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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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15 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

And on the flip side - why is Liz not more preoccupied with this huge revelation about her father and her family?  Why is she not weighing whether she should confront her father, or tell him about the daughter he knows nothing about?  Why is she not wondering if she should tell her mom No Name or Sarah?

Because Liz is not allowed to speak about her own family (beyond a reference to her feelings of inferiority and sister Sarah ) - ever. The show does not want to delve into the emotional impact of being dumped by her parents (on Audrey's doorstep) as a teenager, or how being raped as a teen and not getting proper help has impacted her life well into adulthood. The show has zero interest in the Webber/Hardy Family, otherwise Liz's parents would have come to Port Charles at some point to meet their 3 grandchildren, visited their daughter when she's been sick or injured/near death over the last 20 years, or showed up to help their son/stepson Steven the doctor when he was going off to prison. All we're allowed to know (from Herbst's lines while Liz was in a hospital bed) is that Liz had this child-like view of her parents as a couple with the perfect marriage (nevermind that they abandoned their kids) and she feels it's too painful to let go of that fantasy/talk to her parents. I think that childhood ideal, and the traumas never adequately addressed, provide a good explanation about her hanging onto the vision of the LnL2 "happy family,"and her variety of unhealthy relationship/sexual choices as an adult. Herbst has the acting chops to do great work in lashing out at Liz's parents (like how she reacted to Luke when Aiden was sick), but the writers don't have the talent or background knowledge to handle it, and TPTB think Corinthos Family drama is way more important than focusing on any substance in the show's core legacy family. 

I get irritated about Anna being a crappy mom to Robin over the years, and I don't think that Robert is awesome dad like many here do ... but they are parents of the years compared to the Webbers.

This "story" involving the Budig actress is nothing more than forcing her character to be relevant to the current GH canvas, by connecting her to a core family for no good reason.

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2 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Are there even any legitimate heirs left to claim it?

Distant cousins. That's why Stefan (well that's what he claimed, he mostly just wanted Nikolas to have it) said that's why he didn't want Nikolas' paternity to get out (when he thought Nikolas was his son) because then the Cassadine fortune would be divided into small pieces.

I'd be surprised if the writers knew that bit of trivia though.

Edited by ulkis
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1 hour ago, LegalParrot81 said:

Only to the Cassadine's then because Laura was legally married to Luke, but we all know the Cassadine's have always lived by their own rules.

Luke was presumed dead in an avalanche (new cast member Holly Sutton found him, nursed him back to health). I think Luke even had amnesia. Anyway when they showed Laura the newspaper story she agreed to marry Stavros. The marriage was legal in Greece when Nicholas was born so he is considered legetimate. And in a lot of countries in that region the custom is that a marriage in their country supersedes say a marriage in the US by one of the persons to another person. I have known people from that region and that is what they believe.

Edited by linsav
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56 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Because Liz is not allowed to speak about her own family (beyond a reference to her feelings of inferiority and sister Sarah ) - ever. The show does not want to delve into the emotional impact of being dumped by her parents (on Audrey's doorstep) as a teenager, or how being raped as a teen and not getting proper help has impacted her life well into adulthood. The show has zero interest in the Webber/Hardy Family, otherwise Liz's parents would have come to Port Charles at some point to meet their 3 grandchildren, visited their daughter when she's been sick or injured/near death over the last 20 years, or showed up to help their son/stepson Steven the doctor when he was going off to prison. All we're allowed to know (from Herbst's lines while Liz was in a hospital bed) is that Liz had this child-like view of her parents as a couple with the perfect marriage (nevermind that they abandoned their kids) and she feels it's too painful to let go of that fantasy/talk to her parents. I think that childhood ideal, and the traumas never adequately addressed, provide a good explanation about her hanging onto the vision of the LnL2 "happy family,"and her variety of unhealthy relationship/sexual choices as an adult. Herbst has the acting chops to do great work in lashing out at Liz's parents (like how she reacted to Luke when Aiden was sick), but the writers don't have the talent or background knowledge to handle it, and TPTB think Corinthos Family drama is way more important than focusing on any substance in the show's core legacy family. 

I get irritated about Anna being a crappy mom to Robin over the years, and I don't think that Robert is awesome dad like many here do ... but they are parents of the years compared to the Webbers.

This "story" involving the Budig actress is nothing more than forcing her character to be relevant to the current GH canvas, by connecting her to a core family for no good reason.

Actually Liz was left with a family friend in Arizona but she ran away to PC to Grams (Audrey).

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Did anything even happen with Claudette besides this dumb kid?

I'm amazed if she's gone-gone. I fear a Budig situation.


@jsbt, nope, nothing happened with Claudette! We were all complaining that absolutely nothing happened with this story.

I doubt she's gone-gone either, unless she gets another job. Please let that happen.

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Valentin is such a cheap Stefan knock off. I do love his bratty Emo pain, shrieking at Anna and her mean girl antics.  If I'm supposed to believe he's SO SCARRRRY, then maybe don't have him fondle old Anna pics and temper tantrum like Kylo Ren, mmmkay?

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Just now, Vella said:

Valentin is such a cheap Stefan knock off. I do love his bratty Emo pain, shrieking at Anna and her mean girl antics.  If I'm supposed to believe he's SO SCARRRRY, then maybe don't have him fondle old Anna pics and temper tantrum like Kylo Ren, mmmkay?

He is, but everything on GH is a cheap knock off nowadays. Anyway, if I have to watch an imitation Cassadine run around, better him than crappy ass Stavros for the 10th time.

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GASP!  Daphne's revelation that she was hired by Helena as a surrogate for the Stavlu embryo was super shocking...or it would have been if we hadn't guessed that when we met Daphne during the summer, or when Lulu started droning on about the embryo a few months ago.  And I guess we'll be expected to be shocked when Charlotte is revealed to be the embryo baby?  In other news, why was Lulu allowed to sit in on a police interrogation?

Griffin mentioned Brad (I had forgotten those two actually formed a little friendship) so I guess he and Lucas are back from the world's longest honeymoon?  I'm sure scenes of Lucas comforting his various family members are coming any day now. #eyeroll

Shut up, Nelle.  Sonny setting up a foundation in Morgan's name isn't some big, wonderful gesture, it's his go-to Band-Aid when he pisses people off.  Hell, he and Carly tried that like a month ago when Sabrina died!

I'm semi-curious about whatever the deal is with Anna and Valentin.  Where the heck could she know him from?

Oh Show, don't tease us with Sonny leaving town forever, that's just mean!

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Jason's "I like to give hugs" is as weird, if not weirder, than calling Sam "preggers", IMO. 

Anna taunts a man she believes to be a dangerous criminal - when he's not locked up in high security facility, when Charlotte isn't hidden away anymore (although he hasn't confirmed knowing she's in PC), and her own daughter and granddaughter are visiting. Why did the WSB want her back?

I think Lulu's joy face about the sorta-rape embryo, and then the tears over no daughter, was really disturbing - and pretty much guarantees that Charlotte will turn out to be the Stavlu embryo. Well, this (Dante's partner/friend very briefly thinking he was a dad) is a reminder of Lulu's brother nearly becoming stepdad to Lulu's son/being unaware that his nephew was growing up in his own home. 

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If the unfortunately renamed Rocco had been Britt/Dante's, Lulu crap about the StavLu embryo might make more sense. It would still be gross on many levels but it would make her sound slightly less insane

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7 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I think Lulu's joy face about the sorta-rape embryo, and then the tears over no daughter, was really disturbing

I really want someone to sit Lulu down and remind her, in the strongest possible way, what the embryo really represents. And not let her speak until she acknowledges the total grossness of the situation.

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Lulu's glee at hearing about her embryo just came across as deranged. So her anguish over hearing it was destroyed kind of made me chuckle. If Charlotte turns out to be Lulu's child then why did they just show us Rocco on Halloween. Rocco looks much younger than her and their ages just wouldn't make sense.

Edited by lovelynn
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At this point, I really hope Charlotte is Griffin's daughter. The only worthwhile thing that came out of Claud's entire pointless story was the scene with Anna/Griffin/Charlotte. 

Plus, at this rate Charlotte will be in high school with Danny  before Cam hits puberty

Edited by Oracle42
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4 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I really want someone to sit Lulu down and remind her, in the strongest possible way, what the embryo really represents. And not let her speak until she acknowledges the total grossness of the situation.

Or can they just drop this weird out-of-character crap like a hot potato? I don't need a sit down. Just let it go.

Why couldn't they just have made Rocco sick and that's why Dante and Lulu decided to look for the embryo? Yes, it's cliched and a knock-off, but like I just said, so is everything on GH. At least this way it would make slightly more sense and give DZ and ER a bit to act out.

10 minutes ago, Lillybee said:

How in the world can Charlotte be Lulu's embryo when she is older than Rocco?

I suppose after Lulu was kidnapped the first time they could have implanted an e**** into someone right away.

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2 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Or can they just drop this weird out-of-character crap like a hot potato? I don't need a sit down. Just let it go.

Why couldn't they just have made Rocco sick and that's why Dante and Lulu decided to look for the embryo? Yes, it's cliched and a knock-off, but like I just said, so is everything on GH. At least this way it would make slightly more sense and give DZ and ER a bit to act out.

That actually could have been great. Especially if they'd allowed Lulu to be ambivalent about the embryo and actively repulsed by the idea of carrying it.  But there's actual depth and drama in your idea, and Jelly avoid that sort of thing like the plague 

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They could even consider giving the baby up for adoption to Nina and drawing back, not because of baby related 'feels', but because they realize Nina is insane and shouldn't be allowed to take care of a house plant let alone an infant.

Plus, I enjoy situations that give Nina teh sadz 

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4 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

They could even consider giving the baby up for adoption to Nina and drawing back, not because of baby related 'feels', but because they realize Nina is insane and shouldn't be allowed to take care of a house plant let alone an infant.

Plus, I enjoy situations that give Nina teh sadz 

They should have a scene where Lulu sees Nina ranting about babies and she says, "oh God, is that what I've become" and that is what cures her lol.

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How in the world can Charlotte be Lulu's embryo when she is older than Rocco?

How can Molly be in college when Cam hasn't hit puberty. (unless all that time off screen has stunted his growth and aging). 

*commercial break*

I'm glad that was all explained.

Edited by sacrebleu
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I'm surprised Jelly had Carly mention that Morgan was a student at Vanderbilt. You know, because that might remind the audience that Morgan was a good kid until Ron decided to completely fuck him up.

Anna was so smug and annoying in her scenes with Valentin. I wouldn't be mad if he went after her. 

I laughed when Lulu learned the ****** had been disposed of. 

I'm confused as to why Griffin is under the impression that Valentin doesn't already know Charlotte is in town.

STFU Nelly.

STFU Sonny pretending like you're going to leave town.

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Jeez, sorry no one informed Nina she was no longer an aunt. Although her "I don't give a shit about your kid" to Maxie was funny.

Maxie: he almost asphyxiated me with, like, carbon monoxide or something.

Good to know Maxie took all that seriously.

So Griff just magically knows Charlotte is his? Shut up Griff.

I like to think Valentin just yelled "shut up!!" to stop the whiny rambling from Anna. Who aside from that, I actually didn't mind today.

I'm sure Valentin is devastated Nina shut him down.

Lulu crying over that e**** is ridiculous, but at least today seemed to put a shut down to Lulu actually looking for it and accepting there are no more magical mystery embryos. If Charlotte is theirs/Stavros' that is lame but at least hopefully no more embryo search. Now Johnny can come to town and miraculously knock her up!

I need Nelle to cut off about 4 inches of her hair please.  

28 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

Anna was so smug and annoying in her scenes with Valentin. I wouldn't be mad if he went after her. 

Is there anybody Valentin could go after that would make you mad? Not sarcastic, I want to know your list!

Edited by ulkis
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Anna was so smug and annoying in her scenes with Valentin

I so totally disagree with this (with all due respect, of course!).  I love Finola and I loved her little dismissive thing she did with her hands when she was all, "I know your type" comments.  This Anna can stay (the "justicefordewq"Anna can stay gone).  

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5 hours ago, LegalParrot81 said:

Only to the Cassadine's then because Laura was legally married to Luke, but we all know the Cassadine's have always lived by their own rules.

I think the Cassadines justified Stavros and Laura's marriage - and therefore, Nikolas' legitimacy - because they were married in the Russian (or Greek, maybe) Orthodox Church. By those lights, Luke and Laura's marriage was the one that wasn't valid.

Nikolas and SWMNBN, however, were never married in any fashion whatsoever. According to Cassadine tradition, Spencer is as much a bastard as Alexis or Valentin.

I say, again, this would be a good time for Lydia (who was married to Nikolas) to show up with a son to claim him as the legitimate heir. But this show never does what I want.

Edited by Melgaypet
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2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I really want someone to sit Lulu down and remind her, in the strongest possible way, what the embryo really represents. And not let her speak until she acknowledges the total grossness of the situation.

I really, really, want this someone to be Laura. Please, show. She of all people should be disgusted by the idea of a child being created of Stavros and her daughter.

Edited by LexieLily
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4 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Jason's "I like to give hugs" is as weird, if not weirder, than calling Sam "preggers", IMO. 

I'm really glad I fast forwarded those scenes because I would not have been able to take that.

2 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Anna was so smug and annoying in her scenes with Valentin. I wouldn't be mad if he went after her. 

+1. I am so completely over Anna at this point.

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As always, STFU, Nelle. You know nothing.

2 hours ago, ulkis said:

Jeez, sorry no one informed Nina she was no longer an aunt. Although her "I don't give a shit about your kid" to Maxie was funny.

Way to make it all about you, Nina. Are you related to Sonny?

I like Valentin. Even if he nearly burst into tears when Anna mentioned Daddy not loving him. But I hate that Anna is dumping on him because he reminds her of Julian. Gah.

Charlotte being Lulu's at least explains why Claudette didn't have too much trouble leaving her in Port Charles.

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6 hours ago, ulkis said:

Distant cousins. That's why Stefan (well that's what he claimed, he mostly just wanted Nikolas to have it) said that's why he didn't want Nikolas' paternity to get out (when he thought Nikolas was his son) because then the Cassadine fortune would be divided into small pieces.


Stefan did set aside money for Nikolas because of this, so I don't think he was exaggerating about anyone with a hint of Cassadine blood fighting over the Cassadine fortune (Luke gave the money that Stefan set aside away to charities to screw with them). It's also why Alexis publicly revealed Nikolas' paternity (when she thought Stefan was his father).

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6 hours ago, Vella said:

Valentin is such a cheap Stefan knock off. I do love his bratty Emo pain, shrieking at Anna and her mean girl antics.  If I'm supposed to believe he's SO SCARRRRY, then maybe don't have him fondle old Anna pics and temper tantrum like Kylo Ren, mmmkay?

He reminds me of original recipe Stavros more than Stefan.  A facade of calm with the mandatory Cassadine arrogance that covered a bat crap crazy, psychopathic monster.

Edited by LegalParrot81
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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Way to make it all about you, Nina. Are you related to Sonny?

Eh, I don't like Nina much, either, but at least she realized she was doing that, explained why she was doing that (she's generally forthcoming to Nathan about what goes on with her, so it's fairly glaring that he's not the same in return), and stopped.  Plus, she did express concern for Maxie when she realized she'd been kidnapped and apologized for being insensitive about it.  Can't see Sonny doing that.

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5 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

I'm surprised Jelly had Carly mention that Morgan was a student at Vanderbilt. You know, because that might remind the audience that Morgan was a good kid until Ron decided to completely fuck him up.

I had always assumed that Morgan got into Vanderbilt the same way he got into PCU, his father strong armed and bought him into those fine establishments.

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The past few days have been so boring. The only thing I kind of enjoyed was Anna in scenes with Dante again. Of course, I liked the two seconds of Sam and Dante though too.

Way too much discussion on Charlotte, who she belongs to and will she be safe. SNORE.

Too many characters just kind of pissing me off because they're annoying. And I'm not in love with Valentin.

Ew, I remembered what irked me today. That Daphne kept pronouncing it Cassa-deen, not Cassadine. It's like she was trying to marry the Cassadines and Paula Deen. Nails on a damn chalkboard. And "because Helena" is not a good enough reason to invoke the embryo talk.

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God, Jason is just insufferable.  Running around town desperate to prove Sonny is "innocent" of planting the bomb.  And worst part is OF COURSE he'll find evidence proving just that.  Because god forbid either one of them actually has to answer for any of their many crimes.   It's laughable--or would be if it wasn't so annoying predictable--how he schooled Curtis on why Julian is not a good person to work for.  I guess he's seventh circle of Hell and Sonny's farther removed under the official Mobster Rating Guide.

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13 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Oh, I forgot - does Anna know Nikolas tried to kill Hayden? I was thinking about it while she was going on about sweet ol' Nikolas.

No, she doesn't know.  Only Laura and Elizabeth know.  Oh, and Hayden herself, obviously.

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1 hour ago, movingtargetgal said:

I had always assumed that Morgan got into Vanderbilt the same way he got into PCU, his father strong armed and bought him into those fine establishments.


They did that for Michael - years ago (after the SORAS), he wistfully talked about how that was done for him growing up, including the reason why he played sports (they bullied the way for Michael to play, rather than him being capable or competent at those sports, apparently).

Since post-RC Morgan never came across as being even marginally intelligent, your suggestion makes the most sense.

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28 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Oh, I forgot - does Anna know Nikolas tried to kill Hayden? I was thinking about it while she was going on about sweet ol' Nikolas.


14 minutes ago, Michel said:

No, she doesn't know.  Only Laura and Elizabeth know.  Oh, and Hayden herself, obviously.

Sam & Jason know, I can't remember if Nik told Ava.

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17 hours ago, jsbt said:

GH spends oodles of time selling Jason and Sonny as romantic leads and often, heroes. Well, why shouldn't the same happen to Franco?

See, I (and probably most others) can tolerate Jason/Sonny as romantic leads because they're at least strongly apart of General Hospital lore, for better or worse. Franco feels like an intruder to me, and after three or so years of him being a regular, I still don't think that he fits in with the show/other characters. Much is actually the case for lots of the newbies. 

Edited by teenj12
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35 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Oh, I forgot - does Anna know Nikolas tried to kill Hayden? I was thinking about it while she was going on about sweet ol' Nikolas.

People tend to gloss over the negatives about someone after death (unless the deceased is barking mad/evil like Stavros). So that's not a surprise. Right now everyone's saying nice things about Morgan that we know aren't true; everything he did wrong is being blamed on his mental illness..."so sad" "a shame" etc.  Also, Anna knows Nikolas was a friend of her daughter, a friend of Elizabeth, the son of Laura, the brother-in-law of Dante (all people Anna respects). She would not take anything seriously that this Valentin would say about Nikolas, esp. given how many years Robin knew him.

I doubt Anna's made the time to chat with Laura and Liz, Hayden and Finn, Curtis, or Sam and Jason about Hayden's scam, the blackmail, shooting, and where that all lead. After all, neither Nikolas nor Hayden worked for/with Julian, Carlos or Duke. :P

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52 minutes ago, OnceSane said:

Sam & Jason know, I can't remember if Nik told Ava.

Oh, yes.  I forgot all about Sam and Jason knowing.  Their finding out was what led to Sam confronting Nikolas, things getting physical, and then Jason coming in punching Nikolas for struggling with Sam.

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3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Her first thought was still for herself, not for what Nathan might be going through.

Eh, perhaps.  I guess it just didn't bother me the way it would when Sonny does it.

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Too bad RC wasted a tumor excuse on the murderhobo. It actually makes sense for Nik; he's had one before and it also caused wildly out of character behavior. 

Randomly!Evul!Nik was a terrible story that made no sense and didn't go anywhere, it needs to be undone

Edited by Oracle42
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35 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

Too bad RC wasted a tumor excuse on the murderhobo. It actually makes sense for Nik; he's had one before and it also caused wildly out of character behavior. 

Randomly!Evul!Nik was a terrible story that made no sense and didn't go anywhere, it needs to be undone

They had him die at the hands of some newbie while saving fucking Ava. FUCKING AVA. That's unacceptable. 

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15 hours ago, ulkis said:

Is there anybody Valentin could go after that would make you mad? Not sarcastic, I want to know your list!

I don't know about mad but there are some people I'd prefer he didn't go after - The Coven + Lucas, Danny, and TJ (Unless this alcoholic thing with Alexis gets worse, then he can point a gun at her or something until she gets it together). Carly ( I wouldn't be opposed to some type of conflict I would just definitely need for Nelly to be written out. She would have zero purpose at that point.). Um....I guess Michael since he's been through enough. Tracy was recently almost killed by Paul and had to share scenes with Freako so she's been through enough. Ned and Olivia haven't annoyed me lately so they can stay happy offscreen. I kinda like Hyaden Greenlee Rebecca Budig Barnes Cassadine Webber so I'd prefer if he at least didn't kill her. I think that's about it. 

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10 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

I had always assumed that Morgan got into Vanderbilt the same way he got into PCU, his father strong armed and bought him into those fine establishments.

Pre-BC Morgan was not a douche and had some actual smarts. And at that point, Sonny wasn't in his life that much. Jax was the major male figure, so if anyone would have pulled strings, it would have been Jax. I like to think he knew enough to let Morgan get in on his own measures. 

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I really liked the Pre-SORASed Pre-BC Morgan too.  Aaron Refvem was a good young actor and I enjoyed his portrayal Morgan.  Dubbel zout you are correct, before BC took over Morgan was a very intelligent and charming young man.  Jax was the best thing to happen to Carly's boys.  I can't wait until Jax comes back and rips Carly and Sonny a new one for what happened to Morgan.  

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