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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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18 hours ago, ulkis said:

the tons of airtime, the new set, the sympathy writing v hothead Dante punching poor in-love Milo in the face . . . it does seem absurd that Ron would want to try to elevate Milo or try for an actual pairing, but Milo is/was pretty much RC/FV's type, a nicely chiseled chest with a bland face. And cheap, to boot. so they'd have the trifecta: model-handsome, cheap to pay, and they'd be able to claim they were using "long-time" GH characters in the midst of KA, RH and ME coming back as three pointless new characters.

ETA: I don't know 100% if they were completely serious about Milo and Milo/Lulu, but my point is it was definitely in the realm of possibility.

Why a new set?  The writers would  have wanted a place to "put" Lulu while she sorted out her relationship with her whole family.  My take - the set was more for Lulu than for Milo.  Example - a place for Nik to first come and meet on neutral ground unconnected to Lulu's other life.

The rest went along with doing the obligatory "let's-tease-some-fan-tension" before we see Lulu starting to get her memory back.   Including Dante showing both his love and helplessness by doing what Dante sometimes does - lose his cool.  And to show them interacting with some emotion as strangers (well, Lulu being a stranger) before  she rediscovered their relationship. 

Why Milo?  Because he was a side character in Lulu's life - known to her and known to have had always had a huge crush on her, therefore being an easy mark for any affection from her - leading to her having that needed place to stay.   The time wasn't right for Lulu to be with those who had been closest to her. Those relationships needed time - both for  the story and maybe even more for setting up a new Lulu by taking some time to rebuild those really close connections.  Milo was, in other words, a middle ground convenience. 

Additionally, Milo's chiseled chest and bland face may have been RC/FV's type.   However, Milo has always been played a bit of a buffoon - and that quality Would NOT be part of image of Lulu Spencer's significant other.

Edited by Aurora2

Me: Sonny has a grandson?

Who the hell is Sonny's grandson? When did Sonny have a grandson? Michael doesn't have kids! Even if he's talking about Teddy, Teddy wasn't Sonny's grandson and he's not in PC anymore.

Oh, Rocco...

Why are the grandmothers babysitting when Sam and Jason are sitting at home "investigating"? Why are they having a second kid if they can't take care of the kid they already have? 

Edited by YaddaYadda
  • Love 7

Oh, man, poor Danny. He thinks his Grandma's fun, but really she's just a drunk. I really hated those scenes.

Franco's babbling about kissing being art made me gag. He kept encroaching on Liz's space like he was stalking his prey. I don't understand how anyone sees them as a healthy, viable pairing.

I don't mind Finn, but I'm really tired of seeing him tweak out. Maybe now that Hayden has been exposed to the toxin he'll finally produce a cure. I'm ready for them to move away from fatal doom and into a romance.

  • Love 5

OMG could the anvils have dropped any harder when we saw Hayden with a paper cut and then Finn telling Brad the pathogen is contagious if you have an open cut? And seriously, who the hell just walks right into a lab with a sign that says "HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IN USE"???? Or for that matter, who leaves the lab door unlocked when they're working with hazardous materials?

And why does Julian want GH closed? I get he wants to build condos but is there no other location? What has the hospital ever done to him that he wants to put everyone (including his son) out of work?

At least we had one full day without Sonny and Carly, so that's something.

  • Love 4
22 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

And why does Julian want GH closed? I get he wants to build condos but is there no other location?

Oh, FFS. Of course Julian is behind closing GH. I'm surprised Olivia hasn't had a vision of him as the devil they way she did Ewen. Good grief. What next, Julian will want the animal shelter closed because it's too noisy? He bribes the mayor to cut funding for free breakfast for children?

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 8
17 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Oh, FFS. Of course Julian is behind closing GH. I'm surprised Olivia hasn't had a vision of him as the devil they way she did Ewen. Good grief. What next, Julian will want the animal shelter closed because it's too noisy? He bribes the mayor to cut funding for free breakfast for children?

Why he he build those condos on Sonny's property?

  • Love 1

Her worst crime by a mile, AFAIC. You don't abuse baked goods like that!

Cake for the win. Cake trumps character, always. I don't even care what kind it is-in fact, I nominate Cake for an Emmy as best guest appearance on a show, ever.

I hear Tracy is still doing nothing besides propping Hayfinn. Nope, show. NOPE. This is where, if I truly still cared, I'd have a wall eyed hissy fit. But since I'm leaving in another hour to go eat...you guessed it, CAKE-I cannot find a care.

3 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Oh, FFS. Of course Julian is behind closing GH. I'm surprised Olivia hasn't had a vision of him as the devil they way she did Ewen. Good grief. What next, Julian will want the animal shelter closed because it's too noisy? He bribes the mayor to cut funding for free breakfast for children?

He seems like he's supposed to be ev0l but at the same time Alexis is falling apart over him and he's still in love with her. So I have no idea what the hell is going on.

Did Curtis dye his beard? Either way it looks good.

I loved Tracy's metallic themed ensemble today.

Could they have at least tried to have given Hayden an infection in a less stupid way?

Finn should have asked Brad for help. I would have been a bit more sympathetic to him if he had.

I liked Diane a lot today. She's good in small doses.

"Can I help you with any big words?" Shut up Franco! She's trying to write a letter about her rapist and he's trying to make a joke to ease the tension. Lord. I'm really quite fascinated at their terrible decision making regarding Franco.

4 minutes ago, Lillybee said:

I wish that TPTB would splurge and bring back JJ for a short arc on Liz's rapist sl.

At first I was all, "okay, just going to pretend that Lucky doesn't know." But then I thought, "okay, but Laura will know and she will definitely tell him" and then I was back to "no way in hell would Lucky know and not rush back" so I'm back to "he is on an unreachable assignment right now."

Not that they'd recast, especially now. Even a recast Lucky would probably decimate the Franco/Liz fanbase.

  • Love 7

Hayden literally stepped into danger.  Kudos spoiler writers for that gem.


I may hate Liz now, but I watched when she was raped.  That was some good, well written soap and the fact they are bringing back such a potent thing to prop FRANCO?  No, just no.  Liz sucks, but she is a GH vet and deserves way more respect than that.    This is just insulting on so many levels.  

  • Love 18

I am loving Liz and Franco's story. Nothing else on this show is as interesting as what is going on with these two. The writers are doing an awesome job writing a realistic, dynamic, nuanced story around and between them. They're not shying away either from making either look bad or human to please loud, whiny audience members. The actors are doing a freaking fantastic job of playing it out too and it helps massively that they have great chemistry. Life is messy and I don't want to watch perfect people. This viewer is hooked.

  • Love 3
17 minutes ago, mybabyaidan said:

I may hate Liz now, but I watched when she was raped.  That was some good, well written soap and the fact they are bringing back such a potent thing to prop FRANCO?  No, just no.  Liz sucks, but she is a GH vet and deserves way more respect than that. This is just insulting on so many levels.  

That's one way to look at it, but I choose to see it as a nice, meaty story for all actors involved to sink their teeth into. I see no propping of anybody. This playing field seems quite level to these eyes and I am thankful for good, exciting writing whenever it pops up.

Edited by comosedice
To shorten quote
  • Love 1
8 minutes ago, Darklazr said:

I see FV and Varni are still pissed that they had to keep Rebecca Herbst.  Otherwise, why is this show writing this crap with a rapist consoling a rape survivor over another rapist?!  WTF is wrong with these idiots?!

They have put themselves in a weird lose-lose position re: Franco. He says maybe Tom has been rehabilitated, he looks bad. He says Tom is a bad guy and vows to keep Liz away, he looks like a hypocrite.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, comosedice said:

I am loving Liz and Franco's story. Nothing else on this show is as interesting as what is going on with these two. The writers are doing an awesome job writing a realistic, dynamic, nuanced story around and between them. They're not shying away either from making either look bad or human to please loud, whiny audience members. The actors are doing a freaking fantastic job of playing it out too and it helps massively that they have great chemistry. Life is messy and I don't want to watch perfect people. This viewer is hooked.

Yeah, nothing says messy like a rapist and serial killer comforting a rape victim about another rapist.  Sheesh.  How soon before we have a Pedophile taking care of the kids at the hospital daycare?

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, ulkis said:

They have put themselves in a weird lose-lose position re: Franco. He says maybe Tom has been rehabilitated, he looks bad. He says Tom is a bad guy and vows to keep Liz away, he looks like a hypocrite.

Elizabeth should have looked Franco in the eye and told him point blank that she CAN NOT be with him and end the relationship.  Franco should remove himself from all aspects of Elizabeth's life and finally have the show do a complete redemption story that does NOT involve Elizabeth Imogene Webber or kill the character off.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, ulkis said:

He seems like he's supposed to be ev0l but at the same time Alexis is falling apart over him and he's still in love with her. So I have no idea what the hell is going on.

She's a drunk, which is clearly a sign that she's lost all ability to think straight.

2 hours ago, ulkis said:

Even a recast Lucky would probably decimate the Franco/Liz fanbase.

If only.

31 minutes ago, Michel said:

Liz's rapist is out on parole?  Doesn't rape mean a life sentence?

Not necessarily. Tom has been in jail for what, 20 years? That's actually a realistic sentence. ETA: He didn't go to prison for Liz's rape because she didn't report it. He blackmailed Emily with nude photos and the Qs pressed for the full sentence, 20 years. (Liz told Franco all of this.)

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4
51 minutes ago, Darklazr said:

Yeah, nothing says messy like a rapist and serial killer comforting a rape victim about another rapist.  Sheesh.  How soon before we have a Pedophile taking care of the kids at the hospital daycare?

We had a child napper (2x!) become the art therapist and council children. Guess who got that job.

  • Love 2
27 minutes ago, Michel said:

Liz's rapist is out on parole?  Doesn't rape mean a life sentence?

No. I believe the average sentence (and it varies by state) for sexual assault is about 10-15 years and most will only serve a fraction of that. And my memory might be wrong, but while it was implied that Tom was a serial rapist and Liz was far from his first victim, he'd never been convicted before, which would also be a factor in sentencing.

I'm out, y'all. I cannot deal with this show using Liz's rape - which was the last soap rape storyline I actually remember being done well - to prop fucking Franco. It's disgusting and offensive and I will not watch it.

  • Love 5

Watching Franco and Liz try to make sexy talk made my skin crawl.

Day player board member railing at Rebecca Budig was so bad.

I love how everyone just barges into Finn's lab even though it has a hazmat sign on the door. "Noxious, dangerous chemicals? Whatevs!" I wonder if Brad will also be affected, or if he was just to anvil danger for Hayden.

Et tu, Curtis? You're defending Sonny? He shouldn't care.

Previews: Ugh, more self-flagellation from Michael.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, comosedice said:

I am loving Liz and Franco's story. Nothing else on this show is as interesting as what is going on with these two. The writers are doing an awesome job writing a realistic, dynamic, nuanced story around and between them. They're not shying away either from making either look bad or human to please loud, whiny audience members. The actors are doing a freaking fantastic job of playing it out too and it helps massively that they have great chemistry. Life is messy and I don't want to watch perfect people. This viewer is hooked.

I will give you that: nothing on the show is interesting, because FV is probably one of the most, if not the most, uninspired executive producers that General Hospital ever had. There used to be a time I was rooting for FV over JFP when she landed YR, but no longer (I think she left anyways, or was fired). And before you insult “loud, whiny audience members” like myself, I would hope it is remembered the last time in the not too recent past when the audience members complained: Liz learns Jake is Jason from Nik and helps him in the cover up. The audience complained very loudly, RC/FV persisted. They complained some more. Hayden was shot in the head on Nikolas’ orders. Then they stopped complaining, because they stopped watching, ratings tanked and RC lost his job (though now, I think FV was the real problem). Rebecca Herbst will probably sell this thankless storyline like last time, and probably not receive even a nomination for her trouble, and Roger Hogworth will deliver the  most Toddesque performance of his career on GH. 


1 hour ago, comosedice said:

That's one way to look at it, but I choose to see it as a nice, meaty story for all actors involved to sink their teeth into. I see no propping of anybody. This playing field seems quite level to these eyes and I am thankful for good, exciting writing whenever it pops up.

Well I see that making “Franco the savior of GH” didn’t quite do it, now they are writing a “history-driven” storyline, which will only drive home how much better Liz’s initial rape storyline was, and that storyline was problematic (focused more on the relationship between Lucky and Luke and less on Liz and Laura, and what they experienced). And “all actors”, I take it you mean Rebecca and Roger, with some Rebecca Buding thrown in, because it won’t involve Jonathan Jackson, Tony Geary, Jackie Zeman,  Genie Francis (who is on the show), Tyler Christopher, Amber Tamblyn (or even Natalia Livingston), Rachel Ames. If when AJ was murdered and Leslie Charleston had only one scene to react to finding out Sonny murdered AJ, as it was promptly handed over Chad Duell. In fact this storyline might be even worse because at least a lot of the people involved had been on the show for years for AJ is murdered.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Michel said:

Liz's rapist is out on parole?  Doesn't rape mean a life sentence?

You must not live in the US.   Here, rape doesn't even mean you go to jail.   

And he didn't go to prison for her rape.  He was charged for child pornography and some other stuff, but not the actual rape.  She never had a rape kit done.

  • Love 2
14 minutes ago, mybabyaidan said:

And he didn't go to prison for her rape.  He was charged for child pornography and some other stuff, but not the actual rape.  She never had a rape kit done.

That's it. Thank you, something was niggling at my memory and now I remember. You're right, he wasn't convicted of rape. It was the blackmailing and the fake naked pictures of Emily. I recall, Elizabeth wasn't allowed to testify at his trial that he had admitted to being her rapist because it wasn't what he was being tried for and wasn't admissible and she had kind of a meltdown over it.

Edited by Melgaypet
  • Love 1
39 minutes ago, Melgaypet said:

I'm out, y'all. I cannot deal with this show using Liz's rape - which was the last soap rape storyline I actually remember being done well - to prop fucking Franco. It's disgusting and offensive and I will not watch it.

Me too!!! So glad I didn't watch today. UGH. Poor Becky Herbst - under contract to act such offensive, misogynistic material after all the years and effort she's put into this show. 

I really wonder if this is TPTB trying to force the Franco character into a full-on redemption, by remembering how 'love of Laura' "redeemed" Luke after the rape??  The Elizabeth teen rape storyline was more of a vehicle to give JJ and TG a chance for Lucky and Luke to dig into Luke's past.  Yes, one really awful night Luke committed rape, and has done illegal things and killed people as a result of working for/running from the Mob, etc. - but Show wanted to make a point that there was more to Luke than that darkness, via Lucky's youthful hero worship perspective, and Laura's as well. It seems like this is a really sloppy, and offensive way to attempt to do the same thing. Regarding that nighttime bench scene - I think Laura's line to Elizabeth about understanding falling for a man with a dark side, and Liz saying 'hopefully someday they'll see what I see" was very deliberate (and awful).

  • Love 1
45 minutes ago, Melgaypet said:

I'm out, y'all. I cannot deal with this show using Liz's rape - which was the last soap rape storyline I actually remember being done well - to prop fucking Franco. It's disgusting and offensive and I will not watch it.

How many times does frontburner Franco have to tank the ratings before FV gives up on this shit? 

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, LexieLily said:

Liz is disgusting. Crying to Franco about her rapist being on parole and how even after all this time the idea of him hurts her but she doesn't see the harm in forcing Franco to be in Sam's presence.

This is actually happening?   It's a thing that is really occurring on GH right now? 

Is it wrong that a part of me is like "They're going to cast the guy who played Powell on OLTL and he'll end up being great (because the dude does still look great and is great) and try to make him stay."  Or "What CBS/NBC soap reject is filling this role (and Jelly will fall in love with him of course because they always do) so we will be stuck with him as well?" 

And why?  All the stories they could tell and they choose this one?  They could age Cam and have him ask his mother why a hobo is painting in the house, for example. 

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Oh geez, sounds like I picked a good episode to miss.  I can't with what you guys are saying about Liz's Franco's storyline.

How was seeing Brad, was he allowed to mention his husband?

Yeah, he said something about how he and Lucas didn't find new jobs while the hospital was closed because they like it there, and that it was tough, but they wanted to stick by GH but it might have been a mistake if Tracy was allowing Finn to work there.

43 minutes ago, Chairperson Meow said:

This is actually happening?   It's a thing that is really occurring on GH right now? 

Is it wrong that a part of me is like "They're going to cast the guy who played Powell on OLTL and he'll end up being great (because the dude does still look great and is great) and try to make him stay."  Or "What CBS/NBC soap reject is filling this role (and Jelly will fall in love with him of course because they always do) so we will be stuck with him as well?" 

And why?  All the stories they could tell and they choose this one?  They could age Cam and have him ask his mother why a hobo is painting in the house, for example. 

I want SORASed Cam to mouth to Franco "I am going to set you on fire."

  • Love 7
10 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Yeah, he said something about how he and Lucas didn't find new jobs while the hospital was closed because they like it there, and that it was tough, but they wanted to stick by GH but it might have been a mistake if Tracy was allowing Finn to work there.

Ah, so Brad was on to prop Dr. Michael Easton up.  Greeeaaattt.

  • Love 2
16 hours ago, Sake614 said:

And seriously, who the hell just walks right into a lab with a sign that says "HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IN USE"???? Or for that matter, who leaves the lab door unlocked when they're working with hazardous materials?

And what about WEARING RUBBER GLOVES? Stupid Finn had no gloves and no mask on, and Hatechel should realize that spilled substances in a research lab should be considered hazardous. She didn't look for rubber gloves either.

  • Love 2

Realism hasn't been a part of this show for, well...ever, but I believe if you work with hazardous materials, isn't it a "double barrier"/secondary containment rule? A locked room within a locked room, or the materials are in one container inside another container? And double gloves? I guess it doesn't matter, a spill is a spill, but-much like you have to (are supposed to) wear a hazmat suit when dealing with some of that stuff? Much like in my line of work, you have to have a passkey/code (and take the stairs, no elevator riding for  you) to get to the third floor. And if you don't have a passkey, you ain't getting in. Makes no sense Hayden would be able to just walk in, but this show almost never makes sense.

Speaking of realism-most people generally only serve about a third of their original sentence, unless they are indeed in for life without parole(which can always be commuted). So if Liz's rapist has actually been in jail the entire twenty years, that is what would be unusual.

Edited by IWantCandy71
  • Love 5
4 hours ago, IWantCandy71 said:

Realism hasn't been a part of this show for, well...ever, but I believe if you work with hazardous materials, isn't it a "double barrier"/secondary containment rule? A locked room within a locked room, or the materials are in one container inside another container? And double gloves?

Robin was in one the time she "died" and went on her vacation to Paris with her three-meals-a-day at Helena's behest. Then again, this is Finn, who probably thought, "NO ONE should DARE to COME into MY LAB and handle MY flasks with contagion, so WHY should I have safety barriers and gloves!!!!"

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