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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Emma can stay, she was cute with Anna.


Spencer, however, can take a Kiki-like leap off the pier.  And Rebecca Budig's presence in those scenes just made this Britt fan (we do exist!) miss her.


Oh yeah, all the Spencer pimping Rebecca Budig just reminded me how awful a parent Nikolas is, just bringing round his girlfriends every couple of months so Spencer can cuddle up to them and then lose them. Gosh, he could at least park her in the guest house like Stefan did with Katherine because he didn't want to teach Nikolas loose behavior. (Still makes me laugh when she was like, "why aren't you moving me in Stefan?!" and he was like, uh, gotta give the kid a good example.) Too bad it was all for naught.

  • Love 5

I won't even lie: the rest of the episode was okay, IMO (Rebecca Budig's abs aside--damn, woman), but Patrick saying he was the happiest he's been in "a long time" was and continues to be aggravating as hell.  We really, really didn't need a reminder about how Scrubs has almost literally been imploded, and it continues to make no one look good at all for it (obviously TIIC wanted to make just Robin look bad, but the level of misjudgment there is coming up fast on "Iraqi WMD Intelligence Report").


Bryan was good. It's just that Morgan is such a tool.



Yup.  For all his test-pattern moments over the past couple of weeks, BC showed up for today's episode...and they at least let Morgan say, however brief it was, that perhaps he doesn't have a medical excuse for being a loser.  And Sonny for the first time in weeks got to be a good parent for five minutes (and of course this was counterbalanced with Carly slobbering all over Jason's metaphorical jock to him, because of course they would).

  • Love 1

I don't understand why the kidnappers went after TJ and not the drunken son wandering around town. What makes them think Sonny gives that much of a crap about TJ? and would it be worth pissing off/drawing the attention of the police commissioner?


Maybe they followed Morgan around town and were like, "nope, can't deal with him for more than two seconds."

  • Love 17

but Patrick saying he was the happiest he's been in "a long time" was and continues to be aggravating as hell.

I'm honestly shocked he didn't say "This is the happiest I've EVER been." I'm surprised the writers held back for once.

But, yes, it's still gross that he's so happy in a world that he and his daughter have absolutely no communication with Robin.

Then, again, like I said, I've never seen a character so happy and look so unhappy at the same time. That might be JT's personal pain, though. Ha.

  • Love 1

I don't understand why TJ is baking the wedding cake. Sonny and Snarly could afford the best for the eleventyth wedding.


Where did Morgan get all the money to lose gambling? Maybe he stole the wedding cake money.

Doesn't Carly own a fucking hotel, with cooks? I know that TJ does diner cooking, but wouldn't a professional be the better bet.

Patrick's smile when he saw Anna was the most animated he's been in ages.


LOL that Nik had no idea it was the first day of school. Great parenting there.


I like Molly's priorities: freshman orientation over Sonny's kajillionth wedding. (Though: Girl child.)


I'm fine with Morgan blaming BPD for his behavior, but there's no reason for anyone else to. I'm glad Sonny focused on Morgan's pain being the issue, not his actions. It also cracked me up that Morgan was like, "Maybe there's nothing wrong with me." Talking to a shrink is a good idea no matter, given his bad choices.


STFU, Spencer. He's even more annoying than he was.


Ric in glasses? Rowr.

  • Love 5

You know it. Robin will take all the blame for being imprisoned and not finding a way to free herself. She should have tried harder because you know Patrick was the best thing to happen to her. She was so lucky a guy like him even wanted to be with her.

At this point, I'm not sure if I'd even watch her return. I can't deal with her doing anything less than grabbing her daughters, and saying bye you sorry *****.

Answering in History thread.

  • Love 2

Is Molly a freshman in college? Lol, did these asshats forget to write her senior graduation?

SMH, people, people, people you were asking for TR to get screen time and that's what they did. What more do you want? ~TPTB

You knew they had to find a convoluted way to involve the minority foster child in this story. What better way than for him to bake a cake for the wedding of millionaires with servants, cooks and a hotel staff.

  • Love 4


Yup.  For all his test-pattern moments over the past couple of weeks, BC showed up for today's episode...and they at least let Morgan say, however brief it was, that perhaps he doesn't have a medical excuse for being a loser.


They're really banking on Morgan having Bipolar.  Wonder what their Plan B is if he doesn't.


Send Spencer and Emma back off screen Please, and Thank you.


Yes!  Why are we seeing this "romance" again?  I thought the net put the kibosh on it.


I don't understand why TJ is baking the wedding cake. Sonny and Snarly could afford the best for the eleventyth wedding.


He said he overheard Maxie, Ace Wedding Planner/Personal Shopper/Now Actress, was going to order it from Eckert's and he hijacked the cake by telling her he'd take care of it.  I presume she didn't realize he meant he'd make it himself.


Edited by Fellaway
  • Love 1

OWW!  I stubbed my brain on Show today.  And I got me an Owweee from it.  
I've been on the barge for a couple of months - anything to avoid Howarth and Stafford in particular - but with FH coming back I wanted to see her.


And it was great to see her back.  But the rest.....oh man.......I see Spenthaw still needs to be put in a sack and disposed of.  I see Sam and Patrick are still proving to be one of the least compelling couples since Richard Simmons and Lucy.....though those two DID have more a spark than Sam and Patrick....

Molly, apparently, still hasn't had her adenoid infection treated, and TJ's stupid seems to be permanent.  

And Hayden at Nic's?  Did he catch her with one of those hanging flypaper things?  (Greenlee in any incarnation is repellent to me).


Carly, though, now she was so sweet, planning her 74th wedding to the Orange Glow, not quite getting why her son doesn't want to party down to celebrate her marrying the dirt ball who killed his father.  Kid is so selfish.  Then she reminisced about Jason with Jason about Sad Sonny and his head case.  


And over at Meerkat Manor, Bryan Craig is lurching around as if he has the worst crab infection ever,  screeching from his crotch in what will surely be his Emmy reel.  At least the dude is finally realizing he really IS a loser.  It's hopeless, Morgan, go find that bridge.......while MB stares at him as if he's as bored shitless as we are....unitl he talks about that AGONY, that PAIN.  It's pretty much what watching this crap feels like.  Sonny should tell Morgan he doesn't need to be treated for bipolar disorder if he agrees to be neutered.   All he has to do is get into Sonny's cat carrier and they can be the SPCA in minutes.


OH!!  I almost forgot.  Sabweeena, who I was hating less when I swam out to the barge, needs to be reminded that even though she doesn't seem to have one, most of us do have a gag reflex.  Her utterly crap advice to Michael is just the roadmap back to Sonny Land.  Yeah, she's a GREAT influence.  Maybe Tracy could poison her?


Yep, love in the afternoon.  And one afternoon was enough for me.


To those of you who fight on, I salute you!

  • Love 11

Ron clearly has issues with cake. Was he denied birthday cake as a child and used his position as HW to exact his revenge? I don't understand why TJ was baking a wedding cake in the first place. Surely Sonny and Carly can afford to buy one from a professional?

I do love that Molly won't be at the wedding because she has orientation at PCU. Nice to see her priorities are in order.

Michael torturing himself over whether to attend the wedding 'for Morgan' was too much. Especially since he woke up from the memory of him begging Sonny not to kill aj and knowing that it happened anyway.

The second I saw Spencer, I knew it was a Scott Sickles episode. Just when I complimented him for his work on Monday, he reverts back to form. Although today wasn't quite as bad as some of his other Spencer episodes.

  • Love 3
Michael torturing himself over whether to attend the wedding 'for Morgan' was too much. Especially since he woke up from the memory of him begging Sonny not to kill aj and knowing that it happened anyway.


I thought that was odd, too. Also, if Morgan needs a babysitter at the wedding, maybe he shouldn't be there in the first place.

  • Love 7


don't understand why TJ is baking the wedding cake.

So that it could fall from his hands and when Molly comes looking for him, finds it and knows, KNOWS something happened to him.  Because, him dropping his ID or keys or something wouldn't have the same effect.  Also, because, reasons.  



Patrick's smile when he saw Anna was the most animated he's been in ages

I'm fanwanking it that they have a secret thing going, so he was just happy to have his lover back!!  What?  Am I the only one who thinks JT and FH would be hot together?


did these asshats forget to write her senior graduation?

Isn't that what all the broo ha ha with TJ was about?  He wanted to buy her a graduation present and the clerk detained him and we had five minutes of  a racial tension story that began and ended in two episodes.  But we did have eleventy seven episodes of Franco and Nina making schmoopy moopy ness.  

  • Love 6

just drop all this "Helena has Robin" shit.

How, though? Have Anna figure it out and free Robin off-screen? And then no one cares? I guess if that's the only way.

But what I'm NOT here for is a complete rewrite that Robin wasn't a prisoner and is gone by choice just to make Anna, Patrick, Liz, Nik, Sam, whoever, look innocent and sparkly. Not.here.for.it. The writers and Frank need to accept the consequences of their OWN story and plot choices and give it complete closure and a proper ending. And that ending should not be "Robin sucks! Look at how cute Anna/Sam/Patrick/Emma/the other kid are!"

Robin sacrificed to save Jason. He should owe her everything. As should Carly and Sam and Sonny and Monica and Michael and Morgan and Danny.

  • Love 6

Oh, I feel you. It will always be disturbing to me that this show won't let the mother...the MOTHER...of a character that has been on the show on/off for THIRTY YEARS be on her daughter's side. Why isn't Robin's happiness important? Why is she so obsessed with Patrick moving on and Emma having "a female figure" in her life?

I mean, to have her say, "Robin's in China...and that's why I'm so happy you have Sam." WHAT!? How do those two things relate!?

How about "Robin's in China...and it MAKES NO SENSE. I'll try to keep getting in touch with her."


I am so done with this real motherfucking bullshit. Being on the barge isn't enough at this point. I want to actively campaign ABC to cancel the show.

  • Love 7
Oh, OK! We agree. I thought you meant that you wanted it written that Robin was never Helena's prisoner.



No, but to be honest, I could work with that. As long as there was no more "Robin chose Jason over us" from Patrick and they were just amiable exes. I don't want Robin in limbo, no matter how they do it. As long as, as you say, they don't put Robin so completely in the wrong.

  • Love 7


I do love that Molly won't be at the wedding because she has orientation at PCU. Nice to see her priorities are in order.

Seconded! It is their 5th wedding, and it was less than a year ago (November sweeps if I'm recalling correctly) that she was walking down the aisle to marry the serial killer.


and didn't Alexis make a big deal (just yesterday) about the fact that she wouldn't be around because she was leaving early to head to where ever Kristina was? But today she's babysitting Danny?


Seriously writers, please have a passing familiarity with what the characters are doing, I'm not asking you to remember what they did last week, but how about just one day to the next...

  • Love 6

No, but to be honest, I could work with that. As long as there was no more "Robin chose Jason over us" from Patrick and they were just amiable exes. I don't want Robin in limbo, no matter how they do it. As long as, as you say, they don't put Robin so completely in the wrong.

Robin would never stop contacting her family for a year for no reason. That rewrite wouldn't fly with me. I don't want her to be in limbo either, but I just can't with them pretending like she's been free this entire time. It would all be done to give Anna and Patrick an excuse; it wouldn't be about salvaging Robin.

And, to be real, I don't care about Patrick in this scenario. I don't care if they're friends, I don't care if they never speak again. But Robin would never stop talking or be away from Emma or Anna by choice.

And speaking of Patrick, they need to give the character connections to either his own family or Sam's family. It's so ridic to me that they want to shit on Robin/Patrick, but still have the dude be buddy-buddy with Anna. She's EMMA'S grandmother. That's it.

  • Love 3
And, to be real, I don't care about Patrick in this scenario. I don't care if they're friends, I don't care if they never speak again. But Robin would never stop talking or be away from Emma or Anna by choice.



I don't care either. I just said they should be amiable exes because I don't want him to whine over Robin's being gone/held captive.

  • Love 1

I don't care either. I just said they should be amiable exes because I don't want him to whine over Robin's being gone/held captive.

Patrick whines, regardless. He's been a victim on this show for years. I want this story to play out like it logically would on any other show. Robin should be PISSED. And if they need another reason for her to leave the show, it's right.there. Why would she want to be near these people who didn't give a flying fuck about her? It writes itself. Have her get joint custody of her daughter and move to another town. It's not that complicated.

  • Love 7

I agree with Heatlifer. I hate that Anna is currently being written as the opposite of the savvy, perceptive spy she's supposed to be. I could maybe believe that Patrick's ego (Robin left me, Mr. Awesome) affects his opinion of Robin and so for plot point's sake he sees her as an abandoner. Anna is a different story - she knows Robin suffered by missing out on time with her (both by her own choice and the years of being declared dead, when Mac raised Robin). Anna should be aware from that history that Robin would never, ever put Emma through the same pain by choice for a year +. Real Anna would have hopped on a plane and gone to Paris for an attempted face-to-face confrontation about Robin's obvious emotional distress after that horrible Skype ending. She would have reacted to Faison being aware of Robin's whereabouts. She would not just passively shrug sadly about Robin being out of touch with both her and Emma, because she's supposedly so focused on her work. Anna took more action when the only 'proof' she had that Robin was not dead was Robert's word he had seen her. Ugh.

  • Love 9

Real Anna would have hopped on a plane and gone to Paris for an attempted face-to-face confrontation about Robin's obvious emotional distress after that horrible Skype ending. She would have reacted to Faison being aware of Robin's whereabouts. She would not just passively shrug sadly about Robin being out of touch with both her and Emma, because she's supposedly so focused on her work. Anna took more action when the only 'proof' she had that Robin was not dead was Robert's word he had seen her. Ugh.

And I DO understand why a lot of that can't be done, which always brings me back to, "Why choose this particular story when the actress is not there?"

What I don't understand?

Shitting on a 30-year vet, mostly beloved character for no reason. There's NO reason why every.single.time Anna and Patrick interact, she has to talk about his happiness and his happiness with Sam knowing her daughter, who she has NO contact with for a year, has been through HELL.

There is NO reason to have Patrick say he's super duper happy when he hasn't spoken to the mother of his child for a year and the audience knows Robin is a prisoner.

There is NO reason for Anna to say "This hasn't been Robin's house in a long time."

These are particular lines that are there for what exactly? What's the purpose?

And I get why people who don't like Robin wouldn't care or the soap press doesn't care (I'm convinced whoever runs SID ABC on Twitter hates Robin), but this isn't a random ass character! There's a level of respect that should be there for certain characters. She's one of them.

  • Love 7

Oh, I feel you. It will always be disturbing to me that this show won't let the mother...the MOTHER...of a character that has been on the show on/off for THIRTY YEARS be on her daughter's side.


Exactly how I felt whenever I saw Monica slobber all over Jason whilst shitting on A.J.  For some reason both Guza and Carlivati thought that a mother turning on her own child would cause the audience to go along with whatever horseshit they wrote.


Heatlifer has the Robin stuff covered. I will say, they should have just had Robin and Anna have a meet-up on-screen. Unless Kim McC is actually on set, just drop all this "Helena has Robin" shit. Drop it now.


They have an opening for this right now.  They could do a scene where Helena gets a phone from China from Robin's minder and is all, 'WHAT?!?! She escaped?!?!"  They don't even have to follow up on that until KMc is ready to come back, just have the story then be, "Here's what happened between the time that Robin escaped from Helena's clutches in China and now".


Oh yeah, all the Spencer pimping Rebecca Budig just reminded me how awful a parent Nikolas is, just bringing round his girlfriends every couple of months so Spencer can cuddle up to them and then lose them.


He and Patrick should form a "Our Children Go Through Mommies Like I Go Through Women" club.


Or else Nikolas wasn't supposed to wear a shirt at all, and Tyler was like f**** that.


Maybe he put some of BC's faboo face cream on his chest and it broke out in boils.

  • Love 3

Why, because he's Sonny's adopted minority son, of course!


Everyone knows that Sonny loves the kids he's snagged from other people best of all!  


I don't know what I laughed at harder - Morgan's entire existence today or TC executing the exact same series of facial expressions I have whenever Spencer comes on screen when Spencer walked into breakfast this morning.  


Don't do it, Michael!  Don't do it!  I swear to Jasus, if that dream was about him getting to some place where "it was unfair of me to pressure you to go against your gut instincts like that, and no wonder you didn't tell me you killed AJ after that scene in the Q living room"... 

  • Love 7
Maybe he put some of BC's faboo face cream on his chest and it broke out in boils.


Nah, I can't picture Tyler buying that, not from Bryan at least. I can see it with Will de Vry though:


Nancy: Will, your face looks like it's peeling! Oh, no, did you buy Bryan's skin cream?


Will: It's like crunches, Nancy. It burns, burns a whole lot, but that's good! That means it's working!


Bryan: Fuck yeah! Stuff works!

  • Love 9

For some reason both Guza and Carlivati thought that a mother turning on her own child would cause the audience to go along with whatever horseshit they wrote.

Yup. And they're using the same tactic with Anna. "If Anna accepts Samtrick and thinks Robin is a terrible mother and bitch, the audience will, too!" Same shit happened with Patrina. Everything that Patrick does is validated by every character. He's never questioned.

  • Love 3
The second I saw Spencer, I knew it was a Scott Sickles episode. Just when I complimented him for his work on Monday, he reverts back to form. Although today wasn't quite as bad as some of his other Spencer episodes.


I should have guessed. I made it through 1 and half of Anna's scenes.


When Emma, a 7-year-old, said "that's my point" and when Finola tried to have Anna make using the word melancholy with a 7-year-old seem natural, my ears started bleeding and I was out. The dialogue was so clunky and unnatural I could almost see the script on the screen.

  • Love 3

I am so done with this real motherfucking bullshit. Being on the barge isn't enough at this point. I want to actively campaign ABC to cancel the show.

That's what I call my worse than dubbel zout rage. Because it involves impractical impulses like siccing on NOW this serial killer-rapist-pimping trainwreck. Then, 2 seconds later, I recover and realize there are a whole lot more important things I could concern myself with.


Damn, I used to love this show. It's really sad to see what it's devolved into.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 5

I was trying folks, I really was, but today was the final straw. Having Anna believe for one fucking second that Robin would rather go to a conference in China than spend time with Emma was it. I am now retiring to the barge and you will be able to find me relaxing on the Scorpio Deck with my fanfics (yes, I am already planning one that will take the sting out of this particular BS plot twist), a bottle of tequila and the constant snark of my fellow passengers.


My only comment on today: I hated it, so much...it-it- the f - it -flam - flames. Flames, on the side of my face, breathing-breath- heaving breaths. Heaving breaths... Heaving...

Edited by cmahorror
  • Love 9

Exactly how I felt whenever I saw Monica slobber all over Jason whilst shitting on A.J.  For some reason both Guza and Carlivati thought that a mother turning on her own child would cause the audience to go along with whatever horseshit they wrote.

I think that the show has been doing even before Guza, though Guza took it to its extreme. They did a softer version of it with Lee and Scott, but at least was never presented as being so heartless to Scotty.

Patrick whines, regardless. He's been a victim on this show for years. I want this story to play out like it logically would on any other show. Robin should be PISSED. And if they need another reason for her to leave the show, it's right.there. Why would she want to be near these people who didn't give a flying fuck about her? It writes itself. Have her get joint custody of her daughter and move to another town. It's not that complicated.

I love You! Please, marry me!

IMO, TPTB took a gamble with this and they will be the big loses in the end.

cmahorror, I will see you on the Scorpio deck. Glasses of Sangria for everyone.

  • Love 2

I love You! Please, marry me!

IMO, TPTB took a gamble with this and they will be the big loses in the end.

Honestly, I don't know what they're thinking. It's one thing to make Robin a prisoner again, but to write that and make everyone BUT her the victim? As a viewer, I'm supposed to want Patrick to be super duper happy? I'm supposed to want her mother to tell another woman that it's not Robin's home? Like...come again now?

  • Love 4
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