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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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17 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I am leery it's here to prop Franco, that a story about Liz's family will be about him proving he's the dreamiest love interest ever blah blah booo.

Well, yeah. Elizabeth getting a story about her that includes her? Tsk tsk, @TeeVee329. You've been watching this show long enough to know that never happens.

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The new DA is petite and has brown hair.  Is it time for LW's vacation to let Carly be put away so that Sonny can seduce the DA?

Why is Carly going to Pentonville?  Does Port Charles not have a forensic psychiatric facility?

Hopefully Kiki's MeToo story is finally revving up.  I like Liz being involved since she's been working at the hospital forever, but I especially like that Liz's spidey senses were tingling when she saw Kiki's interaction with Bensch at the nurse's station.  Here's hoping Liz and Kiki can work out a sting for Bensch.  (As long as Liz doesn't go to Jason for help, I'll take anything.)

I want Kevin to be therapist to all the characters who need help which is pretty much all of them.  I'm curious as to what Alexis' reason for going after all these inappropriate men is going to be.

Edited by statsgirl
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3 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Does Port Charles not have a forensic psychiatric facility?

Isn't that Ferncliff, where Carly was sent after she shot Tony?


4 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

  I'm curious as to what Alexis' reason for going after all these inappropriate men is going to be.

It's all about daddy issues.  And Mikos was the king of inapropriate men.  

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So much stupid today. Like a fucking DA wouldn't know that he or she will get their turn at speaking to try and convince the judge why NOT to grant bail. And DA looks like she's still in high school, but all dressed up; except for her hair. Looks like she just rolled out of bed. ??

I will not lie; though I know it won't last, I LOOOOOVED bail being denied to the SheBeast; I'm so sure Judge Brachman Horowitz saw her roll her eyes; and boo-FUCKING-hoo, as she's being taken away. And AVERY IS NOT YOUR CHILD

Aw man, why didn't you call Heinrich's bluff, Robert? Though you did make up for it by telling that Faison wannabe he had nothing to offer/trade that you were interested in.

Fast forwarded all scenes of Anna after her constant "MySonMySonMySon" nonsense. Gave me vibes of Arrow, when all Ollie did to refer to his newfound child as "MySON." @statsgirl can attest. Hey, let's play a drinking game--see how fast I get drunk every time Anna says "MySON."???????????

8 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Why is Carly going to Pentonville?  Does Port Charles not have a forensic psychiatric facility?

It does. And I was wondering the same thing. 

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

OMGEE! Judge is Douglas Brachman from L.A. Law!!!!!! 

Meanwhile I'm wondering when Dharma's dad stopped fighting the man to become the man. ;)

1 hour ago, LillyB said:

I wonder how long it will be before Sonny tries to seduce the new DA.

Two weeks, tops.

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How is it when everyone's phone comes with the ability to record a conversation does Kiki not have that thing hot anytime she goes anywhere near the creepy doc? SMH.

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1 hour ago, Perkie said:
1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

Does Port Charles not have a forensic psychiatric facility?

Isn't that Ferncliff, where Carly was sent after she shot Tony?

And there's also Rose-something, where I believe Heather is at the moment. 

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

And there's also Rose-something, where I believe Heather is at the moment. 

Carly also went to was Roselawn when she had the breakdown after Michael "died." There is actually a third one, Shadybrook and Liz was a patient there.

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I liked that Alexis sought out Kevin. She wasn't forced by the court, no one shamed her into it. She wants to get better for herself.

1 hour ago, norahs99 said:

How is it when everyone's phone comes with the ability to record a conversation does Kiki not have that thing hot anytime she goes anywhere near the creepy doc? SMH.

Yeah, at this point Lauren should be recording every encounter she has with Bensch, no matter what it's about.

LOL at Franco lurking in the background while Drew and André talk.

Diane should have known a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity was basically an admission of guilt. Sonny threatening Diane was so dumb. 

4 hours ago, Linny said:

Franco shoving corn chips down his throat

He did that with Kevin, too. Is there no craft service anymore?

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If it is bad enough that Franco is going to make it his business to track down Liz's family so that he can prove what a swell guy he is, but must he really stick his nose into Drew's getting his memories back. 

I did love that Drew said he had a phone call and walked away from Franco. I totally believe that Drew fake that call.

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12 minutes ago, nilyank said:

I did love that Drew said he had a phone call and walked away from Franco. I totally believe that Drew fake that call.

He didn't fake the call. Heinrich called him, and that's why Drew showed up at the jail to see him.

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Judge Brachman being on reminds me of the old days when stars would come on the show for cameos.

4 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I will not lie; though I know it won't last, I LOOOOOVED bail being denied to the SheBeast; I'm so sure Judge Brachman Horowitz saw her roll her eyes; and boo-FUCKING-hoo, as she's being taken away. And AVERY IS NOT YOUR CHILD@statsgirl!


I wonder if they are going to explore what Carly being in jail does for Ava's custody chances.  You'd think that a household with a mother figure in jail for attempted murder would be a detrimental environment for a young child.

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1 hour ago, nilyank said:

Carly also went to was Roselawn when she had the breakdown after Michael "died." There is actually a third one, Shadybrook and Liz was a patient there.

And don't forget the in-joke name of Miscavige, where Luke was and I think Heather was at the time. 

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11 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I wonder if they are going to explore what Carly being in jail does for Ava's custody chances.  You'd think that a household with a mother figure in jail for attempted murder would be a detrimental environment for a young child.

You mean like Ava was for killing Connie. Or Sonny was for killing for everyone.

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I hope Andre's  recovered notes are pretty good for what sounds like a pretty delicate brain "procedure." I'm still not entirely sure if we're talking scalpel and drill, or some kind of intensive hypnosis. "Damn it, Jim, I'm a psychiatrist, not a surgeon!"

I'm not clear how far they are going to take this memory recovery thing, but it would be kind of cool to have Steve Burton playing Drew in the past -- in soft focus, of course.   

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33 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Has LW’s Carly ever been in a orange (or whatever color) prison jumpsuit? I know Sonny has been there a lot since she’s played Carly but has LW? 

No. I think SB's Carly was the only other one to don prison greys when she shot Tony at Ferncliff. 

Carly has never went to prison.

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6 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Why is Carly going to Pentonville?

And why wouldn't she go to a women's prison?  Somewhere like where Martha Stewart went.

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31 minutes ago, ciarra said:
7 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Why is Carly going to Pentonville?

And why wouldn't she go to a women's prison?  Somewhere like where Martha Stewart went.

Martha Stewart wasn't accused of two counts of attempted murder. Maybe Pentonville has a women's section and a men's section.

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Soooo....let me get this straight.  Carly is all concerned about Joss getting poked at by her peers over this?  What about every other drama you have created for her some the day of her birth?  You think kids don’t talk about THAT???  Her dad is deported and banned from the country because of her mobster step dad Sonny.   I need Carly to da e hard time over this.  I don’t even care if Nelle is lying.

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I actually feel bad for Kiki. To have a creepy guy harass you like that must suck. Of course, she’s told Michael and now Elizabeth so maybe someone will do something. I do want Ava to find and out and kill Dr. Bench. She hasn’t killed anyone in a while and might be rusty though. 

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Rolled my eyes at the Sonny propping when it was mentioned in court how Sonny is so superrich and has his own plane. If the Conrinthii have so much money, why doesn't Carly get a basic trim for her overpowering hair?

And where was Bobbie today--off getting botox? Usually she is Carly's Greek chorus to negative chatter about Nelle.

Moreover, it was fun seeing arrogant Super Attorney  Diane hoisted by her own petard when Carly's plea blew up in her face and she was sent off to cool her heels at Pentonville instead of going home with an ankle bracelet. Wouldn't a top mob princess get a legal Dream Team for her defense?

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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On 5/29/2018 at 3:30 PM, Linny said:

After seeing Finn share scenes with both Anna and Alexis today, I've decided I really prefer him with Alexis. His kiss with Anna left me underwhelmed, and I don't feel he's as naturally at ease with Anna like he is with Alexis. And Anna's tic of peppering her sentences with "you know" comes out more when she's rambling to Finn, and that's increasingly becoming annoying to me.


I agree !  Anna seems to want to be ANYWHERE except within Finn's reach.  And, yes, that kiss looked like two 12 yr. olds trying too hard, "you know"?

On 5/29/2018 at 2:31 PM, TheMediaHo said:

Actually, they had recast Felicia a number of years ago when they had need for her and she wasn't available (I think she had gone back to college) -- she was played by someone named Tammy. Around 2006 or so. IRL, Kristina Wagner has had issues with her speaking voice and had to be retaught how to speak. That's a big part of why she tends to speak slowly.

Thanks, THEMEDIAHO, for this !  

Edited by Valmarmar
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Substitute Felicia in 2005 was played by Sandra Reinhardt (also known as Sandra Ferguson). She is best known as Amanda Cory on Another World. I recall reading a rumor that she was supposed to be permanent. For whatever reason, it didn't stick.

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3 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

Substitute Felicia in 2005 was played by Sandra Reinhardt (also known as Sandra Ferguson). She is best known as Amanda Cory on Another World. I recall reading a rumor that she was supposed to be permanent. For whatever reason, it didn't stick.

I think the fans and some cast memebers revolted about recasting a icon character. It's the whole Frisco & Felicia thing.

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7 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

Maybe Pentonville has a women's section and a men's section.

It does.  When Sonny was in jail for 5 minutes, he and Julian were in the boys section while Ava and Madeline were in the girls section.  Ava, Sonny and Julian escaped together, while Madeline was left behind if I remember that correctly. 

7 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

Why do we have to put up with Franco's nasty crunching and bag squeezing?

Because RoHo is hilarious and clever when he does that.  Didn't you get the memo that RoHO is hilarious and clever.  Get with the program, damnit.  


6 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

And where was Bobbie today--

JZ used up her maximum with the two baby shower episodes.  


6 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

Wouldn't a top mob princess get a legal Dream Team for her defense?

Edited 6 hours ago by P3pp3rb1rd.

Diane is the the legal Dream Team.  It's just this show is plot point driven and Carly must stew in her juices before Nelle's nefarious ways are discovered.  By Jason.  Because he's the bestest.  And only he knows the real Carly.  

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12 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Was Ava convicted of killing Connie?

Never, but we get daily reminders.


18 hours ago, LillyB said:

I wonder how long it will be before Sonny tries to seduce the new DA.

She's already pregnant with Sonny's kid. And the fetus is living at Casa Moobster.

18 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Hopefully Kiki's MeToo story is finally revving up.  I like Liz being involved since she's been working at the hospital forever, but I especially like that Liz's spidey senses were tingling when she saw Kiki's interaction with Bensch at the nurse's station.  Here's hoping Liz and Kiki can work out a sting for Bensch.  (As long as Liz doesn't go to Jason for help, I'll take anything.)

At a certain point with CEO SLS, I was actually wishing Michael would introduce Jason to Dr. Bensch, telling him that Jason beat the crap out of Franco in front of half a dozen witnesses, and he got off.

My fantasy is that Liz tells the other nurses, and when Dr. Bensch goes to his room, instead of Kiki, he finds Pip, Liz, Felix, and the rest of the nursing staff ready to blow the whistle on his shenanigans.

However, if they turn Kiki's #metoo storyline into a Who's The Daddy storyline, there isn't enough barware in the world for me to break.

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Oh, late thought: I'm loving that Maxie named the baby James Malcolm West, but realizing that the kid is James West gave me an earworm of the original "Wild Wild West" over the holiday weekend. I now imagine that, when he grows up, he'll be working for the Secret Service and thwarting his archnemesis, Mikkelille Faison.

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12 minutes ago, NutmegsDad said:

My fantasy is that Liz tells the other nurses, and when Dr. Bensch goes to his room, instead of Kiki, he finds Pip, Liz, Felix, and the rest of the nursing staff ready to blow the whistle on his shenanigans.

And Pip is holding a baseball bat.

That would be a great scene, so of course it will never happen. I do want this story to move, though. Michael is a bad friend and even worse GH board member for not doing anything after Lauren told him about the harassment. As others have pointed out, he's making the hospital liable for a giant lawsuit. He, especially, has a duty to act. It's too much to hope that someone will call him out on that, I know.

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Again, like the prospect of Liz's family being introduced, I worry this will become all about Franco, that Liz will loop him in eventually about Kiki's situation and Franco will use his SERIAL KILLER reputation for good or whatever.

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22 hours ago, TheMediaHo said:

Actually, they had recast Felicia a number of years ago when they had need for her and she wasn't available (I think she had gone back to college) -- she was played by someone named Tammy. Around 2006 or so. IRL, Kristina Wagner has had issues with her speaking voice and had to be retaught how to speak. That's a big part of why she tends to speak slowly.

What issues did she have with her speaking voice?

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I'm...kinda excited about today's episode?  We've got Lucas (who?), we've got Dr. O, and I always kinda enjoy when Alexis and Valentin interact, which is oddly almost never.

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 I forgot to mention this yesterday: I REALLY liked how Alexis talked to Finn after the AA meeting. They could have had her go all bitchy and stupid, and instead she just warmly told him she hoped they'd stay friends.

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Whoa, Lucas (who?) and Julian talked about Cheryl, Tiffany was even mentioned, I've been wanting that FOREVER!  I see you, CVE.

Dr. Obrecht basically promising James Mac that she's gonna gut LWB/FS like a fish.  My girl!

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2 hours ago, Gam2 said:

What issues did she have with her speaking voice?

Somewhere in the dim recesses of my memory I think might have been in a pretty bad car accident....somehow her voicebox was damaged?? Anyone else remember hearing this?? I think it was even uncertain whether she would speak again...or was it her hearing? Oh hell, now I'm not sure...gettin' old sucks.

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Sam and Curtis teaming up in the P.I. business isn't a bad idea, as long as Curtis isn't forced to play second fiddle. Sam's smugness over her skills is grating, especially since she only discovered the Peter/Henrik connection due to Peter's ineptitude at hiding his shit and safeguarding his office. Maybe hold off on acting like a hot shot until you do something that requires more than a functioning set of eyes and a stroke of good luck.

It seems weird for Kim and Jason to share scenes, and even weirder that she displays no pull towards him despite him looking like the Drew she knew and loved. Jason comparing Kim to Carly is kind of yikes for her, because I think Kim wants more than to be the devoted worshipper of a man who won't ever love her romantically.

It's important that Drew decided on his own to have the procedure. He wants to be his own man independent of Jason, and this is a necessary first step. Kim and Sam, well-intentioned though they may be, need to respect his choice and trust he can decide for himself what's right.

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42 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Dr. Obrecht basically promising James Mac that she's gonna gut LWB/FS like a fish.  My girl!

Since Maxie told her parents that she named her son James Malcolm, I have been calling him Jimmy Mack after the 1967 Martha and the Vandellas' song.  Now I can't get the song out of my head. 

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20 minutes ago, Linny said:

Jason comparing Kim to Carly

Since it is Jason, I'm going to assume he meant it as a compliment but wow, how insulting to Kim who thus far has been everything Carly is not - an actual good mother, independent, has an actual career and isn't a lying, psychotic ho. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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18 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

I hope Andre's  recovered notes are pretty good for what sounds like a pretty delicate brain "procedure." I'm still not entirely sure if we're talking scalpel and drill, or some kind of intensive hypnosis.

meh-- doesn't sound too bad, actually.

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I guess it's really easy to root for Jason and Sam to get back together when the only voice Jason hears is Carly's. [/sarcasm]

Curtis and Sam going into business together? Awesome idea! It should have happened months ago.

Sam going to Jason to help her break Peter out of jail? Dumb idea. How difficult is it for her to march her ass to Drew and talk to him? Maybe they'll give her a jail cell right next to Peter's. Does she even remember she has two children? 

The writing for these characters is just . . . *sigh* and not the good kind of sigh either.

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