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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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BH said it was Jill Phelps who saved her job ultimately, not the fans, so I can see them being unafraid to fire her/lowball her.



I've been in the room when she gave her fans 100% of the credit, just a couple of years ago at GHFCW. She could have been just playing to the room, but I think it's more likely she was doing that when Jill was still her boss.


ugh I ont understand why every character has to be so evil.Soaps do need good characters.I long for the days that the pillar of the community was characters like steve Hardy and Lee Baldwin.Is everyone just made so bad these days though becuse mobsters and villians are leads.


I'm so honestly surprised that I'm into both Nik and Liz's darker sides, and they bring out the worst in each other, so I could see them spurring each other to it. I feel like I'm betraying my "loves good guys" self by being willing to indulge this storyline, but oh well!

I've been in the room when she gave her fans 100% of the credit, just a couple of years ago at GHFCW. She could have been just playing to the room, but I think it's more likely she was doing that when Jill was still her boss.



I'm so honestly surprised that I'm into both Nik and Liz's darker sides, and they bring out the worst in each other, so I could see them spurring each other to it. I feel like I'm betraying my "loves good guys" self by being willing to indulge this storyline, but oh well!


Oh really? My mistake then. It was probably a combination of both.

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Okay, I've finished Monday's episode, and hooray! Jordan is free from Shawn! Of course, her character probably isn't as excited as we are, but I sure think it's perfect that Shawn goes down for yet again being an ineffective hitman. I didn't know he was leaving the show, though--did Ron deliver everyone's wishes for a culling of the characters after all? I don't know if I'm ready for Rebecca Budig to leave yet, but hey, we do have too many characters. I'm giving.


Don't throw tomatoes, but I actually liked Sloan once he started using his inside voice with Anna. Maybe he just should have been whispering this whole time.


Glad that Carly's pissed at Sonny, too, but will she leave him or just realize once they get in a limo together that the pull is too strong? (sorry for the images that'll raise)


Love that Patrick wouldn't let Liz assist him with Hayden. 


Franco/Nina/Ric? Ridonkulous, but at least we're adding a third character into that world of two. If we have to be stuck with them at all, that is.

  • Love 6

ugh I ont understand why every character has to be so evil.Soaps do need good characters.I long for the days that the pillar of the community was characters like steve Hardy and Lee Baldwin.Is everyone just made so bad these days though becuse mobsters and villians are leads.


Ron thinks people like Franco are "good." They are "honest" and "real" not like those "hypocrites." 


Of course there are also the "bad" women who are camp figures and actually sweetie pies deep down, so so misunderstood (Nina, Obrecht).


Then there are the "bad" boys who mostly just look down on everyone and look for some random tail (Nik), and this is so cool and awesome.


The show has no actual villains because Ron does not have the guts to write truly dark material, or actions that have any consequences. That's why under his pen characters like Robin are written as more of a villain, because she's so uncaring and mean and doesn't understand Patrick's fee-fees. 

  • Love 4

Monday was especially badly written.


In two situations, people are discussing stopping someone already on their way to do something - the natural thing is to run after Hayden/Jake rather than sitting there having a discussion.  How lucky Liz is Hayden didn't just spit it out.  And why do they tease with scenes like that?  It's annoying, not intriguing.  Hayden spending an hour talking about how she knows rather than spitting it out - couldn't they have spend the airtime doing something else?  These will they or won't they scenes are getting as boring as the constant holding at gunpoint and there was some of that too.  


And what the heck is the Franco/Nina/Ric stuff?  I think they meant it to be comic relief.  I admit I did laugh when the knock at the door was the Justice of the Peace.


Now Nik is ordering hits.  Oh great, maybe he will join the mob.

  • Love 4

These will they or won't they scenes are getting as boring as the constant holding at gunpoint and there was some of that too.

I honestly think that the trudging and stalling with supposed suspenseful moments like this is what has killed soaps (let's face it, three are in retirement homes and one is in hospice).

My mom -- the reason why I started watching in the first place -- stopped watching soaps because of those drawn out moments at the end of the show. She'd roll her eyes and say, "So, we'll find out in a week? I'll watch in a week ... maybe."

The recreation of the entire Friday ending segment on Monday episodes? That's a creature of the "modern" era of soap telling. In fact, I was taken out of Monday's episode by the recreation of Anna killing Carlos. I've now seen 4 ways (and 2 if I was a normal viewer, only watching my feed) of Anna saying "Go to hell." And the ones from Monday were strikingly different than the ones from Friday. So, which is real? There no longer is a "real" fictional way that it happened. It's so obviously theater now.

Oh, as someone who has not one, but two orthopedic doctors in my contacts list, I felt bad for JPV (is that his initials?) having to drop hard to his knees four times (not including rehearsals). I hope they let him wear knee pads under his pants!

And yes, that's the only thing I thought while watching my all-time favorite fictional character take a man's life deliberately and apparently not under the collar of law. That's how flat the "drama" was for me.

  • Love 8

Oh, as someone who has not one, but two orthopedic doctors in my contacts list, I felt bad for JPV (is that his initials?) having to drop hard to his knees four times (not including rehearsals). I hope they let him wear knee pads under his pants!

And yes, that's the only thing I thought while watching my all-time favorite fictional character take a man's life deliberately and apparently not under the collar of law. That's how flat the "drama" was for me.

Close . . . JVP :)

It was probably a combination of both.


I would not be at all surprised to learn that JFP had no idea how strong a fan base BH has. I'm sure the outcry made her rethink firing BH, but if the executive producer wants you gone, you're gone.


Here is Serial Drama's take on the show's all-mob-all-the-time direction. Louise is broken, you guys.

  • Love 6

I'm still furious about all the time Hayden spent saying shit like "I know you don't trust me, but this is important", "It's about your identity", "It matters to you too, Sam", "No, really, you're going to want to hear this, even if I lied about being your wife" for the entire show. Again, I like some suspense, but there is a limit, and Monday's show went way past it. What do we get now, weeks of Hayden recovering, possibly losing *her* memory for a while? Weeks of Sam trying to piece it all together, in the slowest and most frustrating (and clueless) way? Nik and Liz sneaking into the hospital room to finish the job, Jake saving Hayden's life, Nik and Liz having the same conversation over and over, twenty more people finding out and debating whether to tell Jake that he's Jason? To me, after a little time of him building new relationships, the most interesting part of this kind of story is what happens when the amnesiac finds out his past and all the confusion and relationship conflict that comes with it. Day after day of discussion about whether to him is *not* interesting to me.

  • Love 15

It's also a waste of Budig. She's barely a plot point let alone a fully realized character. I have no idea why she's done ANY of the things she's done including deciding to tell Jason who he is. RB is the only reason this mess was remotely watchable and I wasn't a fan on AMC (at least, after she became a Lavery)

After watching her interact with BH I was really disappointed that she wasn't cast as Sarah. Sarah pairing up with Nik would make a lot more sense to me in terms of Elizabeth decisions regarding Jake than an obsession with Jasus

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 6

I think I could hear the cheering from you all from here when Jordan told Shawn some truths about himself, and the hit on her, in response to his smug attitude and anger toward her about her being a "traitor." His reaction was about on point for someone who values Sonny so much. And his equal disgust of/hatred for Dante just makes me roll my eyes. 


Elizabeth really couldn't appear more frantic, afraid, pathetic and obvious. Which is why, of course, Jake isn't picking up on it. I almost laughed at Liz's desperate and anxious look when (yes Ron, we see the IRONY) Sam said Jake probably really does have a family out there missing him. 


Are we all supposed to be entertained by Shawn failing to take out his predecessor, wanting to apologize to Sonny, and Shawn and Sonny appearing to be in a contest as to who's the biggest smug, condescending POS? 


I thought the acting in the Olivia and Ned scene with Julian was well done; must be really tough on an actress who's actually about to give birth in real life. Kudos to her.  Am I supposed to feel sorry for Julian? I don't.  I think it's the "my son" over and over instead of "our son" that really made me not care about his pain. 


It's sad that I'm thinking if Liz had witnessed Sam taking Jake's hand to comfort him, she'd have a full-out nervous breakdown in the middle of the hospital. And Patrick would have been there a moment later, flipping out at Jake in a fit of jealousy.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 5

Why must this show be so bad?


I just don't get it, I really don't. Is it really that hard to come up with story lines that make an iota of sense?


These characters are all so...what happened to "likeability"?


Ric and the Nina are now married.


T.J. is whining about the criminal Shawn "going down" for his actual crimes.


Olivia and Ned have concocted yet another lie that is sure to blow up in their faces.


Sonny and Carly just need to go ahead and perish in a house fire. 


I want the SERIAL KILLER run over by a dump truck.


Liz and Nik just get more and more vile by the second.


Patrick really needs to have every single seat within a hundred mile radius of PC. Every time he opens his mouth bullshit just falls out by the ton.


Sam and Jakson continue to "find their way back to each other" I guess and bore me to death in the process. Dear god...so bored, so very bored.


This show, imho, has become an exercise in how to be both underwhelmed and incredibly bored while also feeling hints of rage and fury over the utter maddening nonsense it keeps portraying.

  • Love 9
I think it's the "my son" over and over instead of "our son" that really made me not care about his pain




Well Olivia never wanted it to be "his" son and between she and Ned they both kept calling the kid just "her baby" as well.


Frankly I don't feel sorry for anyone involved, not even the kid because he shouldn't even be in existence. Julian didn't need another "surprise" kid, and Olivia certainly didn't need to give birth to another mob born baby. Both of them are annoying the hell out of me with this baby bs.


It all just reeks, yet again, of the slaggards running this show into the ground not being able to come up with original ideas, or good ideas.

  • Love 5

I think what grossed me out about the Dead Baby Lie is the in-universe hypocrisy.   If the situation was reversed, Julian would be rightfully raked over the coals as an evil bastard.  But because Ned and Olivia did it, we're supposed to think they're totally justified good guys.  Nope.


Also, people being all "I would NEVER lie about something like that!" as they're lying about something like that always steams me.  Has Ned been hanging out with Kiki?

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 10

Well Olivia never wanted it to be "his" son and between she and Ned they both kept calling the kid just "her baby" as well.


Frankly I don't feel sorry for anyone involved, not even the kid because he shouldn't even be in existence. Julian didn't need another "surprise" kid, and Olivia certainly didn't need to give birth to another mob born baby. Both of them are annoying the hell out of me with this baby bs.


It all just reeks, yet again, of the slaggards running this show into the ground not being able to come up with original ideas, or good ideas.

I dont understand why its so hard to come up with new stories for characters.I think you can use a chracters past to give them a story but the sme redundant stories are boring.

  • Love 2

I think what grossed me out about the Dead Baby Lie is the in-universe hypocrisy.   If the situation was reversed, Julian would be rightfully raked over the coals as an evil bastard.  But because Ned and Olivia did it, we're supposed to think they're totally justified good guys.  Nope.


Also, people being all "I would NEVER lie about something like that!" as they're lying about something like that always steams me.  Has Ned been hanging out with Kiki?



And of course guess who's back tomorrow....my soul weeps.


I can't help but think to myself that aside from Ron and his massive ego who the hell else would even miss Kiki? I The whole world probably groans when its' reminded she's still walking around alive and well.


Ned and Olivia are just...I'm ready for them both to just go away now. Take the stupid kid and leave already, I'm just done with them and their stupid plans and shitty lies and self-righteousness.


And if they could manage to run over Franco as they speed out of town I wouldn't mind it.



I dont understand why its so hard to come up with new stories for characters.I think you can use a chracters past to give them a story but the sme redundant stories are boring.




This group would rather just keep regurgitating whatever crap they first came up with because they're talentless hacks, imho. And lazy. They're all a bunch of lazy asses who don't want to refer back to history or the past or anything of the sort.


Unless it involves the "Golden Girls".

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 6

Billy Miller is getting hotter. But he also looks younger. Good thing he has no scenes with Michael after all I guess.


I hate Julian but Olivia's lie is pretty gross. And throwing in with Obrecht? No.


Thanks for randomly being in this episode to look hot, Dante.


TJ has a good point that he was made to feel like she didn't want to be around him, but it's like, c'mon dude, it's not just a little cool to have an undercover agent for a mom? Not a teeny bit?

  • Love 12

Uhm TJ, instead of boo hoo hooing that your precious Shawn has been arrested, how dare your evil law enforcement mother, maybe you should ask why he's been arrested.  Than maybe you can be less of a tool when you find out that he shot an innocent woman.  


And Jordan, instead of wringing your hands and saying Shawn being arrested was your fault, maybe you should mention the innocent woman who was shot in the head and you did your job in arresting the man who did it.  

  • Love 12

Yep.  He and the actor who plays Carlos got a goodbye cake and everything.

Thank God.  Not that I wanna wish ill on Sean Blakemore, but Shawn had been ruined for years now.  All that potential wasted to make him another mob worshipper.  Not Sean's fault.  He just played what he was given to play.  But I do blame the writers for insisting on him doing this.


I wonder if Jason's close to remembering now that Shawn's on the way out.  Was his arrest his final episode?  Or does he still have more episodes coming up before he goes?

  • Love 4

For all the shit we talk about Shawn (and rightly so given what his character has become since 2012), AFAIC Sean Blakemore is the hottest man on the show. Is he Olivier, no, but he's a dependable actor with skills the show has rarely let him use. No TV show would waste a man who looks like that - no TV show except for the soaps. I think it's a waste and I'm not happy about it. And yeah, he had real chemistry with Laura Wright.

  • Love 10

TJ has a good point that he was made to feel like she didn't want to be around him, but it's like, c'mon dude, it's not just a little cool to have an undercover agent for a mom? Not a teeny bit?


I think he'll get there - probably after a conversation with Molly, who has possession of the only fully functioning town brain. His initial reaction makes sense to me because Jordan did dump him with Shawn (who turned out to be a criminal) and she didn't offset any of Shawn's shitty influence on her kid because she was maintaining her cover. TJ just lost his father/father figure but I think once he actually finds out that Shawn was trying to murder someone when he was arrested, he'll come around. 

I just want Jordan to know that Shawn narced on her to Sonny and Duke and I want TJ to know too

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 10

I'm fine with TJ's reaction so far. He wasn't hand waving Shawn's mob ways (he doesn't even know he shot someone yet, right?) He was mad about Jordan's actions and he has a right to be. Like he said, he thought for years she didn't want him, having a "good reason" for that doesn't change that he went through those feelings. I've questioned Jordan myself, as much as I've wanted Shawn gone, that she did find him fit to raise her son for years, and in those years he and TJ got close. Shawn was the one who made his own choices, but Jordan made choices here too that makes this a bad situation for TJ, and TJ has a right to be mad/conflicted. Of course if he starts to hand wave the shooting or anything, he'll be dead to me, but for now, I think he's acting in line for an 18/19yr.


Love Jordan telling it to Shawn like it is! My boy Dante was on his game too pointing out to Shawn that everyone around Sonny goes down.


God I hate Dead Baby Lies. I suspect this one will go the way of the AMC David/Amanda/Jake one, Julian, like David, will find out, use it to gain custody and everyone will be going "see! You're vindictive! This is why you should be mourning not raising a kid!" Anyone who fakes a baby's death is terrible. Aside from condeming the kid to what, live a life in hiding (I'm assuming), I just think it's terrible to put that out there in the universe. But I'm also someone who believes you should never get out of something by saying someone's sick (and have blown up at people having used me, given my medical history) because you just shouldn't put it out there. Olivia can cross her self all she wants, it's meaningless to me, this is going too far.  Ususally two days in a row of Dante would be a good thing, but I'm dreading how he'll be used in this tomorrow.

  • Love 6

God I hate Dead Baby Lies. I suspect this one will go the way of the AMC David/Amanda/Jake one.


That AMC example is exactly where my mind went too.  I recall Amanda said something about how David should imagine their not-dead baby in heaven with his actual dead children and it was so icky.


And outsourcing to Dr. O?  Hey, 'Liv, remember when Dr. O schemed to keep Dante from ever being a father to his son and it was the most evil thing on Earth?  Didn't think so.

  • Love 9
And outsourcing to Dr. O?  Hey, 'Liv, remember when Dr. O schemed to keep Dante from ever being a father to his son and it was the most evil thing on Earth?  Didn't think so.


I can just see it now.  Dr. O nonchalantly sells the baby, subjects it to scientific experiments, throws it off a parapet, or feeds it to Nina, and then Olivia wails, "But I trusted you!"


Then Dr. O makes some quip about Olivia's lack of guile, and we're all supposed to laugh at Dr. O's wit and nod in solidarity with her.  "Yeah, Olivia, what did you expect? Sheesh."


How do people even still watch this show? It has no connection to anything close reality, whatsoever. It's like sketch parody at this point.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 5

Really Ned and Olivia? Really? You could just have a paternity test done and then change the results? Seems like that would be a lot easier than pretending the baby died. So stupid. 


I wish Nina would have flipped out and slit Franco's throat. 


Stop acting up TJ. 


I want Liez to say out loud that she hopes Greenlee dies. I want her to say the words so I know for sure how much of a piece of shit she really is.

Edited by LeftPhalange
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