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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I just don't want him saddled from an entertainment point of view. I don't want the early twentysomethings stuck with babies right now.


This show has baby rabies harder than any of its characters. You know Ava will probably miscarry and pretend she's pregnant until she and Morgan get back together (because he's just that stupid), and then Sonny will once again be torn between his blood lust for killing and his "love" for Morgan.


But I don't feel sorry for Morgan being in this situation. He's an idiot.


That would be giving Mac a story. It likely won't happen.


Truth. Mac hasn't had his own story for years. Ron won't be the one to change that.

Edited by dubbel zout

This show has baby rabies harder than any of its characters. You know Ava will probably miscarry and pretend she's pregnant until she and Morgan get back together (because he's just that stupid)


I don't know. I'm starting to think they're gonna swing towards a Michael/Kaka/Morgan triangle again, alas.


Sonny will once again be torn between his blood lust for killing and his "love" for Morgan.



I lol'ed. Sonny and Franco should bond over how hard it is to restrain their need to kill. I smell Emmys!

After today I'm pretty sure that Levi is gonna be Mac's son--which is why he called him a bad parent, is probably a con artist like his father was when younger, and is probably out to torture Maxie/Felicia because that was the family Mac chose. And because it is Re-Ron we'll let some big but terrible start from some other show to play the ex con/ex girlfriend of Mac/Levi's mother. 

The only question is who will it be? 

Ron does love Florencia Lozano.   Or, hell, if he did go with Levi as Mac's, he'd probably just go ahead and retcon some affair with Holly.  May as well make all the illegitimate Aussie kids who show up in town Holly's with everyone but Robert.  


Seriously, though, I hate the thought that they could make Levi Mac's kid.  If he's finally going to get his own bio kid, I'd prefer that said kid not be a total asshole.  Also, I know there would be no biological connection and they weren't raised knowing each other or anything, but ick to Maxie finding out she's sleeping with her father's son.  

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Mr. Stoned came in today during the Levi/Mac dust up and I froze the frame so he could look a Levi.  Hi reaction: That's  girl, right?


My dad asked if he was wearing a wig.  LOL.


MSt is awful.  She was just so monotone and....off.  The only thing I liked about any of that Nina bull was when Julian comforted Sam after Silas left.


ETA: I read on twitter that TeCa had her baby girl.  I thought she had it today and thought it was a terrible omen to have her baby the same day her on screen baby dies, but she had the baby on the 29th.

Edited by mybabyaidan

The Mac/Levi scenes seemed almost pointless but at the same time, it kinda left me feeling like it might've been done to suggest that they might indeed become father and son.  I wouldn't be bothered by the notion that Levi and Maxie have been dating because they'd have no bio connection nor would they have been raised together.  That would take away the ick factor for me.  I also loved Maxie and Nathan and him standing up for her in court.  I would like to see more ambition on Nathan's part though in his pursuit of Maxie.  He's been kind of.............slow on this issue?  I also don't get why he's been willing to pay for unemployed Levi to have a roof over his head.  I would be working overttime to get Levi out of Maxie's life and apartment.

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 It must have been hellacious-ly unspeakable since she never spoke of it. Or even acted as anything other than smug about getting away with it and framing AJ. Deeply, deeply hidden pain, there.

Just me or was really like Sonny kept saying "the woman I loved!" as if he could not recall her NAME?



I laughed at the idea that Ava is actually feeling ANY guilt over killing Connie.  It was not acted that way, and she knows it.  I guess whatever the writers decide after the fact ...  

Re Sonny -- today, he actually said something like, "She killed ...   ...  ... [as if he couldn't remember her name] ... Connie ["that's what it was."}

Michael Easton looks like he's actually embarrassed by his lines.  Not that he doesn't have every right to be - to steal a great line, the dialogue ran the gamut of emotions from A to B.  Or maybe he was just distracted by Sam's boobs.  Putting 'em out there, Sam!


Michael Easton's style has always been (whatever character he's playing) to look over his acting partner's shoulder or up at the ceiling -- I think it's the young Marlon Brando/On the Waterfront syndrome, the shifty eyed/lost-guy school of acting (and I loved Brando).   This is ME's entire range though.  I'm thankful these days, however, when he decides to raise his voice beyond a whisper.  The only time I've enjoyed him was when he played cop sidekick to fugitive Roger H when they were on OLTL and they were both wisecracking and in action mode.

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So why didn't Patrick ask Felix to run to the gift store and buy a couple of new AA batteries?  If he had then their dolly would still be working. 

I'm a little shocked that the death of an infant left me so very unmoved but it did.  So much so I wanted to bitchslap Epiphany and tell her to get her ass back to work.  Woman has become worthless.


As for Nina.....when she said to Silas with her crazyeye grin that it had been 20 years since she's been in her 20's.....poor thing is delusional.  That woman hasn't seen her 20's since the Hoover administration.  And I see the Makeup department decided to skip foundation and go straight to spackle and high gloss paint.  She looked like Lucille Ball in that unlamented remake of Mame - just not as young.


Morgan is my favorite Corninthos - which isn't saying a lot.  But the young'un got in some good zingers at dear old dad today.  And his calling for an abortion was brilliant.  Wait till he finds out the rest of the story.  Mom will be toast then too.

Sonny said "She killed........................................................................................................Connie"

 I thought he finally remembered her name! That cracked me up.


That was great.  But poor Sonny has a helluva time remembering all the loves of his life - especially the ones who died after tasting the Love Machine.


Now if only I could forget Connie the way he has.....

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The Mac/Levi scenes seemed almost pointless but at the same time, it kinda left me feeling like it might've been done to suggest that they might indeed become father and son.



I'd be more inclined to suspect this if Levi didn't seem so disposable and determined to isolate her from everyone rather than worm his way into their graces. Lets hope neither Nathan or Maxie let it slip that Nathan mislead the court because Levi'll be narcing faster than he can beast a veggie burger.

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Heath Slater...er, Peppermint Patty (there was one really questionable shot there, and I bet Patsy Stoned's hubby saw it too)...uh, Levi already needed smacking before this episode.  After it, Mac needs to full-on El Kabong his smug ass.  And I kind of hate the idea that this cosmic tool could somehow turn out to be Mac's one bio-kid (how would that work?), though that plays directly into Cartini's obsession with the perverse.


Maxie and Nathan, I suppose, is officially proceeding apace as of this episode (or rather Diane's comment in same).


Nina was just clingy/bubbly with a side of creepy enough to make me think she knows Sam and Silas are/were a thing.  Michelle Stafford was actually dialed down from what I was expecting, though I apparently missed the jazz hands; OTOH, she was more interesting in those scenes than ME was (and I like ME, but wow).


Morgan being angry with Sonny and Ava, as relatively on point as it was, was partially diluted by BC's perpetual pouty face (and Sonny and Carly being disappointed the former couldn't kill Ava's lovely ass dead, for radically different reasons).  And I can't help thinking the only reason he got to suggest Ava have an abortion was so she could establish her story of wanting the child, and that somehow bugged me.


And as for the last few minutes of Gabriel Drake Santiago: the kindest thing I can say is that I didn't have a problem with the acting.  Everybody was fine, even Teresa Castillo.  I'm still not crazy with the sympathy-overkill aspect of it all, so I'm mainly glad that that is over.

Edited by Bill C.
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Ron's sudden interest in Felicia scares me because thus far she is the one vet he hasn't butchered, primarily because he actually fixed Guza's damage and used her in a minor supporting role only.


If they make Levi and his cheap-ass weave a Scorpio, barware will fly.  During his scenes with Mac, I actually let out a Howard Dean esque scream and threw a magazine at the tv.  


I just watched and honestly I cannot remember what happened in the NINA scenes.  They were like white noise or Charlie Brown's teachers' voice.  

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Sam has the best parents on the show. They were totally focused on Sam and making sure she was okay when NotDeadNina showed up.

I thought NotDeadNina making the comment about Silas not remembering the flowers because it was so long ago, was hysterical with Sam, Alexis, and Julian standing there listening since Julian certainly remembered gardenias from 34 years before when he and Alexis met.

I noticed Haley in the background not staying in character because she was so obviously talking and laughing with Will when they were at the table coloring/playing with TJ and Danny.

I'm loving the Davis-Jerome family. I know more angst is coming, but it is a soap so it goes with the territory.

Sonny and Carly need to have several seats.

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I don't get why they didn't photoshop the 20 year-old photo of Silas and Nina, so that they actually looked young.


I don't get Nina emerging from a coma and materializing in a wheel chair in Port Charles.


I don't get why Gabriel existed--having him live creates way more conflict for Patrick.


If Levi is Mac's son, then Mac did it with a really ugly chick all those years ago.  I prefer that he be a zen hitman working for Puke.


Michelle Stafford is too Phyllis to me.  It would be like Jane Elliott going to another show and playing a naive, saint-like woman.  Oh wait.  JE can act, so that is actually plausible.


I am just waiting for MS to turn into Philly.  She doesn't look at all like the Nina that was described to us way back when by Silas.  I envisioned Nina to be a petite, fragile/frail blonde, who is tormented.

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Is James Nathan coma baby or could it be Levi? He does have Nina's hair.


No, Silas and Nina both remember Nathan from when he was a little kid.  He can't be coma baby.


In related news, I think Nina is gonna lose her shit when she finds out about Kiki.  If it leads to her trying to run Kiki over with her wheelchair, well, have at it!

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 3
Michelle Stafford is too Phyllis to me.  It would be like Jane Elliott going to another show and playing a naive, saint-like woman.  Oh wait.  JE can act, so that is actually plausible.



Carrie Todd on Guiding Light was a delightful, warm and genuinely nice woman, well aside from having a spiteful alter, so yes, Jane definitely can successfully pull off entirely different characters. I don't think Michelle is absolutely awful, but she brings very specific qualities to her acting and is limited as a result. I think even if they did bring her on as a non "Psycho Bitch From Hell" type character, TPTB would go" fuck it!!!" after they'd heard her line-readings just from today alone and make her into another lunatic trouble-maker. 

Edited by yuggapukka
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Morgan was on fire today. Snarky and angry suits him.


I soooooo agree with this.  Please, RC, make it so Morgan never ever ever ever forgives Sonny and just snarks on his ass for the rest of his days.


Morgan really needs a new girlfriend, but the pickins are so slim around Port Charles... if they are not related to him they are total balls of suck (see:  Kiki).  One of the reasons I'd like to see the Baldwin girls make the scene is so characters like Morgan would have somebody to date!


After today I'm pretty sure that Levi is gonna be Mac's son--which is why he called him a bad parent, is probably a con artist like his father was when younger, and is probably out to torture Maxie/Felicia because that was the family Mac chose.


After it, Mac needs to full-on El Kabong his smug ass.  And I kind of hate the idea that this cosmic tool could somehow turn out to be Mac's one bio-kid (how would that work?)


The way I heard it mooted on other boards (speculation, not spoiler) is that Levi was fathered before Mac made the scene in Port Charles.  Sounds like a sensible way to go about it, since you can retcon almost anything into that time period.


I was thinking about that too. Emma's been through an emotional wringer this year. If anything, they should SORAS her and let her have the drug issues, due to all this, not some character we haven't seen in months ( and are happy about not seeing him).


What they should really do is bring Kristina back on canvas and have her be the one with drug issues.  And if she had taken up stripping in order to feed her habit it would be such karmic justice on Sonny I would throw barware to see it happen.  Which of course means there is no chance that it could.


I find RC's cultural appropriation and extreme ignorance of Mexican history and indigenous people offensive. Felicia is not Aztec. Promoting an imperialist, exploitive, colonial adventure in Mexico by the French and getting it soooooo wrong is head banging stupidity.


In all fairness, that's on Gloria Monty and her crew of writers.  They were the ones who came up with the idea of Felicia being the descendant of an Aztec princess.  And yes, it was as redonkulous then as it was now, but soap viewers were much more tolerant of such shenanigans back in the day.

She want Ava dead for killing Connie but she is totally ok with Sonny killing AJ.


I think it's simpler than that: Carly wants Ava dead because Carly hates Ava. Carly couldn't care less about Connie. She pretends she does to Lady Macbeth Sonny. He's an incredibly easy target to manippleate.


I would like to see more ambition on Nathan's part though in his pursuit of Maxie.  He's been kind of.............slow on this issue?


I like that they're taking things slow. For one thing, it's giving RP a chance to get his sea legs. For another, we already had Maxie and Levi in an insta-relationship. I don't need to see Maxie and Nathan jump into one, too. It's pretty clear they're end game, so I can wait. Though Levi can leave yesterday. My god, he's awful.


I wonder if Ava will pretend to feel guilty when she finds out Gabriel is dead.


Why would she feel any guilt? She didn't run Patrick's car off the road. That was FakeLuke. Ava just made threats that were never followed through.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I just can't with this Levi character. His weird doll hair and colorless lips. I hate his face. The thought of him in a love scene makes me shudder. Please don't let him be Mac's son.


That's it!  He's not Mac's son, he's the child of Mr. Muggles and the Bride of Chucky!  He certainly has the hair down pat and his acing skills are only slightly less wooden than theirs.



In related news, I think Nina is gonna lose her shit when she finds out about Kiki.  If it leads to her trying to run Kiki over with her wheelchair, well, have at it!


I was thinking of wheelchair tipping as the new Port Charles pastime, but I like the way you think.  Maybe Nina's wheelchair could do a Stephen King and take the same dislike to Kiki that we feel.  Run, Kiki, run.......and then fall down.....

So, Mac and Felicia are paying Maxie's share of the rent? How old is Maxie now? I like Maxie, but come on. Isn't any 20 something on this show self sufficient? And no, Michael certainly doesn't count.


Levi could be Mac's son or he could not be Mac's son. It still wouldn't make Levi any more tolerable or Mac any less boring.


Since the baby was just a blanket, I felt absolutely nothing. Kind of a joke, actually.



I wish Ava would punch Carly in the face.


This, a million times, this! Just STFU, Slagbeast. And take a seat or thirty.


Loved Morgan shading Sonny, but dude. You don't order a woman, especially Ava, to have an abortion, ever. Not your body, not your decision. I had typed out a few lines about how I don't think Ava is solely trying to save her life, but no one cares but me.


Nina. Sigh. I want these scenes to do more than make me long for a coma, my own.

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Michelle Stafford was actually dialed down from what I was expecting, though I apparently missed the jazz hands; OTOH, she was more interesting in those scenes than ME was (and I like ME, but wow).


Those scenes were just beyond.  I thought Sam looked like she was going to start laughing at one point.  Though in defense of all participants, what would have been the appropriate way to act?  Nina is back from the dead, but no one is given dialogue that indicates surprise.  No one seems confused or angry or freaked out.  Molly and TJ are 10 feet away helping Danny color, seeming to not notice or care what's going on.  I can't think of anything anyone could have done to save those awful, awful scenes. 


I think Nina is coming off as crazy because not only does she insanely seem to presume that nothing has changed for her husband in the last 20 years, but she is acting entirely oblivious to the obvious reality that Silas wasn't unequivocally overjoyed to see her.  Sadly, this show has left me unable to distinguish between characters who are acting crazy because their character is crazy and characters who are coming off as crazy because the writing is so stupid and illogical that there is no sane-seeming way to get the lines out.  So I'm reserving judgment on whether we're supposed to think Nina is bonkers. 


Loved Morgan shading Sonny, but dude. You don't order a woman, especially Ava, to have an abortion, ever. Not your body, not your decision. I had typed out a few lines about how I don't think Ava is solely trying to save her life, but no one cares but me.


You're right and I didn't think of it that way.  And should have.  I was sort of thinking the same thing about Ava, though, because of how she responded to Morgan.  There was none of Ava's usual bullshit  - it was an immediate, visceral response. 


I've been wondering and I know others have speculated, but what if the horrible Kiki is really the awful issue of The Nina and not Ava's kid at all?  I could easily see this, since Kiki is EVERY BIT as annoying as The Nina is.  Hell, just the idea of Kiki was bad enough and now she's become worse..... but I digress.


So if Kiki isn't really hers, then this would be her first and (so far, anyway), only child and that might account for her reaction to Morgan.  No matter what backstory Ron C. has already created regarding both of them, he'd throw that over in a heartbeat if he thought he could milk more out of it AND give Kristen Alderson yet more screen time. 

Edited by boes
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Nina was a creeper and who allowed her to attend a child's birthday party as a total stranger?  How did that happen?  So Mac, Felicia, and Nathan are all footing the bill for two unemployed freeloaders?  If Mac and Felicia are going to pay Maxie's half of the rent, it should come with the stipulation that she throws Levi out.  Like Nathan, how can they be satisfied with paying to keep a roof over freeloading Levi's head?

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I've been wondering and I know others have speculated, but what if the horrible Kiki is really the awful issue of The Nina and not Ava's kid at all?  I could easily see this, since Kiki is EVERY BIT as annoying as The Nina is.  Hell, just the idea of Kiki was bad enough and now she's become worse..... but I digress.


This I really can't explain my thoughts on but I will try. I loathe Kiki. I hate that Ava's only offspring (thus far) must be the crap that is Kiki. But for some reason, I don't want her to be someone else's, I still want her to be Ava's. I guess because in her own weird, twisted way Ava has shown me that even though she's the "second worst mother in the world", she really does love Kiki.


And the only time I've liked Kiki ever has been the phone call conversations she's had with her about this upcoming dinner. I guess it's time to tell Kiki she's getting a new brother or sister, heh, that should make for some interesting dinner discussion.


Anyway, I thought they might make her Nina's once upon a time, but I think that's probably been laid to rest.


Does anyone know if that is the Levi actor's real hair, or is that thing something GH's crack team has done to him?


When Zachary Garred first came on the show, I looked for pictures of him to see if his hair was real or a wig. As far as I can tell, that is his real hair, but something has been done to it to make it look more wig-like (why, why?). I think it's that pageboy style that makes it look so false. If you're interested, here's a link to his photo gallery at IMDB. 




What I can't  understand, however, is his motivation for being in PC. If he'd started eating the cornbread and mac and cheese once he was alone today, then at least we'd have known he was a phony.  (But, of course, that would be showing rather than telling, so . . . . TFGH.)

So I guess my cold, black heart has a bit of feeling left in it.  I actually felt something when Baby Shamwow died.  Of course, that was because Piph (& Patrick somewhat) made me feel it, rather than Sabrina.  I got nothing from TeCa.


So Nina's ready to roll back into her life?  I'm voting BSC, simply because MSt had some serious crazy eyes in those scenes.  Sam should have told her the truth, though...or hey, here's a wild thought!  Silas could have opened his trap.  I know Sam blocked him at first, but he still could have said something.  The shock could have killed Nina or at least re-comatized her.  Win-win.  Wait, Sam would still be stuck with Silas?  Okay, win-lose. 

Loved Morgan shading Sonny, but dude. You don't order a woman, especially Ava, to have an abortion, ever. Not your body, not your decision. I had typed out a few lines about how I don't think Ava is solely trying to save her life, but no one cares but me.



I don't think he ordered to have it. He said, "I think". And then when she said no, he walked out. I mean, not that I would put it past Morgan to order someone to have one. But I don't think that's what he did there. 


I think Ava cares a bit possibly about the baby. But for me, I don't know if I'd bet on her wanting to have this baby if she weren't under threat. Maybe if she knew for sure it was Morgan's.


So, Mac and Felicia are paying Maxie's share of the rent? How old is Maxie now? I like Maxie, but come on. Isn't any 20 something on this show self sufficient? And no, Michael certainly doesn't count.



Sabrina and Felix I guess. It's hard to miss because of the lameness. :) Maxie used to be self-sufficient, I don't know what happened. They should just say she took over Crimson.

What did GH fans do to deserve Michelle Stafford?  I knew she was coming but it still didn't lessen the blow.  She's fucking horrible.  Like Maurice Bernard horrible.  It's bad enough that TIIC threw away or let get away people like Tristan Rogers, Genie Francis, and Sean Kanan (and along with them any hope of adventure or business stories that could tie back to the hospital), but then they go out and get MS for the completely dull Silas?  Just another reason this show sucks.


And Levi.  Sorry, but that dude is as funny looking as Kiki.  I can't believe Maxie would ever have sex with someone so gross, but then I remembered she screwed Spinelli lots of times.

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Nina really is nuts. Expecting your husband to be single after 20 years of being in a coma and then thinking you're dead? Please, psycho. I'm sure she will start walking when Silas isn't around because she's probably been stalking him and Sam.

Love snarky Morgan.

Fuck Levi. Can't believe he told Mac that he wasn't Maxie's father. And then he snarks about Mac feeling right at home when he's paying for that freeloader ass's rent. How is Maxie going to seem fit as a parent when she doesn't have a job?

Sonny continuing to whisper that Ava is going to die in 9 months is getting tiresome. You're going to leave a baby motherless? Yeah right. Cue to a miscarriage and Ava faking the rest of her pregnancy.

Nina really is nuts. Expecting your husband to be single after 20 years of being in a coma and then thinking you're dead? Please, psycho. I'm sure she will start walking when Silas isn't around because she's probably been stalking him and Sam.



Sonny continuing to whisper that Ava is going to die in 9 months is getting tiresome. You're going to leave a baby motherless? Yeah right. Cue to a miscarriage and Ava faking the rest of her pregnancy.


I fully expect Nina to be walking on the ceiling when she's alone, much like the stick insect she is.  Just wait till her head spins around and she vomits pea soup.   That's her idea of fixing dinner.


I don't think Ava has much to worry about one way or the other.  Sonny can't shoot her himself, and Shawn hasn't been able to hit one target since he took over the Borg's place.  And THIS is the Big Bad of Port Charles??

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Nina's gonna go psycho at some point, but we all know that, right?



It's day one of this Nina shit and it's already old.

Nina does seem really cray-cray and devious, opportunistic. Odds are, she already knows and is stalking hubby Silas and Big Girls Sam. Why are Sam, Silas, et al. "protecting" the fragile bat? Just tell her the truth, and that life has moved on in 20 years.


Wow the Sobby propping was off the charts today. I believe that the priest was supposed to use actual water for the baptism. The sacred reading before he did the sacrament was awesome, though. Maybe they couldn't depict actual water in the baptism because it would have been sacrilegious to baptize a doll.

And I still see no chemistry between Nathan and Maxie.

After Nathan lied to the judge, Maxie and Nathan were staring at each other like a cobra and a mongoose. "Wow you actually LIED to the Judge for  me!" Maxie screamed. True love! And Joss is corn!


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