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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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As far as I'm concerned, the only thing of consequence today was Drew moving into the Quartermaine mansion. Monica once again gets to share a home with one of her sons! And odds are good that this one won't take an oath of fealty to Sonny or be murdered by him, either.

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Really? Michael is stupid enough to accidentally use Nelle’s computer to follow Spinelli’s instructions to do something? Gee, golly. Do we think Nelle will find out what Michael is up to? 

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20 minutes ago, Linny said:

As far as I'm concerned, the only thing of consequence today was Drew moving into the Quartermaine mansion. Monica once again gets to share a home with one of her sons!

Awww!  He should just go ahead and change his last name to Quartermaine, what's the point of it being Cain?

I didn't see today, but based I'm what I'm reading on Twitter about what Dr. Michael Easton said about his dad/Chase, he needs to get over himself.  Sure, his dad moving on super fast after his mom's death is gross, but none of that is Chase's fault.

Also, what's this I hear about Carly shooting Tony being mentioned?

Edited by TeeVee329
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3 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

Really? Michael is stupid enough to accidentally use Nelle’s computer to follow Spinelli’s instructions to do something? Gee, golly. Do we think Nelle will find out what Michael is up to? 

He wasn't accidentally using Nelle's computer. He was purposely on the computer trying to help Spinelli get some info he needed. Why the Jackal would need Michael for this when Spinelli has been able to get into highly secured servers that should have been a bigger barrier than Nelle's personal computer. 

The lie is stupid, but when Michael took out his computer it looked identical to Nelle's.

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It looked like Griffin's eyes had their own key light, LOL. 

SBu's reactions to today's testimony were pretty funny. Overdone, but amusing.

When the DA asked Jason to swear that Carly was insane, Diane should have immediately objected. How would Jason know? He's brain-damaged himself, and he has no mental health training. Gah, this fakakta show and its selective use of legal (and every other profession) procedure.

Is this proceeding a trial or a hearing? There's no jury (that we've seen)—did Diane ask for a bench trial?

I like that Alexis is taking on Lauren's harassment case in a calmer way than she did Olivia's breast-feeding case.

49 minutes ago, Happywatcher said:

Anna's story is [boring], too.

Ugh, this breast beating is aggravating. I know we have to have Anna wear the hair shirt for a while because of this idiotic retcon, but maybe she doesn't have to wallow in guilt so completely?

Michael is a terrible liar. It's a good think Nelle is an idiot when the plot demands it.

Hey, Finn, there's a solution to feeling like a stranger to Chase: Talk to him without getting angry or defensive! Maybe do it with a trained professional if you're worried.

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The trial is terrible. I'm usually working on something while the show is going on in the background. I had to put my laptop down and lay down because that noise exhausted me. 

GH should never have trials. They suck the joy out of life.

Anna's storyline is just . . . why? And she and Finn have anti-chemistry. The whole thing is painful to watch.

Is there a chance the watch Valentin gave Alexis belonged to her mother?

Drew showing up for 3 seconds was nice surprise. him moving into the Q mansion is going to put a cramp in Nelle's style. He'll probably unwittingly help Carly's case. But honestly, anything to kill this stupid ass storyline. On the plus side, since Scout essentially lives at Grandma Monica's place, he will get to spend more time with her. 

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The legal scenes were very annoying today.  Griffin should not be able to testify as to Carly's mental state, he's a neurosurgeon.  All the can speak to is that she consulted him and there was nothing organic.

I liked Kevin's testimony was good but the judge never should have stopped the DA when she asked why didn't Kevin pursue Carly when she cancelled her appointment and didn't make another.   Therapist ethics say that when a patient just leaves like that, you have to pursue them if you think they are a danger.

Good for the props department, the watch looked perfectly like something a rich man might buy his opera singer mistress in the 50s.

51 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Awww!  He should just go ahead and change his last name to Quartermaine, what's the point of it being Cain?


That's probably a good idea.  If Drew can't get back his memories, belonging to a real family could really help.  It would also be nice to have another Quartermaine than Ned.

51 minutes ago, nilyank said:

He wasn't accidentally using Nelle's computer. He was purposely on the computer trying to help Spinelli get some info he needed. Why the Jackal would need Michael for this when Spinelli has been able to get into highly secured servers that should have been a bigger barrier than Nelle's personal computer.

Unless Nelle has been saving everything to the cloud, Spinelli would need access to her computer to get her browser history.

I'm hoping Michael screws this up, I'm really rooting for Carly to be put away, even though I know she'll win in the end.

Edited by statsgirl
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11 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

The legal scenes were very annoying today.  Griffin should not be able to testify as to Carly's mental state, he's a neurosurgeon.  All the can speak to is that she consulted him and there was nothing organic.

I liked Kevin's testimony was good but the judge never should have stopped the DA when she asked why didn't Kevin pursue Carly when she cancelled her appointment and didn't make another.   Therapist ethics say that when a patient just leaves like that, you have to pursue them if you think they are a danger.

At least Griffin is a doctor of some kind! The prosecution shouldn't be asking Jason whether or not Carly was insane when she assaulted Nelle. (All my legal knowledge is from my current watching of the entire Perry Mason series, but Jason isn't qualified as an expert of any kind and it calls for a conclusion/opinion on the part of the witness.)

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10 hours ago, sunnyface said:

but I do want to give a shout-out to MB for his background facial reactions.

That is a good use for MB.  Do not give him dialogue.  Have Carly and his father have the big stories.  I also can't stand his character - specifically the violence that TPTB and the writers continually  gloss over that accompanies the gangster profession - but I do understand the behind-the-scenes sympathy and love of an actor who has given one-quarter of a century to play a character on a soap opera in the twenty-first century.  On the other hand - SBu.  YUCK.

A couple of weeks ago during the Nurse's Show. I was cracking up during Curtis' magic show.  MB had an expressions of wonder on his face, like "How did they DO that." Like, they really would need to explain it to Sonny like he was a 3 year old. 

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18 hours ago, statsgirl said:


Michael and Dante are stepsiblings or adoptive siblings but they are not half-siblings.

That's pretty insulting for people adopted - such as me.  I have to label all my familial relationships with the word "adoptive"?  They are brothers.  

Do you have this same issue with Maxie considering Robin a cousin?  There's no blood or adoption between the two.

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18 hours ago, statsgirl said:


Michael and Dante are stepsiblings or adoptive siblings but they are not half-siblings.

I have a situation sort of like this in real life. I refer to them as my brother and sister most of the time. But sometimes it's relevant to bring up our shared bio father or that my bio mom adopted them. So the terminology shifts a lot for real-world usage, despite what's technically proper. (ETA that when I was younger if someone questioned whether they were my "real" siblings I used to reply that they were my "full and a half" brother and sister, adding up their legal and bio connections!)

Edited by Auntie Velvet
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16 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

At least Griffin is a doctor of some kind! The prosecution shouldn't be asking Jason whether or not Carly was insane when she assaulted Nelle. (All my legal knowledge is from my current watching of the entire Perry Mason series, but Jason isn't qualified as an expert of any kind and it calls for a conclusion/opinion on the part of the witness.)

More importantly, Jason was not even there at the baby shower. He would have no idea to her state of mind at the time of the accident. So silly. 

Edited by nilyank
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27 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

The legal scenes were very annoying today.  Griffin should not be able to testify as to Carly's mental state, he's a neurosurgeon.  All the can speak to is that she consulted him and there was nothing organic.

I liked Kevin's testimony was good but the judge never should have stopped the DA when she asked why didn't Kevin pursue Carly when she cancelled her appointment and didn't make another.   Therapist ethics say that when a patient just leaves like that, you have to pursue them if you think they are a danger.

Good for the props department, the watch looked perfectly like something a rich man might buy his opera singer mistress in the 50s.

That's probably a good idea.  If Drew can't get back his memories, belonging to a real family could really help.  It would also be nice to have another Quartermaine than Ned.

Unless Nelle has been saving everything to the cloud, Spinelli would need access to her computer to get her browser history.

I'm hoping Michael screws this up, I'm really rooting for Carly to be put away, even though I know she'll win in the end.

Of course she will win.  Otherwise, the show would have to admit that Spinelli/The Jackal (I hate that name and think it is ridiculous when ANYONE calls him that) isn't some amazing computer sleuth, that Jason isn't the bestest friend ever who can do anything if it means helping out Sonny and/or Carly, and that Diane isn't the greatest lawyer to ever grace a courtroom.  Not to mention it would mean that Sonny and Carly actually would receive some sort of punishment, though in this situation unwarranted, after all of the crap they have gotten away with.  Can't possibly have that.  Seriously, who damaged these writers so much that in their warped minds we are supposed to root for the bad guys and long to see the good* fail?


*I should make it clear that in this case, I do not think Nelle is good.  However, Monica is on her side and hasn't done anything to the level that Sonny and Carly have done and she will come out of this look like a moron and having people rag on her. Hard pass.

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7 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:
19 hours ago, statsgirl said:


Michael and Dante are stepsiblings or adoptive siblings but they are not half-siblings.

That's pretty insulting for people adopted - such as me.  I have to label all my familial relationships with the word "adoptive"?  They are brothers.  

In the context of a legal proceeding, I don't think it's insulting. The DA was inaccurate in describing Michael and Dante as half-brothers. They don't share a biological parent.

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1 minute ago, LillyB said:

Jason looks so awkard wearing a suit, like a kid playing dress up.

Ha.  I actually thought he looked rather hot for the first time in a long time.

Too bad he had to open his mouth and ruin all of that.

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30 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Good for the props department, the watch looked perfectly like something a rich man might buy his opera singer mistress in the 50s.

What watch?

I love how GH always has the person transcribing the trial in courtroom scenes, but can't be bothered, say, putting guards outside the holding cells.

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1 minute ago, ulkis said:
35 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Good for the props department, the watch looked perfectly like something a rich man might buy his opera singer mistress in the 50s.

What watch?

There was a watch in the envelope Valentin gave Alexis. It was what she threw in the fireplace but retrieved, and she had it at the hospital when she went to see Kevin. She finally opened the envelope at the end of today's ep and found the watch.

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1 minute ago, ulkis said:

What watch?

The watch Alexis took out of the envelope at the end of her scenes today.  The envelope was (part of?) Valentin's payment for Alexis' legal work on his behalf.

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When Alexis finally opened the envelope Valentin gave her, there was a watch in it with what I think was supposed to be diamonds all over it  Like @YaddaYadda,  I think it belonged to Alexis' mom's.

16 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

That's pretty insulting for people adopted - such as me.  I have to label all my familial relationships with the word "adoptive"?  They are brothers.  

Do you have this same issue with Maxie considering Robin a cousin?  There's no blood or adoption between the two.

I have no problem with anyone calling someone else a brother or sister whether they are related by blood, law or just feel like they're kin.

However the DA specifically said to Dante "your half-brother Michael" and that is not true. Michael is not Dante's half-brother.

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20 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

When Alexis finally opened the envelope Valentin gave her, there was a watch in it with what I think was supposed to be diamonds all over it  Like @YaddaYadda,  I think it belonged to Alexis' mom's.

I have no problem with anyone calling someone else a brother or sister whether they are related by blood, law or just feel like they're kin.

However the DA specifically said to Dante "your half-brother Michael" and that is not true. Michael is not Dante's half-brother.

Eh, soapy relationships are tangled. It's a fairly expedient way of saying, "You have the same dad but not the same mom."

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AHEM! The word insane when used in a criminal case is a legal term and not medical.  Meaning that it doesn’t mean “crazy.” Doesn’t make sense, I know. But even on soaps or shows that have trials that aren’t legal procedurals, they fuck it up and equate legally insane to crazy/cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. It’s annoying.???????

So neither Jason, Mooby, SLS, can attest if SheBeast was insane at the time. Only psychologists, psychiatrists, criminologists can.

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And Kevin said that he didn't meet with Carly enough to give a diagnosis. (In which case he shouldn't be waving the term "anxiety disorder" around.)

1 hour ago, Auntie Velvet said:

 It's a fairly expedient way of saying, "You have the same dad but not the same mom."

But they don't have the same dad. No matter how hard Sonny, Carly and Jason try to erase him, AJ is still Michael's biological father. Sonny's meat hook adoption doesn't change that or the legal definition of "half-brother".

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8 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

And Kevin said that he didn't meet with Carly enough to give a diagnosis. (In which case he shouldn't be waving the term "anxiety disorder" around.)

I'm not sure he should be testifying in the first place, though I'm always happy to see Jon Lindstrom.

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A boring day in court with non-experts giving their unqualified opinions. I think Carly and her retinue may lose after all, since rumor hath it that


Carly is on her way to the mental hospital, where she will meet a mysterious stranger who reminds her of Morgan.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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4 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

But they don't have the same dad. No matter how hard Sonny, Carly and Jason try to erase him, AJ is still Michael's biological father. Sonny's meat hook adoption doesn't change that or the legal definition of "half-brother".

As much as I hate that Michael considers Sonny his dad, I think that legally (even if it shouldn't count because of the meat hook) Sonny is legally Michael's father. I don't know if he's legally Dante's father since they didn't find out they were father and son until Dante was an adult, but they do share the same father. They are half-brothers, that's what they consider themselves. Just because the DA is a lawyer, I don't think that means she has to use the exact legal terminology for everything. Her concern wasn't (nor should have been) clarifying the exact nature of Michael and Dante's relationship.

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6 minutes ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

A boring day in court with non-experts giving their unqualified opinions. I think Carly and her retinue may lose after all, since rumor hath it that

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Carly is on her way to the mental hospital, where she will meet a mysterious stranger who reminds her of Morgan.


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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

In the context of a legal proceeding, I don't think it's insulting. The DA was inaccurate in describing Michael and Dante as half-brothers. They don't share a biological parent.

I actually wasn't referring to them being called half-brothers.  I was posting in response to the person who denied they were anything but step-siblings, unless the word "adoptive" is placed in front of brother.  

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

When Alexis finally opened the envelope Valentin gave her, there was a watch in it with what I think was supposed to be diamonds all over it  Like @YaddaYadda,  I think it belonged to Alexis' mom's.

I have no problem with anyone calling someone else a brother or sister whether they are related by blood, law or just feel like they're kin.

However the DA specifically said to Dante "your half-brother Michael" and that is not true. Michael is not Dante's half-brother.

You're stating that an adopted person isn't related to their own familhy.  Sonny is Michael's legal father.  Dante's father is Sonny.  Therefore they are half-brothers.  It's as simple as that. 

What confuses me is that while you're refusing to acknowledge Sonny is Michael's father, you are good with Robin and Maxie considering themselves cousin because it feels right to you.  Michael was raised by Sonny and was adopted by Sonny, and Michael sure acts like he thinks of Sonny as "kin" and it feels right to him to call Sonny dad.

I understand why people hate Sonny, but that doesn't make him suddenly not Michael's father.   Did you feel this way about Lucky considering Cam and Jake his children, and their considering him their father?  Of course Lucky has since abandoned them, but many of the characters on GH have abandoned their children.

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For whatever it's worth, Merriam-Webster defines half-brother this way: a brother related through one parent only. Google's dictionary says: a brother with whom one has only one parent in common. Neither specifies a biological relationship.

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Perhaps we’ve gotten too far down into the weeds in the “siblings, half-siblings, step-children, step-siblings, adopted children, adopted siblings”, etc. When it’s gotten so complicated from all of this inbreeding in PC, perhaps we should just burn the place down and start over. 

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Was it just me or did Nelle look a wee bit annoyed that Drew as moving into the mansion.  Like she's worried there will be another set of eyes on her, or he'll take Monica's attention away from her.  Methnks Drew needs to sleep with one eye open!!

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7 minutes ago, Perkie said:

Was it just me or did Nelle look a wee bit annoyed that Drew as moving into the mansion.  Like she's worried there will be another set of eyes on her, or he'll take Monica's attention away from her.  Methnks Drew needs to sleep with one eye open!!

She did because it was another person that she has to act around like she is a changed person. Although Drew has not gotten involved much in what is going on with Michael's life, he would be pro-Michael and indifferent Nelle. Monica is great for Nelle because she supports her. Joss is great because not only is supporting her but also supports Michael getting back with Nelle.  Everyone else is indifferent to Nelle or hates her.

Adding Drew to the household just means one more person that she has to be careful around.

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A question from someone who only watches erratically: are we supposed to believe that Nelle is in love with Michael, even with all the scheming, or is he a means to her end (revenge on Carly)?

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Nelle loves Mikey ....in a crazed delusional stalker way though, not in a normal person way. 

I don't know how much more moopy Ana/Finn I can take. Today they were so moopy they literally dropped to the floor to have their sullen chat. 

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2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

And Kevin said that he didn't meet with Carly enough to give a diagnosis. (In which case he shouldn't be waving the term "anxiety disorder" around.)

But they don't have the same dad. No matter how hard Sonny, Carly and Jason try to erase him, AJ is still Michael's biological father. Sonny's meat hook adoption doesn't change that or the legal definition of "half-brother".

I believe Sonny is his legal dad. He didn't hang AJ on the meat hook for a symbolic waiving of parental rights. He adopted Michael after that.  

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1 hour ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:


Kill me now.

51 minutes ago, Perkie said:

Was it just me or did Nelle look a wee bit annoyed that Drew as moving into the mansion.  Like she's worried there will be another set of eyes on her, or he'll take Monica's attention away from her.  Methnks Drew needs to sleep with one eye open!!

I didn’t notice Nelle’s expression, but I sure as hell saw SLS’s face and he was not pleased. It looked like a. “Are you kidding me?” Like he has any say since he left the house after AJ was nurdered. Or did he not move in and he just changed his name back to Corinthos after he changed it to Quartermaine?

God today was such s boring and lame mess. My eyes just ???? so HARD.

and @dubbel zout, it was the actual trial, not a preliminary hearing; a bench trial. Diane had to warn Jason not to talk to SheBeaast because it was witness tampering and the judge would penalize her for it. Jason didn’t care; he wanted a mistrial.

God. When will we see the end to weepy, weak Anna???!!!!

2 minutes ago, Auntie Velvet said:

I believe Sonny is his legal dad. He didn't hang AJ on the meat hook for a symbolic waiving of parental rights. He adopted Michael after that.  

But AJ gave up his parental rights under duress, or rather, he was coerced. And that, for me, and even under the law (normally and if it hadn’t been AJ, they would have been believed if they contested it), if that parent came forth and said they didn’t give up the rights of their own free will. So that adoption is illegal.

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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

But AJ gave up his parental rights under duress, or rather, he was coerced. And that, for me, and even under the law (normally and if it hadn’t been AJ, they would have been believed if they contested it), if that parent came forth and said they didn’t give up the rights of their own free will. So that adoption is illegal.

Technically, yes it was an illegal adoption but AJ never contested it legally so in the eyes of PC law Sonny is Michael's legal father.

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They better have Monica swop in as the undercover hero in this MeToo# storyline. I have a hard believing that Monica, who once was not believed when she said she was sexually abused. I don't mind her being somewhat caution after what happened with Pierce Dorman, but not have her be completely unbelieving. I just don't want to have fucking Kiki and her worthless mother take down General Hospital.

I also wouldn't mind if she figured out that Nelle was full of shit, but is playing dumb because she really wants to make Sonny and Carly pay. Bonus points if Sonny confronts her about Nelle and Monica reveling the barely contained glee of Carly possibly being commited. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

But AJ gave up his parental rights under duress, or rather, he was coerced. And that, for me, and even under the law (normally and if it hadn’t been AJ, they would have been believed if they contested it), if that parent came forth and said they didn’t give up the rights of their own free will. So that adoption is illegal.


1 hour ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

Technically, yes it was an illegal adoption but AJ never contested it legally so in the eyes of PC law Sonny is Michael's legal father.

I'm surprised Monica never tried to contest the adoption on AJ's behalf.

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I would really like to see Drew/AJ/Michael in the Q mansion getting to know each other. I'd rather watch that than anything that's actually happening right now

Edited by Oracle42
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16 hours ago, LexieLily said:

At least Griffin is a doctor of some kind! The prosecution shouldn't be asking Jason whether or not Carly was insane when she assaulted Nelle. (All my legal knowledge is from my current watching of the entire Perry Mason series, but Jason isn't qualified as an expert of any kind and it calls for a conclusion/opinion on the part of the witness.)

Not only that but Diane should have objected when the DA asked Jocelyn if Nelle wanted to name the baby Morgan to hurt Carly.  Conjecture.  

This show really irks me with the trials.  Thinking about Johnny's trial for killing Logan can raise my blood pressure.  That has to be, hands down, the most ludicrous trial in TV history.  They let Edward on the jury when he not only knows everyone involved, but called both Johnny and Logan hoodlums and is Lulu's stepgrandfather.  Not even the most reasonable person could be expected to be impartial under those conditions.  They decided to make it a capital trial after empaneling the jury and didn't make sure that none of the jury had an ethical dilemma with sentencing someone to death. They allowed the murder victim's father to prosecute.  Ric objected when Lulu confessed to the crime.  Yeah, Rick, object when someone else confesses to your client's crime. That makes sense.  

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58 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

 Just how many bedrooms does  that Quartermaine mansion HAVE?

As many as the writers want? I'd go with at least 5. 

I can't say this enough, but I really love the relationship between Drew and Monica, be it real Monica or replacement Monica.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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