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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Today was actually the last day of sweeps. Pathetic.


Sweeps?  This was still sweeps??  The only word I could think of for the last two days was "drag".  Other than seeing RoidRage Shawn sent away, and TJ acting like an ass, I skipped most everything else.


Not Dante, though, never Dante.  Again, he saves what little of the show I can actually watch.  


Today, when I saw Morgan and Mrs. Cabbage Head were not only on, but SCREAMING i hit "mute" and started playing solitaire.


Oh - don't care that Julian "lost" his kid.  Not.at.all.  He'll be distracted by a passing mirror soon enough, and yeah, Julian, those pants DO make your head look fat.


Question - do you folks serve food on the barge or should I bring my own?  Cuz I think I'm heading that way.

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I think the reason the age thing doesn't bother me is precisely because of something you said here - BM is around 40, but looks young for his age. 


Billy Miller is 35. Thirty-five is around forty? It's not FAR from 40, but when I think "around 40", I think someone in the range of about 38 to 42. Eh, in any event, if we have to watch Sonny and Jason scenes, I just want to laugh at Jason suddenly looking like he could be Sonny's son, as Billy Miller actually is young enough that Maurice could have had him in high school.


Watching the end credits with Spencer just made me feel like I was on some acid trip. I do think the kid seems VERY loved by the show. The crash is going to be so hard for him so I can't really bring myself to hate him or the character he's playing. (Either the show will get cancelled soon or he'll be aged out of cuteness, either one.)

Edited by methodwriter85
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TJ finding out the truth, and of course being an idiot about everything, was ridiculous. Sean got arrested for trying to kill someone! How is this ok?

Today was tolerable. Michael and Sabrina are my happy place. It was nice seeing someone not have a shit fit and being supportive over Sabrina's concern. Michael didn't seem jealous at all. On the other hand, Kiki is ridiculous as always. Blaming Morgan for losing Avery- really you twit? Morgan is saddled up with her stupid ass and now I'm being forced to FF the eye candy.

Sam and Jake weren't boring today...shocking.

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That made me laugh, and yeah, I can feel sorry for Julian.  He's one of those characters that drives me nuts, but WD sells it when he's hurting.  Alexis is the one that drives me nuts.  So HOW many times has she changed her mind now about gangsters and their "choices" and how terrible they are for doing bad things, but she has to stay with them and sleep with them and have their kids because REASONS.



Alexis needs a storyline where she admits to herself she prefers bad boys.  Ned is the only non-criminal I can think of that she's been involved with.  I wasn't watching when she was with Ric, but he's not good either.  Jerry, Sonny, Julian.  Sean.  Just deal with the fact  she likes them that way.  She must realize that she keeps going back to them - or picking another one.  


And the scene where she leaves Julian due to his mobness is getting boring played over and over again.  Just let him "protect" you and your family.  Living in that town you practically need it.  Not romancing him doesn't make you and yours any safer.  And he even tried to leave for her and at her request.  I forget how he got back in, but she could deal with it taking awhile and not being so simple to get out of.  Come to think of it, with Fluke gone, he can get out easier.  

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Billy Miller is 35. Thirty-five is around forty? It's not FAR from 40, but when I think "around 40", I think someone in the range of about 38 to 42. Eh, in any event,


I was going by the previous post stating he was close to 40.  I didn't run a background check to determine the exact age. 


Regardless, people look young for their age, it happens.  I'm 42, and I've had a lot of people assume I'm in my 20's.  And, again, add in that the character has had plastic surgery, and it makes sense that he doesn't look age appropriate.  Hell, he's acting opposite Becky Herbst, who doesn't seem to have aged in God knows how long.  Now, when you put him opposite Sonny who (sorry, Mo!) looks every bit of his age, it's really obvious.  


Has there been any explanation as to why Ric married Nina yet?  Or do I need to check Ron's Twitter feed for that? 

Edited by KerleyQ

I admit I didn't do any research into Billy's DOB, heh, I just knew he was closer to 40 than 30 at this point. But it wasn't so much his real age I was bringing up as Jason's supposed "real age" on the show at this point.


Again, at the end of the day I just wish Jason had stayed dead. Good and dead. Billy would have been far more useful as another Q that actually hadn't become a hardened criminal, well...at least a murdering hardened criminal whose ass got kissed on a daily basis.


Considering Dillon's past history with Sam I think the setup was just there and waiting for them to have Billy step into Dillon's long forgotten shoes and then cozy up to Sam. Personally I think Billy's natural acting stye serves him far better as a character like Dillon, sort of silly, sort of sarcastic, can be charming, etc.  


Watching Billy and Kelly together yesterday just convinced me all the more that he is truly being wasted. Now he's currently trapped in black tee-shirt hell and there's an Obrecht in it. 

Edited by CPP83
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The crash is going to be so hard for him so I can't really bring myself to hate him or the character he's playing. (Either the show will get cancelled soon or he'll be aged out of cuteness, either one.)

If this is all that happens it will be a miracle. But with Ron and the Kid's mother pushing him to be "adult" and thinking some how it is cute, I am afraid his fate will be much much worse. Think Dana Plato and Adam Rich levels of worse


Dillon and Sam?



If she could be paired with Patrick...heh. It would have brought her back into the Q circle at least, aside from letting Monica (Who?) raise Danny (Who?) apparently. And, at least to me, Billy and Kelly do have fairly decent chemistry so I think they could have made it work.


I just think it would have been a welcome change to the usual script, and Sam's usual bed-mates, something, someone, different, putting Sam with a non-criminal, a business man even. Then she could have gotten involved with ELQ as far more than just a stock holder and give her more to do than wait in hospital rooms for another victim/shooter to die/live, whatever.


Now that I am thinking about it...how nice might it have been to see, instead of witnessing yet anther terribly constructed and pointless "mob war", we got Tracy and Dillon teaming up against A.J. and yes even Michael for control of ELQ, Sam could have gotten stuck in the middle, and then Monica and Ned could have picked sides.


What a concept, seeing this show harken back to the days when the "business" didn't mean guns and murder and the mob but an actual business where brains are the weapons of choice, not bullets and bombs.


My only request would be that all things "Pickle Lila" were never brought up ever, ever, ever again and buried deep, deep, deep down in a hole somewhere on the Q property. 

Edited by CPP83
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Young Scott's Dillon I'd say no way myself, heh, but I think Billy could have done a lot with the character. Scott has been out of the role for quite some time, Billy could have come in and, imo, really put his own spin on a new, grown up and mature Dillon. 


And by history I mean they know each other , he wouldn't just be some guy showing up that would be some complete stranger to her, like Jake...which is another thing I find irksome because it's just so obvious and overplayed watching Sam "re-bond" with her not so dead husband who, yet again, has amnesia and, yet again, is back in the mob but, yet again, doesn't actually want to be and so on. 


Anyway it was just a thought on one of my rare days' off, heh, and certainly is nothing more than a pipe dream now.



Today was actually the last day of sweeps. Pathetic.




Wow, it's incredible just how much worse this show gets from Sweeps to Sweeps, imho. And it isn't as if they do anything extra special anyway, they just...keep sucking but suck harder as they go along. Like some malfunctioning hoover vacuum.

Edited by CPP83
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Sloane is so enjoyable to watch. He's either way OTT and UCG or kinda awesome. There's no in between. It's fun. I hope he says' "Riverrrrrrrra" at least once in every ep.


I am so desperate for something to like on this show and Sloane fills the bill - he is hilarious (unintentionally of course but still hilarious). 


Also, speaking of rolling "R's"........yesterday TeCa said Carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlos a few times but then at the end she simply said Carlos.


Huh?  Who is editing this crap? 

Edited by SiouxB
  • Love 2

Also, speaking of rolling "R's"........yesterday TeCa said Carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlos a few times but then at the end she simply said Carlos.


Huh?  Who is editing this crap? 




He is dead now so perhaps she figured it wouldn't matter anymore.



"Oh dearest Carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...wait, is he dead yet? Sweet. Peace out amigo." 


I feel as if we're getting jipped because Duke got his parade of a funeral, aka time for Sonny to reflect on his "BFF", but poor Carlos only got a bucket and a chest full of holes.


Though  there would not have been very many people to come to the service. Julian would have come by wearing shades and being sort of sad and Teresa would have tried to cry and annoyed Julian and he would have left and then that would have probably been it really.

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Poor Dante. Every single person he loves constantly puts him through emotional hell, relying on him to help with their lies, harping on him when he tries to do the right thing, shooting him in the chest, putting him in the middle of their disputes and expecting him to chose sides... I'm looking forward to the day he just throws his hands in the air and screams "I do not give a shit - figure it out for yourself!" I've always liked, or at least not minded, Olivia, but lying to Dante to only then tell him the truth is such an asshole move. I mean, dead baby lies are never exactly kosher, but she's really ratcheting it up a notch. It must be so hard to act that out when she's still pregnant. I'm surprised she's doing it.

I am really enjoying Michael and Sabrina. I like that he gets her conflicted feelings over Carlos, and that she is self-aware enough (now) to realize those feelings. Did Sabrina sleep with Carlos when he spent the night? If so, assuming she and Michael are about to do the nasty, are we getting the set up for another WTD story? I will ... well, I probably won't actually *do* anything other than bitch about it on here. But still.

Sorry, as a Olivia hater since she lied on the stand to protect the mobster. Dante is no victim. Sonny looked right in Dante's eyes and shot him in cold blood. then he lie4d and expected his mother to also. Sonny was setting up to shoot Dante again because he wasn't dead. Why because he was an undercover cop ? Then Dante decided Sonny was misunderstood, and took money from him. People around Sonny get shot Michael ,Connie etc, and stupid Dante allows Sonny near his son. Olivia protected Dante and as Julian is no better than Sonny. See Lucas and Alexis's house. Run Olivia. Dante should have lost his job, being to stupid to clean his police special and shoot himself ? This show is getting worse and worse I didn't think it was possible.

ETA: Billy Miller is becoming much more attractive to me. His facial expressions today were adorable.

You guys, I'm really dreading more Morgan and Kiki today.  This show is stuffed to the gills with characters I hate, but Kiki is #1 with a bullet (I wish).


My expression when I know Kiki is in an episode:




aka the look on Dante's face in that episode where Lulu told him he had to stay with Kiki by himself while she and Morgan went to the Haunted Star (which, by the way, did Morgan ever actually end up working there? I guess not?)

  • Love 8
Sean got arrested for trying to kill someone! How is this ok?




Also, speaking of rolling "R's"........yesterday TeCa said Carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlos a few times but then at the end she simply said Carlos.


She's done that before. 


did Morgan ever actually end up working [at the Haunted Star]? I guess not?


Why should he? His parents don't seem to have any problems supporting his lazy ass.

  • Love 4

I get the feeling that if Dante is put in the position to have to lie to keep the truth about "dead" baby Falcome from his very twitchy spouse, that might cause some friction in their marriage and god only knows what direction Ron would take them in then.


I so completely agree on this!   The real issue is not about any attraction Dante might have for Valerie - or vice versa.  It's about the fallout of secrecy and lies of omission on the Lante relationship.  And we all know how important Dante's honesty has historically been to trust-challenged Lulu.  


Sure Valerie is likely going to continue to be part of their story for now - as a "face" for this friction and as an extra complication - and as target for the anger/frustration of Lante fans.  But, IMO, secret-keeping will be the real lssue.


And who knows where RC will take his token happy couple then?  Will it become some other couple's turn to inherit the happy couple pedestal for a while?


Will RC further muddy the Lante waters by bringing back Johnny for a visit - or by recasting Dillon?   In both cases, there is established potential for Lante angst.

I was going by the previous post stating he was close to 40.  I didn't run a background check to determine the exact age. 


Regardless, people look young for their age, it happens.  I'm 42, and I've had a lot of people assume I'm in my 20's.  And, again, add in that the character has had plastic surgery, and it makes sense that he doesn't look age appropriate.  Hell, he's acting opposite Becky Herbst, who doesn't seem to have aged in God knows how long. 


I was just about to say that, KerleyQ. Hell, part of the reasons (apparently) they won't SORAS Liz's kids is because she supposedly looks too young to have teenagers or something. That said, I don't think Billy Miller is hugely younger-looking than Steve Burton, who is only nine years older at 44. I wouldn't card Burton or anything if he tried to buy beer, but he doesn't look nearly as old as Michael Easton.

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You guys, I'm really dreading more Morgan and Kiki today.  This show is stuffed to the gills with characters I hate, but Kiki is #1 with a bullet (I wish).

In all fairness to The Mooch, she's never tried to murder or rape anyone, never tried to rip a baby out of its mothers' womb, and never told some ridiculous story about a horse.

Was Bryan Craig wearing a toupe in yesterdays episode?  The bald spot was gone and the top of his hair looked a slightly different colour...

He must have gone go see Tyler Christopher's guy.

To me the real hair issue on GH right now is Haley Erin. I can't figure out why it looks like she is continually dying all but the first four inches from the roots. The blonde makes her look washed out, just like it did with KA.

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Okay I'm slightly embarrassed to say I like Sam and Jake. I've never been a big Sam fan but she and Jake are pretty cute together and her admitting her past and being embarrassed was darling, BUT(come on you knew it was there) could someone for the love of mercy feakin' TELL THEM THE TRUTH. I mean a few weeks or a couple of months of not knowing who he is was one thing but at some point it gets so ridiculous that when he finds out it won't have any impact b/c it has gone on too damn long! By the time Sam and Jake know he is Jason everyone in PC EXCEPT them will know and be keeping it from them it is like Sonny killed AJ but no one tell Michael on steroids! ugh!


I also LOL at Kiki and Morgan vs Michael and Sabrina as couples. One is like total dysfunctional train wreak no one wants to watch and the other is so milk toast goodie goodie no one want to watch.....leave it Ron to build lose lose couples again!


Next on GH Michael and Sabrina can't get out of her apartment b/c they both want the other one to go first b/c neither thinks they are worthy enough...gag!

  • Love 5

In all fairness to The Mooch, she's never tried to murder or rape anyone, never tried to rip a baby out of its mothers' womb, and never told some ridiculous story about a horse.


She has, though, repeatedly defended a rapist-murderer 5 seconds after she met him, for no reason other than he was nice to her, even though he was responsible for her boyfriend's rape and her boyfriend told her he really, really, REALLY hates that man.


ETA: gasp Dante is sort of guilty like this too. Damn it Dante!


oh well I guess everyone on the show is. Everyone has a pet murderer they're defensive of, if they're not one themselves. Kiki is still the suckiest!

Edited by ulkis
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She has, though, repeatedly defended a rapist-murderer 5 seconds after she met him, for no reason other than he was nice to her, even though he was responsible for her boyfriend's rape and her boyfriend told her he really, really, REALLY hates that man.


But she only defended him because he was her dad on another show and they had a special bond!  And that was back when she was a potato head!  I'm sure NuKiki has already forgotten his existence and will never, ever have a scene with him again.

  • Love 6
Hell, part of the reasons (apparently) they won't SORAS Liz's kids is because she supposedly looks too young to have teenagers or something.


Liz's kids could definitely be young teenagers. But I'm sure Ron doesn't want anyone to compete with the magic that is Nicolas Bechtel as Spencer.


For anyone who missed the 4/1 anniversary episode, there will be an encore airing on Monday, May 25.


I was wondering what the holiday rerun would be. Thanks, tvgoddess.

Edited by dubbel zout

Where did Sabrina get authentic Puerto Rican food in upstate New York?  And her being all, "I'll pay!" made me laugh since, you know, Michael is paying her salary.


Does Ron really expect us to swoon about what a sweetie Sloane is while Anna's sobbing about Duke, on the day she buried him?  A hard pass.


Ms. Buffay already covered my disgust at everything Kiki/Morgan.

Edited by TeeVee329
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