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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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And all they would have needed to do over the last six, seven months was take the time to build a little bit of a family dynamic with these people [silas, Kiki, Rafe] to at least give me a shot at caring about them and their struggles now, by illuminating who they are and how they relate to one another outside of their immediate plotlines.


I remember at the end of the first round of The Nina Show when they had Silas spout all this random exposition about Kiki and their relationship and it was all just pathetically sad because it was clearly a last minute Band-Aid.  And that's exactly what was happening today with Silas and Rafe, they threw in those scenes in advance of the truth of Rafe's out-of-nowhere drug problem and the accident comes out to deepen what is a nonexistent bond. 


The writers haven't cared about these family ties for months.  So trying to get us to suddenly care to move their stories along is such a lost cause.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I remember at the end of the first round of The Nina Show when they had Silas spout all this random exposition about Kiki and their relationship and it was all just pathetically sad because it was clearly a last minute Band-Aid. 


They do this a lot more since Ron became a presence on social media. Case in point, when they had Robin deliver a woolly, awkward, barely naturalistic monologue to Patrick and Anna about how after everything she went through she thought she might have PTSD but she totally didn't, don't worry, guys. It was out of fucking nowhere. The issue wasn't whether or not Robin had PTSD - I didn't need that - it was that nobody sat down with her and had a real conversation about what she'd been through and how it affected her.

Edited by jsbt
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it was that nobody sat down with her and had a real conversation about what she'd been through and how it affected her.


But that would have taken time out of Sabrina's pain! I mean, compared to Robin's 3 meals and a cot, Sabrina was destroyed by the loss of her prince! Ron had his priorities, don'tcha know?

Test? Not sure what is up with the italics above. Sorry!

Edited by WendyR72
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BTW...where did Nathan's new Special Kitty nickname come from?



He'll ALWAYS be Det. Plywood to me.

I'm definitely OUT.  Cancelled my dvr and won't watch the on demand.  I realized I hated just abut EVERYONE on the show.


The sex better be great Maxie!


Not even if  the alternative was being dipped in shit....

Edited by onemoretime
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So Silas says he took for granted that he didn't have to worry about Rafe.  Seriously, he felt like he didn't need to worry about a teenage boy who had spent his entire life living on the streets with a mentally unstable mother, who discovered the lifeless body of said unstable mother, and who recently learned that his father was a serial killer with a vampire fetish?  Blow it out your ass, doctor.




For innocent women murdering/AJ framing bitch, Ava did one thing right: not have Silas raise Kiki. Kiki is all kinds of terrible but how stupid do have to be to believe that a kid who spent his entire life on the run with little contact with other kids his own age, who had parents with mental issues and watched one kill the other wouldn't need to be put into therapy or even some sort of support group? 

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Delia did say she was helping her son John who owns Ryan's Bar.  Way back when for the few years that Delia was played by another actress, Delia did have a fascination with a mob boss (Tiso Novotny), so it's not out character for her to be all "wink-wink" with Sonny.  I've often wondered if IK wears a wig or hair extensions, her hair just does not look natural.  Even though Sonny said Delia didn't bother him, she will.  I can just see her getting involved with everyone on canvas somehow.


As for Maxie, she's dumber than dirt.  Now she'll be arrested and eventually barred from seeing her daughter for even longer than the additional six months.  It's probably a given that Nathan has to arrest her but will she have to appear before the same judge from the visitation hearing?

It's probably a given that Nathan has to arrest her but will she have to appear before the same judge from the visitation hearing?


In the real world, at least, a judge who would arraign Maxie for trespassing wouldn't be a family judge, but this is Ron we're talking about.  Of course, if she were to get arrested, the record of that would make it to her next custody hearing.


As for Maxie, she's dumber than dirt.  Now she'll be arrested and eventually barred from seeing her daughter for even longer than the additional six months.

This was the first thing that came to my mind and it's not my kid! There has to be more to this story with Levi -- he incredibly obnoxious. He hit the screen that way with few redeeming qualities that they have shown us. Are they setting this up for an abuse story line? Otherwise, he is just wearisome . Get to Maxie and Nathan please and spare us.



I was on Franco's side for a minute but I hate him again since he did not blow the whistle. However, I do feel some hope that it will be soon. I don't know why but I feel like Carly is going to be the one to spill the beans. Call me optimistic!

I love MS, but The Nina is totally cartoonish. Why did they have her slap the PT? It made no sense, and don't even get me started on what in the world did they DO to her hair?


Its official, Maxie is too stupid to live. She is no longer good enough for my det. Special Kitty. Um hum nope, no way.

And calling the Dunklemonkey Kangaroo Ken is a massive slight to ALL Ken dolls everywhere.

Why is the werewolf walking around STILL with no shirt? I mean it is your brother and his girlfriend your ex-wife you are talking with and he is wearing a suit, can I get an awkward from anyone? All we need is Carly and Franco to walk in too.

Where is a good Clink Boom when you need one, isn't this town just full of Mobsters?

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For innocent women murdering/AJ framing bitch, Ava did one thing right: not have Silas raise Kiki. Kiki is all kinds of terrible but how stupid do have to be to believe that a kid who spent his entire life on the run with little contact with other kids his own age, who had parents with mental issues and watched one kill the other wouldn't need to be put into therapy or even some sort of support group?



And yet Ava raised Kikaka and we all see what a bang up job she did.


Isn't the whole point behind Silas' inept parenting the fact that he never had kids? Twenty years ago if he had been raising Kikaka, learning about kids, gaining experience in his personal life then he would have had something to go on when it came with dealing with Rafe. But Silas probably doesn't know the front side of a diaper, let alone how to tell when a teenager who as far as he's been led to believe is "ok" isn't really. Sam didn't take steps before Silas came along, why would he suddenly think the kid needed therapy when Rafe seemed "fine" to everyone else, and acted like it? 


And it would certainly help if Rafe was being played as troubled as he should be, imo, and he just hasn't been, and I blame the acting. Rafe has been played as if the most heartbreak he's ever felt in the world was losing out on One Direction tickets, not a kid struggling with losing his mom, having been on the run most of his life, finding out his father was a murdering whackanut, and then ending up with no family to speak of but a pretty cold uncle who hasn't a single paternal bone in his body.


If Rafe could just come to life a little bit, an iota, a smidgen, this nonsense might actually not be so terrible. When Silas hugged him it would have been a good time to show either Rafe's anger or pain. Have him avoid the gesture and back away, not letting Silas off the hook so easily, or have him cling to the man, hugging him desperately in a way that makes Silas think twice about what's going on with him, some kind of, any kind of reaction would have been better than seeing dead eyes blinking while the kid stood stiff like a statue.

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I think the Clay's have officially eclipsed the Corinthos' as the dumbest family in Port Chuckles. Sighless, Keeks, and Beiber-lite are all dumb as a box of hair.  And it doesn't help that all three are horrible actors.  JD in particular was simply abysmal today.  He has definitely closing in on Charity Rahmer as the worst actor ever in daytime.


Can you imagine The Corinthos' and The Clay's facing off on Family Feud?  I think Steve Harvey would shoot himself to get away from the stupidity.  


Levi is definitely coma!baby.  He is the nightmarish mix of Nina's annoyingness and Sighless' sheer dumbassery.  


Anyway, today reminded me why Ive been a JT fan from jump.  He is way too good for this fakata show.  Run Jason, Run.

Edited by Tiger
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Does Carly realize how horrible she sounds defending Sonny?  He'll always be a part of her life?! The man killed her son's biodad, who he had a relationship with!   She should be done with him, especially since she knows AJ didn't kill Connie.  It's one thing to keep the truth from Michael to protect him from pain (a stupid thing, but still).  It's another to actually tell Franco, someone else in on the secret that Sonny will always be a part of her life.  How do the TPTB walk this one back?  It's fucking horrible.  


Michael and Maxie were in a scene together!  OMGGGGGGGGGGGG!

"Mine and Maxie's hometown?"

Is sex next?

Edited by sunflower
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Carly is always horrible so of course she would defend Sonny who killed her favorite kid's bio dad.. She is sleeping with the man who arranged for the same kid's rape. I mean Sonny is her money supply and I assume Franco is giving her orgasisms so since when has Carly cared about anything else.


 I can't believe the show finally has a vegan character who cares about the same issues I do but between the horrid casting and writing I like him less than rapists and murderers.. oh Ron how can you do that?

I don't think Levi is Coma!Baby - he'd be too young.  If that were the case, he'd be Morgan's age, 19 or 20.  More likely he'll be said to be Mac's from a one night stand before he left Australia.  Isn't Maxie supposed to be somewhere between 25 and 30? Maxie is a hopeless dimwit!


The Nina Clay stuff was funny, and thank your lucky stars that so far the actress playing her is wearing a bra! If you never watched the other show she was on, you have no idea how awful is was to see a middle-aged woman sagging and jiggling all over the place.  I just wonder how many crimes will she manage to run around committing and no one will catch her?

 I can't believe the show finally has a vegan character who cares about the same issues I do but between the horrid casting and writing I like him less than rapists and murderers.. oh Ron how can you do that?

But the thing is I think Ron meant him to be making fun of health conscious freedom fighters. He surely meant him as a big FU; surely.....

I don't mind the occasional shout-out to other shows, out of respect for those who may have watched and enjoyed them, but do we really need Delia full-time?  Seriously? 


I looooved McBam, but Silas blows, and I'm team Samtrick all the way.  I'll even put up with a Jason/Patrick/Sam/Robin quad while Silas slinks off to nowhere and remains there until McBain is set free from litigation purgatory.

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Can you imagine what we would have if John Paul Lavoisier had been cast?


Thank you for reminding me that things could always be worse. I'd take 100 Det. Plywood's before we revisit that flailing goofball.



I don't mind the occasional shout-out to other shows, out of respect for those who may have watched and enjoyed them, but do we really need Delia full-time?  Seriously?


We're not getting her full-time. She's only on for a few episodes. I thought she was less Roxy than usual, which I appreciated. What I need most though is Ava away from Sonny. It sucks so damn much when your favorite character is saddled with your most hated character. This whole hostage thing is so on my nerves and gross on all levels. I'd even take putting her into scenes scheming with Franco, MW and RH worked really well together. If I have to watch him be a dick to her for the whole 9 months and her just having to put up with it before he kills her, shoot me now and throw me in the harbor.


I really needed Morgan to kick Levi's ass today. Appreciated his name calling though.

Edited by tvgoddess
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I just do not give a shit about Carly and Franco's relationship angst or his Career Day wardrobe. I also think he looks kind of oily and unsettling with that hairstyle. I cannot believe the show is trying to push this as being about S&C personal angst when the fact is Sonny murdered an innocent A.J. in cold blood. They need to accept that there's a larger moral scale to this story than their personal dislike of Sean Kanan/A.J. and preference for Wright, Howarth or Benard. And I had to laugh when Carly said she couldn't be with the serial killer if he hurt Michael (this time).


Maxie is too old to be taken in by this idiot.

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cannot believe the show is trying to push this as being about S&C personal angst when the fact is Sonny murdered an innocent A.J. in cold blood. They need to accept that there's a larger moral scale to this story


What's interesting is both Sonny and Carly are aware enough to know Michael will be done with them when the truth comes out.  So, why did Carly lie in the first place other than it's like breathing to her.  AJ is dead.  That will never not be true. This story does have a larger moral scale, but everyone other than people who loved AJ seem to try to mitigate it by saying, "well, it's AJ."  

Edited by sunflower
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This story does have a larger moral scale, but everyone other than people who loved AJ seem to try to mitigate it by saying, "well, it's AJ."  


The huge problem is that I think this is the way the show seems to see it, too - at least, almost no other viewpoint has been offered by any character who knows the secret. "Hey, it's A.J." We get it, GH; Ron and Frank disliked Sean Kanan and A.J. and almost immediately soured on using him. The audience didn't agree, and he was a popular character with decades of history. Just because it's how you feel doesn't mean the fans agree. But I think that's what they'll continue to try to go with onscreen. It's only A.J.!


The real get out of jail free card would be - after Sonny is temporarily jailed or institutionalized, which I sincerely hope he will be should MB really take some sort of vacation - for A.J. to turn up alive again to mock Sonny in his prison, with no one on the outside the wiser. But at this point my doubt has long since faded; I really don't think Frank ever pre-taped anything like that, though I did suspect it early on.

Edited by jsbt
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ut everyone other than people who loved AJ seem to try to mitigate it by saying, "well, it's AJ."



Because AJ was the drunken screw ball, the black sheep of the Q clan, undeserving of even the simple justice of having his murderer punished, especially when his son, taken away from him by said murderer, would then want nothing to do with said murderer for ever and ever amen.


At the end of the day you just have to ask yourself, how will this impact Sonny? That's just how things are run in PC.

I just do not give a shit about Carly and Franco's relationship angst or his Career Day wardrobe. I also think he looks kind of oily and unsettling with that hairstyle. I cannot believe the show is trying to push this as being about S&C personal angst when the fact is Sonny murdered an innocent A.J. in cold blood. They need to accept that there's a larger moral scale to this story than their personal dislike of Sean Kanan/A.J. and preference for Wright, Howarth or Benard. And I had to laugh when Carly said she couldn't be with the serial killer if he hurt Michael (this time).


Maxie is too old to be taken in by this idiot.


Sigh......you're right.  Bad enough to have to watch this botched experiment of a character, even worse to see him matched up with Carly, as she slouches slowly towards the oily moobster once again.  And now that Ron C. has done the HILARIOUS!!  HA HA HA!! casting of Ilene Kristen as Delia it's obvious the reveal about AJ's killer is going to be dragged out for months.......I think I have to go to the barge until there's at least a smidgen of light on the horizon.


Or until Levi is made into breakfast sausage and served at the Floating Rib, whichever comes first.


I'd bore you all with how much I detest Ron C. pissing on the memory of Ryan's Hope by bringing Delia into this mess but I've moaned about that before.  I love Ilene Kristen and don't begrudge her getting work, but WHY DOES HE DO THIS???

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I don't mind Delia, and I did laugh my ass off at both a) Maurice Benard's perfect facial reactions as Delia was leaving the room and b) her struggle to find the kitchen. He really works with Ilene Kristen - who knew?


I do mind this entire story, and the fact that Delia is still a bit too Roxy for me. And I adored Roxy Balsom with every fiber of my being (except for when she was going on about Rex or John).

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I do mind this entire story, and the fact that Delia is still a bit too Roxy for me. And I adored Roxy Balsom with every fiber of my being (except for when she was going on about Rex or John).


Off topic GH - wise, but I loved Roxy too.  I think Ilene has forgotten mostly how to play Delia and puts way more Roxie into the character.  And funny how Ron C's. humor worked for me - mostly - on OLTL but not on GH.  Maybe because the show seems to be virtually all camp, whereas OLTL wasn't??  Who knows...


Lea De Laria was in town for the Pride Parade.  I heard that she got a lot of "Madame Delphina" screams from the crowds.


I think part of it is Ilene and part of it is this team pretty clearly bringing her to do her OLTL schtick. Totally off-topic, but I do wonder what Roxy would've been like on the nuOLTL had they gotten her in for the next round of taping as planned. Virtually everyone had a slight different, more mature edge to them.


I'm glad Lea and Delphina got a shout-out. I loved her on the show and everything they did with her near the end. Except the magic TV.


Topic: At least Ava wasn't wearing another muumuu today. I gagged at what they had her in last week - that is the absolute last thing to do with Maura West or Ava Jerome. She can fake a pregnancy, she can even get pregnant to try to ensure her survival, but she can never wear that shit.

Edited by jsbt
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.I think I have to go to the barge until there's at least a smidgen of light on the horizon.



This is me.  I deleted yesterday's episode without even watching.  I'll follow the show online and when I read Michael finally finds out, then I'll start watching again.  I can't watch months of Sonny, Carly and Franco hiding the information from Michael and then acting like they are doing it for him.  The aggravation isn't worth it.  

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High five, ch1.  The did the same thing.  I was actually hone, but had the contractor here to discuss the remodel that starts this week, then went to work.  Got home and poof!  Show was deleted.


Grrpants09, there was an actual bar/ grill place with the name The Floating Rib back in the 80's.  I guess FrankenRon thought of it as one of their shallow tips of a hat to history.

AJ never got the benefit of the doubt—"Eh, it's AJ" was always the reaction in PC. It was a shabby way to treat a legacy character. But it was all to prop Jason the Golden Hitman.


Sonny and Carly will always be connected—through their children. Even though they're divorced, Carly will cling to that so that any power Sonny has is invested in her. She still plays the "I was Mrs. Sonny Corinthos" card when she thinks it will help her. It's pathetic.

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She is still relying on that, especially now that she is with a broke loser.  Which is another reason the Cranco relationship makes no sense.  Every other guy she was with, when she was this him had money from decent (Tony) to gobs of it (Jax and Sonny), power (Sonny and Lorenzo)  What the hell is the attraction to a no more talent, mooching psycho?

I do mind this entire story, and the fact that Delia is still a bit too Roxy for me. And I adored Roxy Balsom with every fiber of my being (except for when she was going on about Rex or John).


Off-topic: I too adored Roxy.  Though you're spot-on that too much of her focus was alternately on Rex or John, I loved her relationships with Natalie and Kyle.  It's a shame that OLTL too often just used Roxy for comedic relief when Ilene Kristen would always nail the dramatic scenes they gave her (particularly the scenes between her and Scott Clifton when Roxy realized Schuyler was her biological son).


On-topic: But like I said, as much as it's nice to see her and it's great Ilene Kristen is working, Delia I can't get into at all because she seems to exist just to do dumb schemes within the Silas-Ava orbit.  And if Sonny is such a big bad mobster who is itching to kill Ava once she has that baby, why did he so easily acquise to Delia staying at his house?  It's dumb.


On-topic: But like I said, as much as it's nice to see her and it's great Ilene Kristen is working, Delia I can't get into at all because she seems to exist just to do dumb schemes within the Silas-Ava orbit. And if Sonny is such a big bad mobster who is itching to kill Ava once she has that baby, why did he so easily acquise to Delia staying at his house? It's dumb.

Simple. Plot Points. 90% of this show is plot point. Like others have stated, the last time we saw Delia she was working against Ava. Now she's here to help Ava with her pregnancy, as if they are close.

I envy all of you heading to the barge. I like JT. He is finally getting some decent scenes without having to deal with the horrible acting & chemistryless TeCa. Even though he's rarely on, I like watching PS too. Then we have KMc's announced return later this summer.

Since my return to the show with KMc in 2005, I've taken breaks for up to two months but haven't been able to permanently stay on the barge. I need an intervention.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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True, but that's the name they got? A floating body part? Eh, it's Ron.


The ribs that are not connected to the breastbone are called floating ribs. Back in the late '70s and early '80s, there was another, more upscale, restaurant in Port Charles called the Floating Rib. If memory serves, it was across the street from the hospital. A fleeting reference to the history of the name was made by Luke in the initial renaming-of-Jake's discussion.


(When the original FR showed up onscreen, most viewers "got" the title. Apparently this term is no longer taught in science classes, judging from the confusion it continues to cause. [That's not a snark; just an observation about the changing nature of education.])

Edited by rur
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Maxie is too old to be taken in by this idiot.


Yup. Maybe, I could feel some sympathy at first, but now that she knows what a jerk he is - being all pissy that Nathan lied to the judge - there's no excuse for her not to get rid of this guy. Hell, forget the judge stuff, at this point, she sees how much they don't have in common and he annoys her half the time. If she wants someone to guide her actions for the greater good, she can call Mac up and have him draw her up a schedule.

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