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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Because Jason had deep and profound relationships with both Emily and Michael.  Yeah, Monica should have been mentioned (since Jason was closed to her), but Jason was extremely close to Emily in the Q house and to Michael in the Corinthos house.  So it makes sense to me that she mentioned Michael and not Ned or Tracey because Jason had no real relationship with them.  The people Elizabeth singled out WERE the main players in Jason's life:  Michael, Emily, Carly, Sonny, and of course Sam.

What I said was mostly in response to the post about how can Elizabeth justify not letting Monica know her son is alive since mourning a dead son is something they both have in common. I thought it was pretty clear in her conversation with Nikolas that she hadn't even thought of Monica and her pain. For me it's ironic that like Elizabeth was minimized during the aftermath of Jake's death, it's like currently Monica doesn't even exist in storylines or even just small scenes involving her own son and her profession/hospital. I truly thought we'd get at least a two-second shot of her sitting at a table at the NB with either her judge boyfriend or maybe Tracy.

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There is no denying what Tony Geary has meant for GH, but I think its past time to retire Luke.


And it's totally happening! Check out the GH PC News Thread.


I honestly do not have a dog in this race.  I like Liz, and I've hated Jason since '99 when he chose Cujo over Robin.


BUT, (in a toddler's voice) Jason started it! He was sooo convinced Ewan was the devil, he inserted his ass into that story, and he was the one to start things up again with Liz around that time, only to, in the end, tell her, sorry, don't wantcha after all...even though I led you to think I did...I'magonna go back to my wife and see if I can salvage anything.


I'm sure this clusterfuck/change had a LOT to do with the fuckwits losing the rights to the OLTL characters, because they had to shuffle them all off the canvas, but quick.


That said, I think what she's done is wrong, in that she's actively going after/having sex with a married man.   I"m not even going to get into the rape v. not rape debate.  Except for what I had posted earlier.

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Well, ch1, you're getting your wish:


By SOD • Posted: May 8, 2015


GH Executive Producer Frank Valentini is speaking out on Anthony Geary's imminent exit from the role of Luke. “Tony recently made his intentions clear that he would vacate his role of Luke Spencer this year, and it was a decision he did not come to lightly,” said Valentini in a statement. “After 37 years on the air, Tony felt this was the right time to bid adieu to Luke Spencer, Port Charles and GENERAL HOSPITAL. Anthony is our friend and a part of our television family, but, as difficult as this may be, we understand and respect that this is his choice. Rest assured, Tony has promised to be with us throughout the summer as we have some exciting things in store for Luke. The door will always remain open, so don’t think this is the last you’ll see of Anthony Geary or Luke Spencer."

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 Back to your quote, specifically, ch1, I see how it is exactly correct and exactly incorrect (no offense, hear me out). Jason didn't want Elizabeth at the end of his life, even though she made it clear she'd be with him by changing Danny's paternity results to make that a possibility (that did happen, didn't it? I didn't dream it, did I?), and Jason was happy with Sam & Danny, even though he didn't know Danny was his.


Close, she didn't change paternity results, she changed maternity results. She switched the blood test that matched Sam to Danny.....which prolonged the reveal and gave heather time to kidnap the baby. So even though Liz manned up and owned what she did, it still caused quite a mess.

I can't find the original post now, but I also wanted to comment on an "amnesiac" Jason not having feelings for Sam....except in the whole dancing with my doppelgänger mess that is best left forgotten, he lost his memory again....and he still CHOSE Sam. He had a clean slate, but fell in love with her again. So I don't think it'd be a stretch for it to happen again...especially since back then they were just dating, now they are married and have a kid. Circumstances were just different then, Sam knew who he was and gave him the space he needed. And I guess it's a ymmv deal, but I definitely see feelings between Sam and jake. So the groundwork is already there, but because miss pathetic can't seem to figure out how eharmony works, she has to resort to being even more pathetic than even I thought she could be. I am waiting for the excuses she hauls out to try and keep jake and Sam away from each other.

  • Love 7

and as the sunsets on Luke Spencer, I am going to choose to remember the good times: The days when he saved the world, the exctiment of finding Laura alive, the joy as He and She raced though the streets in the Pink Cadalliac, the Good Husband to Laura, the Great father to Lucky, the best friend to Robert, The man who stood with Stone when he bungeed off the bridge. Those days. That Luke. Him. Him I will miss. I spent a good part of my youth kidding that I wanted to be Luke Spencer when I grew up, and much to my wonder and shame, I kind of did.  So for that, and for all the adventure Good Luck and God Speed Lucas Lorenzo Spencer.

Edited by Fylaki
  • Love 14

I'm not even understanding anyone who says that Jake and Sam have absolutely no feelings for each other. All Sam does is talk about Jake. And Jake keeps having romantic flashes of Sam, he just doesn't understand them. And he knows she's with Patrick, so his mind doesn't even go there. All he's known is this "sweet little nurse" Liz who has taken care of him.

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I wonder if Genie Francis's return has anything to do with Tony's exit (though after the show has crapped all over Luke and Laura not sure how I feel about that).


Like jsbt posted in the PC News thread, and I agree, it's not a coincidence that she signed up to return and then this news comes out, a week or two later.

When did Sloane change accents...has he been sipping from Tony's water bottle?


I do adore Finola but Anna...what are they doing to Anna? I thought they had dropped her as low as she could go by not having her even once attempt to go after Robin but they keep just digging and digging these deep shit pits for her to fall into.


I just...I can't stand it. I just can't stand it.         


Oh T.J... you deserve so much better than wasting your time worrying about that shit of a shot Shawn. Can that kid ever get a storyline worthy of his acting talents?


At least Jordan didn't waste time talking to the goon for a whole hour, she put him down almost immediately and actually hit her target. Now if only she wasn't giving that twit Shawn puppy dog stares of "love".


Well Lisa was certainly giving her lungs a workout during those delivery scenes.


So it's a boy...why do I get the very terrible feeling that means the kid will survive... *Sighs*   

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Do the writers not remember that stupid Sloane came to town expressly to ruin Anna and did so with smug relish?  Were we supposed to swoon at his half-ass attempt to get her pick him over Duke?  They can shove this attempt to make him a rootable romantic interest for her where the sun don't shine.


Poor Duke.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 7

Julian is selfish and gross. And really? What kind of cave did he grow up in, first with his, "what are "BrOxton hicks?" and then with stupidly asking what does it mean when the water breaks. Come on.


I really like Michael and Sabrina. It has an added bonus of Sabrina being more mature this time around and acting like an adult, and not a middle school-er with a crush on her teacher, and Michael does not have any not-dead wives.

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so don’t think this is the last you’ll see of Anthony Geary or Luke Spencer."


Oh, FFS. Then what's the point of writing an exit story? I wouldn't mind TG/Luke returning for one-offs—like when Rachel Ames came back for the 50th (?)—but don't blather on about him leaving if you're going to keep the door open.


It's not fair to the audience to tease an exit and not write it properly. I really don't want Luke hanging over the canvas the way Robin is. It's a terrible disservice to everyone.


And I say this as someone who thinks TG genuinely deserves a thoughtful sendoff.


ETA: Frickin' homonyms.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 11

I really like Michael and Sabrina. I thought both actors did a great job, and Michael actually looked hot to me, which is a new thing.

Anna choosing to go with Duke even after Bruce trying to kill Jordan is ridiculous and I will always believe that she was going to arrest him herself. Otherwise, it's too stupid to take.

I'm surprisingly uninterested in Olivia's baby.

Would that mean Corn Child would have to give Jake back his kidneys, though?

I totally forgot about the kidneys! But yeah, I'm sure Helena has all sorts of random body parts sitting around, so I could hand wave it.

I'm so happy TG is leaving, but not at all happy that we are apparently going to be seeing a lot of him this summer.

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I'm surprisingly uninterested in Olivia's baby.


Ditto. I'm hoping that what appears to be Shamwow II will be a tock, since we all know the only reason the pregnancy was written into the storyline at all was because there wasn't enough money to spend on props for Lisa to stand behind for three months. 


The stupidity of the whole Metrocourt delivery -- including Patrick saying he called to have an ambulance take mother and child to the hospital, and Sam's "helping" him -- made Alexis's advice to Julian the most interesting part of the whole mess. I felt no angst at all.  Although when Sam showed up with towels, my first thought was, "Are those Sonny's?"

  • Love 3

The stupidity of the whole Metrocourt delivery -- including Patrick saying he called to have an ambulance take mother and child to the hospital, and Sam's "helping" him -- made Alexis's advice to Julian the most interesting part of the whole mess. I felt no angst at all. Although when Sam showed up with towels, my first thought was, "Are those Sonny's?"

LMAOOO. You win.

Sam helping Patrick and their whole "adventure buddy" crap is reaching new levels of insanity. They've literally had the most boring relationship and it's being sold as something exciting and groundbreaking.

  • Love 4

I made sure my break from working today was timed with GH just for Sabrina and Michael. I'm glad I did. It's refreshing to see people grown up, communicating and thinking things through. S&M is sweet ;)

I'm still pulling for TJ to get a job at ELQ so he can start having scenes with more than Molly or Mobsters.

Shawn would have never made the shot(s) Jordan did. The lamp, mattress, random people outside, all would have been casualties.

Way to stretch out the word muuuurder, Sloane.

Edited by Gigi43
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Ugh. Michae l& Sabrina - Michael/Abby were the same kind of bland but I didn't mind them as much because he was annoyingly pro-mob and I was able to FF both of them secure in the knowledge that I wasn't missing anything worthwhile.

But Michael Without Pity? Who regularly gives Sonny/Carly the sadz? I'm like Aerosmith and I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing!

But Sabrina makes my FF finger twitchy and I'm annoyed that RC is pushing a fairly lackluster actress/character into a romance where she will be getting a LOT of airtime instead of turning her into Amy Vining. He's doing the same thing with Nate and this wouldn't bother me so much if GH didn't have characters/actors who were MUCH better whose airtime has been cut to subsidize his pet characters. I have already seen more than enough of Nate, Sabrina, Kiki, Franco, Silas, Nina AND Dr. O.

Edited by Oracle42
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My greatest hope is that due to the deplorable conditions the baby was brought into the world it won't survive.    


I actually can buy Julian being totally clueless about labour and delivery because he doesn't strike me as the type who ever cared to recall anything he learned in Health class and he's never been with anyone who has been pregnant, let alone had a baby, before.


And since he was cut off from Olivia during all the doctor's visits and explanations about the process  plus he was never there when his first two were born, imo he's just ignorant because he's never had the chance to learn anything or had a reason to previously.


Now if someone was dealing with a gunshot wound, heh, he might be a little more knowledgeable.    


Though, and this sounds funny coming from me, heh, but I think the one thing I actually am waiting to see is Dante's reaction to finding out Julian is the father.

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But Sabrina makes my FF finger twitchy and I'm annoyed that RC is pushing a fairly lackluster actress/character into a romance where she will be getting a LOT of airtime instead of turning her into Amy Vining. He's doing the same thing with Nate and this wouldn't bother me so much if GH didn't have characters/actors who were MUCH better whose airtime has been cut to subsidize his pet characters. I have already seen more than enough of Nate, Sabrina, Kiki, Franco, Silas, Nina AND Dr. O.

I couldn't agree with this comment more, especially about Sabs. She is boring and bland and that will never change for me. And I'm not seeing this sizzling chemistry with Michael.

  • Love 3

I couldn't agree with this comment more, especially about Sabs. She is boring and bland and that will never change for me. And I'm not seeing this sizzling chemistry with Michael.



Let me pull up a chair to this table. I don't give a good shimmy shake about them and I have yet to see even a hint of a spark between them.      


Of course it doesn't help that I hate both characters and wish they would just poof into thin air, never to be heard from or seen again.      


But that aside I have never been impressed by Sabrina as a functioning character, she's just like cotton candy. Pretty to look at but there's no substance to her. And Michael I have always seen him as being nothing but plain oatmeal, there's nothing exciting going on with him, imho.    


Putting them together for me is no different than putting the SERIAL KILLER and the Nina together, or nurse crazy ass Liz and Jakson. Just another uninteresting couple to FF with haste. 


And I still think Sabrina is going to end up being Sonny's kid because "reasons" and Ron loves to make everyone related to the criminals.    

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 5

Let me pull up a chair to this table. I don't give a good shimmy shake about them and I have yet to see even a hint of a spark between them.

Of course it doesn't help that I hate both characters and wish they would just poof into thin air, never to be heard from or seen again.

But that aside I have never been impressed by Sabrina as a functioning character, she's just like cotton candy. Pretty to look at but there's no substance to her. And Michael I have always seen him as being nothing but plain oatmeal, there's nothing exciting going on with him, imho.

Putting them together for me is no different than putting the SERIAL KILLER and the Nina together, or nurse crazy ass Liz and Jakson. Just another uninteresting couple to FF with haste.

And I still thin Sabrina i going t end up being Sonny's kid because "reasons" and Ron loves to make everyone related to the criminals.

It's just amazing to me that out of all the actors on this show, Ron manages to pair all the ones with absolutely no chemistry.

Will Lucas find out on-screen that he has a new baby brother?


HAHAHA I crack myself up!




Heeehhheeeee *Snorts* The baby will show up at their "wedding" as the ring bearer and it'll be explained that off screen Lucas and Brad became the kid's godparents at some point.


Hey, imagine if he and Brad had hung around and Lucas could have actually delivered the baby?


But why have that when Patrick can stare at another woman's lady bits for a whole hour and then stare at her for another hour as he decides whether or not to answer her while she begs him for an update on the baby she just pushed out of said bits.      




You raise a very good question. Who else in GH history HAS delivered in a hospital?




Sam had baby Lila in the hospital, though she didn't make it. 

It's just amazing to me that out of all the actors on this show, Ron manages to pair all the ones with absolutely no chemistry.



It is something to behold isn't it?


Everything that is anti what is best for this show Ron seems determined to find and exploit at all turns.


Bad couples, terrible story lines for said bad couples, awful plot turns for terrible story lines for said bad couples, and so the cycle goes on again and again and again.   

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It's just amazing to me that out of all the actors on this show, Ron manages to pair all the ones with absolutely no chemistry.

Chemistry is subjective and IMO, I think Sabrina and Michael have it. Since I only like Olivia and Ned as well (Molly and TJ don't count since they are never on) and that will end soon once Wally is gone, I will take whatever I can.

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Are they acknowledging that the baby is premature? Or are we supposed to think he's full term? It doesn't really matter, but I'm curious.



It appears that they might have changed the baby's due date, or rather conception date I guess, but who knows.


Ron has no clue how babies work or how women actually give birth to them.


Ava had Avery without taking off her hosiery, so I guess Ron will have everything magically adjusted as needed in this case as well.    

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Chemistry is subjective and IMO, I think Sabrina and Michael have it. Since I only like Olivia and Ned as well (Molly and TJ don't count since they are never on) and that will end soon once Wally is gone, I will take whatever I can.

Of course it is. I'm usually really good at putting "IMO." Missed it there.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 1

Poor Jake, even banging St. Liz won't be enough to get him out of handcuffs. Was KSt's voice hitting dog whistle levels during those scenes, or was that just me? I like her and Maxie, but damn she was so fucking annoying. How about you let your boyfriend do his fucking job?

I noticed Sam put towels under Patrick's knees for comfort (at least that's what it looked like), such a random piece of "business". It was nice to see Olivia admit Sam shouldn't have been in the position to tell Julian about the baby. IDK if that means Olivia thinks she should have told him herself or just learned to STFU about big secrets in public places, I'm guessing the latter.

Wow, Anna, really? I'd like to believe she wanted to arrest Duke herself, but her dialogue showed otherwise fairly clearly imo.

Jordan should be everyone's hitwoman…no one else can hit their target. And isn't it funny (dumb) that now TJ has a problem with Shawn and Jordan being in the mob? He practically threw a ticker-tape parade when Jordan joined the "good" mob, but now it's no bueno. RMFE.

S&M were better before they actually started kissing and dating. I'm bored.

  • Love 4

Do the writers not remember that stupid Sloane came to town expressly to ruin Anna and did so with smug relish?  Were we supposed to swoon at his half-ass attempt to get her pick him over Duke?  They can shove this attempt to make him a rootable romantic interest for her where the sun don't shine.


Poor Duke.

Awww, I really like Sloane.  I like Duke too, but I like the actor playing Sloane and I like his chemistry with Anna.  Yep, that's how I feel, and I'm stickin to it.


I really like Michael and Sabrina. I thought both actors did a great job, and Michael actually looked hot to me, which is a new thing.


I like them too, and Michael has always been good looking, but I'm starting to see him as a young leading man on GH now, which they are going to need, especially as the writers keep shoving the older vets out the door.  Ugh.

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