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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I wouldn't go that far. ;)

I would. At least we have the possibility of Kiki finally breaking and go from poor whiny princess brat to a wronged betrayed woman. Which would be much welcomed and awesome! Morgan and her mother literally screwing her over, again. Her father is murdered (possibly by Morgan or her mom) and she found his body.

I just don't see much use for Sabrina. Even with her ex being a mob enforcer, she was boring and terribly uninteresting. And for her to be spouting off about how Sonny isn't to blame for murdering people, is vomit inducing.

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If they have the possibility of going somewhere interesting with her, can she be requested with the girl that played young Pat Spencer?

I'm still holding out for the actors who played Young Pat and Young Luke, respectively, as soras' ed Joss and Cameron. Put them into a teen quad with Molly and TJ and write for them! It's ridiculous that this show doesn't have a 'teen scene'. And that scene should have been front and center this summer instead of late 40/early 50-somethings Nina, Franco, Sonny, and Carly.

Someone else that needs to be written for: DOCTOR Lucas Jones. He's a doctor, related through blood and marriage to at least half the town, and half that family is mob or mob related, and the actor is hot and can act. He should be a lead instead of a supporting character in a D story seen once every six weeks.

ETA: I still want a Lucas, Patrick, Dante, and Michael guys night out. And hell, go ahead and give me Tracy, Sabrina, Sam, and Monica girls night.

ETA 2: I would have made Lucas & Brad's Wedding the big September "sweeps" event. It could have been Guza-style with most of the cast and all the action taking place in one location for 2-3 weeks, but on an Uncle Frank budget with everyone together in the Metro Court dining room.

I would have made the Jerome, Corinth, and Wu families declare a truce, but the Martinez (revealed as Slito) family would see as a perfect time to eliminate their rivals and would attack the wedding, locking down the elevators and stairs, trapping everyone in one room and then unleashing gunfire. Major characters could be shot, and Lucas, Patrick, Monica, Dr. O, Liz, Pip, Brad, Sabrina, Felix could all have to jump in and try to save lives with no resources.

During all this, Jason could recover his Q memories and specifically his medical training.

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 11

Someone else that needs to be written for: DOCTOR Lucas Jones. He's a doctor, related through blood and marriage to at least half the town, and half that family is mob or mob related, and the actor is hot and can act. He should be a lead instead of a supporting character in a D story seen once every six weeks.

And don't forget that the actor playing him is a returning one, meaning he was somewhat of a fan favorite and has a longer history with the show than a lot of the current actors. If Ryan Carnes is going to slum it working on daytime, make it worth his while and give him decent material. Victoria Wyndham talked about how happy she was with the material she got during her time on Another World.

  • Love 4

Someone else that needs to be written for: DOCTOR Lucas Jones. He's a doctor, related through blood and marriage to at least half the town, and half that family is mob or mob related, and the actor is hot and can act. He should be a lead instead of a supporting character in a D story seen once every six weeks.

ETA: I still want a Lucas, Patrick, Dante, and Michael guys night out. And hell, go ahead and give me Tracy, Sabrina, Sam, and Monica girls night.

ETA 2: I would have made Lucas & Brad's Wedding the big September "sweeps" event. It could have been Guza-style with most of the cast and all the action taking place in one location for 2-3 weeks, but on an Uncle Frank budget with everyone together in the Metro Court dining room.

I would have made the Jerome, Corinth, and Wu families declare a truce, but the Martinez (revealed as Slito) family would see as a perfect time to eliminate their rivals and would attack the wedding, locking down the elevators and stairs, trapping everyone in one room and then unleashing gunfire. Major characters could be shot, and Lucas, Patrick, Monica, Dr. O, Liz, Pip, Brad, Sabrina, Felix could all have to jump in and try to save lives with no resources.

During all this, Jason could recover his Q memories and specifically his medical training.

All of this! Instead we will get a Carson wedding and a Sonny mob war rehash because they think it will bring in ratings. Suuuuuurrree. Yeah, I totes want that with the Franco and Neens variety hour with a side of Keeks.

And that [teen] scene should have been front and center this summer instead of late 40/early 50-somethings Nina, Franco, Sonny, and Carly.


I don't think the age of Nina/Franco/etc. is the problem, it's the dreadful writing. I agree there needs to be a larger teen/YA scene, but make it worth watching. They're wasting TJ and Molly. Adding more characters isn't going to improve that if the writing isn't there.

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Re the teen scene or lack thereof, I personally have no real interest in it, so I'm glad they didn't spend the summer focused on teenagers. I didn't like it when I was a teen, and I'm quite far removed from That age now. I wouldn't object to a younger core but as double zout said, it has to be well written. Just inserting teens/young adults is not going to improve the ratings or hold my interest.

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Nathan Varni stated during his podcast two weeks ago that the kiddie team is NOT being SORAS'd, because they do not want to age their parents, so Cam, Jake, Aiden, Emma, Josselyn and Spencer will all stay their current ages.


Stephen Lars should have had a teenager or two by now show up looking for their father after his ONS with their mothers.  


Tom and Simone Hardy should have a teenager (boy or girl) as well as Dr. Tommy Hardy Jr. show up in town.


Scotty has Serena and Christina (a teenager) that could fit in Molly and TJ's crowd.  


I wish the show would SORAS TJ to be the same age as Morgan, Serena, and get rid of Kiki.

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Nathan Varni stated during his podcast two weeks ago that the kiddie team is NOT being SORAS'd, because they do not want to age their parents, so Cam, Jake, Aiden, Emma, Josselyn and Spencer will all stay their current ages.


Oh, now we're getting all dainty about ages? No one is saying to put them in their twenties. They could make them young to mid teenagers and the parents' ages wouldn't suffer. FFS.

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Victoria Wyndham talked about how happy she was with the material she got during her time on Another World.


I refuse to believe that woman was happy being forced to play a character with one eye and a hook for a hand.  Just refuse.


I think it's more likely Ms. Wundham felt it was her duty to talk up the show no matter what, the same way Laura Wright is always being relentlessly positive in all her statements regarding GH.

I refuse to believe that woman was happy being forced to play a character with one eye and a hook for a hand.  Just refuse.


I think it's more likely Ms. Wundham felt it was her duty to talk up the show no matter what, the same way Laura Wright is always being relentlessly positive in all her statements regarding GH.

For Wikipedia

Wyndham first made a name for herself when she played Charlotte Waring Fletcher Bauer (Tracy Delmar) on the soap opera Guiding Light from 1967 to 1971. When she left The Guiding Light, she became a hot commodity in casting circles, with many soap operas offering contracts to her. She admitted in a TIME magazine interview that she almost did not follow through with a career in soap operas. Wyndham said, "When I first went into soaps, I didn't tell my serious acting friends. I thought they'd laugh. But now I'm proud of my work; some of the best acting, best moments are in this medium." [1]

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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So let me see if I got this right.


In the episodes I missed last week, the show advanced the idea that Sonny being bipolar made him powerless to stop himself from shooting AJ and thus we should totally like Sonny again and not hold him responsible?


And this theory was inexplicably put forth by Sabrina, who maybe was finally starting to garner some goodwill with the audience via her relationship with Michael and her friendship with Tracy?


*raps Show with newspaper*  Bad, Show, bad!

  • Love 17

  Amen to that. I'm sick & tired of mental illness being used to justify various crimes, especially murder, whether it's Franco's brain tumor, Luke's DID, Heather & Nina's  batshit craziness or Sonny's and possibly Morgan's bipolar disorder. Being mentally ill shouldn't be used as a license to steal, a "Get Out Of Jail" free card nor a license to kill.


   STFU, Olivia. At least Julian, for all his faults, never almost got his daughter blown up, shot his son in the chest nor manipulate his son into going to prison for him. 


  Speaking of Julian, if he does steal the tape for DenAva, instead of giving it to her, he should tell her that if she had anything to do with Silas' death or has done anything to hurt Kiki, not only will all bets be off, if it means turning her into the cops or even serving her up to Sonny, then so be it, brother or not.


  As annoying as Sabrina is right now, Kiki will never be useful, in any way, shape nor form.


Tiger:  IA with your Sweeps suggestion, except for using Dr. O, Liz & Pip. The less I see of them, the better.

Edited by DollEyes

So let me see if I got this right.


In the episodes I missed last week, the show advanced the idea that Sonny being bipolar made him powerless to stop himself from shooting AJ and thus we should totally like Sonny again and not hold him responsible?


And this theory was inexplicably put forth by Sabrina, who maybe was finally starting to garner some goodwill with the audience via her relationship with Michael and her friendship with Tracy?


*raps Show with newspaper*  Bad, Show, bad!

I guess they also expect us to buy the bridge sitting over the Hudson river. Fine Sonny can't help himself, and now Moron has it. That should set them up for connecting rooms in the mental hospital for the criminally insane. No cure . Bye Bye

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I am so ready for a swim to the barge but I am hanging by my fingernails until the new writers stories show up. I hope that they can't be worse than what we are being subjected to.



I have no fingernails left. Thanks for that GH.

My disgust level for this show has sunk to the 9th Circle of Hell.

I will now be "watching" here and only here, if there's something you wonderful SnarkMeisters deem watch-worthy I'll catch it on youtube or OnDemand because I'm done having to valium-watch a show I used to love above all others.

I had a better time arguing with Sprint over a bill I don't owe than I do watching TFGH.

Cancel this bitch already, it would truly be a mercy killing.


I'm off to The Barge, where Sonny doesn't exist, and all the dead Quartermaines are sipping cocktails on the Lido Deck.

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Ugh, no more babies. There's no point to any of them. As I said before, none of these babies have any emotional impact on the story, they are just there. If by some miracle this show were to last 15-20 more years, we wouldn't have any reason to give a shit about these kids. Take a child like Emma for example (whether you like her or not) vs. Avery. Emma was conceived by a fan favorite couple who had years of story together. Robin's pregnancy was part of her story as an HIV woman, just as much as it was a part of Scrubs' story as a couple. Again, Emma is not the best written kid on soaps (but RC butchered all of them), but under better writing, as a teen and young adult, Emma is a legacy child we would care about because she was Patrick & Robin's kid. Avery on the other hand, cute as she is, is the product of a sleazy romp over a dead body between two people who hate each other, and except for Sonny occasionally trying to kill her, have no history together. So why should we give a shit about Avery when she grows up? Where's the story? Where's the conflict? Most of us agree that she shouldn't even exist in the first place. Same with off-screen Leo.


Valerie is too new, too underdeveloped, and I don't care about her or her uterus. I don't see why anyone would, especially since her spawn would be coming between that of a fan favorite couple. I hope Dillon is just mistakenly guessing she's pregnant because she had a bout of food poisoning and was feeling a bit nauseated. If not, I hope Lulu pushes her down a flight of stairs.

Edited by admiralrodcocker
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If Dillon announcing Valerie was pregnant is/was a fakeout, it's a fakeout with curious timing--but, yes, it's immensely stupid for this show to bust that reveal out in a "next time" promo.


As for today's episode: Liesl trying to save Franco from himself by engineering this second DNA test was goofy, but seeing Scott go all Jack McCoy on Ava--and Ava's subsequent mini-meltdown--was probably more than worth it.  That said: it might have been enhanced by BC doing the best imitation of an Indian-head test pattern I've seen in ages.  Seriously--Hayley Erin was actually emoting (though I can't help wishing Kiki would've slapped the taste out of her mother's mouth, but having her just sort of being glad she's alive is/was at least unexpected), and he really really wasn't.  I guess he's being really method about this theoretical BPD thing...?

Edited by Bill C.
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O: Please forgive me, Franco.


Can't tell whether Gati played that as flat as a pancake because Obrecht is evil or because she felt as embarrassed to say that line as I was to hear it.


Poor, poor Franco's pain at having Scotty and O. save his 45 year old ass. I mean every time I think it can't get more tone deaf, it does.


In the midst of skipping Sonny/Julian scenes, I heard Sonny crunching on ice. ew. Just sounded gross, is all.


Dear Obrecht, you're in America now! We say "mister" here![/bryan Craig]


I have no love for Julian, but I'm glad Sonny's going to get proven wrong about him, even though

Sonny's get a get "pity me audience" bullet


Usually I just grit my teeth and say, "KimMcC is not here" but Liz not thinking about Robin at all and encouraging Patrick to marry Sam? COME ON. Oh wait, I forgot I was dealing with Jason-super-vision Liz for a moment.

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*raps Show with newspaper*  Bad, Show, bad!

I need this to go on a t-shirt after a few slogans detailing what I hate most about GH.


Lol at Liz trying to get Patrick to propose to Sam. 


Why is Nathan showing Maxie evidence of a murder.

So disgusted, yet again, at what "The Writer" has done to Elizabeth. *Sigh* That's something I would expect from Carly.


Nathan's brain power is in the negative digits when it comes to Maxie. Him loving her after everything/despite everything that's happened, is just sad.


Maxie saying Dr. O cares about other people?  


I didn't watch, but I'm hoping that it was just Maxie trying to make Nathan feel better - like maybe his bio mother isn't a total sociopath/beyond redemption. I hope she's not just another character to be added to the list of delusional ones (for plot points) on this show.

I wonder if JT even bothers to read his scripts these days. Patrick listens to Liz/Sam drone on and mentions that he loves Sam.  All he needs to know

It's really sick how much the character has been stripped. It's all about it being easy for the show. The writers would rather him say, "I love Sam!!! Jason is just a factor!"


Instead of, "You know, Liz. I'm not ready to get married. I've had a pretty rough couple of years. I thought my wife was dead and got addicted to drugs and then I was forced to move on with Sobby. I made her Emma's insta-mommy. We almost got married, but then Robin came back. But then Robin left again to bring back your hero Jason, then she was held against her will, then she was chained to a wall, then she told me she needs more time, then I didn't give it to her, then I divorced her. Then she said she was broken and went to Paris. Then I haven't spoken to her in a year. And now I've moved Sam into my home. I love her. And she's Emma's new mother."

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 4

As for today's episode: Liesl trying to save Franco from himself by engineering this second DNA test was goofy, but seeing Scott go all Jack McCoy on Ava--and Ava's subsequent mini-meltdown--was probably more than worth it.  That said: it might have been enhanced by BC doing the best imitation of an Indian-head test pattern I've seen in ages.  Seriously--Hayley Erin was actually emoting (though I can't help wishing Kiki would've slapped the taste out of her mother's mouth, but having her just sort of being glad she's alive is/was at least unexpected), and he really really wasn't.  I guess he's being really method about this theoretical BPD thing...?


As corny as it might have been, I loved Scott's badgering of Ava. It really was old-school soap, right down to the "Ava, yes! I'm Ava!" (And the subsequent fallout of that reveal -- the picture of Nina and Franco's confession) allows me to hope that soon both Nina and Franco will be off our screens  … although I suspect that may only happen when I get my unicorn stable up and running.)


I was watching Morgan during the Ava reveal and saw only a facial expression that made him look like he wished he hadn't eaten that leftover bean burrito for breakfast. I'd have thought a little bit of surprise, shock, incredulity, or even the look of rusty wheels slowly starting to turn might have been a more appropriate reaction. But I am hoping that the preview where he's telling Kiki that what Ava did to him was worse than what she did to Kiki will bring all kinds of terrible Kiki screaming why-why-why fallout. because I'm just that bitchy. 


I was pleased that even Maxie was able to speak for the audience today and comment on the possible impropriety of sending a cop to arrest a relative.


I don't know who's got the PC brain today, but it sure wasn't Sonny. Since there was a recent attempt on his territory by a rogue member of the five families, one would think his wheels might be turning a little faster, too. 

Edited by rur
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