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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I will say, I haven't liked the recurring element that women can't handle grief and get emotional/crazy (Sabrina, Valerie) and have to be talked down from the ledge by a man (Patrick/Felix, Dante).



Franco also talked Nina out of her obsession with Ava's baby in about 10 minutes. Also? I think at some point, Sonny literally cured Kate/Connie's DID with his penis...as you do

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Ava's defending Kiki, that how Michael won't let her see her to see if Avery's ok. Kiki's the reason the accident happened.


LOL Sonny says he's enabling Michael? Morgan claiming he's worried about Michael to Carson's faces is gross. Morgan and Kiki better pay badly for this. Especially after Kiki walks in with a gloating full of herself face in the Q mansion. 


Sabrina at least has a brain, she realizes already the pills could be different.

  • Love 5

Well I guess it was Shit On Michael Day, with mobsters and SERIAL KILLERS and their sycophants passing judgment on him left and right.  Also, seriously, "Access Port Charles"?  ENOUGH with the reRons, get some new shtick!


On the other hand, I am amused that Morgan and Kiki's "genius" plan was sniffed out almost immediately.  And good on Carly for pointing out that Sonny and Morgan aren't exactly strangers to angry, drunken binges.


Am I supposed to give a shit about Franco and Nina having a tiff?  Show, please.



  • Love 13

How is it possible for this show to go lower than it already has?  Morgan and Kiki's vile smugness, Sonny's ridiculous hypocrisy, the horrible beasts that are Nina and Franco ... and are they really killing off Ava?  Obviously the cast is bloated, but instead of getting rid of flops and shitty actors they're going to write out one of the most talented people they have?  It makes no fucking sense.


And can Kiki please go away?  Her name alone is annoying.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
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Oh, he's probably still in the wall. After all, the bomb only exploded in the middle of the room, not next to the wall! ;)

Don't make me laugh out loud!! I have to explain myself!


I couldn't watch the rest of the show.  My head exploded.

But only your head exploded, right?  I trust that the rest of your body is fine.


Am I supposed to give a shit about Franco and Nina having a tiff?  Show, please.


No. But I would tune in for a murder/suicide.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 13

I can't decide whether Alexis' face at the news was horrible or hilarious


The news access reporter man was staring straight into my soul. Creepy eyes man.


I want Morgan to realize he did all this for nothing. I'm rooting for Sonny and Carly to give him a-paddlin'. But I'm also rooting for someone to tell them Morgan learnt this shit at their knee. 


ahahaha, Franco chuckling at his rape victim intoxicated on tv. I love the joy that he finds in the everyday things around him.


Well, I'm glad it looked like Silas' hair in the previews was washed cause it sure didn't look like that today.


previews: Spinelli, if she STILL hasn't said yes. It means no. No no no no no! Jeez.

The most ridiculous thing I've ever heard on this show is Sonny decrying people enabling Michael and giving him a free pass for his behavior.  I mean, seriously, Show?  Do your writers ever read back, and comprehend, what they've written?


I couldn't watch the rest of the show.  My head exploded.


The end of the show he and Carly were going on about how Michael was good and strong (and nothing like AJ! Nothing! Which you know means he has writerly* approval) and they needed to help him.


*I know that's not a word.


Oh, and Morgan called Jason a robot. Morgan is now pretty much dead to Carly, as opposed to merely just there taking up space to Carly.


How is it possible for this show to go lower than it already has?  Morgan and Kiki's vile smugness, Sonny's ridiculous hypocrisy, the horrible beasts that are Nina and Franco ... and are they really killing off Ava?  


no, they aren't killing off Ava. They wouldn't do this just to kill her off.

  • Love 7

I don't agree I don't think he was black out drunk. My understanding of the drug was it would make the alcohol affect him worse not drug him b/c he was fine when he was just popping the pills he didn't become out of control until he drank.  I think he will remember what happened and if you can remember then you can at least remove yourself from the situation. Sonny was trying to just get him to leave and he was refusing to acknowledge he was even having any problems when he clearly couldn't even walk.


If he has no memory of what happened the next day then I'll cut him a little more slack:)


On that point, re: Sonny trying to get Michael to leave, it could be mentioned that A.J. would've been long gone, and never placed in any kind of jeopardy, if Sonny hadn't stopped Sabrina from leaving, so he could have a minute with the baby.  Nevermind asking Sabrina to do something her boss strictly prohibited her from doing and risking her job.  If he hadn't, it would've been just Michael and Sonny in that hotel lobby.


Personally, I don't think Michael was acting drunk, per se.  He said himself he didn't feel drunk, just not right.  He came across to me like someone with something medically wrong with them.  I mean, is our brain trust of Kiki and Morgan very, very sure what this drug/alcohol combo will do to a person?  To Michael, specifically, because people respond differently to the same drugs?  Of course they're not.  Because they're idiots who did not look one moment beyond their gleefulness.  "We got Michael dru-unk!!"


The bartender and server may lose his/her jobs.  The hotel has legal liability.  A.J. could get hurt.  Michael could get hurt.  Any number of other bodies could get hurt.  They could go to prison.  A.J. could go to foster care.  Michael will have a CPS blot on his record that might come back to haunt him down the line when he has his own children.


They are complete idiots. Sonny wants to protect Michael?  From who, your other son who is the one who did this?  Sonny's far too eager to believe Michael is an alcoholic, like A.J.  The betrayals just keep on comin' in this family.  Yeah, and there's Carly, putting Sonny first again.  This family makes me sick.

Edited by Fellaway
  • Love 15

Wait up..... I dvr'd today's episode to drool over Christopher Meloni on Law & Order : SVU.

Are you guys telling me that Morgan called The Jason...... Jasus Almighty..... Jasus The Anoited ..... A Robot?????

I hear a bus coming at 75 mph, but it ain't coming for Micheal Quartermaine. Beep beep, deuces Morgan. Hope you enjoy that corvette, homes.

  • Love 3

Regarding Kiki's name.... didn't Marcy Walker say it best when Guiding Light wanted her to play a character named "Tangerine "..... "I refuse to be named after a fruit." I was like a fourth grader when I read that, but it resonated with me. All this talk of feminism and these girls are playing roles like "Kiki Jerome." No progress.

  • Love 3

Hey, what's the meaning of the bye, Felicia? meme? TIA!

Great Poet Ice Cube made a wonderful film called "Friday", co starring Chris Tucker (of Rush Hour). It is a film of urban youths and the struggle we all face on Fridays when we ain't got shit to do. In the movie, there is a um young woman named Felicia who has an occupation of "lady of the night" and is a busy body. She keeps interrupting everyone, so Chris Tucker's character insults her, gets her to leave and says "Bye Felicia! " It refers to a way to get someone annoying away.

  • Love 4

Wait up..... I dvr'd today's episode to drool over Christopher Meloni on Law & Order : SVU.

Are you guys telling me that Morgan called The Jason...... Jasus Almighty..... Jasus The Anoited ..... A Robot?????

I hear a bus coming at 75 mph, but it ain't coming for Micheal Quartermaine. Beep beep, deuces Morgan. Hope you enjoy that corvette, homes.

Hee, I was watching SVU right before GH. Had I not just seen the one on now recently I probably wouldn't have switched.

I was shocked by Morgan actually saying a word against Jason (though really I thought that would be an offense that would make Carly get out a broom and Cookie/ Hakeem Morgan's ass [/Empire].) I have so much more hope about the outcome for Michael now though! Sonny having zero reaction to Morgan's Jason comment was a little odd, but I get Sonny and multitasking is difficult.

But we get Franco laughing at his rape victim (actually two of them, he mentioned Sam falling at the NB, and yes, they are his victims, Show!) AND a BABY with probably no bus heading his way any time soon. Greeeeaaaat. Oh, and Dante of course probably won't get a reaction to any of this because he got to appear this month in the Spencer story. So Ron still sucks ass.

My Mom: "Ava can't even die fast enough! Be useful John, c'mon!" (Yeah she still calls ME John.)

Edited by Gigi43
  • Love 2

LW & BC were really good today. Between Morgan calling Jasus "a robot" and Kiki confessing to Jewelz, that bus is all ready to run over Morgan then back up then run over him again. I suspect the reason Carly didn't go full tilt Carlybabes and eventually let Sonny call CPS is that when she finds out Morgan drugged his brother she is going to go nuclear.

I'm so confused as to who CPS is going to give temporary custody to. If Sonny is considered unfit then Jewelz should be too, and The Mooch has no money, no job, no education, no place to live so she isn't fit either. CPS should give Avery to Mac & Flea and call it a day.

I really like that Sabrina, Olivia, Ned, and to a lesser degree Carly all know that something isn't right.

Franco is human excrement laughing at a baby in danger and the woman he tortured and mentally raped!

The Access Port Charles host actor was terrible. I guess not all of the dayplayers can be good.

ETA: Kudos to Maura West for not dying her roots, not wearing make-up, and allowing her hair to look brittle. I'll never forget when on-the-run Alison was running around with fresh highlights and a French tip.

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 6

LW & BC were really good today. Between Morgan calling Jasus "a robot" and Kiki confessing to Jewelz, that bus is all ready to run over Morgan then back up then run over him again. I suspect the reason Carly didn't go full tilt Carlybabes and eventually let Sonny call CPS is that when she finds out Morgan drugged his brother she is going to go nuclear.

I'm so confused as to who CPS is going to give temporary custody to. If Sonny is considered unfit then Jewelz should be too, and The Mooch has no money, no job, no education, no place to live so she isn't fit either.

I guess since Kiki previously had custody it will go to her. ...And perhaps because Dante is ducking social services calls because that apartment has way surpassed maximum occupancy.

I binged watched 7 episodes last night and the best part was no Franco/Nina and no Ava dying.  Then I watch today's episode...


CPS doesn't act that fast.  But assuming they do, the child would go into foster care.  Then there'd be a hearing of who would get guardianship.  It wouldn't go to Kiki and Morgan.  Or just Kiki.  But plot point I guess.


That Access Port Charles show is funny.  I liked Alexis being all 'hell no' when they brought up her sexing Jules.


At least no Jason today!  Wheeeeeeeeeee!  And no Spencer!


Go Ned go!   Marry Olivia.  Doesn't that give him assumed parentship?

  • Love 2

CPS doesn't act that fast.  But assuming they do, the child would go into foster care.  Then there'd be a hearing of who would get guardianship.

On this show, it does.  And the child would go to the one who wails with the most emotion. Unless they have a judge in their pocket. No such thing as Foster Care in today's* General Hospital.


*I'm pretty sure the Michael (Yes, Michael!) that Rick and Lesley eventually adopted came to them via foster care.  And wasn't Blackie a foster kid to...whoever/whomever???? Then there was that twat, Lou...foster child of Rose Kelly. Yes, that Kelly's.

  • Love 3

On this show, it does.  And the child would go to the one who wails with the most emotion. Unless they have a judge in their pocket. No such thing as Foster Care in today's* General Hospital.


*I'm pretty sure the Michael (Yes, Michael!) that Rick and Lesley eventually adopted came to them via foster care.  And wasn't Blackie a foster kid to...whoever/whomever???? Then there was that twat, Lou...foster child of Rose Kelly. Yes, that Kelly's.


And don't forget when SWSNBN got to foster teenage Diego.


I'm so confused as to who CPS is going to give temporary custody to

Morgan and Kiki walked in with them so, I'm guessing that's where Avery is going.  Not that anyone knows where those two are living or how they'll support a baby.  


Kudos to Maura West for not dying her roots, not wearing make-up, and allowing her hair to look brittle

I was actually thinking the opposite.  The chemo she's already had, she should be losing her hair and wearing a scarf.  That head of hair still looked pretty good all things considered.  Although I will give her kudos for the lack of makeup and the red rimmed eyes.


If Morgan and Kiki do get Avery tomorrow, I desperately, DESPARETELY need the following to happen:


Morgan: We did it, now we can take Avery to Sonny.


Kiki: Not so fast, Captain.  I've decided I want custody for myself.  Thanks for helping, loser.


Me (pointing and laughing at Morgan): HAHAHAHAHA.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 10
Sonny having zero reaction to Morgan's Jason comment was a little odd, but I get Sonny and multitasking is difficult.



Well, you know, Jason's dead now, he can't actually do anything for Sonny, so, what's he care?  


I'm so confused as to who CPS is going to give temporary custody to. If Sonny is considered unfit then Jewelz should be too, and The Mooch has no money, no job, no education, no place to live so she isn't fit either. CPS should give Avery to Mac & Flea and call it a day.



She can just go live in the Lante loft with Lante, Rocco, Spinelli, Georgie, and Valerie. 

Edited by KerleyQ
  • Love 4

Where's my "Today was a big pile of shit" t-shirt? Just awful.

Carly continues to defend her title as World's Worst Mother while letting dick come before her kid (AGAIN) and chastising Morgan for speaking ill of St. Robot.

Sonny, ugh. Morgan, ugh. Kiki, UGH.

I wonder if Sabrina is curious about Michael's pills due to her own shenanigans? The side-eye she gave Kiki and Morgan after their smuggerific entrance was fantastic.

WE NEVER CARED and FOADA had a tiff? I'm weeping buckets over here.

Edited by OnceSane
  • Love 11

Considering Jason Quartermaine wouldn't have spit on Sonny or Carly if they were on fire, I dunno why they're both always so eager to point to the car accident that birthed Jason Morgan as a tragedy.

Ironically, it was a tragedy. For the Quartermaines, specifically AJ, the medical community, Keisha Ward, the car, and that poor tree Jason's hard head killed. That tree murdering robot. Take note, Morgan. That's how you diss Jason. And it's only cool when it's Steve Burton Jason. You can't even get that right.

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About his rape victim, no less!  Keeping it classy as always, that wacky Franco.

As sick as that was, I was more disgusted by him laughing about Sam falling at the Nurse's Ball. I don't recall that, but that a sick freak like Franco would laugh about a woman he made think he raped her and actually terrorize repeatedly made lasers shoot out of my eyes.

  • Love 6

Well, the Avery will be living with the rest of Port Charles in Dante and Lulu's loft joke has already been done. So I don't have much else to say about today's infuriating crap pile of a show.


Except to say that after today, I've changed my mind and Kiki can go ahead and get fatally shot in her awful smug face during the next mob shoot out. 

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