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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I don't mind when writers of soaps take liberties, but what RC is doing to the GH vets is infuriating.  What is he doing?


I don't know. But then, I don't think Ron knows, either.


But no one on this show has it good. From Nik to Liz to Patrick to all the way down the cast roster...no one is in character anymore. At least that would be something to hold on to if anyone was acting like they should, but as it is, the show is fucked up to the nth degree.


If this is what it takes to keep the show on the air, I'd rather it died with AMC and OLTL.

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I still can't believe Ric and Nina got married. I really didn't think Ron would be ridiculous enough to have two strangers get married because reasons.


My expectations for this show are low and Ron still manages to disappoint me on a regular basis.

Edited by LeftPhalange
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LOL that Nik is all "Why hasn't anyone figured out that Jake is Jason?!"

Dude, I spit up when he said that. But then it pissed me off, as most things on this show do, because it's like Ron picks and chooses parts of the story Nik knows about. Nik obviously should know via Helena that Robin told peeps Jason died when she tried to revive him. He should also think it's odd that Robin is nowhere to be found after that lie. /my broken record is broken.

Edited by HeatLifer
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Can I just say......Bye, Bye Sean Blakemore.  Sorry, dude you won't be missed.


Is he actually leaving?


picked up Nicholas Bechtal and said hi to his mom(Billy's I think)


Yeah, he picked him up (upside down) and said, "Say hi to my mom. Hi mom. Say hi to my mom." Nicholas said hi, and Tyler Christopher came over and ruffled his hair, while Miller was still holding the kid upside down. It was cute.



The only thing I got out of this show today is that:


  1. Nikolas is just useless now. I have no use for him. 
  2. Liz is BSC.



You know what, if Nikolas is going to be evil, I'm going to enjoy it. Crazy Elizabeth wasn't wrong, at the Nurses Ball. The town is full of evil people. I'm a little afraid Jordan isn't free. She's apologizing to the guy who just took a shot at one man, and hit a woman in the head.


Please tell me that Ric married Nina so he can get her money and have her committed.



Well, Ric probably still owes a lot of dough to Hayden & Pete, so yes. Let's decide he married her to get her money.

Edited by General Days
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Tyler's latest tweet confirms that Ron really just wants every character to be dark and evil.

@Tyler2929: U all thought Helena played dirty. U ain't seen nothing yet. Nik will make granny look like Mother Theresa when all is said and done

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Elizabeth is SO full of herself who believes that any motive Nikolas has ever had is always about her.  I love Nikolas shutting her down today and having her walk off in a huff.  That was the only saving grace as to what RC is now doing to Nikolas.


Like dubbel zout, I thought Nikolas being all huffy and indignant and "I would NEVER!" was more than a little rich because he's been trying to manipulate situations to get Liz in his bed pretty much since he came back to town.

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I think it's probably a Liaison fanfic that gained a life of its own cause it's not only wildly OOC, it doesn't make any sense


So with the way things have been going lately...it's probably true.

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My expectations for this show are low and Ron still manages to disappoint me on a regular basis.


"Just when I think you can't be any more shallow, you manage to drain a little more out of the pool."

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Ok, so I just re-watched without a needy 1 & 1/2 year old climbing all over me.


Shawn, you are not only a terrible shot, but your brains don't work either.  I laughed really hard when a) the cops on the scene weren't worried with Jordan and her gun and b) took orders from her....and Shawn was still all "You're a COP aren't you???"   Did you really need to ASK? 


Ric Hearst made the Nina/Franco stuff watchable for me.  He looked like he was having a blast.


"Why are you with Sam??"  And the paranoia begins...just waiting for Liz to tell Jake to stop talking to Sam all together.


I was pretty impressed with all the day players today.  They did great.

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Tyler's latest tweet confirms that Ron really just wants every character to be dark and evil.


ugh I ont understand why every character has to be so evil.Soaps do need good characters.I long for the days that the pillar of the community was characters like steve Hardy and Lee Baldwin.Is everyone just made so bad these days though becuse mobsters and villians are leads.

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Every character he didn't create.  


Oh, he's ruined ones he created, too. He's an equal opportunity destroyer. Kiki, Sabrina (although she is on an upswing), Hayden, Ava, Derek Wells, Jordan (by having her fall for Shawn), Carlos, Nina, Silas, Dr. O, Britt. There are probably more.

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Ric Hearst made the Nina/Franco stuff watchable for me.


He tends to do that, but in this case only just barely. The Nina/Franco crap made absolutely no sense. None. Of course they're entire existence on this show makes no sense. I'm surprised Franco didn't get hit by lightning when he was going on and on about not trusting Ric and what a liar Ric is and so forth. Really? Franco the serial killer?!? I swear MS gets worse every time I see her.


I laughed at the dialogue between Sonny and Carly. I don't think that was RC's intent, but that was comedy gold.

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Yep. He and the actor who plays Carlos got a goodbye cake and everything.

So SB is gone. MoRon did nothing with the Sean/TJ/Jordan storyline. All the hints about TJ's dad aND this fool did nothing wit it. Why was VA wasted on him when she had amazing chem with WdV?

I don't even know why I'm asking or care.

I wouldn't be surprised if VA and TR leave at the end of their contracts.

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Sonny is an idiot!  He lacks both judgment and impulse control. Julian played him perfectly.  Then again a three year old could manipulate the shit out of Sonny.

I'm waiting for the scene where Sonny loses his mob territory to Joss over a game of Go Fish.

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So Shawn is leaving but Ron still thought it would be a good idea to have Nik be responsible for Greenlee's shooting. K.


Wouldn't it be more unbelievable if Shawn were responsible? He hasn't hit anything he's aimed at since he walked into PC.

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Yup. He's pretty much ruined every character, though.

My poor Dante is the only one left standing from the contract players (maybe Michael too) who hasn't become a total wackjob or a complete personality free cipher, but probably not for long with this Val stuff.

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Wouldn't it be more unbelievable if Shawn were responsible? He hasn't hit anything he's aimed at since he walked into PC.

Everyone gets lucky at least once lol! I mean, if he's leaving, why not let him actually hit his target?

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Wouldn't it be more unbelievable if Shawn were responsible? He hasn't hit anything he's aimed at since he walked into PC.


He was trying to shoot Jakeson so if he ended up shooting Greenlee he would still be a failure.

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Tyler's latest tweet confirms that Ron really just wants every character to be dark and evil.


What sucks is that the idea of Nikolas embracing his dark, inner Cassadine is an interesting one.  But the story Ron is telling is so shallow and stupid.

Edited by TeeVee329
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My poor Dante is the only one left standing from the contract players (maybe Michael too) who hasn't become a total wackjob or a complete personality free cipher, but probably not for long with this Val stuff.

I'm frightened to see what's next for Dante. Ron has made it clear that he doesn't think any of his story choices "ruin" the characters. And that is never a good POV for a writer; for them to believe a character can do whatever and it doesn't matter.

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I'm frightened to see what's next for Dante. Ron has made it clear that he doesn't think any of his story choices "ruin" the characters. And that is never a good POV for a writer; for them to believe a character can do whatever and it doesn't matter.

I can take an affair, but if they had him fill up the gaps in Sonny's mob possibly, I seriously would not be able to watch that.

Edited by ulkis
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I'm frightened to see what's next for Dante. Ron has made it clear that he doesn't think any of his story choices "ruin" the characters. And that is never a good POV for a writer; for them to believe a character can do whatever and it doesn't matter.

It also doesnt help that he thinks charater development is boring sorry but i need a reason somebody will do something and the reason that nik is a cassadine isnt good enough.

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And shut up, Shawn.  So Jordan doesn't know the meaning of the word love because she's not a (hilariously inept) mob hitman like you?  Thank gawd she had his hypocrite ass arrested.



I wish she would have cuffed him herself. 



And Shawn proves once again that he is the worst hit man ever. And bonus points for getting all judgey with the undercover cop after shooting an innocent bystander.


He is suuuuuuuuuuuuuuch a hypocrite! 


Can I just say......Bye, Bye Sean Blakemore.  Sorry, dude you won't be missed.

Bye Felicia!

( Sean Blakemore, you are a beautiful man and I wish you much success, but Shawn was a knuckle dragging, much breathing moron and I hate him with more energy than is reasonable for fiction) 


Favorite dialogue:

Carly: Sonny, you've made a terrible mistake!



My kids were home from school today ( holiday in Canada), and they thought that dialogue was intentional. And loved it. They think Sonny is funny, and I'm questioning my parenting because how can my children like Sonny???? Where did I go wrong????



Wouldn't it be more unbelievable if Shawn were responsible? He hasn't hit anything he's aimed at since he walked into PC.


That what I was thinking! Anyone in the PCPD with half a brain *waves to Dante* will know that Shawn never hits his intended target and will immediately want to investigate further. You better have a Plan B Nik. And that plan can involve shooting Liz if need be. ( I liked Liazon, but she is being a bitch) 


I hope they explain the angle Ric is working with this marriage asap, because this seems way too out of character and really stupid. 

Edited by Mrs OldManBalls
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My poor Dante is the only one left standing from the contract players (maybe Michael too) who hasn't become a total wackjob or a complete personality free cipher, but probably not for long with this Val stuff.


First I think Dante is going to cover for Olivia's and Ned's plan to hide the baby from Julian. Then we'll see where he goes from there.

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I can take an affair, but if they had him fill up the gaps in Sonny's mob possibly, I seriously would not be able to watch that.

I already can't stand any relationship he has with Sonny, so I get it.

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My summary of the 2pm EST airing in a nutshell:


Live: actually good, can't find anything to snark on really (except maybe Jake grabbing Sam, poorly staged)

Story: pathetic on all levels

End Credits: No. More. Spencer.


Now I'll go read what you guys thought.

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A few more random thoughts/observations


In the first show, Billy totally groped Kelly when he asked her if she was hit.  LOL


In the 2nd show, the camera cut to Shawn and Jordan too quick, and they stood there for a minute before moving to the other side of the door (after he grabs her arm, and right before Jake comes out)


Also, poor Billy had a nice looking mark on his face at GH in the 2nd show....Poor dude, wonder if he knew he would be getting hit 1800 times in these live shows.

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First I think Dante is going to cover for Olivia's and Ned's plan to hide the baby from Julian. Then we'll see where he goes from there.

I know I shouldn't borrow trouble but it's GH. Best to gird one's self up. :)

Edited by ulkis
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When Sean said something to Jordan like, you have hurt all the people that love you, I was confused.  Who loves her other than TJ and Sean himself.  I am thinking her son will be thrilled to find out that she was on the side of good and not evil.


I think the hitman's bullet struck Hayden, and Jake will find Sean's bullet in the ceiling or something and begin to suspect something is amiss.


The other day when Hayden was pushing it with Nik, I thought, wow, you are not being very smart at all, you are going to get yourself shipped to Cassadine Island.  They did at least set it up that she had gone too far, but yeah, outright hitman murder?  That seems a little extreme Nik, and certainly will get you in a lot more trouble than election fraud and hiding Jason's identity.  Not believable.


Carly was 100% correct in everything she was saying.  Cannot wait to hear Sonny eat crow.  But she probably won't hold it against him cause Hayden got shot and not Jake.  The part I didn't get at all was Julian pretending that he didn't order the hit. Isn't the point of hitting someone in the rival mob to send a message. If you then deny it, how does it send a message?  And so what was the point of the hit?


I am with Nik, how can they not figure out this guy is Jason. And Sam, who usually puts everything together very quickly is all, hmmm, it affects Jake and it is his true identity and it also affects me.  What could that be?  Oh, and he remembers screwing me.  Who could he be???


The Nina Ric Franco storyline was so bad I could barely watch it.  I feel bad for the actors.

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Sonny will blame Jason for not knowing who he is, of course. If only Sonny had known! It will be shooting Dante in the chest all over again. 


Any chance we're not headed for an icky scene where Sonny, upon finding out that Liz knew and kept it secret, lays into her with one of his patented "BetrayingBitchWhoreSlutTramp" bar ware flinging rants? 


I mean, I wasn't necessarily expecting a live episode to end on two or three long minutes of a nine year old dancing ecstatically while getting balls hurled at him right before Billy Miller lumbers in to spank him, but I guess that's a choice they made.


I haven't seen today's show yet.  Are you telling me this is an actual thing that happened?  


I can take an affair, but if they had him fill up the gaps in Sonny's mob possibly, I seriously would not be able to watch that.


Shhh!!!  He'll hear you!  Take it back!  I'm with you, I wouldn't be able to watch that.  


Buh-bye, Sean Blakemore.  Oh how I wish Shawn could have been something better, you beautiful man.  

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I am thinking her son will be thrilled to find out that she was on the side of good and not evil.


I wouldn't hold my breath. Jordan has lied to TJ, and I'm sure that's what he'll focus on, not that she wasn't a drug dealer or mob flunky.


I am with Nik, how can they not figure out this guy is Jason. And Sam, who usually puts everything together very quickly is all, hmmm, it affects Jake and it is his true identity and it also affects me.  What could that be?  Oh, and he remembers screwing me.  Who could he be???


What cracked me up is that Nik is only concerned because it affects him now. Does he care that Sam deserves to know? Or Monica? Of course not. He cares only because it's throwing something of a monkey wrench into his plan to take over ELQ.


Any chance we're not headed for an icky scene where Sonny, upon finding out that Liz knew and kept it secret, lays into her with one of his patented "BetrayingBitchWhoreSlutTramp" bar ware flinging rants?


Carly and/or Sam will probably do that. I don't think Sonny remembers Liz exists. He doesn't remember his own children.


Buh-bye, Sean Blakemore.  Oh how I wish Shawn could have been something better, you beautiful man.


Such a waste.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I am with Nik, how can they not figure out this guy is Jason. And Sam, who usually puts everything together very quickly is all, hmmm, it affects Jake and it is his true identity and it also affects me.  What could that be?  Oh, and he remembers screwing me.  Who could he be???


That was actually excruciating. I was expecting Hayden to get impatient and snarky because really Sam? How else could this complete stranger's identity affect you as much as it affects him? 

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I am glad Sean Blakemore is leaving the show. They have turned the character into a joke for the Mobs sake. They could have made him a cop/detective and Dante's partner but no…he just had to be the most incompetent hit-man ever. Whatever! 

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"Why are you with Sam??"  And the paranoia begins...just waiting for Liz to tell Jake to stop talking to Sam all together.


Is Liz going to threaten to sue Sam for harassment again?



Every character he didn't create.  


Oh, he's totally destroyed his own creations too. Ava being one of the prime examples. He's practically ruined her in every way possible, it is a true testament to MW that I'm still so invested in her.


With SB leaving perhaps Val will be the one who runs Kelly's.


Nah, she has to work at the police station. How else is she going to get close to Dante so they can bang, now that she's stuck all the way out at Wyndemere with Nik, the soul-less horndog?


Good luck to Sean Blakemore, him, I'll miss. Shawn, I won't miss one bit. I can't believe I'm actually getting someone off my list to leave! And one of the horrible male S names, no less. Oh, we got rid of Spinelli too. Sonny, Spencer, Silas, you're next!


I've been afraid to tell ulkis that I had a dream the other night that KA returned. And we still had HE. Safe to say it was a nightmare.

Edited by tvgoddess
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goodness gracious today was awful. So, Hayden is the new Carly. And she wasn't even pregnant. My only hope is that she comes to looking at her bandaged head saying "I'm Lester Pate". (SOAP fans will understand and appreciated this.)


So, I don' know Jean Passanante's work. does this bode well for this show?

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Dante was my favorite part of today.  He was, as usual, absolutely perfect.  And the only one who made sense.  

He wasn't on today, you say??  

Sad isn't it, that him being absent, that ALONE would make him the best part of today.  The other thing is that I spent have the show wondering what Dante would say to these morons.  And then glad he didn't have to.


But, Thank the Soap Gods, we have YOU FOLKS to make this show worth it with your comments.  I don't know if you keep me sane - it may be far too late for that - but you all do keep me laughing and Dog knows when Show makes me "laugh" it ain't pretty.  So thanks, ya'll!!


FISHCAKES, ON 18 MAY 2015 - 2:49 PM, SAID:
Favorite dialogue:
Carly: Sonny, you've made a terrible mistake!



How PERFECT was this!!??  "This is what I do" - never has Sonny said anything so true.  All that was missing from that scene was the drinks cart, which I guess met it's monthly minimum and has the day off.  After the beating it took on Friday I hope Drinks Cart is sunning at Malibu, maybe on a date with Chandelier.  

Props to Cart!


Shawn, you are not only a terrible shot, but your brains don't work either.  I laughed really hard when a) the cops on the scene weren't worried with Jordan and her gun and b) took orders from her....and Shawn was still all "You're a COP aren't you???"   Did you really need to ASK? 



It was so great of Shawn to try and wither Jordan with his disapproval of her being a cop/agent and not telling him, when all he ever did was give his okay not all that long ago for HER DEATH.  But I guess that's what a good boyfriend does.  I did detest hearing Jordan apologize to him.  In the spirit of Anna Get Your Gun, I was hoping Jordan would at least pistol whip that bloated side of steroidal beef, just for old times sake.  If TJ dares to tell Jordan that she was wrong to arrest Shawn she can do the same to him.  

I'm happy Shawn will be leaving town with a perfect record of never being able to hit a target.  Who, I wonder, will be making BLT's now??  Cuz you know Ron C. won't let something like THAT slip through his whippet-like mind.


I was hoping that since Anna has already shot Carlos, she might just be in a sorta "what the fuck" mood, and she'd have shoved Sloane into the harbor.  With all that grease on his head, the resulting slick would have lead to his body, but nobody would ever suspect.  Instead, I shudder to think what Show intends to do with the two of them.


Nina and Franco and Ric........I'd ask "why", but I used up all my "why"s on Dr. O and her relations.

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The actor who plays Sloane is UCG.  Are we really supposed to believe this guy is the guy for Anna?  Last week some of his scenes were laugh out loud funny and destined for the Soup.  Yes, he reminds me of Ron Moss.  I heard he was an actor from another soap and supposedly had some chops, but I guess not.  Put him and Sonny in a scene together and they will have to rebuild all the sets.

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