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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Was that original recipe Jake?  Because it really looked like it could be the same kid, 5 years later.  But a 9 year old doesn't play with remote control cars.  That age they're  on a Nintendo or other hand held device.  


Loved, loved, loved Carly's top.  The colour, the style, just stunning.  


Valerie, the island of delusion called, they want you back.


Dante, you douche.  I'm so pissed that he didn't tell Lulu the truth.  


What was with all the near misses between Tracy/Paul and Dillon?


Never was a fan of Luke's and am fine with TG leaving, but I did get a wee bit emotional during the Luke/Helena scene, knowing it would be the last between them.  But also seriously pissed that he gets to be the first one to see Jake alive.  

  • Love 1

Was that original recipe Jake?  Because it really looked like it could be the same kid, 5 years later.  But a 9 year old doesn't play with remote control cars.  That age they're  on a Nintendo or other hand held device.  


Loved, loved, loved Carly's top.  The colour, the style, just stunning.  


Valerie, the island of delusion called, they want you back.


Dante, you douche.  I'm so pissed that he didn't tell Lulu the truth.  


What was with all the near misses between Tracy/Paul and Dillon?


Never was a fan of Luke's and am fine with TG leaving, but I did get a wee bit emotional during the Luke/Helena scene, knowing it would be the last between them.  But also seriously pissed that he gets to be the first one to see Jake alive.  



Well, I'm guessing he has been in captivity all this time and not inundated with tv ads for video games.  So I can buy it.  Plus it does look like the kid that played him before.

  • Love 2

Seriously Valerie? Who the HELL just walks into their boss' office, announces that a coworker's wife is having an affair, and then spills that she slept with the coworker? Not really something to brag about.


And previews? Sorry Dante, there ain't no way cousin Valerie is going to stay quiet. In fact, I fully expect her to go cray cray and do everything she can to undermine your marriage. Up to and including telling Lulu what happened.

  • Love 7

Seriously Valerie? Who the HELL just walks into their boss' office, announces that a coworker's wife is having an affair, and then spills that she slept with the coworker? Not really something to brag about.


And previews? Sorry Dante, there ain't no way cousin Valerie is going to stay quiet. In fact, I fully expect her to go cray cray and do everything she can to undermine your marriage. Up to and including telling Lulu what happened.


Valerie: Hey Lulu


Lulu: Yeah?


Valerie: I slept with your husband.


Lulu: Excuse me???


Valerie: Nevermind. Forget what I just said! It's no big deal.


Dante, you douche.  I'm so pissed that he didn't tell Lulu the truth.  


That I don't mind and see in character, unlike all this other "my wife must be cheating" chest banging crap that has occurred.  He's afraid to lose her, he's afraid to hurt her. And maybe even a little afraid of her wrath lol. He knows she is going to get pissed. He's probably having flashbacks to Julie's Lulu screaming about something, heh.


I would have it that he DOES tell himself, eventually, but it will probably come out some dumb way like Valerie being pregnant.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 9

Carly today was great.  This one can stay.  How often do we get this Carly?  Once a year?  Twice?  Three times?  I really wish we could have Carly when she's like this so much more often.


Dante had the perfect chance to tell Lulu and completely let it pass him by.  Will have zero sympathy for him when it comes out on its own.

  • Love 2

I don't think I can take Carly going off on Liz.  It'd be a case of pot meet kettle.  Carly is as pathetically obsessed with Jason as Liz.  Carly just had him more tethered to her because she had a kid he cared about so gets to talk about them being BFF blah blah blah.


Carly will be most upset that her BFF was kept from HER.  Sam, just like with Liz, will not be a consideration.  She'll use her but it won't really be about her or Jason being kept from Danny.


The only ones I would watch go off would be Sam or Monica or even Michael.

  • Love 4
There's a code and we follow it!


Someday someone is going to have to explain to me, like I'm Morgan, what exactly their code is.


It isn't that they take care of their own.  Duke's dead and unavenged and no one blinked at Sean/Shawn getting sent up the river.


It isn't that they don't harm women.  They put them in the line of fire constantly and even make direct threats that they'll kill them.


It isn't that they are not to be messed with.  They let Julian run around doing .... whatever it is that Julian does.


Is that that it's only business, because they make it personal all the time.


They don't even seem to follow the bro code.


They don't seem bright enough to know morse code.


Maybe they color coded their inventory? Because that's about the only type of code I can see them employing.  And that's something Duke totally would have done when he was in charge.

  • Love 17
"Heyyyyyy. R U there??  U still up?  I know it's only 8. But u old.  R U doIng anything 2morrow?   If I text you 25 script pages, will u memorize them 2 the letter & come hang & shoot 15 scenes we'll spread over 68 epis? Cool. CU at 6:30 am"


And on a fateful day in 2013(ish?):


Jon Lindstrom:  Who's this?

Frank: nm [delete]

  • Love 10


Well, I'm certainly willing to give the kid more than 'My name is Jake' before I decide if he can act lol!

Me too.  Plus I think they needed original recipe so that the viewers would believe that it's really him.  They can recast down the line if need be, but for now, looks like Jacob Martin Webber Spencer survived being mowed down by Luke. 


I'm curious how this is going to work.  Jake was hit by Luke, taken to the hospital, his kidney given to Joss and his plug pulled, but somehow Helena came along and scooped up his not dead body and what?  Replaced it?  L&L2 buried a different child?   Or was the child who was hit not Jake, was he replaced the instant he left the house and Patrick operated on someone else and Joss has someone else's kidney and L&L2 pulled the plug on someone else and buried someone else???    How Ron, how?

  • Love 3

I'm curious how this is going to work.  Jake was hit by Luke, taken to the hospital, his kidney given to Joss and his plug pulled, but somehow Helena came along and scooped up his not dead body and what?  Replaced it?  L&L2 buried a different child?   Or was the child who was hit not Jake, was he replaced the instant he left the house and Patrick operated on someone else and Joss has someone else's kidney and L&L2 pulled the plug on someone else and buried someone else???    How Ron, how?


I think they made it clear today that they're aren't even gonna bother to try. Helena told it on off-screen gh during a commercial break. Tomorrow, Luke will probably say to Lucky, "Let me explain what happened", commercial break, then Lucky will be holding Jake and saying "I can't believe it!"

  • Love 4

I hate RC's General Hospital. I really, really do.

If you're going to do some shit like this you have to at least take a shot at an explanation. You can't actually says REASONS and leave it at that


I don't know. That was my first reaction, but after all, what could they say that wouldn't sound ridiculous?


Who wants to write fic about what Tony Geary's reaction was when he read the script??

  • Love 2

I hate RC's General Hospital. I really, really do.

If you're going to do some shit like this you have to at least take a shot at an explanation. You can't actually says REASONS and leave it at that

EXACTLY how I feel. This show under RC is a complete joke. There are no reasons for anything because it's all for shock value. That is why **** is alive. I cannot wait till the ratings plummet even more.

  • Love 3

Well, I'm certainly willing to give the kid more than 'My name is Jake' before I decide if he can act lol!


Yeah, at a glance he comes off a little more assured than any kid other than Josslyn at the moment.


They ruined the dark irony of the silent moment with the toy car in a classic Ron way - by having Helena actually, literally say aloud, "ohhhh, how fitting, that heeee hit yooouuuu with his caaarrr!" For God's sake. Oh, I'll go over all the rest of this later. I will say the final moment with Constance Towers and Geary was both emotional and chilling. Elevated above the writing.


They had better try to explain it. Ron's done far more with bigger issues.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 3

Yeah, at a glance he comes off a little more assured than any kid other than Josslyn at the moment.


They ruined the dark irony of the silent moment with the toy car in a classic Ron way - by having Helena actually, literally say aloud, "ohhhh, how fitting, that heeee hit yooouuuu with his caaarrr!" For God's sake. Oh, I'll go over all the rest of this later. I will say the final moment with Constance Towers and Geary was both emotional and chilling. Elevated above the writing.


:hangs head: I didn't think anything of it until she said it. But to be fair to me, I might have gotten it later while I was brushing my teeth or something!


Speaking of Josslyn, I was cracking up when Carly was like, "thank you for all the years of joy!" With Josslyn??? And her eyes that stare straight into your soul??? Okay!

  • Love 4

All I know is that somebody best mention that they should have Jake checked out for brainwashing implants.


He really should be a programmed bad seed. IMO that's the only story to do here. I always thought Helena had Jake - I always thought that would be the obvious way to resurrect the kid - but there is no way Helena would keep Jake without indoctrinating him. Either just to her way of thinking, or with actual mind control.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 5


I don't know. That was my first reaction, but after all, what could they say that wouldn't sound ridiculous?


Who wants to write fic about what Tony Geary's reaction was when he read the script??

Tony: What. The. Fuck?!!


Jane:  Did you forget that you're leaving in a week?


Tony: Good point. Hey, do you want this fichus for your dressing room? How about this autographed picture of Sammy Davis, Jr.?  Wanna get dinner later?

  • Love 7
Valerie being pregnant.


Duh. There's no point to them fucking if she doesn't get pregnant. I'm sure there will be some gross stuff about Valerie being able to carry a baby where Lulu couldn't. 


I think they made it clear today that they're aren't even gonna bother to try. Helena told it on off-screen gh during a commercial break. Tomorrow, Luke will probably say to Lucky, "Let me explain what happened", commercial break, then Lucky will be holding Jake and saying "I can't believe it!"


It's probably enough to know Helena had him. 

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 1

Oh, the one time they decide to explain something to us like we're Sonny or Morgan.

Ha. I thought that line was more about Ron trying to be funny because everything is a joke to this man. Has he ever written a serious story on GH that wasn't followed by something inappropriately snarky for giggles?

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 1

Elizabeth and Jason had a connection long before she was ever pregnant with Cam, Jake or Aiden.


Liason started out as friends in 1999 after Lucky died in the fire.  The show kept the connection between Elizabeth and Jason, because the couple has fans, and it is a soap opera.  Jason was just as much in love with Elizabeth as he was with Robin, Carly to an extent, Courtney and Sam.  


Jason and Sam have both done some shitty things on this show and they got away with it.  Jason will be mad at Elizabeth, but he can sit his ass down or look in the mirror, because he has done worse things than my girl ever will!


As for JaSam being married, so what?  That never kept Jason from bedding Courtney while she was married to AJ.  Sam had no problems sleeping with a married Sonny and having his baby, seducing her mother's husband and destroying her sister's family, seducing Lucky out of spite and endangering a toddler and a baby.


Jake should have never been killed off in the first place.  If JaSam is the root for couple, why kill of a child in order for them to have one of their own?  Elizabeth and Jason were never obsessed over each other, they always wanted the best for each other, and often pushed the other one to be with their current partners.


  • Love 3

So, what is it with people getting pissed or upset with their partner and jumping in bed with someone immediately.  I have never known a single person who has done that - I really can't stand that idiotic tv trope.  I actually thought for a minute there, Dante would tell her and it would be refreshing for a changed not to have this as yet another secret for god know's how long

  • Love 8

I'd say that there's no way that Ron could drag this secret out but then totally caught myself because, hey, the Jakeson crap is still going strong. 90% of Port Charles will know he's really Jason but until he, Sam and Carly know then it will still be a 'secret.'


Valerie blabbed about sleeping with Dante before the sheets were even dry. To his boss. Because... yeah... so it's officially not a secret anymore but it's a question of how long and how many hoops Dante leaps through to keep Lulu from knowing what he did while Val clearly pushes to have her know because she wants Dante for herself.



  • Love 7

I wonder if finding out Jake is alive and well will change Elizabeth's alliance with Nicholas.  Who knows if he had anything to do with the hiding of Jake all these years - He will have if the writers wish it so, regardless if it makes any sense. - but she might think he did.  She's been privy to his dark side, 'lo these many months, so she might not put it past him.  Of course, it all depends how much she wants to hold onto Jason.  She certainly didn't let concern for her other kids stop her there when Sonny was out to murder Jason, but Jake is Jason's son....

Edited by Fellaway

Liz is just going to take Jake's resurrection as the universe validating her choices - telling her that she, Jason and Jake are meant to be together.


Very likely... but the thing is, having Jake back is going to result in her finally telling him the truth about who he is thinking that he'll be happy and then all hell will break loose.


Or it should anyway.

  • Love 8

I finally watched all the JaSam scenes from yesterday, and you know what would be great karma?  If Jake fell in love with Sam anyway, not knowing he is Jason, and left Liz for Sam.  THAT would be karma.  Then he could find out he is Jason.


I would watch the shit out of that.


I haven't watched todays show yet, but I did see some screen caps and the kid playing Jake is as cute as ever.

  • Love 12

I finally watched all the JaSam scenes from yesterday, and you know what would be great karma?  If Jake fell in love with Sam anyway, not knowing he is Jason, and left Liz for Sam.  THAT would be karma.  Then he could find out he is Jason.


I would watch the shit out of that.


I haven't watched todays show yet, but I did see some screen caps and the kid playing Jake is as cute as ever.

I def. think it's clear that Jake and Sam are gonna reach the "Uh....I kinda like you more than I should" phase at some point.

  • Love 4

Very likely... but the thing is, having Jake back is going to result in her finally telling him the truth about who he is thinking that he'll be happy and then all hell will break loose.


Or it should anyway.


I have to believe at this point the only reason their dragging their feet for so long is that they need Robin/Kim McC. Or they're horrible planners. You know. Either one.

  • Love 3

I have to believe at this point the only reason their dragging their feet for so long is that they need Robin/Kim McC. Or they're horrible planners. You know. Either one.


Considering the pace of...well, everything...I'm going with Option B here.

I def. think it's clear that Jake and Sam are gonna reach the "Uh....I kinda like you more than I should" phase at some point.


Can it be before we're all sipping our meals through straws and wearing adult diapers? Glaciers move quicker than RC's shit.

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