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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Things from today I CANNOT with:

- Kiki accepting a date with Morgan (girl, that's a good way to get back on my shit list)

- Liz being paired with Franco, duh

- The push on Anna and Paul

- Huxley

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Today the writers were playing that old shell game with us. It seemed that all the potential couples and partners were being shuffled faster than our eyes could track. Kiki...Morgan...Dillon...Freako...Liez...Nina...Anna..Paul...Ava...Nik...Spinning so fast, and eventually nausea-inducing.

Did Monica give Kiki a miracle cold cure? I didn't see Kiki sniffle or sneeze on today's show, which is only an hour or so since yesterday, according to the timeline.

And ew. Yesterday Ava was physically excited when tied up with Nik.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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This Kiki-Morgan-Dillon triangle is really paint by numbers

Carly and Sonny's disapproval of Sabrina while embracing The Kiki will never make sense.

Anna looked great. And heh at her "we're not there yet" line when Paul said he would come over her house as a friend.

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How is it "squicky" exactly? Because Ava's a murderer and Nik's only responsible for an attempted murder / put his victim in a coma with a shot to the head? I wasn't around for Katherine.

While Ava and Nik are closer in age than Nik/Katherine, there is still an age gap.  I don't see Ava/Nik as a potential couple, despite the little tease of being tied up together. 

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2 minutes ago, ciarra said:

While Ava and Nik are closer in age than Nik/Katherine, there is still an age gap.  I don't see Ava/Nik as a potential couple, despite the little tease of being tied up together. 

I don't think there is, really. At most, even in show years, it can't be a huge gap. Nik is about 10 years older than Lulu, and Lulu is about 10 years older than Morgan. So I think that works out to about Ava's age.

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24 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Carly and Sonny's disapproval of Sabrina while embracing The Kiki will never make sense.

Carlos. It's fine to marry one son while pining for another, but you get involved with a mobster whom Sonny hates, and you'll never be good enough.

5 minutes ago, ulkis said:

So I think that works out to about Ava's age.

Nik is probably supposed to be mid to late thirties, right? Ava can't be more than 45, so it's ten years difference at most, I'd think. At their ages, it doesn't matter. It's hardly Ava/Morgan, where the age difference was definitely a thing.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I enjoyed most of the show today.  Anna/Paul had some nice tension, Michelle Stafford only repeated two of her lines and - the dress she was wearing looked stunning.  Ava seemed to be having a swell time.

I enjoy watching Rebecca Herbst and am glad that she will be getting a lot of screen time (albeit it's with a psycho rapist/killer) due to Roho's pet status.

With each episode, my distaste of the actor playing Morgan Corinthos is nearing my limit. All he has done in the past two years is whine.  Send him back to college out-of-state.

Why does Sonny/Carly/Jason have to be in every episode?  None of these people are doctors/medical personnel and all are middle-aged thugs, bullies and criminals.

Edited by sunnyface
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1 hour ago, ulkis said:

I don't think there is, really. At most, even in show years, it can't be a huge gap. Nik is about 10 years older than Lulu, and Lulu is about 10 years older than Morgan. So I think that works out to about Ava's age.

Exactly. And since show ages are pretty much fluid unless there's a firm YOU ARE THIS AGE! uttered, I go by the actor ages. Tyler and Maura are the same age, give or take about 6 months.

Edited by tvgoddess
The grammar and run-on sentence was offensive to my eyes. Blaming Sonny.
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25 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Carly and Sonny's disapproval of Sabrina while embracing The Kiki will never make sense.

Gawd, is this gonna be the dramz for Michael and Sabrina, a mobster and his moll disapproving?  How boring.  If anything, I would think Sonny would consider Michael raising his enemy's child to be the ultimate victory.

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20 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

In the previews, we finally catch a glimpse of Margarethe, the other hench person who is after the valuable vase. What's this? Is the Amazon Margarethe a cameo appearance of Tony Geary in a blond wig?

She looked like Camilla Parker Bowles to me.

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I'm weird, because Kiki and Dillon still isn't doing it for me.  A huge part of that is still the thought that he's doomed to be her Jax if this does proceed, but also...if anybody probably needs to enjoy Dillon's pancakes, it's Nina.  As goofy as she is, her mental maturity is probably lower than Kiki's right now and she needs a dose of actual sanity; Dillon can give her that.  It's kind of like Friz, only in reverse and without the legally acceptable ew.

That aside...Anna utterly rocking that red dress was far and away the highlight of today's episode--until Margarethe tased Ava and then charged her and Nik with a polearm.  That random, admittedly hilarious, moment of fuckery kind of stole the week...even if they just jumped straight to her ending up tied up on a couch.

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53 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Nik is probably supposed to be mid to late thirties, right? Ava can't be more than 45

Don't know the age difference of the characters, but it cracks me up that some claim MW/Ava is too old for TC/Nik since both were born in 1972. (Hey, me too!)

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2 hours ago, Lillybee said:

Anna looked beautiful in her red dress.

She looked absolutely stunning today. I still hate her though.

I can't with this Paul/Anna shit. RiBu plays Paul so oddly when he's going on about liking Anna. He acts it so badly that it comes off fake so it's really weird because I'm pretty sure now that we're supposed to believe it's real. The whole thing is just bizarre to me.

Honestly I think the Dillon/Nina scenes were the highlight of this ep. MSt was so much more restrained today and it was actually really lovely to watch. 

The less said about Liz/Franco and Morgan/Kiki the better.

I don't care, I still enjoy this dumb thing with Huxley. This Margrethe character was kind of offensive but hilarious to me so whatever. And I continue to like Ava/Nik. I really like TempNik and I hope they bring him in as new AJ or something once TC comes back. Or TC can just not come back imo. He does nothing for me anymore.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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On 6/22/2016 at 4:09 PM, ulkis said:

So everyone can see the hair :)

Yeah, I don't care how much chemistry BH and RoHo have, that hair is an even bigger hurdle to overcome than all of Franco's past.  Someone needs to be fired for that shit. 

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32 minutes ago, WendyCR72 said:

Don't know the age difference of the characters, but it cracks me up that some claim MW/Ava is too old for TC/Nik since both were born in 1972. (Hey, me too!)

Yep! I was born in 1971, so you're all three right around my age too. I think I'm six months older than MW.

Sounds like Anna's dress actually won the day. I'll chime in with my thoughts on the episode after I've watched.

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Is Dillon the new Michael Quartermaine-Corinthos in the Kiki/Morgan/Dillon triangle? Michael has been MIA around the trio. Most times when Michael is on screen he is bleating pathetically about Sobby and her bay-bee. We don't know if Michael has baby rabies or if he truly wants a relationship with Sobrina, but he certainly seems neutered lately.

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Now that Valerie has graduated from the police academy, I'd like to see her put to work on one of the existing murder mysteries that are trending on the Show. Jordan has a habit of acting more like a princess than a police commissioner. It would be fun to see Valerie scoop Jordan and get kudos for solving a crime or crimes that elude her superior's skills, attention span, and work ethic. Icing on the cake would be the wholehearted professional admiration of Dante, which would send Lulu around the bend again. 

Dante and Valerie need to be the hot crime-solving couple to put anemic Jason and Sam in the shade. Dante is attracted to efficient, independent women (in his mother's image). Lulu buried the hatchet all too quickly last time, and didn't really process the situation. Retail therapy with Maxie healed the breach superficially. Lulu can learn so much from Valerie's competence.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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When isn't Ava physically excited? In my experience judging by Maura's always-extra and delightful performances, she's either scared and horny, angry and horny, bitchy and horny or happy/sad and horny.

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Anna looked fantastic. And the bartender had more than a whiff of Chad Brannon about him.

LOL that the outside of Huxley Manor is just Windermere. As always, they don't even try.

So all Morgan has to do be passive-aggressively with Lauren goes back to him? Gross. And grosser that everyone is putting Morgan's recovery on her. Grossest of all was Lauren going on a date with Morgan the same night she was supposed to be with Dillon.

I really wanted that bottle of booze Nik and Ava were guzzling to have gone bad.

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4 hours ago, LexieLily said:

Liz sure thinks highly of herself, thinking Franco kissing her is a move of his to get back at Jason. Jason doesn't want you, Liz. He only cares about you because of Jake.

Yeah but even when he rounded a corner and saw her cheating on his mancrush, JJ!Lucky, with Nik - he cared about how it would affect myson. Plus, Liz thinking Franco *fullbodyshudder* kissed her *fullbodyshudder* as a way to get to Jason is one of the few times her reaction has made sense in this gross story

Edited by Oracle42
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Anna looked great, but my winner of the episode was Hot Bartender. Seriously yummy. Ugh, shut up Paul. And go away.

I cannot even put into words anything about Franco and Liz. Even typing their names together looks weird. And neither of them looked that shaken to me, which was in the episode description so whatever.

Kiki, if you're really that stupid, you deserve that loser ex of yours. If Nina wasn't Nina, I'd say that Dillon should hook up with her. They have a good sexual chemistry, or at least appears that they would. Kiki and Dillon are sweet and adorable. I'm really starting to hate the sound of BC's voice.

If Huxley is the latest example of who's in the UK, no wonder they want to leave. #Brexit Why? Why does Maura have to endure such crap writing? All I ask is that she get decent writing. I've been asking for it for over two years now. If you take away Huxley and whatever her name is, and Jason and Sam the heroes, the Nik/Ava stuff was good. I like them snarking at each other. And thank god, Ava found her booze. Never underestimate that woman and her ability to root out alcohol, it's like second nature. The one consistent thing about her from the very start. And that she eye fucks every single person, man or woman (or even sibling). So I guess I agree with jsbt.

Edited by tvgoddess
Too much damn repetitive phrasing. Fuck you, Sonny.
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I don't mind Liz and Franco. Elizabeth always had horrible taste in men (besides Lucky). Also, the show wants us to believe that Franco's actions were because of a tumor. Does it whitewash his actions? Yeah, but...meh. As soon as James Franco showed up on screen I tuned right out, so I don't have a visceral hate for the character like some of you.

Also, LiRic is my favorite Liz pairing and he let Carly believed they slept together by taking her clothes off and getting in bed with her (possibly drugged her to achieve that, but don't remember.) And there's the whole kidnapping and locking Carly in the panic room  with the intent of murdering her once the baby was born and handing him over to Elizabeth thing. Oh, he also drugged Elizabeth and had sex with her, so he could sneak Carly into the house. That's 2 sexual assaults under Ric's belt. And let's not forget when he was thinking about smothering Elizabeth with a pillow while she was in a coma, so she couldn't wake up and tell anyone about what Ric did (she was in a coma because she had an embolism from Ric overdosing her with birth control pills).  And Elizabeth took him back twice after he did all that! She ain't right in the head, but I loved that damn couple. So I guess I ain't either.

Sorry for the tangent, but my point is a little kidnapping and serial killing won't stop Liz from hitting the D.

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Liz/Ric also had serious chemistry. I'm willing to forgive a lot when that kind of chem is combined with soapy storytelling and great acting.  None of those things are really happening here

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I feel like this...dynamic...with Nina and Dillon will eventually result in some kind of sexual encounter, just so the show can think they're "evening the score" between Dillon and Morgan  "Well, Dillon slept with her surrogate mom Nina, he's just as bad as Morgan!".  Nuh-uh.

Edited by TeeVee329
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11 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I feel like this...dynamic...with Nina and Dillon will eventually result in some kind of sexual encounter, just so the show can think they're "evening the score" between Dillon and AJ.  "Well, Dillon slept with her surrogate mom Nina, he's just as bad as Morgan!".  Nuh-uh.

Totally felt like they were setting up a friends have a baby storyline. Not today, Satan.

Was that Ghost Carlos in the previews? Oops, guess I answered my own question. http://soaps.sheknows.com/general-hospital/comings-and-goings/1365/jeffrey-vincent-parise-returns-to-general-hospital-2

Edited by tvgoddess
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I enjoyed Ava/Nik and Jasam scenes today. Things at least went some where today. 

Kiki remains the stupidest. Like, love yourself girl. 

Anna looked beautiful. Anna has chemistry with that psychiatrist but the show is pushing her toward this generic dude. Just like what happen with Rebecca Buddig and Curtis. I see you, show. I see you. 

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46 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

Liz/Ric also had serious chemistry. I'm willing to forgive a lot when that kind of chem is combined with soapy storytelling and great acting.  None of those things are really happening here

Well, yeah their chemistry was untouchable, but that storyline was horrendous. Only Rick Hearst's acting saved it and his character (and the LiRic fans according to RiH). Guza didn't even bother writing him a redemption storyline afterwards or even a tumor or mental break pass to explain his actions. Nope just a stupid Mommy loved you more excuse. The entire LiRic relationship was a second thought to the writers. Probably why they ended them when BH went on maternity leave and moved him right onto Alexis.

As for Franco/Liz I have no issues with the acting or the storytelling. The current writers seem to actually like them. And I go with the flow these days. As long as she isn't with Nik or Jason I'm cool.

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I think I would be ok with Dillon and Nina hooking up. They have decent sexual chemistry and they both need something to do besides have the sadz over Kaka and Freako. Plus it would amuse me greatly if Dillon had sex with Kaka's surrogate mother. 

The Huxley stuff was trash but slightly amusing. Ava going straight for the alcohol instead of trying to get off the estate was ridiculous, but her love of alcohol is one of the few consistent things about her, so I'll allow it.

I wish someone had killed Margarine. 

Shut up, Liez. If "People" think you're still trying to make Jason jealous it's because you have a history of being petty and desperate for Jason's dick. Also, who are these "People" who who think she''s trying to make Jason jealous? Jason and Sam aren't worried about her and Freako is the only person paying attention to her. I'm tired of her still trying to make it seem like the whole town is judging her and analyzing her every move.

Edited by LeftPhalange
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Stabile is better than he seemed on his first day, but he still reminds me more of Kanan's AJ. I preferred the other temp Nikolas recast, Chris Beetem, when Tyler broke his arm, but that was a long time ago.  

Loved Anna's red dress, Anna/Paul, Killon, and Liz calling Franco out for whining. Not so much the stupid spat about who initiated the kiss. I'm generally okay with them. I like the actors together, and she has enough good hair to carry someone who doesn't.  

I remember Diane Delano! I used to watch her on both Northern Exposure and Joan of Arcadia. I knew it was a familiar face. Thank you, dubbel zout. It wasn't much, but it was something to enjoy in this miscarriage of a story that is Huxley.  

I had not really noticed until recently that Bry-Dawg is another on the mumbling circuit. My hearing is not exactly top-notch, and I usually watch with the captions on. Sometimes when a scene is especially dire, I entertain myself by not looking at the screen and trying to figure out what Sonny, Sam, and Morgan have said, then reading the caption to see how close I was. I wish I'd made a note of one in a Morgan/Sonny scene this week. I just remember that I thought Morgan had used the word "anal," and it was something like "I know."  

Edited by Asp Burger
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10 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

Was that Ghost Carlos in the previews?

Why can't it be his identical twin instead? Why is that too much to ask?

8 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

I think I would be ok with Dillon and Nina hooking up. They have decent sexual chemistry and they both need something to do besides have the sadz over Kaka and Freako.

 Same here. As long as it's not revenge sex, because Jasus knows neither Franco nor Lauren are worth that. Just let them find they genuinely like each other. It doesn't have to turn into some grand romance, but I don't want it to be a quickie ONS they instantly regret, either.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I just worry that any hookup between Nina and Dillon would result in a baby, given that, on soaps, it's usually when a woman with baby rabies gives up on having a child that she winds up pregnant.

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Thoughts from yesterday:

Anna looked fantastic!  I even liked the comedic tugging on her ear for the bartender to help her.  The less said about the actual storyline (since Paul is so obviously "Sawyer") the better).

I guess Sam couldn't get her brain through customs.  World's Bestest Private Eye can't seem to muddle anything out without Jason sitting her down and explaining it to her.  Gross--though can't decide if it's more or less gross than when she uses her sexuality to get answers.

Becky and Roger have chemistry--it's just too bad TIIC saddled RHo with Franco.  The character is, to say the very least, problematic.  Stupid show.

Speaking  of stupid, great job immediately giving Morgan yet another chance, Kiki.  Why this show thinks those two are some sort of super couple is a mystery.

Lastly, I continue to like Dillon.  I don't even know...

Edited by Cheyanne11
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28 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Paul is so obviously "Sawyer"

Ugh, I really hate this trope, and I hate it even more vehemently because it involves Anna and Paul. Putting them together at this point doesn't work for me. It could have if he hadn't been sex-blackmailing Ava (even if she was a willing participant). But now—run, Anna! Run like the wind!

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14 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Anna looked fantastic. And the bartender had more than a whiff of Chad Brannon about him.

YES! Also, ngl, I ship Anna/Bartender.

12 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

Totally felt like they were setting up a friends have a baby storyline. Not today, Satan.

If there were't already way too many babies on this show I would not be against this tbh. I'm a fan of that trope and I do think Nina/Dillon have a nice rapport. MSt is so much less insane with RPW.

12 hours ago, instant karma said:

Sorry for the tangent, but my point is a little kidnapping and serial killing won't stop Liz from hitting the D.

LMAO! It's true!

10 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Shut up, Liez. If "People" think you're still trying to make Jason jealous it's because you have a history of being petty and desperate for Jason's dick. Also, who are these "People" who who think she''s trying to make Jason jealous? Jason and Sam aren't worried about her and Freako is the only person paying attention to her. I'm tired of her still trying to make it seem like the whole town is judging her and analyzing her every move.

When she said something about no one listening to her I nearly punched my tv. I can't.

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I know Guza didn't bother with a redemption for Ric after the panic room but I didn't necessarily think he needed one. I thought the story was hella soapy; It was exactly the kind of story that works best on a soap.  I also thought it was entirely clear that Ric was having a massive breakdown/break from reality and the moment when he considered smothering Liz (whom he obviously loved throughout every moment of losing his mind) was him hitting bottom and realizing how completely lost he'd gotten. 

RC's Franco redemption was typically sloppy and there was nothing in the writing or performance that indicated even remorse, let alone redemption. The tumor was supposed to fix the serial killer issue - so, what about the sadism, the obsessive behaviors, the creepy manipulative game-playing? WHAT ABOUT THE CREEPY FUCKING MONKEY WITH THE CYMBALS?!!?!


Was the entirety of his character supposed to be the tumor? WTF was the point and why is he still here?

Edited by Oracle42
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1 hour ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Lastly, I continue to like Dillon.  I don't even know...

Same, and I've really come around on RPW as well. They both have their flaws, but they both are also really nice guys.

36 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

If there were't already way too many babies on this show I would not be against this tbh. I'm a fan of that trope and I do think Nina/Dillon have a nice rapport. MSt is so much less insane with RPW.

THIS! I really liked the Nina/Dillon scenes back where she was drunk and he took her back home and took care of her and then she kissed him. It angers and confuses me because I can't stand Nina and want her blown to smithereens. But these two do have a good vibe. I still like Killon though and will root for that as long as I possibly can until it is no longer viable. Yes, I know, we've probably already reached that point but I'm not giving up just yet.

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I guess Nina is more bearable with Dillon, but I still can't root for Nina in any way, shape, or form.  And they're clearly trying to morph Nina into something closer to Phyllis (didn't she also insist on being paired with some younger meat on that show too?) and if I wanted to watch Michelle Stafford as Phyllis, I would have, you know, watched "The Young and the Restless".

Maybe I'm bitter because that could easily be Lucy running Crimson and advising Maxie and Dillon on their romantic troubles.

Edited by TeeVee329
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30 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Maybe I'm bitter because that could easily be Lucy running Crimson and advising Maxie and Dillon on their romantic troubles.

I'm not even a Lucy fan anymore and last time she had a story I kinda hated her but damn I want this so badly.

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I liked it when Nina was discovering she was good at running Crimson, but now it's not about her as a professional woman anymore. And it's really wrong when Nina is better at her job than Anna!

Edited by dubbel zout
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29 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I liked it when Nina was discovering she was good at running Crimson, but now it's not about her as a professional woman anymore. And it's really wrong when Nina is better at her job than Anna!


I  could've liked it if she'd made some legit, understandable mistakes that wetware silt of her knowing ZERO about fashion, publishing or fashion publishing and Maxie had been able to actually use her experience and passion to make things work. Instead it's an idiotic story written by people who have presumably neither interest in or knowledge of the subject matter and is basically admitting that Nina is a failure of a character and deciding to write her as Phyllis

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Carly needs to shove a department store's worth of socks in it with her hypocritical rantings about paternity lies, mobster baby daddies, and getting men to play daddy to their kids.


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