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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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This is so true!  Otherwise, Anna's hair is fabulous. It is not quite world-saving like Megan Ward's but it will have to do for now.


I am surprised that Anna is taking the information about the frame back to Ric so fast. However, I am glad. It might make this story tolerable if I don't feel bad for Ric because he does not know why these things are happening to him. If he's in on the frame, to help protect Jordan's cover and find out who the big bad is in this situation, I might enjoy it a bit.

Anna sucks as the commissioner.  When would that ever be acceptable?


Well now...that was about as boring and pointless a show as has been in a while.


I shouldn't have to switch off my brain to watch a show without feeling as if I'm wasting my time, I just shouldn't. This show makes me feel that way, and then some.


The Rafe kid can't act to save his life, it's painful to watch him. I'm sure he's a sweetheart but he just shouldn't be an actor imho. Why TJ didn't just pound on him for a few minutes was disappointing. And if they do make him the one responsible for running Patrick and Sabrina off the road I hope that is the beginning of the end for this pitiful prat, it's beyond time for his exit.



If TJ hit Rafe back, TJ would wind up in jail.  At least, that's how it goes in the real world.


Who do we think got shot today? Is Sobby going to be Kannie 2.0?

Ric shot himself because he's missing the K.

Could the gunshot/shooting be a plan cooked up by Anna and Nathan to deal with the Ric situation?

That would be so lame.  So I guess, yea.


TJ should have pressed assault charges against bitch ass Rafe. 


Why didn't Ron have Rafe wear a sign saying he's the one who drove Sabrina and Patrick off the road?


Obviously Sabrina loses her mind. I'm shocked. 

So Rafe did it for drug money?  Who paid him?  Or is it that he was drugged behind the wheel (insert ominous music)

Could the gunshot/shooting be a plan cooked up by Anna and Nathan to deal with the Ric situation?



That's an interesting plotline.  If Plywood is injured, I volunteer to administer any sponge bath needed.


An I thought I was  bored yesterday!

 I really have no desire to see Sobby go ticky-tiky-boom-boom {tm Wendy Williams}. Send her back to PR {but please keep CCCaaarrrrllos in Port Charles}.


Not looking forward to the funeral {hits too close to home}.

I repeat, this show is BORING me.

Not a great episode for women.  We have Lulu, who has just been reunited with her child, but is instead focusing on having/carrying the next one as soon as humanly possible.  We have Nina, whose only amibition in life, apparently, was to make her husband snacks and have his baby.  And we have Sabrina, who, natch, has gone crazy over the death of her child and has retreated to a happy place, her wedding day.


Preach! Today's episode was so bad, I think I only watched 7 minutes of it and everything else was FF. I was thinking it could be interesting to have a soap that can pass the Bechdel Test.

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It's obviously a sham, imo. She has money. She was just testing him to see if he would dump her immediately on finding out she had no money.


Does she think he was living off her money all this time? Wouldn't she be able to tell by looking at her bank accounts? I get what they were going for here, but it's so sloppily done. Look where Silas is living. It's not exactly a deluxe apartment in the sky.


I was thinking it could be interesting to have a soap that can pass the Bechdel Test.


Certain characters can at various times, but GH itself will always fail every day.

Does she think he was living off her money all this time? Wouldn't she be able to tell by looking at her bank accounts? I get what they were going for here, but it's so sloppily done. Look where Silas is living. It's not exactly a deluxe apartment in the sky.

No. Nina has mentioned how successful Silas is now so I don't think she was implying that.  She said her mom siphoned off her money and it's now tied up because she's in jail.  Which leads me to .... how would she know that if she just found out that her mother is in jail for the coma inducing drug thing?


Why didn't Nina ask Silas how many other kids he had after meeting Kiki?


I don't care about Sobby's mental breakdown or going Crazy. I don't care about baby shamwow's funeral either. I'm just ready for TeCa to go on leave so I don't have to see Sobby for a while. She hasn't improved at all.

MS/Felix still leaves me cold with his acting. I remember thinking he was decent in scenes excluding Sabrina in the beginning. Now I get nothing but him being flustered or a giant ass.

I swear MSt was tring to suck ME's face off. Can you imagine her & Mo in a kissing scene? They'd suck each others tonsils out. I'm not getting any of her awkward acting choices either.

BH needs to eat something. Anything. HP, a healthy looking 14-15 year old, should not look like she will snap you with a hug. BH wasn't even this thin as a teen.

I knew something stupid was going to happen when Anna told Ric the truth but wouldn't free him. Plot point, plot point, plot point.

I hope this isn't the last time Samtrick get a scene together for months.

Yes, Noah was in Seattle the last time we heard. Maybe, Ron & the writers forgot.

Sorry Ron, I still don't hate Robin. Call me cold but I wouldn't show up to a funeral of the preemie my husband had with another woman either. Just stop putting her in your shit writing.

Taquan owned the kid that plays Rafe today. I would have loved for TJ to punch Rafe back but I also didn't want to hear TJ is a "thug" rants again either. So I was okay with him punking Rafe & walking away.

Rafe being the one who ran Patrick off the road was telegraphed so hard that I'm hoping it's a pysch out by TPTB.

ETA: I forgot Lula & Dante were even on today. Their story is in the running for the dumbest on the show. They get Rocco, yet seem to be spending most of their time trying to have another not getting to enjoy their son. Or buying a bigger place because theirs isn't big enough for 3 let alone 4.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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So Sam has remembered what she, supposedly, does for a living again, good for her.

Sam doesn't have to work to make ends meet, so I don't mind them not mentioning it all the time.  Or I wouldn't mind it if Silas wasn't surgically attached to her ass while towing the S.S. No One Gives A Fuck About Nina.  If she wants to spend time with the son she thought was dead rather than P.I. around town, I'm okay with that.  Plus, when was the last time anyone asked for her skills?  She can't do it if Ron doesn't write it.

Edited by OnceSane
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I'd be happy to watch a psycho Sabrina - I think it would be kind of a classic bit, the saccharine princess who turns into a closet scheming madwoman - but I think we're more likely to get Psycho Nina. Don't worry about losing Michelle Stafford, though, her paid guards - er, the WSB - I mean, her vast wealth will get her off the hook every time.


I laugh when the scripts say Sam has a job. Sam has no damn job. She is a mob widow and Jason was stockpiling blood money for years. It's not like his dumb ass had expensive tastes, either. The only time they make Sam "work" is when someone, usually her or her family, needs help with a plot point. If they had her actually out on real cases doing real shit for longer than a half-second I'd be invested in her P.I. work, but they never do. It's a waste. But Sam's character has been a waste of huge potential since basically Day 1.

Edited by jsbt


I thought Noah was in Seattle.  Didn't he and Bobbie like just break up?



Well, Noah has always had woman issues, in one way or another. So here's the story in my head:  Maybe he wanted to break up with Bobbie and telling her he was interested in Annie (the virgin) was (to him) a better choice than telling the truth and risking Bobbie laying him out. (You know she could.) Then, still afraid he might get caught in his lie if he stayed in Seattle, he ran off to Somalia hoping to hook up with a Doctors Without Borders group. Since then, he's just been wandering around Africa trying to figure out how to get home. (He's tried doing rock concerts -- not as Rick Springfield, but as that other rocker Anna had a crush on who also looks just like him, but he's not very good, so he hasn't made his plane fare yet.)


Or none of the writers remember what was written last year. 

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I was mad as a wet hen today when Patrick said it was soooo hard to tell Emma about the demise of baby brother Shamwas. They didn't give us the scene; it was a one-sentence plot point only.


I think cray-cray Sabrina got her boo-kay from the vase of white flowers that was sitting on the coffee table when she wrote her thank-you notes. Where is Carrrlos during all these post-baby-death events? Is he incarcerated? I forget.


Lulu is showing her gene-pool origins again: cray-cray Laura of the Nervous Breakdowns (Mom) and rapist-at-large Luke the Entitled. She'll never live down that parentage. I wonder if her baby-rabies is a coverup for a desperate need for attention. "I need an operation to fix my uterus!" "I need another operation to transplant the embryo!" It's all about what Lulu needs to feel womanly and grown-up...sadly, not about the adult responsibilities of raising these children and giving them good lives.

Honestly, given Felix's insistence that Patrick would for sure pick Sabrina when Robin returned, I wouldn't be surprised if he had the wedding dress pressed and flowers on standby at all times.  Shut up, Felix, gawd!


Sobby can go cray-cray and cousin Juan can put her away in Puerrrrrrrto Rrrrrrico...and Felix, bereft at the loss of his bestie, can leave Port Chuckles...or die.


I call that a win-win all around.


But as for Felix during the whole bit when Robin came back, I wanted to rip out his tongue and beat the shit out of him with it.

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I loved Ric's "Whaaa???" of confusion when Anna said she knew he was innocent. He's really not used to people believing him (with good cause, after all the years of lying and scheming), and his surprise was funny.  I am sure that Anna's big plan is to have Ric fake an escape and go on the lam.  Just like a real police officer would do if she knew the suspect was innocent!


I completely forgot that there was a mystery about who ran Patrick and Sabrina off the road.  And I couldn't think of a single person who they can pick to be responsible that would make me care. Then, they showed the Rafe/ Sam scene, and I realized..nope, don't care.  Way to keep not only suspenseful, but also interesting, show. 


This Nina actress is very annoying.  The weird speaking style, the even weirder hand and finger gestures, the obvious crazy - everything about her irritates me.  And that kiss between Nina and Silas was gag-inducing.  Looked like two blind lizards trying to figure out to lick each other's faces.  

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Why can't Ric hire Diane himself? I get they want Liz involved, but Diane can shame her into supporting Ric even if Liz isn't paying her fees. Everything is a plot point for Ron. Everything.


I LOLed when Lulu told Dr. Chu she and Dante were there to see if Lulu could get pregnant. The way she emphasized "We're here to see if I can get pregnant" made it sound as if Dante were an option. It really is gross that Lulu is so fixated on having another baby this instant. Rocco who? At least Dante is putting the brakes on things a bit.


Shouldn't Patrick be sort of relieved Britt wasn't responsible for the crash? I know there's no love lost between those two, but it makes for a less awkward work environment when you know a colleague isn't responsible for the accident that caused you to lose your child.


Anytime Sam talks about being a PI means she isn't talking about Silas. That's a win in my book.


Could they be more heavy-handed with Nina thinking her marriage to Silas is hunky dory? Good grief. I'd tell her I was seeing someone just to get her to STFU about it. Silas finally gets some spine.


I disagree. I won't say I was on Rafe's side, but as limited as the actor is, I thought he did fine in his scene with TJ. It is not easy when you are playing the interloper and Tequin Richmond has been cemented as the teen male star on GH. And throw all the tomatoes you want at me, but TJ should totally narced on Rafe because Rafe has developed a habit that puts him and people around him in danger. 


Like the Connie thing, I think I might be the only one that doesn't want Rafe dead. What I want is for either Allison's mother or half sister  to come to town as whisk him away and call out Silas for being a crap guardian.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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I think it'd be a waste to kill one of the last Barrington heirs with ties to both GH shows, for all the hash they've made of the character with both story and actor. I'd sooner see him sent away to a hospital or sanitarium and then brought back someday as the more dangerous, edgy character that is implicit in the character's thumbnail sketch (poor little rich orphan who grew up on the streets, father is a vampire serial killer) - none of which is onscreen.


The funny thing is, Frank and Ron (I think it's more Frank with the youth stories) have done this story again and again and again - they thought it was gold at OLTL with Cole Thornhart, the "orphaned" rich boy who fell for Starr, and so they repeated it often. Trey Mitchell, motherless castaway with a secret past. Rafe, orphaned castaway with a dark past. I think we have a couple new kids of that type coming. And of course, they're all white.

Edited by jsbt
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I agree. I expect way more from this character. I need him sent away for a spell, then be SORAS'D into a bad ass, spoiled rich douche with street smarts. The guy who played Ethan, minus the accent would have been perfect. See, I wanted TJ to be the long lost son of AJ and Keesha so badly. Monica would get a biological grandchild who would appreciate her all the time, and TR is an awesome actor. If SK were still there, the scenes would be great. But instead, the character who does have historical connections is an interloper. Rafe's background and drug addiction are the most interesting things about him. The actor is okay, but not enough. I can't believe that's the best they could get.


I love Tequan Richmond and want him around, but I still cannot believe they introduced a black kid on this show named "T.J." who is not Tommy Hardy Jr. or his son.


The thing is, they wanted the kid they cast as Rafe. He screams Cole from OLTL Mark Deux, right down to the hair and sad eyes, and that's all Frank ever wants - Starr and Cole. He's not terrible but he's pretty lame.

Edited by jsbt
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Sabrina slowly going crazy (1 2 3 4 5 6 switch!) I'm not, ahem, crazy about...but I can actually deal with it, telegraphed as it is/was.  Oddly, the one thing that keeps floating through my head about it is that now that she's had a traumatic event cause a break from reality she's truly a resident of Port Charles...which is both hilarious and more than a little fucked up.  It was probably the sanest damn thing in today's episode--which is less hilarious.


Rafe at this point needs to go find the Rock on Spoon Island.  Yes, that Rock.


And Nina...Michelle Stafford still seems to be aiming for a gentle level of "kooky," but I saw more of her tics in this episode.  It's only a matter of time before she goes full wacko.

I loved Ric's "Whaaa???" of confusion when Anna said she knew he was innocent. He's really not used to people believing him (with good cause, after all the years of lying and scheming), and his surprise was funny.  I am sure that Anna's big plan is to have Ric fake an escape and go on the lam.  Just like a real police officer would do if she knew the suspect was innocent!

I think that would be a fine way of proving you are guilty so, yea, that's another possibility. 

I am a horrible human being because I am actually thrilled Sobby's baby kicked the widdle bucket.  No one cares, Sobby.  STFU and eat a bowl of dicks.  Goes double for you, Ron.  And as far as Patrick, I'm glad he doesn't have a flesh tie to the dummy anymore.  Stop being sad, Patrick.  She's not the droid you're looking for.  Plus, you have to be on guard because Liz detects male sadness, and we all know how erotic she finds THAT. 


This Rafe thing is hilarious.  Maybe once Liz tries to sex up Patrick to make him feel better, she's going to find Rafe and tell him she has smack in her cooter if he looks hard enough. 


Yes, these thoughts all occurred to me while watching the show because NONE of it was entertaining.

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I love Tequan Richmond and want him around, but I still cannot believe they introduced a black kid on this show named "T.J." who is not Tommy Hardy Jr. or his son.

THIS. & his name actually being Thomas drives me up the wall for the same reason.

I disagree with TR being the cemented teen lead because I don't buy TPTB seeing him that way. When Rafe, arrived TJ was rung threw the mud as agressive, insensitive, a bully & a cheater. Molly even dedicated her second book to Rafe because TJ was such a meanie.

I don't want Rafe dead. He could have simply stayed off screen forever. I'd rather have a younger Q on the show, instead of a Barrington.

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I like Molly, but she very much is being a little OTT in brattiness towards her mother. Alexis just blandly taking it is annoying.


I know Ric is supposed to be "the victim" and I'm oblivious to his "past bad deeds" but I just don't like him. I want him to lose and he just annoys me. He's like a whiney "girlyman". As much as I hear women portrayed as weak, why the heck does a rich hotshot lawyer need someone else to hire him a lawyer. He just stands around whining "I've been framed!"...oh and throws chairs a la Scottie.

Maybe my dislike stems from the fact I love Julian and Nik. Him being "the victim" puts them in a bad spot.

I HOPE they aren't related, but since Julexis is sure to implode, could Nina get a chance with him.


Brad and Britt, totally annoying juvenile idoits. Brad is just a drama queen, ugh! (though I did like Brad calling Liz a bag of bones. ha)


I still do not see Nina as crazy. She seems nice to me. The story isn't well written, but since I'm new to GH I guess most women HAVE to be crazy?


I hope Nathan isn't the one shot, but I guess it has to be Ric for an excuse to get him out of jail without blowing the game.

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They only gave T.J. more and let him and Molly hang together because Rafe totally tanked, and to a lesser extent IMO because they saw the press and accolades TR got from his role in the DC sniper film Blue Caprice. Frank Valentini has always loved that kind of quick PR fix and synergy; it's why he used to hire numerous Broadway stars back when he was still in NYC at OLTL. That used to be a common practice at all the New York soaps, of course, but FV's OLTL remained particularly proud of them til the end.


Had they gotten even decent buzz off Rafe I think T.J. would've been dismissed as the outrageous (black) thug who stood in the way of true (white) teen love.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 4
I love Tequan Richmond and want him around, but I still cannot believe they introduced a black kid on this show named "T.J." who is not Tommy Hardy Jr. or his son.

THIS. & his name actually being Thomas drives me up the wall for the same reason.

That's Ron sticking it to the viewers. "You want a Thomas Jr.? I'll give you a Thomas Jr. But his name won't be Hardy—psych!"


I think TJ has taken over as the male teen lead because the kid who plays Rafe is so inept. Or what jsbt wrote.

That's Ron sticking it to the viewers. "You want a Thomas Jr.? I'll give you a Thomas Jr. But his name won't be Hardy—psych!"


I think TJ has taken over as the male teen lead because the kid who plays Rafe is so inept. Or what jsbt wrote.


In fairness, that wasn't Ron - IIRC, T.J. was introduced by Garin Wolf. Ron would've made sure he was a Hardy. He might still, for all I know.


I think T.J.'s role will only last until they can find a cute white kid that clicks and reminds Frank of Starr and Cole. There is another one coming.

I stand by my dream of TJ being a Q. If they ever drop TR, they deserve to get cancelled.

He's one of the better actors on the show now.

Anyway, if Rafe is going to be punching people, can Duke be next? So sick of him and his stupidity. Like the only job is working for Sonny. I'm sure he could get a job as a bell hop at the Metro Court.

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Lante scenes were so pointless that they might as well have scrolled "Lulu may have been misdiagnosed: see Ron's twitter for details" across the bottom of the screen.


I'm convinced the only reason they had those scenes were so that Lulu could tell us (you and me) that Dante's good in bed. Heh.



I'd rather Sobby just die than be subjected to TeCa trying to act out 2 personalities when she has yet to master 1.


I so adore your Sobby hate, WendyCR72. I love how it's never ending.


Aside from Samtrick, today was simply a waste of time.

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Had they gotten even decent buzz off Rafe I think T.J. would've been dismissed as the outrageous (black) thug who stood in the way of true (white) teen love.

Sadly, I have to agree with this. The writing was on the wall until Rafe's storylines tanked.

Of all the soaps I've watched, GH has always been the worse at diversity & stereotyping to me.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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