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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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1 minute ago, TeeVee329 said:

He was already home in Port Charles when Helena cursed Sam.  But I could see Hells explaining how she curses people for kicks in general while reading the kid a (gory) bedtime story.

That's pretty much what happened: Jake said Helena told him if she died, bad things would happen to Sam.

I don't like this iteration of Jake. I can't decide if the actor or the writing is too precocious—probably both. 

I wish Hayden had told Finn she doesn't want him to quit for her, she wants him to quit for him.

  • Love 4
35 minutes ago, Vella said:

  I'm still waiting for Jason to even REMOTELY grasp all that Robin sacrificed, all she endured, for HIM.

That's the part that got me.  I hate Jason with the heat of a thousand suns and today, while going on about how Sam taught him love, not one mention of the woman he's talking to, who brought him back to life, so that Sam could teach him love.  The woman who lost 4 years with her daughter, so that Jason could now have his.  Shut up Jason.  

  • Love 14
12 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

That's pretty much what happened: Jake said Helena told him if she died, bad things would happen to Sam.

I might be remembering this wrong, but Helena cursing Sam seemed on-the-fly on her death bed, because Sam said something about Mikkos, right?

I'd more buy Helena cursing Sam to get to Alexis, but that doesn't seem to be the axis this is built on.

  • Love 4
15 minutes ago, Perkie said:

That's the part that got me.  I hate Jason with the heat of a thousand suns and today, while going on about how Sam taught him love, not one mention of the woman he's talking to, who brought him back to life, so that Sam could teach him love.  The woman who lost 4 years with her daughter, so that Jason could now have his.  Shut up Jason.  

Am I weird that I don't care what Jason says NOW? As in, I don't care that he was talking to Robin about Sam while holding the baby. I didn't need him to talk about Robin's sacrifice at this moment. What I DO care about is fucking with history. Sam didn't teach Jason how to love. Jason didn't suddenly feel LOVE and emotions with SAM.

  • Love 9
1 minute ago, HeatLifer said:

Am I weird that I don't care what Jason says NOW? As in, I don't care that he was talking to Robin about Sam while holding the baby. I didn't need him to talk about Robin's sacrifice at this moment. What I DO care about is fucking with history. Sam didn't teach Jason how to love. Jason didn't suddenly feel LOVE and emotions with SAM.

Preach!  Like, if Jason wanted to act assy and ignore his past with Robin and talk about how MICHAEL taught him to love?  OK, I could deal,  as his stupid bond with the former red-headed menace is at least canon.  But don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining with this "Sam taught me" bull.

  • Love 3
47 minutes ago, Vella said:

But I did get a good laugh of Michael huffing about how Sonny would NEVER send flowers to a woman he's cheating with, like it's some sort of defense of Sonny's gentleman qualities.

That was funny. "He would never send the woman flowers! He shoves them across the hall!"

Helena's curses are getting less effective, huh.

58 minutes ago, Vella said:

Yes, it was one of THOSE days.  Any day where Jason, Franco, Sonny and Carly are heavily featured is bound to suck something FIERCE.

To top it all off, Tracy had to spend time with Finn and Hayden. blah. I did enjoy Tracy in them, but I would have much rather her be celebrating with other people. Hayden's lipstick looked nice on her though.

  • Love 2

I don't think it's weird that Jason would talk about Sam when she's in a coma. But the "taught me how to love" wasn't their story. It would have made more sense if Jason said "she accepted every part of me" or something like that. It was generic blah blah dialogue that could have been said from anybody to anyone.

26 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I might be remembering this wrong, but Helena cursing Sam seemed on-the-fly on her death bed, because Sam said something about Mikkos, right?

She said Mikkos loved Kristin more.

Well, maybe Helena did curse Sam but it obviously ricocheted and hit Alexis and Nikolas.

  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Well, maybe Helena did curse Sam but it obviously ricocheted and hit Alexis and Nikolas.

I seem to remember that Helena name checked both of Sam's parents, which might explain Julian's current predicament.

Speaking of, you know what else was in the previews?  Griffin coming across Olivia J.  Here's her chance to seduce him!

  • Love 1

Aw thank god Robin got Freako away from Jason. Loved their scenes today. Jason holding his baby girl was so adorable!

Why on earth is Freako telling Jake about Sam and the baby. Or better yet lukring around and listening in on medical information about his victim. Can he just go the fuck away.

Edited by backhometome
  • Love 8
37 minutes ago, Ambrosefolly said:

I shouldn't be surprised I guess, but really, how fucking inappropriate that Franco told Jake about getting a new sister, like anyone asked him to do that. For every halo polishing they do with Franco, the creepier he gets.

Before Danny, Alexis, the Davis Girls or Monica get told the news. Naturally.

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, Linny said:

As Carly was telling Nelle off, Sonny was standing in the background nodding so emphatically that it was comical. He looked like a bobblehead.  

That was cracking me up. 

24 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

A completely random tangent - so stupid Amy 2.0 crossing the nurses' picket line or whatever was just a whole lot of nothing?

Everything is a whole lot of nothing.

I can't believe for most of this ep Nelle was still a simpering, whining idiot apologizing for what she did. They fucked this character up so bad it's amazing. Also, CL is not good most of the time, which is a shame. Although it would be hard for anyone to sell this shit.

I didn't even listen to the Robin/Jason scenes tbh because I was too busy watching that adorable little baby. So cute!

I skipped everything Franco related. I just motherfucking can't.

I don't remember anything else that happened. Oh, wait, Laura/Kevin lol. I mean they're still cute, but everything with them is utterly pointless.

  • Love 6

Maybe Jason shouldn't have said Sam taught him how to love. Robin did teach him that.

Sam taught him how to forgive though. That can't be denied cause Sam has done stuff that Jason dropped other women for and never let go. He has told her as far back in 2006 that he has never loved anyone as much as he loved her and never will. He told her in 2011 that he found something g with her that he never found with anyone else and that was a home.

Sam needs to wake up for some Scout bonding time.

  • Love 9

Scout is so tiny but already showed remarkable talent and restraint, squinting curiously at the light and quietly taking in everything she can barely see instead of wriggling and bawling her eyes out at the noise, light, scents, movement, and so on that the new outside-the-womb world is forcing her to experience. I was more impressed with that little person than with the adult actors and their dialogue in the scene.

Tracy was at her worst in the lunch scene with Rebecca and Dr Finn. The last thing that the couple wanted was food, but Tracy was determined. They should have dumped her, saying their stomachs were in knots. Tracy is a jerk.

Laura is so lucky that she wasn't raped as well as kidnapped. Next time a complete stranger walks up and starts talking to her, making a pointed remark about drinking up her coffee, I hope she gets a clue.

  • Love 2
38 minutes ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

Laura is so lucky that she wasn't raped as well as kidnapped. Next time a complete stranger walks up and starts talking to her, making a pointed remark about drinking up her coffee, I hope she gets a clue.

If anyone was going to be smarter about a situation like that it should be Laura Spencer, the woman that lived on the run with Luke Spencer for years and even brought up a child in that environment.

But, because this is a soap opera, I was so afraid that is where this story was going or that she would wake up in that car and think she had been raped (natural, given her unfortunate history), but - nothing happened. Kevin found her and pretty quickly they came to the conclusion she was drugged, so - the entire point of it was to have her miss the board meeting and vote? Couldn't they have just given her a flat tire or a Lulu-related emergency or something happened to Spencer in that boarding school?

Edited by LexieLily
  • Love 2
3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

We'll get to it next month, sheesh. Show some patience, will you?

You can't rush genius.  

53 minutes ago, ciarra said:

Spencer.  Now there's someone I don't miss.

Well given a choice of Spencer or Franco, I would pick Spencer every day and twice on Sundays.  Though he'd have to be quietly sitting in front of the tv or something! 

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

Helena would not give a flying fuck about Sam. It's ludicrous.

Another rewrite for the benefit of St. Sam.   AS IF Helena would walk around her island proclaiming her hatred of...Sam. 

Luke?  Absolutely.

Laura: For real.

Any Spencer: You bet.

Sam: Sam who?

And what's the over/under of this lame coma lasting even the length of tomorrow's episode? 

  • Love 4

Bobble Head Sonny was hysterical. He was basically saying, "Yeah, what she said!". I'm just glad we are finally getting to the climax of the story and what the Hell Nell has been tormenting poor Bobble Head & Carly. I'm looking forward to Friday. I rarely say that.

Also, I want to adopt Sam & Jason's new baby girl. That baby was beautiful. I wonder exactly how many days  or weeks old that is? Where do they cast such a new born baby? What possesses a new parent to do that?  I guess money. It will be neat in 18 years that the "baby" can show all her friends that she was an actress. LOL!!!!

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I don't like this iteration of Jake. I can't decide if the actor or the writing is too precocious—probably both. 

See, and I actually thought he did a pretty good job of acting today. Certainly better than DNAJ.


We'll get to it next month, sheesh. Show some patience, will you?

Next month, pfft. Try next year. That's how long Jake's island stuff takes apparently.

If Sam wasn't in medical jeopardy so much, this coma might be an interesting story but the only thing good about it is Billy Miller was better than he usually is. They're really going with Scout then. Danny, name your stuffed animals, not children.

Fuck Franco, and fuck Liz for sending him there to tell the one child she cares about the news of his new sister and stepmom.

Nelle sucks, Sonny sucks and Carly sucks. But at least this storyline is finally getting somewhere. And while it might not be seen as inoffensive, I'm looking forward to the slap because Carly is so fucking boring otherwise.

"JFK, what am I doing here?" #RESIST, Laura!

I liked Tracy's line about the "spoonful of botulism". Otherwise, that whole conversation just made me hungry. Order something, damn it!

  • Love 5
On 3/2/2017 at 4:41 PM, ulkis said:

I don't think it's weird that Jason would talk about Sam when she's in a coma. But the "taught me how to love" wasn't their story. It would have made more sense if Jason said "she accepted every part of me" or something like that. It was generic blah blah dialogue that could have been said from anybody to anyone.

It had nothing to do with Jason and Sam. It was like dialogue from a Lifetime movie, literally any Lifetime movie - possibly all of them. That's not fan service, it's not giving a shit about the quality of your work.

And I liked their story. I thought Guza actually did a really good job writing Jason/Sam falling for each other. And even if I hadn't liked it, I would still be fucking irritated that the writers care so little about this show that they couldn't be bothered to learn some bare minimum of the history of these three characters. 

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 8
14 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

writers care so little about this show that they couldn't be bothered to learn some bare minimum of the history of these three characters. 

Did you catch when Jason was telling Robin about finding Sam at the bridge and he had to literally tell her the street or neighborhood where it was located? Like, um, writers, she knows. 

  • Love 3

Yeah. I just.. Maybe all the bridges in PC just look the same now.

Oh! But KMC looks fantastic! Pregnancy really, really suits her. 

Also? Franco is still creepily obsessed with Jason. That is NOT normal behavior. Physically throwing himself into Jason's path so Jasus would have to touch him, lurking like a creeper to hear about Jason's wife and child and then running off to tell DNAJ about Jason's life. 

I need someone to have a talk with Liz about her life choices. 

  • Love 7

I'm just disgusted that I had to watch Scummy cry about poor defenseless Sonny. Big bad Nelle was mean to him! He was sad about Morgan and drunk so nothing was his fault. I wish that someone would fucking point out to him that MORGAN was making bad choices thanks to mixing his meds and alcohol(as far as everyone outside of Ava and Scotty know). So what does dumb dumb Corinthos do? Go right on to mixing HIS MEDS and drinking! All Sonny knows is that he and Nelle started drinking and they ended up in bed. But all he wants to do is lay all of the blame at the whore female. He started drinking with a woman, they both drink. He thinks they sleep together. But it is all HER fault he cheated on his estranged wife. What the fuck ever. We all know that nothing happened, but it just pisses me off to hear Sonny put all of the blame of his dumb ass behavior and lies on Nelle. Instead of taking responsibility for his actions.

oh, and shut the fuck up Jason. And Franco.

Now the writers remember that Jake spent years with Helena? Fuck off. NuJake, I'm not a fan of. It might have to do with Jake suddenly being hunky dory after being troubled. One hospital stay after a major car accident and he was fine with Jason and Liz not together and Sam being with Jason. Fuck off writers.

  • Love 10

Brady Bunch moppet looking Jake needs to go.  Not the kid's fault for his appearance.  Bring back James Nigbor.  He was fine in the role, imo.  Franco/Friz is dreadful as well.  UO but I think BH looked a bit uncomfortable in those bed scenes on Wednesday's show.  Similar to how I thought she looked in the bed scenes with AJ/Sean Kanan a few years ago.  That she's not comfortable with those scenes because she doesn't/didn't have a long term working relationship with either actor before having to do those types of scenes.

I know full well that BH/Liz is never going to get writing that focuses on her character with these clowns (Jelly/FV) and that's sad, to me.  She's not alone in that viewpoint by the clowns, but she's been my favorite since she started back in 1997.  Sigh....   

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, tvgoddess said:
16 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I don't like this iteration of Jake. I can't decide if the actor or the writing is too precocious—probably both. 

See, and I actually thought he did a pretty good job of acting today. Certainly better than DNAJ.

This actor is better, but I still don't like this Jake. Part of it is the moppet looks; I know he can't help it, but I think it's wrong for Jake. James Nigbor had too much of an "I'll murder you where you stand" look, but it made more sense given Jake's stay with Helena. He should be wary of people, not some cuddly little boy.

9 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

Fuck Franco, and fuck Liz for sending him there to tell the one child she cares about the news of his new sister and stepmom.

Liz didn't sent him anywhere; Franco went to tell Jake on his own accord. Franco is being helpful and kind, you see.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4
7 hours ago, stlbf said:

I'm just disgusted that I had to watch Scummy cry about poor defenseless Sonny. Big bad Nelle was mean to him! He was sad about Morgan and drunk so nothing was his fault. I wish that someone would fucking point out to him that MORGAN was making bad choices thanks to mixing his meds and alcohol(as far as everyone outside of Ava and Scotty know). So what does dumb dumb Corinthos do? Go right on to mixing HIS MEDS and drinking! All Sonny knows is that he and Nelle started drinking and they ended up in bed. But all he wants to do is lay all of the blame at the whore female. He started drinking with a woman, they both drink. He thinks they sleep together. But it is all HER fault he cheated on his estranged wife. What the fuck ever. We all know that nothing happened, but it just pisses me off to hear Sonny put all of the blame of his dumb ass behavior and lies on Nelle. Instead of taking responsibility for his actions.

Right. Classic Corinthos bait-and-switch writing. He's "protected" in that we know Nelle did this shady thing and he didn't really sleep with her, but it will be glossed over that he put himself in a position where he was so drunk (while on medications) that he believed he had slept with someone. And this writing does what it's supposed to do, for much of the audience. The other day I read, on the GH fan page of a well-known site, "It breaks my heart to see that proud, beautiful man taking responsibility for something he didn't do. Nelle is a monster."  

  • Love 7

Seriously, Carly's "How could you!" shock about this is ridiculous because...this is what Sonny does.  I mean, this round of their relationship began when he relentlessly pursued her while she was involved with someone else!  His cheating on Olivia with Ava was right in the middle of it!

But the show always tries to give him a cover.  "He was guilty about AJ!  He was sad about Morgan!  Ava's a whore!  Nelle's a scheming bitch!  She got herself pregnant!".  Gawd do I hate that.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 21
16 minutes ago, Asp Burger said:

The other day I read, on the GH fan page of a well-known site, "It breaks my heart to see that proud, beautiful man taking responsibility for something he didn't do. Nelle is a monster."  

Good lord. Nelle drugging him was gross, no question, but Sonny is hardly some defenseless kitten. Carly's mad about the lie more than she is the sex. The lie is entirely on Sonny.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Liz didn't sent him anywhere; Franco went to tell Jake on his own accord. 

Well, Liz did send him to watch after her 3 (supposedly) children, which alone is enough to truly question Liz's mental health.

16 minutes ago, Asp Burger said:

The other day I read, on the GH fan page of a well-known site, "It breaks my heart to see that proud, beautiful man taking responsibility for something he didn't do. Nelle is a monster."  

I weep.

  • Love 7
54 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Well, Liz did send him to watch after her 3 (supposedly) children, which alone is enough to truly question Liz's mental health.


Then and still, he shouldn't have told Jake about Scout. Heck, I don't think it would be good for Liz to break the news, but Liz is his mother. It would have been better if nothing else, to break Michael out of his Sonny/Nelle/Carly bubble and have him pick up Jake.

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