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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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27 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Can someone in NYC tell me if the ep was shown there? Though from what people are saying here, maybe I don't want to try to catch it.

I'm in NJ and watch TFGH on WABC channel 7 and they were Snowmagedding most of the day but showed TFGH. Although I kinda wish they didn't. Then again, I don't mind watching Sonny make an idiot of himself once again. YMMV

  • Love 3
26 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Can someone in NYC tell me if the ep was shown there?

We had it up here in Toronto.


Carly comes home.  Dante shows her the ankle monitor.  Carly calls Jason.  He says he might know where Sonny is and to let him talk the idiot off the ledge.  Dante and Carly have a chat about doing what's right versus doing it the Sonny way.  She says she understnads the impulse for violence to avenge the wonderful Morgan but it would end her and Sonny.  Sure.

Sonny's all, Ava you killed Morgan.  She remembers the pills, in case any of us have forgotten that story, so she kinda is all, 'it wasn't supposed to go that far', then he mentions the bomb and she's all, 'what the what now'.  She pleads for her life while trying to get her gun out of her purse but Sonny gets it first .  Jason shows up, tells them he's been cleared and basically tries to talk him out of killing AVa.

Alexis gathers her girls and tells them that she's an alcoholic and asks forgiveness which Sam and Molly give, though Molly wants the condition that Julian never reenter the picture.  Kristina, channels her inner Sonny Corinthos and loses her shit on her mother, claiming double standards and Al broke up her and Parker (who?)

Jordan tells Curtis that she wants to be friends.  He's all, shove it and leaves as Andre shows up.  Andre's all, 'whats up with that'.  JOrdan admits to kissing Curtis but that she loves Andre.  He says no thanks, were' done.

Hayden tells Curtis that she has to lay off people.  He bitches that Jordan just wants to be friends and is basically a tool about it all.  

Julian blah blah blah, why are you doing this to me.  Olivia, because you put a hit on Duke and killed him.  Okay, now I have a motive, I guess.  

That's pretty much the gist of it.

  • Love 5
16 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

I think that would be easier to believe if Lulu wasn't the wronged party again being positioned as the bad guy in favor of new characters. At this point both Lulu and Maxie's characters have been compromised to make WENEVERCARED seem like less of a worthless waste of time - and the embryo who showed zero reaction at being passed from one apathetic "new daddy" to another is suddenly traumatized by a mother who isn't trying to pawn her off on a strange man?


She's desperate to get her kid away from two unstable psychos and her family is treating her like she's overreacting instead of circling the horses against a verified threat. This isn't a balanced story where both sides are getting a POV and being written in character. 

Hmm.  That this is happening "again" is causing us to have opposite opinions re the writers' intent.  In addition to the overall repetition of this "impulsive" theme, I have a secondary  reason for seeing these scenarios as representing how the writers see Lulu.   This reason is the very regular repetition of dialogue about how Lulu's actions are Spencer-like - whether from Lulu herself (like yesterday) or her mother or Maxie or others.  The frequent insertion of this Spencer reminder in dialogue reinforces - for me - that this is how the writers want us to see her. 

Now, I do think the writers may have a reason for using - and exaggerating - these qualities in Lulu.   But I don't think it is to "favor" other characters - old or new.  I think it's because stories need conflict and, therefore, I think the writers are using Lulu's known impulsiveness as a very unfortunate plot point to create this conflict.   I mean - let's face it - there would be much less story if this were all proceeding amicably without these issues.

By the way, I don't like that the writers are using Lulu by exaggarating her long-proven impulsiveness.   And I also do not like that the writers feel the need to insert so many phrases reminding us that Lulu is a Spencer. 

Now, let's look at her family.  Are they really treating her like she is overreacting?  I don't think so because  I'm seeing a lot of support from Laura and Dante right now. 

Or are we back in the Johnny/cabin fiasco when those who loved her tried to do the right thing by her and advise her to think before she acted - advised her to avoid giving into potentially damaging impulses?  Because, with Lulu's family right now, what I saw then was concerned caring and what I'm seeing now is love and support in the custody battle. 


Edited by Aurora2

Thanks, tveyeonyou. I guess I'll be watching it after all. Though I think Perkie's recap is probably much more entertaining than the show itself.

12 minutes ago, Aurora2 said:

The frequent insertion of this Spencer reminder in dialogue reinforces - for me - that this is how the writers want us to see her. 

Definitely, except for me, Spencer impulsiveness to me means deciding to run for mayor, or buying a rundown building and turning it into a blues club, stuff like that. 

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 3
12 minutes ago, Perkie said:

Carly comes home.  Dante shows her the ankle monitor.  Carly calls Jason.  He says he might know where Sonny is and to let him talk the idiot off the ledge.  Dante and Carly have a chat about doing what's right versus doing it the Sonny way.  She says she understnads the impulse for violence to avenge the wonderful Morgan but it would end her and Sonny.  Sure.

I would pay money to actually hear Jason, or anyone, refer to Sonny as "the idiot."  

BTW, have they ever mentioned what the Morgan Corinthos Foundation is going to do?  Buy term papers for perpetual screw-ups?  Set up a bail account for frat boys who get in bar fights?

  • Love 8
12 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Thanks, tveyeonyou. I guess I'll be watching it after all. Though I think Perkie's recap is probably much more entertaining than the show itself.

Definitely, except for me, Spencer impulsiveness to me means deciding to run for mayor, or buying a rundown building and turning it into a blues club, stuff like that. 

Ah, and there's the other point.  As it's being portrayed, Lulu's exaggerated impulsiveness is NOT Spencer-like.  Luke was smart about what he did and always had a plan.  Lulu, on the other hand, has been behaving rather stupidly at times and, especially at the beginning of this story, without a trace of a plan. 

Edited by Aurora2
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2 hours ago, LexieLily said:

But now she's understanding of it? Just shut up, Carly

In Carly's defence she said she understood the need for revenge in terms of who killed her son, but that she told Sonny they were done if he resorted to violence here. 

1 hour ago, ulkis said:

I don't even get why they gave Kristina such a big giant reaction

It really was over the top, but at the same time, I just kept thinking how much she's like her father, as he's holding a gun on a woman at the same time.  

I actually think Kristina would have been happier if Alexis had said she was dying of some horrible disease.  "Oh cancer of all the internal organs including your brain, phew, I thought you were going to say you were an alcoholic"

Edited by Perkie
  • Love 5
17 minutes ago, Perkie said:

It really was over the top, but at the same time, I just kept thinking how much she's like her father, as he's holding a gun on a woman at the same time.  

It was such a Sonny reaction. 

I personally kept thinking how, when Sonny was thought to have gotten her brother killed, it was all hugs and forgiveness from Kristina.  But her mother admits to having a drinking problem and Kristina a) flies off the handle and b) makes it about herself?  Such a little hypocrite.  Shut up forever.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 13
2 hours ago, Vella said:

Where to begin? Truly.  WHERE?

Right. I don't even have the energy anymore tbh.


But what I really hated? Was Curtis. Curtis being THAT guy who pouts and whines and badmouths the woman he's attracted to because she won't do what HE wants. She won't have sex with him, she won't return his feelings, she won't give him his job back, she won't dump her boyfriend for HIS awesomeness.  Mansplaining the SHIT out of what Jordan thinks, feels and wants and dismissive of ALL of what she says because again, it's not what he wants to hear and therefore, it's not TRUE.  Bragging about how he can go after ANY woman and screw Jordan for not seeing all his glory. The only thing missing from that ugliness was him calling her a bitch or a whore.  Fuck you writers. This shit is NOT sexy or okay.  The only thing that I actually appreciated was Hayden being pretty damned neutral in the face of all that. She didn't immediately side with him. Her whole demeanor was "uh huh". I loved THAT.

This. I was so excited that we were getting a Hayden/Curtis scene and then he began speaking. Sigh, there is literally not a single character left that I wholeheartedly like. Oh well, that's probably for the best.

1 hour ago, backhometome said:

Why is Alexis defending Julian. I feel like they isolated her all so Julian could be the one to help her. This story sucks.

That is precisely why they did this. It's so gross.

2 hours ago, ulkis said:

I haven't watched yet, just read a recap, but today sounds like a hot mess.

This was my reaction to today's ep:


  • Love 4
3 hours ago, ulkis said:

I don't even get why they gave Kristina such a big giant reaction. How random.

It was so random.  I mean, I'm usually a big stan for Kristina, but I have to admit that the way she acted today was so juvenile and childish, especially contrasted with the reaction of her teenage sister who handled everything with way more respect and finesse. I honestly had to remember who was the younger of the two.

  • Love 7
15 minutes ago, teenj12 said:

It was so random.  I mean, I'm usually a big stan for Kristina, but I have to admit that the way she acted today was so juvenile and childish, especially contrasted with the reaction of her teenage sister who handled everything with way more respect and finesse. I honestly had to remember who was the younger of the two.

I mean, how come Kristina freaks out but Sam barely gets a reaction to Alexis putting Danny in danger? So weird.

  • Love 11
3 hours ago, ulkis said:

I don't even get why they gave Kristina such a big giant reaction. How random.

It's not as if Alexis's being drunk specifically hurt Kristina. I hate to break it to you, Kristina, but Alexis would act the same way about Parker drunk or not. She really is her father's daughter: Everyone else's weakness is a personal affront to her.

Jason talking down Sonny was pretty funny. He came thisclose to calling him an idiot for removing his ankle monitor and going after Ava. And LOL at Carly being the thing that stops him. 

Today was chockfull of the worst aspects of GH: rampant misogyny and violence against women, police ineptness (Dante allowing Jason to get to Sonny), creepy relationships written as no big deal, etc. 

  • Love 9

I am less interested in anything that happened today than I am in that bizarre clip from tomorrow. It looks as though Tracy is telling Hayden, "Everyone on that list has to go," and Hayden is sitting at a conference table opposite a nude female mannequin with a publicity still of Jackie Zeman taped to its face. The hell? Is this Hayden's practice session for breaking bad news? Hey, there's a difference between facing a completely plastic person with fake breasts and no ability to change facial expressions, and facing the real Bobbie. [pause] In theory.  

Maura West carried those Sonny/Ava scenes. Mo was at his weird, awkward worst, with the stutter-barking and the strange word emphases.  

The Kristina eruption made me think back and ask myself if the character of Kristina has ever really worked.

Edited by Asp Burger
  • Love 6

Kristina acting like an effing asshole today.  So, yeah, just like her father, right down to making her mother's alcoholism about her.  And let's remember her reaction to thinking Sonny killed her brother: leave him alone,  he's hurting!

Between her and Carly basically guilting Dante into disregarding his job and not turning Sonny in, the Sonny apologists were in full force today. 

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Asp Burger said:

I am less interested in anything that happened today than I am in that bizarre clip from tomorrow. It looks as though Tracy is telling Hayden, "Everyone on that list has to go," and Hayden is sitting at a conference table opposite a nude female mannequin with a publicity still of Jackie Zeman taped to its face. The hell?

Aside from the WTF of the actual scene, I was annoyed to see Tracy second banana-ing it up for Rebecca Budig when she should be the lead in this story.  Why can't Tracy and Michael talk about the fate of the hospital?

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Aside from the WTF of the actual scene, I was annoyed to see Tracy second banana-ing it up for Rebecca Budig when she should be the lead in this story.  Why can't Tracy and Michael talk about the fate of the hospital?

Why?  Because FV's pets are the leads of the show!  Franco took over Elizabeth's 1998 rape story and Tracy is third fiddle to HateChel and Finn.

Edited by Darklazr
  • Love 3

I was looking somewhat forward to watching today for the Davis Girls and Cayden, but now I'm not so sure. Too late and too tired to watch tonight, so I'll catch it this weekend. But I'm going to want to throttle Kristina. She's always annoyed me in that way. Bratty spoiled little entitled snot. Go worship your dad some more, idiot.

And speaking of Davis Girls' dads, I miss Ric. The Sonny-hating version, that is. But I miss Rick Hearst period.

  • Love 6
8 hours ago, Perkie said:

Kristina, channels her inner Sonny Corinthos and loses her shit on her mother, claiming double standards and Al broke up her and Parker (who?)

Kristina is a basket case. She learns her mother has a problem with drinking, and instead of compassion she serves up a ballistic meltdown of brattiness. Please give the girl some therapy.

  • Love 6

Like @peachmangosteen, I was excited to see the Hayden/Curtis scenes. Then Curtis starting ranting about Jordan. It's amazing how Jelly manage to zap every ounce of enjoyment out of this show. 

I'm disappointed that guy broke up with Jordan instead of the other way around. Whatever. Hopefully he'll disappear now. 

The Sonny/Ava scenes were a waste of time.

OJ can take a seat behind Anna and then they can both fall off a parapet with their Justice For Duke bullshit. 

The only reason I'm not wishing for Kristina to be murdered is because she's a member of The Coven. But if Alexis wanted to slap her 23-38 times I would be fine with that. 

Didn't Molly and TJ start college a year ago or less? When did she become old enough to drink?

  • Love 5
19 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Nurse Gossip Girl needs to kidnap Embryo and Avery and leave town forever. 

If Show followed the template of Making Annoying Characters Interesting, she should be Liv's daughter, as eyes and ears.

*Liv* is on the #Justice4DEwq bandwagon? Good fucking grief?

Shut up, Dante. #DoYourJob

Only on Show could a drunk alcoholic woman fending off a rapist with a knife fight better than a sober woman faced with a yammering mobster with a wavering gun because Sonny Ruins Everything.

I didn't mind Kristina's rant, but I wished it was directed to Sonny, to the point of the hypocrisy.

  • Love 4
17 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

BTW, have they ever mentioned what the Morgan Corinthos Foundation is going to do?  Buy term papers for perpetual screw-ups?  Set up a bail account for frat boys who get in bar fights?

Given CarSon's criminal activities, I expect their foundations to be slush funds like some politicians' so that when they need money for some nefarious purposes it can be easily accessed. Such a sweet deal.

7 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

The only reason I'm not wishing for Kristina to be murdered is because she's a member of The Coven. But if Alexis wanted to slap her 23-38 times I would be fine with that. 

Oh for a soul-satisfying mother-to-daughter bitchslap session! But it will never happen, because Alexis is so besotted with her daughters. They can do no wrong. Drives me up the wall.

Andre was trying to control Jordan again when he forced their breakup on a pretext. He's a psychiatrist, as he pointed out himself, but instead of patiently letting Jordan remain in her state of mixed feelings about her kiss with Curtis, he tried to use it to guilt and manipulate her. Then he injected the sting of breakup shock to seal the deal and increase her guilt. He's betting on what he thinks is Jordan's weakness and vulnerability. Deep down, Andre has the same prejudicial contempt for "weak wimmins" as the writers of this show.

I hope Jordan takes a break from both of her suitors. Each has a load of arrogance. Andre is cold and devious. Curtis is devious, but is probably more sexy. Yet I wouldn't be surprised if he is flirting with Jordan to get sex AND a PCPD job.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd

The other day I was highly amused when someone (Sonny?) commented that his tough guy bodyguard Max could break a would-be assailant with his little finger. A scene flashed into my mind: Diane the hardened attorney with her Max in the bedroom. No wonder they enjoy their relationship so much. She probably ties him up, and in turn he keeps the handcuffs ready for her.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd

AJ is murdered and now, at most, he gets mentioned once or twice a year.  IIRC, last mention was Michael just referring to him as his biological father - no name check.

Duke is murdered and is canonized.  And the story is on loop for two years and counting.

This show is weird.

Edited by amaranta
  • Love 9

I think I'm done with the show.  Today's episode really ticked me off.  I don't mind a good hero or a great villain.  But when the holier than thous, who condescend to everyone else, get away with breaking the law while railroading someone else, I just can't handle it.  When Dante takes in Ava, he needs to turn in his badge.  What he did today was reprehensible.  Yeah, I get why they all think Ava did it, and why he took her in, but he allowed his murderer father, the man who murdered his brother's father, the man guilty for the deaths of hundreds of others, to roam the streets, break his court requirement and then lie about it.  If he would once in a blue moon stand up to this hypocrisy, or if we could see a real struggle over what Daddy has done, I might be fine with it.  Today, Sonny got to be a hero for not killing a woman who didn't kill his son.  Wow!  Just SMH.  Getting off my soap box now.

  • Love 14

More complaints from the poor pacing department - this whole thing with the hospital being in financial straits and having to fire people/the nurses going on strike could have been good soap and very on-brand for a show called "General Hospital", but it all just came out of nowhere this week after not being a plot point since September and then leapt from zero to 100 way too fast.  Bad, Show, bad!

And more non-repercussions for Sonny.  Yuck.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 6

Sonny creates a volatile situation with Ava, ducks out to leave Jason to clean up the mess, then goes home and finds out his charges have been dropped and he's no longer on house arrest. He even managed to smooth things over with Carly because of his overpowering love for her. It must be nice to be Sonny Corinthos and float through life without ever truly facing repercussions for your actions. 

Anna went from "Valentin is evil and I must uncover his dark secrets" to "Valentin was my friend and I need to figure out where he went wrong." No matter her motivations, she's still shoved so far up Valentin's ass he may as well be charging her rent.

Sam on the couch between Liv and Alexis was all kinds of uncomfortable. Since she's suspicious of Liv, I suppose that investigating her will be yet another project heaped onto Sam's plate.

"You should think of someone other than yourself for once!" Alright, Amy, I still don't like you, but after that line I hate you just a little bit less.

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I have not watched this show probably going on two years.  For shits and giggles I put it on since I'm home and what do I see?  Sonny with a gun on Ava.  Why is it every single time I do bother to check it out there is a friggen gun on my screen?  I have never wanted to see two characters off each other more than Sonny and Ava.

This show needs to be taken out back and put out of its misery.

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Fuck Dante. Fuck that useless, cowardly, sniveling shitheel of a joke. Why doesn't that fake ass cop go and work for Daddy already and stop pretending to be a cop?  He KNOWS Sonny broke the law, he knows Sonny threatened to kill Ava, he knows the only reason he's not showing up to a fucking MURDER scene is because Jason stopped it. And what does his useless ass do? Takes Ava in for questioning for Morgan's murder because OF COURSE, Dante is only interested in being a cop when it benefits Daddy.

I'm so damned SICK of these mob enablers, these mob apologists, these people who run around covering for Sonny because ONCE AGAIN, he's done something stupid and completely selfish because of MAN PAIN.

And Jordan GROVELING to the two biggest assholes on the show just made me see red. Especially when Carly's foul ass sniffed like the investigation had been SO WRONG and SO MEAN when her ass was fully convinced at one point Sonny killed Morgan and nobody held it against her.

So yeah, it was pretty disgusting to watch the Corinthii bullshit today. And Jason playing clean up, as usual.

  • Love 10
7 minutes ago, ulkis said:

And yet, in that scene, Sonny very nearly takes advantage of Dante arresting Morgan by getting his clutches into Avery and stealing her out of town, so without even realizing it, Dante helped Daddy. My point stands. Sort of.  Although I had a good laugh at Dante posturing about living in the real world and not being able to WHINE your way out of consequences. What a douche.

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

I feel like the cops in general are more neutered than ever before on this show.

I don't even get why they have the cops go after Sonny anymore. Not just because of the cops seeming neutered, but because we know Sonny is not going to get arrested. Having Sonny harassed by the cops when it all comes to naught doesn't make an engaging storyline. For the love of chips, just have Sonny get out of the mob or retire him already.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 9

I can't imagine more than 10% of GH's remaining viewers being pleased that once more Sonny received no consequences for his actions. And I'm still trying to parse out his convoluted logic to Carly once he got back home: We know fear of losing Carly wasn't going to stop him from shooting Ava, and so I think what he said to Carly was essentially, "Isn't it enough for now that I'm standing here because my fear that whoever might be coming into the the gallery would be a witness to my shooting Ava so I ran away? 

Dante consistently continues to disappoint, so he's dead to me now. 

And, apparently none of the writers know how unions work either. 

Today, more than ever, #TFGH.

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To be honest, I feel like getting enraged about Sonny, if I'm still watching, at this point, is a "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me" thing. My issue now is more that his storylines are beyond stale. And you can tell MB is burnt out in regards to his acting. There's always been a moment or two where he rises to the occasion but I thought he was just plain old bad when Morgan died. His one decent scene was at the bridge with Robin.

Edited by ulkis
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32 minutes ago, rur said:

And, apparently none of the writers know how unions work either. 

Sweet Christ, THIS so much.  Was that a union meeting being held in a damn BAR? Who's taking the minutes on this? Who's the chair?  Is GH really trying to suggest that the hospital is staffed by no more than 10 nurses? And they vote by raising their hands? What an absolute embarrassment.

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