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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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And on a side note, even if the ultimate responsibility for Emma does lie with her father, Anna also sucks as a grandmother. So thanks for that reminder, too.  :-P

LOL, you're welcome. ;). I actually agree that Anna more or less sucks as a grandmother. Because she knows all the issues Robin had growing up without her, she should have at least insisted to Patrick that they work together on looking into Robin's whereabouts/perspective/emotional state of mind, for Emma's sake. I would have been cool with them going to Paris off-screen, then returning and agreeing on-screen that while they can't force Robin to talk to them, they can get Emma into therapy, Emma can have weekly dates with Grandma Anna, etc. Instead, Patrick has just kept repeating Emma's at sleepover, and/or spending time with Mac and Felicia. The only time we've seen or heard about Anna and Emma together was that night at the hospital, after Spencer's b-day party and the fire trauma. 


In a way, Anna looks worse than Patrick because she knows all Robin has been through in her life, and Anna's entire career has been about dealing with high-stake situations and people with suspicious behavior. Yet she's not the one making choices that show on-going ignorance of/disregard for Emma's emotional well-being.


So Ron is fine with Anna looking like a crappy spy and bad mother because KMc isn't currently working on GH, and because he doesn't want it to seem like Robin (or her story of suffering) is important. It's all. about. Jason. and Sam. 


And thanks, Heatlifer.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 2

She is, but the plot is betraying her.  She kissed him on New Years Eve, and Patrick rightly brought it up.


Because, yes, we all voluntarily kiss people we find repulsive. Sigh.


Olivia kissed (and then slept) with Julian, who seems to repulse her.


I haven't seen anything from Anna since indicating an interest in Sloane.

Edited by TeeVee329

Thank goodness. The Anna/Sloane interactions are so, so gross. He's always leering and making inappropriate comments, and always looks thisclose to forcing himself on her. UGH.


I think I talked about this before, but it is so gross. Ron didn't always write this shit, but he started doing it in a big way starting on OLTL years back - guys who either expose themselves to chicks or do other shit and make 'cute' comments, guys who come on to them and leer. He and some of the other writers clearly find it roguish and charming. Everything with Sloane dropping trou in front of Anna all the time and smirking - this from a corrupt official who tried to get her prosecuted - is so fucking disgusting. It's 2015, it's not 1975!


I think Finola is kind of stuck playing some of it down the middle. I've seen her try to insert some genuine vulnerability into some of those scenes, where Sloane (after showing Anna his dick again) tries to comfort her or give her Real Talk. But she can't be much happier about this than me, or so I hope.

I'm glad Alexis has a great sex life. Lord knows someone on this soap opera should - but most of her story arc since Kristina's conception and just about every argument that she's ever had with Sam has been about protecting her family from the violence surrounding mobsters/criminals. So why is she now publicly dating Julian?


Because she only wants those men, despite all her bitching. Alexis had been a hypocrite for years, at least with Julian she is finally owning her needs.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 9

I'm glad Alexis has a great sex life. Lord knows someone on this soap opera should - but most of her story arc since Kristina's conception and just about every argument that she's ever had with Sam has been about protecting her family from the violence surrounding mobsters/criminals. So why is she now publicly dating Julian?

The sex is just that good.

Mopey Sam and loopy Spinelli are collaborating on a detective job. Lame and pathetic. Dumb and dumber. Two monkeys studying a puzzle. Spinelli, the acknowledged computer nerd who can clean noise out of files and do other electronic legerdemain on computers, expresses clueless bafflement about the picture he took of Hayden's "business contact" at the hotel. Who could it be?


Then Sam lazily reaches over with a superior smile to hit the "Zoom" button to see the guy's hand, and his ring. Presto! Big clue from the class ring! Spinelli is soooooo impressed.


I throw up in my mouth a little.

Is Patrick acting like a douche? Sure. Full stop.


But in a way, JT/Patrick is damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. If he did follow up after Robin was hijacked by Helena, he'd be spinning his wheels because things would obviously go nowhere because he can't actually find Robin because KMc is not on the show. So, in a sense, his character would be in limbo, too, which wouldn't be fair.


But Patrick moving on also makes him a huge asshat because of what we the audience know, and the awful pattern RC has going, treating repeated kidnapping as a joke. And Patrick looks like an ass, even as HE thinks Robin left of her own volition. I think Anna looks as bad - no, WORSE than Patrick as she is Robin's own mother. But for some reason, she seems to get a pass. 


Like I said, Patrick in my eyes is a dumbass POS now, but so is Anna. Shit, so is this "story". I see no reason Patrick either could not have been written off with KMc if RC still wanted to keep Scrubs viable. Or, if he wanted Patrick on canvas, have Scrubs divorce before KMc/Robin left again after the reunion. Say too much has happened, and split. It's a soap: They could reconcile down the line if the pairing is so important.


But this back and forth/play dumb shit is doing no one any favors.

How are Patrick and Anna dumbasses, but Robin is not?  If you're going to paint two people with that brush, paint them all.  Robin STARTED this whole mess when she refused to rope her parents into the blackmail.  She told no one about what was happening to her because she had to save Jason.  Patrick, btw, was behind her choice - reluctantly - but he still supported her.  THEN she comes back, never telling Patrick that she's just an hour away at Crighton Clinic, walking around with no guards, and never once makes a phone call.  This idea that Robin Scorpio, the daughter of Robert and Anna Scorpio, can't get ANY leverage on Viktor Cassadine is ludicrous to me.  She allowed herself to manipulated, and she lied to her mother and Patrick continuously.  So how she is the victim and Patrick and Anna are the POS dumbasses but Robin is not guilty of anything is amazing to me.  They took Robin at her word - SEVERAL TIMES.  They aren't mind readers.


Now, that being said, the writing could have been done much better, and I agree that RC did not have to write Robin as being blackmailed.  Then again, she's an idiot for putting herself in that position SEVERAL times.  I also don't think it's fair to blame other characters when the actress won't commit to the show.  How exactly can they write Robin in a way that will please Robin fans?  I mean, what would make Robin leave her child?  The only option, imo, is ANOTHER death.  How many times can Robin die because that's the only explanation that I can think of as to why she would leave Emma.  Are they going to put her in ANOTHER coma?  


I like Patrick and Anna.  I don't think either one is the bad guy AT ALL in this, and since both Sam and Patrick needs a partner, I'm fine with it being with each other.  I hate Jake as a character, and so Sam and Jake (for me) are not an option.  Liz can have them.  They can be boring together.  I are that RC handled this Patrick/Robin story horribly, but I have no idea what he was thinking in the first place if he knew KMc wasn't staying.  Why bring her back from the dead in the first place?  It's just like Jason.  Why bring him back either, especially if you plan on changing the character completely because your actor can't play him the way he is?  I.don't.get.it.

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 8

How exactly can they write Robin in a way that will please Robin fans?  I mean, what would make Robin leave her child?  The only option, imo, is ANOTHER death.  How many times can Robin die because that's the only explanation that I can think of as to why she would leave Emma.  Are they going to put her in ANOTHER coma?  


Instead of the trauma of her faked death/captivity being the cover reason for her leaving, it should have been the actual reason.  The show could have had Robin and Patrick sadly realize that the separation had damaged their relationship and bittersweetly divorce.  And then, Robin could have gotten a fantastic new job somewhere outside Port Charles to continue the work she started in captivity and agreed to joint custody with Patrick.  That's a decently happy ending that would have allowed for Robin visits.


I'm sure Robin fans would prefer imagining her living her life in Paris, eating baguettes and wearing a cute beret, instead of chained up in some Cassadine lab.

  • Love 16

Isn't the reason that Ron didn't go with Robin choosing to leave is because he is a big Scrubs fan?  I feel like I have read that he feels like Scrubs is end-game so he didn't want to break up Robin and Patrick.  But guess what?  He broke up Robin and Patrick.  They are divorced.  Sure, Robin didn't want it but it still happened.  Why couldn't he have let them reluctantly decide to divorce and have mentions of Emma visiting Robin when she is offscreen?  If Robin ever comes back (either in the form of KMc or a recast) they can still write the Scrubs reunion story.  I am not opposed to Patrick moving on but it makes it hard to watch him move on with his life while Robin is once again being held against her will.


Changing lanes, I cannot wait for Michael to find out that he is being drugged.  There needs to be a long line of people at the Quatermaine door lining up to apologize to Michael.

Edited by Mrs. Stanwyck
  • Love 7

Instead of the trauma of her faked death/captivity being the cover reason for her leaving, it should have been the actual reason.  The show could have had Robin and Patrick sadly realize that the separation had damaged their relationship and bittersweetly divorce.  And then, Robin could have gotten a fantastic new job somewhere outside Port Charles to continue the work she started in captivity and agreed to joint custody with Patrick.  That's a decently happy ending that would have allowed for Robin visits.


I'm sure Robin fans would prefer imagining her living her life in Paris, eating baguettes and wearing a cute beret, instead of chained up in some Cassadine lab.

I agree with everything you said, but unfortunately, RC wrote himself and Robin into a corner.  I say again, why even bring her back from the dead?  Even if they could write a plausible reason for her leaving, she would never leave Emma after being "dead" for two years.  If KMc could not return full time, then Robin should have stayed dead.  It's that simple.  There is no way to write a credible reason for Robin to leave Emma, imo.


Isn't the reason that Ron didn't go with Robin choosing to leave is because he is a big Scrubs fan?  I feel like I have read that he feels like Scrubs is end-game so he didn't want to break up Robin and Patrick.  But guess what?  He broke up Robin and Patrick.  They are divorced.  Sure, Robin didn't want it but it still happened.  Why couldn't he have let them reluctantly decide to divorce and have mentions of Emma visiting Robin when she is offscreen?  If Robin ever comes back (either in the form of KMc or a recast) they can still write the Scrubs reunion story.  I am not opposed to Patrick moving on but it makes it hard to watch him move on with his life while Robin is once again being held against her will.

It's hard to even believe she's being held against her will at this point.  Robin should have been recast because I don't think there is a plausible way to write Robin NOT wanting to be with Patrick and Emma.  She was desperate to get back to them.  Patrick chose her over Sabrina when asked to make the choice.  So now Robin just leaves again and has sporadic visits with Emma?  It wouldn't work.  


Changing lanes, I cannot wait for Michael to find out that he is being drugged.  There needs to be a long line of people at the Quatermaine door lining up to apologize to Michael.



IF that's how RC plans on writing this story.  More than likely, Michael will either forgive everyone or people will tell Michael to just get over it already - with all the other things he's suppose to just get over already.  I'm looking forward to today's episode.  Sonny was confronting Michael about Avery, and Michael looked "normal" and not under the influence.  So I'm hoping it's a good confrontation and not Michael stumbling around "drunk."  I guess we'll see.  

  • Love 1

What was with both Spinelli and Sam talking about Carly's instincts being 'usually' on target? WTF? 

Was lying to Michael a good instinct? (or covering up a murder for that matter)

Was dating Franco a good instinct?

Was getting back together with Sonny a good instinct?


Didn't GH both show and tell for years that Carly orchestrated plaaaaaaans that never worked out and required much bailing out by Jason? Now all of a sudden her instincts are good? 


No sale, show.

  • Love 12

Instead of the trauma of her faked death/captivity being the cover reason for her leaving, it should have been the actual reason. The show could have had Robin and Patrick sadly realize that the separation had damaged their relationship and bittersweetly divorce. And then, Robin could have gotten a fantastic new job somewhere outside Port Charles to continue the work she started in captivity and agreed to joint custody with Patrick. That's a decently happy ending that would have allowed for Robin visits.

I'm sure Robin fans would prefer imagining her living her life in Paris, eating baguettes and wearing a cute beret, instead of chained up in some Cassadine lab.

Exactly. There would be holes in the story no matter what, and people doubting Robin and Patrick would voluntarily break up or grow apart. But soap relationships fall apart for flimsy reasons all the time, and it would be FAR better than this idiocy - Robin not even trying to save herself, Patrick and Sam and Anna incapable of asking the most basic questions, undead Cassadine insanity, convoluted endless stupidity - and in the service of what? A really stupid, unpleasant story. Jason didn't have to come back at all, and he didn't have to come back like this. And this was not the only way to write around KMc's absence.

Honestly, Robin never had to die at all (although the set up for this is the last head writer's fault, I believe). The fallout from Lisa's millionth attempt on her life could have been what broke up Scrubs.

  • Love 9

Did I miss when Patrick/Robin became the greatest soap couple in history, so only death could explain them not being together? I mean...I just...completely disagree. IMO, Ron could have easily divorced them and done some custody deal with Emma. It happens. Actors leave shows. Characters don't always have to die or be held prisoner for years for it to work. A 30-year vet does not need to be destroyed solely to appease Patrick Drake, a character who won't even be a blip on the radar in terms of history. And even if he is, it's because of Robin.

As far as Robin not "saving herself" in this story, I mean, should there have been a scene with her engaging in a physical struggle with Victor or Helena? Her trying to break out of the clinic? Her trying to call someone? What should have happened?

We already had Victor threaten to kill Jason and hire a kid to run Patrick off the road and Helena threaten to kill Patrick, Emma and Anna. Were those empty threats? Should Robin have risked it? I guess that's up to the viewer to decide.

As far as Robin "choosing to leave to save Jason," what's Patrick's problem with it? He's sleeping with Sam now. Sam Morgan. He better fake it to make it bc I don't think she'll appreciate any pillow talk of him complaining about Robin trying to save Jase. Just sayin.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 4

What was with both Spinelli and Sam talking about Carly's instincts being 'usually' on target? WTF? 

Was lying to Michael a good instinct? (or covering up a murder for that matter)

Was dating Franco a good instinct?

Was getting back together with Sonny a good instinct?


Didn't GH both show and tell for years that Carly orchestrated plaaaaaaans that never worked out and required much bailing out by Jason? Now all of a sudden her instincts are good? 


No sale, show.

They said she had good instincts when it came to women, or women trying to pull a scam or something like that. Still bullshit, but less so than Carly being anything but self-serving.

  • Love 3

I agree with everything you said, but unfortunately, RC wrote himself and Robin into a corner.  I say again, why even bring her back from the dead?  Even if they could write a plausible reason for her leaving, she would never leave Emma after being "dead" for two years.  If KMc could not return full time, then Robin should have stayed dead.  It's that simple.  There is no way to write a credible reason for Robin to leave Emma, imo.


It's hard to even believe she's being held against her will at this point.  Robin should have been recast because I don't think there is a plausible way to write Robin NOT wanting to be with Patrick and Emma.  She was desperate to get back to them.  Patrick chose her over Sabrina when asked to make the choice.  So now Robin just leaves again and has sporadic visits with Emma?  It wouldn't work.  


With respect, Bishop, I don't believe that this is Kimberly's fault in any way. She was the one who wanted Robin killed off initially, and Ron talked her out of it. And then he proceeded to have her kidnapped 817,000 times because he's a hackish idiot who can't write his way out of a wet paper bag. I appreciate your feeling that this storyline doesn't work, because it doesn't, for a million reasons, but conversely Ron writes what he wants to write regardless of logic or common sense or anything else. If Kimberly was here, or if Robin was recast (and given how "happy" you are with the new Jason, I can only imagine how you'd react to that, lol) the storyline would still suck, the character and/or the actress would just be present for it.

  • Love 6


With respect, Bishop, I don't believe that this is Kimberly's fault in any way. She was the one who wanted Robin killed off initially, and Ron talked her out of it. And then he proceeded to have her kidnapped 817,000 times because he's a hackish idiot who can't write his way out of a wet paper bag. I appreciate your feeling that this storyline doesn't work, because it doesn't, for a million reasons, but conversely Ron writes what he wants to write regardless of logic or common sense or anything else. If Kimberly was here, or if Robin was recast (and given how "happy" you are with the new Jason, I can only imagine how you'd react to that, lol) the storyline would still suck, the character and/or the actress would just be present for it.

I didn't know the details.  I agree with you regarding RC's writing, but what I'm saying is that if I was KMc, I would not continue to make these "guest appearances" anymore unless RC was going to write the character properly because whether intentional or not, she's now contributing to the character's wishy washy persona.  I also agree with you that RC is HORRIBLE at recasts (see Franco and Jake).  So if I were a Robin fan, no, I wouldn't want her recast.  However, the way they are writing Robin now is not pleasing her fans anyway.


The purpose of my post is that I don't see Patrick as the villain the way I see him written here so often.  Him getting on with Sam doesn't make him as ass.  It's either that or sit in limbo as  a character until RC comes up with another "genius" plan.  I hate how RC writes the GH vets for the most part.  The only story that is working for me involving GH vets is Michael and Sonny.  Other than that, RC likes to make the GH vets look dumb and stupid and his newbie creations, the smart ones.  Case in point:  Franco outmaneuvering Ned for his ELQ shares?  When would that EVER happen?  

  • Love 4

As far as Robin not "saving herself" in this story, I mean, should there have been a scene with her engaging in a physical struggle with Victor or Helena? Her trying to break out of the clinic? Her trying to call someone? What should have happened?

We already had Victor threaten to kill Jason and hire a kid to run Patrick off the road and Helena threaten to kill Patrick, Emma and Anna. Were those empty threats? Should Robin have risked it? I guess that's up to the viewer to decide.


This is what happens when you set up a fictional universe where the bad guys always win and common sense dies.

It makes no sense whatsoever that Robin would not ask her parents for help in the first instance -- except on GH where it's just accepted that the villians are all powerful and it's useless to resist.

It makes no sense that Robin's family and friends aren't suspicious of any of this -- except on GH where character stupidity is essential to grind these senseless plots on and on and on.

  • Love 11

If KMc is part of the reason Robin looks whatever way, does that mean JT continuing to go to work contributes to Patrick looking like a dumbass to some viewers? Or Fin still being on this show is the reason some viewers are suffering watching her wasted on Sloane? I'm just not understanding pointing the fingers to the actors as the reason things are unfolding on-screen? But, oh, well.

  • Love 10

If KMc is part of the reason Robin looks whatever way, does that mean JT continuing to go to work contributes to Patrick looking like a dumbass to some viewers? Or Fin still being on this show is the reason some viewers are suffering watching her wasted on Sloane? I'm just not understanding pointing the fingers to the actors as the reason things are unfolding on-screen? But, oh, well.


Beyond that. maybe it really is Maurice Benard's fault that Sonny's stuttering, stammering, barware-throwing ass is still being written the way he is. I mean, if you're gonna start casting blame, let's cast it where it really belongs.

  • Love 2

Show: Greenlee and Nik continues to hump like rabbits on the sly for no reason whatsoever except to paint Nik like the most disgusting piece of shit who can lie to his cousin's face and then go and bone her brain dead husband's new "fake wife" while said "fake wife" is a complete waste of space.               


Me: Fuck it.  *Tries to give it a few days*


Show: Lulu's new cousin apparently can't go two seconds without bringing up her mother and fake sobbing all over Dante while Lulu who is responsible for tracking her down and bringing her into their lives is now having buyer's remorse because she knows how to cook a mean egg dish...


Me: Fuck it. *Tries again to take a time out and come back later*


Show: Jake continues to have flashbacks and memories of Sam and yet can only manage looks of confusions or strained disinterest instead of actually trying to figure shit out while Sam weeps and cradles Jason's ring while standing next to the block of wood known as her former spouse, still as clueless as ever with no end in sight to her ineptitude and Patrick continues to be a complete son of a bitch with no redeeming qualities.


Me: Fuck it. *Gives it a week*


Show: Shawn and Jordan trade "I love you"'s and apparently they are supposedly sincere...


Me: *Can't even be bothered anymore and turns off the TV*


And for some reason Spinelli has become even more of an annoying, intolerable pest than when he left and I would very much like for him to take a stray bullet to the base of his skull.

  • Love 5

Blow it out your ass, Kiki.  You only feel guilty and scared because Avery was kidnapped, otherwise you'd still be giggling and high-fiving about "Operation Alcoholic".  The show's weak attempt to absolve Kiki after the fact is so transparent and lame.


And also because I think Kiki actually believes she may still have a chance with Michael.  That's the other thing floating around in that small, TEENY, little brain of hers.

  • Love 8

As far as Robin "choosing to leave to save Jason," 

I think what's gotten lost in all of this is what I remember - a scene in the park of Robin meeting Danny. I don't recall if she and Patrick discussed that later. She ran into Molly with Danny, and there was talk of, oh poor Danny will never get to meet his daddy. Robin told Danny that his dad was better than the best to her. Then I think we were supposed to understand from KMc's facial expressions that she was thinking and feeling like, it's not fair that I got to reunite with Emma but Jason will never get the chance to be a father to his son unless I try to save him. She always believed that no matter the circumstances, Jason would save her if he knew she was in trouble, and she would do the same if possible if the situations were reversed. I understand that some posters here may think Robin could have done more to prevent this situation, in part due to inherited smarts/skills from her parents. BUT the Robin who left had already been emotionally beaten down for two years by Victor and Co. She didn't just bounce back from that, and then wound up in another situation where she's a prisoner, again threatened. Yes she was naive to trust anything Victor said. Yet Patrick was naive too because her behavior during their last face-to-face conversation was exactly the same as when Jerry Jax blackmailed her and Nikolas (and Patrick figured out something was up).  Robin was clearly depressed and feeling utterly defeated in that last Skype call with Anna and Patrick. The truly terrible writing at that point was that Anna and Patrick didn't attempt to track her down and discuss her feelings and what to do about Emma. They just let it go. The fact that Faison said "Paris" and "Robin" to Anna's face while in custody should have been a big red flag. That is when I feel she utterly failed as a superspy. Patrick refuses to consider his now ex-wife's state of mind because of his own ego and being inherently selfish. His most recent scenes with Emma and Sam are proof of that to me. 

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 5

And also because I think Kiki actually believes she may still have a chance with Michael.  That's the other thing floating around in that small, TEENY, little brain of hers.


She only began having twinges of conscience when she saw that Michael was bothered by seeing her together with Morgan. 


Ugh. How are Michael's only romantic possibilities Kiki and Sabrina? 

  • Love 2
The show's weak attempt to absolve Kiki after the fact is so transparent and lame.

I know! WTF? Who cares if Lauren feels guilty? Get rid of her one way or another so I never have to see her again.


"You told your uncle we committed a felony?" How is drugging someone a felony? Morgan is a complete dumbass.


STFU, Sonny. Gah, he's tiresome. And LOL that his guys haven't found Avery. When do they ever?

  • Love 4

I think Show is just doing a sloppy job of communicating to the audience that Morgan's anger toward/resentment of Michael runs deeper than Kiki's and that she may have residual feelings for Michael. I watched part of their scene and he appeared to be trying to give her a 'you caring about Michael is a serious character flaw' look.  He wants to be #1 in her eyes as well as his parents'.  


ETA: I am really, seriously disappointed in Carlos for hiding with that gun when he had a perfect opportunity there with Carly and Spinelli. And Show passed up an opportunity for an awesome headline in Julian's newspaper: Hotel owner gets shot using key to enter guest's room

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 9

I think what's gotten lost in all of this is what I remember - a scene in the park of Robin meeting Danny. I don't recall if she and Patrick discussed that later. She ran into Molly with Danny, and there was talk of, oh poor Danny will never get to meet his daddy. Robin told Danny that his dad was better than the best to her. Then I think we were supposed to understand from KMc's facial expressions that she was thinking and feeling like, it's not fair that I got to reunite with Emma but Jason will never get the chance to be a father to his son unless I try to save him. She always believed that no matter the circumstances, Jason would save her if he she was in trouble, and she would do the same if possible if the situations were reversed. I understand that some posters here may think Robin could have done more to prevent this situation, in part due to inherited smarts/skills from her parents. BUT the Robin who left had already been emotionally beaten down for two years by Victor and Co. She didn't just bounce back from that, and then wound up in another situation where she a prisoner, again threatened. Yes she was naive to trust anything Victor said. Yet Patrick was naive too because her behavior during their last face-to-face conversation was exactly the same as when Jerry Jax blackmailed her and Nikolas (and Patrick figured out something was up). Robin was clearly depressed and feeling utterly defeated in that last Skype call with Anna and Patrick. The truly terrible writing at that point was that Anna and Patrick didn't attempt to track her down and discuss her feelings and what to do about Emma. They just let it go. The fact that Faison said "Paris" and "Robin" to Anna's face while in custody should have been a big red flag. That is when I feel she utterly failed as a superspy. Patrick refuses to consider his now ex-wife's state of mind because of his own ego and being inherently selfish. His most recent scenes with Emma and Sam are proof of that to me.

My thoughts exactly. Couldn't have said it any better.

Not only did Robin have that scene in the park with Danny, but she did tell Patrick that she couldn't leave Jason in limbo. Because it was like HER being in limbo for those two years, not being able to be with her husband and child. She specifically brought up wanting to revive Jason for SAM and DANNY. And also for herself. Because that's how much he meant to her life.

Patrick's response was basically screw Jason, Sam and Danny.

And now he's "in love" with Sam and moved Danny in and they're a family!?!!? This is the beautiful love story???? Sorry, Robin, you lost everything and sacrificed your life, but Patrick reaps the benefits!

I'm just never going to get behind this story. Because it completely depresses every part of me that's a Robin fan. She's the loser while Patrick plays house and Sam gets to decide whether she wants her original husband or Robin's family. Just...LOL. Sure.

And, also, the story completely fell off the rails when Anna and Patrick both had scenes with Faison. They know about him, about Victor, about Hells, but still nothing??? There are no excuses.

  • Love 12

Why didn't Carrrlos shoot Carly & Spin when he had the chance? More importantly, why is Spin copying "Will Horton"'s hair?

I'm actually giddy about Sonny, Carly, and MICHAEL getting to rip The Captain & The Mooch to pieces over Mikey being drugged. The only thing that could make it better is if it happens at a public event and we get Ellie's commentary. Her commentary at the Sonny/Kannie Wedding was gold.

  • Love 7

I'm 15 minutes into today's episode and I have one question - what the hell is up with Spinelli's hair? It looks like he is wearing a bad wig; that one unruly lock of hair seemed to be bugging BA as much as it was me and his constant attempts to move it off his forehead were very distracting.

I think he got a haircut and they cut it oddly so it doesn't stay in place as it should.

I liked Sabrina interrupting Michael and Sonny with the truth and the Dum Dum Twins arriving at just the wrong (or right) time. But I hope Michael gives both Kiki and Morgan equal amounts of hell for this shit. And calls the cops (no, not Dante) to have them arrested. Hmm, I bet an attempted murder charge wouldn't stick but I'd bet it would make a great headline! *coughJuliancough*

Speaking of Julian, I'm glad he didn't "read" Jake into Project Cat Murder. Because Jake was not at all subtle. "Please tell me, please, please, please!! I'll be your best friend! The cops? Nah, they hate my guts…I'll even pinky-swear my devotion. Please! I'm cool. Totes." Yeah, that was some super natural acting there, buddy.

  • Love 4

Why doesn't anyone take the shot the moment it's possible? Not that I want Duke dead, but Carrrlos had plenty of opportunity to shoot Duke. And Duke's stooge had more than once chance to shoot Jordan.

Carlos always does an interpretive dance before a hit but Carly and Spinelli interrupted and threw his schedule off. Bruce didn't shoot because there were two hot women in front of him and he was hoping for a cat fight. See, each had a reason to draw out their tasks until next episode!

  • Love 11
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