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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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The whole thing's just so half-baked and rushed. And there's still two weeks of Luke to go.

Nothing makes sense. Nothing. There's no storyline on this show that is genuine or has heart or has emotions attached to it. I mean, when the first scene between Luke and **** is **** ramming his toy car into Luke and not tears of joy or hugging or OMG IT CANT BE, it's a pure joke.

  • Love 5

Valponine and Liz are gonna end up having nervous breakdowns on the same day. And that "nothing will come of our night together" was probably a pregnancy anvil, but it would be better if Lulu got pregnant with Dillon's baby or whoever. That would kill Dante.


The Lucky/Luke scenes were nice, although there was a shade too much asskissing from Lucky.


So psychoJake got a flight from Greece to America with no problems, eh? No fear, no hesitation, no nothing? Okay!


Sam and Nikolas should have hot hate sex. Don't care.


Genie Francis is beautiful.


"Oh, honey, nothing you can tell will make me mad at you." I'm just gonna call Jason Cowboy Miller from now on.


so Jake has the same personality still? Is that confirmation that (and by extension Jason, since they were exactly alike!!!definitely Jason's kid!!! Not Lucky's!!!) this psycho demeanor is perfectly normal?

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 3

What?! Two more weeks of this "Goodbye and Fare-Thee-Well, Luke!" shit?!

Instead of spreading these goodbye scenes out over the course of a month, they just should have had everyone from Luke's past come out at once and wish him off, "So Long Farewell" style.  But they have to be recognizable. No pointless recasts of Frank and Jennifer Smith.  Helena, of course, gets the solo at the end:




Lucky can do a solo of Edelweiss.

  • Love 3

The ugly thing here is that it had to be a live child tossed in front of a car because said child died on Patprick's and Robin's operating table.

You're assuming there hasn't been a total retcon of some sort where Helena had the child dug up and reanimated somehow. If, in fact, the writers even deign to try and explain any of this.

But it's all incredibly ugly, even when it makes sense. I could deal with occasional stupid, gaping, glaring plot holes if the show were otherwise entertaining and less gross and disturbing.

Show has no CLASS anymore, you know?

  • Love 4

Instead of spreading these goodbye scenes out over the course of a month, they just should have had everyone from Luke's past come out at once and wish him off, "So Long Farewell" style.  But they have to be recognizable. No pointless recasts of Frank and Jennifer Smith.  Helena, of course, gets the solo at the end:




Lucky can do a solo of Edelweiss.


A big goodbye party on the Haunted Star would have much better.


So do people think Nikolas knew? Jesus Christ, that would really kill the character dead.

So I take it that these were the movie-quality scenes that Genie Francis referred to?


I suppose so.

Edited by ulkis

Lucky is the pride of Luke's life. Dante's lying/cheating because she dropped her life for the Spencers. It's a sucky week for Lulu.




I know Finola is filming something else but it stinks it couldn't work out that Anna's not around for Luke's goodbye tour. We get random Frank Smith, but not a regular with a friendship that's been shown this decade.

  • Love 1
I know Finola is filming something else but it stinks it couldn't work out that Anna's not around for Luke's goodbye tour. We get random Frank Smith, but not a regular with a friendship that's been shown this decade.


Finola actually started off the tour.  She and Tony (more so than Luke and Anna) had some goodbye scenes early last month, right before Finola's leave began.


By the way, her vacation's been cut short.  I guess the movie got delayed or shelved.  But SOD announced this week that she's coming back sooner than original planned.

Whaaat? How did I miss that. Thanks.

It was an episode or two before the Haunted Star engagement party.  Luke invited her to it.  I think it was a Thursday episode, if that helps.

A big goodbye party on the Haunted Star would have much better.


So do people think Nikolas knew? Jesus Christ, that would really kill the character dead.


I suppose so.

Doesn't sound like you were similarly impressed. ;)

  • Love 1

Finola actually started off the tour. She and Tony (more so than Luke and Anna) had some goodbye scenes early last month, right before Finola's leave began.

By the way, her vacation's been cut short. I guess the movie got delayed or shelved. But SOD announced this week that she's coming back sooner than original planned.

You know it's bad when you don't want your fave to return, you just want them safely away from this mess and the actor to have something better to work on, lol.

  • Love 3

Lucky is the pride of Luke's life. Dante's lying/cheating because she dropped her life for the Spencers. It's a sucky week for Lulu.


I know. As much as I get impatient about Lulu clinging to daddy when she has (or did) have the world's most perfect husband, I felt bad for her when he said that. Well, at least dirty dodge was thrown to the side as well.


But hey remembered her. Or did he? When he said "aunt and uncle" did he mean Lulu and Nikolas (or Ethan) or did he mean Sarah and Orange Steve?

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 5

You're assuming there hasn't been a total retcon of some sort where Helena had the child dug up and reanimated somehow.


Did anyone check the island for a pet cemetery? Now THAT I would get behind. It lines up with the murder-y vibes that lil jake is giving off. He came back.....different.


 So do people think Nikolas knew? Jesus Christ, that would really kill the character dead.

I know Ron and co don't really give a rats ass about continuity and character motivations at this point, but I will NOT buy Nikolas knowing Liz's kid was alive. The guy told her about Jason because he didn't want her hurt. It doesn't track. At all. That being said, he probably will end up being the fucking mastermind behind it. Because [commercial break] that's why! It all makes sense.

  • Love 9

So, I'm just going to put this out here.  Speaking as a former, diehard Liason fan who actually loved the whole story of how Jake actually was conceived (yes, I was that bad #sorrynotsorry) and horrified that they killed the kid just so JaSam could have their miracle child (when a replay of the whole AJ/Jason dynamic could have played on for YEARS #fuckingGuza), the fact that they are even bringing the kid back to life and in such a shitty manner (not that I would expect any better from this shithead #YesGuzawasbetter) has me calling the moving company to bring my things to the Barge permanently.


I'm sorry, I can buy back from the dead when you are rolled off a pier.  But THE KID'S ORGANS WERE DONATED, FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!!!

  • Love 12

The ugly thing here is that it had to be a live child tossed in front of a car because said child died on Patprick's  and Robin's operating table.


Not necessarily! I just saw a commercial for that terrible Halle Berry show with the robot kid, Extant. It was a robot!


Honestly, after Jesse Hubbard on AMC was a regular guest starring angel who also used time travel to save Tad from being hanged, after Mitch Laurence on OLTL died three or four times, most of them completely onscreen, and they had to have devils literally drag him off to Hell onscreen the final time to make it final - and after Jack (and Tony, and Andre, and Stefano) on DAYS have all died umpteen times, with Jack's organs having been donated as well, none of this fazes me. The only thing that will faze me is if they completely ignore explaining it in any way.


And yes, I am suspecting Nik may have known. He would never keep it a secret, but at the same time, in the last 24-48 hours all I've been thinking is, he was on that island with Stavros and Helena for months upon months and he never saw this kid?

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 9
"Goodbye and Fare-Thee-Well, Luke!"


Luke has said his good-byes to:



Frank Smith

Jennifer Smith



Helena (? Haven't seen today's episode yet)


Besides Luke's family, who else is likely to show up? We won't see Robert (sob).


But it was some other random kid whose kidney is floating around in Joss so it's okay! #eyeroll


Joss and Jake aren't blood-related at all, so it basically is a random kidney. 

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 1

Bobbie, his sister? Felicia, his one-time lover? Mac, who tried to be his friend at one point but basically got ignored / screwed over by Luke?

Ha ha ha, I'm kidding. None of these people will be shown. I'm sure Sonny will get his goodbye scene with Luke, though!

(And Tracy, should anyone explain to her what the fuck is going on).

  • Love 2

I forget - how did AMC explain away Jesse supposedly having his organs donated?


IIRC, they didn't, really. They just said it was some other stiff and he'd been spirited off by whatever evil agency it was for reasons I cannot entirely recall, run by David Rasche's character, Roy (yes, Roy) Gardner. All I need is for GH to say it and move on, not just do it offscreen. Whatever they come up with will be ridiculous but the least the audience is owed is the text.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 4

I'm a little ashamed at how easy I am. I floved Liz & Lucky and I'm actually looking forward to their scenes together on Monday. I don't care how pathetic and contrived it is. Those two actors are great together. 


TG left me cold today. JJ is great, but I feel about Luke the same way I feel about Sonny. They only appreciate being a father when they're being told how awesome they are. Neither is really interested in actual parenting.

  • Love 13

Still hoping this "Jake" kid is an evil clone set out to destroy PC. Otherwise, this crap is just totally pointless. Which fits with everything else, but there are some levels of WTF I cannot abide, and this is definitely one of them.

I think the point is Liz, really. This way his beloved triangle isn't permanently dead and she doesn't lose completely when Jakeson goes back to his wife

Oh, I don't think RC gives a shit about Liz without Lucky. She's just a plot module with a fanbase which he knows will stick by her (to be fair, this can be said about almost any veteran actor on the show). He'll trash her any way he wants to and then wrap it up in a bow and say it was about her trauma over Jake's initial loss, and she'll be expected to be forgiven. Which I can do, but it would take a long, long, long time. He certainly doesn't give a shit about Jason and Liz - that's just a convenient element for an endless quadrangle. He exploited it in 2012 and he's doing it again today.


I think the only reason RC brought back Jake is because he's always wanted to bring back Jake - I think he always found it a bridge too far for the Luke character and a waste of a legacy kid, and on that instinct I am there with him. But his execution, as always, is the fundamental error. It also serves an immediate plot motive: In bringing back Jake, trick-ass Liz feels she is validated in her insane choices.

  • Love 10

I think the point is Liz, really. This way his beloved triangle isn't permanently dead and she doesn't lose completely when Jakeson goes back to his wife

Jason: I remember! I'm Jason! Wait, Liz...you knew? And you and Nik lied to me? What? Sam's with Patrick? Danny's my son? What!!? Jake's alive? Who brought me back to life? Where's Robin?

Liz: Helena.

Jason: Can you elaborate?

Liz: Helena.

Jason: ......

  • Love 2

And yes, I am suspecting Nik may have known. He would never keep it a secret, but at the same time, in the last 24-48 hours all I've been thinking is, he was on that island with Stavros and Helena for months upon months and he never saw this kid?


I can buy it's a huge ass island and they kept the kid in a secret room. Or he was somewhere in Greece, or wherever. I can get Nik doing it to Lucky, kind of, but to Liz? Make her suffer that way? At that point I would need this to be an impostor and Nik and Stefan are locked up together somewhere.

  • Love 2

And yes, I am suspecting Nik may have known. He would never keep it a secret, but at the same time, in the last 24-48 hours all I've been thinking is, he was on that island with Stavros and Helena for months upon months and he never saw this kid?


Didn't the WSB also sweep that island after Faison, Jerry, and Dr. O commandeered it?

  • Love 1

I can get Nik doing it to Lucky, kind of, but to Liz? Make her suffer that way? At that point I would need this to be an impostor and Nik and Stefan are locked up together somewhere.


They've been leaning way too hard on the note of people not buying Nik's onscreen motives for doing this (even Spencer!), and I think there has to be another shoe to drop. IMO it has to be either brainwashing or someone's threatened, or Stefan is in the catacombs or something and they're stringing this along forever because they were too cheap to come to terms with Stephen Nichols before DAYS.

  • Love 4

It would be so much simpler if soaps never SORAS'd anyone, or better yet, if we were just supposed to assume a character was the same age as an actor.Without going into a lot of explanation as to how I figure it, I'd guess the character is late forties, maybe fifty. WK just turned 58, I think. But he has always had youthful looks, as did the original Ned. Long story short, since Jax and Ned went to boarding school together at one point, and IR is mid forties, I think that's the best guess.


I looked it up out of curiosity, WK will be 57 on July 31st (which means he's just a few weeks younger than my dad, whose birthday is today!). He looks GOOD, too. 

  • Love 2


Okay. Now I'm annoyed. Lucky is completely over the top with his praise of Luke as a father.


Lucky has always put Luke on a pedestal, from the time he was a little boy.  Even when Luke's done the worst, Lucky's found a way to forgive him.  In some situations, it's taken time and a lot of work by Luke to regain the trust, but Lucky's forgiven him. 


He gets that generous spirit from his mother (that's my story and I'm stickin' to it).

Edited by LegalParrot81
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