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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Well, Dante is Sonny's son; you know, Sonny, the guy who held a lengthy conversation with a woman who was bleeding to death. Apparently the need to chat at inopportune times is genetic.

But I still don't understand why anyone ( Felix) would discuss his or her sex life with a relative stranger, especially one with a reputation as a serial killer.

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But I still don't understand why anyone ( Felix) would discuss his or her sex life with a relative stranger, especially one with a reputation as a serial killer.




Ron: "Because he was talking to Franco and not the serial killing causing tumor!"


But since Sabrina is now gone Felix has to find a sympathetic ear wherever he can get one I guess. Brad had Britt so it was only "fair" Felix had someone to whine to/chat with, since Lucas had already claimed dibs on Carly.


Would it be so hard to add one, just one bloody more gay character to the mix? I get that Ron is rather hard up on this "threesome" business, but really Levi's on his way out, and his end can't come soon enough, so why can't they add in another guy to the gay triangle of doom? Or even better a bi-sexual character to really make things interesting.

Edited by CPP83
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Dante and Nathan should be like well we tried and grab some wine and head to Anna' s.


This idea needs its own zip code. Seriously, Dante would be so much better off away from Lulu and her crazy baby rabies (and save us from having to hear him spout lines like "You look fertile"). Gawd, my ears. And Nathan should be like you should have listened to me eons ago, laters! And then a threesome that I would actually enjoy could take place. Nathan/Anna/Dante - I'll never stop wanting it.


I didn't have a problem with the threesome talk today, other than it ate the show, but it didn't offend me. What did gross me out was Lucas telling his sister all about his sex life. What is it with this family? Didn't Carly talk about her sex life in front of Michael before too? Boundaries, siblings.

  • Love 5

Well, Dante is Sonny's son; you know, Sonny, the guy who held a lengthy conversation with a woman who was bleeding to death. Apparently the need to chat at inopportune times is genetic.


I think it was more to admire Nathan's butt + the need to avoid Maxie's dress and Lucy's babble for as long as possible than anything genetic, heh.


Would it be so hard to add one, just one bloody more gay character to the mix?



Should be Nathan. And then they could explain Ryan Paevey's side-staring by saying he's watching Golden Girls on the tv just out of screen.

Edited by ulkis
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I really only watched the wedding stuff, the first scenes of all the other conversations really turned me off. Someone mentioned upthread that the mexican standoff at the end could have been great if it was staged at a big wedding. The only problem with this suggestion is, who would come to this big wedding? Everything is so compartmentalized, characters only interact with two or three other people, there is really no sense of PC being a town anymore. And now that I think of it, why wasn't Anna at the Haunted Star. She and Maxie have had some scenes together and I think she may even be her godmother.

And Becky should never wear yellow again, that dress was terrible on her.

Should be Nathan. And then they could explain Ryan Paevey's side-starting by saying he's watching Golden Girls on the tv just out of screen.




*Snort* That would explain so much...and hey, Lucas may not be the brightest blub around but I'd take him ten times over crawling into bed with Nathan than seeing Nathan "fall" for Maxie. If any female needs to stay single for a good while, it's her.


The only problem with this suggestion is, who would come to this big wedding?




Well if Ron were willing to remember that Maxie does know half the town, and should still be rather close to some-for example Lucas, they haven't even had a scene together, the hell is up with that, or Sam, or Patrick, or Anna-I mean she wouldn't need one hundred plus table settings at the reception, but the girl isn't exactly lacking in the friends and family department as some, or most, in PC.

Edited by CPP83

RC just wants another triangle, a soap star from another show that he can brag about landing, and a new character that he can completely change and mold so that the audience can't even recognize the character any more.


You say that like it's a bad thing. 


There was no reason AT ALL to bring back Jason Morgan.


In total agreement here.  I despise Jason Morgan and am dreading the day we have to put up with him again, if for no other reason than he'll eat the show whole and all other storylines will be lucky to get shortshrift.  He's "extraordinary"?  I don't think that word means what you think it means, Victor.

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And I know it's been said already but it bears repeating. How the fuck stupid are both Nathan and Dante? especially Dante, who was behind Levi and could have just taken a shot. But instead he walks past and in front of Levi to say 'drop your gun.'

Nathan discovers Levi isn't Australian and has been plotting to get Felicia's jewels all along by getting with Maxie.  Nathan shares this info with Dante.   Neither of them wonder why there's an ICE agent there then?   Nor does Mac after Nathan confronts Levi.   And Dante, worse back-up ever.

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Ffed through most of the nonsense except for the wedding because I want Levi to die. However, he is more compelling as an American con man.

Nathan and Dante with guns= hotness.

I liked Franco with Felix- his comments were hilarious. The three way thing is ridiculous- it should have been about one scene long, not take up most of the show.

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Every time I think this show has sunk to a new low, it sinks even lower.  Who the fuck writes this shit?  (Rhetorical question.) 


Poor Roger Howarth.  Who did he piss off so badly that he got put on Felix-propping duty?  If he re-signs a new contract after this, I will be beyond surprised.


And the less said about Maxie and that Dunkleman creature, the better.  She's so, so stupid.


I do really like seeing Mac and Felicia, though.  They remind me of when this show used to be good/great instead of whatever the hell it is now.

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I was so skeeved by all the three-way talk. What would Lucille and Dr. Hardy say about their show now? Carly says "Well you're all consenting adults". What kind of logic is that? Could we rob or kill someone together too, because we are all consenting adults?


Maxie's wedding deserves to be a bloodbath, so she can be reminded how awful her own personal decisions continue to be. Felicia ought to be sentenced to watching a continuous loop of film about bad, neglectful parenting.


What, are Jordan and Shawn still bouncing the paintings off the walls at the gallery during their tickle match? Did any art browsers drop by for studies of nudes?

I don't know if I can say "I called it!" about the ICE guy, as much as "Oh, my God! The only reason this guy is hammering away about Levi's immigration is because he's in on it! Please make it stop!" I'm also calling Judgy Wudgy in cahoots, and this involves Spinelli's Lante kid.


Yup, Dante was in back of Levi, could have had a *BOOM HEADSHOT*, and then LOST THE ADVANTAGE!


Probable result: Butch and Sundance will do some nice gunjitsu and shoot ICE Guy and wound Levi so that he can talk.


I'm Heading to the Barge: Sonny and Shawn arrive. Shawn shoots ICE Guy. Sonny overpowers and overemotes over Levi. Mac dies in the shootout.


It'd Be Nice: Ava shoots ICE Guy and Levi sniper-style from Julian's apartment.


Honey, Clean Up the Bed; I Wet Myself: ICE Guy is shot out of nowhere, and getting the drop on Levi is Georgie, who has been undercover and tracking him, even faking her own death.

Oh, and Liz is shooting down the idea of a three-way because of Britt? Careful. I might put it out in the world for a Liz/Britt pairing and have Nick stay at home with Spencer.

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Liz yesterday......between that snow white skin against yellow and those stick arms and her usually nice hair was very frizzy..........yeesh...and throw in her smug expression....... I could not look at her.......


A three way with any of these characters does not appeal to me but if it was Sean Kanan and Roger Howarth...yeah, I'm in . 

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Carly says "Well you're all consenting adults". What kind of logic is that? Could we rob or kill someone together too, because we are all consenting adults?



Robbing & killing are illegal. Sex with multiple consenting adults at the same time is not.  I'll take RoHo & Micheal Sutton or SK, BC or TR in various combinations with SR calling me darling & speaking to me in different languages.....hey, if a girl"s going to dream she might as well dream big.


@NutsmegsDad, keep putting ideas out in the universe. Ron desperately needs new ones.

  • Love 7

Actually, it was the opposite. Britt said no to the idea of a three-way with Liz. I say go for it. It might even finally make Liz interesting.


Upon further review, you're right. Which, by putting it out in the universe, means Britt will be the agressor.


No three-ways in your house, Carly? Who knew you had standards. And sadly, I figured out who were her "Mile High" companions, along with the guys upstairs at Jake and the one she was having a fling (like her brother's father!)

Edited by NutmegsDad

Okay I did find LW kinda funny b/c she broke character a little at the end. I could see she was slightly appalled at her dialogue especially the not in my house stuff. Really Ron.


My big problem with the 3-way stuff is OF COURSE since there are ONLY 3 gay people in PC those are the ones who are going to debate about a 3-way. I find it offensive that since there are only 3 gay men they MUST all want each other. Right up there with all black people always know each other, b/c they are black.


I would have found the 3-way stuff more entertaining if say Lante were discussing Nathan. I mean Lulu was practically blushing when she total Dante she found Nathan attractive, and we saw how slow Dante was to untie Nathan. Come on now, you KNOW he was thinking how much fun they could have with those ropes. Oh heck just add Maxie in the loop and go one step further Ron. Make Lante and Naxie swingers.

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The one thing I did appreciate about the wedding stand-off is Maxie repeatedly telling Nathan to shoot Levi and saying it didn't matter if he hit her because it was all her fault.

I forgot about this. At least she realizes her ridiculousness now. Too late or course...




I'm not convinced there was never a Sonny/Carly/Jason triangle three way of doom.

I'm sorry. Here's brain bleach.


This is pretty cruel and brain bleach is not enough. ;-) Need something stronger...

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What did gross me out was Lucas telling his sister all about his sex life. What is it with this family? Didn't Carly talk about her sex life in front of Michael before too? Boundaries, siblings.


Lulu & Luke talked about their sex lives with each other too.  It must be a Spencer thing.



I find it offensive that since there are only 3 gay men they MUST all want each other. Right up there with all black people always know each other, b/c they are black.


That one is true.  I know all black people, everywhere.  & we all know super cool handshakes. [/sarcasm]



I'm not convinced there was never a Sonny/Carly/Jason triangle three way of doom.


Sonny would never share Jason.

  • Love 7
The only problem with this suggestion is, who would come to this big wedding?


Well if Ron were willing to remember that Maxie does know half the town, and should still be rather close to some-for example Lucas, they haven't even had a scene together, the hell is up with that, or Sam, or Patrick, or Anna-I mean she wouldn't need one hundred plus table settings at the reception, but the girl isn't exactly lacking in the friends and family department as some, or most, in PC.




This is what I meant, I completely forgot that Maxie is Lucas's cousin, that she and Sam used to be friends and that she and Patrick are in-laws. Since she never interacts with any of them, how am I supposed to remember? The only person I could think of who should be there but wasn't is Anna.

Edited by annabel

Ron should have done the whole Spencer kidnapping as a Ransom of Red Chief kind of thing. Spencer runs away and gets kidnapped by some nerd/thug (a great time for a big name guest star) and drives him so crazy that when it comes time for the Ransom the guy offers Nic money to take him back.


At least it would have made sense considering Spencer's personality and Ron could write his spoof without offending any ones intelligence



They had a setup with Franco. Tweak it so that Franco (and Joss) have to send ransom notes to Nic. Red Chief hilarity will follow.


But no. Cameron has to tattle to Liz. Thanks, Firestarter!

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As a member of the gay community, I'll simply say that threesomes seem to be something that comes up more often than I imagine they would for straight people, but perhaps that's just something my friends and I have encountered? *blush*

No blushing needed. Believe me, as woman married to a man, threesome talk is all over the place. I don't know if it has anything to do with the fact that I'm surrounded by people in the rock and roll business, but it goes on. Although I certainly never heard siblings talk about it never mind an entire town "coincidentally" talking about threesomes at the same time! That's a little too much cray-cray even for RidiculousReRon.

That said, I'd be fine with Britt/Nic/Liz all together till Britt and Liz realize what a snoozer the Prince is and kick him out leaving Briz as the hot new couple ;)

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"The truth hurts, doesn't it?" - Okay, Olivia's dialogue to Carly is her best scene since ... I don't remember when.


I will give TPTB a teeny bit of credit - never thought Mac would be the one to get shot. Maxie really should feel like the worst daughter in the world right now. 


Nikolas really is a dumbass. And Britt is transparent and pathetic. 


The rest is just....not worth anything.

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I love how Milo blatantly came out to Sonny, actually used the words "come out", yet the Greasy Little Shit is so stupid and self-absorbed that it goes right over his head.   That said, why Milo or anyone for that matter would want to be with Felix is beyond me.  


The Carly/Olivia scenes were fantastic and I found everything on the boat riveting.  Levi needs to pay for shooting Mac.  He needs to be made to listen to "You Are Not Alone" at a defeaning volume on endless repeat.    I really hope we actually to see Nante going after Levi and it doesn't happen all off-screen for budgetary reasons.  


Everything else was total crap.  Will the real Dr. O please stand up, please stand up.  


Was the first time that Kelly's has had a bathroom set?

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See, this is what happens when you don't vote for Mac in the elimination game. He gets shot on the show. boom! And no doubt from his hospital bed will feebly tell Maxie none of it was her fault.


When Dante turned to Nathan at the end it screamed: "en fin, now we are alone at last. We can make out now, even though Mac is bleeding out in the corner."


lol Felicia didn't offer herself as a hostage.


If I got a text message from an ex-serial killer that said, "I'm not sharing you with anyone", I'd think about a restraining order.


"Lulu: do you think you'll get away from Dante, Mac, and Nathan for long?!" says she, as if they are some crack elite team




"Lulu: do you think you can keep us helpless women folk away from our big strong mens for long?" Ugh. I hate what Ron has done to Maxie and Lulu. And I never liked Maxie much in the first place so if I'm saying Ron is doing a shit job with her, you know it's bad. And everyone calling them "girls" constantly too. No, they're not girls. Thanks, Ron, thanks for infantalizing Maxie and Lulu and making them dumb shits.


Speaking of shit . . . Levi's American accent is that.


Milo talked a lot today. Meanwhile, while he was doing so, off-screen, Bobbie and Scotty got married. And then divorced. Twice. But we have no time to show that!


I seriously cannot believe that Britt was pulling the "I'm a poor homeless doctor" routine again. And her hair looked a mess, that color is awful on Becky and Nik looks like a hot mess, I have never seen either of them look this bad before. Carlivati just needs to pick a side and get one with it already. Or at least start a new triangle, because this one is done.

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They did add another gay male to the cast! I didn't see that coming.


The shotgun wedding from hell: With all the flailing around, it just emphasized how unattractive Maxie's wedding dress was. Megan Ward's Kate Howard would have fired her on the spot if Maxie had put that on for any reason other than a "fashion don't". And then poor Mac was shot by the Dunkleman.


When Maxie gets free, she is going to be crushed with guilt again -- she brought the liar Levi into their midst, she allowed him to play on her sensibilities in regards to her daughter, the Aztec jewelry is gone, and she wore that dress.


Nathan is going to have a hell of a time.

Edited by SoapDoc
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OK.  I apparently secretly ship Mac and Lucy.  Even I didn't know that.  The way they block this show is weird.  If I hadn't seen it before, I'd assume Lucy was Mac's girlfriend based on which of the women he had behind him and whose lap Mac ended up in when shot.  But heck, I preferred it this way.


I've now reached a point where I don't know who most of these people are and there wasn't a thing that would make me tune back in.

"The truth hurts, doesn't it?" - Okay, Olivia's dialogue to Carly is her best scene since ... I don't remember when.



That's what happens when you get out of Sonny's orbit.


Re, Milo

He's not gay. He's into Epiphany. Yeah.


When Maxie gets free, she is going to be crushed with guilt again -- she brought the liar Levi into their midst, she allowed him to play on her sensibilities in regards to her daughter, the Aztec jewelry is gone, and she wore that dress.



Heh. But seriously, it won't change anything. She'll feel bad, everyone will coddle her ass, she'll do something stupid again.

Edited by ulkis
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Levi must die. He. Shot. Mac! He must die & die painfully ala "The Blood Aagle" from the History channels, Vikings. Mac being shot actually surprised me.

So Milo came out?

I am still amazed at how well RoHo & MSt play off each other. I actually enjoy their scenes.

The Britt/Brad friendship is one of the few friendships I buy on this FAKATA show. When Brad said, "you are eating ice cream without me?", I thought of my best friend. We so do that "wait, wait, you are eating what?..without me?...I know you bought me some".

Can we please get some CoJones action on screen. You owe me show, for shooting Mac.

ETA: I'm still hoping that spoiler was a psych out. Also, the actor that plays Milo must have taken acting classes during his down time. He has improved drastically from the past.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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Levi must die. He. Shot. Mac! He must die & die painfully ala "The Blood Aagle" from the History channels, Vikings

Yes, please!! Also, did anyone else laugh at Carly snarling when Olivia called her out re: Franco and Sonny, and the obvious part that she's betraying Michael by living with Franco. 


I skipped the Milo stuff, but I'll take a guess it's a case of sloppily handled mis-direction. Shocking on this show, I know.

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