because she was in a car accident, caused by your BFF Kiki!), you lost custody because you couldn't control your temper AGAIN.


This whole Jason reveal is soooooooooooooo boring.  Wake me up when somebody collapses in tears or gets slapped across the chops.

Is there an reason that sonny needed carly there.Why can't he take care of his own kid.men have been doing it forever on this show.

  • Love 1

"I don't want you to make the same mistake I did." - F' OFF, Patrick. You don't get to talk Sam out of wanting to go back to Jason and figure things out. I hope Robin slaps him good when she comes back. Then slaps him again for making her hand hurt. I'm gonna go hang out in HeatLifer's IhatePatrick corner now.


I LOVED Sam leaving the house without a word to Patrick-while he's in the bathroom - and hopping on the motorcycle to take it to Jason. LOL!! I also laughed at Liz looking forlornly out the window. 


I can't decide who is most awful in this episode - Liz, Patrick, or Nikolas. I guess Nikolas because for him to have any anger/attitude toward Hayden after he tried to have her killed ... there are no words. Or as some of you say, rage blackout. Also, didn't Hayden overhear Nikolas admitting that he paid someone to shoot her? If so, her wanting Nikolas is just really sick. I'm not surprised though that Nik wants to screw the woman he tried to have killed.


Yelling at Sonny and then "Both parties are completely reprehensible" - What a fabulous judge!!! *happy dance*


Of course Carly just expects Jason to step right back into his old place in CarSon's life. His first priority is not you or Sonny, dumbass.

  • Love 5

Oh thank god! I was worried you may have had an anger stroke.

Oh, I'm great! It's always wonderful when your favorite character sacrificed her life to save a friend and then was held captive for over a year so Patrick, Emma and Anna weren't killed. And now Patrick says he didn't really love her when she came back and she was a mistake and he basically should have chose Sabrina!!! Yayayyaay!!!

  • Love 4
"I don't want you to make the same mistake I did." - F' OFF, Patrick. You don't get to talk Sam out of wanting to go back to Jason and figure things out. I hope Robin slaps him good when she comes back. Then slaps him again for making her hand hurt. I'm gonna go hang out in HeatLifer's IhatePatrick corner now.



They want me to believe for one second that Patrick regrets not staying with Sabrina? Really?


Fuck this - just let me know when Robin is back on screen.

  • Love 2

So instead of wondering why Robin lied about Jason or where the fuck she's been for over a year, Patrick is busy telling Sam that being with Robin was a mistake.

DIAF, dude. Can't wait till he's off my screen.


And that it was never the same after Robin came back. Well, after you finally CHOSE her, it seemed like they were doing fine to me. You renewed your vows to her in the middle of your living room, Patrick. You made love the night before she left with Victor. The night before she got kidnapped again, essentially. How selfish of her.


Patrick was a douche today to Sam, per usual. Seriously, how many times did he tell Sam Jason might not remember her and Danny? And he was so shocked that Sam still considers Jason her husband. Um, he is, Patrick. Just like Danny is Jason's son. I was so glad Sam shot that down when he started up on Jason being unsafe for them.


How embarrassing that Sam is more concerned about the fall-out to her son and Emma than Patrick is.

  • Love 8

Not that I care about this at all, but I guess Rebecca Budig is working for someone and that's why she's trying to stay close to Nikolas?

I understand her general motivation, but kissing someone and letting them touch you - not even going past that - is the act of someone who is either depraved or the ultimate con artist, or both, if you know that this person tried to kill you.

  • Love 3

So far, Liez seems to have gotten off easy. I don't see anyone catching on that she knew--if they think along those lines, they blame Nik. She even got Jason to go home with her for the night! I don't recall hearing Jason or Carly or Sam having the revelation that LIEZ KNEW AND WOULDN'T TELL.


And of course Spinelli will eventually be hailed as the super detective who outsmarted everyone and changed their lives with his fabulous software invention. It keeps him closely involved with Port Charles and the people in it. The door is wide open for his return. Yessir, Spinelli haters, expect Sexy Back eventually with his trail of glory.


Carly is a leech who's not gonna let Jason  go. How characteristic of Sonny to turn on her when it was his fault that Avery custody was lost. I wonder if Carly has ever heard that old fable about picking up and rescuing the snake--in the end, it turns on you and bites because after all it is a snake.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 2

And that it was never the same after Robin came back. Well, after you finally CHOSE her, it seemed like they were doing fine to me. You renewed your vows to her in the middle of your living room, Patrick. You made love the night before she left with Victor. The night before she got kidnapped again, essentially. How selfish of her.

This complete rewrite of Scrubs to shit on them for the billionth time is something else. Their love was the same. Robin left to save Jason. And Patrick was pissed.

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