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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Why did the judge get so mad at Diane when Diane used her "nuclear option," i.e. pointing out that Valentin had been holding out on Lulu and not telling her right away about the developed embryo, her birth, etc? It seemed like a legitimate point to me, not grandstanding that the judge would object to.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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None of the Corinthii seem to have guessed that Jax may be behind the kidney deal, rather than Frank.

I thought Carly figured it out, and that Jax was on the other end of her "We need to talk" micro-call when she left Nelle's place on Wednesday. That would fit with the way Laura Wright played "horror of recognition" when Nelle was saying, "Come on, Carly. Your daughter needed a kidney and it just happened to be mine? What are the odds of that?"

I didn't understand the judge's ire toward Diane either, other than that it's another TV drama standard: stern black female judge threatens to hold someone in contempt. It sounded like a flimsy motion to me, but at most she would just say...you know, "I've reviewed your petition blah blah blah no grounds." She would not act as though it had been a serious breach of protocol or ethics.  

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4 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

Why did the judge get so mad at Diane when Diane used her "nuclear option," i.e. pointing out that Valentin had been holding out on Lulu and not telling her right away about the developed embryo, her birth, etc? It seemed like a legitimate point to me, not grandstanding that the judge would object to.

I don't understand either especially because Valentin used his time on the stand to prove her right and say that since conception he had known Lulu was the bio mom and never had given her the choice to know about Charlotte? And no, Nora, Valentin has not bent over backwards to encourage a relationship between Mrs. Falconeri and the child the last months. If anything he has discouraged it.

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11 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Anger toward Nelle I totally get; humiliation I don't.

The definition of humiliation is pretty straightforward - it's essentially when someone makes you feel ashamed or foolish.  If you don't see how she humiliated him and that he should only be angry, that's fine.  I see both completely.  Nelle made Michael feel foolish in front of his family and to himself.  Why didn't he see her lies?  Why didn't he see her manipulations?  And everything that happened at the cabin??  Those two easily could  have slept together, and it would have all been lies.  I think what really puts the nail in the coffin for me regarding humiliation is that Michael was attracted to Nelle and wanted to get closer - and almost got closer - and when Nelle was talking about the married guy she was seeing, Michael has no idea it's his father.  So he's counseling her on a relationship that involves his own parent.  That's just icky and humiliating.  I'm sorry, but if I was dating a guy and I found out he secretly slept with my mother, I would feel much more than just anger.  We're going have to agree to disagree on this one.

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Having Michael browbeaten by Sonny and Carly into not forgiving Nelle could have been worse. They could have had the scene in the Hospital Chapel, with a POV and booming voice of God saying, "I forgive Nelle", only to have Sonny point and growl back, "I. FORBID. You. To Forgive That Bitch."

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10 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

I'm mad that Kristina and Molly haven't been shown meeting their new niece yet

I don't think Sam has been conscious all that long. I know the Coven should be there, but it's not entirely terrible Molly and Kristina won't be there until later. That said, given how cheap Frank is and how consistently the writers skip obvious scenes, I won't be surprised if Molly and/or Kristina never get a meet-the-baby moment.

5 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

Why did the judge get so mad at Diane when Diane used her "nuclear option," i.e. pointing out that Valentin had been holding out on Lulu and not telling her right away about the developed embryo, her birth, etc?

The nuclear option was accusing Valentin of kidnapping Charlotte. Since there was no custody agreement with Lulu to break, it wasn't kidnapping. Diane knew that but figured it was worth trying anyway.

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why cant lulu just get  pregnant. this is the third time she has a custody story.  

i don't undestand this nelle storyline.we are supposed to believe the whole time that night carlys daughter needed a kidney nelles kidney was flown in. who did this in time?  how did they know nelle was a match?

 how did olvia j.stay alive?  why should her goons care about helping her?

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11 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

When Kiki knocked at the door and Ava said "go away" before she knew it was her, I pretended that she did know. It made that scene very enjoyable.

Well, she made a face even after she found out it was Kiki that suggested to me that she still wanted her to go away. It was so lovely!

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53 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I won't be surprised if Molly and/or Kristina never get a meet-the-baby moment.

Considering how annoying Kristina was the last time we saw her ("YOUR alcoholism is ruining MY life!"), I am fine with her remaining off-screen.  But bring on Molly.

Edited by TeeVee329
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The giant piece of crap that this Nelle story has been will only be made worse if Carly or Sonny goes 'holier than thou' on Jax when it comes to light he's behind the kidney purchase.  Because as freakin' if Sonny wouldn't hang someone from a meat hook and physically remove their kidney himself if one of his many, many children needed one (or, hell, just wanted one for shits and giggles).  

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11 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

if Carly or Sonny goes 'holier than thou' on Jax when it comes to light he's behind the kidney purchase

"If"? Of course Sonny will get holier than thou. He never misses a chance to feel superior, especially when Jax is involved. I'd like to think Carly will have a bit more sympathy for Jax, but I'm not holding my breath.

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21 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

The giant piece of crap that this Nelle story has been will only be made worse if Carly or Sonny goes 'holier than thou' on Jax when it comes to light he's behind the kidney purchase.  Because as freakin' if Sonny wouldn't hang someone from a meat hook and physically remove their kidney himself if one of his many, many children needed one (or, hell, just wanted one for shits and giggles).  

And, of course, the show won't mention Sonny illegally ensuring that Alice would get that mob dude's heart.

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I don't really watch anymore but had been keeping close tabs on the Nelle story because it seemed obvious that she was Carly's daughter. That's the whole point of soaps, getting that "what goes around, comes around" reveal that only happens once every decade or two. (Just because it's a trope doesn't mean it isn't a beloved trope.) Even now I'd take a retcon that in a moment of weakness, Frank adopted Carly's kid as an atonement for abandoning her and Virginia. Or unknowingly adopted her kid - which would be awesomely ironic... Anything would have been better than this. You can't drop clues like kidneys and rattles and then not deliver. 

Oh well, at least I got to see Robin again.    

Edited by tessaray
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31 minutes ago, tessaray said:

I don't really watch anymore but had been keeping close tabs on the Nelle story because it seemed obvious that she was Carly's daughter. That's the whole point of soaps, getting that "what goes around, comes around" reveal that only happens once every decade or two. (Just because it's a trope doesn't mean it isn't a beloved trope.) Even now I'd take a retcon that in a moment of weakness, Frank adopted Carly's kid as an atonement for abandoning her and Virginia. Or unknowingly adopted her kid - which would be awesomely ironic... Anything would have been better than this. You can't drop clues like kidneys and rattles and then not deliver. 

Oh well, at least I got to see Robin again.    

I don't think they were ever planning to make Nelle Carly's daughter, because of the Michael romance angle.

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Nelle being AJ's kid is the only thing that might've saved that reveal. Especially since I can't unsee ulkis's horrifying "twins" picture. It would've given her a legitimate beef with Carly/Sonny/Michael, they could have paired her with Morgan when/if he ever comes back and it would have given her legitimate non-Carly ties to the canvas.

Then reveal AJ isn't dead and undo at least one of RC's craptacular decisions

Edited by Oracle42
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10 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

Nelle being AJ's kid is the only thing that might've saved that reveal. Especially since I can't unsee ulkis's horrifying "twins" picture. 

I was just the messenger! :blinks innocently:


It would've given her a legitimate beef with Carly/Sonny/Michael

Yup. And if the show was afraid to go there because she did have legitimate grievance with them, they could have pulled the old bullshit they always pull out: blah blah blah, AJ whiny drunk loser, sweep everything under the rug. But completely avoiding anything interesting, even for just a little while, for the sake of Michael/Nelle . . . is nuts.

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Carly has plenty of past enemies with an axe to grind for Nell to attack Carly. It isn't like Carly is Robin or sweet and innocent in any way shape or form. If the Jones were still respected, I'd say add Tony or even Frisco as Nell's lost father. Tony would be interesting since that ties Nell to Lucas and even Bobbie. How would Bobbie take that shocker? Especially after Carly's start in PC. Frisco would tie her Maxie. Nell could've been OGCarly/Reece's little sister. Hearing all about her older sister's slut bitch of a BFF who destroyed their family and just walked away to do it again to another family. Plenty of Carly victims are out there.

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Seeing Dr. Michael Easton fumbling with Anna's needle reminded me that I really like ME and FH in scenes together. Since JE is leaving, I'd much rather watch Dr. Michael Easton in scenes with Anna than with Hayden

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6 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

Seeing Dr. Michael Easton fumbling with Anna's needle reminded me that I really like ME and FH in scenes together. Since JE is leaving, I'd much rather watch Dr. Michael Easton in scenes with Anna than with Hayden

I liked the character of Fin initially, but he has done nothing but the same stuff for months!  If I have to watch him stick a needle in his arm one more time - which is all he does - I'm going to rip my hair out.  I think Griffin and Anna have a much better dynamic and actual chemistry than Anna and Finn.  jmo.  I agree with you about Hayden - the couple was interesting in the beginning, and now they just bore me.

Edited by Bishop
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22 minutes ago, Cupcake04 said:

Nice of Liv to let Robin change before strapping her to bomb.. did she have a few extra outfits in car trunk??

Robin has been kidnapped SO many times that she always carries a back up wardrobe with her "just in case".  Robin is such a pro when it comes to this.  Robin carries a back up wardrobe the same way most women carry a tampon in their purse.

Edited by movingtargetgal
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Isnt Kidnapping 101 that you use gags people cant TALK THRU???? lol. God I love Liv.... hope she sticks around for awhile longer.

Forgot to say the other day.....where was Griff's bullet scar? How many times did we see that freaking scar, I mean it WAS a plot point, but it was gone when we finally got to see him shirtless again! Did Dr Michael Easton do plastic surgery and I missed it?. Details, writers!. Details!!!

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2 hours ago, ulkis said:

I don't think they were ever planning to make Nelle Carly's daughter, because of the Michael romance angle.


I guess I assumed they changed course for it. 

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I'm torn about Liz bringing up Lucky's addiction with Rebecca Budig.  On one hand, that is their history and Liz offering her perspective on having a romantic partner with an addiction to Rebecca Budig is interesting.  On the other hand, I couldn't help thinking it was also to slam Lucky in favor of Franco.  "I was with this drug addicted loser who broke my heart, but now I'm with the dreamiest SERIAL KILLER who ever did live!".  Ugh.

And I guess we're supposed to believe that Liz cares about Rebecca Budig now, that these two have some kind of sisterly relationship?  Nothing of that sort has happened on-screen.

Alexis thinks the baby looks like Molly vs. Kristina.  Guess the baby doesn't look like a self-absorbed twit then.

The Olivia J./Ava scenes weren't as fun as I'd hoped.

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"I knew you'd find me," Robin says to Anna as she's rescued from her 187th kidnapping. Honestly, she's been kidnapped way too many times, the writers need to quit dipping into that well. The bomb pressure plate thing has been done before with Ethan and Luke years ago, so they lose originality points there, too.

I wanted more Ava and Liv interaction. Ava was disappointedly quiet, I expected her to be more snarky. 

I'm glad Alexis made sure Sam and the baby made it out safely. I've had my fill of Sam in peril lately.

Griffin claiming to know what it's like to be a parent because he was Charlotte's dad for four days is like me claiming that because I've been to Olive Garden I know what Italy's like. They always give Griffin these ridiculously earnest lines and I hate it. 

Edited by Linny
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5 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

"I was with this drug addicted loser who broke my heart, but now I'm with the dreamiest SERIAL KILLER who ever did live!". 

Ladies, if those are your choices of men than you are better off without one. :)  Too many women will settle for the best available loser so they do not have to be alone.  

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I guess this show is STILL not tired of shoving Jason into other people's stories for the specific purpose of him getting the glory of rescuing everyone. And Jordan and Dante just sort of stand there and don't yank his interfering ass by his hair.  And NOBODY had the guts to ask Jason how the fuck he knew so much about bombs? Really and truly?

But what a lovely sight to see hospital staff just IGNORE  a fire alarm.  Uh, NO.  No GH, do not pull that noise. I have been in a hospital fire alarm and those people DO NOT PLAY.  A 70 year old volunteer would have dragged Jason and Curtis' ass down by their stupid ears the minute they huffed and declared they were staying.  What an absolutely insulting joke.

Sam's whining.  She doesn't even focus on her kid, she's too busy whining about Jason's whereabouts to Alexis, and thank goodness Alexis had enough of that shit and ordered that brainless fool out the damn door.  Alexis is the one that's all "um, your newborn baby?" in getting the car so the baby can be warm and Sam's all "Jason, Jason, Jason!!!"  Jesus she was annoying, but she should throw a car at Jason for his bullshit, but SOMEHOW, I doubt she's really going to do much of anything when he saves himself.  Ignoring the obvious issues in their relationship is what Sam and Jason do.

Edited by Vella
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I actually liked the episode helped that the horrible saga of Nelle/Carson wasn't on.

Jason and Robin were cute. 

Alexis going mama bear on Sam was hilarious.

Date is pretty much useless. Jason and Jordan and Curtis do all the work now.

Curtis and Jason were funny. This friendship is way better than toxic Sonny/Jason. 

Liez shut up about Lucky.

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13 minutes ago, mariah23 said:

They weren't even trying to hide the baby bump today.

Who's baby bump? If you mean KMcC's, Robin told Anna last week that she's pregnant.

6 minutes ago, Linny said:

Griffin claiming to know what it's like to be a parent because he was Charlotte's dad for four days is like me claiming that because I've been to Olive Garden I know what Italy's like.

"I went to a bar mitzvah once. That doesn't make me Jewish."

Edited by dubbel zout
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Just now, dubbel zout said:

Who's baby bump? If you mean KMcC's, Robin is pregnant on the show. She told Anna last week.

"Just because I've been to a bar mitzvah doesn't make me Jewish."

 I was talking about KMcC's.  I think she's supposed to be farther along than Robin.

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Soap pregnancy time lines are always kind of hazy. Plus, there's no standard for how a pregnant woman should look at any time of the pregnancy. Some look giant from day one, others barely pop.

Edited by dubbel zout
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31 minutes ago, backhometome said:

Curtis and Jason were funny. This friendship is way better than toxic Sonny/Jason. 

Watching Curtis and Jason exchanging glances as the elevator goes to the roof makes me want them to be the next bromance on the show. Curson?  Jatis?  Their chemistry is better than almost anything else on GH right now.

In Monday's previews they show Sam arguing about going back in the hospital and in the background is Franco wrestling w/a policeman and I thought "Finally!  Franco has a purpose!  Let him stand on the bomb until it goes off. He wants to be a hero, he can be a dead one and still save the hospital". 

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5 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

He was supposed to save his boo. ROBTE has been pushed to 2019. Sigh.

Oh come on, you know you're a little bit tingly from all the J&R!

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4 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

And, of course, the show won't mention Sonny illegally ensuring that Alice would get that mob dude's heart.

But but but...  That's how we know Sonny really truly sincerely has a heart of pure gold!

Where is he anyway?  I'm thoroughly, albeit pleasantly, surprised he hasn't been inserted somewhere in this hospital storyline.  Isn't he the resident PC bomb disposal guy, after all?

They should've been airing this storyline during February sweeps.

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3 minutes ago, Fellaway said:

 I'm thoroughly, albeit pleasantly, surprised he hasn't been inserted somewhere in this hospital storyline. 

I'm legit surprised Sonny didn't offer to buy the hospital or otherwise offer up some dough to save it. In the past, Sonny has used GH to buy his way to respectability, e.g., the Stone Cates AIDS Wing. He could use some halo polishing these days, too.

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Just now, HeatLifer said:

Well, obvs. JnR in 2018 and Robte in 2019. Don't fight it.

"Robin, my love for you has made me look younger than you, even though in high school I was supposed to be too old for you to date. You're the best!"

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3 minutes ago, ulkis said:

"Robin, my love for you has made me look younger than you, even though in high school I was supposed to be too old for you to date. You're the best!"

Robin made him younger, girl. She knew what she was doing in that lab.

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1 hour ago, Vella said:

I guess this show is STILL not tired of shoving Jason into other people's stories for the specific purpose of him getting the glory of rescuing everyone. And Jordan and Dante just sort of stand there and don't yank his interfering ass by his hair.  And NOBODY had the guts to ask Jason how the fuck he knew so much about bombs? Really and truly?

Sam's whining.  She doesn't even focus on her kid, she's too busy whining about Jason's whereabouts to Alexis, and thank goodness Alexis had enough of that shit and ordered that brainless fool out the damn door.  Alexis is the one that's all "um, your newborn baby?" in getting the car so the baby can be warm and Sam's all "Jason, Jason, Jason!!!"  Jesus she was annoying, but she should throw a car at Jason for his bullshit, but SOMEHOW, I doubt she's really going to do much of anything when he saves himself.  Ignoring the obvious issues in their relationship is what Sam and Jason do.

If a catastrophe happens and PC needs saving and Jason DOESN'T come to the rescue...was it really a catastrophe?  /PC Philosophy

If Sam isn't used to this Jason by now, then why is she his 'ride and die' chick?  Either she's behind every idiotic "save the (fill in the blank)" stunt he pulls or she's not.  Show wants it both ways.  I'm OK with that, though, as I'm sure she'll give him a good whisper lashing when she sees him.

Edited by Cheyanne11
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1 hour ago, Originalroux said:

Watching Curtis and Jason exchanging glances as the elevator goes to the roof makes me want them to be the next bromance on the show. Curson?  Jatis?  Their chemistry is better than almost anything else on GH right now.

This scene made me wish one of them had said "I'm getting to old for this shit."  ala Lethal Weapon.  Curtis and Jason have a great bromance going on.  

I really wanted Alexis to smack Sam across the face and tell her that she is a mother of two, including a new born baby.  She can not be Jason's ride or die girl anymore. She needs to put her children before Jason. Sam is lucky enough to have not one but two miracle babies.   Why would she risk making her children orphans.

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1 minute ago, movingtargetgal said:

This scene made me wish one of them had said "I'm getting to old for this shit."  ala Lethal Weapon.  Curtis and Jason have a great bromance going on.  

I really wanted Alexis to smack Sam across the face and tell her that she is a mother of two, including a new born baby.  She can not be Jason's ride or die girl anymore. She needs to put her children before Jason. Sam is lucky enough to have not one but two miracle babies.   Why would she risk making her children orphans.

Did she put Molly and TJ in danger somehow?

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