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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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So, I had to take a little break for a while. I wanted to sit with this storyline and see if it was as really bad as it was being made out to be, or if I was being blinded by my love of MW. Well, my blinders are off. I still love her, but this story is crap. I can't believe this was her "reward" for grabbing only the third Lead Actress win in the show's entire history. Why RC chose to do this insanity instead of just letting her of the hook like literally every other criminal character is beyond me. (Why the hell was Connie so fucking important?) Maybe he thinks she would be up to the task. And she would be, if it weren't writing that falls below that of that crappy ass schlock from the woman who wrote 50 Shades of Grey plus Twilight combined.


The thing is, Maura is enjoying it. I'm sure it's fun for her to get to play something different. Her reactions are reminding me of the character of Mickey on Seinfeld: "Bacterial meningitis, jackpot!!!" and "Cirrhosis of the liver with jandice. Alright, I get to wear makeup!" But it's annoying because I don't want to see this other character. The haters definitely don't, and while I'm grateful to see her again. I want Ava back. Not anyone else.


That being said, I did enjoy a little bit of it. I liked her calling Morgan dumb. I liked that she referenced the fact that Kiki needs to be working. I thought the strongest part was actually on Thursday in her scenes with Sonny, even though they were the grossest. Way to continually be misogynistic, Ron.


The rest was a mix of utterly predictable and plot point crap. I will give RC some small credit for sticking in the line about Indiana. Because that law was bullshit.


Other thoughts:

- Nina's dress was the most unattractive thing I think I've ever seen on soaps.

- I need FH to get good and gone so Anna can be away from Sloane. Because I think we all know where this is heading.

- Sam, I still love you, but STFU and sit down. You can't pretend to be shocked and disgusted by Ava's actions while simultaneously pretending that Jason, Sonny and Julian are the good guys. The hypocrisy with her and Alexis was off the charts.

- I miss Julie. I don't like this Lulu, and I hope that Dante does sleep with Valerie.

- The Shawn/Jordan/TJ story is horrible.

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You can't pretend to be shocked and disgusted by Ava's actions while simultaneously pretending that Jason, Sonny and Julian are the good guys.


But, but...Sonny and Jason are the good mob!

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Why? You didn't start it.  :-)  I blame Labine (since she created Sonny) and Guza! 


You're just repeating the party line. It just...still makes me queasy.  :-)

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That being said, I did enjoy a little bit of it. I liked her calling Morgan dumb. I liked that she referenced the fact that Kiki needs to be working. I thought the strongest part was actually on Thursday in her scenes with Sonny, even though they were the grossest. Way to continually be misogynistic, Ron.

I kinda like the jabs too.  Don't mind the wig.  Hate the accent.  And how long will Ava have to play this charade? 

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I kinda like the jabs too.  Don't mind the wig.  Hate the accent.  And how long will Ava have to play this charade?

For me, I don't mind the accent because its so cornball. But the wig drives me nuts. This woman is supposed to be a cosmotologist (sp), yet her "hair" is so obviously synthetic; it is so obviously a Party City Halloween wig.

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For me, I don't mind the accent because its so cornball. But the wig drives me nuts. This woman is supposed to be a cosmotologist (sp), yet her "hair" is so obviously synthetic; it is so obviously a Party City Halloween wig.

I used to watch RHoATL.  notAva's wig is 10 fold better than Kim Zolciak's. 

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I used to watch RHoATL. notAva's wig is 10 fold better than Kim Zolciak's.

:google's "Kim Zolciak":

:closes browser in abject horror:

I didn't realize Donald Trump had started a line of wimmins wigs.

ETA: when my mom got cancer she had to wear wigs and all of hers were relatively inexpensive, all looked like the hair was coming out of roots, and the hair itself, especially the bangs, didn't look synthetic.

There is no excuse of Maura's wig looking like a cheap Halloween wig.

Edited by Tiger
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I love RoHo, and I would be perfectly willing to accept Franco as a totally new and different person. Let's just pretend that he happens to share a name with the person who did all that crappy shit, and let him start anew as a new character. I'll hand wave it.


Hey, Helena's got that handy-dandy brainwashing machine...  ;)

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Lauren, it's perfectly okay for Morgan to still be mad at Ava for shooting Connie no matter how he feels about Ava.


Yet he's perfectly fine with Sonny shooting AJ. Yeah, Morgan can take a seat with Sam and Alexis. The fact that Sam is actively rooting on Sonny to kill Ava, complete with finger gun hand motions though, was definitely the worst. It was just really gross.


Ava has always been a complete bitch to Sam, so I didn't have a problem with how Sam treated her. If I recall correctly Sam even tried a few times to connect as family, but Ava was always super bitchy and cold to her.


I actually found that very refreshing. We always complain that everyone has to be related to someone. Here was a situation where someone was like, you're family? So what? And Ava wasn't bitchy, she was honest. She said she didn't mean to sound unkind, but that biological connections aren't everything.


And Carly is a good mother.


Hah, that reminds me of the line that Ava said where Morgan obviously got "most" of his charm by his mother.


Now that I'm finally all caught up, I'm really glad to be back. I missed this place.

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Yet he's perfectly fine with Sonny shooting AJ. Yeah, Morgan can take a seat with Sam and Alexis. 

From Morgan, I don't mind there isn't any love lost. AJ was instrumental in him being kidnapped as a child and never did apologize to him. Of course FV/RC don't bother remembering this part in his history. 

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Replying to a statement up thread, if Dr.O can be COS at GH and Victor can be head of the WSB, I don't see why Sonny can't be PC. In Port Charles all things are possible.

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I actually found that very refreshing. We always complain that everyone has to be related to someone. Here was a situation where someone was like, you're family? So what? And Ava wasn't bitchy, she was honest. She said she didn't mean to sound unkind, but that biological connections aren't everything.


Sure, Except her entire bullshit reason for deciding to be in the mob was that she discovered her biological connection to the Jerome crime family

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Lauren, it's perfectly okay for Morgan to still be mad at Ava for shooting Connie no matter how he feels about Ava.

Yet he's perfectly fine with Sonny shooting AJ.


That was a comment about Lauren more than it was Morgan. But I can't expect much better from the woman who thinks Franco is a good person just because he was nice to her when he was supposed to be her father for a hot minute.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I will agree that the Maura West wig is a joke. Maybe, if it wasn't so black & fake looking it would be more believable. Also, if the characters think it's a wig why hasn't anyone tried pulling it off? Maybe, there're saving that for Carly to do. Hopefully, this dumb story will die a quick death.

Edited to add: Why didn't I know that they were hiring a new Dillon? Apparently, he starts airing this week. Man! They can sure keep the casting secrets at GH. I might hate a lot of stuff FV & RC do but they are great at keeping secrets. I hope he is up to mixing it up with Jane Elliott. She's one of the best and all the younger "kids" always seem to be in story lines with her. I'm not sure if she likes it herself but she works well with them.

Edited by ByaNose
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Catching up on about 8 episodes. This shouldn't take long.

Watching Michael and Sabrina talk about Lil AJ, I can't help thinking why isn't Jakeson having scenes with Michael and having flashes of memories of him raising Michael to show the nod to history and how things have come full circle? I mean, RC is obviously trying to show that and I can't figure out why he's not expounding on it and has BM trapped in this shipper hell instead. He seems to be incapable of carrying things to their logical end. Sam should not be in a relationship with Patrick. She should be doing P.I. things after the end of her whatever with Silas. Focusing on work to get over Jason & then entering Jakeson's orbit through her work. Patrick and Liz should be transitioning from besties to lovers. And Jakeson should be interacting with them all.

I'm still shuddering over the Dumber and Dumbest mattress wrestling. To porn music. Ick.

Why is everyone acting as dumb as a sack of hammers? RC has good actors and good potential storytelling, why won't he use it? Thank God Grayson seems to have calmed down, and I do see chem with Fin. Dewq should have been Michael's consigliere at ELQ and mixing it up with the Cassidines with him. Sloan could work for Helena and Anna is investigating him and she and Dewq help each other figure out what's going on. If he had total die, Helena could have ordered Sloan to do it, Anna suspects and gets close to Sloane (while suppressing her gag reflex ) to get revenge. I have no idea why Sloane has changed his tune toward Anna. Why is he covering up this murder? Because he wants in her pants? I know I ff a lot but when did that happen?

Liez is just feet away from the border of Crazy Town, ain't she? Bless her heart. I can't look at her expressions anymore without thinking she's about to rip open that box o' crazy any moment and go full on Meryl. Liez honey your visible relief at Hayden's situation was a dead giveaway. Take it down a notch or ten, girl damn.

Is it Ava? Is it Denise? Why is she talking like she's in an Edward G. Robinson movie? Will Maura be able to sustain it? Do I care?

Could the anvils of an Asian mafia coming into prominence be any more obvious? I guess they could show some shiny, tackily-suited-up-from-the-neck-down, shady-as-shit looking mother fucker on the other end of the unanswered phone. Why did Brad's phone say 'Mom & Dad'? Do they share a single phone number? Seems awfully inconvenient, especially for a criminal enterprise. Unless mom is the true gangsta, and has to keep tabs on her ineffectual spouse. Oh who am I kidding? RC would never do that.

I am enjoying that I'm finally getting Michael and Sabrina. I will continue to do so until such time as RC fucks it up for no good reason. And I'm unhappy they have to be juxtaposed with the unholy sight of MorKiKi making the Hellbeast with two backs. Seriously, who has been clamoring to the Dark Gods for such in-depth exposure to these two rutting morons? You take it back right now.

8 episodes in 3 hours. Not bad. I'll read all you fine folks's thoughts to fill in the blanks.

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I am enjoying that I'm finally getting Michael and Sabrina. I will continue to do so until such time as RC fucks it up for no good reason. And I'm unhappy they have to be juxtaposed with the unholy sight of MorKiKi making the Hellbeast with two backs. Seriously, who has been clamoring to the Dark Gods for such in-depth exposure to these two rutting morons? You take it back right now.


*whisper* I was


I'm sorry :(  I did take it back though!

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That was a comment about Lauren more than it was Morgan. But I can't expect much better from the woman who thinks Franco is a good person just because he was nice to her when he was supposed to be her father for a hot minute.

Dubbel zout, I love that you call her Lauren!

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Sam is with Patrick, because didn't KeMo lobby to work with JT?  If yes, then I see why RC is keeping Sam tied up with Patrick.  Patrick needs a pairing since Robin is not on the show.


I much prefer Liz and Patrick to continue with their BFF relationship and don't see a need now that we know Robin is alive to ruin the relationship between those three.  Yes, Robin gave Liz the greenlight if she ever died to be with Patrick, but that ship sailed once RC/FV brought on Sabrina in that role.  Besides, Scrubs fans were throwing daggers and other sharp instruments at Liz when all she was doing was helping Patrick out after Robin died.  


One of the worse things about today's soap pairings is the need for these couples to NEVER be broken up which is a shame, because it wasn't too long ago that we saw couples breakup and reunite a year or two later.


I don't see Jake/BM isolated when it comes to his pairing with Liz, because he is having scenes with other PC residents.  However, it makes no sense at all that Jake did not try to find out why the Quartermaine pictures at the hospital looked so familiar.  Monica has been MIA since before Sonny was released from his two day stint at Pentonville and has not been able to get in his face for killing AJ or being gleeful that little AJ is living at the mansion.  

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So, Monaco wanted to work with Thompson instead of Billy Miller? Then there's the rumor that Herbst doesn't like Miller, right? So much backstage drama on this daytime drama.

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So, Monaco wanted to work with Thompson instead of Billy Miller? Then there's the rumor that Herbst doesn't like Miller, right? So much backstage drama on this daytime drama.

No. KeMo and JT lobbied for Samtrick during the Patrina pairing. KeMo later wanted BM to play Jason and brought that idea to Frank, who most likely already wanted that to happen, anyway.

One of the worse things about today's soap pairings is the need for these couples to NEVER be broken up which is a shame, because it wasn't too long ago that we saw couples breakup and reunite a year or two later.

That's not a problem on Ron's GH, though? None of these pairings are being written like that, IMO. Maybe Dante and Lulu (and off-screen couples don't count). And even that's about to change. The only character, actually, that's being held hostage (literally) and tied to a certain relationship is Robin.

But fans will always want their couples to stay together, which isn't shocking.

Edited by HeatLifer
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My biggest problem from Friday,  was why is Delia showing up. I'm assuming that she'll say she had twins, gave one, Ava to the Jeromes and the other, Denise to the Demuccios. Or she married Mr Demuccio and raised Denise but not Ava. But that won't explain why she's there at that moment. Does "Denise" know her? Did Denise call her up and say "hey Delia, why does this Ava chick in the newspaper look just like me and by the way I'm going to Port Charles to find out more about her. If I get arrested in a day or so because they think I"m her, can you come to town at the exact moment that I'll need you and tell them that I'm not her. Mkay, thanks".

I'll stand corrected if on Monday, it turns into a complete normal explanation, but I get the feeling that it won't. Things like that bug me!

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*whisper* I was

I'm sorry :( I did take it back though!

You were rooting for a Kiki/Morgan reunion? Glad someone enjoys their nastiness.

Dillon starts next week? Probably going to suck as much as the new Kiki actress. I hope he doesn't tarnish his scenes with Tracy.

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I don't see Jake/BM isolated when it comes to his pairing with Liz, because he is having scenes with other PC residents.  However, it makes no sense at all that Jake did not try to find out why the Quartermaine pictures at the hospital looked so familiar.  Monica has been MIA since before Sonny was released from his two day stint at Pentonville and has not been able to get in his face for killing AJ or being gleeful that little AJ is living at the mansion.  


For the longest time Jakeson spent 99.9% of his time with Liez. Then he started sharing scenes with Sam and Carly. Now he's branched out a bit and is interacting with others.

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it makes no sense at all that Jake did not try to find out why the Quartermaine pictures at the hospital looked so familiar


It makes no sense Jake has made little to no effort to find out who he is. Hayden rolls into town and he just shrugs and says, "Okay, you're my wife. I guess those sex dreams I've been having about Sam don't mean anything."

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You were rooting for a Kiki/Morgan reunion? Glad someone enjoys their nastiness.


Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I do not. I was rooting for it, because if I had to suffer through Kiki I wanted them to make Morgan proactive and try to get back to him being a bit of a fun flirt, but instead it ended up as just one of the most awkward love scenes ever.

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Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I do not. I was rooting for it, because if I had to suffer through Kiki I wanted them to make Morgan proactive and try to get back to him being a bit of a fun flirt, but instead it ended up as just one of the most awkward love scenes ever.

Haha got it. Too bad it made Morgan suck more. I liked his chemistry with Rosalie but she seems to make an appearance every 2 months so I will hold my breath.

I can't believe they have Sam giddy that Sonny may try to kill Ava? Isn't she Sam's aunt?

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I can't believe they have Sam giddy that Sonny may try to kill Ava? Isn't she Sam's aunt?


Ava is Sam's aunt but they have no relationship. I believe Sam tried to reach out to her after she found out Julian was her father but Ava wasn't having any of that. I guess it was wrong for Sam to be amused at the thought of Ava being murdered, but since I have no use for Ava it didn't bother me at all.

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My biggest problem from Friday,  was why is Delia showing up. I'm assuming that she'll say she had twins, gave one, Ava to the Jeromes and the other, Denise to the Demuccios. Or she married Mr Demuccio and raised Denise but not Ava. But that won't explain why she's there at that moment. Does "Denise" know her? Did Denise call her up and say "hey Delia, why does this Ava chick in the newspaper look just like me and by the way I'm going to Port Charles to find out more about her. If I get arrested in a day or so because they think I"m her, can you come to town at the exact moment that I'll need you and tell them that I'm not her. Mkay, thanks".

I'll stand corrected if on Monday, it turns into a complete normal explanation, but I get the feeling that it won't. Things like that bug me!

Guessing she'll have read about "Denise"'s arrest in the same paper that "Denise" read about Ava. 

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I'm thinking (hoping) that the logical explanation was that Kiki called Delia offscreen. That would be the most plausible explanation, simple and to the point. Which means of course that it won't happen.


I get that Sam doesn't like Ava, she also tried to pin Nina's coma on her and the Nakimora murder of which she was wrong on both counts. I'm fine with them not liking each other or having a relationship. But don't try and comfort Julian in the hospital after Ava's "death" then. And certainly, don't pretend that Sonny is in the right.

Edited by tvgoddess
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Maybe Silas gave Delia the head's up.


I don't know what show you're posting about dubbel zout, but you've accidentally posted this in the GH forum, you crazy cat.

Edited by ulkis
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Why the hell was Connie so fucking important?


I've been wondering that myself. Dozens of dead bodies in PC have come and gone since her and yet Ava must pay forever and a day for offing the bitch. I don't get it. And yeah this story is crap, but MW looks beautiful even with the crappy wig.

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I don't care about Connie. I think RC thoroughly ruined the character before he killed her off. However, I care very much about the character of AJ and I resent Ava's part in his death just as much as I resent Sonny's and I feel like AJ was sacrificed to keep her around so I give zero fucks about RC having written her into a corner

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My biggest problem from Friday,  was why is Delia showing up. I'm assuming that she'll say she had twins, gave one, Ava to the Jeromes and the other, Denise to the Demuccios. Or she married Mr Demuccio and raised Denise but not Ava. But that won't explain why she's there at that moment. Does "Denise" know her? Did Denise call her up and say "hey Delia, why does this Ava chick in the newspaper look just like me and by the way I'm going to Port Charles to find out more about her. If I get arrested in a day or so because they think I"m her, can you come to town at the exact moment that I'll need you and tell them that I'm not her. Mkay, thanks".

I'll stand corrected if on Monday, it turns into a complete normal explanation, but I get the feeling that it won't. Things like that bug me!


And all those years I was watching Delia on Ryan's Hope, we saw her fake a pregnancy, try to hide a miscarriage or two, hand her kid off to Maeve to raise, was obsessively focused on Ryan peen before she branched out, and somehow she managed to fit in both a mobster affair, and, apparently birthing twins and nobody ever noticed.


Must have been when that gorilla had the hots for her.  Hey!  Maybe that Gorilla was Julian's father.  Now that I think of it, they did have similar butts.

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So this week will we hear Delia "acknowledge her other secret daughter - or even niece?  Will Denise chip her nail polish?


Will we be lucky enough to have NO beds in Morgan/Kiki scenes?


Will I care if Nina and Franco have to work out whoever or whatever they are with Ric and his ally in the picture?


Will Lulu be unhappy with Valerie's success in finding a job?   Oops - don't need to ask that question, do I.  Let me re-phrase:  Will we have more scenes of Lulu saying nice, supportive words while looking as if she has just emerged from Stavros' cryogenic chamber? 


Will TG/Luke's farewell story begin on a believable, compelling note? 


Will I like nuDillon?  And will he look more like Lulu's younger brother ... or a prospective suitor?


Will Silas provide the answer to the question about who kidnapped the cutest baby on soaps - AJ aka Avery? 

Edited by Aurora2
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I don't care about Connie. I think RC thoroughly ruined the character before he killed her off.

Megan Ward's Kate and her "bringing peace to The Middle East bobb" was amazing, and I despise both Ron & Wolfe for totaly ruining one of the best characters of the aughts.

I would still accept MW's Kate casually strolling back into town, dismissing KSu's version as some escaped psychotic fan of her work, and then telling Maxie to get off her ass and get back to work.

Edited by Tiger
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Ugh, I knew Ron would trot out Delia to try and sell some retroactive twins nonsense, another Ron staple.  And we'll be expected to be shocked, just SHOCKED when Denise is revealed to be Ava after all.


So a month in the loony bin cured Luke of the DID...oh, sorry Ron, the mental break...that Luke has been suffering from for decades?  Oookay then.


Are we supposed to feel bad for Donna Mills that Ric screwed her over?  Because...not so much.


Shut up, Nina.

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Dear Nina, I'm pretty sure "the mystery sandwich" has never been used as a metaphor for sex before.


Rosalie looks nice. 


I wonder if it was Finola's idea to have Anna be drunk before she made out with Sloane.


They should have done THESE episodes as the live show, with the Ava scenes at the police station.

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Well I stand corrected.  Kiki did call Delia to come and check out Denise.  It's a lame backstory, the twin given away that no one knows about, but if it's to cover the truth that Ava was given Avery's DNA and is back, than it makes sense.  The problem is what now?  How long does she pretend to be Denise?  it's not like she can turn back into Ava at any time, since it's clear everyone still wants Ava to pay for killing Connie.  So she bonds with Julian and Kiki and tries to get access to Avery, but then what.  

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Duke died like, 2 minutes ago! LOL, oh, Ron.

Based on how lifeless he's been since Faison stopped impersonating him, I kinda beg to differ.


But point taken.

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