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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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a father there to stand up for her and issues the proper threats to the man about to take her hand that should he ever hurt her he'll ensure he regrets it for the rest of his life, if he gets to live that long.


I actually hate this. It's incredibly paternalistic in the worst way. Parents should have their kids' backs, definitely, but I don't need or want Daddy fighting my battles.


OMG. OMG. That's...tragic. Patrick Drake of 2005/2006 with the semi mullet even looked better.

To be fair, it was wet, but still.


Low-flow shower head, I'm telling you. 


poured cheese puffs into a bowl


The problem with this is...? ;-)

Edited by dubbel zout
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poured cheese puffs into a bowl


The problem with this is...? ;-)


No problem at all. Just another one of the things that Sam managed to get done while Patrick was taking his shower. 

She apparently has the magic time-expanding bracelet that I've always coveted since I read about it in a sci-fi story: It turns a minute of everyone else's time into an hour for the wearer.


(Although, I'll admit that I mostly wanted it to wreak revenge on those who had wronged me. [imagine how much of your ex-boyfriend's stuff you could throw into the front yard in an hour when only a minute had passed elsewhere, giving you a perfect alibi …] I guess I wasn't worthy.)


Edited by rur
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Hee. From Despair in the Afternoon:


Here are the official GH alcohol survival drinking guidelines endorsed* by this site:


Nina, Franco and/or Kiki are on screen: roll your eyes, take a big gulp of two buck chuck, and press the fast forward button


Elizabeth swears she’s going to tell Jake the truth and then does the exact opposite of that: sigh deeply and down a glass of dry riesling


Valerie/Dillon/Lulu/Dante whine about their feelings: have a whole bottle of nice pino noir and look up pictures of cute animals on the internet


The Five Families appear: go into a the kitchen to make yourself a vodka cocktail; hope the scene will be over by the time you get back


Michael calls Sonny a good father: cry angry tears, swear your vengeance, take a shot of tequila


*We do not actually endorse these.



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If they're referring to Laura, just LMAO x 5675.

Am I the only one who can't think of any blood or marital tie between Sam/Patrick and Laura?


The closest I get is:  Robin once lived in the Spencer family house and Robin was married to Patrick.

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still forbidden from mentioning Robin, I see, though:


Emma: I'm writing an essay about you!

Anna: Isn't there anyone else you want to write it about? Someone famous, maybe?

Edited by ulkikis
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As expected, Michael was a huge asshole to Tracy.  How the fuck is she supposed to know you suddenly, overnight, decided that you don't hate Sonny anymore, Mikey?  And she's not wrong, he got what he deserved because HE'S IN THE GODDAMN MOB!


Rolled my eyes at Kiki getting all snitty about Franco referring to her as his daughter.  She (and the show) ALWAYS put more emphasis on that relationship over Kiki's relationship with Silas so it was a ridiculous note to play, especially since the story was really about affirming their (enraging) bond.


Nikolas is disgusting.  I need Laura to slap the crap out of him.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Why is it Robin's family who has to kiss Patrick and Sam's asses? Where's Alexis? Julian? Molly? Danny? Kristina? No, let's have ANNA tell Sam that she makes Patrick happy like he's her fucking SON. And Robot Minion has to be all smiles. Pathetic.

And Robot Minion is writing about Anna!The!Hero! and Anna recommends she write about Patrick. Like, I'm done.

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Why is it Robin's family who has to kiss Patrick and Sam's asses? Where's Alexis? Julian?


I'm pretty sure the only asses Julian and Alexis kiss are each other's.***


Wait, I didn't mean it like that. But, actually, that works too.


***Unless Julian somehow was in a house of mirrors and caught a reflection of his own.

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Why is it Robin's family who has to kiss Patrick and Sam's asses? Where's Alexis? Julian? Molly? Danny? Kristina? No, let's have ANNA tell Sam that she makes Patrick happy like he's her fucking SON. And Robot Minion has to be all smiles. Pathetic.

And Robot Minion is writing about Anna!The!Hero! and Anna recommends she write about Patrick. Like, I'm done.

It is so bizarre and infuriating that Anna props Samtrick on a weekly basis now.  I would hope it is to up her guilt when she finds out Robin has been kidnapped while Anna has been pushing Patrick and Emma in a new family, but I doubt it.  Robin will probably be asking Anna for forgiveness

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As expected, Michael was a huge asshole to Tracy.  How the fuck is she supposed to know you suddenly, overnight, decided that you don't hate Sonny anymore, Mikey?  And she's not wrong, he got what he deserved because HE'S IN THE GODDAMN MOB!



Did she throw him out?  Tell him to change his name back to Corinthos since he is a tool like the rest of them?  Something anything? 

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Kiki: I have no where to go!


How about your grandma, in NYC? GO AWAY. Although she was very pretty today.


Franco: I spent 20 years longing for you and wanting to get to know you.


Was this in between the serial killing? Plus, he's another one that needs a haircut. The flopping hair falling in his face like he's a 90s boyband member is not good.


What was paper under the cookie box have written on it? I didn't catch it.


They fixed Patrick's hair at least. Kinda.


I can't stand when Jason has "honey" into his dialogue. I don't know if that's Miller throwing that in there or the writers, but please, someone stop it.


Watching Nikolas harass and try and control Greenlee is soooo romantic! Luke and Laura baby! Why the fuck is she staying with him? This makes no sense.

Did she throw him out?  Tell him to change his name back to Corinthos since he is a tool like the rest of them?  Something anything? 


She apologized. If

Sabrina is pregnant, it might be a blessing. At least it gives him something else to focus on

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It is so bizarre and infuriating that Anna props Samtrick on a weekly basis now. I would hope it is to up her guilt when she finds out Robin has been kidnapped while Anna has been pushing Patrick and Emma in a new family, but I doubt it. Robin will probably be asking Anna for forgiveness

I find it bizarre that Sam is the only one who has dialogue about it being "awkward" and "uncomfortable" for Anna while Emma and Patrick and Anna don't give a flying fuck.

Also, I completely blocked out Danny in the last scene. The rage blackouts are getting intense.

And LMAO that Emma had dialogue about handing out Sabrina's cookies and hasn't once mentioned her mother.

Edited by HeatLifer
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I really don't care for Emma or that goody two shoes Sabrina. Michael is a dick just like Morgan

That Emma/Sabrina stuff just reminds me that Emma is on her third mother in less than two years, but no one ever calls Patrick on his revolving door of women

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Wow. STFU, Liz.

Liz's dialogue was crazy. I just didn't have anything to say about it cause at this point it's like, please, someone, end this already.

And I know this one's a controversial opinion, but yeah, I do think Liz is nuts and that's how they should get her out of this. I mean, if you're someone who is willing to subject themselves to this life where you have to do damage control even when you're just out getting a casual cup of coffee, just for the sake of some schlub, you're cray cray.

ETA: Oh, when Liz was like, "well, Mrs Yi is old and apparently, blind now" and that's where I was like damn they are just digging her in the hole. The way Liz said it though kinda cracked me up though.

Edited by ulkikis
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God, will November 6th just get here? I need Liez drowning in her tears with everyone laughing at her pain as Sam slaps her. (Usually not for violence, but Liz has EARNED a slap here.)


Also want to see Sabrina Patrick cry once he sees Patrick Sam drool at her returned one twu wuv, already, and end the misery of Liz/Jake and Sam/Patrick.

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Liz's dialogue was crazy. I just didn't have anything to say about it cause at this point it's like, please, someone, end this already.

And I know this one's a controversial opinion, but yeah, I do think Liz is nuts and that's how they should get her out of this. I mean, if you're someone who is willing to subject themselves to this life where you have to do damage control even when you're just out getting a casual cup of coffee, just for the sake of some schlub, you're cray cray.

ETA: Oh, when Liz was like, "well, Mrs Yi is old and apparently, blind now" and that's where I was like damn they are just digging her in the whole. The way Liz said it though kinda cracked me up though.

Is that controversial, though? Like, how else would they explain what Liz is doing? Or, in other words, how would anyone ever eventually forgive her? She's either crazy or Hells did it or both.

This was the new writers stuff, right? And by new writers, I mean, Ron clearly never left.

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Is that controversial, though? Like, how else would they explain what Liz is doing? Or, in other words, how would anyone ever eventually forgive her? She's either crazy or Hells did it or both.

This was the new writers stuff, right? And by new writers, I mean, Ron clearly never left.


I guess it's a mix? Ron's name was still in the credits today.


I meant controversial fan-wise, in that a lot of people don't want her to get the crazy pass.


I'm very sorry for your loss, tveyeonyou

Edited by ulkikis
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I guess it's a mix? Ron's name was still in the credits today.

I meant controversial fan-wise, in that a lot of people don't want her to get the crazy pass.

I'm very sorry for your loss, tveyeonyou.

If Sam, Patrick and Jason weren't being written like they are, I'd agree that Liz shouldn't get the crazy pass. But, alas, nope. She can have it.


tveyeonyou, I'm so sorry for your loss, as well.

Edited by HeatLifer
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Emma: I'm writing an essay about you!

Anna: Isn't there anyone else you want to write it about? Someone famous, maybe?


FFS, Anna, how about your don't dump your guilt on your 8-year-old granddaughter? Ugh. Those scenes were so annoying.


From the link:


And for god’s sake, find [Hayden] a love interest that hasn’t already tried to murder her. I feel like that’s a pretty low bar, even for this show.


It's sadly common this show, unfortunately. 


Watching Nikolas harass and try and control Greenlee is soooo romantic!


They are so gross. Genuinely wondering: Am I supposed to be rooting for them? 


LOL at Lauren's "I don't know how I'm going to live" with Silas gone. It's hard when the gravy train dies and you have to earn your own living. If Silas's estate is in probate, can Lauren sell the apartment?


What was paper under the cookie box have written on it? I didn't catch it.

I think it was a PCPD file? Or a business file of Paul's? The camera held it long enough but it wasn't close enough to see anything. Nice direction, there.


I meant controversial fan-wise, in that a lot of people don't want her to get the crazy pass.

She's a wimmins; of course she'll get the crazy pass. However they deal with it, it will be lacking any depth or nuance. It's not as if Nina's various stays at Shady Brooke have been worthwhile. That's one of the big problems with this show: It sets up situations it's not equipped or willing to resolve properly.

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I honestly don't care that Liz is keeping this Jason secret and lying her ass off. That shit just makes me shrug my shoulders. Whoop Dee doo.

Now when "Jake" murdered 3 people saving the other murderer Sonny's life and no one from PCPD arrested him or even brought him in for questioning. That? Pisses me off.

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I honestly don't care that Liz is keeping this Jason secret and lying her ass off. That shit just makes me shrug my shoulders. Whoop Dee doo.

Now when "Jake" murdered 3 people saving the other murderer Sonny's life and no one from PCPD arrested him or even brought him in for questioning. That? Pisses me off.

I don't care for Jason's sake, to be clear, I care for Liz's. I hate that she's going through hoops (to put it mildly) to keep his bum ass. Edited by ulkikis
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I don't care for Jason's sake, to be clear, I care for Liz's (to put it mildly). I hate that she's going through hoops to keep his bum ass.

Especially now that he's always talking about or hanging out with Sam.

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What was paper under the cookie box have written on it? I didn't catch it.

It was the PCPD file on Carlos that Paul was carrying around, because that's what new DAs do, they carry confidential files home and leave them lying around on the table.  

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 For someone so crazy and so desperate, Liz really doesn't seem to care that much about Jake spending time with Sam. 


And I know Liz is a crazy weirdo liar, but why is Jake snooping on her phone? Douche. 

Edited by tallyrand
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And I know Liz is a crazy weirdo liar, but why is Jake snooping on her phone? Douche.


Liz won't woman up, so if she keeps lying, I say Jake has the right to dig any way he can. At least his ass is FINALLY doing something.


And I have just defended the Holy Hitman in roundabout fashion. I need to go shower now with industrial bleach.

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Liz won't woman up, so if she keeps lying, I say Jake has the right to dig any way he can. At least his ass is FINALLY doing something.


And I have just defended the Holy Hitman in roundabout fashion. I need to go shower now with industrial bleach.


Haha  I suppose it's nice Jake is buying a clue.  Which should have happened months ago! I don't even think Liz was acting that suspicious though. 


 (I still support calling Jake a douche though even if not particularly for the reasons I specified -:))  

Edited by tallyrand
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Franco: I spent 20 years longing for you and wanting to get to know you.


Was this in between the serial killing? Plus, he's another one that needs a haircut. The flopping hair falling in his face like he's a 90s boyband member is not good.


See, now, I thought that remark was all about establishing Franco's serial killer bona fides. Not that lack of Kiki made him kill, but that only the homicidally insane would be sad they missed out on Kiki.

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Liz won't woman up, so if she keeps lying, I say Jake has the right to dig any way he can. At least his ass is FINALLY doing something.

And I have just defended the Holy Hitman in roundabout fashion. I need to go shower now with industrial bleach.

I knew you'd come around! ;)

But, seriously, when his character is the only one I can stand right now, there's something wrong.

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Can Nik be any more paternalistic? "I decided what you need to know and already told it to you. What do you mean you're looking for answers beyond that? It's almost like you don't trust me." "No, it's exactly like I don't trust you."

Edited by majormama
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I apologize for ranting. You guys/gals are the only thing that has given me solace these horrible days and I shouldn't rant here. But thank you for letting me, I won't do it again Mods, I'm a little out of my mind right now; both Parents gone in 2.5 years sucks so bad I almost feel sorry for Kiki. And I hate Kiki.

But I love you all <3

No apologies needed. I'm sorry for your loss. Feel free to vent or talk to us in the small talk thread, if needed.

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Nikolas was also pretty stupid confirming her suspicions the second she made them:


Rebecca Budig: You're trying to control me with seduction!


Nikolas: What are you talking about, that's crazy, I'm not doing that!


(immediately yanks Rebecca Budig into a kiss)

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