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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Whatever happen to Rosalie? Did Michael know she was spying on him for Nicholas? It seems like she was on for a week and then the storyline was dropped. Another RC débâcle.

Just another dropped story from Ron. She popped up for a hot second a few weeks ago but it was blink and you missed it. It's hard to care about her character when she's never on, has no background and is completely unconnected to the rest of the show. The role really could be done by a day player so I'm not sure why they are bothering with her at this point. BTW hated Rosalie when she was with Nina.. HATED... but once she was cut free from that story and ended up with Michael, I grew to appreciate her a little ... and then pfft she was gone.


Dropped storyline I miss the most - Lucy and Laura going into business on a health spa and gym with Milo as the primary trainer.

Second dropped storyline I miss: the AJ Quartermaine clinic on the site of the Spencer house with Sabrina and Lucas as medical staff.

Third dropped storyline I miss: the Brownstone as a place for the show's 20 somethings to live.

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I know FH needs a break for other projects, but I just can't buy the "Anna has a psychotic break over the loss of Dewq" story.  The man has behaved like a turd to her almost since the day he came back, choosing Sonny and a life of crime over her and expecting her to "deal with it" because he has "reasons".  Yeah.


One tango does not a romance make.  I never saw Anna do anything but express disgust for Duke's choices.  What changed?  That magnificent dip flooded her brain with blood and caused her to abandon all of her scruples?


And now she has a new guy panting over her when he was sneering, stealing her job, lying, and cheating the system just to make her squirm not a month ago.   Foreplay!  GH style, anyway.


If they really wanted a perfect excuse to get her off the show for a while, doesn't she have a daughter that needs her?  Go to Paris for a surprise visit, find out that she's not there and the whole set up was a lie.  That's good for a 3 month search.  Remember, Brit's "Papa" is still out there, too.  It's not beyond the realm of reason that he recovered his hard on for Anna and nabs HER too when she comes looking for Robin.  

Edited by Reo
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No one's mentioned it, so I will - this whole past couple weeks, the weird "15 minutes later" flash forward after Duke had been shot has been bothering me. I'm assuming that this is his way of providing himself (or, hopefully soon a better writer) a way out of Duke's death via clone, impersonator whatever. Maybe I shouldn't mention it. Ron will build an entire show flashing back to those missing minutes showing how he was shot, took ten DNA tests to confirm that he was actually the real Duke and then limped out on to Pier 54 to be discovered by Anna.


I have no doubt that Duke is really dead. 

But if we do get a flashback, it'll be to show us that Carlos didn't kill Duke, and even though a gun went off, that bullet wasn't fatal. While Duke was wandering down to the docks, he was shot by . . . others. Fluke, maybe out of some residual issues about Luke and Anna, or Rosalee or TJ or Molly or anyone else we haven't seen for a while but was down on the docks playing with a gun for no good reason (maybe it was Spencer!). Then Anna can truly be reviled because she killed an innocent man in cold blood. 

Edited by rur
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Maybe, they'll use the brownstone as Laura's new home. Since, it was the old Leslie & Rick Webber house it's the right thing to do. Ah! Remember the ole days? The Webber house and the beginning of the David Hamilton storyline. I think Genie was only 17 or 18 at the time. I remember watching thinking she was in her late 20's. She seemed so mature. Yes! That was a good time indeed.


Dropped storyline I miss the most - Lucy and Laura going into business on a health spa and gym with Milo as the primary trainer.

Second dropped storyline I miss: the AJ Quartermaine clinic on the site of the Spencer house with Sabrina and Lucas as medical staff.

Third dropped storyline I miss: the Brownstone as a place for the show's 20 somethings to live.


More examples of Ron "I love history!" Carlivati.


1) Oh, hey, a spa just like Lorena's place in the early - mid 80s!

2) A clinic just like the one Lesley worked in the early 80s!

3) A place where all the young people in town can live together just like in the mid 80s to early 90s! 


Amazing! So original! 


Personally I'm glad the spa storyline was dropped only because Milo is as useless as a poopy flavored lollipop (I was watching Dodgeball the other day). I'm also glad the clinic storyline was dropped because Sabrina bores me to death and I'm glad the Brownstone was dropped because after what Nina did to Ava in that place, I really don't want to look at it again. So creepy. 

Edited by Box305
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I loved the idea of Laura and Lucy bringing back Deception and being professional women on the job, in a place you could stage story. I hated the idea of Milo being at the forefront of it. (There were also rumors Franco might have gotten involved, as a photographer or something.) I still would kill to have Deception back.


Did Michael officially call off the clinic, or do we just not see it? There's also absolutely no reason to drop the brownstone, which was a great new environment.

Edited by jsbt
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I think he officially called off the clinic—there were problems with the site. It also didn't help that Sabrina got fired from GH. As she didn't lose her nursing license, she could still work at the clinic, but they obviously wanted her in closer proximity to Michael. 


I don't know why the dropped the brownstone, either. Just because Michael kicked out Lauren and Morgan doesn't mean it should be permanently shuttered. 

  • Love 2

I'm all for Deception coming back but I thought Laura was horrible at running it back in 2000 lol.

I think he officially called off the clinic—there were problems with the site. It also didn't help that Sabrina got fired from GH. As she didn't lose her nursing license, she could still work at the clinic, but they obviously wanted her in closer proximity to Michael. 


I don't know why the dropped the brownstone, either. Just because Michael kicked out Lauren and Morgan doesn't mean it should be permanently shuttered. 

IA the brownstone should def be used.Not everyone should be living at the metro court lol.

Edited by Harmony233
  • Love 1
No one's mentioned it, so I will - this whole past couple weeks, the weird "15 minutes later" flash forward after Duke had been shot has been bothering me. I'm assuming that this is his way of providing himself (or, hopefully soon a better writer) a way out of Duke's death via clone, impersonator whatever. Maybe I shouldn't mention it. Ron will build an entire show flashing back to those missing minutes showing how he was shot, took ten DNA tests to confirm that he was actually the real Duke and then limped out on to Pier 54 to be discovered by Anna.


I have no doubt that Duke is really dead. 

But if we do get a flashback, it'll be to show us that Carlos didn't kill Duke, and even though a gun went off, that bullet wasn't fatal. While Duke was wandering down to the docks, he was shot by . . . others. Fluke, maybe out of some residual issues about Luke and Anna, or Rosalee or TJ or Molly or anyone else we haven't seen for a while but was down on the docks playing with a gun for no good reason (maybe it was Spencer!). Then Anna can truly be reviled because she killed an innocent man in cold blood. 


The meaning of that flashfoward threw me too, until I realized -- based on the twitter fights of this weekend -- that we, the audience, were supposed to wonder for those several minutes whether it was Duke or Carlos who got shot.   Ron is super-pissed (technical term) at Michael Logan for spoiling that Ian was leaving in a "dire plot twist" for Duke.  That moment held on the gun and the place where the shot was fired was just to build suspense for the sweeps episode.


Welcome to daytime drama, 21st Century style.

Edited by Francie
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I'm all for Deception coming back but I thought Laura was horrible at running it back in 2000 lol.

IA the brownstone should def be used.Not everyone should be living at the metro court lol.


Agreed.  Watching Genie try to play a business woman was painful.  Pain-ful. I quit watching for numerous reasons right at that time, but the Deception "storyline," and Laura trying to snark on Carly, was high on the list. I still laugh at how that business arrangement was stolen right out of the second season of Bosom Buddies. 

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yep.Even if what ML did was unprofessional the way that Ron and vartini were going on yesterday was even more unprofessional on twitter.Quick frankly people being shot at dying became redundant 10 years ago only death I would be shocked at is Sonnys.The fact that the network guy is on twitter arguing with fans and taking up for Rons behavior on twitter says it all.

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Why does RC continue to engage people who disagree with him? He looks so stupid in the end. I don't have a problem with him using Twitter but his Twitter wars are obnoxious. Now, I know why Brad Bell & Ken Corday don't use it. Being a head writer of a soap (or, any show) is gonna have your lovers & haters. Just use a canned answer of, "thanks for using Twitter" and, move on. I'm just waiting for the day when a current cast member disagrees with him. I know Sean Kannan did but he had been fired from GH (again) and, already back to B&B when they had their Twitter spat.

Edited by ByaNose
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I think Ron and ABC think that viewership will go down if fans know whats happening through spoiler sites. What they don't realize is that reading those sites and having an idea about what is to happen and endlessly discuss it, is part of the fun. I was glad that I knew Duke was going to die as it prepared me for a truly stupid end to a legacy character.


Overall, I generally watch spoiler free but there are times when I just need to know where a story is going and how much patience I'll need to get through it

Isn't it too soon for Genie to show up? I thought she just started taping a couple of weeks ago,

maybe she'll be lurking around Port Charles - those are easy to shoot now and insert into episodes. Ron likes his history so I'd not be surprised if he goes this route.

  • Love 3

Nathan Varni is involved in this? Really? Really?


Michael Logan didn't do anything TV journalists (and soap journalists) haven't been doing for decades - acting on a tip. I see items like that one on Ian Buchanan (which fans predicted months in advance) ten times a year in soap rags and on TV sites, for primetime and cable as well as daytime.

Edited by jsbt
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They might do what they did with Stafford, and give us a quick peek now then keep us hanging for a month or more.


With the block schedule, I never know how long it is between taping and airing.

They're usually about three weeks ahead, a little more when they haven't been dark for a while and a little less when they have been.

How long ago was Genie's return announced?

Finally watched Friday's show, although with the FF'ding I did, it only took me about 8 minutes.  Kiki and Morgan - pass.  Julian in pain - pass.  Anna losing her mind because she shot Caarloooooooooos - pass.


And Jordan apologizing to that off-brand canned ham because she's actually one of the good guys and arrested him for shooting a woman in the head - maybe not PASS, exactly, but it's either pass, or put my foot through the screen.  

And then Shawn taunts her for not being a good mother, but praises himself for being there for TJ - and in his peabrain, "being there" is supposed to mean it's OKAY TO BE A HITMAN WHEN YOU'RE RAISING A KID?????


So I think Ron C. wants us to feel sympathy for Shawn - which reminds me of other fucked up storyline/characters he's pulled on us with GH and OLTL and I think I just might be done.  


Other than Dante I'm really seeing anything or anyone I actually enjoy enough to put with this crap for.

  • Love 3

Nathan Varni is involved in this? Really? Really?


Michael Logan didn't do anything TV journalists (and soap journalists) haven't been doing for decades - acting on a tip. I see items like that one on Ian Buchanan (which fans predicted months in advance) ten times a year in soap rags and on TV sites, for primetime and cable as well as daytime.


After jumping in to take a jab at Logan -- and then telling Logan that he's "over it"(meaning spoiling Duke's death) and to have a nice Memorial Day weekend, Nathan's been spending his weekend placating fans.  He's telling them that Carlivati has "cleaned up his act" on twitter while simultaneously cautioning fans who don't want Ron to get upset and retaliate against them to not engage him.  He's also telling disgruntled Duke and Anna fans that if only they understood ABC's reasoning, they'd be totally fine with Ron and Frank killing off Duke.  You can imagine how well that's going.

  • Love 5

After jumping in to take a jab at Logan -- and then telling Logan that he's "over it"(meaning spoiling Duke's death) and to have a nice Memorial Day weekend, Nathan's been spending his weekend placating fans.  He's telling them that Carlivati has "cleaned up his act" on twitter while simultaneously cautioning fans who don't want Ron to get upset and retaliate against them to not engage him.  He's also telling disgruntled Duke and Anna fans that if only they understood ABC's reasoning, they'd be totally fine with Ron and Frank killing off Duke.  You can imagine how well that's going.



Am I reading this to mean that Ron would retaliate against us by killing fan favorites, keeping serial killers and other useless violent characters and featuring hammy performances by children and German Chiefs of Staff? Or would that retaliation be turning all the sets grey, having most relationships happen off screen, and alternately throwing temper tantrums on Twitter and having to explain his show on Twitter rather than, you know, on the actual show??


You mean, it could be worse?

Edited by DayPlayerAtKellys
  • Love 11

After jumping in to take a jab at Logan -- and then telling Logan that he's "over it"(meaning spoiling Duke's death) and to have a nice Memorial Day weekend, Nathan's been spending his weekend placating fans.  He's telling them that Carlivati has "cleaned up his act" on twitter while simultaneously cautioning fans who don't want Ron to get upset and retaliate against them to not engage him.  He's also telling disgruntled Duke and Anna fans that if only they understood ABC's reasoning, they'd be totally fine with Ron and Frank killing off Duke.  You can imagine how well that's going.


I just looked in to the twitter feeds... Ron is SUCH a big baby. Really depressing for a man his age. I didn't see anything on Nathan Varni's page about the Duke situation, maybe he just deleted them to get himself out of trouble (rather than continue supporting Ron's BIG BABY tantrums)..

  • Love 2
I think that tweet was about the Friday that just passed.


Oh, so it was BrooklynAva then. Okay, I'll give them that, since it's a "new" character.


[Varni is] also telling disgruntled Duke and Anna fans that if only they understood ABC's reasoning, they'd be totally fine with Ron and Frank killing off Duke.  You can imagine how well that's going.


GH kills so many characters that I think any writer has a hard time explaining why it's necessary. And the fact that too many of them come back from the dead doesn't help, either.



It's breathtakingly idiotic that Varni sees no problem with needing to tell fans "maybe you shouldn't interact with our head writer on twitter so he doesn't throw a tantrum all over your ass."


I love how it's the fans who at fault here.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I just looked in to the twitter feeds... Ron is SUCH a big baby. Really depressing for a man his age. I didn't see anything on Nathan Varni's page about the Duke situation, maybe he just deleted them to get himself out of trouble (rather than continue supporting Ron's BIG BABY tantrums)..

Nathan's comments are mainly in replies to other people. You have to look at his tweets and replies.  I think he's trying to keep the comments off his timeline as much as he can. 


It's breathtakingly idiotic that Varni sees no problem with needing to tell fans "maybe you shouldn't interact with our head writer on twitter so he doesn't throw a tantrum all over your ass."  


The funny thing is that I know more than one person who was blocked merely for tweeting their criticism and hashtagging GH.  Ron trolls the GH hashtag, and then gets upset and sometimes blocks people just because he sees their negative comments!


And yes, some of the people say vitriolic things and those people deserve to be blocked.  But Ron has also blocked people who just point out plot holes. 

  • Love 3

Oh, so it was BrooklynAva then. Okay, I'll give them that, since it's a "new" character.


She seemed more Jersey than Brooklyn which is why I'm referring to her from here on out as JAva.


On another note, starting tomorrow, I will be cable-free and won't be back online with a new service until at least the weekend. I'll catch up with the shows via the places online where one can see such things and then with you all here to catch up on comments (because you people make this show bearable). Have a great week everyone!

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It seems there are viewers who think the instant Jake is told he is really Jason he will automatically/instantly/miraculously remember who he is and drop into the old life he had with all his old repressed memories, etc.  I sure hope not.  Jason Stone Cold Morgan was not a wonderful character.  We really do not need him back.  I prefer Jake to Jason.  I certainly don't understand or appreciate the sentiment that Danny needs to be with his father who just happens to be a mob killer.  Yes, Jason Morgan was Sonny's enforcer.  Why would anyone wish that sort of father on a child? 

  • Love 8

It seems there are viewers who think the instant Jake is told he is really Jason he will automatically/instantly/miraculously remember who he is and drop into the old life he had with all his old repressed memories, etc.  I sure hope not.  Jason Stone Cold Morgan was not a wonderful character.  We really do not need him back.  I prefer Jake to Jason.  I certainly don't understand or appreciate the sentiment that Danny needs to be with his father who just happens to be a mob killer.  Yes, Jason Morgan was Sonny's enforcer.  Why would anyone wish that sort of father on a child? 


My hatred for Jason is well known. But as has been said about Alexis and Olivia boohoo-ing about their kids having mobsters for fathers, if they didn't want it, don't sleep with a mobster. Same goes for Sam. Like it or not, she chose to procreate with Jason. And if awful Sonny can be touted as Daddy of The Century, Jason should be able to see his kid. *


* Under the warped GH criteria that exists, not at all in real life.

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I have no idea what RC plans to do with Jaskeson's memory and I'm not particularly interested in seeing more mob stories - they've been repetitive and boring for years and RC is terrible at writing them.


However, Sam has wanted to have a kid with Jason for 10(?) years. She was perfectly willing to have him raise Danny right up until the day he died. I can't imagine she'd try to cut him out of his kid's life - especially after thinking he was dead for two years. 

I'm sure Patrick will have a much bigger problem with it than Sam will but it's not his call

Edited by Oracle42
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When Liez is exposed I wonder if anyone will be allowed to point out that this is the second time in three years that she's decided she knows what's best for Sam, Jason, and Danny. I wish Lucky would just take Cameron and her other forgotten kid and leave her a note saying he decided she didn't need to see her kids anymore. I wonder what she would have to say about that.

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