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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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To me the animosity towards Hayden really stems from the fact that if Ric's plan had worked out then Jake would have left town, and of course that means those such as Carly and Liz, and now Sam, see her as the lowest of dirty, devious scum because god forbid the man with amnesia they've all latched onto leaves them now if his identity was truly uncovered.


Even before she was proven a fraud just the idea that someone else would dare show up and "claim" Jake and take him away made them go a bit, or a lot in Liz's case, bonkers.


And Nik is just really shit at being a good boyfriend, imho, to pretty much anyone. Nik is always about Nik when it boils down to it.


I will admit that Hayden to me is worthless, but Becca is playing her well. I always thought she played smirking scheme-tress very well and that's how Hayden is coming across to me. She isn't letting any of the usual idiots walk all over her despite their little snide comments and obvious snubs and turning up their very hypocritical noses at her. 

Edited by CPP83
To me the animosity towards Hayden really steams from the fact that if Ric's plan had worked out then Jake would have left town, and of course that means those such as Carly and Liz, and now Sam, see her as the lowest of dirty, devious scum because god forbid the man with amnesia they've all latched onto leaves them now if his identity was truly uncovered.



I see your point, but that's not really what is being written though. It's all about Hayden lying about the amnesia and daring not to tell the truth about the mighty Jakeson. The fake marriage thing has barely even been mentioned.


Even before she was proven a fraud just the idea that someone else would dare show up and "claim" Jake and take him away made them go a bit, or a lot in Liz's case, bonkers.



It's funny, because it's what Liz is basically doing now. Claiming Jake as her own and keeping him from his real family. Yet the bitchface to Hayden remains,

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"grrr, make me some pancakes! I will give you a high-five!" He sounded like he was writing that to Aidan. I really wanted Lucky to show up at the window and cry the one single tear that the love of his life was getting married to Liz.


ulkis, I read this six times, and it still doesn't parse. When was Jason the love of Lucky's life?



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I will admit that Hayden to me is worthless, but Becca is playing her well. I always thought she played smirking scheme-tress very well and that's how Hayden is coming across to me. She isn't letting any of the usual idiots walk all over her despite their little snide comments and obvious snubs and turning up their very hypocritical noses at her.


I can see where viewers have no use for her, but having had no exposure to Rebecca Budig the actress prior to this, I enjoy her. I had no exposure to MW before she joined GH, so maybe that's why I have embraced these actresses. Except I'm thoroughly unimpressed with MSt, so there goes that theory.

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Laura looked stunning today. And I continue to love her. Could've done without her not trusting Hayden when her own son is trying to fuck a woman he tried to have killed and she doesn't seem to care much about that, but still. I love the way GF plays Laura with Liz. She talks to Liz as if she's some kind of brain damaged child, which is appropriate imo.


I hated Liz's dress. I feel bad about it but I can't bear to see so many of BH's bones exposed. And it accentuates her bad boob job. But I thought she looked amazing before she put on the dress.


WTF at Sonny and Ric salivating over Sam? Such weird moments.


I don't know how Sonny wasn't struck by lighting when he was talking to Ava. He is the worst.


Carly said 'God dammit.' I was so taken aback. Speaking of Carly, that was all so amazingly hilarious. When she tripped and hit the rock I was just rolling.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I can see where viewers have no use for her, but having had no exposure to Rebecca Budig the actress prior to this, I enjoy her. I had no exposure to MW before she joined GH, so maybe that's why I have embraced these actresses. Except I'm thoroughly unimpressed with MSt, so there goes that theory.


I'm the same, never watched AMC or saw RBu in anything, so I'm not tainted, I like her alot, she's what my grandma would call "fresh".

I can't express how little I care about this stupid custody battle. Someone PLEASE ship Avery off to Canada or Syria and then kill Ava and Sonny.


Laura is being WAY too nice to Liez. She should be worried about a crazy person raising her grandchildren. 


The stall tactics these writers used to keep Carly from making it to the wedding are just so ridiculous. 

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I totally forgot Lulu and Laura's connected until I read the last few pages. Goes to show how neglected that thread has been since her return.


Sam looked beautiful in the blue dress. 


WTF at Sonny and Ric salivating over Sam? Such weird moments.


I am glad he can now salivate over her without fear or guilt. He's always been attracted to her.

When Nik said that Lucky approves of what Liz is doing so Laura should, too, Laura should have smacked him in the face. This version of Laura where she judges people while also keeping secrets is lame af.

I would prefer her to say, "Stop lying to me, Nikolas!!" with a smack over the head at the same time. Laura knows Lucky well enough that he would not be okay with what Liz is doing, and that Nik telling her Lucky approves is bullshit. Lucky was still trying to wrap his head around what Nikolas told him when he went off to look through Liz's window. He never said it was okay. What he actually said was if Elizabeth and Nik had already made their decisions about Jason and were fine and settled with it all, why tell me the truth (knowing he could blow it out of the water). Basically he was saying you don't want to do what's hard, but you know you're wrong, so you're placing this in my lap so that I''ll either do what's right and take the burden off you OR I'll be an asshole too for knowing the truth about Jason but walking away from all of you and this mess.

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TeeVee - Can I vote for Laura to slap like a domino line?? She should slap Nikolas because his behavior has been heinous, whereas Liz, Dante, and Valerie are more delusional/stupid/pathetic and immature liars/schemers. But B,C, and D didn't plot to screw over a bunch of people and also have someone killed. Nikolas is in a league of his own.

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I'm watching now on Hulu but I just had to jump in and say Yay!  Rock is is back!  A Branch and Rock combo!  Who knew the new writers were going to take Carly is a slapstick direction?


Hee.  Other than the fact it's was one more effing, annoying delay, that was fun.  *Back to watching, then to return here later and read perhaps other cheers for Return of Rock.*

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This storyline is so annoying. Who was watching Rocco? Did they hire a sitter - if so where was the kid when Dante got back? He wasn't with Olivia - and judging by Laura being all about Liz today not Laura either.  I'm so confused by all of this. Did I have a rage blackout and miss the details? Why on earth would Laura care more about Liz making a giant mistake than about Lulu in her time of despair. 

I can see where viewers have no use for her, but having had no exposure to Rebecca Budig the actress prior to this, I enjoy her. I had no exposure to MW before she joined GH, so maybe that's why I have embraced these actresses. Except I'm thoroughly unimpressed with MSt, so there goes that theory.



I've been watching soaps for over half a century, heh, I'm not sure there's anyone left, aside from the newest of the new faces, I haven't been exposed to on one soap or another by now.


I'd actually much rather have Becca over Michelle, I'll say that much. Now if she had been the Nina things might be a bit different.



I freaking love Hayden making everybody wildly uncomfortable while she just bops around with that million-watt grin. RB seems like she's having a blast.




That was always her specialty, Becca's that is. She is very much in her comfort zone right now.



Yeah, I don't have a problem with Rebecca Budig the actress at all.  The character is just a shell, though, outside of the relationship with the man who tried to kill her that the show seems to want us to root for, but I so don't.



That is my issue as well.


Sure Hayden is making some characters squirm and honestly they mostly deserve to, but aside from that she may as well be another Kiki living off a (shitty) boyfriend, with no real friends or family, and no true ties to the show besides just being put out there front and center and suddenly she's apart of the main group. 


I get that she was one of those brag worthy hires for the show, but I actually think with her talent Becca could have gotten a far better character to play. 

Edited by CPP83
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Why on earth would Laura care more about Liz making a giant mistake than about Lulu in her time of despair.


Interesting that neither Tracy nor Laura apparently knows about the Lante marriage implosion. Only the Corinthii side (Olivia and Sonny) know so far. I want to see Sonny's reaction to Carly's accident and her news about Jason. I can't stand how all these women, including maneater Carly,  are being a chain of fools for Jason. What do they see in him?


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I figured if I gave an "all of the above" option, it'd win in a landslide lol.


But yeah, pretty much every chick in town should be lining up to slap Nikolas.

I meant Laura should slap Nikolas, and the others can fall from the ripple effect. I really wish Laura knew Nikolas considered exploiting his beloved sister Lulu's messy past by getting her to charm/seduce Dillon into giving up his ELQ shares. That would certainly make Laura want to slap him. Someone should tell Lulu so she can slap her brother, too. I feel every chick should be a literal thing in this case!

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I meant Laura should slap Nikolas, and the others can fall from the ripple effect. I really wish Laura knew Nikolas considered exploiting his beloved sister Lulu's messy past by getting her to charm/seduce Dillon into giving up his ELQ shares. That would certainly make Laura want to slap him. Someone should tell Lulu so she can slap her brother, too. I feel every chick should be a literal thing in this case!



If I am not remembering incorrectly didn't Nik basically tell Laura she "owed" him in keeping Jake's true identity a secret because she abandoned him as a kid?


Laura knows exactly the sort of person her son is and how far, and low, he's willing to go to get his way.

If I am not remembering incorrectly didn't Nik basically tell Laura she "owed" him in keeping Jake's true identity a secret because she abandoned him as a kid?


Laura knows exactly the sort of person her son is and how far, and low, he's willing to go to get his way.

It was more like he passively aggressively guilted her by saying he didn't hold the abandonment against her since she had been trying to protect her family. He told her he's now trying to protect two new families that have formed, and she should be able to understand that motive.  Yet I think Laura mistakenly sees Nik's love for little sister as pure, practically sacred. I think she's a little in denial of how low Nik can go (probably in part out of guilt, because she didn't raise him).


I felt like what he told Lucky was almost worse: hey you're free to go if you want, because Liz has Jason and they've become a family with the boys.  

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BH's makeup was FLAWLESS. My god, the skin on that woman. Her dress, though, was a bit much for a what, third wedding? Fourth? It's too princessy. It cracks me up when soaps put women in first-wedding-type dresses no matter how many times they've been married.


The dress makes sense given the insane fantasy Liz is currently enacting. 


Sure Hayden is making some characters squirm and honestly they mostly deserve to, but aside from that she may as well be another Kiki living off a (shitty) boyfriend, with no real friends or family, and no true ties to the show besides just being put out there front and center and suddenly she's apart of the main group. 


I get that she was one of those brag worthy hires for the show, but I actually think with her talent Becca could have gotten a far better character to play. 


She could be interacting with the same people as Sarah Webber. I can enjoy RB but I give zero fucks about Hayden and this gross "relationship" they're trying to push with Nik is repulsive

Edited by Oracle42
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I'm glad Genie Francis is back on contract. I think she adds a little class to the show and hopefully she gets a love interest. I don't want it to be someone like Paul or someone who is using her. I want her paired with a smart & intelligent guy. Someone like Drake Hogeston but who can actually act. LOL!!

Wait! Rebecca Herbst has a boob job? How is that possible? Did she go from less than nothing to a little of nothing? I don't believe it. That said, I thought she & her dress were beautiful:


Edited by ByaNose
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I will try to put the blame on this god forsaken, shitty, pukeworthy and never ending Jakeson storyline that needed to die months ago.


Just about every shitty thing going on in this show ties back to that awful story.  KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!



When was Jason the love of Lucky's life?


Jason is the love of everybody's life.

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Liz doesn't need something borrowed, she is already borrowing Sam's husband (someone said this on twitter and I loved it so much I decided to lie to it, make it doubt it's own memories, and post it here)


I really don't understand why Liz continues to be such a bitch to Hayden.  Yeah, Hayden "started" it this time, but newsflash psycho bride...Hayden could destroy your lie in 2 seconds.  Stop poking the bear!  



I am so so so so glad that I was wrong about a quickie Samtrick wedding.

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It was more like he passively aggressively guilted her by saying he didn't hold the abandonment against her since she had been trying to protect her family. He told her he's now trying to protect two new families that have formed, and she should be able to understand that motive.  Yet I think Laura mistakenly sees Nik's love for little sister as pure, practically sacred. I think she's a little in denial of how low Nik can go (probably in part out of guilt, because she didn't raise him).


I felt like what he told Lucky was almost worse: hey you're free to go if you want, because Liz has Jason and they've become a family with the boys.  



Ahh, that was it, thanks.


I think it's a mix of both, that she knows in her heart of hearts what he's truly capable of because she is his mother but yet she wants to turn a blind eye and hang onto the idea, the dream, that Nik really won't cross certain lines, but she knows the group of psychos that make up the the half of his DNA.


The way he acted with Lucky was disgusting I thought. He was exploiting Lucky almost in the same way that he had when he was willing to take Liz to bed behind his back.



She could be interacting with the same people as Sarah Webber. I can enjoy RB but I give zero fucks about Hayden and this gross "relationship" they're trying to push with Nik is repulsive




But you must find it so sexy and romantical when you think about the fact that Nik commissioned her murder but now is totally fine with her cozying up to him in bed, as long as she doesn't "screw up: again with that nasty habit of trying to tell the truth and then he'll have to have her whacked again.


How's that song go again... "Love hurts, love scars, love wounds and mars any heart". That should be Nik's ringtone.

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Elizabeth looked stunning in her fairy tale white wedding gown (wedding 3 or 4?) But when the viewer's eyes are drawn to her protruding bones there's a problem. Sam, Hayden and Robin are all as tiny as she is yet we don't get to count their bones. When she first came on the show this wasn't the case, but over 10 years later and 3 kids after, this is what we get? This is not cute or healthy...

Edited by OnceSane

Are none of the other kids coming to the wedding?


I just remembered that Laura claimed she'd be watching Spencer for Nik, but why wouldn't he be tagging along? That's his aunt and his cousins, and of course his dad is going. And what about Emma? No flower girl role for her obviously despite Patrick's role as "man of honour", but no invite at all? What's up with that?


Not that I really care, since the wedding is about to implode in on itself anyhow, but I just find it odd that those little faces would be missing. Unless they're making later appearances, but I would think they'd be more front and center all things considered.

Are none of the other kids coming to the wedding?

I just remembered that Laura claimed she'd be watching Spencer for Nik, but why wouldn't he be tagging along? That's his aunt and his cousins, and of course his dad is going. And what about Emma? No flower girl role for her obviously despite Patrick's role as "man of honour", but no invite at all? What's up with that?

Not that I really care, since the wedding is about to implode in on itself anyhow, but I just find it odd that those little faces would be missing. Unless they're making later appearances, but I would think they'd be more front and center all things considered.

Only Liz's kids are attending the wedding. I assume so that she can cry about her children wanting this marriage SOOOOO much (complete with crazy eyes). Meanwhile, Dead!Alive!Jake is scouting the room to see how he can set the whole place ablaze and trap everyone inside (again, I assume).

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I just remembered that Laura claimed she'd be watching Spencer for Nik, but why wouldn't he be tagging along?


There was a throw away line somewhere about Spencer and Cam not getting along, so Spencer wouldn't be going to the wedding. But it is weird that Emma wouldn't be at the wedding, especially since her Dad is the man of honor and she's "dating" Cam. Oy with the kiddie drama.

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Only Liz's kids are attending the wedding. I assume so that she can cry about her children wanting this marriage SOOOOO much (complete with crazy eyes). Meanwhile, Dead!Alive!Jake is scouting the room to see how he can set the whole place ablaze and trap everyone inside (again, I assume).



Well I guess at least we won't have to deal with a lisping Spencer laughing at a wooden Cam while Liz begs Jake to just forget what he's found out until after the honeymoon at least.


And assume? I wish! The kid would finally prove worthwhile resurrecting.




There was a throw away line somewhere about Spencer and Cam not getting along, so Spencer wouldn't be going to the wedding. But it is weird that Emma wouldn't be at the wedding, especially since her Dad is the man of honor and she's "dating" Cam. Oy with the kiddie drama.



Ah-hah, of course they'd use that awfulness as an explanation for his absence. Well at least all that nonsense has finally died down, so perhaps it is best the kids skip the wedding. But if I were Emma I'd be a bit miffed, and Joss too, some friend Cam is.


I actually thought they might use the wedding as a platform to finally! age some of these brats to teenagers (finally!). But I suppose that's just how Days does it.

Edited by CPP83

Soooo, I've been watching some selections from the last few days including more mindboggling chapters of Franco Knows Best and the Rise and Fall of Ensign Mayonnaise (Party City Dillon), and I really can't take much of this at all. What's the over/under on what is actually airing today? I'm assuming the reveal is gonna be the last five minutes? I ain't watching that. I'll come back when the reveal hits and Robin returns, not before.


Drunk Kiki is actually a role that almost works for Hayley Erin, though she is still really not much of an actress. But with better dialogue writers and a harder edge the character could be somewhat entertaining. She can still go anyday.

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Soooo, I've been watching some selections from the last few days including more mindboggling chapters of Franco Knows Best

If it were someone, anyone else, I'd be sure that Franco was on his way out the door. Rambling to himself about car insurance as Morgan and Kiki - Morgan and Kiki - stare at him as if wondering how he got on set, if it were anyone else, I'd bet anything they were off the show in a month.

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How is Franco insured? What is Franco's current job? Why do people act like he's just some guy? He is a serial killer!


Ah yes but he has hooked himself up with Ninoo and her mo-nay. Insurance companies don't care...for an exorbitant sum they would cover Hannibal Lector himself. I just wish her check to Maxie and Dillon's boondoggle would bounce higher than one of Serena Williams's serves.


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It is funny how they are trying to make Sonny the better parent than Ava. Really? That said, I do like MB with scruff and when he says her name as aVA! It's the little things that amuse me.


It's ridiculous.  Never mind that their rap sheets are the same (both are mobsters, both are murderers, both slept with their children's significant others), by all accounts, Kiki's upbringing was totally normal and free of kidnappings, car bombings, and a parade of new stepparents.

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