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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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1 hour ago, ulkis said:

Sam is supposed to have been born in 1980, so some people are saying Alexis is 52, since she had Sam at 16. I suppose NLG can pass for 52, but I don't think they've mentioned Sam's specific age for years, so I don't necessarily think the writers consider them those ages.

Well most of these characters have been stuck in a time warp for awhile now where the writers keep trying to pretend they're the same age they were 7-10 years ago.

1 hour ago, ciarra said:

Once again, it's a pee stick, Diane, please quit putting your hands all over it.

Yes, please.  People are always doing this on TV shows and it's always gross.

What's with Nina acting all surprised that Curtis is with Valerie?  Just a couple weeks ago she was at the MC bar, talking with Julian and looking over his shoulder at Curtis and Valerie, jealously saying how they were going to have sex that night.  I mean, c'mon.  I don't expect a great deal of consistency on this show, but they could make an effort to be consistent with what they've written in the last month, at least.

Great hostage takers, Valentin, letting their charges mill about the room in small groups, whispering.  It's not like they could be coming up with a plaaannn or anything.

Gotta admit I was kinda sorry to see Nikolas go over that railing.  I'm liking nuNik - Never been a fan of TC. - so I'm wondering if this is their way of getting rid of him till TC comes back.

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, stlbf said:

ELQ might very well have been in Nik's name only. Supposedly Helena has wrecked the overall Cassadine fortune. Thanks to her kidnappings, siphoning  and odd investments, the research clinic that held Robin hostage for example. So Nik was eager to get ELQ to boost the fortunes. The rest of the Cassadine holdings could be at a stand still if Nik isn't allowing his family's more profitable criminal activities to continue. So I'm willing to bet that Nik has relatives that will be perfectly ok with Valentin taking over if he gets the family finances in order.

I was going to say that Valentin isn't Valentin and that Nik staged the hostage situation to force him to take the Cassadine holdings as keepsake, but then my brain started to hurt like too much Sonny.

Besides, Valentin should know that on this show, if you want to take something legally by illegal means, it involves a meathook.

No one in the Port Charles court system has heard of a bed-side arrangement? I swear I saw one of those a few years ago.

16 hours ago, lovelynn said:

Ok... I watched Ava shoot Connie years ago, this woman isn't afraid to take a life. Now I'm supposed to believe she would just stand there shrieking repeatedly and not take some action to neutralize Valentin. Is it too much to ask for Nik to actually die?

She was also a cold-blooded assassin. Heck, two-against-one DOES work on this show. I saw it a few weeks ago with JaSa--

Oh, that's right. Only JaSam can win a fight.

  • Love 5

I wish the hospital serial killer would kill Julian and Val.

Nik needs to stay dead for awhile because this shit is ridiculous. 

Don't know why Ava is acting like she's never had a gun pointed at her before. 

Valentin is a whiny little twit. Oh boo hoo you grew up poor, so do lots of people. STFU and be grateful that you weren't raised in that freak show family. LMAO that this is who Helena was afraid of. This makes me take her even less seriously than I already did. 

Didn't Nik steal ELQ because Helena and Stavros drained most of the family's assets?  Valentin acted like he's about to gain some massive fortune. Also, I would think it would be pretty easy to render the transfer of assets to Valentin invalid since Nik signed the documents under duress

  • Love 6

A list of the ways today's episode failed the show's stupid #GHSummerLoving hashtag even more than usual:

1) Michael and Sabrina parachuting into the middle of the episode to be boring as fuck.  I think watching paint dry would literally be more interesting.

2) Dillon gets laid for the first time since he's been back on the canvas and it's off-screen.  Sure, nobody was interested in seeing him bone down with stupid Darby, but still.

3) Kiki - a woman who repeatedly flashed her Kikis at her boyfriend's brother and jumped into said brother's bed the second she could - calling someone else a "shallow slut".

4) A triangle/quad among the twenty-somethings basically being run by an annoying, snarling forty-something shrew.  Mind your own fucking business, Carly.

5) And worst of all, a woman being told she's responsible for her boyfriend's mental health/stability, her then being reluctant to have sex with him, and him playing on his disease to manipulate her into sleeping with him after all.  FUCKING GROSS!

  • Love 20

Wow, Michael. Controlling, much? Since when does Sabrina have to run her life choices by you first?

Way to completely violate HIPAA there, Felix. I know it's only Julian, and it's Sonny asking, but you're still breaking the law. And I'm so tired of Sonny sneering at/about Julian. It's so tacky that he taunts Julian while Julian is in the hospital.

Carly's dress was FANTASTIC. I need it in my closet, please and thank you.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 5

What is it with the men on this show? Yesterday (what's his name) Andre* was all butt-hurt because his new girlfriend, Jordin, hadn't shared ALL her plans with him. Today Michael's all semi-rage-y because Sabrina considered getting her own apartment instead of mooching off the Q family, and Morgan whines Kiki into bed with him. Sorry show, I don't think the behavior of any of these males makes them desirable men. If any of the women were my friends, I'd be yelling "Run, girl, run!"


But, on a brighter note, JVP!!!!

For a long time, on the show in my head, back in Puerto Rico, Sabrina had a crush on Carlos's (identical) cousin, but he, having some morals and a conscience, thought he was too old for her and told her so. Hurt and feeling vulnerable, she then turned to Carlos who was more . . . morally fluid. But now, Sabrina is older, and Carlos is gone . . . 

a) . . . and maybe she and the cousin and giant baby can live happily offscreen forever. 

b) . . .  or the cousin is really the don of the South American (or Bolivian) seaboard and is in town to successfully destroy all of his competition as well as get revenge for the death of his distant cousin Lily Rivera. 

c) both of the above. 


* Andre has been made so uninteresting that I had check on his name, then when I started writing this I had to go back and look up his name again, and then when I got back to the message I'd already forgotten it, so I had to check a third time. 

Edited by rur
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

4) A triangle/quad among the twenty-somethings basically being run by an annoying, snarling forty-something shrew.  Mind your own fucking business, Carly.

I saw someone saying Carly should try to seduce Dillon away from Kiki. I'd be down for it, if it meant Dillon being all "lady, what the fuck are you doing?" Actually I wouldn't mind a one night stand but I'm not down for a repeat of the Carly/Johnny "somehow this turned serious, yes, no really" relationship.

Kristina and Parker scenes were decent, still kinda distracted though because she looks old enough to be Kristina's mom.

Whoever Carlos' doppleganger is, he better not have a contract. This is ridiculous. Or can they try him with Anna at least, now that he is no longer Carlos?

1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Way to completely violate HIPAA there, Felix. I know it's only Julian, and it's Sonny asking, but you're still breaking the law. And I'm so tired of Sonny sneering at/about Julian. It's so tacky that he taunts Julian while Julian is in the hospital.

Still, not as bad as those times he slipped into the hospital rooms of the men he's shot in the chest.

  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Kristina and Parker scenes were decent, still kinda distracted though because she looks old enough to be Kristina's mom.

It literally looked like a little girl hugging her mom when she was comforting Parker. Which made them then getting sexy together really disturbing to me.

This episode was really bad. Like really bad. The only thing I didn't actively hate and/or find boring as hell was Carlos having a twin because I love that kind of ridiculousness. However boo at him getting put into the boring bullshit that is Michael/Sabrina.

  • Love 6
13 hours ago, Lillybee said:

I Think that the Nina is desperate to hook with anyone, She doesn't care if it is Franco, Curtis or Dillon as long as he ha a penis.  I just hope that the doesn't run into Sonny,

Are you kidding?   I think that's my OTP on this show.   Just enough crazy to destroy each other.   Sina?  Nonny?  Ninny?  Nona?  

12 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Dillon: I've heard stories about how your vajayjay is toxic to Quartermaines.  It has life ruining properties!

I'm sure AJ left a warning in his will to all of his male relatives.  

22 minutes ago, One More Time said:

shit, shit, shit

They had to bring JVP back because they KNEW I had gone over to the barge and was comfortable with my watermelon mojitos.  But no, they had to bring him back. JVP, be it in the hospital or teaching Don Draper how to meditate I just can't quit ya.

Damn it.   Fuck fuck fuck.   I'm getting really far in Pokémon go.  

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, ulkis said:

But you just said you hate him? I think? I'm confused girl!

Ha, the resentment I've foreverrrr felt for Michael isn't really completely his fault. It's more of what he represents to me. In a way, he was the beginning of the end of this show. The way Jason was obsessed with the kid, the way Carly and Sonny used him, was so nauseating through the years and played a part in what I believe was the ruination of those characters. 

Regardless of those feelings, though, I still TRY to look at this show and it's characters objectively. And Michael has been wasted for years now. 

  • Love 7
36 minutes ago, Chairperson Meow said:

Are you kidding?   I think that's my OTP on this show.   Just enough crazy to destroy each other.   Sina?  Nonny?  Ninny?  Nona?  

I'm sure AJ left a warning in his will to all of his male relatives.  

Damn it.   Fuck fuck fuck.   I'm getting really far in Pokémon go.  

I vote for Ninny if that ever happens.

  • Love 6

Kristina sleeping with her way too older teacher doesn't appeal to me whatsoever. Ashley Jones (I think that's her name) looks like a cradle robber. For some reason, if it was a old guy and Kristina it wouldn't bother me. I guess I'm too old for this stuff. I'm 52. Am I too rigid? Anyway, I didn't see doppelgänger Carlos storyline coming at all. Did I miss the article in SOD? He made a great villain the first time and they shouldn't have killed him off. That said, I don't think I need to see him again. The only person I want to see is Jax. Where in the hell is Ingo Rademacher? It's like the DOOL taping schedule. LOL!! It's taking forever for Jax to show up.

  • Love 3

doppelgänger Carlos

Do they really need to bring back everyone they kill off?  When Julian ends up dead, will his twin show up?  I hope the twin will have better hair.

So Morgan likes his job much better than the one day he put in at the coffee warehouse.  Whatever.  The prices on the menu board were more exciting reading than the show.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

Kiki is so going to nail Dillion when she gets the chance.

And Carly will make her life a living hell permanently when Morgan decides to freak out. Morgan's shitty choices are always someone else's fault. Where is the doctor?  Why the hell isn't he around to question Morgan's dating skills and choices. I find it impossible to believe that he would find this whole situation ok. 

As for Jax returning, I just know he will be made out to be the bad guy with this kidney transplant crap. Why? Because Sonny HAS to be the good guy. And Sonny and Jax hate each other. So I just can't get that excited. Although, since this means Jax was somewhat involved with Jake's disappearance,  it apparently means he is dating material for Liz! >:-/ 

Edited by stlbf
  • Love 4

Kiki's tiny scar (which could pass for a birthmark) was much less eye-catching than whatever was slathered all over one of Morgan's shoulders. It looked as though they had tried to cover up a tattoo and had used something a few shades too light. Maybe they had some A Few Shades Too Light™ left over after Kirsten Storms took her break and they didn't need to keep using it on her face. 

Does Bry-Dawg have a tattoo? If he does, why are they bothering to hide it? Does it say "Bryan and Kelly 4-Ever"? 

Josslyn's Kidney should be the name of an alternative band. 

  • Love 3

Such an awful episode.


Michael and Sabrina are snooze worthy and he'll no to Carlos again returning! 

I despise anything having to do with Morgan and Kiki.  Make it stop! Send Morgan away to college or something offscreen. Tired of this ish! 

If Kristina must be on screen then they need to end this relationship with the professor and recast. LA can't bring the sexy to save her life.  And AJ looks like her mother.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Just put Morgan back with that Darby girl, let Dillon screw anyone but Sonny, and then Kaka throws herself into the nearest body of water.

Why can't they have Kristina hook up with a woman who doesn't look old enough to be her mother?

Someone PLEASE get JVP a gig on a telenovela so he can stop showing up here. 

JVP is not actually latino

  • Love 1

The same day we had Kristina and Parker engage in daytime-groundbreaking romance, we had Kiki and Morgan involved with Skinemax-lite sex and Darby giving an almost-blowjob. Yay progress.

I'm still bothered that Parker's old enough to be her mom, Parker left her wife (even if it's not because of Kristina) and Parker and Kristina still have inappropriate chemistry.

The less said about Sonny's "I'm not in your room! I'm not touching you!" scene, the better.

Okay, Show. I give up. What the fuck is going on with DoppleCarrrrrrrlos? You know we have to have #Justice4Deuq, and if you're not dead, Julian can't go to jail. Oh, hell, why am I wondering? Julian's going to go to jail because Sonny said so.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, In2You said:


If Kristina must be on screen then they need to end this relationship with the professor and recast. LA can't bring the sexy to save her life.  And AJ looks like her mother.

I've never thought Lexi was a strong actress, but part of the problem is, yes, she just looks too childlike when paired with the Parker actress.  And maybe it's her go-to 'petulant' expression and mannerisms that add to her seeming too young, as I remember when Kimberly Mc started having romantic scenes and it wasn't quite as jarring or weird.

Of course we're getting Carlos' long-lost brother/cousin/clone.  I wish I could get mad, but I love me some JVP, so what the hell--bring it!

  • Love 5

I wish Kristina would stop being so coy about Parker with Aaron. If he's really such a great guy, he shouldn't care that Parker is a she. And if he does care, Kristina should dump him. Is it a big deal for that age group still? That's why I don't really understand Kristina's reluctance to be specific. It's dumb fake drama.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 7
15 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I wish Kristina would stop being so coy about Parker with Aaron. If he's really such a great guy, he shouldn't care that Parker is a she. And if he does care, Kristina should dump him. Is it a big deal for that age group still? That's why I don't really understand Kristina's reluctance to be specific. It's dumb fake drama.

Well, he might want to dump her at this point since she just cheated on him with no hesitation.

  • Love 11
24 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I wish Kristina would stop being so coy about Parker with Aaron. If he's really such a great guy, he shouldn't care that Parker is a she. And if he does care, Kristina should dump him. Is it a big deal for that age group still? That's why I don't really understand Kristina's reluctance to be specific. It's dumb fake drama.

Most college aged people don't give two shitts who like guys, girls, or both.

  • Love 4
53 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

Well, he might want to dump her at this point since she just cheated on him with no hesitation.

Yeah, definitely. I was complaining more generally. Does Sonny know Parker is a woman? Because I could see Aaron maybe holding off dumping Kristina in order not to antagonize her idiot father. Though if Morgan had any ambition, he could use this to take over the coffee...cart? Café? I feel like specialized knowledge is unnecessary to run whatever that business is.

Edited by dubbel zout
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