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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Brad skipped out on the red carpet with Lucas so he and Britt could make bitchy comments? Ugh.


I wonder if BH could breathe in her dress this time. Hee. The outtake of her at Nik's engagement party was too funny. 


Poor Kathleen Gati. I mean, she sold it—she's a pro—but how embarrassing for her.


The fake wedding photo of Hayden and "Jake" looked more like Hayden and Ric. I loved how everyone was basically all, "WTF is going on up there?"


Overall, the performances were as mortifying as ever.

  • Love 2
RC keeps adding new characters and sidelining the vets.  By next year, I doubt there will be any main GH characters with major stories.





Frankly I wonder if the show will still be airing this time next year.


I don't know where GH has gone but to me the show has left the building. These Nurses' Balls monstrosities just continue to get worse and worse every year, imho.


I don't mind camp and cheesy good fun and silliness on a soap, imo at their cores that's basically all soaps have ever been by concept, but they should also be entertaining and enjoyable and well conceived and put together, and to me GH is now devoid of any of those traits.


Just watching Dr. O prancing about looking like a AHS reject was...it's always more of the same. Ron lavishes the characters he came up with with as much attention and air time as possible while the real core members and figures of GH languish with hardly a mention.


Instead of seeing the stale and unfunny act between Brad and Britt, it might have been nice to see Mac and Felicia watching from home as they doted on their precious granddaughter since they've barely been shown to have spent five whole minutes with the kid since she returned.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 8

So, basically, Ron is writing Dr. O as a WWE bad guy.  


Nice to see the wormholes are working well on the night of the NB.  One minute, Brad and Britt are sitting at his place, pigging out on ice cream, the next, Brad is in his tux sitting at the NB, and Britt is sneaking into Wyndemere to bond with the demon spawn.  


Even before things went south, Ric's proposal gave me major secondhand embarrassment (for Liz). 

Edited by KerleyQ
  • Love 7

What happened? Please spill it!


Like Ulkis said above, it was nothing really big and it wasn't one thing just an overall air of entitlement, immaturity and mean spiritedness wafting off both of them. And their Tweets/complaints...yikes !!!!  IMO, she seems even more immature than he is, if possible. It is all so unprofessional and off putting. Sorry to get your hopes up -- wish it had been something bigger !!!

Edited by SiouxB
  • Love 2

I realized how dull the red carpet was when I couldn't take my eyes off the hot guy in the powder blue sweater and leather jacket in the media line. He didn't seem to be really present, but I didn't really care.


I also couldn't take my eyes off the terrible logos on the step and repeat banner - who designed those? Why not have a contest for fans to design better logos for Kellys and the Metro Court (why wasn't ELQ and Corinthos Coffee there?) and then have the prize be walk ons in a future episode? They looked like an intern put them together on their lunch hour.


I thought Rick's proposal was really beautiful and I kind of hoped that Carly wasn't going to ruin their happiness just yet .. .but no one is more of a bummer than Carly so I wasn't surprised when she stopped the show. You see, this is why this writing team SUCKS.... they have me rooting for Rick who really should be the villain in this story. But you know, we have all been through that before with AJ and Ava. I'm assuming that there's a large part of the viewership who were cheering Carly on, right??


Brad's proposal was embarrassing (even if he knocked the song out of the park) and I know Lucas is going to say yes but I wish that he wouldn't. As others have posted, 99% of their relationship has been off screen.. so why do I care? I'm a gay man and even I don't care about this relationship (and, by law, I'm supposed to care). I don't need to see Fish Part 2, the Electric Boogaloo. I suppose they'll adopt a girl next. But then, I thought the most interesting any of the gays on this show have ever been was during the proposed three way (when I told friends about it, they were like 'WTH'?)


Dr. O in a Sarah Palin dress does not an interesting number make. I groaned hard with the "welcome to the nurses ball" number and groaned harder when I realized that they were really going to do 99 Red Balloons. The facial expressions on the audience matched mine exactly and I dont think that Ron was going for that. (right?)


Valerie, Dante, Nathan, Maxie all looked stunning in their outfits... but ... I don't understand why a reporter would talk about Spinelli being a hacker... uhm Ron, you know that hacking is not actually a legal job, right? If he had said 'computer programmer" it would have made some sense ...


Britt and Spencer = good... thank our lucky stars that we didn't get Ghost!Courtney counseling Spencer. Dodged a bullet I think.

  • Love 4

I'm barely catching up with the show after being away a week-and-a-half due to some . . . things.  But in catching up with this always-snarky forum, I came across this:


Nik will never "pay" for anything.

Oh, I don't know.  I thought losing his memory and him going through the nightmare with Mary was a fine instance of him and Emily paying for how badly they'd fucked Zander over.  On a karmic level, of course.

  • Love 1

I could maybe understand Sam being conflicted about telling Olivia's secret to Julian if she'd had a conversation with Alexis that made her think Alexis would be unhappy about it. She has a relationship with Alexis that might justify some indecision. Otherwise? Given her history, she should've made a beeline for Julian and/or Alexis

Between her desire to raise a child with Jason and her experience with Danny's paternity/custody there's no character based reason for her to keep this secret.

  • Love 3

To be fair, she did JUST find out.  And the baby isn't born yet, so there isn't *much* Julian could do at this point anyway, I doubt Olivia would let him talk to her belly.  I don't think she'll be able to keep silent about it.  I do think she should talk to Olivia first, and let her know she overheard.  Maybe tell her that *she* (Olivia) should be the one to tell him, and if she isn't willing to do it, than she will.  I don't think that will happen, it's not soapy enough, but it's what *should* happen.


Guys, I was going to look back on some old NB footage, but than realized it would just depress the hell out of me.  Remember when it actually meant something?  I still remember hearing Janis Ian sing "When Angels Cry" and BAWLING like a baby for days after.  And seeing all those names on the quilt.  I remember when Stone stood up and told everyone he had AIDS and when Robin declared that she was "the face of HIV". 


These past few years we have gotten male strip teases, stomped on puppets, and horrible auto tuned performances.   Horrible.

  • Love 12


I thought Rick's proposal was really beautiful and I kind of hoped that Carly wasn't going to ruin their happiness just yet .. .but no one is more of a bummer than Carly so I wasn't surprised when she stopped the show



Britt and Spencer = good... thank our lucky stars that we didn't get Ghost!Courtney counseling Spencer. Dodged a bullet I think.

They actually weren't happy - Ric was being delusional (yet again) in his talk with Molly. In fact, I'm pretty sure RH got recycled dialogue from either GV or JJ's Lucky's conversation with someone (about Elizabeth) a few years ago. The difference is JJ's Lucky actually could read Liz's mood and feelings whereas Ric chooses to ignore signs/tells of the truth if they're not supporting the fantasy of the life he wants.   Elizabeth was not grinning and excited when Molly brought her that little black box, and the camera panned to her when Ric started singing "Wanna marry you." She had that "uh oh this is not a good moment" expression, including when she opened the ring box as instructed.


Out of nowhere, Nikolas said "your mother would..." to Spencer right before he went off to the Nurse's Ball with Valerie, so we're probably going to see Ghost!Courtney appear to Spencer sometime soon. Just like we only got to see Brad and Lucas talking about Britt, and Dr. O and Patrick having tense words about Britt because she was about to make an appearance. 

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 1

Guys, I was going to look back on some old NB footage, but than realized it would just depress the hell out of me. Remember when it actually meant something? I still remember hearing Janis Ian sing "When Angels Cry" and BAWLING like a baby for days after. And seeing all those names on the quilt. I remember when Stone stood up and told everyone he had AIDS and when Robin declared that she was "the face of HIV".

These past few years we have gotten male strip teases, stomped on puppets, and horrible auto tuned performances. Horrible.

Not to depress you, but this was always so beautiful to me. So sad what Ron has done.


  • Love 4

I can't stop laughing at everyone's faces during Dr. O's number. It was crazy but I loved the campiness. I know it's cheesy but I adore singing. Plus the dramaz, even though I'm pissed Ric got crapped on in public. Was not expecting Liz to find out about Jakeson, and now another character getting crapped on again.

FYI I thought Ric's proposal was so cute. Carly really is scum.

Edited by twoods
  • Love 5

Insomnia demands i watch something (and I didn't want to watch something that would really get me excited - like Outlander) so I am catching up on GH (why - I have no idea, I stopped watching..hmmm. ages ago,.. i think the massive storyline was poisoned water or something?)


So - the Nurses Ball is back. (for three years now?) and it seemed pretty lame. I will never understand why people propose publicly, and I only feel it's done because you aren't sure how they will respond but you are banking on the fact that they won't embarrass you, and will at least say yes until you go in private. I didn't like the songs, but I loved everyone's "holy crap, the hell" face with 99 Luftballoons.


I can not stand Liz - so her screaming about secrets and lies and how dare Ric do all of this, this isn't love, blah blah. Are you for real? Three children, with three different men, when you were with someone else. ONE OF THEM WAS YOUR FIANCE'S BROTHER SHUT UP LIZ (but boy, does Rebecca Herbst look tiny. eat something, please, i could knock you over with a breath).


Carly is all "hahaha you suck, I told you so.." For someone who needs to out someone embarassingly as possible as Carly always does, and is this big defender for truth, why can she never tell the truth like ever?


Sam found her dad? who is a mobster? And Alexis is with this mobster? Willingly? Why? why. it's like people forget that amazing Kristina 1.0 scene where she basically told everyone to drop dead and mobsters suck. (I know she married Ric and everything but still). And Olivia is pregnant with Sam's dad's baby? Why can't it just be Ned's baby? We need more Quartermaine progeny please. (even though this stupid show kills them off every year). 

Jake is Jason? Well as he ate the show the last time, I wonder if I should bother to get all caught up.

This Spencer kid... i love the accent (i don 't know if it's adorable 10 year old speech patterns, or if it's this kid's actual accent - but i like it). but I don't know if I like Spencer or not. However, if they are trying to channel creepy Cassadine vibes with him - I approve of this message. (i am just surprised that Spencer is actually 10. I guess they haven't smacked Josslyn, Emma, Cam et.al with the SOARS stick yet, but it feels like Cam should be older than 10, no?).


this was a v. boring episode to be fair, and it doesn't help that i'm eons behind. But I liked Greenlee. 

  • Love 4

I'm not sure what it says about Spencer that he liked Dr. Obrecht's number, but I'm sure it's not good.  Also, he knows what a "honey trap" is?  (But not the correct meaning of "townie."  No, I'm not letting that go, since he says it every day he's on!)  Nicholas might want to look into what TV he's watching. 


Valerie certainly has a fabulous wardrobe for someone who came to PC on the fly and who has stated that money was tight for her and her mom.  She should also have something to say about the woman she knows as "Rosalie" and as one of Nicholas' girlfriends turning out to really be Hayden and a conwoman.


Personally, I'm happy with the world thinking Ned is the father of Olivia's baby, but considering the games played in the past with her own child's paternity, I think Sam might ought to be less torn with telling her dad the truth. 


I think one of the most put together ladies was the unknown day player who walked the red carpet alone.  I did like Ellie's dress.  It was pretty and suited the character.  I also liked Valerie's but didn't think it suited her character's circumstances.  Of course, maybe Lulu or Nicholas provided it.  Also, who provided Maxie's and Spinelli's Cartullos because... yeah.  Neither one of them is making that kind of money.  Liz...  She's a beautiful woman, but I hated that hairstyle, she needs to eat, and she was really washed out in that color.  Leave us not talk about the epic levels of hypocrisy she will have reached when she begs Nicholas to keep the Jason secret.  It's too horrifying to contemplate and makes Ric look like a piker in the lying games.


No, Carly, Jake didn't have to find out "like that."  You did that for you.

Edited by Fellaway
  • Love 7

Also, who provided Maxie's and Spinelli's Cartullos because... yeah.  Neither one of them is making that kind of money


To wear the Cartullos, Maxie must have been playing the old fashion game of "let me wear your stuff for free, and I will mention your brand name in public". I enjoyed seeing her awkward tumble after the bratty entitled airs she put on while talking down to the TV interviewer as a big know-it-all. She wouldn't let him get a word in edgewise. By all rights, Maxie should have had an embarrassing wardrobe malfunction too, even ripping the bodice of the borrowed dress so she'd be in trouble with the designer. Spinelli's lack of grace showed his complete idiocy when polished manners were required.


Lucy's hair and Ellie's too were so amateurish it looked like they were in the middle of a comb-out, and still half-wet. Several of the other women wore intricate expensive gowns with wash-and-wear straight hairstyles that were too everyday for the formal wear.

  • Love 1

I actually loved Liz's dress, but thought it'd look way better on Sabrina. Why do they keep putting the beautiful TeCa in that shade of pink? On the Micheal /Sabrina kiss day, she had a top on in a shade similar to Liz's dress, and it looked goregous on her. That dress would've looked way better on her than Liz imo. And they always stick Sam in black. Yawn. Maxie's dress was beautiful. Spinelli looking all weird and fumbly made the fall kinda funny imo. Ellie was beautiful, but the other gowns were weird or eh stuff I expected. But Hayden's was like the ugliest dress I've ever seen since the VMAs in the 2000s. She should have just did all denim like Britney and Justin. Or I don't know. But man. It was like costuming said "Okay, I'm going to make Rebecca Budig look totes hideous. Okay, fam." And mission accomplished.

I can't judge tuxes because I mean, they all look the same. They all looked hot. Unless they're dressing like the dudes at the NFL Draft, I won't notice a difference. Those dudes can rock a tux.

But that ring Ric gave Liz was probably the prettiest fake soap ring I've ever seen.

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I did like Elizabeth's dress, just not on her.  And I also agree that most of the women's hair was underwhelming, just their everyday styles.  Again, that random day player lady had better hair.


You know, I'd be happier to put up with all this camp and circumstance if they paid more attention to the actual original purpose of the Nurses' Ball.  I think Aveeno got more air and screen time today.

  • Love 4

A song about nuclear holocaust during a fundraiser for AIDS /HIV?

Wtf is going on in Ron's head? Endless loops of that scene where the Wicked Witch steals Dorothy's dog?

Every element of that was so strange, from the way Kathleen was prancing around like some drug-addled manic, to the crowd first clapping awkwardly but then applauding when it came back from commercial.

I think KG is extremely talented, and I really liked Dr. O when she was acted like a real villain. But I have no use for the Franco fangirl who claims her kids were "always on her mind", and princes around like a cartoon character.

ETA: I miss the days when soaps had real villains. I remember in the mid 90's being legitimately scared by Helena Cassadine & Stefano DiMmera, and then going back and watching clips of Faison, the guy scared the shit out of me and I loved every minute of it.

Now these old villains have been turned into cartoons, and new villains that once shows promise have also been turned into cartoons. Where are the scary bad guys?

ETA 2: I think the show as a whole and some specific plots would improve tremendously if it had villains being villains. For example, if we saw that Dr. O wanted to be GH chief in order to use its patients to test some drug she had designed, or we saw her gassing or injecting Patrick occasionally to erase his love for Robin.

On this note, Nik as a true villain could be fun if we got to see what sent him to the dark side. Similarly, Spencer as a Damien-esque child who was planting bombs on boats, having his minions kidnap a baby, etc all to cause chaos at the direction of Helena to keep the heroes distracted could be fun.

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 7
Brad's proposal was embarrassing (even if he knocked the song out of the park) and I know Lucas is going to say yes but I wish that he wouldn't. As others have posted, 99% of their relationship has been off screen.. so why do I care? I'm a gay man and even I don't care about this relationship (and, by law, I'm supposed to care). I don't need to see Fish Part 2, the Electric Boogaloo. I suppose they'll adopt a girl next. But then, I thought the most interesting any of the gays on this show have ever been was during the proposed three way (when I told friends about it, they were like 'WTH'?)


I'm sure the only reason why Lucas and Brad will (probably) get married is because Ron is hoping to be praised for having a gay married couple on this show.

  • Love 5

I actually could get into a Franco/Dr. O partnership or something if Ron just dropped the pretense of "Please love these characters." I know KG and Roger Howarth can play evil if given the material. I've seen Roger Howarth play terrifying without even speaking. So if Ron wants to do that, then great. But don't play the back and forth of good and bad. As for Spencer, the whole story imo, should be played by a teenager. I'm just sick of villains being given a "reason" or an "out" or "redemption ". I think I kinda liked the scenes of Morgan getting caught because villain or not, at least one character was like "Yeah I did this.... and?" Literally, Morgan gives no fucks. I don't want to like him, but it's refreshing in a world of excuses to see a character literally not care. No begging, nothing. You go, Morgan. Just next time, aim for Kiki.

I actually could get into a Franco/Dr. O partnership or something if Ron just dropped the pretense of "Please love these characters." I know KG and Roger Howarth can play evil if given the material. I've seen Roger Howarth play terrifying without even speaking. So if Ron wants to do that, then great. But don't play the back and forth of good and bad. As for Spencer, the whole story imo, should be played by a teenager. I'm just sick of villains being given a "reason" or an "out" or "redemption ". I think I kinda liked the scenes of Morgan getting caught because villain or not, at least one character was like "Yeah I did this.... and?" Literally, Morgan gives no fucks. I don't want to like him, but it's refreshing in a world of excuses to see a character literally not care. No begging, nothing. You go, Morgan. Just next time, aim for Kiki.

  • Love 1

The villains worked back in the day because they did their bad deeds, they got found out, and they went away or died and the story finally ended.   Sometimes they came back, but that device was used far more sparingly back when this show was decent  ... Jerry, Helena and Faison, for instance, all wore out their return welcome about 4 visits ago - at least.  Oh, and Stavros.  And Heather.    


Franco and Nina should not even be here.  They should both be locked in an asylum OFFSCREEN.  


Dr. O needs to get hit by a Mack truck. I hate, hate, hate how she gets away with monstrosities and then gets to run the hospital -- complete horseshit.  Somebody would have lost their mind over the injustice of it all a while ago, and hauled off and killed her annoying ass.     


None of it makes sense, none of it adds up, and none of it leaves any lasting impression anymore, because it's shitty, pointless storytelling.    It's not good storytelling to have horrible, disgusting things happening to people ... and then have the writing go "eh, but the villain is just so fun and clever ... let's hand-wave everything and move on!"   Murder and kidnapping and torture, etc., are bad and serious!  And it's high drama and you should watch! ... until we decide it's not such a big deal because we don't want to let go of characters who logically should have met their fate by now.  


Besides which, none of the villains' plans make any damn sense anymore, they always change when it suits the writers' fancy, and it's just a mishmash of ridiculousness at this point.  

  • Love 17


I can not stand Liz - so her screaming about secrets and lies and how dare Ric do all of this, this isn't love, blah blah. Are you for real? Three children, with three different men, when you were with someone else. ONE OF THEM WAS YOUR FIANCE'S BROTHER SHUT UP LIZ (but boy, does Rebecca Herbst look tiny. eat something, please, i could knock you over with a breath).


To be fair, she really wasn't with Ric when she conceived Cam with Zander. She found out about Carly in Ric's panic room, and wanted it to be over with him. She conceived Jake with Jason after seeing Lucky with Maxie and truly thinking "my marriage is over." Yeah, she took both men back because they are whiners who begged for more chances after doing heinous things (and with Lucky, because Cam missed daddy).  As for Aiden, he is Lucky's son. The explosion of anger at Ric was warranted because he's put her through more hell over the years than even Lucky did, and then recently kept lying to her when she asked him point blank to swear on his life no more schemes/ lies. There's no comparing Liz to Ric's history of psycho/sociopathic behavior. Liz didn't scheme and lie to have a ONS with any guy and get pregnant. Ric went through a lot of trouble and money to set up this on-going deception, and doesn't even feel a little bad about it. That was clear in his argument with Liz. He's just angry he got caught. 

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 11

ETA: I miss the days when soaps had real villains. I remember in the mid 90's being legitimately scared by Helena Cassadine & Stefano DiMmera, and then going back and watching clips of Faison, the guy scared the shit out of me and I loved every minute of it.

Now these old villains have been turned into cartoons, and new villains that once shows promise have also been turned into cartoons. Where are the scary bad guys?


We're forgetting that among all the cartoon villains we have--scary bad guy Fluke/Luke/Puke. He's a mixture of human and monster. Consequently, we're confused about how we are supposed to feel about him...Fear when he blows up basements and carries baseball bats? Or pity and  mercy when he lies around in a hospital bed, questioning and regretting his existence? The former hero now seems to has devolved into anti-hero.  


Then we have lesser villains Duke the Dour and Franco, Serial Killer/romantic leading man. Not to mention villains Julian Jerome and Sonny Corinthos, who are probably serial killers and certainly romantic leading men.


The ambiguity and irony of the more human villains make us off-balance and affected by our own existential nausea. But the writers love this atmosphere, because they can ignore character traits and history in favor of plot points and sweeps weeks. 

  • Love 4

We're forgetting that among all the cartoon villains we have--scary bad guy Fluke/Luke/Puke. He's a mixture of human and monster. Consequently, we're confused about how we are supposed to feel about him...Fear when he blows up basements and carries baseball bats? Or pity and  mercy when he lies around in a hospital bed, questioning and regretting his existence? The former hero now seems to has devolved into anti-hero.  


I appreciate that you were clear about the distinction that Fluke/Luke/Puke only blew up the basement because as we now know, it's possible to blow up the basement and not have the entire house blow up too or fall in. I keep imagining tourist buses coming by the Elm St. house and marveling at the magical floating house there.

  • Love 9

The villains worked back in the day because they did their bad deeds, they got found out, and they went away or died and the story finally ended.   Sometimes they came back, but that device was used far more sparingly back when this show was decent  ... Jerry, Helena and Faison, for instance, all wore out their return welcome about 4 visits ago - at least.  Oh, and Stavros.  And Heather.    


Franco and Nina should not even be here.  They should both be locked in an asylum OFFSCREEN.  


Dr. O needs to get hit by a Mack truck. I hate, hate, hate how she gets away with monstrosities and then gets to run the hospital -- complete horseshit.  Somebody would have lost their mind over the injustice of it all a while ago, and hauled off and killed her annoying ass.     


None of it makes sense, none of it adds up, and none of it leaves any lasting impression anymore, because it's shitty, pointless storytelling.    It's not good storytelling to have horrible, disgusting things happening to people ... and then have the writing go "eh, but the villain is just so fun and clever ... let's hand-wave everything and move on!"   Murder and kidnapping and torture, etc., are bad and serious!  And it's high drama and you should watch! ... until we decide it's not such a big deal because we don't want to let go of characters who logically should have met their fate by now.  


Besides which, none of the villains' plans make any damn sense anymore, they always change when it suits the writers' fancy, and it's just a mishmash of ridiculousness at this point.  


This post should win an award. Any award. It needs the recognition it so richly deserves. If people want to know one of the reasons have tuned out over the years - this is it.  For example,Helena was shot point blank in the heart by Luke and she still came back. As Carolyn Hinsey once wrote, "If you don't care about your own characters, why should I care as a viewer?" Unfortunately I think GH will be canceled before ABC can ever replace Ron and Frank. :( It's so sad. They had such promise and thier first year was kind of kick ass.


I don't even really mind Sonny and Julien... there's at least a glimmer of various points of views about them these days that I am sort of ok with them. But the Legion of Doom? Enough already.

  • Love 6
As Carolyn Hinsey once wrote, "If you don't care about your own characters, why should I care as a viewer?"




YES!  This quote is platinum gold.  


Honestly, for some of the stories, there are the bones of a story that could be interesting hidden way, way, way down in there ... which makes it all the more frustrating.   The Hayden and Ric scheming could have been fun and soapy if done right and if the entire structure of the story around Jake-son wasn't already nonsensical shit.   The Jordan undercover stuff is at least grounded in some kind of reality, but it's been dragged on and sputtering for so long, and so many people are acting ridiculous for it to keep crawling forward that it's a big Who Cares? now.   


As a random note, it's too bad Maxie is such a stupid asshole, because for the first time in forever her hair actually looks decent most of the time.   I mean, to me, Maxie has been a stupid asshole most of her adulthood, but for a long time there was the hope that she would grow the hell up.

  • Love 7

I really wish some media outlet/soap outlet would let Ron have it for the mockery he has made of the Nurses Ball.  It's honestly offensive now, and he SHOULD have to answer for it.  If he wanted to have a big gala in order to air out his fantasies, he should have made something else up instead of taking such a groundbreaking thing and completely destroying any integrity it had.


THIS is what the NB IS and WAS about:





Since it can't be said enough, FUCK YOU Ron. 

  • Love 12
Maybe tell her that *she* (Olivia) should be the one to tell him, and if she isn't willing to do it, than she will.  I don't think that will happen, it's not soapy enough, but it's what *should* happen.


IMO, it is pretty soapy, though, given that Franco is already blackmailing Olivia. If Sam does talk to Olivia and give her that ultimatum, she'd get it from both sides, as it were. Sam's motives aren't as self-serving as Franco's, but it's still pressure. 


I'm not sure what it says about Spencer that he liked Dr. Obrecht's number, but I'm sure it's not good.


I rolled my eyes at that, because of course Spencer liked it. He recognizes a kindred spirit. It's Ron trying too hard, as always. 


it's refreshing in a world of excuses to see a character literally not care. No begging, nothing. You go, Morgan.


Morgan does care, a LOT. He was begging Dante not to arrest him, and he was begging Sonny and Carly to understand why he did what he did. He's forever caring, because he desperately wants his parents, especially Sonny, to think he's worthy.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 3

I really wish some media outlet/soap outlet would let Ron have it for the mockery he has made of the Nurses Ball.  It's honestly offensive now, and he SHOULD have to answer for it.  If he wanted to have a big gala in order to air out his fantasies, he should have made something else up instead of taking such a groundbreaking thing and completely destroying any integrity it had.


THIS is what the NB IS and WAS about:





Since it can't be said enough, FUCK YOU Ron. 


It's funny - I couldn't be moved at the fantastic writing because all I could see was dead Quartermaines that Guza and Ron have killed off* (they killed AJ TWICE) and how cheap what we get now looks by comparison. Tablecloths, fake flowers and my God, salt shakers and glasses can't be THAT expensive (and really, ABC doesn't have these things in their prop department??).


Granted, HIV/AIDS is not what it was then (how far we really have come) but then let's change the beneficiary to something that we can get a little emotion about - make a speech about how because of events like the Nurses Ball, money has been raised for research and so the NB will raise funds for something else... but a quick soundbite on the red carpet by Maxie does not cut it.


I think the Nurses Ball is like General Hospital - I'd rather not see it if it'll be this cheap, this poorly written and this cartoonish.


*I mean, other than John Ingle who passed away in real life.

Edited by DayPlayerAtKellys
  • Love 6

So how long is this thing going on? Must say LiRic are so damn pretty of course they have to bust them up with such ridiculousness. Liz going back to Ric right after the Jake thing makes zero sense as does the proposal. Ric listen to your damn daughter next time. I'm also torn cause I don't hate Carly for doing it, perhaps cause I'm a Liz fan and she deserved to know the truth *shrug*


Nik has bad timing, I think him telling her he's Jake right after is almost too much. Wonder what she'll do with this information? I actually am looking forward to BH sinking her teeth into something so don't mind that she does at least know now.


Other randoms

Best dressed probably Olivia and Sabrina. Hair and makeup was a mess pretty much on everyone though I did like Liz' bun. And I can't take my eyes off of Lucas damn RC is gorgeous. Luv him and Brad don't care if the proposal seems soon.

Hate Dr. O but the red balloons number was amusing if for the reaction of everyone else in the audience.

Sam looks happy with Patrick *ticking time bomb*

I like Valerie and think she could give Lulu a run for her money with Dante, hee!

Nathan and Maxie longing for each other, like we didn't see that one coming...

I'm also torn cause I don't hate Carly for doing it, perhaps cause I'm a Liz fan and she deserved to know the truth *shrug*



I don't hate Carly for exposing Ric, I just hate how she did it.  She could have picked a better place than a CHARITY event...even though the charity part of the Nurse's Ball is a joke at this point (and with that I promise I am done bitching about it...maybe).   Liz definitely deserved to know.

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