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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I again thought Tonja Walker was kinda good today.  And I thought the little surrogate bro/sis moment with Robin and Griffin was kinda cute.  Otherwise, meh.

LUCY!!!!!!!!!!!! in the previews!  I was wondering why she hadn't popped up as part of the Q's buying the hospital stuff, given her involvement in it back in the fall, and here she is.

15 minutes ago, Linny said:

Robin says Anna has cancer

...should she really be telling everyone she bumps into about that, btw?

Edited by TeeVee329
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I know I'm suppose to sympathize with Anna being sidelined and frustrated but my GOD her unending WHINEFEST was just too much. First the whining/pouting to Quasimodo and then to Robin and Griff. Thank goodness Robin finally had enough of her bullshit and demanded Anna take care of herself for Robin even though we all damn well know what a laughable request THAT is. Anna won't do shit when it comes to Robin's best interest.

And why is Robin so goddamn chipper when Jason slags off the police TO HER FACE.  Her parents are law enforcement, the man who RAISED HER was a cop for most of her life.  Maybe issue a frown and a frosty retort to Jason's stupid face instead of acting like he said he doesn't like ketchup. She looked like a freaking moron replying like that.

Sam having the NERVE to righteously wail about poor Morgan and being collateral damage or that Liv was a murderer was such a JOKE. Why did Liv not acidly throw Jason and Sam's history of mob love? Or the fact that they currently live (at least partially) off of Jason's blood money and are currently running around working to clear a MOBSTER of blowing up his kid? Or their long history of supporting mob life in Port Charles and their killing and destroying lives? Sam doesn't give a shit that Liv is a killer. Sam only gives a shit that someone SHE cares about paid the price. NOW it's suddenly wrong.  Liv should TOTALLY have called Sam out on her double standard. What a fucking waste.

RoNik mention! Yes!

  • Love 6
22 minutes ago, Linny said:

All of this crying and hand wringing and drama over DUKE. I just don't get what's so special about him. Maybe it's because I didn't see him back in his heyday, but he always seemed fairly boring. Liv could have spent the past two decades finding herself another Scottish lad who likes to tango, but no, vengeance it is.

Word! Since Dewq hasn't been on the show in a long while, newbies are probably puzzled and bored with the constant mentioning of him by Anna, Griffin, Robin, Julian, and Liv, among others. When he WAS on the show, Dewq was a grunting, hard-to-understand, wooden mannequin who could apparently tango. Very forgettable as a lover for Anna and a father figure for Robin--I don't recall them hanging out that much.

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2 minutes ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

Very forgettable as a lover for Anna and a father figure for Robin--I don't recall them hanging out that much.

Well, to be fair, Robin was "dead" and/or being held prisoner most of the time Duke was in Port Charles this go around.

I get that Duke - under Sonny's thrall - ended up sucking, but I don't think that invalidates the history he has with Anna and Robin.  They did love him, they would see his son as part of their family, etc.  Though the show went waaay overboard with Justice For Duke, to be sure.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 6
8 minutes ago, Vella said:

Anna being sidelined and frustrated but my GOD her unending WHINEFEST was just too much

I am so, so over Anna not being able to remember what she supposedly did to Valentin in the past--perhaps even putting him on a "kill" list. C'mon! Nobody, not even the vaunted WSB, should be able to kill other human beings with impunity and at will without consequences! I'm sick of the guessing games and raised eyebrows of Valentin. But I'm even more livid that Anna could ever go around jerking chains and playing loosely with the lives of others because she was a bigass "SPY" at one time!

  • Love 1
8 minutes ago, Vella said:

Robin declaring that Duke was practically her father was RIDICULOUS.  No Robin. Robert is your father.  Mac is your REAL father, the one who raised you and weathered every damn storm with you.

Duke was a guy your mom was in love with. You cared about him and him about you, but don't sell him as something he CLEARLY was not.

I have no problem with Robin viewing Duke as a father figure, he was her stepfather and a figure of her life when she was young and she did love him.  What's the harm?  It doesn't invalidate her relationships with Robert or Mac.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 7

I guess.  I dunno, it's still the same night she/Anna found out about it, Anna's trying to wrap her head around it still, it just struck me. 

ETA...maybe because those scenes aren't really about that, about them supporting Robin, it's just the "small talk" before they get into the Jerome of it all?

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 3
25 minutes ago, Vella said:


There's way too much whining on this show: Sonny, Nelle, Anna, Nina, etc. 

Sam getting tossed off the bridge was a pretty good stunt, by GH standards.

Of course Finn has collapsed on his hotel room floor.

LOL at the precisely placed terminal at the nurses station so we don't see KMcC's bump. It's hilarious to me that they go to great lengths to hide pregnancies, but so much other stuff is so incredibly sloppy.

Another LOL at Curtis's disbelief that a second Jerome sister might not be dead after all. He hasn't been in Port Charles long enough, clearly. Hee.

  • Love 3

"D'archum asylum"? Is that Port Charles' 50th mental hospital?

When's the last time Anna was actually in the field? The one time she actually got into the nitty gritty was the fight with Carlos. 

Griffin tries to make a joke and I can hear gears squeaking.

"I'm Nina Cassadine". Shaddup, Nina.

I think Jason could have said "I'm sorry" a bit more casually to Robin, but it would be tough.

Wait, so Julian killed Duke on his own? So does that mean Julian actually killed Carlos? So . . . I guess Olivia came in after that and said "alienate your wife or I'll kill her" after that?

It was cute how the cop was pleased to see Anna and then was like, sorry, I got to arrest you.

Wow, so glad they dedicated time to Finn sniffing.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 4
13 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Jason is one of her closest friends. As is Sonny. Most people share these types of things with their close friends.

Yeeeah, but I think two might be too many. I think Anna would be okay with her telling Jason but I think she should have kept it quiet from Sonny right now. I don't think it's a huge deal though.

28 minutes ago, Vella said:

Robin declaring that Duke was practically her father was RIDICULOUS.  No Robin. Robert is your father.  Mac is your REAL father, the one who raised you and weathered every damn storm with you.

Robin was 14 when Robert and Anna were in the explosion. I don't think Mac is Robin's real father over Robert. Robert still did plenty of raising. I do think Robin elevating Duke to status of dad is a bit much but I guess he was trying to bond with Griffin.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Linny said:

Act like a real human and show emotion, please. 

Dude's been like this since day 1. Maybe this is BM trying to be like Sbu, I have no idea. But if he doesn't appear more than mildly scared seeing Sam's body, he's hopeless.

Also giving him a run for his money is WdV over here. MAKE SOME SORT OF EXPRESSION WITH YOUR FACE, MAN. Anything. Worried. Mad. Sad. Glad. Itchy.

1 minute ago, TeeVee329 said:

I hate his drugzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzstuff so much, at least it seems to be wrapping up.

I mean, is this character now any more of a "success" than Silas was?

He is when he's with Tracy, at least.

I don't think he and Budig NOT have chemistry. But it pales in comparison to the chemistry he has with JE.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 3
11 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

That's not (entirely) true! I didn't give a flying fuck about any of their scenes before. They were randomly adorbs today!? 

I'm a sucker for soap surrogate families like this (see Roxy pretty much adopting Kyle as her son on OLTL).  I saw people on Twitter clamoring that they should be blood family, but I find that surrogate bond much more interesting personally.

  • Love 4
Just now, backhometome said:

WdV really only has one facial expression. He is not good at all. 

Sam went sliding down. Surprised it wasn't into water. But then Frank would be too cheap for that. 

TW cheeks really distract me. Looks like a chipmunk. 

I was surprised they actually showed her sliding down something though. I thought we would just see her in the grass next.

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

 Honorable mention to the cop who arrested Anna because he was adorable.

He really was. And color me shocked the writers remembered Anna was police commissioner and would know a large number of officers on the PCPD.

When Olivia J. was gassing on about Sam having all the good luck, I rolled my eyes that the dialogue was so similar to Nelle's tirades. What's with these women who see people having a good moment in life and thinking it's all been kittens and rainbows? So dumb, as well as super annoying.

  • Love 8

Loved the realism of the scene where Anna's heading back to bed with her IV pole and Robin asks if she needs help and Anna snaps something, 'no, I'm fine".   Robin threw her a side eye.   It was very true to life how people in that situation would be feeling and reacting at that moment.  Finola and Kim just know how to work it.  

I also found it hilarious that in some scenes it was clear they were trying to hide Kim's belly, like at the desk with Griffin behind the computer screen, but other moments, mostly in the room with Anna, where her belly was in full display and there were no doubts that there's a baby in there!

  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

What's with these women who see people having a good moment in life and thinking it's all been kittens and rainbows? So dumb, as well as super annoying.

I find it funny that it's always with characters like Carly and Sam, too. Wives of mobsters really wouldn't be my first choice of who I'd be "jealous" of.

  • Love 5
20 minutes ago, Perkie said:

I also found it hilarious that in some scenes it was clear they were trying to hide Kim's belly, like at the desk with Griffin behind the computer screen, but other moments, mostly in the room with Anna, where her belly was in full display and there were no doubts that there's a baby in there!

Kim is very petite so there is no hiding her pregnancy. :)  Does anyone know when she is due?  

1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

When Olivia J. was gassing on about Sam having all the good luck, I rolled my eyes that the dialogue was so similar to Nelle's tirades. What's with these women who see people having a good moment in life and thinking it's all been kittens and rainbows?

And it's ridiculous because by virtue of living in soap opera land, every character has had a crappy life. I was trying to think of someone who's led a life of kitten and rainbows and the only one I could think of off the top of my head is Molly.  

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, TVbitch said:

Um, I wasn't paying super close attention, because, well, who can, but did Sam call OJ a crazy bitch? Sam that is not Hostage 101! You have been kidnapped enough times to know. When OJ was bloviating about Duke, Sam should have countered with "Hey I SCUBA'd to try to find my dead husband, so I get it." 

I know when I am kidnapped I always try to fake bond with my captor, especially when I am pregnant. 

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

I hate his drugzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzztuff so much, at least it seems to be wrapping up.

I mean, is this character now any more of a "success" than Silas was?

Well, he is, marginally, for me.  So far, Finn is the only character of ME's that I've liked, and that counts McBain on OLTL, who I couldn't stand.

In today's ep, when last we see him, Finn is unconscious on the floor, the needle he just injected his illegal drugs with laying at his side.  Five minutes later, in  the promo for tomorrow, we see him awake, seemingly well enough, and talking to Hayden.  Way to kill the suspense, Show.  You even suck at promos.

  • Love 4
12 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

I know Liv is cray cray but how does one go from "I don't want to hurt another unborn baby" to moments later tossing Sam over the railing and being all nonchalant with Julian.  

Psycho 101, where "You MADE me hurt and kill your unborn baby by trying to keep me from hurting you and killing your unborn baby, so it's ALL YOUR FAULT AND TOTALLY NOT MINE!!!"

Or, for the usual viewer, Sonny on a Tuesday.

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