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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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So we got the bullshit reason for the marriage (but not the explanation why Brad and Rosalie never met until TODAY), but we  may FINALLY get the... oh, who am I kidding? Unless Passanette is in Superfund Cleanup Mode from reRon and we may ACTUALLY get the secret, and it may be a doozy for Nina, Maddy, Helena, and Nik to have sway.


It MAY. I still hold out for a lame reason, and GH Law supersedes Real Law, remember.


My finger FFs through any Sonny scenes; it brings down my rage to minimal.

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Do we have a pool on the Jakeson reveal?  November sweeps?  May?

Which year? Century?


The JakeSon reveal may be in Superfund Cleanup mode, so we may see it sooner. Nik will definitely fall hard, because JakeSon is against him and because he is working for Michael.


Again, I'm using Britt's BS wrapup storyline as a basis. Liz did worse; her fall should be harder, and I love Becky. If she gets a handwave, I want Britt exonerated.

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The only thing that didn't bore me (seriously Julexis yawn for the millionth time and Jordan being forced to interact with Sonny) was actually Rebecca Budig. And I still think she and Nik have chemistry. Oops, I actually agree with Nik. Scary. What would be a better story is if he set out to kill her but fell in love with her instead. Then she could dump his ass and hook up with one of his enemies. Who does Nik hate?



With you there. Its all kinds of wrong, I get it, but honestly, they have the most chemistry I've seen from a soap couple in years, and I don't mean just in their hot sex scenes. I like how she is challenging him and not making it easy for him to dupe her.


Ugh, why does this show always do this? Either the couples are tepid and boring, or their interesting, but involve the man hurting the woman (or sometimes even the other way around) in some way at some point.



Anyway, I wouldn't want her to start dating an enemy of Nik's. I would want her to squeeze him out of every penny he has, as well as his ELQ shares. Make him lose everything he has been trying to defend this past year. And become Queen of Wyndemere.

Edited by Bawoman
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So we got the bullshit reason for the marriage (but not the explanation why Brad and Rosalie never met until TODAY), but we  may FINALLY get the... oh, who am I kidding? Unless Passanette is in Superfund Cleanup Mode from reRon and we may ACTUALLY get the secret, and it may be a doozy for Nina, Maddy, Helena, and Nik to have sway.


It MAY. I still hold out for a lame reason, and GH Law supersedes Real Law, remember.


My finger FFs through any Sonny scenes; it brings down my rage to minimal.

GOING TO THE GYM, SKIPING THE SHOW = no rage Come here and read just how bad the show really is. Thank you Getting lots of laughs from you posters is the best. To the barge !

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but not the explanation why Brad and Rosalie never met until TODAY

Seriously, they were Such. Good. Friends. that she was willing to fake marry him, but they never kept in touch? What if she wanted to marry someone for real at some point?  Plus, they weren't even FB friends or follow each other on Twitter/Instagram etc?? The fact they both live in the same city remained a mystery to them both for over a year? 


Are the writers this stupid or do they assume the viewers are?

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Tuesday the 18th episode, Dillon and Lulu scenes.


Is Rocco a rear projection, or did they get the child actor to play quietly in the background while the main actors did the scene? This is the type of detail that has been lacking with the show for years and I am glad to see it.

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That was indeed a nice touch in an otherwise rather blah episode that simply continued setting up the chessboard.  Valerie and Maxie are now friend-ish, and Lulu's giving Dillon a full-court press about getting with Valerie and--much more anviliciously--becoming a parent (which was 100% not about him, but we all knew that).  Julian being set up?  Whoop de doo.  Liv not coming clean about her and his baby?  Increased whoop de doo.  Sonny again being the voice of reason for TJ and Jordan?  Grrrr.  Lucas semi-reconciling with Brad and swearing to help him get out of Secretville, USA?  It could have been drawn out a bit more, IMO, but at this point whatever...I'm just waiting for Ms. Wu to show up.

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You know what's gonna piss me off about a Valerie pregnancy and Dillon claims the baby? If they have Dante convinced that the baby couldn't possibly be his. That is so stupid and once again, out-of-character. I don't believe even for Lulu's sake he wouldn't claim a child he thought might be his. If the latter happens (Dante not asking for a DNA test or telling Lulu about the one night stand once a Valerie pregnancy is revealed), I might have to head out to the barge. There's only so much plot contrivance I can take.

Edited by ulkis
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I'd love to know how Joss got to Australia to see her dad, though.  Is there a corn-shaped teleporter in her bedroom?


You know what's gonna piss me off about a Valerie pregnancy and Dillon claims the baby? If they have Dante convinced that the baby couldn't possibly be his. That is so stupid and once again, out-of-character. I don't believe even for Lulu's sake he wouldn't claim a child he thought might be his. If the latter happens (Dante not asking for a DNA test or telling Lulu about the one night stand once a Valerie pregnancy is revealed), I might have to head out to the barge. There's only so much plot contrivance I can take.


Ah, but there's only two ways this can go:


  1. Valerie sleeps with Dillon, finds out she's pregnant, and we get a WTD scenario; or
  2. Valerie finds out she's pregnant and admits it to Dillon.  Dillon agrees (at first) to pretend the baby is his to keep from blowing up Lulu and Dante's marriage, and we all wait for one of the three people who know about the ONS--Dillon, Jordan, or the Tree--to blab.


The only way Dante won't know, again at first, is if scenario 2 happens...which is probably the most likely.  And if this dovetails with Lulu trying to get pregnant again, that makes it even more ironclad.

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Okay, the Brad /Lucas storyline has to be the begin of the rewrites. New writers must have wanted to go with spousal privilege while Ron was going with "we got married because I am still in the closet".

It might still be stupid but I'll take it over the being in the closet story line complete with judgemental parents.

Today's pacing actually seemed kind of soapy which I haven't felt or seen on this show in a while.

Hopefully we get to see Brad and Lucas working together to resolve the secret.

Was the lighting on the show better today?

When did Joss go to Australia? Wasn't Lucas just baby sitting her before his shift?

KSt's roots annoy me, I liked RP in the black fitted shirt and Jordan's wardrobe has suffered since she became commissioner.

Shallow note: I would love to get scenes of Brad and Lucas frolicking in bed for days Ala Maxie and Plywood.

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But in either scenario, as soon as Dante finds out she's pregnant, he has to know there's a chance the baby is his. 


I would have thought Dante cheated to give him and Lulu a storyline that got them away from the baby bullshit they've been enmeshed for fucking three years going now. I won't be surprised if the headwriters continue the story but if I hadn't already been convinced this story just spells it out how badly Ron needed to go. For fuck's sake! Another fucking baby! This is so stupid and such unnecessary overkill. 


I mean we all knew it was coming, but it's still so dumb it hurts.


Does anyone know what that quote was that Maxie and Valerie said was from?


I barely watched this episode.

I liked RP in the black fitted shirt


That was the highlight of today's show.


Okay, the Brad /Lucas storyline has to be the begin of the rewrites. New writers must have wanted to go with spousal privilege while Ron was going with "we got married because I am still in the closet".


I don't know. "My parents don't know I'm gay! Just kidding, you thought you knew the secret but you really don't, it's SPOUSAL PRIVILEGE" still sounds pretty Ron-esque.

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Show giveth - Joss is in Australia with Jax; Show taketh away - Sonny plays magnanimous Mr. Drummond to TJ's son scorned, encouraging him to not ruin his relationship with his mother because poor little Sonny would do anything to get his Mommy back.  TJ, the man killed his son's bio father, how is that not worse parenting than your mother having the nerve to work for the cops in taking down criminals - criminals who kill without remorse (when they can hit their targets)?  I remember when I used to like TJ.  Fucking Ron. 


In "God I'm relieved Ron's out of there so he can't do this" news - if Ron was still around, I'd fear that the Lulu/Dillon convo about the remaining embryo was going to lead to Dillon somehow sharing that information with Valerie and Valerie stealing the embryo, knocking herself up with it, and passing it off as the product of her ONS with Dante.  

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FFS, TJ- Jordan did NOT send Shawn to jail, he williingly went to jail. It was more important to protect Sonny than stay with you. Stop blaming your mom for Shawn's actions.


And on any other soap, all of Carly's happy wedding planning would be a precursor to some big wedding disaster. Hopefully with a high body count.

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I don't know. "My parents don't know I'm gay! Just kidding, you thought you knew the secret but you really don't, it's SPOUSAL PRIVILEGE" still sounds pretty Ron-esque.

C'mon, can't you let a girl dream that we're coming to an end to Ron's shit writing?!?!?

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FFS, TJ- Jordan did NOT send Shawn to jail, he williingly went to jail. It was more important to protect Sonny than stay with you. Stop blaming your mom for Shawn's actions.


And on any other soap, all of Carly's happy wedding planning would be a precursor to some big wedding disaster. Hopefully with a high body count.


It is.

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C'mon, can't you let a girl dream that we're coming to an end to Ron's shit writing?!?!?


Anything involving Rosalie is probably still Ron material. :p I can't imagine the new writers hanging on to her, but who knows.

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I think Lucas should have pressed a bit harder about what Brad and Rosalie are keeping from him. My fear is that this is something so dangerous that it gets Lucas seriously injured or even killed.

So help me, if Lucas dies in service of fucking Brad's story line...

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FFS, TJ- Jordan did NOT send Shawn to jail, he williingly went to jail. It was more important to protect Sonny than stay with you. Stop blaming your mom for Shawn's actions.


I wish Jordan would tell TJ this every time he started mouthing off about how mean Jordan was to work undercover and send Shawn to jail. And she needs to stop kowtowing to TJ. He wants to live with Sonny? Fine. Soon enough he'll see how terrible Sonny is and want to get out of that house.

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I'm disappointed Lucas is still willing to put up with Brad's bullshit. 


I think one of the anvils that dropped during the Lulu and Dillon scenes fell on my head. 


Oh wow. Julian is being set up. This is shocking to me. 

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Really Maxie--quoting the Countess?  You're not embarrassed {mah friend?}

Jordan's weave is a mess. She should go back to the curls.

I love Carly's earrings.

Olivia is really beautiful.


Someone please let me know when they have someone actually WRITING a script for this show, OK.  I've seen more intelligent 3rd grade plays.

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I dunno, TJ is already relaying information to Sonny that he overheard in the police station. And he's taken poor maligned sonny's side every.fucking.time. He worships the ground that man walks on, just like he did with Shawn. If anything happens at the wedding, he'll for sure blame Jordan.

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You are correct. Georgie and Dillon had a brief marriage -- they wed when he was sick and almost died, then divorced amicably when they realized they were too young for marriage.

Him sleeping with Lulu and later being caught by Georgie probably contributed to ending the marriage as well.

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Didn;t they get divorced first? Not that they weren't still together when Lulu went after Dillon, I just thought they were divorced by then.

Edited by ulkis
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I wish Jordan would tell TJ this every time he started mouthing off about how mean Jordan was to work undercover and send Shawn to jail. And she needs to stop kowtowing to TJ. He wants to live with Sonny? Fine. Soon enough he'll see how terrible Sonny is and want to get out of that house.

Or die.

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Be really nice if Dante wasn't overly concerned about fathering Val's child, because he pulled out a condom and used it correctly even after Val told him she was protected, because staying safe is important, too.  Just saying.


Haven't these people ever heard of birth control?  Safe sex?  Clearly, none of them have an example of how a careless five minute bang can have lifetime implications.

Edited by Reo
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Does anyone know what that quote was that Maxie and Valerie said was from?


Yeah, that was from a song Countess Luann (from Real Housewives of New York) "wrote" and "sang" (if you count auto tune as singing) called "Money Can't Buy You Class"



I'm embarrassed I know this.


I guess it will take a year or two before they use her latest "song" called "Girl Code" where she "sings" her famous line "Be cool, don't be all, uncool". She "wrote" this one after a few NYC Housewives barged into her room after she brought a (supposedly married 21 year old) one night stand back to their vacation house.



Well, at least there's more soapiness on the Housewives shows than on TFGH


ETA: One More Time beat me to it :)

ETA2 : because there is a difference between too and to

Edited by tveyeonyou
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Be really nice if Dante wasn't overly concerned about fathering Val's child, BECAUSE HE PULLED OUT A CONDOM AND USED IT CORRECTLY, EVEN AFTER VAL TOLD HIM SHE WAS ON THE PILL. Just saying.

Haven't these people ever heard of birth control? Safe sex? Clearly, none of them have an example of how a careless five minute bang can have lifetime implications.

Eh, even if he did that, it wouldn't matter. The condom is always defective for a one night stand.

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Show giveth - Joss is in Australia with Jax; Show taketh away - Sonny plays magnanimous Mr. Drummond to TJ's son scorned, encouraging him to not ruin his relationship with his mother because poor little Sonny would do anything to get his Mommy back. 


Every time T.J. shows up at the house with Sonny and Carly I hear the fucking Diff'rent Strokes theme song. "Look, honey, it's the black kid we stole!" And then T.J. starts listing off how great this mob family is for him. Horrible, and I don't even really like Jordan (whose hair is slightly better these last couple weeks).


T.J. needs some sense smacked into him but there's basically no one viable who can do it. Shawn took the years to protect Sonny's bullshit empire so he's a terrible role model. Jordan's choices are spotty at best. Molly is an eReading apologist. Alexis' whole life is crime dick. A while back I thought it might be interesting to bring Ingo back and have Jax play mentor to T.J. - teach a young man to become a corporate raider like himself. It just seemed like an intriguing combination. But here we are.


I can't deal with almost anything else on this show right now, it's so bad.

Edited by jsbt
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I thought I missed Olivia, but already this damn baby lie is making me want to scream. And I don't mind him being named Leo because I've always loved Leo DiCaprio, but every time I hear "Uncle Leo" I think of Seinfeld. I still like the name Leo better than Rocco.


damn you, tvgoddess, now that's all I'm gonna think of too!

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Ah, but there's only two ways this can go:


  1. Valerie sleeps with Dillon, finds out she's pregnant, and we get a WTD scenario; or
  2. Valerie finds out she's pregnant and admits it to Dillon.  Dillon agrees (at first) to pretend the baby is his to keep from blowing up Lulu and Dante's marriage, and we all wait for one of the three people who know about the ONS--Dillon, Jordan, or the Tree--to blab.



There's another option!!!


3.  Valerie isn't pregnant at all and decides to leave Port Charles for good.

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There's another option!!!


3.  Valerie isn't pregnant at all and decides to leave Port Charles for good.


Maybe Shawn will finally learn to aim straight, too. ;)

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There's another option!!!


3.  Valerie isn't pregnant at all and decides to leave Port Charles for good.


4. She pulls a Maxie and fakes a pregnancy as a way to break up Lante's marriage. During a heated argument with Lulu Valerie takes a devastating tumble down the stairs and pretends to have a miscarriage. Dante hates Lulu and starts dating Valerie. 

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Why is Jax the only character who gets off-screen bliss?!


Shhh don't jinx it. He deserves it at least!


Ned has off-screen bliss too I guess. And Lois and Brook Lynn and, um, Juan. I'm sure there are others but I don't feel like naming them lol.

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Shhh don't jinx it. He deserves it at least!

Ned has off-screen bliss too I guess. And Lois and Brook Lynn and, um, Juan. I'm sure there are others but I don't feel like naming them lol.

LOL. I know. It's so easy to just write characters off but Ron has to make everything messy.

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Ugh, because Sonny says TJ should meet Jordan halfway, he does. I want TJ to get hurt in mob violence just to get the stars out of his eyes. He's such an insufferable, ungrateful turd.


LOL that Carly hasn't the faintest idea what's going on in her own home. 


News flash, Lulu: People can like kids and be good with them and still not want any of their own. 


Do we know anything about Valerie's dad? I can see him rolling into town.

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Ohhh to be able to bitchslap Lulu for hectoring Dillon that it is time to marry Valerie and start a family. She sounded like a Maxie clone, with her know-it-all attitude. Spoiled as cheese.

The only reason she was hectoring him was because she doesn't want Valerie anywhere near Dante. Having Valerie on Windermere meant she was FAR away except when she was at the station. Now she's back on the mainland and closer. That's completely freaking her out and she wants to make sure her cousin is otherwise occupied. Moving her into the Q mansion and putting her with Dillon ensures both. At least in Lulu's eyes.

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damn you, tvgoddess, now that's all I'm gonna think of too!


Sorry, but how could anyone not?


Ugh, today was a miserable conglomeration of baby anvils, overused flashbacks and the eyesore that is CarSon. And shut up, Maxie, with your "they're soulmates". I'm trying to keep my dinner down.


I'm kind of curious to see those dayplanners though. "Arrange to have thug killed." "Barge into Room 417". I'm surprised they found room in their schedules to get married. And who the hell gets married on a Wednesday? Okay, I'm sure it will start on September 2nd and last like two weeks.

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Didn;t they get divorced first? Not that they weren't still together when Lulu went after Dillon, I just thought they were divorced by then.

Nope. They were starting to suffer problems from marrying so young and impulsively, but Lulu, being a Spencer, fell in love with Dillion because he was giving the positive attention that Luke didn't gave her and she teamed up with Diego to break them apart. When they convinced Dillion that Georgie was cheating with Diego, Dillion took Lulu's virginity in the boat house. Dillion was a piece of shit (and she did blast Dillion for not talking to her when he thought she was cheating on him) but Lulu was quite manipulative during the whole thing.

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