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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Hi all, I mostly lurk, but had to come out of my shell for this shit. That custody hearing was rage inducing. Sonny was whitewashed to EPIC proportions, and even Michael excused AJ’s murder as (paraphrasing) “crazy things happened that night” & “animosity between them.” Right down to the judge not bothering to discuss AJ, & whitewashing his murder as “a letter from the mayor on the matter.” I don’t even like Ava and thought the pile on of her in the courtroom was beyond ridiculous.


This is what they consider drama and suspense?  Damn, even the judge hand waved AJ’s murder as a letter from the damn mayor. I couldn’t believe the crap coming out of Michael’s mouth, Chad looked sick having to say such dismissive things about AJ, about a story line that finally let Michael grow as a character.

  • Love 13

The fuck?  Did I hear right?  Did Michael say he wasn't "being objective in his grief" when he changed his name to Quartermaine?  He thinks he was supposed to be "objective in his grief" after Sonny MURDERED HIS FATHER?!?!


I fucking hate this show.


Wow, never mind! Fuck that, unless they raise A.J. from the dead a second (third?) time I'm never watching this show live until its last week on the air!

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 6

KeMo was good. I think Billy was his usual annoying teeth-grittin' self though.


Nikolas' first laugh was straight up muahaha territory. The brief exchange with Carly made me wish those two had more interaction though.


Greenlee (again, I typed that by accident): "that makes me fluttery somewhere just north of my thighs." The trying too hard is painful.


Stone is an appropriate middle name for Morgan.


It would be more entertaining to watch Ava and Sonny be forced to share custody.

Who cares that all of Sonny's children are brain-dead morons that signed glowing affidavits. All of the crap they had to grow up with should have gone on record as well.


Can't Kristina and Dante be forced to testify? I have no idea how this would work in real life but it doesn't seem to make much sense that they couldn't be ordered to show up in court. Even if they lie their asses off the evasions and the types of questions Scott would ask (if he were portrayed as smart) would speak a lot.

  • Love 2

OK. There's still a glimmer of hope that the show could outlast Sonny, then.  Thank you, ulkis.


Oh. I hate to be a dream crusher, but I don't think there's even a glimmer unless Maurice wins the lottery. Or another soap offers him a role but I don't see it. Where the hell would he go?

Okay did I hear wrong or was Patrick like "It must be shocking for you" but then he doesn't say "I know cause I've been there" or something like that?? So bizarre.

  • Love 1

Okay did I hear wrong or was Patrick like "It must be shocking for you" but then he doesn't say "I know cause I've been there" or something like that?? So bizarre.

I'm fine with sounding like the most annoying broken record, but the 0 Robin mentions so far in terms of Patrick's POV is disturbing. I need someone to explain to me like I'm Morgan how the show will evvvver be able to realistically fix that side of the story.

  • Love 1

I'm fine with sounding like the most annoying broken record, but the 0 Robin mentions so far in terms of Patrick's POV is disturbing. I need someone to explain to me like I'm Morgan how the show will evvvver be able to realistically fix that side of the story.


Like you're Morgan? Okay.


Look, over there! Something shiny!


This is the second time I've written that joke and I'm not ashamed, damn it.

  • Love 13

Oh. I hate to be a dream crusher, but I don't think there's even a glimmer unless Maurice wins the lottery. Or another soap offers him a role but I don't see it. Where the hell would he go?


Hope springs eternal, ulkis!!!!! 


Someday, someone in a position of power will finally watch the show and realize just how shitty and painful he is as an actor, how much damage the character of Sonny Corinthos has done to GH, and do what's needed to be done for years now. 


MB could just be a stay at home dad.  Isn't his wife a successful producer? 

  • Love 4

Oh, definitely.  But then she also had to go over to Sonny and tell him he raised great sons, thank him for always letting her see Avery, blah blah blah.


More like vomit, vomit, vomit. I can already tell that between the Sonny propping, Ava bashing, and Liz pretending that my rage blackouts will be epic. Going to need to stock up on the alcohol to get through this one.


And shut up, Varni. You sound stupid and ridiculous.

  • Love 3

No one in that reveal was impressive.  JT and BM seemed as bored as ever


BM, there's no excuse as far as I'm concerned. It was supposed to be his shining moment. But JT? Dude is just wallpaper in this whole thing and he's out the door. So I get that one.

I'm fine with sounding like the most annoying broken record, but the 0 Robin mentions so far in terms of Patrick's POV is disturbing. I need someone to explain to me like I'm Morgan how the show will evvvver be able to realistically fix that side of the story.


And I bet this was one of the big reasons JT said, "Fuck this. Buh bye!" The man clearly has the smarts his character is no longer allowed.

  • Love 4

Oh. I hate to be a dream crusher, but I don't think there's even a glimmer unless Maurice wins the lottery. Or another soap offers him a role but I don't see it. Where the hell would he go?



Maurice has it made in the shade. I don't see him heading anywhere until GH is officially (finally) cancelled. As of right now he's the cock in the hen's nest so to speak, his character is treated like royalty and if Sonny ruled the roost before I am not even sure what you might call what's happening now other than sickening, horrifying, disgusting, vile and unwatchable.



I mean, it irritates me at its base, but it's also just extremely lazy writing.  There were ways to have Michael and Sonny organically build back up some kind of relationship, but to have it all just hand waved is guh-ross.


This whole hour was full of ridiculous Sonny propping.




They always want to take easy shortcuts to get these characters where they want them to go.


Franco the SERIAL KILLER is suddenly Mr. Average Joe with car insurance and HOA fees to worry about with his new "girlfriend".


Sonny murdered an innocent, unarmed man in cold blood and yet he ends up pardoned by the governor, has his shit for brains kids falling all over themselves to praise his "parenting skills" and is actually in court not as a defendant facing life in prison but instead is vying for custody of a real, live, actual baby.


I am suspicious if they know how to write this show any other way at this point than as lazy-assed as possible. 


I thought every bit of today reeked of generic, cheap, lifeless, boring unimportant nonsense. 


And Billy has GOT to learn to open his mouth. I would kill to have Helena, or Constance masquerading as Helena, pop in for a scene, glare at him and shout: "Enunciate for the love of god, young man!" before then spiriting away again somewhere.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 5
Maurice has it made in the shade. I don't see him heading anywhere until GH is officially (finally) cancelled. As of right now he's the cock in the hen's nest so to speak, his character is treated like royalty and if Sonny ruled the roost before I am not even sire what you might call what's happening now other than sickening, horrifying, disgusting, vile and unwatchable.


Which has thankfully put the show in last place. Yay! We're #4, baby!

  • Love 4

Which has thankfully put the show in last place. Yay! We're #4, baby!



Worst of the worst is still technically first, in that GH is the first soap people switch the channel from. Good going Frankie!



Or it's inverse. They're still shitting on his character because he is leaving and almost out the door and are being petty unprofessional assholes.




Ding ding ding!


Heck, he should be grateful he at least outlasted Ron. Imagine Ron having a go at Patrick after all he did for the character, giving him Sam and making sure Robin stayed imprisoned and forgotten and whatnot. Patrick would probably have ended up running over Cyborg Little Jake, and not stopping, on his way out of town.

Edited by CPP83

Even on his way out they're shitting on his character.


And the previews for tomorrow show him asking Sam did she stop loving him once she found out Jake was Jason...I can't even.

What in the possible world would make him think any of this right now is about Patrick? Your fiancee's world just got blown to bits, man, the husband she loved and grieved for and FINALLY let go just came back to her but doesn't remember her as his wife or anything of their life together. And you just want to know if Sam stopped loving you once she got hit with all of that today?

Can you at least pretend to be concerned about her or happy for her, and give her time to process?

  • Love 3

Please tell me this was not actual dialogue. Because just, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.



Every word. It was...nauseating.


And of course because it was just so very "sexy" Nik decided he needed to jam his tongue down her throat. I don't know what kind of kissing Tyler and Becca were attempting but it didn't look right to me. As if they were missing each other's lips and almost biting the other's nose or something.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 3

Not only are they dragging out this ratchet ass story, they're making all the wrong choices with the telling of it. Why the fuck did they have BM play such strong denial? Does he not remember all the Sam flashes, the weird familiarity he felt at the Q mansion and seeing pics of them? Robin having a whole conversation talking him out of killing Sam? Granted it was a year ago but fuck! WHY IS HE IN DENIAL, SHOW??? There should have been confusion, and then putting the pieces together (here's where a flashback would be good, of the Robin convo, stealing the figurine from Sam, etc) followed by joy at finally understanding and believing, and then realization of what that means regarding Sam and marrying Liez. How hard would that have been, show? Instead we get full on brain damaged, gogurt puddin eating, slow mother fucker yelling NO! It can't possibly be TRUE!

Fucking Frank, man.


Say it with me. He is not Jason.


Those memories were planted. They left no long term impression because they were false memories.


My story ......

  • Love 2

I...just don't get how something that basically writes itself, a back from the dead deal and the people keeping the leading (hitman) male from his true love could be so spectacularly FUBAR'd (Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition for the unfamiliar!).


I mean, if these idiots can't even do something so tried and true right, well, then, WTF CAN they do to make people watch this shit?

  • Love 5

Nathan Varni, TV Mogul and Memory Expert:

nathan varni tweet:

@xx @xx the flashbacks aren't enough yet to form solid memories, you need to keep watching to see the story unfold

So, basically please, please, please don't anyone else stop watching this dreck. WE. NEED. THE. NUMBERS!

They need a continuity person or a story board they can all see. The details they drop during stories is insanely pathetic. Why have the details if they are pointless to a story.

I don't understand how any of them thought this half-assed crap was sweeps worthy.

Was Fin on today?

OTT: I love Daria.

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