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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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To watch or not watch? Delete or not Delete? That is the question.


But I'm too busy enjoying my re-watch of 1985's G.I. Joe: the animated series, watching the romance between Flint and Lady Jaye (Don't Judge! Their rocky romance is MUCH better than the drivel on this fakakta show for the past few years!) as well as Duke and Scarlett.

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You could vote for Courtney, Stefan, Mike, or Serena to return.





Ron Hale is retired, so I'd be surprised if he wanted to come back, even for a day. Stephen Nichols is on another soap, so that's out. Carlivati might have thrown in a few Serena references, but there's no way he'd have her back, so Courtney it is.



Well yeah SN is on DOOL now, but he isn't airing for six months, so he could have slid in there for a second or two.


FYI- from reading on twitter JT wrote the song Patrick and Emma sang.

Edited by jennifer6973
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If Stephen Nichols had been deemed the winner of the poll, exactly how would they have worked him in to the show?


"Spencer, I know you're upset and have been mentioning loss of your mother repeatedly over the last few months, but she's tied up in kick boxing class.  I'm your great-uncle.  Talk to me." or  "Lasha?  Lasha?  Lasha?  Ehhh, I guess she's not here." or  "Nikolas? May I give you some advice?" That last one might have worked, but the show has no intention of having Nikolas right his course at the moment.


Where would Serena have fit in, with no Scotty in sight?  Where would Mike, with no Sonny?


No, it was clear that they wanted Courtney back. The "fan favorite poll" was just an attempt to get some attention and publicity.  And it serves as a wonderful deflection, "Hey, look, don't complain she's back! She won a poll! Your opinion that she's the most polarizing, hated character has been nullified, so sit down and shut up."

  • Love 8

Finally watched yesterday's episode. Here are some quick thoughts:

Courtney looks ready to hulk up. I hope she's there to scare Spencer into growing up or give him body building tips because with that kind of personality, dude will need to buff up before middle school.

I liked Magic Milo because everyone involved had a job. The Haunted Starlets all had cute outfits.

Why does everyone on soaps now need a damn stage and a microphone to tell something? Sam was right there. Just go up to her. And btw.... no one cares about Patrick. Just wanted to say that. But Nik is officially the worst, and Liz is the most pathetic. I'm like..... send out the guns because. ... a lot of the characters need bullets of love. Like the one time I want Sonny at an event, he can't even make it. Thanks, Sonny.

  • Love 3

I partly agree. There's a reason why we never see Patrick outside of Sam anymore. He's never at work. He's rarely with his daughter. He stands and stares and smooches and that's about it.

On the other hand, Ron has paired Patrick with his lead female to be the "good" vs. Jason's "evil." It reminds me of Sonny/Brenda/Jax. Except, you know, it's horribly written and acted and the actors don't have anywhere near the chemistry of Mo/VM/Ingo.


Patrick is pretty much an empty vessel used for plot now.  He's Liz.  Talented actor, has a lot of fans, always able to bring it when given big moments, but used as a prop to fill in whatever plot carrying the show needs, regardless of what it means for the character himself. 



I feel like an SORAS has to be coming for Danny so they can get another "precocious" child actor.


Please don't let Nicholas Bechtel have a brother.  Please.  


Every time I see Ellie, I feel bad that she's so clearly going to get saddled with Nina as a mother. Because you KNOW Ron's mind- "Ooh, two quirky redheads! Let's make Ellie Nina's daughter, and completely change her character into a psycho just like Nina!"



Why would you put this kind of thing out into the universe?  Run, Ellie!  Run!! 


I just had a vision of Ron deciding to write "wacky family dinners" with Franco, Nina, Ellie, and Spinelli, and all the hair on the back of my neck stood up.  

  • Love 7

Amazing how I can hate Spinelli when he's just sitting there with his vacant, Mr. Potato Head grin, shaking those puddin' cheeks side to side, in time with the music.  


Seems normal, IMO. 

You can come sit at the rage table with me today during the NB. I got through it yesterday by slamming back a shot every time his sallow face appeared and then throwing the empty barware at the screen.

It was quite liberating.

Edited by rur
  • Love 6

I've never heard of that singer and I found that song extremely degrading to women.


Meghan Trainor, she had a number one hit with "All About That Bass" last year (it knocked Taylor Swift's "Shake It Off" off the top spot--I DESPISE that song with a passion--although there are TS songs I like--so for that alone it has some goodwill from me--some don't like AATB, but I do), and another hit in "Lips Are Movin'." "Dear Future Husband" is her newest single.


Personally, "Title" is my favorite song of hers--it's the same name as her album--but it hasn't been released as a single. 

I've never heard of that singer and I found that song extremely degrading to women.


I'm too bored to get worked up over it anymore.  But I do note that it's interesting in the same show where two gay men get engaged, all of the 20 and 30 something female characters are singing about having a husband.  Only the G in L-G-B-T has gotten any recognition on GH for years now.


That song is catchy and great for dancing, but the lyrics are annoying me in that they celebrate the idea of DIVA-ism. That, in turn, is a set up for the criticism that women are overbearing, irrational, and unreasonable. It's a horrible cycle.


Meghan Trainor, she had a number one hit with "All About That Bass" last year (it knocked Taylor Swift's "Shake It Off" off the top spot--I DESPISE that song with a passion--although there are TS songs I like--so for that alone it has some goodwill from me--some don't like AATB, but I do), and another hit in "Lips Are Movin'." "Dear Future Husband" is her newest single.

I had no idea that was a new song.  I thought it was some old "classic".  Didn't really listen too closely to the words to be honest.  This is a bad habit of mine.  I listened to "All About That Bass" a good dozen times before I figured out it was about asses.  I am getting old.

  • Love 1
And what I resent is their bothering to present some sort of Fan February contest to dress it up. If you want Courtney to appear, just do it. Don't stage some bullshit contest.


Seriously. It's not as if Courtney was ever a major character. She got a lot of airtime, but it's not like her death left a gaping hole in the show.


I can't believe this notoriously cheap show ponied up for the original recording of "New Sensation",


The Aveeno money probably paid for all the music rights. It's not like it bought higher production values.


Spencer could truly be dark and evil.


He's 10 years old. I don't need to see him plotting to actually kill his townie rival. Spencer is awful enough the way it is.

  • Love 4

I had no idea that was a new song.  I thought it was some old "classic".  Didn't really listen too closely to the words to be honest.  This is a bad habit of mine.  I listened to "All About That Bass" a good dozen times before I figured out it was about asses.  I am getting old.


She has a very retro, throwback, Blue Eyed Soul sort of style. Honestly, my biggest problem with her is that she tends to rap in her songs a bit too much. ;)


But I don't want to get too off topic, so I'll stop talking about this now. 

  • Love 1

Ha!  Me too!  The second hand embarrassment was strong seeing him shuffling around awkwardly, but somehow I still found it cute.  Michael has turned into my kryptonite!

I've been saying this for the last 3 years. Something about a cute guy who isn't cocky/super confident about his body but still gets it out for scenes like this charms me. Please soap gods, make sure Chad is a permanent fixture in the Magic Milo lineup for as long as it continues. It's one Nurses' Ball tradition I can get behind, and I'm not ashamed to say it.

  • Love 3

Did Prince Nik say why he wants ELQ?  Boredom?


Is Liz (aka "Liez") actually going to spill the secret?  Because 99.9% of the time, when someone on this show says that they need to tell you something, they don't. 


Liz:  "I have something to say.  (Looks around the room with a sad expression on face).  Aren't these shoes cute?  I bought them at Wyndham's."



  • Love 9
Amazing how I can hate Spinelli when he's just sitting there with his vacant, Mr. Potato Head grin, shaking those puddin' cheeks side to side, in time with the music.​



Well, don't forget that he also asked Maxie if she would please try to enjoy the Magic Milo dance a little less, due to his precious fragile ego.  I hate him so much.


I've  mentioned that I like Spencer probably 100 times, right?  Well, yesterday's episode infuriated even me, so I'm surprised some of y'all didn't have aneurysms.  Did we really have Spencer in a mask and ranting about being a monster for months just to get that dumb scene about phantom of the nurses' ball?  Did he really try to kill two kids, and all those adults were all calm and collected and worried about *Spencer*?  Sigh, of course.  Of course.  I couldn't believe Dante and Lulu figured "Oh, Spencer just needs some time, let's leave him all alone to think it through, because he is, after all, a child with possibly permanent facial scars that he is not handling well, and who just tried to drop sandbags on the heads of his peers, and who just over-theatrically hijacked a live show to declare himself a monster... he'll be fine if he just sits alone for a while."  Poor Rocco - with parenting like that, he doesn't stand a chance.  


I sort of love all the Courtney hate.  When I first found TWOP, she had already been nicknamed SWSNBN, and I thought it was kind of weird because she had never really bothered me all that much, but it seems that hate is contagious because even though she's been gone forever, I now hate her with a passion!

  • Love 7

Perhaps it's pregnancy hormones but damn the Pemma song was sweet, my 3 yr old came in the room and said that's the best song ever, ha ha

So onto more serious business Liz is going to keep the sekrit well that can't end well...

Still love the Niz chem

I found Jakeson makes Carly tolerable hmm

Magic Milo were nice eye candy no complaints but Lucas is mine, hee!

Haunted Starlets sounded pretty good, choreography last year was a mess so nice to see they got better Valerie and Ellie are quick studies, heh

Spencer ugh please go away

Well, don't forget that he also asked Maxie if she would please try to enjoy the Magic Milo dance a little less, due to his precious fragile ego.  I hate him so much.


He's such a passive-aggressive asshole. UGH. So much for that brief, shining moment when he was with Ellie and functioning as a relatively normal human being. 


all those adults were all calm and collected and worried about *Spencer*?


I don't fault them for not saying much to Spencer himself. It's not their job to parent him. As much as Nik needs to parent Spencer, someone needs to tell him (Nik) that he's raising a budding serial killer. 

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 7

I have a stupid question. Does Nik even have a clue that Robin unfroze Jason and most of his family? Does he know that Helena has been holding Robin captive?

He knows Robin revived Jason. He doesn't know where she is now because he hasn't cared to investigate or even ask Helena. It's either a huge plot hole or Nik doesn't give a shit about Robin.

  • Love 2

On a mostly serious tip, I forgot to add this last night: Finola and Ian Buchanan brought it for what is surely their final onscreen tango together, and the deft cutting and editing with them and their flashbacks was very well-done. It's just a pity their sexual chemistry has rarely translated onscreen outside these dance sequences since IB's return to the show, but they haven't exactly had much to work with. They never took Duke seriously, they haven't given her another serious love interest and now they're shackling her to Grayson McCouch.


Also? I love "99 Luftballons" [sic] but Kathleen Gati, a very talented singer, was wildly off in her pre-recorded cover of the song. It sounded like my mom trilling a song for amateur hour. The hopping around the stage, weaving about attacking balloons was also not nearly as funny as they thought it would be. The whole thing was stiff, awkward and off-key, which is not anything I thought I'd ever associate with KG.

Am I the only one who heard it very, very wrong when somebody (?Dante?) came out where the new chick was fondling the Aveeno, and asked if she was checking out the lube?


I must have rewatched that scene three times, because the first couple times I thought it ended with Valerie telling Dante she was about to strip naked and slather herself up. Poor Valerie, I love her.

  • Love 6



I have a stupid question. Does Nik even have a clue that Robin unfroze Jason and most of his family? Does he know that Helena has been holding Robin captive?



Everything even Legion of Doom-adjacent was so damn convoluted and confusing that I lost all track of who was even involved, much less what they knew, or when.  When Liz asked Nik about why he was going after ELQ shares, I was super-excited for a (milli)second, thinking I was finally going to get at least one piece of the puzzle solved!  Alas, no.  


Dubbel, you're right, it wasn't Patrick, Anna, Dante, or Lulu's obligation to punish Spencer, but I would have expected a little more, maybe an emotional outburst at least, like "What is wrong with you, you could have really hurt them!?!?!?"  Instead, I felt like we just got immediate understanding and concern and rational thinking.  I would have lost my damned mind at that kid if he had tried to drop sandbags on my kid, even if that kid was Cameron.  And Dante and Lulu especially - in my family, aunts and uncles punish a kid, or at least give him a very stern Talking To when they act out in such a serious way.  A little back talk, no, but trying to hurt someone?  Absolutely I would step in and DO something if my sisters/ brothers weren't around.  I know it's different for other families, but that's why I was so surprised.  Kids trying to hurt people is a pretty serious business, I think, and leaving that kid alone right then seemed like the worst idea in the world.  At least call his grandmother, for pete's sake.

  • Love 6

I can't believe nobody called juvie or something on Spencer. He tried to kill those kids. Instead it's, 'oh, let's take him home to calm down.'


But that's the whole show, really. The pet characters, usually villains or ex-villains, are catered to and everyone else just sort of fills the space around them. I have no problem with dark or gray characters, antiheroes, brats, whatever, they can be a lot of fun. I can see ways to use Gati/Obrecht or even Spencer in the right way, in the right dose. But they don't do it here.


And yes, it's the same thing with lame-ass Britt. Let's bring her back to mock the citizens of Port Charles, because Britt is (allegedly) cool and edgy despite turning into a milquetoast, lethargic bore any time she has a story of her own! Let's service Britt and Obrecht's relationship with an emotional beat and make sure everyone knows she is happy, getting to know her terrorist father who tortured Robin and Anna, and above all not in federal custody! That's worth taking time out to do! All these characters are on the same spectrum and the priorities of the show are skewed around them.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 15
And yes, it's the same thing with lame-ass Britt. Let's bring her back to mock the citizens of Port Charles, because Britt is (allegedly) cool and edgy despite turning into a milquetoast, lethargic bore any time she has a story of her own! Let's service Britt and Obrecht's relationship with an emotional beat and make sure everyone knows she is happy, getting to know her terrorist father who tortured Robin and Anna, and above all not in federal custody! That's worth taking time out to do! All these characters are on the same spectrum and the priorities of the show are skewed around them.


I want to turn this into a poster and put it on my wall.  Right next to a John Stamos (truthsayer extraordinaire!) one.

  • Love 2

The Aveeno product placement should have been either Dante saying this:


"My hair is so thick and fabulous because I use Aveeno"




"My brother Morgan doesn't use Aveeno and that's why he's balding"


Nothing else.


Also, I was reading a synopsis of yesterday because I didn't watch and the second-hand embarrassment just from reading the part about Spencer appearing on stage was killing me. I would not have made it through actually watching it. 

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 9


Am I the only one who heard it very, very wrong when somebody (?Dante?) came out where the new chick was fondling the Aveeno, and asked if she was checking out the lube?


"My brother Morgan doesn't use Aveeno and that's why he's balding"


Actually laughed out loud when I read these two comments.  I may still be laughing.

  • Love 3

Liz and Ric are kind of perfect for each other, how does she think what she's doing to Jake/Jason and lying to everyone is any better than what Ric did? 


She's going to lie to Jason and have him cheat on his wife while she knows he has a wife and he doesn't. She's going to keep him from his child, from his family, his mother/Ned/Michael.


Is Sabrina a nurse again? Did they forget Sabrina doesn't work for GH and isn't a nurse? 


Where did half the room go? Dante and Lulu? Valerie? Molly? TJ? 


Aww Nik got a scene with Courtney.

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