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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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2 hours ago, ByaNose said:

What is with the Magic Coffee Shop. … And, if the coffee shop has two doors going in the coffee shop why is there a cart outside on the deck? T

One of the doors says Salentino's (sp?), Sonny's 4-table Italian restaurant that is supposed to be totally clean, and the last we heard (several years ago), being run by Michael.  

Although I think it's a little odd to be selling coffee directly outside of a restaurant, it's PC, so . . . shrug. 

What I like to think about more is how Sonny gave Michael a restaurant to run, even though he had no experience but wanted a job, but all he did for Morgan was have Aaron hire him as a part-time barista. (Is it baristo if it's a guy?)

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Even as I thought the scenes between Molly and Kristina were nice, I thought one of them should be killed off because between the fact that they look so alike and both are related to Sonny and are Alexis' daughters it seems kinda redundant to have two of them. At least change one of their paternities.

Jane Elliot looks so great.

Either kill Olivia off so DZ has some emmy bait or send her to Brooklyn already. She can still pop in once in a while.

I thought this was an okay episode.  

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I actually don't mind the writers having Franco engage in that psycho-romantic maneuver, because it illustrated what Liz went on to say to him:  You may be more or less merely "eccentric" now, post tumorectomy, and I may be drawn to you -- but every time you pull shit like this it just reminds me that we have a very bleak history that I can't get past. 

On another topic, is Dante about to have a kid he never knew about sprung on him? That Olivia "feeling" that there's a grand-daughter "out there" was some pretty tortured wording. He's too young to be Nelle's dad, right? (I'm constantly on the lookout for Nelle parentage these days.)  

Edited by Auntie Velvet
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I'm so sick of baby stories I could scream and that's all lante are allowed to talk about or the only story there aloud to have.

I read somewhere else someone was comparing Franco and Liz to Scotty and Dominquie those two couples had nothing in common lol.

kristina is such a brat.

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16 minutes ago, Auntie Velvet said:

I actually don't mind the writers having Franco engage in that psycho-romantic maneuver, because it illustrated what Liz went on to say to him:  You may be more or less merely "eccentric" now, post tumorectomy, and I may be drawn to you -- but every time you pull shit like this it just reminds me that we have a very bleak history that I can't get past. 

On another topic, is Dante about to have a kid he never knew about sprung on him? That Olivia "feeling" that there's a grand-daughter "out there" was some pretty tortured wording. He's too young to be Nelle's dad, right? (I'm constantly on the lookout for Nelle parentage these days.)  

Wait! I thought Paul was Nelle's dad. At least, that was my thought yesterday when he & Tracy were at Metro Court. BTW! Richard Burgi looks amazing. Is Anna still Paul's endgame? I want them to be together but even before FH left they pulled them away from each other. He should be in the state of undress like DeVry & Paevey always were. At least, it was that way when RC wrote the show. Such a waste of pecs. LOL!!!

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Oh, Molly, don't you know by now your sister isn't a mean drunk, she's just straight-up mean.  What a brat!  This is like a lather-rinse-repeat of her bitchy behavior to Sonny a few years ago, just with Alexis this time--and there's no hope for a well-placed car bomb this time.

The foreshadowing on Olivia's granddaughter comment was so heavy it took the curl right out of her hair.  As if this show doesn't have enough babies.

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39 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Wait! I thought Paul was Nelle's dad. At least, that was my thought yesterday when he & Tracy were at Metro Court. 

That would be infinitely preferable to her being related to Nina or Carly. I think she's the wrong age for Susan though

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1 hour ago, Auntie Velvet said:

On another topic, is Dante about to have a kid he never knew about sprung on him? That Olivia "feeling" that there's a grand-daughter "out there" was some pretty tortured wording. He's too young to be Nelle's dad, right? (I'm constantly on the lookout for Nelle parentage these days.)  

Not in soap years. But I think it has more to do with

Lulu's embryo with Stavros, even though that technically wouldn't be Olivia's grandkid

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Wouldn't it make more sense for Dante to be the one who is super excited and overinvested in this pregnancy? He got his wife back after cheating on her with her cousin and she has agreed to have another child with him.  Why isn't he the one buying hideous thrift store lamps? 

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22 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

Wouldn't it make more sense for Dante to be the one who is super excited and overinvested in this pregnancy? He got his wife back after cheating on her with her cousin and she has agreed to have another child with him.  Why isn't he the one buying hideous thrift store lamps? 

Screw Dante. I can't even think about that storyline without twitching.

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1 hour ago, Oracle42 said:

Wouldn't it make more sense for Dante to be the one who is super excited and overinvested in this pregnancy? He got his wife back after cheating on her with her cousin and she has agreed to have another child with him.  Why isn't he the one buying hideous thrift store lamps? 

It's actually both a service and a disservice towards his character. On one hand, he's not the one with the baby rabies. On the other, he's not the one with baby rabies cause they don't care about his POV.

Lulu is the one who's excited so she gets disappointed and "feels empty" and seeks answers about the envelope.

Not that Dante has much right after the cheating, and I don't know if the writers don't notice or just don't care, but why doesn't he address feeling resentful about putting Luke first in her life? He briefly touched on it last year and then never mentioned it again.

Edited by ulkis
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That Stavros embryo needs to be drowned in a vat of acid.

Liez should've flashed some icy bitchface Freako's way until he froze to death.

I like how the Port Charles legal system is ok with corrupt cops and DA's but Alexis gets her law license suspended over worthless Julian and Carlos. 

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41 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Screw Dante. I can't even think about that storyline without twitching.

Isn't that what got him into deep shit trouble in the first place?;)

Good lord. What idiot thought that whole Liz/Franco met was a good idea? They need to be taken out and beaten. Liz should've been freaking the fuck out.  That shit was stupid. The only good thing was that we have now discovered that Monica is now Audrey 2.0. At least poor Gran finally gets to keep her plans. At least that is what I'm going with in my show. Audrey signed up to go on a weekend seniors gambling trip and she ain't missing it for anybody!

Kristina can fuck off and grow up. When has it ever been a good idea to be a rebound relationship? But it is all mommy's fault.

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1 hour ago, HeatLifer said:

Yes. TWICE!!! And he skated his way to the Land of No Consequences.

I knew it was shit when it made the nonsensical/out of the blue Scrubs cheating story look like Shakespeare. At least Robin got to pack Patrick's shit and yell. And while he was a douche canoe, at least Patrick, unlike Dante, seemed genuinely remorseful. And didn't go back to date Lisa as Dante did with Valerie. UGH.

I STILL don't understand why Lulu took Dante back so easily.

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1 hour ago, stlbf said:

Kristina can fuck off and grow up. When has it ever been a good idea to be a rebound relationship? But it is all mommy's fault.

I so loathe Alexis, that I am okay with the equally annoying Kristina going off on her.

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Thankfully, Laura is through with chasing after Luke! Too bad Tracy doesn't have more sense.

Thanks writers for putting a damper on watching my favorite characters on this show pine after rapists - Tracy and Liz.   On the bright side, they don't have baby rabies. 

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16 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Poor Molly.  Her father?  Off-screen.  Her, like, four-year relationship with her boyfriend?  Off-screen.  And now she has to deal with her sister being a rag.  She should have slapped the shit out of Kristina.

I was waiting for Kristina to toss Molly off the railing after throwing her phone and trying to tackle her. You do NOT touch a young woman's phone, lest they Hulk out.

Was it me, or was the board waiting for Sonny to come in to mumble something or for Nina to barge in baring her cleavage so that they could exonerate Alexis and give her a judgeship?

I'm wondering if we haven't seen that skeleton alive previously. As in who we thought was Luke/Fluke wasn't Luke.

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10 hours ago, rur said:

Although I think it's a little odd to be selling coffee directly outside of a restaurant, it's PC, so . . . shrug. 

It's sort of an adjunct. I don't think it's all that odd, especially in the summer, to have a little outdoor kiosk. What will be weird is seeing everyone shivering outside in the dead of winter.

10 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

every time you pull shit like this it just reminds me that we have a very bleak history that I can't get past. 

Except he'll wear her down sooner rather than later with this "romantic" effort.

6 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

I STILL don't understand why Lulu took Dante back so easily.

What is a woman without a man? Nobody.

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On ‎8‎/‎15‎/‎2016 at 8:38 PM, Ambrosefolly said:

As terrible as Luke/Laura rapemance was and I will always respect Douglas Marland quitting over it, unfortunately there are relationships like that. Some women will go back to their abusers not of free, but a twisted idea of love (see also: early Monica and Alan). It is a dark side of being relatable, and unfortunately, it wasn't forced on the audience. Sometimes aren't ethical and more often than should be, toxic. Besides, neither Luke or Laura worked at the hospital, Luke didn't even have a normal job. 

My issue is with the hospital, which even with all the drama surrounding it, rarely lost its ethical core. 

It was only a matter of time that the hospital did lose it's ethical core, though. This is a show that has touted TWO low life scumbags as the lead men/heroes for over two decades now. I'm glad, even though I will not watch anymore, that the writers are focusing on the hospital. But they are Sonny and Jason apologists-did we really think they'd let the hospital and it's staff remain virtuous in comparision? I didn't. Sooner or later on this show, everyone is tainted with the stench of Sonny and his true love Jason. I just want Jane Elliot to get out, already, so I can happily just forget this show ever even existed. I'm so far past being DONE.

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I need them to cut the shit with this Laura was a fragile flower/helpless infant rewrite. I know it was gospel throughout Pruza's tenure, but that didn't make it true. And I know this because I frikkin watched L&L both on TV and YouTube.

It's gross, stop it.

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10 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

I knew it was shit when it made the nonsensical/out of the blue Scrubs cheating story look like Shakespeare. At least Robin got to pack Patrick's shit and yell. And while he was a douche canoe, at least Patrick, unlike Dante, seemed genuinely remorseful. And didn't go back to date Lisa as Dante did with Valerie. UGH.

I STILL don't understand why Lulu took Dante back so easily.

That reminds me of one of my fave Scrubs' exchanges during that time:

Patrick: Robin, this is our home. I mean, we're married.

Robin: Really?!

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I have so many questions about Nikolas' off-screen funeral:

1) Alexis missed it because she was too hungover and overslept?!?!  Yet Sam, Molly, and Kristina (who was also loaded "last night in Port Charles") all made it?  Why didn't one of them wake her up?!?!

2) The mention of Lucky's off-screen attendance.  I'm torn.  I mean, the character should be there and it's off-screen so why not say he attended.  But just tossing it in off-handedly like that...why?  And couldn't they have thrown us a bone and said he went to see the boys afterwards?

3) Maxie doesn't go to support her so-called best friend at her brother's funeral, but makes her meet up with her afterwards to listen to her whine about Claudette?

Edited by TeeVee329
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Alexis cracked me up today. "It's Nina Reeves, what the hell is she doing here??" Same, Alexis, same. I ask that question daily in regard to Nina's continued presence on this show.

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Yet Kevin was at the funeral, wasn't he? Which is very sweet that he wanted to support Laura, and their scenes today were fantastic, but it also just highlights the fact who wasn't there that should have been.

Drunk! Alexis was AWESOME. "Sorry I didn't come to your son's funeral but I don't think he's really dead. Cassidines always come back."

Finn inexplicably bringing Hayden a cactus was so weird and strange, but kind of sweet.

I had some stuff to say about Laura dragging Hayden but now I deleted all of it because of that last Laura/Kevin scene and those kisses! I ship them :))

Edited by LexieLily
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2 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

In other news, why does Claudette, of all people, have a job at the hospital?  I mean, I know why - to put her into proximity to Griffin...who now she wants?  What, why?

Wait, what? Is she working two jobs?

Also, gee. Who does that sound like that all of a sudden had an interest in being a cop last year.

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1 minute ago, HeatLifer said:

I love Off-Screen "Hey, ok, he's dead? RIP. GTG" Lucky.


18 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

2) The mention of Lucky's off-screen attendance.  I'm torn.  I mean, the character should be there and it's off-screen so why not say he attended.  But just tossing it in off-handedly like that...why?  And couldn't they have thrown us a bone and said he went to see the boys afterwards?

I'm torn as well. Lucky would absolutely be there, but at the same time if the reason they had an off-screen funeral was because they know Lucky would be there and they didn't have a Lucky, I could have absolutely bought Lucky saying he wasn't coming because he didn't believe it and if Nik was still missing in a year, then yeah maybe he'd swing by lol.

2 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

She quit or got fired from Crimson, didn't she?

oh yeeeeeaaaah

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I'm torn as well.

I'm more torn about the fact that we've actually gotten to a point on this show where important characters die and other characters are like, "Oh, well, he's not really dead." There's no point to any of this. 

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It's kinda crazy in this case because they JUST did this, when Nikolas first faked his death.

...which is apparently Rebecca Budig's fault?  Shut up, Lulu.  I don't like Rebecca Budig, but she needed to get on a bullhorn and announce to everyone how Nikolas TRIED TO HAVE HER KILLED.

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5 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

It's kinda crazy in this case because they JUST did this, when Nikolas first faked his death.

Exactly. And, hilariously, the characters STILL reacted inappropriately when he "died" the first time. No one was truly emotional or devastated about it. I'll give Laura some cred, but that's about it. 

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Forgive the shallow, but why did Hayden wear a low-backed cocktail dress to a funeral? The other day it was Carly at the hospital, and now this. Did Sonny's goons find a load of LBDs that fell off a truck? Is after-5 wear during the daytime some new fashion trend? 


And Griffin and Claudette: No, no, noooooooooooo! Can't we even have a priest on this show who stays a good guy? Who acknowledges his guilt but doesn't feel the need to lock lips with a psycho? 

And BTW, Maxie, shut up about Claudette. Let.it.go.

Edited by rur
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1 hour ago, HeatLifer said:

I love Off-Screen "Hey, ok, he's dead? RIP. GTG" Lucky.

I LOVE that he did a drive by and bounced out right after. I hope myLucky stays gone, He deserves better than GH. Let him fight the "darkness(lol)" away from PC, Liz and sucky writing. 

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Nina: This has something to do with [Sonny].

No, it actually has nothing to do with him, just like 99% of stuff on the show actually is none of his business but he shoves himself in there anyway.

Doesn't Alexis drink alone often enough? I could have sworn we see her alone with a glass once in a while but maybe I'm conflating her with NLG.

Maxie: we've faced so many obstacles.

Well, yes, I guess her own idiocy is a large obstacle.

Dante and Nathan were cute, although, writers, Dante knows about Lucas and Bobbie because that was way before he left town and also I liked how budget Nathan nixed a bachelor party in Vegas right quick.

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1 hour ago, HeatLifer said:


I'm more torn about the fact that we've actually gotten to a point on this show where important characters die and other characters are like, "Oh, well, he's not really dead." There's no point to any of this. 

Well, I'd be a hypcrite to complain because I don't want characters I like/d to get killed off. But with Nikolas I don't think it's just cause it happens so often, but because this just happened with Nikolas and because he's a Cassadine.

I kinda actually do think everyone reacted appropriately. Lulu and Laura cried, and the rest of town shrugged because he alienated everyone else. The only one whose reaction I really think they messed up is Liz's, hell she should be tearier than Lulu and yet, freaking Ava is sadder than Liz.

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20 hours ago, ulkis said:

Even as I thought the scenes between Molly and Kristina were nice, I thought one of them should be killed off because between the fact that they look so alike and both are related to Sonny and are Alexis' daughters it seems kinda redundant to have two of them. At least change one of their paternities.

Jane Elliot looks so great.

Either kill Olivia off so DZ has some emmy bait or send her to Brooklyn already. She can still pop in once in a while.

I thought this was an okay episode.  

Olivia being killed off by the hospital killer is worth 10, 000 upvotes.  Lante can raise Leo and Lulu can stop baby rabies talk.

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4 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

In other news, why does Claudette, of all people, have a job at the hospital?  I mean, I know why - to put her into proximity to Griffin...who now she wants?  What, why?

BW is a FOF!

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Haven't seen the show in a while, watched two minutes today.  I love when I don't know who these people are.    I don't even know why Nik (has to be fake) dead.  Don't tell me, lol.

I did get startled when I saw Maxie.  Did Kirsten lose like 30 lbs? She doesn't look well.

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Just now, TessHarding2 said:

Haven't seen the show in a while, watched two minutes today.  I love when I don't know who these people are.    I don't even know why Nik (has to be fake) dead.  Don't tell me, lol.

I did get startled when I saw Maxie.  Did Kirsten lose like 30 lbs? She doesn't look well.

She's been pretty stressed lately. She recently took a break because of acne she was getting from stress as well.

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