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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Kristina annoyed me when she got so indignant about Carly arriving with Jax. They were walking in together, not having sex in the pews, so shut up and relax. I begrudgingly give Sonny props for being gracious to Jax when he offered his condolences.

Did I miss something? Why did Nelle say Carly's life was about to get worse?

So Hayden's only been infected 24 hours and she has sepsis. I guess this shit truly doesn't mess around. I loved how Laura took her temperature with an ear thermometer like she was a toddler. 

I hope Alexis hates herself for lying to Sam.

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I know I'm being irrational, disliking a mother for showing concern for her child, but Sam questioning Alexis about her drinking just irritated me today.

Maybe if she ever rubbed two brain cells together vigorously enough to get a couple synapses to spark and make a connection about other dangers that she willfully brings into her son's life I'd be a little more accepting of her attitude. 


Also loved Jax's line about the gun. 

and P.P.S. -- Show, stop acting like you're giving us what we want with Sonny and the gun. We know he won't even consider killing himself until his contract's up, so you're not really really creating suspense. 

Edited by rur
  • Love 9
46 minutes ago, Linny said:

I hope Alexis hates herself for lying to Sam.

The only thing Alexis hates is not getting the d, as they say, from Julian anymore.

Sam is wearing that choker to a memorial?? I think it's cute but not appropriate.

Jax and Carly chatting it up in her house made me kinda nostalgic.

Nelle, the Corinthii whisperer. She needs to shut up. How does she even know what Sonny's other kids need?

I was wondering why the heck Jax and Sonny hugged when Jax mentioned the gun. 

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 5
46 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

And it's more than a little rich when you remember that Kristina invited Sonny to Alexis and Julian's wedding with no forewarning or thought to how they might feel about that.

In other words, shut.  Up.  Kristina.


I don't understand that. During the Guza and GW days, Kristina loved her father, but she refused to coddle him or condone his behavior (for the most part). Michael even chastised her when she pointed out that while she loved Sonny, she wouldn't condone his actions.

Now it seems like no one is allowed to be angry at Sonny without being thrown under the bus (which usually happens to characters like Scotty, who deserve better).

Sonny has plenty of supporters as it is. Why is Kristina one of them? Given that Jax and Alexis are friends, I'd think she would've been happy to see him (she was one of the people angry at Sonny when he tried to murder Jax).

This show makes no sense.

  • Love 9

Today on Paraphrase Hospital.....

Finn:  Where's Hayden

Hayden:  Over here, having a nap on the floor

Finn:  Let me examine you for eleventy two seconds then declare that you have sepsis from the eleventy two minutes that you were infected by the no name no cure disease. 

Sam to Alexis:  There's a half empty bottle of wine lying around and Danny burned his cookies.  J'ACCUSE.  Are you a drunken lush, drinking while babysitting the child that I'm never taking care of?

Franco to Dr O:  I'm bending over backwards trying to get into Liz' pants then this whole rapist stuff comes up.  How is a man supposed to get somethin' somethin'?

Kristina to Sonny:  Just because you planted the bomb that killed Morgan, it's not your fault.  Everyone knows Julian looked at you cross eyed that one time and then had the nerve to not be in the car when it got blowed up.  

Brad to Liz:  Finn has been a bad boy

Dr O:  A HA.  Now I haz him vere I vant him.  

Kristina to Carly:  I haven't yelled at anyone yet today and I have to fill my quota of bitchiness, so even though you are burying your son, how dare you allow your ex husband, who pretty much raised Morgan, to come to his funeral.  Let me raise my voice and give you the K-bitch face to show you how mad I am.  

Nelle:  I'm going to do or say something really evil/mean to Carly today.  Or it might be something totally stupid and senseless, depends which writers wrote it.,  

Jax to Sonny:  Condolences.  Uhhhh, is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me.

  • Love 18

Having a character (naturally, it's Dr. O, the terrorist and kidnapper) shoot down Franco's only half-sincere thought or remorse for his actions in five years and completely invalidate and minimize Sam's pain and say that real rape is totally different than what Franco did is vile, dangerous and frankly disturbing. Sam wasn't technically raped, no, but she was violated and tortured, sexually assaulted, and made to think her very-much-wanted child was conceived via rape and not her husband's baby.

I think what aggravates me even more than that is that we know it isn't coming from a place where Franco is or was remorseful or truly concerned for Sam. No, now that Liz's rapist is out of jail, and Franco sees how much his girlfriend is hurting and scared, even twenty years later, NOW he thinks about "oh, maybe this is how Sam feels about what I did?"

No, Franco, I don't think so. The time for sincere apologies to Sam were five years ago, or at the very least soon after the brain tumor was removed. Not now, and not when you have spent all of this time feeling sorry for yourself that no one will let you move on from your past. Not when you force yourself and force Sam into situations and conversations where she is not comfortable, ask her for coffee as if she would ever want to be alone with you for more than one minute, barge into her hospital room, or even speak about Danny.

Edited by LexieLily
  • Love 13

The chignons were on point today.

I guess I'm the only one, but I like Nelle.  I do wish they'd get to the point, but I don't have a problem with her.  I was hoping she was going to open Sonny's letter, then destroy it.  I know everyone wants her to be Carly 2.0, but I don't.  I prefer her mission to be Sonny, and I loved someone's suggestion that she's Jerry Jacks's daughter.  But it would suck if Jerry's daughter had this large role, and neither Jerry nor Jax played a true part in it.

ETA:  I think what we're missing is the soap trope I dislike - endless soliloquies in which the character spills out their entire agenda aloud, and to themselves.  Completely unnatural, but an easy way to info dump to the audience.

Edited by RedheadZombie
more thoughts

Alexis was annoying today. Sam continuing her trend of apologizing to people that dont really deserve it. I wouldn't mind the choker if it wasn't so thick. 

Now that Morgan is dead Kristina has taken the place of most annoying Corinthos kid. Ugh. 

I cant even waste my breath of Freako anymore. 

Edited by backhometome
  • Love 9

"How's Carly doing?" She's burying the son you blew up, Sonny. She's aces! 

I wouldn't throw too many stones at Jason making Liz feel safe, Franco. 

The Rebecca Budig stuff is so idiotic. You might be deathly ill. Maybe let the doctor take a look. Ugh.

I don't know who the bigger whiner is, Sonny or Franco.

LOL at Alexis's head shake at the devil's juice.

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, Perkie said:

Today on Paraphrase Hospital.....

Finn:  Where's Hayden

Hayden:  Over here, having a nap on the floor

Finn:  Let me examine you for eleventy two seconds then declare that you have sepsis from the eleventy two minutes that you were infected by the no name no cure disease. 

Sam to Alexis:  There's a half empty bottle of wine lying around and Danny burned his cookies.  J'ACCUSE.  Are you a drunken lush, drinking while babysitting the child that I'm never taking care of?

Franco to Dr O:  I'm bending over backwards trying to get into Liz' pants then this whole rapist stuff comes up.  How is a man supposed to get somethin' somethin'?

Kristina to Sonny:  Just because you planted the bomb that killed Morgan, it's not your fault.  Everyone knows Julian looked at you cross eyed that one time and then had the nerve to not be in the car when it got blowed up.  

Brad to Liz:  Finn has been a bad boy

Dr O:  A HA.  Now I haz him vere I vant him.  

Kristina to Carly:  I haven't yelled at anyone yet today and I have to fill my quota of bitchiness, so even though you are burying your son, how dare you allow your ex husband, who pretty much raised Morgan, to come to his funeral.  Let me raise my voice and give you the K-bitch face to show you how mad I am.  

Nelle:  I'm going to do or say something really evil/mean to Carly today.  Or it might be something totally stupid and senseless, depends which writers wrote it.,  

Jax to Sonny:  Condolences.  Uhhhh, is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me.

So, Nelle finally did something?   And gross.  Franco is trying to get laid.    And complaining about Liz being raped that is ahem intercourse blocking him?  Gross.   Kristina sucks now.   It's like she had sex with her teacher who was a woman and now she's so cranky.  Maybe she needs to get a life beyond stalking teachers and making coffee.  

I though Sam's star choker was out of place at a funeral.  But then I'm fashion-impaired.

The day Jax and Sonny would hug.  Never.  What a lame way to find out about the gun.

Alexis' longing stare at the wine bottle is starting to rival Lucky on the floor, studying his pills.

Sorry Hayden, I just don't care about your suffering or Finn's man-pain.  At least you're not as gross as Franken-Liz.

  • Love 4

Port Charles has some very interesting funeral attire for ladies. Micro dresses in mid November in upstate NY. Okkkkaaay.

Shut up Franco (again)!

Also, shut your fucking stupid mouth, Kristina!  Jax had more to do with raising Morgan then Sonny ever did. He is besties with your mother. And the man is Joss' father, so he has some very good reasons to be there. Fuck, he even HUGGED your murdering sire! Shut the fuck up!

  • Love 8

Kristina needs to be punched in the throat.

STFU Alexis, you drunk ass loser. You could've burned down the house all because you have the sadz over piece of trash Julian. She needs to be slapped.

Is Brad getting screen time supposed to be a consolation prize for Lucas being MIA? I don't care about that asshole, WHERE THE FUCK IS LUCAS?

Of course terrorist doctor diminishes what Freako did to Sam. Fuck her. It would be nice if Anna cared about her daughter and directed her Justice For Duke bullshit towards this creature.

It would nice if Carly and Jax were sharing scenes for different reasons, like Sonny being murdered.

Nelly is useless and basic.

  • Love 10

You all think that the show even remembers that Lucas is Morgan's uncle?

And just for funsies, I wish that someone would tell Franco that his favorite non related fan, Dr. O, kidnapped, terrorized and shot Elizabeth. But what God damned friend does Liz have left to inform Franco? Jason? Laura? Maaaaaybe Lulu? This shit is why this show is in major trouble. Families are fractured unless they are Corinthi.

Liz, Laura and Lulu should be comforting Bobbie. And maybe Carly. Well, Lulu should be dealing with Carly. Perhaps hauling off and punching the shit out of Kristina when she started bitching about Jax. Along with Brad and Lucas being involved! Maybe Valerie should be there for Bobbie. The lone Spencer relation she as had any good contact with in PC. How about Maxie, Mac and Felicia stopping by for Bobbie and Lucas? 

I would imagine Monica, Tracy, and Ned would want to show up for Michael. And for Bobbie and Lucas. 

For Pete's sake, this is a time for the damn Spencer AND Corinthos family and friends. Not just poor Sonny and his relations and underlings.

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Is Brad getting screen time supposed to be a consolation prize for Lucas being MIA?

As lab manager, Brad's presence in that story is actually logical. I had to laugh that Liz was all interested in what was going on until Dr. O overheard Brad talking about the illegal substance and wanting to get Finn fired. Then it's all "I don't want any part of that!" Oh, Liz.

31 minutes ago, Mrs. Stanwyck said:

Patrick didn't want Sonny anywhere near Robin's funeral but that didn't stop Sonny from coming.

You forget that Sonny's pain was the worst, Mrs. Stanwyck

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, stlbf said:

Port Charles has some very interesting funeral attire for ladies. Micro dresses in mid November in upstate NY. Okkkkaaay.


It's been VERY warm here. I'm down in the city but was walking around in short sleeves and no jacket two days ago. So the time of year doesn't bother me, just the length (or lack thereof) of the dresses at a funeral.

8 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Is Brad getting screen time supposed to be a consolation prize for Lucas being MIA? I don't care about that asshole, WHERE THE FUCK IS LUCAS?

I like Brad well enough, but it is crazy that Lucas is MIA given what's going on with his families, especially now that it's been established that he and Brad are still in town and have no plans to go anywhere.  And even in the off-screen call Brad had with him, it was all schmoopy and banal, there was no indication Lucas was reacting to Morgan's death AT ALL.  That's terrible writing.

I also don't like that Brad was basically trotted out to make Dr. Michael Easton look badass and cool.  Whatever.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 3
Just now, dubbel zout said:

I don't think Lucas and Morgan know each other, LOL.

I actually do remember a nice enough scene between them early on in Lucas' return where they talked about their love lives and then conceded that Carly was gonna Carly and there was nothing they could do about her wanting to be with Franco.  Lucas also had the sucky job of propping Morgan to Michael after the truth of AJ's death came out.

And I'd bet money that his absence won't even be name-checked today, just like it wasn't during Sam's wedding.  GRRR.

  • Love 2

Sam to Alexis:  There's a half empty bottle of wine lying around and Danny burned his cookies.  J'ACCUSE.  Are you a drunken lush, drinking while babysitting the child that I'm never taking care of?

This was actually said with more passion than Sam can muster.  I'm still waiting for the storyline that a sedative gas has been leaking into the penthouse for years, thus causing her constant state of lethargy.

Kristina needs to go back to whatever school expelled her.  Snot-nose brat thinking she gets to dictate who Carly gets to invite to Morgan's service.  Not to mention, Jax played a huge part of Morgan's life and loved him.  Go start one of Julian's cars, you annoying gnat.

  • Love 5
20 hours ago, rur said:

I know I'm being irrational, disliking a mother for showing concern for her child, but Sam questioning Alexis about her drinking just irritated me today.

You can tell the writers have no idea what to do with Sam. She has literally questioned someone or something in every episode for about four years now. They have completely limited her because she can't do or say anything outside of this boring comfort zone they created for her. 

  • Love 4
11 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

Too bad they won;t let her kill Freako or show her doing PI work not involving Sonny or killing Freako or taking care of Danny or killing Freako.

The Danny thing is so odd. I'm at the point where I'd rather Sam and Jason say "he's upstairs" than with anyone else. They are never with that kid and it's stupid bc they gave her another one. I can't.

  • Love 9

A good storyline for Sam is to start embracing her Cassidine roots and help Alexis by investigating Valentin.  He has already "killed" Nicholas, tried to kidnap Spencer and has taken control over the Cassidine empire.  He is a danger to her, Danny, Alexis, Kristina, Molly and Spencer.  You would think she would be curious about him.  I know Sam and Jason are busy babysitting Carly and Sonny, but maybe it is time to let those two take care of themselves and start taking care of Sam and her family.

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