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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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32 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Oooh, I kinda hope Carly finds out her precious Jason knew and didn't say anything.  Oh please oh please oh please!

If it were SBu's Jason, I'd be on this train. But since Miller took over the role, Jason doesn't seem like Jason, and I have to remind myself now that they're BFFs (or at least he's Carly's).

  • Love 3
8 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

If it were SBu's Jason, I'd be on this train. But since Miller took over the role, Jason doesn't seem like Jason, and I have to remind myself now that they're BFFs (or at least he's Carly's).

Same. Their relationship also isn't the same for me to get happiness out of this. Jason is some random dude who is married to Sam and visits Sonny sometimes.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

But the show always tries to give him a cover.  "He was guilty about AJ!  He was sad about Morgan!  Ava's a whore!  Nelle's a scheming bitch!  She got herself pregnant!".  Gawd do I hate that.

Yeah. And while Nelle *is* at fault here, Sonny chiming in every so often with, "yeah, and I totally got suckered in by that 22 year old's not-so-master plan!" is not the greatest of looks. But hey, if Sonny weren't a douchehole, it would be disconcerting.

3 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

"It breaks my heart to see that proud, beautiful man taking responsibility for something he didn't do. Nelle is a monster."  

asp burger, give a girl a warning to take some pepto bismal before you share a comment like that. ;)

  • Love 9

Why, why, why do I always come back to this effin show?!  I really have to give Laura Wright credit for STILL being able to be act shocked when Sonny lies, cheats, steals, kills people, etc.  And then blaming it all, or mostly, on Nelle.  (Sidenote:  Why do women mostly blame the other woman instead of their cheating husbands?!  It is because we just really expect so little out of our men that any temptation placed in front of them will cause them to stray??  That's horrible.)  Back to the issue at hand...I had to laugh out loud at Sonny's explanation to Michael.  "Well I was drunk and you know...things happen...what are ya gonna do?  She's a tramp, ammirite?"  And then of course they have to play Nelle as So Sorry and Ashamed.  Girl, they deserve this and more!!  HATE!!

**small voice**I can't hate Franco.  I try, but for some reason, I can't.  Maybe I just have residual Roger Howarth love from OLTL, I really should let it go.  I do wish he would cut his hair though.  He looks enormous next to teeny Liz.

  • Love 9
8 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

Why, why, why do I always come back to this effin show?!  I really have to give Laura Wright credit for STILL being able to be act shocked when Sonny lies, cheats, steals, kills people, etc.  And then blaming it all, or mostly, on Nelle.  (Sidenote:  Why do women mostly blame the other woman instead of their cheating husbands?!  It is because we just really expect so little out of our men that any temptation placed in front of them will cause them to stray??  That's horrible.)  Back to the issue at hand...I had to laugh out loud at Sonny's explanation to Michael.  "Well I was drunk and you know...things happen...what are ya gonna do?  She's a tramp, ammirite?"  And then of course they have to play Nelle as So Sorry and Ashamed.  Girl, they deserve this and more!!  HATE!!

**small voice**I can't hate Franco.  I try, but for some reason, I can't.  Maybe I just have residual Roger Howarth love from OLTL, I really should let it go.  I do wish he would cut his hair though.  He looks enormous next to teeny Liz.

Don't worry MOSTLYLURKING, you're not entirely alone, I can't hate Franco either and I also think it's leftover love from OLTL but there's also a trick in my case, I pretend he's not James Franco Franco, who IMO is responsible for this mess in the first place. I block out his name when I hear it and forget the history of the character because the writers forget the history of so many characters on this damn show therefore I should be allowed to forget the history of whatever character I choose. And yeah, I really wish he'd get his hair cut too.

Oh and there's so many characters to hate on this show, I think it's okay to not hate one of the characters most people hate, I throw my extra hate in Sonny's direction, because Sonny ruins everything.

  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, tveyeonyou said:

Don't worry MOSTLYLURKING, you're not entirely alone, I can't hate Franco either and I also think it's leftover love from OLTL but there's also a trick in my case, I pretend he's not James Franco Franco, who IMO is responsible for this mess in the first place. I block out his name when I hear it and forget the history of the character because the writers forget the history of so many characters on this damn show therefore I should be allowed to forget the history of whatever character I choose. And yeah, I really wish he'd get his hair cut too.


He's totally responsible!  That stupid, stupid vanity project of his has turned into...this mess.  

  • Love 7

The big Nelle reveal - she's Frank Benson's daughter, OMZzzzzzzzzzzzzz - is a perfect example of the pulled punches approach these writers take to story.  The idea of Carly's past coming back to haunt her is so classic, so soapy, but every choice the writers made has dulled it, dampened it.  Not that adopted or foster siblings can't treat each other as siblings, but Carly has never had a relationship with Frank Benson, let alone on-screen, so this being the tie between her and Nelle is weak sauce.  And, of course, Nelle's grudge isn't based on something Carly did, but on Frank's lies (and whatever muddled thing Jax did, though that didn't come up).  And because of all that, you can't enjoy things like Nelle bringing up Carly sleeping with Tony and saying what goes around comes around.  It's bad soap, top to bottom.

Olivia J. has spies all over town, but didn't know about Griffin being Duke's son?  Unlikely.  But WOW, Anna mentioned Leora! 

  • Love 18

Ah, the classic soap move of "person delivers a long monologue to someone in a coma." Unfortunately these scenes didn't work for me. I think maybe I only like Jason when he's playing off someone else, like Robin yesterday. His endless droning was boring and emotionless. I wanted Sam to wake up and tell him to please stop talking.

I was a little worried for Griffin when he was talking to Liv. I wouldn't put it past her to grab him and shove him in the trunk alongside Julian.

I just can't deal with Nelle's defense of "Carly did shitty things, too!" Yeah, Carly did terrible things, but that doesn't absolve Nelle of her misdeeds. She came to town, was treated with utter kindness by Carly, but still chose to pursue revenge that was founded on a lie. I hope she enjoys her tears and her loneliness, because that's all she deserves. 

  • Love 3

What an absolute piece of shit ending to complement the shit story of Nelle in Port Charles and hating Carly.  The story Nelle believed fell apart IMMEDIATELY.  All this time, all these months and THIS is what they ended up going with? Something that limped along to the finish line, mostly dead? Absolutely PATHETIC storytelling.

Oh, but way to insert some bullshit rewrite of Frank asking Carly for money all the time. Or Nelle suddenly deciding that Sonny was some fucking VICTIM of Carly's.  So, so, so universally stupid. So freaking DULL.

And then of course, Michael, Sonny and Carly take turns righteously pummeling Nelle down for her plans and her stupidity and her EVULNESS. Am I supposed to be cheering them on? When you create a strawman, you don't get credit.

And none of this changes the fact that Sonny and Carly are AWFUL people who do awful things to other people and get away with it, and smug about it half the time, and STILL strut around like they are the best humanity has to offer. Michael shadowing them, prattling on like a demented cheerleader. Like, why the fuck would I care about them 'triumphing' over fucking Nelle? She's a NOBODY. There was no risk, no story, no heart, no interest, no NOTHING. Sonny and Carly win AGAIN. As always. What is interesting about THAT?

  • Love 18

, I can't hate Franco either and I also think it's leftover love from OLTL but there's also a trick in my case, I pretend he's not James Franco Franco, who IMO is responsible for this mess in the first place. I block out his name when I hear it and forget the history of the character because the writers forget the history of so many characters on this damn show

The thing is, I think RoHo's Franco is just as heinous as JF's and I loved RoHo on OLTL& ATWT.

In fact, I actually think RoHo's Franco is worse because he's whiny, entitled and self-righteous about his pre and post-tumor history and I don't think RoHo is bringing anything special to this role 

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 11
15 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

I actually think RoHo's Franco is worse because he's whiny, entitled and self-righteous about his pre and post-tumor history and I don't think RoHo is bringing anything special to this role 

Definitely. At least JF's Franco didn't pretend he was some misunderstood gentle farmer. They've got to stop writing RoHo's Franco as being so offended when people bring up all the horrible stuff he's done. Instead of whining about the tumor, have him say, "I know I did terrible things, and I'm trying my best to show that they don't reflect the real me." And then, for the love of Jasus, stop putting him in creepy scenes with his victims. That alone would improve things enormously.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 13
43 minutes ago, Vella said:

What an absolute piece of shit ending to complement the shit story of Nelle in Port Charles and hating Carly.  The story Nelle believed fell apart IMMEDIATELY.  All this time, all these months and THIS is what they ended up going with? Something that limped along to the finish line, mostly dead? Absolutely PATHETIC storytelling.

Oh, but way to insert some bullshit rewrite of Frank asking Carly for money all the time. Or Nelle suddenly deciding that Sonny was some fucking VICTIM of Carly's.  So, so, so universally stupid. So freaking DULL.

And then of course, Michael, Sonny and Carly take turns righteously pummeling Nelle down for her plans and her stupidity and her EVULNESS. Am I supposed to be cheering them on? When you create a strawman, you don't get credit.

And after all of this, Nelle is STILL keeping the trump card that she didn't actually sleep with Sonny?

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

Right. Classic Corinthos bait-and-switch writing. He's "protected" in that we know Nelle did this shady thing and he didn't really sleep with her, but it will be glossed over that he put himself in a position where he was so drunk (while on medications) that he believed he had slept with someone. And this writing does what it's supposed to do, for much of the audience. The other day I read, on the GH fan page of a well-known site, "It breaks my heart to see that proud, beautiful man taking responsibility for something he didn't do. Nelle is a monster."  

Sweet Jebus.  Someone really buys this crap? Frightening. Terrifying actually. 

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

In fact, I actually think RoHo's Franco is worse because he's whiny, entitled and self-righteous about his pre and post-tumor history and I don't think RoHo is bringing anything special to this role 


I have so much rage for so many parts of this episode, but I don't know, it just doesn't even feel worth mentioning anymore. I just wish I had the willpower to give up watching. I don't even know why I don't. I've stopped watching many times before. Sigh.

One bright spot was the adorable baby playing Scout (ugh that name).

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 1

I don't care how cliche it is, I frickin loved that Sam woke up for her daughter.

I know this is a huge UO here, but I thought Billy has been fantastic this week.  His voice breaking today got me.  And I loved his speech.

The only thing I am annoyed about is they seemed to cut a SamLexis scene.  That's not ok.  And I would have liked to see Monica and Alexis BOTH with their grand daughter.  Seriously, where did Monica disappear to? 

But I am a happy JaSam fan this week.  That doesn't happen often so I am going to enjoy it.

  • Love 15
3 hours ago, Vella said:

What an absolute piece of shit ending to complement the shit story of Nelle in Port Charles and hating Carly.  The story Nelle believed fell apart IMMEDIATELY.  All this time, all these months and THIS is what they ended up going with? Something that limped along to the finish line, mostly dead? Absolutely PATHETIC storytelling...

And then of course, Michael, Sonny and Carly take turns righteously pummeling Nelle down for her plans and her stupidity and her EVULNESS. Am I supposed to be cheering them on? When you create a strawman, you don't get credit.

And none of this changes the fact that Sonny and Carly are AWFUL people who do awful things to other people and get away with it, and smug about it half the time, and STILL strut around like they are the best humanity has to offer. Michael shadowing them, prattling on like a demented cheerleader. Like, why the fuck would I care about them 'triumphing' over fucking Nelle? She's a NOBODY. There was no risk, no story, no heart, no interest, no NOTHING. Sonny and Carly win AGAIN. As always. What is interesting about THAT?

I'm not ready to stick a fork in Nelle's reveal and declare it done. There's still some gravy and white meat to savor. Carly's world is just beginning to fall apart. She's found out about the betrayals of Nelle and Sonny, but the feast is not over. We have the delicious prospect of adored Jason being lying Sonny's confidant but not spilling the beans or dropping a hint to her. (t's true that Jason has been very occupied by his own troubles, but still...). Carly may go running to Jason for solace, only to discover he's known all along.

And then there is Jax. Carly seems to have a good relationship with Jax, respecting and trusting him. When she discovers his part in getting the kidney for Joss, getting mixed up with Frank and Nelle, and keeping the secret for all these years,  Carly is going to feel that every man she's been close to has stabbed her in the back and betrayed her trust. (It wasn't too long ago that Franco also made a debacle of their wedding by humiliating her in public.) Sonny, Jax, Jason, Franco, Nelle. If Joss too takes her adored Jax's side, Carly might be left only with Bobbie as a close trusted relationship. Is Carly strong enough to take all those blows?   She could crack in a number of interesting ways.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 2
5 hours ago, Vella said:

What an absolute piece of shit ending to complement the shit story of Nelle in Port Charles and hating Carly.  The story Nelle believed fell apart IMMEDIATELY.  All this time, all these months and THIS is what they ended up going with? Something that limped along to the finish line, mostly dead? Absolutely PATHETIC storytelling.

Oh, but way to insert some bullshit rewrite of Frank asking Carly for money all the time. Or Nelle suddenly deciding that Sonny was some fucking VICTIM of Carly's.  So, so, so universally stupid. So freaking DULL.

And then of course, Michael, Sonny and Carly take turns righteously pummeling Nelle down for her plans and her stupidity and her EVULNESS. Am I supposed to be cheering them on? When you create a strawman, you don't get credit.

And none of this changes the fact that Sonny and Carly are AWFUL people who do awful things to other people and get away with it, and smug about it half the time, and STILL strut around like they are the best humanity has to offer. Michael shadowing them, prattling on like a demented cheerleader. Like, why the fuck would I care about them 'triumphing' over fucking Nelle? She's a NOBODY. There was no risk, no story, no heart, no interest, no NOTHING. Sonny and Carly win AGAIN. As always. What is interesting about THAT?

Par for the course with these hack writers and showrunners. How fucking boring. This was the best these idiots could come up with fir Nell's background for revenge on Carly? Frank Benson supposedly being contacted by Carly about a kidney? How fucking lucky that two completely unrelated people (Joss and Nell) just happen to be a perfect match! At least it would have interesting to have it turn out that Virginia did have a restraining order on Frank and that she did keep him away. Hell, Nell actually being Jerry Jack's daughter makes more sense. At least it would make sense that Jerry would have a better chance at knowing someone with a decent shot at being a match for Joscelyn. What's next? Did Helena have Nell listed as a backup for the stupid crazy Jake accident and kidnapping?

  • Love 4

No surprise that Nelle's reveal was a total snore, and of course she got half the history wrong. If you're going to take revenge on someone, do your frickin' research! Kids today! *shakes head*

LOL at Sonny's "Wait, what?" face when Carly said, "Oh, my God, you're Frank Benson's daughter!" I also cracked up at his ineffectual Greek chorus through those scenes. And brava to Carly for not letting Sonny's toadying get to her. That was satisfying.

I still think Chloe Lanier is miscast as Nelle, but she definitely held her own with LW today (and MB, as much as anyone can).

  • Love 9
22 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

One more thing : it's totally vomit-worthy that Sonny and Carly get to play the superior beings and dog pile on Nelle.  I cringe at all the slut talk.  

I agree that Sonny and Carly have no right to go ballistic and pile the blame elsewhere like they usually do. But it's not over until it's over. Carly has a bunch more shocks coming, I think. I wish the writers would let her grow from these crises, instead of foisting the blame off on Sonny and Nelle. If the writers were good, Carly and perhaps even Sonny would mature into more interesting, compassionate people.

  • Love 3

The Nelle being Mr. Benson's daughter does not work because we don't know Carly's adoptive father.  He has never been on screen and Carly has barely mentioned him during her time in PC.  Thus, I don't care.

Carly"s high and mighty attitude and slut shaming of Nelle is pretty rich for someone who cheating on Jax with Sonny not once but TWICE.  After the Metro Court hostage crisis she and Sonny did the evil deed and when she and Sonny were in the limo when they were coming back from admitting a comatose Michael into a rehab facility.  Carly also cheated with Tony,  on Tony with AJ, and on Franco with Sonny.  A case of the slut calling the kettle black.

  • Love 10

we don't know Carly's adoptive father. He has never been on screen and Carly has barely mentioned him during her time in PC.  

Apparently he's the sentimental type.  The kind that would save a baby rattle with the name of his first kid that he abandoned, and give it to his bio-kid.  Or maybe he was too cheap/broke to buy Nelly a new rattle.  I can't imagine him holding onto it all those years.

Anyway, much like SWSNBN and snow globes, grown-up Nelly could stare at a baby rattle for hours.

  • Love 7

Seeing Monica talking to Alexis on the phone today referring to the fact that they are the baby's grandmothers made me think of combinations of their names for little Scout. Putting "Mon" and "A" together (from "Monica" and "Alexis") could give us "Mona". I suppose "Lexie" is a possibility or maybe "Nicki" (from "Monica") too. I hope that derivatives of "Julian," "Olivia," and "Jerome" are out, however, and also "Bridget".

Maybe she will end up with "Scout" after all, or "Snowflake".

12 minutes ago, rags said:

Anna wishing Robin had a sibling scene. Then enter Griffin next scene. We get it already, writers. 

Even though I thought the MC & KMc scenes were sweet, I still want Robin to be Anna's only living child.

It makes me more annoyed Ethan was never made her brother. They would have been so cute and playful together.

God, I'm being deeply nostalgic for Ethan. Someone wet my fevered brow.

  • Love 12
3 hours ago, rags said:

Oy Robin kidnapped...AGAIN!  I love Robin. But, you would think after all her abductions( and having super spy parents), she would keep a taser in her purse!

She knows OJ will end up being COS and she'll have to sit next to her at the next large gathering.

1 hour ago, rags said:

Anna wishing Robin had a sibling scene. Then enter Griffin next scene. We get it already, writers. 

Even though I thought the MC & KMc scenes were sweet, I still want Robin to be Anna's only living child.

She is in my book. These type of retcons will never be acknowledged by me.

  • Love 5

I eventually started fast-forwarding through scenes of Jason soliloquizing at the even-more-lifeless-than-usual Sam, and it vastly improved Friday's show. But yes, I still heard too many "honeys," and BM's performance was not getting it done.  

I thought everything else was pretty good. Chloe Lanier held her own against Laura Wright. I do wish they had given Nelle a better hand to play; this hardly seems worth all the bother. Tonja Walker/Olivia is still hilarious, flipping that trunk open and closed to rant at Julian. I liked the Olivia/Griffin scene.  

On Franco: I'll never believe solving the Prospect Park lawsuit dilemma by making Howarth the new Franco was a good idea, but they went that way with it, and then tried to sanitize Franco enough to make him a viable character, So I try to address what's wrong with it on its terms. Posts above say what I have been thinking. This mealy-mouthed, eager-to-please gentle farmer routine just is not cutting it, and it's not what Howarth does well. If he's sticking around, give him more of an edge. And no, showing pathetic emotional dependence on Liz while keeping her rapist in a dog crate is not "edge." Having him on a forgiveness-seeking tour isn't mollifying to people who hate the character and it isn't interesting for anyone else.

I wouldn't get my hopes up for a satisfying scene when Carly finds out that Jason knew for a while about Sonny/Nelle. She'll go to Jason and either say "I just found out that my husband who asked me to renew our vows slept with Nelle!" or else "I just found out that Sonny slept with Nelle and I have one question for you. Did you know, Jason? Did you know?" (Commercial break.) Either way, Jason will reveal that he already knew, and Carly will shriek about it a little ("How could you not tell me? Jason, you're supposed to be my best friend! Do you think I would keep it from you if, God forbid, Sam slept with someone?"). Then Jason will go into the She-Beast Whisperer routine and explain why the truth had to come from Sonny, not him, and how he would keep a secret for her too, and has. By the end of the scene she'll be the way she usually is with him. Or, by the end of the week, at the outside.  

Can anyone help me out with Griffin's line to Dante in the Monday preview? I tried four times before giving up.  

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, ulkis said:

I missed the show, I need a @Perkie recap

It was actually a rather boring episode, no reall snark inducing moments, but I'll do my best.....

Liv:  Julian, I have you hog tied and gagged in the trunk of my car, because I'm sure at no time in the past couple of days were you able to overtake me at any time..  Oh heh, good looking guy who I ran into, why do you look so familiar?

Griffin:  Well, if you living here in the 80s-90s then maybe you know my father, since everyone who lived in this town at that time knew DUke Lavery.  also here is my social insurance number and last year tax receipts, stranger I just met in the hospital parking lot.  

Liv (to Julian in the trunk of the car):  How dare you not tell me that my precious Duke, the man that I loved TWENTY SEVEN years ago, had a son.  First you shoot me in the back, then you don't tell me that my lovah had a son.  The atrocicites.  


Jason (at Sam's bedside):  Love and pussy cats and Rainbows and unicorns and everything SBus' Jason would never think much less utter out loud.  I will sit here for hours and drone on until you wake up and tell me to shut it.  

Alexis:  Here's the baby (Sam instantly wakes up)


Carly:  Bitchslutwhoretramp

Nelle:  I'm Frank Benson's daughter.  We was poor.  Daddy asked you for money and you said no.

Carly:  Nuh uh

Nelle:  Than you asked him for a kidney and he gave you mine

Me:  Say what with the who now?

Michael:  You're father was a lying liar who lies, who's pants were on fire

Nelle:  Nuh uh.   Carly slept with her mother's husband so it would  make perfect sense that 22 years later, I would sleep with her husband for revenge.  


Jordan:  I need to know everything you know about your dead sister

Ava:  Say what with the who now?  Bitch be crazy, amirite.  Go talk to Anna


Robin: Random conversation about the Jeromes

Anna:  My child with Duke could have grown up to be a doctor or a lawyer or a priest or something.  Olivia Jerome killed him.  Dead.  Good thing she's dead

Robin:  Uh.......

Anna:  what are you not telling me?  

Robin;  Nothing, gotta go.....

Jordan:  Hey Anna, so looks like Olivia Jerome isn't really dead.....


Robin:  Let me want wander through the hospital parking lot....oh no, you're Olivia Jerome

Olivia:  Move over Julian

  • Love 17

I couldn't help but twitch uncontrollably during Anna's reminiscing with Robin over Anna's past with Dewq as her passionate love (and Robin reminding her that they fought a lot too). I remember Dewq as a consistently glum scowler who was in thick with the Mob. Anna deserved everything she got for being so close to him, and her grand mourning does not retcon or redeem him in my eyes.

  • Love 4

I spend more time flipping over to my other TV channels instead of watching this crap from FV, Varni and Jelly.  GH is really bad!

Of course Sam and the new baby were going to survive and Jason would find them.  This show is so NOT soapy or believable in any way.  Nelle and Michael almost froze to death and yet pregnant St. Sam who was tossed off a bridge (OLTL's Marty tossing Natalie was so FAR superior!) was going to live.  Come, on, show!  Do.Better!  There should have been consequences for danger junkie Sam in losing her second so-called miracle baby.  Puke.

Edited by Darklazr
  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

The thing is, I think RoHo's Franco is just as heinous as JF's and I loved RoHo on OLTL& ATWT.

In fact, I actually think RoHo's Franco is worse because he's whiny, entitled and self-righteous about his pre and post-tumor history and I don't think RoHo is bringing anything special to this role 

I can't disagree with any of this because it's all true. I tried to figure out why I'm giving RoHo a pass because I agree that all his whiny tumor or not tumored entitled bullshit is annoying as hell and his hair looks like flies live in there somewhere and the only thing I can come up with is he's not James Franco.

A piss-poor reason for sure, but it angers me so much that James Franco was allowed to create a character for himself, named after himself, with a huge chunk of GH being eaten up specifically for his ego that I spitefully embrace RoHo's Franco no matter what. Admittedly it takes quite a bit of hand-waving, ear-plugging and eye-closing (there's a lot of eye-rolling as well), but I stubbornly cling to the story in my head, where I ignore all the bad out of sheer defiance. Plus just the fact that he annoys so many characters who annoy me, like the entire cast of The Sonny and Carly Show, allows me to just go with it somehow.

I don't miss him when he's not on, but when he is on, I just ignore the long, long, long list of reasons to hate him. Yeah, barely makes sense to me either lol 

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