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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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"Oh, Jason, I'm SOOOOO sorry I made you drink that awful Bordeaux...you KNOW I'm your ride and die girl, beer and tequila swiller, but while you were away THAT DREW made me drink wine and wear skirts and trapped me behind a DESK! It was HELL!"

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4 hours ago, Mrs. Stanwyck said:

I doubt it.  Didn't JT tell a story about how he would talk to her about their scenes and try to come up with the motivation for what the characters were doing and she just laughed at him and basically said "just read what's on the page"?


ETA - that's not a dig at KeMo; I'm just saying that I don't think she gets overly caught up about the characters' actions.  

Yes. But apparently she holds study sessions with BM. But only BM!

8 minutes ago, TheMediaHo said:

"Oh, Jason, I'm SOOOOO sorry I made you drink that awful Bordeaux...you KNOW I'm your ride and die girl, beer and tequila swiller, but while you were away THAT DREW made me drink wine and wear skirts and trapped me behind a DESK! It was HELL!"

“And he talks, Jason! Like, he actually strings words together! It’s awful.”

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54 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

“And he talks, Jason! Like, he actually strings words together! It’s awful.”

I don't know about that lol. I would submit "he wears other things besides t-shirts!" instead. :p

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11 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Sam& Jason’s spontaneous groping looked very deliberate and choreographed

I actually don't think this is a lack of effort from either of them.  I think they both did the best they could with some particularly bad staging and choreography.

 Also? this physical attraction thing should've happened months ago. The pacing on this story is so, so bad.

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45 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I don't know about that lol. I would submit "he wears other things besides t-shirts!" instead. :p

He talks more with Sam than Jason did. Even that “conversation” yesterday was so stilted and used the least amount of words as possible. It’s just painful to watch JaSam. It’s amazing what nostalgia does for some fans. And I say that as a person who has been a victim of it myself.

Edited by HeatLifer
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8 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

He talks more with Sam than Jason did. Even that “conversation” yesterday was so stilted and used the least amount of words as possible. It’s just painful to watch JaSam. It’s amazing what nostalgia does for some fans. And I say that as a person who has been a victim of it myself.

They need to be moved on. They’re horrible. I cannot stress this enough because it’s causing too much stupid drama outside of the show itself. 

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More bad pacing with the return of the What's The Deal With Dr. Michael Easton And His Dad story today.  And if it's going where I think it's going, that Dr. Michael Easton is actually Chase's dad, they should just go ahead and skip it now because who cares.

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nothing to see here

Jason's brilliant plan for get Margaux off Sonny's back is to slime her father so that she realizes he's not a good person and backs off.  It doesn't work with Sonny or Carly or Jason himself, why would it work with Margaux?

Finn needs to grow the hell up. He's still mad at his father for remarrying after his wife's death? What is Finn, 5?  I liked the Lyme disease PSA though, more useful than the Anna blood cancer one.

I really don't understand why Kim isn't giving Oscar time to process everything before putting him in the cancer trial.  And why no one is talking about the odds of it helping him. It's just really bad parenting/medicine.

Just how often do Sonny and Carly visit Morgan's grave anyway?  I never see them there unless it's a plot point.  Margaux burying her father close to Morgan's grave so that Sonny and Carly are reminded of Sonny killing him every time they visit Morgan made me laugh. It's called poetic justice in literature, and natural consequences in psychology.

Edited by statsgirl
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9 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

More bad pacing with the return of the What's The Deal With Dr. Michael Easton And His Dad story today.  And if it's going where I think it's going, that Dr. Michael Easton is actually Chase's dad, they should just go ahead and skip it now because who cares.

Me. Not a lot, but more than anything else on this show. I know, I hate myself too.

11 minutes ago, Hater said:

I cannot stress this enough because it’s causing too much stupid drama outside of the show itself. 

That just makes me want all three actors off the show, if it's true.

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It just feels like we're overdoing on secret kids - Oscar/Drew, LWB/FS/Anna, Sasha Whoever/Nina, and now this potentially? 

I'm also dreading whatever "soap get" Frank bumped into at Trader Joe's who's gonna play this lady.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I really hope Drew tells Margaux to shove it with the "help me put Sonny away" crap. Drew's memories have nothing to do with her father's death anyway, and if that's what she wants to pin on Sonny, she has to figure out another way to do it. Which of course even if she does it won't stick, so what's the point? She should just get by a thousand little cuts, as it were—traffic tickets, health code violations, etc. Make them all legit so Diane can't claim harassment, and drive Carly bananas as a nice bonus.

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1 minute ago, TeeVee329 said:

It just feels like we're overdoing on secret kids - Oscar/Drew, LWB/FS/Anna, Sasha Whoever/Nina, and now this potentially? 

Finn probably doesn't know whether it was him, McBain, or Silas who fathered Chase. Er, I mean, he probably doesn't know if it was him or his dad. So he might not necessarily be his father anyway.

For me, this is just dumb soapy melodrama amongst all the heavy stuff going on. Plus, the Oscar/Drew and Nina/Sasha stuff doesn't really count for me, since it was revealed pretty much immediately and not really treated as some big mystery. Plus the thought of Finn squirming and admitting he slept with his step mom to Chase amuses me. 

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1 minute ago, ulkis said:

Plus the thought of Finn squirming and admitting he slept with his step mom to Chase amuses me. 

Chase's reactions to insane things ("Excuse me, mam, are you saying you're out here sniffing this grave?") have been fun, that's true.

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38 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

He talks more with Sam than Jason did. Even that “conversation” yesterday was so stilted and used the least amount of words as possible. It’s just painful to watch JaSam. It’s amazing what nostalgia does for some fans. And I say that as a person who has been a victim of it myself.

All I can say is that I'm so happy my love for the pairing died back during the Summer of Sleaze. Never could root for Jason and Sam after that and didn't care a lick about them anymore as a couple. Again, I only checked back in to give it a look-see because Billy Miller was cast in the role. Because unlike some people, he's actually managed to not flop when moving to another show. 

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I can't watch anything in these park scenes cause the cheap camera they use in them is so distracting. It doesn't help when you use two stilted actors like WDV and GS, especially when a scene starts with Julian in tight shorts stretching his legs. It looked like an infomercial for some exercise machine was about to start (cue to Julian starting to jog and immediately slipping on nothing: "are you tired of jogging on dangerous, uneven terrain? Try the sprinterfx1000!").

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It's super shitty of Oscar to spend what he believes are his final days being deliberately cruel to Joss. I really hate this idea that she's too delicate to handle a dying boyfriend, but it's fine and dandy to stomp all over her feelings so that her last memories of Oscar are negative. It's such a contrived way to create friction between them, when the fact that he's dying provides enough angst on its own.

The show is certainly insinuating heavily that there's a sordid past between Finn and his stepmother, and yeah, it probably involves Chase's paternity, but I don't think it's necessary on a show that's already bloated with parental switcheroos. Chase and Finn have never had a brotherly relationship, so he won't be losing that bond if Finn is actually his father. If anything, Chase would gain an answer for why Finn has always held him at a distance.

"So he was a willing participant in the business, and he liked the cash. He wasn't just some innocent guy who was in over his head trying to get out." Too bad no one offered this kind of sensitive consolation to Sam when everyone believed you had fucked off to the great beyond, Jason, you enormous asshole. 

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2 minutes ago, Linny said:

"So he was a willing participant in the business, and he liked the cash. He wasn't just some innocent guy who was in over his head trying to get out." Too bad no one offered this kind of sensitive consolation to Sam when everyone believed you had fucked off to the great beyond, Jason, you enormous asshole. 

Now now. Jason was never in it for filthy lucre. He did it because he enjoyed the, er, action.

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26 minutes ago, Linny said:

I really hate this idea that she's [Joss] too delicate to handle a dying boyfriend,

Oscar's motive should be that Joss would make it all about her because, natch, she's Carly's daughter.

They just need to stop with these two.  Stone and Robin, they are not.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Poor Kim, I know she kept Oscar's illness a secret but she is a great mom.  Oscar is a great kid but all teenagers will rebel at some point.  Finding out about his illness has caused him to rebel to the nth degree which is understandable.  However, it is the worst possible time (health wise) for him to assert his independence.  He needs to sit with his parents and doctors to discuss his options.  Since Kevin is indisposed in Ferncliff, maybe social worker, Stella, can help this family come together so they can fight the cancer.   

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I taught ninth graders for a better part of my career, and I think the kid playing Oscar is doing a good job portraying an adolescent's view of "I am the epitome of noble suffering/I'm going to go eat worms" teen angst. (So much so, that it got me irritated.)

If I were Drew, I would have been taping my repeated refusals to help the DA who wants to work outside the law. That means I would also have her on tape revealing that she had been holding a flash drive with my memories. And then I would once again refuse to work with her, explain to her that the only children she could ever have would be puppies, find myself a lawyer, and start looking for some reliable law enforcement agency. 

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I got the  impression that Snarly can  barely tolerate Drew. I  think that it is because he doesn't bow down and adore her as she thinks is her right. He sees her for what she really is.

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Is it just me or is it weird to anyone else that they haven't given Chase's mother a name. Chase must be at least 25 years old.  So dad, talking to Finn, while referring to Chase's mother, constantly says "my wife".  Finn would know who he's referring to, since they've been together at least 25 years.  So it's just very strange that every five minutes, while talking to his son, he says, "my wife and I....", I don't know why you hate " my wife" so much....."my wife, Chase and I are a family...."my wife loves me".  Good lord writers, give her a freakin' name.  You can just change it 6 months later like you did with the giant plot that Sonny did murder a man rather than simply buried him.  

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2 minutes ago, Perkie said:

Is it just me or is it weird to anyone else that they haven't given Chase's mother a name.

Oh gawd, is there a legacy character who's in danger of having slept with Dr. Michael Easton and birthed Chase?!?!

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3 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Oh gawd, is there a legacy character who's in danger of having slept with Dr. Michael Easton and birthed Chase?!?!

I'm going for maximum randomness:  Sarah Webber.

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14 minutes ago, LillyB said:

I got the  impression that Snarly can  barely tolerate Drew. I  think that it is because he doesn't bow down and adore her as she thinks is her right. He sees her for what she really is.

I don't think LW can tolerate Billy either, so there's that. lol.

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22 minutes ago, LillyB said:

I got the  impression that Snarly can  barely tolerate Drew. I  think that it is because he doesn't bow down and adore her as she thinks is her right. He sees her for what she really is.


8 minutes ago, Hater said:

I don't think LW can tolerate Billy either, so there's that. lol.

For the same reason?

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3 minutes ago, statsgirl said:


For the same reason?

I wouldn't be surprised.  But like "the master" she never accepted the recast Jason.  Even though I think she had pretty decent chemistry with BM and they worked fine together. She just never accepted him.

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1 hour ago, movingtargetgal said:

Poor Kim, I know she kept Oscar's illness a secret but she is a great mom. 

I respectfully disagree on the great mom designation.  She lets her kid hang out at mobster house, where the guards carry guns.  And "mishaps" like shooting and car bombs have occurred to nearly all of Sonny's kids.  And his fiancee.  And his wife, who he accidentally shot in the head...

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10 minutes ago, ciarra said:

I respectfully disagree on the great mom designation.  She lets her kid hang out at mobster house, where the guards carry guns.  And "mishaps" like shooting and car bombs have occurred to nearly all of Sonny's kids.  And his fiancee.  And his wife, who he accidentally shot in the head...

Yeah but you can’t fault Kim for that because the writers must make her okay with this as their way of always trying to convince the audience that the murdering monsters are the “good guys”. It’s the same reason Drew has to be okay with Sam having Jason around his daughter. Oh scratch that one - Scout’s always with Monica anyway.

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As the mom of a son and a daughter, I’ve tried to empathize and put myself into Kim’s position. I’m not a physician but with that expertise and experience, I do believe that I’d have told my child what his diagnosis/prognosis is. In fact, I know I would. When a child is 2 or 3 or 4, they have no ability to understand or comprehend cancer or what it is, how it’s treated, how bad it can be, etc, etc. A teenager is old enough to comprehend those things, do research on his type of cancer and help make the decisions about treatments. Oscar is a smart kid. He can do this with the help of his folks and his doctors. I really wish the show would script a believable and reliable description of what this would really be like for a teenager and his family. But I know that will never happen. Although, I have to say as the daughter of a woman who died after a 8 1/2 year battle with Alzheimers, they are doing a good job with Mike. I liked the day care episode today. Mike, Carly and Stella seemed happy and satisfied with their visit but of course, Sonny has to be the ass about it. Geez.

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1 hour ago, ciarra said:
2 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

Poor Kim, I know she kept Oscar's illness a secret but she is a great mom. 

I respectfully disagree on the great mom designation.  She lets her kid hang out at mobster house, where the guards carry guns.  And "mishaps" like shooting and car bombs have occurred to nearly all of Sonny's kids.  And his fiancee.  And his wife, who he accidentally shot in the head...

I agree with what you are saying.  In the real world I would never let my kid hang with or date anyone Corinthi related.  However, in the morally corrupt world of GH Sonny is "a good mobster with a "moral code" ".   When I wrote about Kim being a great mom, I put the absurdity of Port Charles aside and was focusing on the fact that Oscar is a respectful, decent, and smart young man.  When I meet a teen with those qualities, I feel that this is the result of great parenting. Joss is a good kid as well, but this has happened not because of Carly's parenting skills, it is because of Jax's decency and great parenting.  It still pisses me off that TPTB gave custody of Joss to Carly and the mob over a solid citizen and all around great guy.  


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6 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

More bad pacing with the return of the What's The Deal With Dr. Michael Easton And His Dad story today.  And if it's going where I think it's going, that Dr. Michael Easton is actually Chase's dad, they should just go ahead and skip it now because who cares.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if that's what happens.  But it doesn't make sense that Finn would be angry at his father and wife #2 if he was the one who got her pregnant.  He should be grateful that they raised his child so well.

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6 hours ago, Linny said:

"So he was a willing participant in the business, and he liked the cash. He wasn't just some innocent guy who was in over his head trying to get out." Too bad no one offered this kind of sensitive consolation to Sam when everyone believed you had fucked off to the great beyond, Jason, you enormous asshole. 

And if Sonny ever got shot or killed his kids can't feel the need for revenge, right?  If we're going by Jason and Carly's "he was a bad guy" argument.  Shut up, you cretins.

Also, can we just skip ahead in this Margeux/Drew/Croyton/Corinthii storyline to the part where Drew decides to team up with Sonny and Jason to take down Margeux and get his memories back and Margeux will leave town disgraced and Drew will pledge his eternal gratitude to Jason and Sonny and Sam will smile passively and whisper how happy she is and Carly will fake laugh and then they'll all have pie and talk about family like they actually believe they're the best people on the planet?  Because that would save a lot of time.  Just sayin.'

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6 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Oscar should be DEAD based on the type of brain cancer he has. It’s a bleedin’ muricle that he’s survived as long as he has!

Or at least more symptomatic.  Other than the one-time faint, where are the headaches?   Nothing onscreen, anyway, not even a twinge. 

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Too. Much. Josslyn. Well, of course she's going to be front and center in this story, because she's Carly's female offspring, so big heaping gobs of screen time are her birthright. But angst and frustration do not play to this young actress's strengths. I like the scenes for the two boys more, even though Josslyn and her feelings are most of what they talk about. She's just been made too prominent here across the board. The cue we're constantly getting is "Look at Josslyn suffering. She's brave and strong and loves with her whole heart. Not just a part of it! If only Oscar would let her share his pain." The reason I want her to find out, really, is not out of sympathy, but just to move things along. At this point, I think anything would be preferable to hearing the actress screeching, "What's going on? This isn't like you, Oscar!" or "This doesn't make any sense, Cam! Everything was fine! There's something he's not telling me! Do you know something?" Or staring at her phone.  

Edited by Asp Burger
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13 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I wouldn't be surprised at all if that's what happens.  But it doesn't make sense that Finn would be angry at his father and wife #2 if he was the one who got her pregnant.  He should be grateful that they raised his child so well.

Maybe they didn't offer to raise the baby and just told him "this is the way it's going to be" and he had no say.

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Kiki and Griffin are truly nauseating together "Oh, it's so much better to have passes than just tickets for individual films!" Kiki is acting like he's her sugar daddy.

Lulu was complaining so much about getting the kids ready for school and making their lunches.  Is Charlotte with her full time now?

Drew's "go to hell" to both Peter and Margaux about the flash drive is painting him as the real good guy in the story.

It's still fun watching Ryan trying to avoid poor Laura.  At least he has that much honour.

4 hours ago, OnceSane said:

Maybe they didn't offer to raise the baby and just told him "this is the way it's going to be" and he had no say.

Maybe. But wouldn't he be eager to get to know Chase then?  It feels like Finn's angry at his father for marrying her so soon after his wife died and angry at her for existing rather than angry because they deprived him of his son.

But that may just be bad writing.

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Hey, Scotty!  I always like him with Ava and he was giving her some decent advice about her relationship with (the odious) Kiki.  I actually thought it would have been a lovely touch if he had mentioned Karen and Logan, that he's lost children so she shouldn't take for granted any day she has with Keeks, but oh well.  And he's still a snarky pill about Kevin, I wish he and Ryan had gotten to interact.

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The absolute last thing I want for Maxie is for her to be territorial and jealous of Peter and Lulu. This constant push-pull cycle of tension between Maxie and Lulu has gotten stale. I think Maxie works better with Nina and Sam these days anyway, and Lulu could definitely use some new friends (maybe Valerie, Margaux, or anyone who isn't Carly).

I want Kevin to come back soon so he can shower Laura with the love and attention she deserves. She looks so sad every time Ryan rebuffs her. Plus, Kevin and Laura have a gentle, kind romance that's really lacking on the show right now.

So many hints that something bad will happen to Kiki and Ava will take the fall, but I'm not yet seeing Ryan's motivation for getting involved. It kind of doesn't matter to me, though, if it saves me from any more of these sickening Kiki/Griffin scenes. My birthday's at the end of the month, show, if you're thinking about getting me a gift....

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