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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Why does Olivia think running away is the answer? Ultimately, as is Sonny's wont, he ended up hurting Dante anyway. Julian knows Olivia's son is also his; does she think he won't find her? I think it makes a lot more sense to sit down with Julian and try to work something out that both of them can live with. It's not fair to keep Julian away from his kid. If both of them would put their egos and overreactions aside, I think they could come to a decent arrangement. For one thing, they can stop screaming that they have a kid together.


Dante had a happy childhood and the only reason Sonny ended up hurting him was because Dante's line of work put him at odds with Sonny. And I don't think "fair" really comes into account when a child's life is at stake. I cared not a whit that Michael didn't play "fair" to get AJ and I could care less if Olivia decides to run off with Julian's kid. Just like in real life some people don't deserve to be parents. I think the only reason Dante is Sonny's only well-adjusted kid is because Sonny had no part in raising him.



She decided to go along with the dumbest of all plans to lie about who the child's father really was. Now she's shrieking about running away with the baby, again another terribly conceived idea with long te, consequences.


It wasn't actually a dumb plan. They could have gotten away with it if only she and Ned could have kept their mouths shut and not blown their secret all over town.



There are ways to handle having a child with a mobster, especially in court, but Olivia is acting as if she has "only" one or two options or else she may as well buy the kid a baby sized bullet proof vest and a bomb shied for the stroller.


Yeah and Olivia can ask Alexis how well the courts helped her protect Kristina after Sonny found out he was her father.



Not to mention that I am of the school of thinking that she has no right to act as if this is just "her" baby. She did not make him by herself so she can't just act as if he is hers and hers alone now.


Like I said above, as in real life, some people don't have any business being parents. I'm of the school of thought that when you voluntarily choose to be a violent serial killer, who refuses to protect your family because you can't give up power, you don't belong in your kids' lives.

  • Love 8

I want to echo TVFilmGeek80, above, and add that I wish Olivia and Ned had married before she gave birth. She could have listed Ned as father on the birth certificate, and legally, he also would have been seen as the baby's father (until challenged) because he was married to the mother at time of birth. That wouldn't have kept Baby Braciole out of Julian's clutches, permanently, but it would have at least added a layer of legal protection, as Ned and Olivia took off with the baby. I suppose with Wally Kurth leaving, it doesn't matter, but still.

  • Love 3

Monkey Virus 2015!!

How about a virus made from a monkey's toxic balls?

Don't most of Carly's plaaaans generally involve Jason or Sonny in some way? So yeah you're probably right.

I just remember really, REALLY not liking Courtney Matthews. I LOL'd when Helena knocked her out and just kicked her off the pier.

She lived, but for a moment, I was giddy.

That is still my favorite gif. Yep, even over Dock and Roll.

  • Love 2

I don't believe Sabrina cares one whit about Duke nor should she.

I thought she was so upset because she was realizing that Carlos killed Duke, and that he had lied to her, more than she was upset about the actual death of Duke. She wasn't close to Duke, but she did know him and probably liked him (he always seemed okay around Emma) and didn't think of him as one of those terrible mobsters, so I can see finding out it was *Carlos* who killed him was more shocking than just Duke being killed.

God, I hope so. There's only a handful of people on this show I can see totally breaking and calling out "line?", but God bless him, Maurice is one of 'em.


Another is William deVry, but I think of him much less fondly.


I doubt we'll see either of them break. They have both been professional actors for a long time, and while they don't always 100% in prep or filming, we have seen that when they try, they can most.y deliver. So I'd be really surprised if they couldn't handle live tv.

I also really liked the way Dante spoke to Sonny. He wanted Sonny to listen, but also knew that Sonny never listens to anyone and is impulsively dumb, but he had to say it on the off chance that maybe Sonny would hear some of what he was saying. I guess Dante isn't too familiar with narcissists.

  • Love 4

The way Sabrina acted when she was on the phone, I was certain that it was Felix's trick (Donny?) calling her to tell Sabrina that Felix had died in a freak accident ... and then Carlos would comfort her thus muddying up her thing with Michael and setting up an eternal tug of war between Michael and Carlos for Sabrina.


But ... nope... it was Felix telling Sabrina that Duke had died. Did Duke and Sabrina or Duke and Felix ever even share a scene?? And then Carlos being all virile and stupid admitting he killed Duke and then (presumably) knocking Sabrina out so that he could tie her up.


I never get nice things.


Between Jake/Sloane and Olivia and Nick/Hayden.. it was just too many people tying themselves into knots to keep a lie going that is all rather stupid. I don't care about Jake or yet another badly hatched plot to give Jake another false accusation. I need more than "because he's Jason" to get me to care. I don't care about Nick lying to Lulu, because I dont know why he's lying in the first place. And I certainly won't put up an argument that keeping kids away from the mob is a good idea and I don't need the show to spend an entire episode convincing me.


Anna continues to kick ass and Dante is awesome.. they are keeping me watching.

Edited by DayPlayerAtKellys
  • Love 2

I thought she was so upset because she was realizing that Carlos killed Duke, and that he had lied to her, more than she was upset about the actual death of Duke. She wasn't close to Duke, but she did know him and probably liked him (he always seemed okay around Emma) and didn't think of him as one of those terrible mobsters, so I can see finding out it was *Carlos* who killed him was more shocking than just Duke being killed.

Despite what I said above, I do also think the above was a good part of the reason Sabrina was so upset. Regardless of any Patrick or Lucy connection she felt to Duke, I think Sabrina did the math, and realized she was harboring Duke's killer.

Also, perhaps she was moved to tears that Carrrrrrrrlos had taken his annual shower.

  • Love 10

Don't most of Carly's plaaaans generally involve Jason or Sonny in some way? So yeah you're probably right.

I just remember really, REALLY not liking Courtney Matthews. I LOL'd when Helena knocked her out and just kicked her off the pier.

She lived, but for a moment, I was giddy.

I NEED to see this clip!

Was this before or after Hells looked her in the tower?

Anyway, I'm pretty sure Hells had locked Cop!Killa in that tower before LW debuted, and then she suddenly showed up during the monkey virus sick and about to give birth in mid Feb despite having only gotten pregnant in Sep.

And they never addressed Spenthaw being a preemie. So Mama Pasta's four and a half month pregnancy doesn't bother me.

It wasn't actually a dumb plan. They could have gotten away with it if only she and Ned could have kept their mouths shut and not blown their secret all over town




To me lying about paternity so stupidly, and pointlessly, is dumb. That's just how I see it. 


Ned and Olivia didn't think about it beforehand or discuss making up a real plan, Ned just spoke up when Julian began to demand an answer and Olivia couldn't think her way out of answering so she began stumbling and stuttering all over the place. 


All Julian would have had to do is get some of the kid's DNA, especially since he never really was convinced they were telling the truth half the time.     


A plan that isn't thought out and is basically designed to fail is never going to work, and to me that is what Ned and Olivia came up with. Especially since they were both also well aware that the bloody SERIAL KILLER knows the truth as well.



Yeah and Olivia can ask Alexis how well the courts helped her protect Kristina after Sonny found out he was her father.   




Sonny isn't Julian either, though according to Olivia Sonny is 1000 times the man Julian is anyway so her opinion about who is the "better mobster" is just completely devoid of any logic as is anyway, imo


Only one of the two men shot her son in the chest and nearly killed him. Yet Olivia has swept that hunk of truth under the rug, bye bye bygones!, so she can continually sing Sonny's praises, when she isn't decrying him for being a "cheating bastard" whose children are "always in danger" whenever she feels like it. 


She acts just like Carly. You're a "bad mobster" when she wants you to be, but when she's on your side you're her prince charming and she'll go to bat for you, even if you nearly got her kid/s killed, or even attempted to do the job yourself. To me it's the worst way to be, especially for a so called mother.




Like I said above, as in real life, some people don't have any business being parents. I'm of the school of thought that when you voluntarily choose to be a violent serial killer, who refuses to protect your family because you can't give up power, you don't belong in your kids' lives.




And Olivia voluntarily slept with him so I really don't care about who or what Julian is or isn't personally.


Olivia is just as guilty and responsible for giving this baby ties to the mob as Julian is.           


To me the sword cuts both ways here, if Julian is too bad to be a parent then I don't see Olivia being anymore fit since she hasn't exactly denounced/renounced the mob from her own personal life and dealings, especially since she keeps sleeping with men who are smack dab in the middle of the business.         


If this was a real life situation I might, perhaps, have a different opinion. But considering that this is a soap and these are soap characters I am looking at this from the angle that I cannot stand Olivia and I think she's an idiot and a hypocrite who needs to shut the hell up last year.    


She knew exactly that she was sleeping with a mobster, she didn't care enough however to put the brakes on their game of mattress tag and got pregnant.          


As far as I'm concerned she shouldn't be allowed to be the kid's mother if Julian doesn't deserve to be the Daddy since she apparently, imho, is a hypocritical moron who can't, won't, stop sleeping with the very  criminals she screams are such "terrible fathers" and when she does then loses her shit when it comes to realizing she might have made a "mistake" opening her legs to them she boo-hoos and cries herself a river.    


I find those like her, who keep making the same mistakes as if the outcome will be any different far more useless and pathetic than the ones who are at least up front that they're fairly shitty people who make shitty decisions on a regular basis. But YMMV about the whole matter.      


Frankly my first stance about this whole mess is that the kid shouldn't even exist in the first place.    

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 12

Can you take over as head writer? I mean, just based on this idea, alone. It would make so much more sense for Carly to be doing this. So much more. (And I enjoy Carly, but I know who she is.)

LOL thank you :)  If i could, I totally would (and for my first act, I'd Monkey Virus a lot of people, just for this board, - and for my second act, I'd totally DALLAS all the Quartermaine deaths , except :( for John Ingle & Anna Lee.). 


Someone mentioned that the vibe that JakeSon and Carly are vibing is more sibling than sensual, but i think they could pull it off.  (shrug). though i was re-watching some clips (or in my case, watching, to try to get the lay of the land, and I saw Sam tearing Patrick a new one about lying about Jason's death.... Liz is in so much trouble...)


I wonder why they are doing GH live. like.. just to see if they can?

  • Love 2

The one thing Sonny did do for Dante , after finding out he was his father. Took him from an honest cop,to a dumb perjury spouting ass. getting his mother to do the same. And actually making  himself a stupid cop who said he couldn't be trusted with a gun ,why Because he shot himself. But he stayed on the keystone cop force, chasing his own tail. taking dirty money because we all know all Sonny"s money is dirty. Dante belongs in Sonny"s family. he is to dumb to live. Wen he was a undercover cop he was likable. Plus Johnny and Dante were friends. when Olivia was with Johnny. She was likeable then, and when she kept him away from Sonny. TIIC make the women on this show stupid. They sleep with dogs and are surprised when they wake up with fleas. Alexis,  Carly , Olivia ,Connie ,Kate, Lili, Brenda  , Emily Etc etc, etc.

  • Love 1

Anna should be reaching out to Jordan.  And looking a little conflicted.


No-one is looking for Bruce?   How lame is Sonny & Shawn letting Julian off that easy?  And how many flunkies can Julian have left?



TJ won't go mob, imo. He just whined about Shawn and Jordan being in da bidnezz. Which is a complete switch from TJ being excited about Jordan joining with the "good" mob just a few months ago.

TJ is going to be devastated now that Duke isn't around to pay his college tuition.  And will Jordan realize now why Duke was paying it?  How awkward are those conversations going to be?


This show always tweaks my annoyed button but the last two days as basically been one giant annoyance.  Currently, I can't get over Olivia, who just a baby that was conceived 4 and a 1/2 months, is asking Dante to help her and said preemie go into hiding.  Because a 1 lb baby would be able to survive without a NICU.  Give me strength.

Weirdly, today they said the baby was 1 month premature.


I wonder if Ned's plan is to get married.  Why didn't Sonny have more of a reaction that Julian bedded Olivia?   How is Bensonhurst a safe place to hide out?  Maybe she can borrow Ava's hospital room?  Or maybe Sonny can fly her to the island?

  • Love 1

we can't have that, it would actually involve the hospital. 



Can't have that, no never.


And someone might have to go and try and find out just where Monica got off to. I'm thinking Reno with the boyfriend.




Weirdly, today they said the baby was 1 month premature.




Well it works like the basement of the Spencer's house. There was an explosion but the house didn't come down. So in this case Olivia gave birth and the baby aged four months because otherwise he would have been stillborn basically.


Tada! Ron magic!

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 2


Why didn't Sonny have more of a reaction that Julian bedded Olivia?


That was the only part of this lousy storyline that I was curious to see, and it failed miserably. Like he had no reaction whatsoever. Way to ruin things as usual, Sonny.


I've lost patience with Liv. Get the hell out of town and don't come back. And quit whining about a situation over which you had full and complete control. You want to blame somebody, blame yourself.


Liz. Does she ever not bail out on work? Or does she just allow her personal life to dictate her shifts?


I'm struggling to stay interested. Anna's great, and so is Dante, but the show is just painful to watch. Ava needs to get back.


Blech, RoHo in the previews just made me want to strangle him.

  • Love 3

I've lost patience with Liv. Get the hell out of town and don't come back. And quit whining about a situation over which you had full and complete control. You want to blame somebody, blame yourself.


If they killed Liv off it would certainly make an affair with Val or someone else on Dante's part more believable, imo. C'mon show! Do it!


I guess they don't have to kill her off. But yeah, I'll be glad to get a break from Olivia.

  • Love 3

I want it in writing that if Olivia and the baby do go on the run I want at least three Monica sightings, proof that realKevin is still alive, and perhaps a whole episode of Mac and Felicia doting on their beautiful grand-baby.


Otherwise I know all that will happen is Franco and the Nina will prance about ELQ taunting Michael like school yard brats, Sonny will have Shawn go out and shoot up a bush, and Jakson will continue to see images of Sam and not tell anyone about them while Liz tries to seduce him and then once she realizes some memories might be returning she just drugs him. 


In fact, the thought has crossed my mind that if Liz would clue Patrick in about Jake really being Jason and Jakson does start remembering some key things, they could concoct a scheme where they convince Jake he needs more surgery for 'reasons' so Patrick can go back into his soup for brains and try and make sure he remains clueless about who he really is.  

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 3

Why didn't Sonny have more of a reaction that Julian bedded Olivia?   How is Bensonhurst a safe place to hide out?  


That our Mumbles the Moobster!  Once a woman slips out of his bed, his interest seriously wanes.  I'm not at all sure he really knew in the moment who Dante's mother was.  I was waiting to hear him say "Connie".   He's a SOOPER dad and an even better LOOVER.  And yep, it rhymes with HOOVER.  Cuz sex with him is the true vortex of suckage.  (And not in a good way, because actually, that particular phrase doesn't sound all that bad......)


Dante was the only reason to watch today.  DZ is making it all look too easy because his performances these days are such a pleasure to watch.  He delivers his lines, emotes the scenes, does it all so well that I'm firmly in the Fan column right now.  It certainly doesn't hurt that whoever is writing his dialogue is also peppering it with bombs of truth - like the way he told Sonny what a messed up family he's got.  And how he told Sonny what an idiot he was for looking for revenge, and pointing out that Michael was right to save the latest girl child (Sonny, again, looked like he didn't have a CLUE who Dante was talking about), how all Sonny could do was mess things up more.


Other than that....


Carlos should keep his shirt on....

Anna can NOT be paired up with that dick who took her job - 


She just can't.


Oh yeah, we got to see Greenlee being her usual asshole self, just under a different name in a different town, and we got to listen to Lulu E NUN CI ATE ev er y sin gle word as if she were welcoming aliens to the planet Earth.  Note to Lulu - that doesn't make her sound smmaaaaat, it makes her sound like Sonny.


I guess Bensonhurst is the safest place to hide out because Olivia thinks nobody would look for her there.  

And we know that Olivia might make a mean ziti, but she's not going to joining MENSA anytime soon.

  • Love 5

Sabrina was engaged to Patrick, and had a relationship with Duke and Anna via him and Emma


I know I have a warped view of the show but this gave me a blackout twitch. Seriously Sabrina is tied to Duke through ROBIN's family. GTFOH!

Sabrina has gone from so much wallpaper to a character I really can not stomach. ugh! I can't stand a total goodie two shoes who ain't all that GOOD! She tried to kill a baby for goodness sakes. Plus she may sing and dance well but girl can't act. She should stick to plays and get off GH. And she and Michael together, sugar coma in the making. Kill me now!


Dante is golden. He and Ned together. Holy smokes. MEOW!


Julian you are a giant pussy! I used to love ya now I just want Sonny to put a cap in your ass. If the mob wars would mean Julian would bit the big one then bring it b/c I only like him in scenes with Sonny now.


Sorry to say but evil Nik and Hayden are awesome. I actually feel like Hayden is speaking for the audiance. I feel like she needs a big bowl of popcorn and just snark away. It was awesome. Hope she is allowed to let it rip on Spencer's ass.


Poor Jake, you look fine in that suit but nobody deserves to be stalked by Liez AND Snarly.....that is just wrong. And sorry in what wanky timeline is Olivia's NYE baby 1 month premature but Stalker Nurse has only known Jake a couple of months??? <bang my head on the keyboard>

  • Love 2
I actually feel like Hayden is speaking for the audiance




I feel like she's nothing more than Ron's new toy that he wants to give all these snarky one-liners to but yet she has no place on the show, imho.     


Just like getting Michelle to play the Nina, Ron hired a soap veteran to play a character he hasn't bothered to give a real personality to or purpose. He just gets to feel smug and pat himself on the back for bringing Becks on.     


I feel as if every single one of his so called biggest hiring stunts have been utter, total and complete failures. From Michelle as the Nina to Billy M. as Jake/Jason, and now Becks/Greenlee/Hayden.   


Oh and I haven't yet mentioned that seeing Sabrina tied up and gagged made my May. I almost wanted to shout at the television, "Don't let her go! It's a trap!". 


It was such a good look on her...

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 5

and it is irritating because all we want is smart, intelligent writing. like the reason why we can ignore the "omg you came back from the dead! AGAIN!" is usually (before) the stories used to be so crisp. It's like writers forgot for the most part, that soap operas used to be the platform for so many social issues. now everyone is all like "Lol, look at me sleep around and cheat" and in GH's case "let me be part of the Gummy Bear Mob" because for the life of me - I have no idea what Sonny actually does if he doesn't allow drugs or weapons in his territory and gets all mad when real mobsters are involved. 


You don't need a gimmick if you have a strong pen. 

  • Love 4

[bold]CPP83[/bold], I also wonder why they're still lying about paternity, because these days it's so easy to prove with DNA and all, even if the results are manipulated. Just have another test done! It made more sense when DNA testing wasn't so cheap or easy, and I guess soaps are just relying on old tropes.

He's surrounded by them [narcissists]! I think he has to something so he can look himself in the mirror everyday. At least he's tried.

You're right, he is surrounded by them. And while I admire his attempts to speak the truth to them, he doesn't seem to learn that it's hopeless. Although I suppose the conversation today with Sonny today shows that he's beginning to realize the futility of it all.

ETA: For the love of Jasus, why doesn't the bold thing work?

Edited by Turtle
I also wonder why they're still lying about paternity, because these days it's so easy to prove with DNA and all, even if the results are manipulated. Just have another test done! It made more sense when DNA testing wasn't so cheap or easy, and I guess soaps are just relying on old tropes




And Ron does love his WTD plots, even if they're basically doomed from the start.


I just feel as if I am losing IQ points the longer all of this drags on.


Stupid characters doing stupid, shitty things is pretty much all I see happening of late. 

  • Love 1

Thanks, ulkis!

I wish soaps would get back to realizing that every week, hell, every day, doesn't have to be SHOCKING and SCANDALOUS. I really appreciate when they show development of relationships, everyday conflict in relationships, some real life stuff. And I don't necessarily mean romantic relationships- watching Dante and oldMorgan bond was great, the Nik/Lucky/Lulu stuff was even better. But all we get is mob and WTD and cheating (and do not even me started (again) on the Legion of Doom bullshit). Yes, we need some scandal occasionally, but the majority of episodes should be mostly about all the different relationships and how they change and grow, really digging in to them.

Or maybe not. Just my two cents.

Edited by Turtle
  • Love 6

I have a problem understanding why sexually active adults on this dumb show do not use birth control. I am looking at you; Ava,Sonny, Olivia and Julian.

My guess: the morons running the show lack the intelligence or ability to come up with any interesting and creative story lines, so WTD is their constant fallback. And even though the Nurses' ball (Biggest Event Of The Year) is all about HIV/AIDS, It's impossible for this show to ever mention any form of safe sex or birth control.

In case my last many posts in a short time haven't made it clear, I am completely over a WTD story every six months.

  • Love 6


That our Mumbles the Moobster!  Once a woman slips out of his bed, his interest seriously wanes.  I'm not at all sure he really knew in the moment who Dante's mother was.  I was waiting to hear him say "Connie".   He's a SOOPER dad and an even bigger LOSER.  And yep, it rhymes with HOOVER.  Cuz sex with him is the true vortex of suckage.  (And not in a good way, because actually, that particular phrase doesn't sound all that bad......)


There. Fixed.

  • Love 1

THIS. I hate nearly everyone and when the show isn't actively terrible? It's boring.


Such a discouraging comment - and I'm as discouraged as you are.  I find that the current writing style has a way of making most characters unlikable at least part of the time.   I switched over to another show recently and was surprised when I found it so much easier to "like" the characters - even those who weren't especially nice and/or interesting. 

  • Love 3

Haven't seen the show, but I doubt it. Robin is number 1, while Liz follows close behind, even if she vowed never to say a bad word about her. 


Agreed. In fact, in a weird way, I would almost argue that Carly has grown to LIKE Sam, if only because she's happy that Jason didn't end up with a so-called "goody two shoes" type, which is how she perceives Robin and Liz. 

IIRC, Cop!Killa only was on opposite TB and JB; she had been kidnapped by Hells before LW took over. I don't think Spenthaw's Mutter & LW's Carly ever shared a scene together, which made that unintentionally hilarious eulogy about staring at snowglobes even better.


The scene where Sonny & Carly find out she's dead is on YouTube; I'll post it in the history thread. If TB's Carly had played it, it would have resonated a LOT more. 

Edited by UYI

Such a discouraging comment - and I'm as discouraged as you are. I find that the current writing style has a way of making most characters unlikable at least part of the time. I switched over to another show recently and was surprised when I found it so much easier to "like" the characters - even those who weren't especially nice and/or interesting.

There's no consistent characterization. The show is lacking character building moments where people just sit down and talk and build friendships and romances. Even if there were, with RC's plot point writing all that stuff can go out the window for REASONS at any time

  • Love 3

Nope. The real Duke showed up around the same time as Robin in December 2013. By that time the wedding had been cancelled and there was no relationship with Duke. Now Faison on the other hand...


Nope.  The real Duke returned in late 2012, when Robert was rendered comatose by Dr. O and Robin was deposited with Jerry Jax.


That said, I don't recall Sabrina and Duke speaking once so I don't buy her getting all weepy about it or Felix (shut up, gawd!) rushing to call her.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 4

Dante is a beautiful man.


That's all I have for today's ep.



And also, thank God for Dante.  He was so good in his scenes with Olivia.  He's another one who consistently manages to rise about the material he's given.  Those reluctant mantears of his - adorable.  And even though I'd usually see Olivia made into a pasta sauce, with Dante, I even like her a bit when he's with her.



I will actually say that Dom did a nice job today I thought, especially portraying Dante's hopelessness and pain trying to talk some sense into his dunce of a father. He is watching his family, well aside from his wife and kid, being eaten alive by the mob lifestyle and it's killing him that he really can't do anything to stop it or change the outcome.



Dante has single-handedly saved these last two eps for me.



He's getting good writing lately. I have to wonder if it's so everyone doesn't hate him when he has sex with Lulu's nubile young cousin all over their apartment.


Don't they know that Lulu's squints and lip contortions will take care of that on their own. (ER's tics are really standing out to me the past couple of days.)



Dante was the only reason to watch today.  DZ is making it all look too easy because his performances these days are such a pleasure to watch.  He delivers his lines, emotes the scenes, does it all so well that I'm firmly in the Fan column right now.  It certainly doesn't hurt that whoever is writing his dialogue is also peppering it with bombs of truth - like the way he told Sonny what a messed up family he's got.  And how he told Sonny what an idiot he was for looking for revenge, and pointing out that Michael was right to save the latest girl child (Sonny, again, looked like he didn't have a CLUE who Dante was talking about), how all Sonny could do was mess things up more.



Oh yeah, we got to see Greenlee being her usual asshole self, just under a different name in a different town, and we got to listen to Lulu E NUN CI ATE ev er y sin gle word as if she were welcoming aliens to the planet Earth.  Note to Lulu - that doesn't make her sound smmaaaaat, it makes her sound like Sonny.


Making my re-entry into the soap world after a restorative time far away by joining in the praise here for Dante and for Dom Z’s portrayal of this character.  He certainly has become my GH lifeline much of the time and I’m very much appreciating seeing that he has been getting much better writing in 2015.  This week I have loved his tenderness with Olivia and his hopelessness about this situation with his mother and new baby brother.  Dom masters subtext and nuances so well that he can seamlessly add quality and emotion to his scenes - that he can, as has been said, rise above the writing.  And both the writing and Dom's delivery were spot on his scenes with Sonny with Dante's words and Dom's performance quietly and forcefully conveying truths about Sonny's life and its effect on his family. 


Now I respectfully say that I don’t think the good writing has anything to do with building up the character before he has an affair with Valerie – in good part because I continue to think that there will no cheating.  But more about that another time.  IMO, the better writing and the increased acting opportunities began early this year with the Fluke story and have continued since.  If I were to offer a reason, I would say that the improved writing would more likely be an attempt to give Dom some material of substance to interest him in re-signing with GH this spring.  He has made no secret of being unhappy with his limited acting/story opportunities.  After all, this is the man who said at his FCW event in 2013 that:  “Saying I love you is boring as s*it.” 


Whatever the reason, I’m happy to see the improved writing and increased opportunities to show Dom’s talent - and I hope it continues.  I will also note how much I like seeing Dom/Dante in scenes and interactions outside the Lante pairing.  Perhaps it’s the writers attempt to sustain the token happy couple image, but I find now that both Dante and Lulu are more interesting in scenes with other characters than with each other.  However, I’m obviously much more interested in Dante than I am in Lulu, so I’ll focus on how much I’ve enjoyed watching him being free to mix it up more on the GH canvas.  As with the better writing in general, I hope this trend continues - including more chances for Dante to be involved with the fallout of the mob life style on all of his family. 


As a side note, I have to add a comment about Lulu’s facial contortions and over enunciation.  During her first scenes yesterday, I cried out: “What is that pretty little woman doing with her face?!”

Edited by Aurora2
  • Love 7


I have a problem understanding why sexually active adults on this dumb show do not use birth control. I am looking at you; Ava,Sonny, Olivia and Julian.

Because Nik threatened to fire the only gyno?


With Britt gone, there is no ob/gyn. Patrick the neurosurgeon had to deliver Olivia's baby. No wonder everyone's getting pregnant. There's no one to prescribe any contraceptives!


In fact, in a weird way, I would almost argue that Carly has grown to LIKE Sam, if only because she's happy that Jason didn't end up with so-called "goody two shoes" type, which is how she perceives Robin and Liz.


Agree. Plus, Sam's background is trashier than Carly's, so there's no high ground there. And Jason read Carly the riot act on Sam, so Carly knows she has to be careful what she says and does.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Nope.  The real Duke returned in late 2012, when Robert was rendered comatose by Dr. O and Robin was deposited with Jerry Jax.


That said, I don't recall Sabrina and Duke speaking once so I don't buy her getting all weepy about it or Felix (shut up, gawd!) rushing to call her.



I should have been more clear. Of course the real Duke was revealed to us in late 2012, but he didn't show up in PC until later, so Sabrina only met Faison's "Duke."


Wasn't that 2013??? I thought this was the third NB by MoRon.


Yes, April 2013.  But the real Duke was rescued by Ana and came back to Port Charles at the end of 2012.  He was in town when Lucy's vampire nonsense started.


NB 13 - Frisco, Princess Sabrina, Britt pregnant

NB 14 - Kevin dumps Lucy, Marbles murdered, yogurt

NB 15 - Red balloons, Ric exposed, Liz the liar

Edited by TeeVee329
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Just watched T-W and came here.  Man.....y'all are on fire!  Crackin' my shit up.......just glad I didn't have any customers or they would have thought I was losing it.


I agree with soooo much I won't even bother.


But just food for thought.  Once Sane said "we need another plague".  Well I just watched Masque of the Red Death (Vincent Price (at his best)...1964...directed by Roger Corman *King of the 'B's*...awesome movie if you haven't seen it).  I taped it and now I'm going back to watch it again and imagine all GH as characters. 


Wine handy, of course.....

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