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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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And on any other soap, all of Carly's happy wedding planning would be a precursor to some big wedding disaster. Hopefully with a high body count.


Unfortunately, the characters that need to be removed from this show the most - Franco, Nina, Dr. O - wouldn't be there.  Although it would be nice if Sonny went down in a hail of gunfire and we never had to have his sorry ass eating the show alive ever again.


T.J. needs some sense smacked into him but there's basically no one viable who can do it. 


Michael Quartermaine.

  • Love 3

Nope. They were starting to suffer problems from marrying so young and impulsively, but Lulu, being a Spencer, fell in love with Dillion because he was giving the positive attention that Luke didn't gave her and she teamed up with Diego to break them apart.

I've always thought that the show missed a trick by not pursuing something between Diego and Lulu.  I thought Ignacio Serricchio and Julie Berman had damn good chemistry and could've been good together.  Plus, two schemers falling in love while trying to break up a different couple in love is a rarely-used soap trope.  Might've been worth a shot.

  • Love 5

I've always thought that the show missed a trick by not pursuing something between Diego and Lulu. I thought Ignacio Serricchio and Julie Berman had damn good chemistry and could've been good together. Plus, two schemers falling in love while trying to break up a different couple in love is a rarely-used soap trope. Might've been worth a shot.

I hated that they made Diego a crazy killer.

  • Love 3

I hated that they made Diego a crazy killer.

And a zombie! Who knew Port Charles was a pop culture trendsetter? Vampires(PC) and a zombie(Diego), before both hit it big in the mainstream again!

As for Michael telling TJ to STFU, he would have to find his balls again. As they currently seem to be in Sabrina's purse. Lord, I hate Sabrina. Truly, she is an annoying bitch.

Serena Baldwin desperately needs to come home. If only to save her Dad from the Franco crap and to help Michael get his shit together. Reignite the Baldwin/Spencer feud. Help the Q's or Nik with ELQ. Or even better, buy it up herself.

  • Love 7

I actually thought Diego had pretty good chem with Maxie, Lulu and Georgie

They actually did chemistry-test him with Maxie when Kirsten first came on.  I remembered that day and thought they'd have been good together.  Of course, then, out of nowhere, they brought in the chemistry-devoid Jesse for her, and that was the end of it.

  • Love 1

I want SAM to be the one to really go off on Liz. Not Carly, which I fear. "You bitch! That was my best friend!!" No. I want Sam to get mad, while Monica has a broom a'la Cooki. Michael can do some corporate evil stuff. Buy the hospital or something.


If Sam goes off on Liz, I want Liz to out all of the nasty heinous things that Sam did to Jake and how Danny wouldn't even exist if her ass had been arrested in the first place.    And then I want Liz to out that Sam deliberately seduced Ric and broke up Molly's family. The show whitewashed/swept everything that Sam did to Jake under the carpet in an attempt to put the character back with Jason.


The only person responsible for Jake not knowing his own true self is the man wanting a life with Liz and her boys, since he has really made no attempts at all to figure out his connection to Sam.

  • Love 7

If Sam goes off on Liz, I want Liz to out all of the nasty heinous things that Sam did to Jake and how Danny wouldn't even exist if her ass had been arrested in the first place.    And then I want Liz to out that Sam deliberately seduced Ric and broke up Molly's family. The show whitewashed/swept everything that Sam did to Jake under the carpet in an attempt to put the character back with Jason.


The only person responsible for Jake not knowing his own true self is the man wanting a life with Liz and her boys, since he has really made no attempts at all to figure out his connection to Sam.


Unless he said "No one tell me I don't want to know!" Liz and Nik would still be responsible for not telling him.


I hate Jason and I have no love of Sam and have even hated her at times, but Liz looks like a nut here. It's not even because she's keeping the secret from poor St Jason per se. It's because she's willing to live this constant 24/7 lie, in which Jason could remember the secret at any moment.


imo, there's just no getting around that Liz looks crazy with this writing, unfortunately.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 13

   And then I want Liz to out that Sam deliberately seduced Ric and broke up Molly's family. 

I assume you're talking about the Ric-Sam floor sex at the lake house during the blackout? Liz actually did out that, while testifying during the Alcazar murder trial. Ric was grilling her about cheating on Lucky with Jason the night of the blackout, and she said it happened after you were having sex with your stepdaughter. I don't know if Molly or Kristina (not SORASed at the time) were ever told about that. Both girls would definitely need therapy upon finding out Dad also had a daughter with my big sister but the baby died, and Dad had sex with my big sister on the floor of my home while my Mom and Dad were married.  

What's nice about FFing through Sonny/Carly/Jordan earlier is that the Sonny/TJ scenes were watchable. TJ is still an asshat for not forgiving his mother for, you know, being a cop and sending Sean to jail (Really! He didn't take the fall for Sonny! It's all Jordan's fault!).


The Secret is still a secret, but if it dovetails with Sonny & Carly's wedding, they actually have a fricken date in sight (even if it takes a couple of days). Cliffhanger on the 4th. (Pleeeaasseee?)


I'll take the Val/Maxie bonding, and the Dillon/Lulu bonding.


Will Olivia insist all the Falconeri kids now be named after Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles characters? I look forward to Shredder Spencer-Quatermaine-Falconeri.


They say it's still ReRon scripts, but I swear there's some Superfunding by Passante.

  • Love 1

If Sam goes off on Liz, I want Liz to out all of the nasty heinous things that Sam did to Jake and how Danny wouldn't even exist if her ass had been arrested in the first place.    And then I want Liz to out that Sam deliberately seduced Ric and broke up Molly's family. The show whitewashed/swept everything that Sam did to Jake under the carpet in an attempt to put the character back with Jason.


The only person responsible for Jake not knowing his own true self is the man wanting a life with Liz and her boys, since he has really made no attempts at all to figure out his connection to Sam.


Didn't Liez help Jason get away with crimes at least once before she rode his dick during the blackout? So Dead Now Alive Jake wouldn't even exist if Liez had been arrested for helping him. 

  • Love 1

Arrested? For what?

Being an accessory/silent witness to kidnapping. The woman who kidnapped infant Jake assumed Jason showed up to get him back because Sam identified/gave her up as the kidnapper. Jason had no idea Sam had witnessed his son being stolen. Jason and Liz did not ask/make the woman give a statement to the police saying Sam had witnessed the kidnapping. Also, Sam hired two guys to take guns to the park and aim them at Liz, baby Jake and toddler Cam and say they were threatening them because of their connection to Jason. Cam later imitated the guys aiming guns at them.

  • Love 1

That's not a crime. The guns in the park? Yes, I think - but failing to interfere with the commission of a crime isn't a crime and doesn't make you an accessory

Liz is too insane for me to care whether she gets called out or not but she already used the Jakenapping when Sam confronted her about the McBain lie - which wasn't even as bad as the maternity test switch.

I really just want Monica to slap her back into sanity

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 1

Plus, two schemers falling in love while trying to break up a different couple in love is a rarely-used soap trope.  Might've been worth a shot.

Yeeees. One of the BEST examples would be Leo and Greenlee on AMC.


And then I want Liz to out that Sam deliberately seduced Ric and broke up Molly's family. The show whitewashed/swept everything that Sam did to Jake under the carpet in an attempt to put the character back with Jason.


Yes, that Trollop. Poor innocent Ric was tricked by this nasty woman into screwing her on the floor of his wife and Childs house. The whole thing was disgusting, but RIC was responsible for his marriage imploding. Molly and Alexis are better off not tethered to that louse.

  • Love 5

I'd like for Helena to come to town with a couple of bombshell reveals:  Little Jake isn't Jake, and top it off with Big Jake/Jason is a ringer, not Jason Morgan Quartermaine at all but one of her experiments. 


Alexis and Molly are better off without Ric, especially with how he treated Alexis during her cancer ordeal and taking Baby Molly from her. But it is still possible to believe that and still think Sam got a massive whitewash, which I also think she did. She planned to get back at Alexis for the whole Jason break-up crap.


She did and yet came off like the poor taken-advantage-of innocent when she was anything but.

  • Love 1

I've been on the barge, but I tuned in today … and got more irritated than anything else.

Why is Carly, whose relationship with the truth on the witness stand is, um, at best a little bit sketchy, giving Kiki advice about testifying?

How can Carly, who grabbed a gun in a courtroom shot it off, IIRC, tell Sonny he's impetuous? 


How come the only face Morgan seems to have is "pissed off"? (I did wonder if today was his "Emmy reel" performance. Hee. Especially the scene when he didn't realize he was visible in the background so it looked like he was making a face.)


I appreciate Kin's ability to rein in Howarth (in my head, I've fanwanked that KS has threatened to take him to the woodshed and leave him there bloody and battered.) So, of course my RoHo hatred got cranked up a notch when he made a face to the camera/audience while saying he had a good attorney. He (the actor, not the character) really is a douche. 


I hope the catatonic patient Nina's been confiding in hears and remembers everything and at some point spills it. I'm so ready, really so ready, really ready for her to get off my screen and take RoHo with her. 


ETA: Did anyone else hear an anvil in the background when Olivia talked about leaving PC again? Could her character possibly be leaving due to the regime change? 

Edited by rur
  • Love 3

"I can't believe Franco killed again." Yes, Carly, it's shocking—shocking!—that a SERIAL KILLER would do that.


Reignite the Baldwin/Spencer feud.


With whom? Scott and Luke had the problems; none of the kids cared one whit. 


Olivia, giving Julian the benefit of the doubt means not instantly believing he's guilty because it's in the papers. How many times has Sonny been blamed for stuff, and she knows he didn't do it? Ugh.


I'll take the Val/Maxie bonding


I really liked their scenes yesterday. Valerie was the most likable she's ever been. Of course, it helps that they bonded over Carly's terrible taste in jewelry. Hee. 


She did and yet came off like the poor taken-advantage-of innocent when she was anything but.


Do you mean Liz or Sam? I don't think Sam came across as taken advantage of. The opposite: She was preening around in front of Ric wearing a filmy nightgown. She knew exactly what she was doing. Liz was no victim, either. She slept with Jason completely willingly.


I hope the catatonic patient Nina's been confiding in hears and remembers everything and at some point spills it.


That poor actor who has to listen to Nina gassing on and on. I'd be catatonic, too. I'm sure Ron thinks these scenes are hilarious. Ugh. I want her to snap to and tell everything she's heard, too.


I get Sonny's reluctance to think Morgan might be bipolar, but I'd also think he'd want to know for sure and ask Morgan to get checked out.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 2

Good God, Olivia, I was happy having you back for one second, now where you came from! Maybe Julian was falsely arrested like Sonny has supposedly been so many times! And actually there is a solution, Dante, Rocco, and Lulu can go to you. #Ifonly. 


It amuses me to picture Dante running in and out of the courtroom so he can spend as little time as he possibly can with all these people.


Carly: I can't believe Franco killed again.


Yes, who would have thought the serial killer killed again!


Carly (to a completely calm Morgan): Calm down Morgan!


Jesus, Carly, you're acting as if he was trying to sell you face-burning nightcream.


Also, Morgan was not completely depressed over Avery being Sonny's, what?


Sonny: If I passed this down to my son and he killed someone, this is on me.


Yes Sonny, which is why you should have had a vasectomy already.


I just really want some psychiatrist to examine Morgan and say to Carly, "your son is simply a dick, ma'am."


Guys, I really feel like we don't give enough blame to the music director. The scene with Ric and Scotty's opening statements would have been fine if it weren't for the ridiculous PLUNK PLUNK going on in the background.


Mrs. Shipley (Scott's random blonde secretary) has got to be someone's relative or something. 

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 5

Alexis and Molly are better off without Ric, especially with how he treated Alexis during her cancer ordeal and taking Baby Molly from her. But it is still possible to believe that and still think Sam got a massive whitewash, which I also think she did. She planned to get back at Alexis for the whole Jason break-up crap.


She did and yet came off like the poor taken-advantage-of innocent when she was anything but.

I don't think Sam was innocent during the SOS. it was just the wording that made it sound like ric was some innocent victim Sam seduced. It takes 2 to screw, so to place all the blame on Sam is silly. Sam hurt her mother, but she wasn't the married one. RIC is the only one responsible for wrecking HIS marriage. He could have said no. That's pretty much my only point. Sam was absolutely wrong for what she did. But her past wrongs also shouldn't give Liz a pass for the vile shit she is pulling now.

  • Love 6

ETA: Did anyone else hear an anvil in the background when Olivia talked about leaving PC again? Could her character possibly be leaving due to the regime change? 


I think it's a possibility, but I don't think today's dialogue was an anvil for that. 


How come the only face Morgan seems to have is "pissed off"? (I did wonder if today was his "Emmy reel" performance. Hee. Especially the scene when he didn't realize he was visible in the background so it looked like he was making a face.)


I'm pretty sure at one point Kin was trying to keep from laughing, because he was looking down and his hand was on his mouth and it was just a weird posture to take up if he was in character.

I get Sonny's reluctance to think Morgan might be bipolar, but I'd also think he'd want to know for sure and ask Morgan to get checked out.

Sonny? And take responsibility? That's not the Sonny we know. :)


How else is Sonny going to make Morgan's bipolar all about him? He's already started blaming himself.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 6

I FFed thru all of Nina's scenes. I just can't with her anymore. Can the catatonic woman please wake up and stab Nina? Preferably in the throat so we don't have to hear her talk, hear her talk? And maybe she can cut off her arms, too. Stafford might be a 'bit' more tolerable if all she could do was stand there but not speak or use her jazz hands.

Honestly except for the very end when Ava reveLed herself to Julian, I wa bored to tears with this whole episode. And I'd have bet it was written by Sickles, but it wasn't.

  • Love 4

How else is Sonny going to make Morgan's bipolar all about him? He's already started blaming himself.


"If Morgan killed a man because I passed down bi-polar to him, it's all my fault! My killing people and getting away with it and setting that as an example for my son cannot possibly have anything to do with my son being capable of murder!"

  • Love 14

I loved how Ava came clean to Julian…but I hate that it's only to get something out of him. Then again, he offered and it's in character for her so I also kinda liked it.

Didn't care about the trial except enjoying the sight of Ric and Scotty doing.their.jobs. As for Julian, yeah, he's totes innocent. Now will he die just before we (and/or the Port Charlesians) find out? Or will Sonny shoot him the chest yet fail to kill him a la Dante--without the guilties because Julian isn't Sonny's MAH SON?

I want catatonic chick to be faking it. It can be the reason she's in Shadybrook--she won't stop pretending to be (or has convinced herself she is) catatonic. And when the time is right, sayyyy in the next week or two, she busts Nina AND Franco and maybe even Madeline and Ric and that's how every one of them leave the canvas forever…except Ric. For reasons.

  • Love 5

You'll get ZERO argument from me there. I'm just worried Liz will skate - just as she usually does.

She'll skate.

Jason will understand why she did what she did and stay connected to her that's one of the reasons they brought their spawn back to keep Jiz connected.

I doubt Sam will do much but rave and people will take their shots or have their say.

The only one I can see really holding this against Liz is Carly, everybody else will understand.

  • Love 1

She'll skate.

Jason will understand why she did what she did and stay connected to her that's one of the reasons they brought their spawn back to keep Jiz connected.

I doubt Sam will do much but rave and people will take their shots or have their say.

The only one I can see really holding this against Liz is Carly, everybody else will understand.


I am responding in this thread:



Ugh, because Sonny says TJ should meet Jordan halfway, he does. I want TJ to get hurt in mob violence just to get the stars out of his eyes. He's such an insufferable, ungrateful turd.



Agree. It's a tough way to learn a lesson. but TJ has been unremitting in believing and saying the worst about his mother. He needs to be catapulted into reality. As a victim or bystander of violence around Sonny, with a long long recovery or even partial disability, he would have lots of time to grow up, although there's no guarantee he would. TJ needs to learn that family are the only ones who must acknowledge you exist and stay involved at some level. Cutting off family, even family that barely acknowledges you, is dangerous. If he continues to rebel against his mother, he might do the unthinkable and ask Sonny and Carly to adopt him so that he can jettison his mother as his family once and for all. That would be a disaster for TJ and a continuing heartache for his mother, who would be losing her son as surely as if he had died for real.

  • Love 1

Spencer/Baldwin feud? Easy. Just have Serena comeback home with all of her millions and let her tangle with Michael and/or Nik over ELQ. Let Michael believe that she was in it to help him regain ELQ, then have her pick whatever benefits her most: siding with Nik, taking the company for herself, or selling it to Jax(or anyone else, really).

  • Love 1

Shaking my head over Carly's motherly intuition about Morgan and his possible "bipolar disorder". Apparently she explains and dismisses any danger to herself from Sonny by opining that Sonny's "bipolar disorder" is at fault for any difficult or criminal behavior he shows. Carly won't admit that Sonny has any evil or spiritual black hole, fatal character weaknesses, laziness for making a living that benefits the community as well as himself, or illegal and criminal lifestyle. No, it's all about his lamentable and unfair "bipolar disorder" that Life or God has unfairly forced on poor Sonny. She explains all the rage, temper tantrums, murder, violence, and criminal acts away with tortured logic and that one excuse.


And now that Morgan has come of age and is showing behavior that Carly frets about, she 's decided that it is that old black devil "bipolar disorder" that is coming alive in Morgan's inherited genes like a fever. It never occurs to her that this cause is extremely over-simplified, and that perhaps her own example and Sonny's over the years, and their poor parenting, or Morgan's lack of education and job skills have anything to do with his erratic and escalating violent behavior--impulsive, juvenile, and irresponsible.


It's not too late for Morgan. If he doesn't buy into Carly's explanation for his current unhappiness and rootlessness, if he would get therapy and counseling, he could escape his disastrous parenting and Carly's artificial and unproven diagnosis that he has inherited unhealthy genes that carry "bipolar disorder".

  • Love 2

You'll get ZERO argument from me there. I'm just worried Liz will skate - just as she usually does.

I wouldn't call having the affair with Jason outed in court by a jealous ex-husband, being humiliated at her workplace (the Lulu slut shaming), having Carly barge into her home and make declarations/demands, being slut-shamed/ harassed/threatened by Helena (esp. the one scene at Shadybrook), and having Monica  imply in their workplace to Robin (Liz's friend), Steven Lars (Liz's brother), and other colleagues that Liz is a neglectful/abusive mother ... skating. The one time Liz killed someone, it was to save Sam's life. She gave a statement to the police.


I'm concerned Nik will skate, since he has in the past. He got like a slap on the wrist for the affair with Liz. This time the lies started with him (and Helena, of course).


Sam has sometimes skated and sometimes not, but her consequences (physical and emotional suffering) most of the time were because of her relationship with Jason. I have no idea how many people Jason and Sam have killed between them.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 3

Are Bry-dog, RoHo, and The Staff in some totally not-secret competition to be the worst actor ever on television. They are all making poor Charity Rahmer look like Anthony Hopkins in comparison.

Anyway, I still love the Jerome sibs together. I think should they spend some time bonding by shooting Franco and Nina and them kicking them into the harbor like soccer balls.

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 12
I'm concerned Nik will skate, since he has in the past. He got like a slap on the wrist for the affair with Liz. This time the lies started with him (and Helena, of course).



I will be stunned if Nik suffers more consequences than Liz does.  It's always the women's fault in Port Charles.  (Unless, of course, the woman in question is Carly.)


Like you said, the lies started with Nik.  Also, Nik is doing all of this for far colder reasons - money and power.  I'm not excusing what Liz is doing by any means, but she's clearly mentally off here, and she's operating based on pure emotion (and has enough decency still to at least look like she feels like shit for doing the wrong thing).  If I had to guess, Nik will come out of this with people a little angry with him, but he'll get a nice new bed buddy out of it (Greenlee), while Liz will be Satan, and people will probably threaten to take her kids away from her.  Although, to be fair, who would really want Spencer?  Maybe his punishment should be spending more time with that little shit. 

  • Love 6

Go after Michael, sure, but don't make it a Spencer/Baldwin thing. Serena has no reason to hate Michael because of his family—it's not his fault who he's related to, and he hasn't done anything against her.

Why not just use Carly or Bobbie as an excuse for it? Have Serena pissed at how Scott is treated by them. Or have her pining for her parents to reunite. Have her pissed off at the fact that Michael's psycho uncle attacked her Dad and pretty much skated. How about the fact that Laura Spencer ran roughshod over her dad's heart again the last time Laura was in town. Have her dislike Carly just for all of the shit the bitch has pulled over the years. Have it come out that he did something rotten to someone she loves while he was school.

Kerley Q - I agree with you. What drives me crazy is that yes, the women get blamed on this show, but Liz in particular seems to get called out, accused or degraded the most - whether she's an actual patient in the hospital, on the job, at home, or elsewhere.  She skates because Jason's never told her to F off? He's a killer. He has no moral high ground! And Liz has tended to his wounds/saved his life (outside the hospital) at least a couple of times after he's gotten shot. She also saved Sam's life by shooting a guy (in a cabin outside of PC, a while after Sam let infant Jake get kidnapped). 


I saw the phone call scene between Nik and Liz, and his 'why aren't you thrilled that you're engaged' reaction showed he has basically no conscience at this point. He felt that Jason was a worthless, violent killer, believes Sam and Danny are better off with Patrick, and is adamant about wanting to regain money and power, so he's decided keeping the secret is worth it any cost. That's why he's cool with lying to Sam's face, telling Laura and Lucky he's protecting Liz from heartbreak (all the while looking the other way re: her emotional instability), and telling himself that Liz, Jakeson and the boys together makes Liz happy.   


With every scene that airs, I see this more and more as a deep betrayal between cousins Nikolas and Sam, because Nik chose money and his friendship with desperate Liz over his cousin's family. It's not even about Liz at the core; it's about Nik's terrible/selfish choices. Liz should never have been the first one to hear that Jake is Jason. 

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 6

"I can't believe Franco killed again." Yes, Carly, it's shocking—shocking!—that a SERIAL KILLER would do that.


I know that stories/dialogue making sense left the building long ago on GH, but it makes no sense that Carly would be in such a state of disbelief over Franco killing again (even though he's transparently innocent and falsley accused this time around*).  After the Hallowedding, she should be in a state of outright glee that Franco finally got what he deserved, or be telling everybody, "I knew all along that leopard hadn't changed his spots!"  That's way more Carly's style than "I can't believe it!"


* - So, how many posters here are looking forward to the big reveal that Franco is innocent, followed by numerous scenes of everybody in Port Charles hanging their heads and apologizing to him for misjudging him so?  Anyone?  Anyone?  Bueller?

  • Love 2

Alexis and Molly are better off without Ric, especially with how he treated Alexis during her cancer ordeal and taking Baby Molly from her. But it is still possible to believe that and still think Sam got a massive whitewash, which I also think she did. She planned to get back at Alexis for the whole Jason break-up crap.


She did and yet came off like the poor taken-advantage-of innocent when she was anything but.

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