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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Dante is so over it. He's killing me (in a good way).

I liked Franco with Nathan and Maxie today. I generally like Nathan and Maxie, so that helped, and I've always been a fan of RH. Franco's been better all around lately, even though I still can't stand him with Nina. I'm tolerating Nina better with Ric, which is surprising. Is Ric broke? Why?

I can't get over Sloane's jaw. It's distracting.

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And yet when Dante and Valerie hug, she goes to Affair Defcon 1.


Admittedly, Anna >>>>> Valerie, but be consistent, Lulu.


Well. yeah, I mean, I don't want my husband to have an affair, but if he was having one with Anna, I'd understand. 

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Dante is so over it. He's killing me (in a good way).


He saves every ep like for real. The look he gave when Julian announced he was there was actual perfection.


What is GrMc doing? Like why does he move his face the way he does? And why does he close his eyes so much? And why does he randomly yell words? It's so fascinating.


I loved Anna's top today.


I had to fast forward the Nathan/Maxie/Franco scenes. I tried, but between RoHo's acting, RP being naked, and Maxie being 100% insufferable, I just couldn't do it. Has Maxie always been this awful? Has KS' voice always been this annoying? I feel like I used to love Maxie, but I can not even stand to look at her at this point, let alone listen to her.


The stuff with Denise!Ava wasn't as funny today as it was the past two days. It was mostly just boring.


Ric/Nina makes me SO uncomfortable. I shudder. Poor RiHe. ETA: Also I realized today that MSt looks just like Rene Russo.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Nathan is living above Kelly's. I guess they destroyed the old set.

Oh, right. I forgot he moved there.


The child played by Sir Dylan Cash is still ze most evil in my book.

I can't argue.


Seeing them getting to know each other and form an actual bond that would be hurt by Lulu's accusations or Valerie's inappropriate crush would have made for a better story.


They're doing the usual schizo "you're family; anything for you/we hardly know each other." No wonder Valerie doesn't know where she stands.

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He saves every ep like for real. The look he gave when Julian announced he was there was actual perfection.


I had to fast forward the Nathan/Maxie/Franco scenes. I tried, but between RoHo's acting, RP being naked, and Maxie being 100% insufferable, I just couldn't do it. Has Maxie always been this awful? Has KS' voice always been this annoying? I feel like I used to love Maxie, but I can not even stand to look at her at this point, let alone listen to her.


That's the exact Dante face I was talking about! He honest to god just cannot even. I loved it.

The reasons you FF'd Nathan, Franco, and Maxie are the reasons I liked it...

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He saves every ep like for real. The look he gave when Julian announced he was there was actual perfection.

I had to fast forward the Nathan/Maxie/Franco scenes. I tried, but between RoHo's acting, RP being naked, and Maxie being 100% insufferable, I just couldn't do it. Has Maxie always been this awful? Has KS' voice always been this annoying? I feel like I used to love Maxie, but I can not even stand to look at her at this point, let alone listen to her.

You already know this peach, but I so want a guys' night out with Michael, Nathan, Dante and Lucas. Brad and Morgan can join in at some point too. I actually miss Dante and Nathan together too. I think I have a fever or something.

Re: your Maxie questions, yes and yes. Okay, maybe I'm a leetle biased. But her voice has definitely always been a bit high pitched. She was at her least annoying when Lulu was her most insufferable (which for my money was 2007-9).

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Also I realized today that MSt looks just like Rene Russo.


At least Rene Russo can act and can actually play a sexy adult woman. (See the remake of The Thomas Crown Affair. Whew! She and the yummy Pierce Brosnan were hot!) She was also good in the Lethal Weapon franchise.


Michelle Stafford's "acting" is boring and/or ridiculous on a good day!

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You already know this peach, but I so want a guys' night out with Michael, Nathan, Dante and Lucas. Brad and Morgan can join in at some point too. I actually miss Dante and Nathan together too. I think I have a fever or something.

This needs to happen immediately. I miss Dante/Nathan so much! Nathan is really only worth it when he's with Dante.


But her voice has definitely always been a bit high pitched.

I feel like her voice has gotten worse though. Or else she's just so annoying now that it makes it seem worse.


And speaking of Lulu, can I just say I have no real idea why but I am liking her right now.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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ETA: Also I realized today that MSt looks just like Rene Russo.


Why the fuck is Ric working with Magda? Did he really blow all his cash paying of Hayden and Pete? And why am I supposed to care about a WE NEVER CARED getting screwed out of some money after she ripped a baby from its mother's womb? Or care about a SERIAL KILLER determined to be her knight in rape-facilitating armor?

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There was no good reason why Rosalie needed to make another appearance.


Talking tree should have killed Franco and claimed self defense.


Doesn't Ric have his own money? Why would he be interested in Nina's.


Wouldn't it have been easier for Anna to say she killed Carlos in self defense?

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Oh it's there. It's SO there! Rene Russo is of course much more beautiful and 100 times the actor of MSt, but they have super similar features. I always thought MSt looked like someone, but I could never place it and then my mom came in the room and said she looked just like Rene Russo and I was like 'A ha!' I'm glad because it was driving me crazy trying to figure out who she looked like.


Speaking of MSt/Nina, everyone is really uncomfortable with her, right? Like she truly makes me feel like weird when I watch her.

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So Jason Cook (ex-Matt Hunter) is returning to Days for its 50th Anniversary. Good for him. GH topic? I wonder if Matt and Blackie are bonding in prison as two guys who went there and were forgotten? Hmm!

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So I wonder how they're going to re-do the credits to account for Sean Blakemore's exit. I believe now only Brytni Sarpy & NuDillon are the only actors on contract not in the credits. I bet they put Kirstin & Ryan with Vanessa & Tequan, and put Brytni & NuDillon with Dom & Emme.

What I can't figure out is who will get Tony's place. It doesnt make sense for Jane & Fin to share a shot so hopefully one of them gets Tony's place so they both end up with solo's.

Oh wait, is GM on contract?

ETA: I wonder if they'll Photoshop that Party City wig onto Maria's shot?

Edited by Tiger
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The flashbacks they show at the beginning of every episode are making me mental. I wouldn't mind a, "previously on GH ..." opening with scenes from the previous day, but when they make the previous day's scenes a flashback in the middle of a current day's scene, it bugs. The main thing is that my memory is not that bad. I can remember what happened yesterday. The other thing is that it makes all these scenes so unnatural. Like you know at some point someone is going to be in the middle of a conversation and go into a trance thinking about a conversation they had twelve hours earlier. You'd think Sam or Dante or someone would wonder why everyone they talk to zones out for several minutes every day.


In other things I don't need painstakingly explained to me, if Anna is looking at an urn and crying and stroking it, I can actually extrapolate from that that the cremains in the urn are Duke's without the big ass, "DUKE LAVERY" nameplate on it.

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I could see it being Genie, if she's on contract.

I truly and sincerely hope Genie got her fair rate, a rate that she has more than earned, certain story & scene partner/pairing guarantees, that got the contract notarized, and signed by Uncle Frank in blood.

All that said, I don't think the show can afford her full-time unless Varni embezzled money from Scandal or something. And honestly I'm not sure there is story for Laura full-time, at least on Ron's version of the show.

I would love if they had Laura pop in and out as dictated by story and explained that she had some foundation for orphans or something she was running in England or San Diego. IIRC, didn't she work with Mary Mae Ward at some orphanage back in the early 90's?


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I will be shocked if Genie has a long-term contract. I'm still not convinced she won't be here just a few months beyond Tony and then tossed out. If they were smart, yes, they'd use her to re-anchor the show. Just having Emme's Lulu and skeevy Nikolas (and Valerie! I like Valerie!) is not quite enough of a Spencer firmament, though. Yet at the same time, I think recasting Lucky would be a mistake at this point.

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I'm willing to bet the show has at least 2 years to run. I think recasting Lucky would be worth it. I'm already kinda bummed GH has had no Lucky for 3 and a half years already.

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I know the word is that Uncle Frank is trying for a 2-year renewal in September, but I'm not totally convinced they'll get that particular renewal right now. I hope they do, but at the same time they really need the fear of God put into them over some of this shit.


I just felt bringing back Jonathan Jackson was the final word on the Lucky recast debacles. I think everything he could do the moment he got back onscreen said it all. The Carlys were, for the most part, pretty successful recasts - even though I still want Sarah Brown back, I am very comfortable with Laura Wright, who has a lot of real strengths. Lucky's history is a different story. I think it would be like chasing the unattainable.

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I'm catching up on this week, and I love the Dr. O/Franco scenes. Was Roger not allowed to wash his hair while doing scenes with Mo because post-Carly Franco seems to shower more....

I loved the lines discussing Ric and Panic Room, where Dr. O declared Ric is a perfect match for Nina. Then somehow it led to the best thing on GH in a while "Even depraved psychopaths need love too." That needs to be an all soap tee.

Also, Fin and JVP have great scene chemistry. Why couldn't Carlos be undercover?

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I can actually extrapolate from that that the cremains in the urn are Duke's without the big ass, "DUKE LAVERY" nameplate on it.

Right?!  And did it have to have the last name, like you're not going to remember which Duke is in there.  "Is this one Duke Johnson or Duke Carmichael.  Oh no, wait, it's Duke Lavery, that's right"



What is GrMc doing? Like why does he move his face the way he does? And why does he close his eyes so much? And why does he randomly yell words? It's so fascinating.

This!  The first couple of days I was all WTF but now it's just fun to see what expression he uses or what inflection works with what sentence.  And sometimes he scrunches up his face and he's weird looking and sometimes he's sort of kind of good looking, in a weird way.  I am quite enthralled and I'm never fully certain why.

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Doesn't Ric have his own money? Why would he be interested in Nina's.


Ric came from money, he inherited his wealthy family's money and he worked for years as a high-powered attorney. He's currently on retainer for a wealthy mobster - he does not need money. He paid Hayden and Fake!Jake a few thousand bucks each which wasn't enough to hurt him, let alone bankrupt him.


Not only that? this "plot" would actually be beneath Ric who has never plotted for something as mundane as money. He's only ever wanted things that money can't buy - the idea that he'd be willing to put up with WE NEVER CARED for any amount of money is just bad writing. 

RC needed a "bad guy" to shine up the Serial Killer's romantic hero bona fides so he stuck RiH in this idiotic story 

Edited by Oracle42
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RC needed "a bad guy" to shine up the Serial Killer's romantic hero bonafides so he stuck RiH in this idiotic story


It continues to amaze me that these lowlife scum bottom-feeders that are Franco and Dr. O and even Nina are still breathing. Especially Franco who should have long been worm food. It's gross. And I don't care if Franco's vile history was done by the eponymously-named actor he was sadly created for, the history is the same. And I don't deny Ric is sleazy...but next to these wastes of skin, he's freaking Mr. Rogers.


Pets are killing this show. Anything to warp the square pegs for round holes, as long as Ronnie can grant his favors. Who cares if the narrative doesn't support it? In that regard, it seems he and JFP have a lot in common there.

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I was under the impression Ric paid Hayden and Gay Fake Jake a fair bit of dough. That being said, I agree he should not need Nina's money. It's possible he fucked up big time in California and got himself in the hole, but he's back on Sonny's dime, among others.

Edited by jsbt
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Fake Jake initially got paid for a modeling gig and then tried to blackmail Ric for about 10K(?). I can't imagine Ric paid Hayden a ton of money or she'd have just walked away with it when she got kicked out of Carly's hotel. 


Not that it matters, RC gives zero fucks about character history or internal logic

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I mean, I've always thought Ric was an insect and a psycho. But I thought he had a shot at going more legit last year with his surprisingly earnest renewed romance with Liz, which I was amazed to find myself caring about. So of course Ron shat on that, because to Ron almost no character evolves beyond what they once were.


I think Ric is capable of just about anything. I just find this rinky-dink scheme beneath his usual level of creepy villainy.

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I love Maura West as Ava and will clutch at any straw to get her back on the show (and not in Pentonville) so I'm willing to go with the Denise fakery. But someone pointed out that bone marrow transplants can override the DNA in your blood with your donor's, but it wouldn't change the DNA in your saliva? And we saw Denise giving the PCPD a cheek swab ...


I was willing to go along with Sloane covering for Anna's murder of Carlos, until he brought up the fact that he wrested the police commissioner job away from her as punishment for her alleged murder of international terrorist Faison, who'd targeted her and her family for YEARS. Way to point out the glaring plothole! I was never a fan of Grayson McCouch on ATWT (he did not bring the pretty like Brian Bloom, his predecessor in that role, did), so it's hard to root for this character or his pairing with Anna. Now Anna with Dante or Nathan, on the other hand ...


Speaking of Nathan, thank you Show for putting him in those snug little briefs today - so much better than Morgan's baggy boxers earlier in the week. That, and Michael in his shirt with the top button undone, were my shallow moments for the day. Please keep it up, Show, I appreciate it! Nathan and Maxie in bed together reminded me that it took them a whole year to get to that point (IIRC, Nathan arrived on NYE and they finally slept together the following NYE). I hope we're not in for the same slow-burn with Michael and Sabrina. I don't think I have that kind of patience!


Franco needed to be gone yesterday, so making Ric the villain in his romance with Nina does not fly with me. And then putting Franco in scenes with Maxie just highlighted his heinous crimes when James Franco was in the role. Having him break into Nathan's apartment and watching them sleep is beyond creepy.


Still not happy about Nik's turn to the dark side. Had it happened when Emily or Courtney died it would have made more sense. Britt's flight from the law was hardly on par. Certainly not to the point where he orders a hit on an innocent (con) woman.


I am glad to see Madeline and Delia though. Judicious use of both actresses is perfectly fine by me. Just wish Monica and Leslie would get those kind of cameos too.


Do we know the name of Olivia's baby yet? Seeing her still onscreen reminds me that they should have postponed the birth until it was time for Lisa LoCicero to go on her maternity leave, instead of popping out baby Jerome after 4 months of pregnancy.

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Right?!  And did it have to have the last name, like you're not going to remember which Duke is in there.  "Is this one Duke Johnson or Duke Carmichael.  Oh no, wait, it's Duke Lavery, that's right"

It's times like this that I'm reminded of one soap trend that I hate:  that the writers can't somehow think of middle names for people stick to them!


I mean, at L&L's wedding, it "Lucas Lorenzo Spencer" (yay, middle name! and "Laura Webber Baldwin" (WTF??????).


It's the little things like that, that are fun about soaps.  That it's Robert Xavier Scorpio. And Barbara Jean Spencer.


That's one thing I always appreciated about Days.  It was Jennifer Rose Horton and Samantha Gene Brady.


Too many characters on GH, Duke -- Anna, Monica, Felicia, Dante, Nathan -- to name a few don't get middle names. Why is it so hard?

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It will be Mo. There's no way a woman will get that prime spot.

Please god no. I mean, I never watch the opening credits anyway, but I don't even want to know that Sonny gets more special placement. I will be Dante-levels of over it.

You mean this?


Dead. Dead! You have killed me with your perfect gif.

I love RoHo, and I would be perfectly willing to accept Franco as a totally new and different person. Let's just pretend that he happens to share a name with the person who did all that crappy shit, and let him start anew as a new character. I'll hand wave it.

Edited by Turtle
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Too many characters on GH, Duke -- Anna, Monica, Felicia, Dante, Nathan -- to name a few don't get middle names. Why is it so hard?

Dante's middle name is Angelo -- Olivia has addressed him by his full name on a few occasions.

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That was never said either. It's a soap, the Abbott's on Y&R lived with their dad when they were knocking on 40 and executives in a company. 

Val cried poverty while staying at Lulu's and Dante's. Mentioned needing to get a job.  And when she fake left, she acknowledged that she had no money.


I preferred original Sloane but lately this actor is killing me with his bad acting.  Kinda liking it oddly.


Don't care about Luke running away.  If he stuck around he could have been the new police comish.  Maybe Sonny will get that job?


Morgan reminiscing about Ava while in bed with Kiki..... um... no.


Michael, seriously dude, Rosalie is still a little sore about you moving on so quickly.  And giving her a briefcase full of cash?  OK.  good move.


Glad to see Olivia is still spilling secrets in public.  Can't she get Alexis to file a countersuit against Ric?  Or just call Sonny.  I'm sure Duke's sun porch is available.


Nina should ask for a post-nup.


I don't mind notAva's wig.  At least it's shiny.  So notAva has no fingerprints, new DNA, a tattoo over a scar --- what about her teeth?  They aren't as distinctive as Liz or Carly's but a trip to the dentist would prove it out.  Glad to see Deliah is coming back to explain the close relative match.  Now notAva can fight for Avery as her niece.


Who is watching Georgie?  Mac & Felicia?  Ellie & spin?  Liz's fantom child?

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I'm going to go with Magda is now Ric's client. He's getting the money either in lieu of payment, to "get back" at Nina/Franco (because Magda wants control of the money, so she's selling out her kid) so that Ric can be "the hero" again and prove he's a "good guy".

(Which has anyone noticed that Liz is doing exactly what she and Carly publicly humiliated Ric for? Liz is taking Jason's life, though, not Jake's. ) Anyway, Ric gets the spoils in money and another dumb attempt for Liz's heart.

Eh it's actually not so bad. It puts MSt in Mo's orbit, gives Dr. O /Franco scenes, and it's not like Liz won't crawl to Ric once Jason knows he's Jason anyway.

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She could be more understanding, but it wasn't just like she was simply mad Valerie wouldn't get over it, it was that they found Valerie about to actually kill him.


The real problem is those of us who were down with Valerie actually doing it.  I personally was totally chuffed in the vain, vain hope that Luke would finally meet his maker and I would no longer have to watch his loathsome self.  I was annoyed when Lulu saved his sorry ass.


That was the moment I became Team Valerie, despite the potential crummy cheating behavior on her part and the overt coveting of her cousin's husband.  I wish she had more of a story.  I wish I knew what she did and who she was before she started living at Nik's.  Why is she still in PC?  I don't need much of a reason, but I do need one.  Maybe her lust for Dante is so overpowering that she's channeling her Spencer obsessiveness into a life mission?  


Although don't get me wrong, I do intermittently like Lulu, when she's not being smug or defensive about her piece of slime father.  Which I grant, isn't often.  She never has been nice to Valerie, not really.  

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Georgie took the boat Carlos didn't make and is now off to find better, less self absorbed parents. She may have grabbed Danny on the way out.

Why didn't boat captain dude alert Julian that Carlos didn't make the boat? 


If Mayor Lomax is all about poll ratings, shouldn't she be picking someone who is popular for the next police comish? 


I liked Rosalie's outfit and hair.  She's another one though (like Olivia) who talks about secretive things in public.  How about leave the Q mansion before you get on your cell phone before you talk about how you are betraying?  It's not like Alice hasn't walked in on those conversations before.

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Oh and I could have done with out the reshot scenes of new Kiki and Ava celebrating Ava's birthday last year.  Did like seeing the red chain Michael Kors dress again though.

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I'm sure Spin and Ellie took Georgie so Maxie could continue doing whatever it is she does all day. I think it's safe to assume that she spends most  her time using Mac's credit card to go shopping and playing with talking tree's wood.

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