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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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And isn't Joss better off with Carly ignoring her? Though I will laugh if Joss becomes a rebel who likes to read books and go to museums…and maybe she can run away to Australia (you know she could figure out how to get there without Carly's even knowing she was missing).


I would die if we got a moment like this:


Carly (on her cell phone): Hi, Joss.  I've been at Uncle Sonny's for a week now, thought I'd check in, is Grandma Bob...you're where?  AUSTRAILIA?!?!


There was a similar moment on OLTL where Nora was all, "How far can Matthew get in a wheelchair?" and then the scene immediately cut to him on an airplane, heh.

Edited by TeeVee329
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 OTOH, that ya'll are expecting him to take issue with Liesl when he didn't care one shitty damn about Lisa (Liesl, Lisa? Could there be a connection?) screwing around with Robin's medication is what's odd. Why would he care now when he didn't care then?

Didn't he try to blow off that particular issue out of guilt? He didn't want to believe Lisa was so crazy and vindictive after their ONS that she would try to hurt or kill Robin. In this situation he's supposed to hate and have contempt for Liesl since she tortured Robin and tried to kill Robert and Anna (but almost killed Duke instead). He's not guilty by association for any of her actions, which I think makes it different for the Patrick character.. 

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There was a similar moment on OLTL where Nora was all, "How far can Matthew get in a wheelchair?" and then the scene immediately cut to him on an airplane, heh.


That kind of humor is desperately missing on GH. 


Patrick can't just ignore Dr. O; like it or not, she's his boss. I think his curtness works. He gives her no more than she asks for, and it always looks (at least to me) like he can't wait to be done with her.


Also, if characters who did terrible things to other characters could never again interact, there'd be no soap. GH doesn't handle this particularly well, but I think it's a weakness of the genre more than anything else.

  • Love 9

That kind of humor is desperately missing on GH.

Patrick can't just ignore Dr. O; like it or not, she's his boss. I think his curtness works. He gives her no more than she asks for, and it always looks (at least to me) like he can't wait to be done with her.

Also, if characters who did terrible things to other characters could never again interact, there'd be no soap. GH doesn't handle this particularly well, but I think it's a weakness of the genre more than anything else.

She shouldn't be his boss! He should refuse to work there. She shouldn't be COS. This is RON being ridiculous. This is not a reflection of the soap genre, IMO. That's like if John on Days worked for Stefano and had chit chat convos with him. It would never happen.

  • Love 5

She shouldn't be his boss! He should refuse to work there. She shouldn't be COS. This is RON being ridiculous. This is not a reflection of the soap genre, IMO. That's like if John on Days worked for Stefano and had chit chat convos with him. It would never happen.

There was a way to make Dr O bad, but in a more subtle, less cartoon-y way. If Robin hadn't been tortured, if Dr O had felt remorse and helped her in some way, if she'd tried to redeem herself in that situation at all. Or even if she had PRETENDED to turn on Faison or to have been forced into it to save her own hide ... and only the audience knew she only turned "good" to save herself ... any of these might have worked.

The problem is she's guilty as sin and all the characters know it, she was fine doing MANY absolutely sadistic and evil (not merely illegal or shady) things, her motives were selfish and pathetic (helping a psycho she wanted to love her and being jealous of Anna - and later trying to kill Liz and Brad to protect her pathetic liar of a daughter).

But the show wanted it both ways -- she's completely diabolical! no, she's FUN! And, look, she's being nice-ish, now, with no explanation, but hey, we just want to keep the actress, so deal with it!

Completely ignoring the fact that they could have not written her into a corner to begin with ...

They did this with Ava and Nina and Sonny, too -- they didn't have to push the characters to extremes, but they did, and now we are supposed to just shrug and accept it.

  • Love 11

"What if our son killed someone last night?!?!" frets Carly to Sonny, a mobster who was just casually talking about the "business trip" where he murdered someone in cold blood. 


And Carly's cooing over Avery makes me sick.  Wither Joss, Snarls?


The cooing made me nauseous, but once they put her away I found their scenes the most interesting in the show, which freaks me out. But yeah, I get why Carly might have a double standard for Sonny and Morgan. Plus, maybe her biggest concern is he's stupid enough to get caught.


Nik is looking hot. I'm shallow. I found myself thinking a lot about hair during this thrilling episode:


- why doesn't Billy Miller cut his?


- what is this look that they're going for with Patrick 


- would Nathan's hair move if it had no gel in it?

  • Love 3

MB and the Avery baby were adorable today. Their kiss was so cute.


Carly: "I was at Julian's to see Denise, to tell her to stay away from our son."
Sonny (thinking in his head): "Wait, what's going on between Michael and Denise?"


Morgan and Ava are so gross, sobbing that their relationship is over because his girlfriend and her daughter need their support on the death of her father. Yuk.

  • Love 10

Catching up on this weeks's shows... I agree with the chorus who sees no heat between Sam and Patrick, but I continue to be baffled by it.  They're both so very pretty.


Sam is weird.  For all that KeMo is hot has hell, now that I think of it, she's never really generated any heat in any of her pairings.  The only one I've ever really liked was McBain.  To be fair, I loathed and ffed Jason religiously starting circa baby Michael and continuing right up until he got dumped off the pier, so maybe maybe I just missed the wonder of whatever was supposed to be JaSam.  But for someone who looks so sexy just standing there, she really doesn't do relationship-sexy very well at all.  To me, at least.

  • Love 5

Catching up on this weeks's shows... I agree with the chorus who sees no heat between Sam and Patrick, but I continue to be baffled by it. They're both so very pretty.

Sam is weird. For all that KeMo is hot has hell, now that I think of it, she's never really generated any heat in any of her pairings. The only one I've ever really liked was McBain. To be fair, I loathed and ffed Jason religiously starting circa baby Michael and continuing right up until he got dumped off the pier, so maybe maybe I just missed the wonder of whatever was supposed to be JaSam. But for someone who looks so sexy just standing there, she really doesn't do relationship-sexy very well at all. To me, at least.

Nobody does on GH no pairing is sexy at all and haven't been for years.

I thought Jason and Sam were cute and KMo/SBu had chem but sexy no.

Rancide - I kinda wonder if the lack of heat is due to boredom - recycling the same old dialogue with SBu/Jason over and over while he stood there in Borg mode; now talking about her late love(s) and fixation on Jakeson with Patrick. So very dull. She had heat with GV's Lucky, and sometimes in scenes with Michael Easton. I think angry Sam is the best Sam. There's a scene in Summer 2012, where Liz brings Sam a flower delivery in her hospital room, tells Sam Jason wants her back and is so sad by what's happened, and Sam goes into angry truth teller mode about Jason. That was the very best of Sam - bringing the heat of disgust and outrage. I'll bet KeMo misses playing awesome like that.  

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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There's nothing to help KeMo or JT build heat. His character has been gutted and has no POV whatsoever. Her character has leading lady status, and yet she has to remain clueless for the Jakeson story to drag on and on.

Patrick and Sam aren't allowed to have conflict by these writers, they are the bland holding pattern until shit hits the fan ... someday ... once 20 more people know and don't speak up. Not much of interest in Sam's story until the big reveal.

If it seems like the actors are just two bored buddies chilling on set ... it's because they basically are.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
  • Love 12

I watched the last two days, so I'm all caught up again. Thursday - boring beyond belief (I fell asleep), Friday - grossness of epic proportions, seriously the day that Carly is that baby's mother is the day you will be putting me in the ground.


Nice to see Ava for 1 minute at the end.


Does Sam live at the hospital now? Why is she always there? Hospitals are dreary, depressing places. I would never go unless I absolutely had to. But then again, I've had a lot of people I've had to visit there.

  • Love 1

There was a way to make Dr O bad, but in a more subtle, less cartoon-y way. If Robin hadn't been tortured, if Dr O had felt remorse and helped her in some way, if she'd tried to redeem herself in that situation at all. Or even if she had PRETENDED to turn on Faison or to have been forced into it to save her own hide ... and only the audience knew she only turned "good" to save herself ... any of these might have worked.

The problem is she's guilty as sin and all the characters know it, she was fine doing MANY absolutely sadistic and evil (not merely illegal or shady) things, her motives were selfish and pathetic (helping a psycho she wanted to love her and being jealous of Anna - and later trying to kill Liz and Brad to protect her pathetic liar of a daughter).

But the show wanted it both ways -- she's completely diabolical! no, she's FUN! And, look, she's being nice-ish, now, with no explanation, but hey, we just want to keep the actress, so deal with it!

Completely ignoring the fact that they could have not written her into a corner to begin with ...

They did this with Ava and Nina and Sonny, too -- they didn't have to push the characters to extremes, but they did, and now we are supposed to just shrug and accept it.

Sonny was already there. He kidnapped and tortured AJ to give up his paternal rights, he considered murdering AJ at times, he slept with Emily, put a hit out on Jason for taking away his business, shot Dante, nearly killed Kristina with a car bomb, was the cause of Kristina's surgery due to said car bomb, and tried to kill Johnny because he didn't like what he said. Dr. O is basically getting the Sonny treatment - she's done horrible things, is a terrible person, but it's handwaved because the Plot Says So.

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I'm glad Laura is going to Lucky, at least.


I burned through the rest of the episodes.


I don't know how Liz and Nik can come back from this.  Because for all of Liz's manipulating Laura into remaining silent, Liz is guilty of accomplice after the fact.


And Hayden is soooo faking her amnesia.


I saw nothing wrong with the scenes between Patrick and Dr. Obrecht.  Him giving her looks like he doesn't give a fuck what she has to say, that he's in a hurry and if she would just shut up and leave, at least tells me he hasn't forgotten anything. Unless that's how Jason Thompson has been in ALL his scenes? I think not, because I forced myself to watch all of Sam, Patrick, Liz and Nik scenes.


And I was SO rolling my eyes at the "news" about Silas's murder, I mean, "passing." Unless there was media right outside his "luxury condo" and knew/informed by the murderer that there was a murder death to report, it's STOOPID.


And when did Silas become "the most prominent citizen of Port Charles, that the Mayor has to address his "passing" as a sign that she has failed to keep violent crime down? Patrick was known as God's Gift To Everyone since he was the BESTEST at EVERYTHING. Or did that change when Silas joined the show?

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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Sonny was already there. He kidnapped and tortured AJ to give up his paternal rights, he considered murdering AJ at times, he slept with Emily, put a hit out on Jason for taking away his business, shot Dante, nearly killed Kristina with a car bomb, was the cause of Kristina's surgery due to said car bomb, and tried to kill Johnny because he didn't like what he said. Dr. O is basically getting the Sonny treatment - she's done horrible things, is a terrible person, but it's handwaved because the Plot Says So.


Yeah, all this Dr. O/Franco/Nina you-must-love-them stuff is nothing more than Sonny 2.0.

Yeah, all this Dr. O/Franco/Nina you-must-love-them stuff is nothing more than Sonny 2.0.


I really like Kathleen Gati and think she is immensely talented, and if they wanted to keep her around it should have been with a dual.  Dr. O could have continue to be a fierce hat wearing villain, and Helga could have her long-lost twin sister who was also a doctor.  They could have even had Dr. O kidnap and replace her sister for a while, allowing the audience to see her being a baddie, but her having to put up this act in front of other characters.

  • Love 6

I really like Kathleen Gati and think she is immensely talented, and if they wanted to keep her around it should have been with a dual.  Dr. O could have continue to be a fierce hat wearing villain, and Helga could have her long-lost twin sister who was also a doctor.  They could have even had Dr. O kidnap and replace her sister for a while, allowing the audience to see her being a baddie, but her having to put up this act in front of other characters.


This is one of the few long-lost twin sister stories I could love.

Which means it will never happen.

  • Love 1

I wasn't sure where to put this, so I'll keep it relevant to the current episode.


Also, if characters who did terrible things to other characters could never again interact, there'd be no soap. GH doesn't handle this particularly well, but I think it's a weakness of the genre more than anything else.


To a point, I agree with this - since soaps used to be filled with schemers and plotters and such, there was always someone trying to wreck someone else's life or steal their husband and sometimes their baby. But as you say, GH handles this really poorly, and its only partly because its a soap. Patrick and Liesl is a fairly extreme case mostly because of Robin. By all rights, he should at least resign from the hospital, but because he doesn't even so much as cross his eyes at her, it makes him look like a turd that can't see past the end of his own dick because he's got Sam now. I don't even have anything against Sam, and I feel kind of vindicated that Doctor Douchnenozzle has proven himself to be exactly the piece of crap I thought he was when he first cheated on Robin. But I would like if he would at least behave like he's barely tolerating Liesl instead of standing there like he just escaped from the extras room on The Walking Dead.

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Doctor Douchnenozzle has proven himself to be exactly the piece of crap I thought he was when he first cheated on Robin.

It's so weird, though. I completely see this, too. But the writers ALWAYS give him a built-in excuse or has his significant other say, "Oh, honey! Don't blame yourself!" I can't even remember the last time Patrick did something questionable that he was held accountable for.

  • Love 1

Thing is, Patrick did try to quit back when Robin returned-but apparently he is bound by contract and she threatened to sue if Patrick quit. He was willing, but Robin told him not to and that she could handle Obrecht.

Yet again, the writers are technically explaining things ... but the explanations are still dumb.

It's bizarre that Patrick didn't quit anyway, because why would you work for an international terrorist who tortured your wife? How could you even tolerate it? Wouldn't you rather just get sued? No jury would fault you for breaching that contract. It's insane. The situation just shouldn't be happening at all.

And this is not a knock on Patrick, it's just the untenable situations the writers create. Patruck and Anna and Liz have to meekly tolerate Liesl's presence because they live in a fictional universe that makes no sense.

And Monica doesn't punch Sonny in the face every day for the same reason.

  • Love 10

I am officially on the barge. Didn't watch most of this week and seemed to miss absolutely nothing. It is way more entertaining to read everyone's interpretation of the ridiculous storylines. The clip of Sonny's twirl had me laughing for a good 10 minutes. Seeing it live would have caused my blood to boil.

If Ava has a picture of Nina at the scene of the crime doesn't that mean that Ava was there too?

  • Love 4


If Ava has a picture of Nina at the scene of the crime doesn't that mean that Ava was there too?

Ava's had a couple of flashbacks of her wiping off the doorhandle and leaving the scene of the crime.  Either she killed Silas or found him dead with Nina standing over his body and quickly left, with Franco arriving moments later to find Nina standing over the body.  

Run Dom, run!!!


I haven't this particular rumor/news (?) anywhere, but I did see on Twitter that he and Chad both really unhappy and kept giving Mo and Bryan looks of stone.


I think this is probably an exaggeration. The most I saw was CD and DZ were quiet while BC cheered when MB ragged on Ron a little bit. Chad and DZ were also dancing at one point with Maurice and Bryan :) I don't think they were mad at MB and BC, just being polite.

Edited by ulkis
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