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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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My resident DNA expert, Mr Blackie, says they would not test Carly to assess paternity of the baby, they would use samples from Ava, the baby, Sonny and Morgan and they could distinguish between Sonny and Morgan.  And they don't have the baby's DNA on file, why would they?  I'm not sure why the show is going the Carly route but I might have missed something, I seem to keep falling asleep everytime I watch this show live. Mr Blackie also said to me "and they don't use RCMP in Red Serge to arrest people" and I asked him how he knew about that, and he claims that he was home when I was watching the show.  But I must have been sleeping because I never actually saw that part, I only read about it here, haha.


Speaking of Mr Blackie, we were listening to the last episode of the podcast Serial (anyone else listening?), anyways I was coming up with a convoluted theory on who I thought "done it", and Mr Blackie says "that sounds like something from Gh" and I said "I WISH GH could write a story that good!!"

Edited by Blackie
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Despair in the Afternoon's latest write-up: https://despairintheafternoon.wordpress.com/2014/12/18/wherefore-art-thou-johnny/


The fact that Kiki has been judged fit to be in charge of another human being while Maxie is still banned from even supervised visitation with her child — despite both the wishes of the custodial parent or a lack of any evidence that she’s actually a danger of any kind — is so rage inducingly idiotic that words sort of fail me? Like, even Kiki’s mother thought that was the dumbest thing she’d ever heard.


Yeeeah, that's the sweet stuff.

  • Love 5

Some of us have questioned whether Sam ever knew that Liz messed with Danny's DNA test (if Jason told her), so I guess today we got the answer. It's trolling, I say. I too was irritated that Sam was like "Lucky survived Faison, Jason didn't." She has no idea the hell Liz and Lucky went through as teenagers, and does she know Lucky was taken from his life almost exactly the same way Robin was taken from hers??  Jason chose to work for Sonny, which is inherently dangerous. He chose to be on that dock ... so getting shot and kicked into the harbor was pretty much his own fault. I was thinking, "Sam, don't bring up Lucky and Elizabeth's ancient past - which you weren't around to see - in comparison to Jason's shitty choices." Ugh. (What can I say, I'm a big JJ fan.:)


I rolled my eyes when Sam said Liz was desperate to hang onto Jason. This from the woman who watched an unemotionally unstable woman kidnap baby Jake, and also had real Franco at gunpoint but let him go so she could have more time with Jason. Sheesh. I see I'm not the only one thinking, "Ladies, get some dignity."


I think Elizabeth is enjoying having Jake around (she's lonely) and yet knows deep down she's being stupid/naive/irresponsible, so she's very defensive and combative. This is sort of the 2014 version of her affair with Nik.

  • Love 5

I'm so sick of all things mob on this blasted show I just...I'm just tired of it. 


I was sick and tired of it by 2003.


Why does Patrick always look like a douche? 


Probably because he is a douche.


Poor Jase doesn't want to be a criminal. I kinda love that.


This gives me hope that we will see Jason remembering his criminal past with horror, rejecting Jason Morgan, and once again being Jason Quartermaine.  It would be fitting if Michael reached out to him and helped him to reintegrate into the family.


I didn't think today's show was awful (except for the horrible bitchfight scene, just YUCK!!!), rather it was kind of... easily skippable.

  • Love 3

and does she know Lucky was taken from his life almost exactly the same way Robin was taken from hers??

It's so dumb to me that none of the characters are allowed to ask where Robin is or show concern about Faison with relation to her. They've all just like, "Oh, Robin decided to leave her husband AND child? Ok, cool!!!" I mostly think that Patrick, Anna, Emma and other family members should be held accountable to at least show some...caring. But I'm kinda at the point where I think Sam should also question these things, especially if she wants to become seriously involved with Patrick.

  • Love 3

I missed some shows but if I hadn't seen Sonny in jail, I would think the show timewarped back to late Gooza the way Sam and Liz were going at each other over might be better with bacon unsavory Jake. The only way Liz could get dumber is if she asked Alexis to sue Sam for harassment.

They gave Kiki a baby? Why? She's liable to name it something like Rocki Star. Poor kid.

Did they ever say who won the Mayor's race?

I was cool when Liz got to shame Sam for watching Jake, the child get kidnapped and did nothing. The moment Sam was all smug about Lucky was when Liz got smug. Jake er Jason is reminding Liz of Lucky because she and Sam didn't know Jason Quartermaine. Get Monica and she'd say hmm......seems like Jason before the accident. If AJ were alive, he'd say it. When Liz was talking about Jake's accident, I was expecting Sam to get a clue and go oh like Jason. But alas, no. Deep down, that could be a reason too why Liz is drawn to Jake.

The biggest fuck up for me in this is no Monica and no lightbulb when AJ is mentioned. Dude looks like SK.

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Did you see how waltzed into her home without invitation. Short of throwing her out, sam had to deal.


I think that was what annoyed me the most. Rude and presumptuous doesn't begin to describe it. And that perma-smirk. The most hysterical though was how WE would be forced to sue for harassment. I realize Sam didn't come off that well either, but that line was just laughingly pathetic and embarrassing. I wasn't even around in 2007, but I've heard about it in great detail. Why am I not surprised that Ron manages to screw up something else by pulling out this tired retread.


Nice loyalty to your kid, Alexis. No excuse if she represents Franco, none.


Aside from Anna and Jordan looking awesome, today sucked. Could Duke and Shawn be any more lame?

  • Love 4

Legion of Doom: Helena, Faison, Jerry Jax, Dr. O (well, sort of lapsed member), Fluke


Legion of Criminal Hotness: Duke, Shawn, Carlos, Julian, Jordan (I'm gay and even I was like 'wowza')


Legion of Awesome: Vengeful Michael, Dante, Nathan (who woulda thought it even a few months ago?), Ava, Anna (no matter how they are trying to dismantle her), Diane and the day player boat captain.

Edited by DayPlayerAtKellys
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I really enjoyed the show during the first couple of weeks of November when we were having the fallout from the wedding that wasn't and everything that was going on with Ava's baby. It was all being very umbrella-y and things were falling like dominoes right into place. And now here we are barely a month later and everything has skidded to a halt and it is all so god-awfully boring and lather, rinse, repeat that I can barely stay awake. No interest in whatever Helena, FauxLuke, etc. are up to, just wrap it up quickly please and get them all off my screen. Possibly even less interest in what's going on at General Pentonville and Duke and Shawn running da bidness. Mildly intrigued with Jake/Jason, but only if he regains Q memories instead of/along with the Morgan ones. I want to see more of spiteful, angry Michael. I want better for Anna, but at least she has a terrific new haircut.

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Unbelievably, the mayoral election in a small New York city is STILL being recounted, even though it took place on Halloween and it's almost Christmas.


But, to be fair - this IS Port Charles, and it's definitely NOT a stop on the MENSA tour.  It's not even a stop on the Moron tour.  


Doing a recount surely means that everyone in town has been forced to pitch in by removing their shoes and socks so all the toesies can be used to count with.  


Port Charles - where men put their underwear on, one leg at a time - backwards.  And where "Backwards" is a step forward for da wimmin folk.

  • Love 8

Well Jakeson said the security gig at the Metro hotel wasn't a good fit, and all Port Charles should breathe a sigh of relief at THAT close call.


How does Kevin Collins have a decent career? Every time someone is ripe for his services (for example, Jakeson) the potential customer says "Thanks but no thanks" and crumples the business card.


So those two finks Ninoo and Franco now have a legal advocate? Give us a break.

  • Love 1

Legion of Doom: Helena, Faison, Jerry Jax, Dr. O (well, sort of lapsed member), Fluke


Legion of Criminal Hotness: Duke, Shawn, Carlos, Julian, Jordan (I'm gay and even I was like 'wowza')


Legion of Awesome: Vengeful Michael, Dante, Nathan (who woulda thought it even a few months ago?), Ava, Anna (no matter how they are trying to dismantle her), Diane and the day player boat captain.


Legion of "Who...?": Lucas, Brad, Scotty, Felicia, Mac, Lucy, Kevin (yes, Jon Lindstrom is clearly not with the show anymore, but all the mentions of off-screen Kevin just make me sad so there you go), Lesley.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 4
"Lucky survived Faison, Jason didn't."


I almost had a rage blackout when Sam said that. They are SO NOT THE SAME THING. You know nothing, Sam Morgan. STFU.


OTOH Sam recognized Jake in the blow-up by his eyes? Shouldn't she have recognized his eyes as Jason's?


Was it that? I thought it was because Jake used the same phrase with her during the grabbing and then at the MetroCourt. When he said it at lunch, you saw the wheels start to turn. The eye thing seems more like a cliché—they're not going to pause the video at a place where you can't really see Jake.


Legion of "Who...?": Lucas, Brad, Scotty, Felicia, Mac, Lucy, Kevin (yes, Jon Lindstrom is clearly not with the show anymore, but all the mentions of off-screen Kevin just make me sad so there you go), Lesley.


Monica needs to be in this group, too.


I'm actually okay not seeing much of Scott. He's terrible when they force him to have paternal feelings toward Franco, he's embarrassing when he's trying to decide between Bobbie and Lucy, and he's his usual blustery assholish self as DA. "This case is a slam dunk!" usually translates to Scott losing in the most humiliating way possible. No, thanks.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 6

I almost had a rage blackout when Sam said that. They are SO NOT THE SAME THING. You know nothing, Sam Morgan. STFU


Was it that? I thought it was because Jake used the same phrase with her during the grabbing and then at the MetroCourt. When he said it at lunch, you saw the wheels start to turn. The eye thing seems more like a cliché—they're not going to pause the video at a place where you can't really see Jake.


She suspected Jake was the gunman going off of the phrase, but when she saw Spinelli's blow-up the camera panned in on his eyes.

Legion of "Who...?": Lucas, Brad, Scotty, Felicia, Mac, Lucy, Kevin (yes, Jon Lindstrom is clearly not with the show anymore, but all the mentions of off-screen Kevin just make me sad so there you go), Lesley.



Edited by sometimesfan
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Presumably also the reason Felicia and Mac are inexplicably, unexcusably off-screen during Maxie's custody woes.

Felicia and Mac are off screen for Maxie's custody woes, because the only point to Maxie's custody woes is to have an obstacle to her "epic love" with Nathan.  Ron is nothing if not singularly linear in his stories.  He only knows how to beat a plot point over and over and over again. Felicia and Mac aren't needed, in his mind, for another round of "Maxie can't see Nathan!"


Having Felicia and Mac involved would also bring nuance to the story and inevitably show its flaws.  It's ludicrous that Maxie is not allowed to see someone who is not a convicted criminal, and indeed is a member of law enforcement. It's ludicrous that she isn't allowed supervised visits.  It's just plain ludicrous.

  • Love 4

Putting the Mounties in red serge is shorthand, like letting Dante make the arrest instead of explaining jurisdiction to us. I much prefer that to the ridiculousness of Maxie's custody case or the totally idiotic conflicts of interest that come up.


If only that sort of shorthand were the worst thing this fakakta show did.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 3

Felicia and Mac are off screen for Maxie's custody woes, because the only point to Maxie's custody woes is to have an obstacle to her "epic love" with Nathan.  Ron is nothing if not singularly linear in his stories.  He only knows how to beat a plot point over and over and over again. Felicia and Mac aren't needed, in his mind, for another round of "Maxie can't see Nathan!"


Having Felicia and Mac involved would also bring nuance to the story and inevitably show its flaws.  It's ludicrous that Maxie is not allowed to see someone who is not a convicted criminal, and indeed is a member of law enforcement. It's ludicrous that she isn't allowed supervised visits.  It's just plain ludicrous.

I remeber on PC when REx framed scott for kidnapping serena he still got supervised vistations until he got custody back.THe fact that maxie isn't allowed vistations is ridclous as hell.

  • Love 5


I remeber on PC when REx framed scott for kidnapping serena he still got supervised vistations until he got custody back.THe fact that maxie isn't allowed vistations is ridclous as hell.

What gets me is that this is not even a matter for the courts any more. Spin was awarded custody.  It is up to HIM who sees his daughter.  Unless Child services steps in and says that the person is dangerous and takes custody away from Spin. He and maxie can work out any type of visitation they want.


Nothing makes me angrier then having some one treat me like I am dope. Ron does it all the time. He needs to just stop and have some RESPECT for his audience. He gets all on his high horse when he thinks some one on twitter is disrespecting him but as far as he is concerned he can do it to us any time he wants. My dislike of him is turning personal, something that never happened with Guza-Wolfe, because I really do think he is a pompous ass, in the worse since because not only is he a blow heart but a fool.

  • Love 5

Having Felicia and Mac involved would also bring nuance to the story and inevitably show its flaws.  It's ludicrous that Maxie is not allowed to see someone who is not a convicted criminal, and indeed is a member of law enforcement. It's ludicrous that she isn't allowed supervised visits.  It's just plain ludicrous.


Have Felicia and/or Mac ever even seen Georgie or held her?


I really think this could have been a wonderful Maxie/Felicia story.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Watched (part of) yesterday's show and still the big question I ask myself is, "Why do I put myself through this torture?"


The dialogue is strained. Horrible. Yeah, no one's made the baseball vs. football "I'm just a woman, bad at sports" analogy before. Ever.


"I'm a detective. I detect." That's supposed to be intentionally bad, right?


Anna's dialogue with Franco and Nina was outrageously stupid. I can't even recall it, except generally. Why the hell is she answering to Franco in the first place? Yes, please give two co-conspirators time alone to plot.  And for Anna to tell Franco that maybe he can help Nina.  Okay, whatever.  Let's have the swelling music that tells us we're supposed to be rooting for a serial killer and the woman who ripped her baby out of another woman and ran off with it.  Those two wacky, crazy ... 40-something ... kids. 


Would you please, for the love of God, pull up your top, Nancy? 60-year-old decollage by an attorney in a police station makes me break out in second hand embarrassment.


And I can't even comment on the cat bitchfest that was Sam and Elizabeth, except that what little I saw was so badly plot-pointed.  Elizabeth just KNOWS lumpy dude is innocent.  Sam is just as certain he's guilty.  Oh, the tension .... the suspense ... how intended to be all clever with the "I just knew!"-isms ... how retching it all is. 

Edited by Francie
  • Love 7

Ron doesn't understand and can't write layers. He can only understands plot point, camp and making things convoluted in order to trick people.

Ron is a douchecanoe hack being paid to write.

This show is boring, stupid and treading water lately. Im mentally starting to loose interest again. I miss an episode, see what you all say and typically delete it.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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This show is boring, stupid and treading water lately. Im mentally starting to loose interest again. I miss an episode, see what you all say and typically delete it.


I said elsewhere Ron super dropped the ball on Sonny going to prison. That should have been milked for a solid month at least. We should have seen Morgan and Carly saying tearfully goodbye, we should have seen, Olivia and Dante and Alexis sad but resigned, we should have seen Michael smile satisfactorily as they took him away to Pentonville, we should have scene more of the proceedings in court, we should have more people reacting/gossiping about it instead of spencer crying. (I wish Luke were free cause his reaction would have been interesting) They should have shown Ric in witness protection thinking about it. There was so much drama to be milked from it. But no! Onward to Nina and Franco's fabulous adventure, and now we're already onto mob power plays in prison when Sonny being carted off should have taken all of November.



Okay, whatever.  Let's have the swelling music that tells us we're supposed to be rooting for a serial killer and the woman who ripped her baby out of another woman and ran off with it.  Those two wacky, crazy ... 40-something ... kids. 


Everything to do with Franco 2.0 is so absurdly juvenile. Even him going back to his evil ways didn't fix it.

  • Love 8

Why was Alexis discussing Maxie's legal case with Nathan?  Not appropriate use of attorney/client confidentiality.


I'm never, ever going to believe that Nathan is a Cassadine.  The guy playing him has about as much edge as a wet noodle and is unworthy of the name.


Thankfully he's not actually a Cassadine, Obrecht confessed to Victor that Nathan wasn't really his son.

  • Love 1

Thankfully he's not actually a Cassadine, Obrecht confessed to Victor that Nathan wasn't really his son.


My dark horse suspect for Nathan's father (a storyline the show seems to have completely forgotten about...Faison didn't even ask who it was) is Mikkos  so he could still end up being a Cassadine.

I said elsewhere Ron super dropped the ball on Sonny going to prison.


Sadly, I'm not surprised.  As OLTL fans can tell you, the man can write a good story climax/reveal, but the fallout always ends up being a disappointing, often rushed mess.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 2

I enjoyed most of the episode except I can't get into some Liz vs Sam fest b/c to me they both look totally ridiculous. Liz is an idiot defending a virtual stranger and Sam being all holier than though about Jake when she was MARRIED to a mobster and in the end it IS the same person. I'd find her anger justified IF she'd still feel the same way when she learns Jake IS Jason, but "OMG St Jasus is better than a common thug". NOT! So I just can't get hot over either one they are both petty and childish bitches.


I loved Nathan using pressure to get Alexis to help his sister. He did nothing more than any of the other people in PC including Alexis herself would have done and I'm glad she recognized it.


I almost liked Jordan and Anna until Anna pulled that manipulation at the end. Not cool Anna, but I did like her hair. That is the length the asymmetrical bob should be as opposed to Liz who's hair was too long for that cut.

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What gets me is that this is not even a matter for the courts any more. Spin was awarded custody.  It is up to HIM who sees his daughter.  Unless Child services steps in and says that the person is dangerous and takes custody away from Spin. He and maxie can work out any type of visitation they want.



So much THIS!!!  The judge shouldn't be deciding squat!

  • Love 5

I kind of like Sonny in jail. It seems like he is actually thinking of other people for once. I was willing to dismiss his "being noble" to Carly because Carly and he was done with her as soon as she was done with Franco. Now he is willing to give up his gummy bear biz to Johnny to save Ric and he normally wouldn't piss on Ric if he was on fire, so if he stays in jail (please, please) I might learn to tolerate him. Now I feel dirty.

Michael kicking them out of the brownstone was my high point for the week.

  • Love 2

I said elsewhere Ron super dropped the ball on Sonny going to prison. That should have been milked for a solid month at least.


So absolutely true.  I (and, I am assuming, a decent-sized chunk of the viewing audience) have been waiting for Sonny to finally actually land his pathetic, claustrophobic ass in jail after nearly two decades of excuses being made for him, and this is the payoff we get?  It should be a BIG. DEAL.  Instead, we get him anticlimactically dumped immediately into prison with no buildup/trial/anguish from anyone (including Sonny) whatsoever, followed by the same old mob business, only on a prison set.  Blah.

  • Love 8

It's so dumb to me that none of the characters are allowed to ask where Robin is or show concern about Faison with relation to her. They've all just like, "Oh, Robin decided to leave her husband AND child? Ok, cool!!!" I mostly think that Patrick, Anna, Emma and other family members should be held accountable to at least show some...caring. But I'm kinda at the point where I think Sam should also question these things, especially if she wants to become seriously involved with Patrick.

This is why KMc just needs to leave the show and not keep coming back.  Patrick and Anna can't remain in limbo wringing their hands over Robin when she's around and then trying to move on with their lives when she's not.  I don't think Patrick or Anna needs to feel guilty about not knowing about Robin because it's just a plot point to keep allowing KMc to leave and return every other month.  She needs to just rip off the band-aid and leave PC for good.  Otherwise, it makes Patrick, Anna, Maxie, Mac and everyone else who loves her look like they don't care, and how can they when Robin keeps leaving?   I give Patrick (and Anna) a total pass.


I think that was what annoyed me the most. Rude and presumptuous doesn't begin to describe it. And that perma-smirk. The most hysterical though was how WE would be forced to sue for harassment. I realize Sam didn't come off that well either, but that line was just laughingly pathetic and embarrassing.



I thought Sam came off fine because they minute she knew she was being hypocritical, she apologized.  Liz, otoh, never once felt compelled to apologize for barging into Sam's home and accusing her of railroading her new BFF. I, too, hate the smug on Elizabeth considering she just got done telling Nikolas that he should listen to her regarding Britt and didn't mind an "I told you so" to boot.  Elizabeth likes to be the one that preaches and tells people that she's right, but she doesn't like it turned around on her.


I really enjoyed the show during the first couple of weeks of November when we were having the fallout from the wedding that wasn't and everything that was going on with Ava's baby. It was all being very umbrella-y and things were falling like dominoes right into place. And now here we are barely a month later and everything has skidded to a halt and it is all so god-awfully boring 

That's because the storylines are once again about the least interesting characters on the show:  Nina, Franco, Kiki, and even Jake.  I don't care about the damn baby,a nd I'm tired of hearing them all whine about it.  I don't care who the new Jake is or whether or not he's remembering, and I can't figure out what he's thinking from moment to moment as it is.  The beginning of November was all about GH vet characters and its rich history as well as some villains.  Now we are back to the Nina/Franco show, and Jake, which is starting the stupid fanwars again with Elizabeth and Sam.  Ugh.


Would you please, for the love of God, pull up your top, Nancy? 60-year-old decollage by an attorney in a police station makes me break out in second hand embarrassment.

I think Alexis looks fantastic, and as long as she looks good and can turn some heads, i say go for it.

  • Love 5

There are certain things I can't get over even for a soap character. Ric will always be a panic room creeper to me.

The idea that Liz would ever feel anything but weird and sad about Ric after that is just ... what? Although perhaps this explains why she's so amped to let a perfect stranger live in her home right now ... She has terrible judgement.

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